- Nov 2024
www.gida-global.org www.gida-global.org
TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples have the right to data that are relevant to their world views and empower self-determination and effective self-governance. Indigenous data must be made available and accessible to Indigenous nations and communities in order to support Indigenous governance.
TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples have rights and interests in both Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous data. Indigenous Peoples have collective and individual rights to free, prior, and informed consent in the collection and use of such data, including the development of data policies and protocols for collection.
TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples’ rights and interests in Indigenous data must be recognised and their authority to control such data be empowered. Indigenous data governance enables Indigenous Peoples and governing bodies to determine how Indigenous Peoples, as well as Indigenous lands, territories, resources, knowledges and geographical indicators, are represented and identified within data.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
you know play tones you feel the buzz and uh and after eight weeks it's driven the tenus down it it's not a cure people don't H have a lack of tenus but it's clinically very significant
for - tinnitus - mitigation via the Clarify - sensory substitution - vibrate at the same time as the sound - to decrease amplitude of tinnitus - Neosensory - David Eagleman
we made this thing called the clarify for people with high frequency hearing loss
for - BEing journey - consumer electronic device - the Clarify - sensory substitution - auditory to vibration compensation - for high frequency hearing loss in older people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - The Clarify - Performs better than conventional hearing aids - Neosensory - David Eagleman
The Buzz for deafness
for - BEing journey - consumer electronic device - The Buzz - sensory substitution device - auditory to vibration - for deaf people - Neosensory - David Eagleman - The Buzz - 100x cheaper than cochlear implant surgery - being used around the globe
little camera on glasses and you turn it into an audio image um and there are very sophisticated examples of this now one is called The Voice v i and it's it's an app that you can just download on your phone
for - Deep Humanity - BEing journey - example - umwelt - visual to audio app - The Voice - David Eagleman - to - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - https://hyp.is/OJKKmJ1MEe-TAp_w_0SK_Q/www.google.com/search?q=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&sca_esv=6fa4053b1bfce2fa&sxsrf=ADLYWIK_UqZZZ9OCRCwH4D6FoSaykbMTpQ:1731013461104&ei=VSstZ4eCBqi8xc8P5KP_kAU&ved=0ahUKEwjHgM3Tj8uJAxUoXvEDHeTRH1IQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiO2FuZHJvaWQgYXBwICJUaGUgVm9pY2UiIHRyYW5zbGF0ZXMgaW1hZ2VzIGludG8gYXVkaW8gc2lnbmFsMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI2xdQpglYjRJwAXgCkAEAmAGZA6ABmQOqAQM0LTG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgAqADwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBBAAGEeYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHBTIuNC0xoAewBA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
- Deep Humanity - BEing journey - example - umwelt - visual to audio app - The Voice - David Eagleman
- The Buzz - 100x cheaper than cochlear implant surgery - being used around the globe
- to - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal
- BEing journey - consumer electronic device - The Buzz - sensory substitution device - auditory to vibration - for deaf people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- tinnitus - mitigation via the Clarify - sensory substitution - vibrate at the same time as the sound - to decrease amplitude of tinnitus - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - The Clarify - Performs better than conventional hearing aids - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- BEing journey - consumer electronic device - the Clarify - sensory substitution - auditory to vibration compensation - for high frequency hearing loss in older people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
ebookcentral.proquest.com ebookcentral.proquest.com
Migrants who move from lower to higher income economies are often able to gain an income that is 20 or 30 times higher than they would be able to gain at home. Migrants who move from lower to higher income economies are often able to gain an income that is 20 or 30 times higher than they would be able to gain at home. the World Bank estimates that the annual value of formally transferred remittances in 2004 was about $ 150 billion, representing a 50 per cent increase in just five years.
