284 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
  2. Jul 2020
  3. May 2020
    1. localForage is a JavaScript library that improves the offline experience of your web app by using an asynchronous data store with a simple, localStorage-like API. It allows developers to store many types of data instead of just strings.
  4. Apr 2020
    1. SDG STORIES: 1 Stories Available

      The Luis Ángel Arango Public Library send, through us the story "Bibliotecas para la paz". Previously I asked about that. Is possible published this story?

    2. library types

      We would try to actualize the information about library types because the web of the government only have a record of state public llibraries and we have more public libraries in the schools and universities apart from private organisations' libraries.

  5. Mar 2020
    1. Methods must be tested both via a Lemon unit test and as a QED demo. The Lemon unit tests are for testing a method in detail whereas the QED demos are for demonstrating usage.
  6. Feb 2020
  7. Jan 2020
  8. Dec 2019
  9. Nov 2019
  10. Oct 2019
    1. "Element" SelectorsEach component has a data-reach-* attribute on the underlying DOM element that you can think of as the "element" for the component.
  11. Sep 2019
  12. Aug 2019
  13. May 2019
    1. Moreover, digital collections can reorder themselves on the fly with interfaces that accommodate diverse audiences. The research interface for a fifth grader should not be the same as that for a professional historian. By starting off as virtual, the Obama library has the potential to rethink how we present, in multiple ways, the vast record of the presidency, to grade schoolers, amateur enthusiasts, casual browsers, and many others. Presidential libraries have always had those different audiences, but going digital-first can make this much more of a reality than a fixed physical space or the often fairly basic websites of existing libraries—all of which were designed for an age of laptops and desktop computers, now a poor baseline when most online visitors access these sites through their smartphone.

      This is an interesting point, but it also presupposes that some staff is going to be building these various interfaces. Who will that be? How will they be supported? It's a whole new level of administration that a library needs to face.

  14. Apr 2019
    1. Example (Before) A direct link to an article in Project Muse before the proxy URL has been added: https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/demography/v047/47.4.groen.pdf Example (After) A direct link to an article in Project Muse after the proxy URL has been added: http://eztncc.vccs.edu:2048/login?url=https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/demography/v047/47.4.groen.pdf 

      How will their proxy interfere with ours? Or h more generally?

    1. Linking to the article also allows the Library to track use and obtain data about the importance of a particular journal to the campus.  

      Another argument for linking.

    2. While there may be good reason to upload articles to the LMS, it is important to consider that doing so may mean that your students do not have the most recent version of the article. It is not unusual for publishers to make corrections or changes, such as adding supplementary material, to articles after initial publication.

      Argument for permalinks v downloads.

    1. The libraries recommend that you link articles from the library databases to your course in lieu of making the pdfs available.

      This seems the norm though not strictly enforced in practice. That is, libraries say this is what you should do, but profs keep PDFs of articles locally, etc.

  15. Dec 2018
    1. With a RIMS, librarians don’t just manage a collection of primary sources; they develop reports and metrics by curating metadata from all departments, making the library not only the go-to spot for information on campus, but also the go-to spot for information about the campus.  

      A great value prop for libraries in the OA era!

  16. Oct 2018
  17. Sep 2018
    1. This is known as the entry file.

      Key point

    2. When we use ng new the Angular CLI creates a new workspace for us.In our Angular workspace we are going to have two projects:A library projectThis is the library of components and services that we want to provide. This is the code that we could publish to npm for example.An application projectThis will be a test harness for our library. Sometimes this application is used as documentation and example usage of the library.

      Good ideas about what to do with the needed 'application' that we are forced to create just to create the library.

    1. When we’ve generated the library (ng generate library tvmaze ) Angular CLI modified the tsconfig.json in the root of our project by adding tvmaze to the paths entry.

      Read - this is how to fake a local library to be imported by TS as if it was in node_modules

    2. Why is that useful? It enables such service to be tree-shaken (removed form the production bundle if not used)

      Very important note - useful!

  18. Jul 2018
    1. The Committee on Coherence at Scale, sponsored by CLIR, analyzes emerging national-scale digital projects and their potential to help transform higher education in terms of scholarly productivity, teaching, cost-efficiency, and sustainability.

      Dormant (?) group focused on infrastructure from the POV of EDUs and libraries.

  19. Jun 2018
    1. The archival community needs game changers and iconoclasts. In some areas we need to directly challenge the established order and refuse to accept some practices and institutions as they currently stand. We need to show a willingness to adopt a DIY approach based on necessity; and we need to push ourselves forward, so we are seen and heard standing up for what we believe in (even those of us who consider ourselves introverts). Bring in the Clash or the Dead Kennedys and you get a strong sense of political and social justice. With Patti Smith comes a fusion of genres. With the Ramones at their best comes a stripped back, short, sharp shock. With riot grrrl comes a refusal to accept oppression based on gender, sexuality or class.

      This contains a some pretty good ideas around what 'a hacker in the archives' or 'archive hacking' might be.

  20. May 2018
    1. Indeed, the first Western librarians were members of religious orders

      I disagree with this statement. It is important to acknowledge the long-standing tradition of libraries themselves and their place in society before Christianity. Libraries were also often housed in religious spaces (such as the Mouseion in Alexandria), and people filling social roles that would evolve into the modern librarians have existed since the Sumerians, and there were people filling these roles in Western societies in the Classical world.

    1. While many libraries worldwide provide internet access and other services, libraries in cities and towns across Finland have expanded their brief to include lending e-publications, sports equipment, power tools and other “items of occasional use”. One library in Vantaa even offers karaoke.

      Karaoke? Well, sign me up!

  21. Jan 2018
    1. “The library is the coolest place to go for free in summer and warmest place in winter,” Logan said.

      The library is the coolest place to go regardless of the season. 😉

  22. Oct 2017
  23. www.townofsananselmo.org www.townofsananselmo.org
    1. —Writing Lab

      Good resource for students seeking jobs or needing a refresher on basic writing skills.

    1. What is the objective, what is the definition of success, as academia and its libraries engage in issues of scholarly communication? Answering this question crisply and with a clear sense of priority may allow libraries to evaluate their investments, and to organize, staff, and run their operations, with greater focus.

      Roger calls for clear scholcomm strategy.

    1. Red Light, Green Light Aligning the Library to Support Licensing

      Roger proposes a process for balancing costs and usage for libraries/scholcomm.

  24. Feb 2017
    1. we must put digital literacy at the core of the curriculum

      Librarian support will be key to spreading the word to instructors and students.

  25. Nov 2016
    1. Potrebbe venire da giornali, biblioteche, musei, università, archivi, il cui approccio metodologico potesse diventare una sorta di ispirazione per tecnologie moderne e attente alla qualità dell’informazione. Ma di certo occorre che quelle istituzioni facciano un salto di qualità a loro volta culturale per farcela.
  26. Jul 2016
    1. Pages 220-221

      Digital Humanities projects result in two general types of products. Digital libraries arise from scholarly collaborations and the initiatives of cultural heritage institutions to digitize their sources. These collections are popular for research and education. … The other general category of digital humanities products consist of assemblages of digitized cultural objects with associated analyses and interpretations. These are the equivalent of digital books in that they present an integrated research story, but they are much more, as they often include interactive components and direct links to the original sources on which the scholarship is based. … Projects that integrate digital records for widely scattered objects are a mix of a digital library and an assemblage.

  27. Mar 2016
    1. Do adults (and which adults) have the resources necessary to pursue learning opportunities?

      An opportunity for library outreach? Public libraries offer access to lifelong learning resources already. Could they go further with offering assistance & promoting advantages?Problem is that their resources are very limited.

  28. Jan 2016
    1. Lots of 'shadow libraries' have come and gone, but only a few have been as durable or subtle as Aaaaarg. In the process, it moved out of the shadows to become something new. Describing Aaaaarg is hard: it seems to invite every kind of metaphor only to defeat them just as quickly. But whatever it is, it's provided access to political, aesthetic, and theoretical thinking to those who need it most -- maybe because they lack institutional affiliation or maybe because it's the middle of the night, it doesn't matter. We say 'thinking' because Aaaaarg is symmetrical, as much about 'uploading' ideas as 'downloading' texts.
    1. 180,000 public domain items from the New York Public Library Digital Collections. Photographs, stereoscopic photos, illustrations, maps, ancient texts, manuscripts, historical correspondence, sheet music, and more!

      http://api.repo.nypl.org/<br> https://github.com/NYPL-publicdomain/data-and-utilities<br> API and metadata

      http://nypl.org/publicdomain<br> More info, and some projects that use the API.

  29. Dec 2015
  30. Aug 2015
  31. Jul 2015
  32. Jun 2015
    1. If you can’t find the correct web page, ask a reference librarian.

      YES, ASK US. Also, we love to work with faculty on managing their data!

    2. "LibGuides,"

      I love that this is in quotes, as if it's a foreign word. Which, sadly, is pretty much the case due to lots of library user studies.

  33. May 2015
    1. as researchers and policy makers look to build more sustainable futures, they would be wise to design creative ways to support parents even as they pour more resources into supporting students. We instinctively understand that our public institutions (i.e., schools), policy initiatives, and the spread of media technologies must be a valuable resource for students. But, how can these institutions, policies and technologies become an asset for parents?
  34. May 2014
    1. Usage-based pricing, where you pay for the capacity that you use, would properly incentivize ISPs to support net neutrality

      YES!!! And if people want to oppose this on the basis that Internet access is an important element of basic literacy then we can invest it in like we once did with libraries and public educational institutions. Subsidize access to reference websites, etc. The libraries of the future could be free, but you must pay for frivolous cat videos. I'm all for this.

  35. Feb 2014
    1. Point 3 is almost certainly the one that still bugs Doug. All sorts of mechanisms and utilities are around and used (source code control, registries, WWW search engines, and on and on), but the problem of indexing and finding relevant information is tougher today than ever before, even on one's own hard disk, let alone the WWW.

      I would agree that "the problem of indexing and finding relevant information is tougher today than ever before" ... and especially "on one's own hard disk".

      Vannevar Bush recognized the problem of artificial systems of indexing long before McIlroy pulled this page from his typewriter in 1964, and here we are 50 years later using the same kind of filesystem indexing systems and wondering why it's harder than ever to find information on our own hard drives.

    2. 3. Our library filing scheme should allow for rather general indexing, responsibility, generations, data path switching.
  36. Jan 2014
    1. the philosophy department at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor started an online journal called Philosophers' Imprint, noting in its mission statement the possibility of a sunnier alternative: "There is a possible future in which academic libraries no longer spend millions of dollars purchasing, binding, housing, and repairing printed journals, because they have assumed the role of publishers, cooperatively disseminating the results of academic research for free, via the Internet. Each library could bear the cost of publishing some of the world's scholarly output, since it would be spared the cost of buying its own copy of any scholarship published in this way. The results of academic research would then be available without cost to all users of the Internet, including students and teachers in developing countries, as well as members of the general public."

      Libraries as publishers. Not a bad idea.