play.google.com play.google.com
for - BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual to auditory - The vOICe Android app - from - search - Google - google play the vOICEe visual to auditory from - search - Google - google play the vOICEe visual to auditory - ghttps://hyp.is/KU2PuJ2PEe-XesNTfrguIQ/www.google.com/search?q=google+play+the+vOICEe+visual+to+auditory&sca_esv=53a8ca786e59126d&sxsrf=ADLYWIJoqIizFiTxAfm09a65hUuKEgKq_g:1731042142105&ei=XpstZ8-RBoSdhbIP9f3VkA4&ved=0ahUKEwjPuOK_-suJAxWETkEAHfV-FeIQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=google+play+the+vOICEe+visual+to+auditory&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiKWdvb2dsZSBwbGF5IHRoZSB2T0lDRWUgdmlzdWFsIHRvIGF1ZGl0b3J5MgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKSLZMUKgLWPtDcAF4AZABAJgB1QOgAZ5VqgEGMy0yNi40uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIfoALGVcICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFwgIOEAAYgAQYkQIYsQMYigXCAhEQABiABBiRAhixAxiDARiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIFEAAYgATCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAsICBhAAGBYYHsICCBAAGBYYChgewgIHEAAYgAQYDcICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAggQABgWGB4YD8ICBhAhGBUYCsICBBAhGAqYAwCIBgGQBgqSBwgxLjMtMjUuNaAHlZsB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
www.google.com www.google.com
for - umwelt - sensory substitution - visual to auditory - V2A - David Eagleman - from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman - https://hyp.is/BHS6up09Ee-1qefERFpeQg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCvFgrpfNGM - to - Google Play - Android app -
www.google.com www.google.com
for - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman - https://hyp.is/BHS6up09Ee-1qefERFpeQg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCvFgrpfNGM - to - Medium - article Translating vision into sound. A deep learning perspective - Viktor Toth - April 2019 - https://hyp.is/lQL4Yp1MEe-66-dpgenOBA/medium.com/mindsoft/translating-vision-into-sound-443b7e01eced
- search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal
- to - Medium - article Translating vision into sound. A deep learning perspective - Viktor Toth - April 2019
- from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman
medium.com medium.com
The vOICe is the most practical and widely used, clearly demonstrated by its 100k+ downloads and around 1300 current active users on Android only.
for - BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual-to-auditory (V2A) - Android app - The vOICe - to - Android app - The vOICe - https://hyp.is/T8YlEJ0_Ee-jKFfo0TcpWQ/medium.com/mindsoft/translating-vision-into-sound-443b7e01eced
Visual-to-auditory (V2A) sensory substitution devices are designed to convert images to sound.
for - BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual-to-auditory (V2A)
www.nature.com www.nature.com
for - article - Nature - We need to be ready for a new world’: scientists globally react to Trump election win - Nov 6, 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
sacred is connected to Value
This is what are building the structure for
the newsphere is the mental body of the planet which is essentially what's attempting to come into configuration and to the extent to which you can actually Liberate the technology to become that essentially you're building a platform that allows the embodied in the intelligence of the earth into the technology so that it can then synchronically unfold Evolution based on how things spontaneously
This is what we are doing
development becomes as popular as mindfulness
We need to make 501C3 with FSC as popular as English
I like to use the term sacred because it because it's the whole stack every floor is sacred right now
for - the word "sacred" - why I prefer this to "spiritual" - John Churchill
growing up work well that's got about taking more responsibility developing more M mature perspectives on the world and taking a greater degree of um responsibility for our planet
This is why invite people to set up a 501c3 with FSC bylaws - it is adulting
Western Civilization suppressed dreams suppressed sexuality
We now add sexual healing to our ALterative healing Practices
if you built buildings you'll know that what's worse a dysfunctional seven stage or dysfunctional first stage it's all the footings it's all the foundations
for - developmental journey - building metaphor - most important problem to fix is foundational - first level problems - John Churchill
we have to learn how to become friends and to do that actually involves quite a bit of learning to enter like Universal friendship and Universal friendship is actually a pretty high stage of realization
for - developmental journey the great transition - requires each of us to learn how to form universal friendship - highly realized behavior - John Churchill
build the internal infrastructure
We do not have to BUILD the internal infrastructure, we ARE the structure
What deity are we going to invoke with AI
I invoke Eiru. I train the model to think feel and act as Eiru.
the first thing to understand is human beings are relational beings
for - quote - first thing to understand is that humans are relational beings - John Churchill - adjacency - humans are relational beings John Churchill - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - self / other gestalt
the newsphere is the mental body of the planet which is essentially what's attempting to come into configuration and to the extent to which you can actually Liberate the technology to become that essentially you're building a platform that allows the embodied in the intelligence of the earth into the technology so that it can then synchronically unfold Evolution based on how things spontaneously unfold anyway
for - quote / insight - human technology to wisely synchronically unfold the universe - John Churchill
quote / insight - human technology to wisely synchronically unfold the universe - John Churchill - (see below) - What you build is a noospheric platform so - the noossphere is the mental body of the planet - which is essentially what's attempting to come into configuration - To the extent to which you can actually liberate the technology to become that, - essentially you're building a platform that allows the embodied in the intelligence of the earth into the technology - so that it can then synchronically unfold evolution based on how things spontaneously unfold anyway
if development becomes as popular as mindfulness
for - comparison - human development vs mindfulness - John Churchill - adjacency - education - we need to undergo human development at scale - Deep Humanity - John Churchill
adjacency - between - mass education - the great transition - Deep Humanity - John Churchill - adjacency relationship - We will need to undergo human development at a mass scale in order to navigate the great transition - Deep Humanity as an open source human development protocol is aligned to Churchill's ideas
first second third fourth you can look at those as perspectives
for - definition - first person to eightth person perspectives - John Churchill
definition - first person to eighth person perspective - John Churchill - The different perspectives are: - first person - the physical body - second person - the emotional body - third person - the mental body - fourth - the systems perspective - contextual - interconnected field - fifth to seventh - holonic consciousness - synchronized to the planetary field itself - Like a Buddha, bodhisattva or Christ - As you unfold, your unfolding changes the planetary field itself
once you realize that the world isn't what you think it is it's very easy to grab onto something else and grab onto some kind of weird conspiracy well that's the thing you've been describing thus far as well sorry to in just say but like the openness requires structure
for - quote conspiracy theories - lizard people - first stage of initiation - if reality isn't as it appears, it's easy to latch onto something else - John Churchill
we go from first person to second person to third person to Fourth to fifth to sixth person perspective those are actual cognitive structures
for - question - what is meant by first to sixth person perspective? Can he give examples of each? - John Churchill
the soul is also a collective being right so you know you have to have done your own individual work so to speak before you do that because otherwise you're going to have conflicts with the with the collective because you know if you're not yet individuated you're going to have issues with a collective because you have to be paradoxically an individual in order to actually fully function within a collective without being swallowed
for - question - Can he give concrete examples of 'individual work"? - for John Churchill - insight - individual / collective gestalt - need to be fully formed individual to work effectively in a collective - John Churchill
it isn't just about alleviating their own personal suffering it's also about alleviating Universal suffering so this is where the the bodh satra or the Christ or those kinds of archetypes about being concerned about the whole
for - example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt - adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
adjacency - between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER - adjacency relationship - When I heard John Churchill explain the second turning, - the Mahayana approach, - I was already familiar with it from my many decades of Buddhist teaching but with - those teachings in the rear view mirror of my life and - developing an open source, non-denominational spirituality (Deep Humanity) - Hearing these old teachings again, mixed with the new ideas of the individual / collective gestalt - This becomes an example of Indyweb idea of recording our individual evolutionary learning journey and - the present self meeting the old self - When this happens, new adjacencies can often surface - In this case, due to my own situatedness in life, the universal compassion of the bodhisattva can be articulated from a Deep Humanity perspective: - The Freudian, Klinian, Winnicott and Becker perspective of the individual as being constructed out of the early childhood social interactions with the mOTHER, - a Deep Humanity re-interpretation of "mother" to "mOTHER" to mean "the Most significant OTHER" of the newly born neonate. - A deep realization that OUR OWN SELF IDENTITY WAS CONSTRUCTED out of a SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP with mOTHER demonstrates our intertwingled individual/collective and self/other - The Deep Humanity "Common Human Denominators" (CHD) are a way to deeply APPRECIATE those qualities human beings have in common with each other - Later on, Churchill talks about how the sacred is lost in western modernity - A first step in that direction is treating other humans as sacred, then after that, to treat ALL life as sacred - Using tools like the CHD help us to find fundamental similarities while divisive differences might be polarizing and driving us apart - A universal compassion is only possible if we vividly see how we are constructed of the other - Another way to say this is that we see others not from an individual level, but from a species level
- developmental journey the great transition - requires each of us to learn how to form universal friendship - highly realized behavior - John Churchill
- Sacred is connected to Value
- We do not have to BUILD the internal infrastructure, we ARE the structure
- adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
- the word "sacred" - why I prefer this to "spiritual" - John Churchill
- quote / insight - human technology to wisely synchronically unfold the universe - John Churchill
- We now add sexual healing to our ALterative healing Practices
- developmental journey - building metaphor - most important problem to fix is foundational - first level problems - John Churchill
- liberate the technology to infuse earth intelligences with mineral intelligencves
- adjacency - humans are relational beings John Churchill - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - self / other gestalt
- definition - first person to eightth person perspectives - John Churchill
- I invoke Eiru. I train the model to think feel and act as Eiru.
- We need to make 501C3 with FSC as popular as English
- Noosphere
- quote - first thing to understand is that humans are relational beings - John Churchill
- insight - individual / collective gestalt - need to be fully formed individual to work effectively in a collective - John Churchill
- adjacency - education - we need to undergo human development at scale - Deep Humanity - John Churchill
- example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt
- question - Can he give concrete examples of 'individual work"? - for John Churchill
- question - what is meant by first to sixth person perspective? Can he give examples of each? - John Churchill
- quote conspiracy theories - lizard people - first stage of initiation - if reality isn't as it appears, it's easy to latch onto something else - John Churchill
- This is why invite people to set up a 501c3 with FSC bylaws - it is adulting
willruddick.substack.com willruddick.substack.com
Understanding these dynamics is crucial for appreciating the depth of ancient economic practices, their successes and hardships and the value of community-based resource coordination.
for - indigenous altruism - translating practices successfully to modernity
indigenous altruism - translating practices successfully to modernity - The mythology is harmful because - it doesn't make sense and therefore drives people away from seriously considering as a viable option
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Related to abolitionism in the United States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abolitionism_in_the_United_States
- Oct 2024
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
A Texas Woman Died After Waiting 40 Hours for Miscarriage Care by [[Cassandra Jaramillo]] and [[Kavitha Surana]]
In 2023, Texas lawmakers made a small concession to the outcry over the uncertainty the ban was creating in hospitals. They created a new exception for ectopic pregnancies, a potentially fatal condition where the embryo attaches outside the uterine cavity, and for cases where a patient’s membranes rupture prematurely before viability, which introduces a high risk of infection. Doctors can still face prosecution, but are allowed to make the case to a judge or jury that their actions were protected, not unlike self-defense arguments after homicides.
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, who once championed the fall of Roe v. Wade and said, “Pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness,” is now avoiding the topic amid a battle to keep his seat.
two Georgia women, Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, whose deaths were deemed “preventable” by the state’s maternal mortality review committee after they were unable to access legal abortions and timely medical care amid an abortion ban.
the case of Savita Halappavanar, a 31-year-old woman who died of septic shock in 2012 after providers in Ireland refused to empty her uterus while she was miscarrying at 17 weeks. When she begged for care, a midwife told her, “This is a Catholic country.” The resulting investigation and public outcry galvanized the country to change its strict ban on abortion.
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
alcohol was a normal part of social life
obacco, introduced in the 16th century, became a mass consumption c
US, where addiction was often linked to medical prescription, in Britain, opium use was more widespread and not necessarily connected to medical practice.
focus was on the quality of the drug and the lack of standardization, which led to accidental overdoses.
infant deaths were due to opium poisoning.
opium use was a normal part of everyday life in 19th-century England.
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
hypodermic syringe
often blamed the individual for their condition rather than acknowledging the role of external factors.
"addiction" eventually became widely accepted as the medical diagnosis of habitual narcotic use as a threatening and modern disease.
he Society for the Suppression of the Opium Trade was founded in 1874, focusing on the economic and moral aspects of the trade.
spread of opium smoking in England, particularly among the working class.
dens were seen as a threat to the English
opium use also reinforced the debt-labor system that bound them to exploitative merchants and criminal societies.
The anti-alcohol temperance movement,
medical concern about its consequences began to rise.
transatlantic adoption of the addiction concept by the First World War signaled the emergence of an Anglo-American conception of dangerous drugs
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
illicit consumption characterized by decadence and excess.
"anti-narcotic nationalism" in France.
n the late 1870s, attitudes towards psychotropic experimentation began to change with the introduction of new medical research on the dangers of addiction.
new drug legislation in 1916, criminalizing the consumption of drugs in public
deviant behaviors that would weaken and corrupt the French population and empire.
degeneration of France's population led to new medical research on the dangers of morphine addiction, alarming doctors and social reformers.
university.pressbooks.pub university.pressbooks.pub
Video: I would replace it with a video that focuses on table accessibility. The current video shows how to create a table and then add content and then shows how to designate a row as the header row; this is not sufficient for accessibility. For accessibility reasons it is also necessary to go to Table cell properties and choose Cell type: Header cell and **Scope: Column" (or row).
Add or Delete Tables Using the Visual Editor
separate the two tasks. ("using the visual editor" is not necessary in the title)
structure: 1. Add a table 2. Change Table Appearance * Apply preset styles * Adjust Table Width and height * Change Border Weight * Add Table Caption 3. Make Your Table More Accessible 4. Add or remove table rows or columns 5. Delete a table 6. Create Interactive Tables with TablePress
All tables default to the Standard class.
replace screenshot below with actual tables (accessibility)
ruben.verborgh.org ruben.verborgh.org
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Drei Klimawissenschaftlerinnen wehren sich in einem Kommentar in Nature gegen den Vorwurf, sie betrieben keine objektive Wissenschaft, weil sie ihren Schmerz angesichts der fortschreitenden Klimakrise offen kommunizieren. Gefühle seien Teil der Realität und dürften von Forschenden nicht unterdrückt werden. Gefühle auszuschließen werde vor allem von Privilegierten zur Norm erklärt, die den Folgen der Klimakrise kaum ausgesetzt seien https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/25/we-have-emotions-too-climate-scientists-respond-to-attacks-on-objectivity
Nature-Artikel: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02139-3
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
for - webcast - youtube channel - Adventures in Awareness - Bernard Kastrup - from - essay - The end of scarcity? From Polycrisis to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed
from - essay - The end of scarcity? From Polycrisis to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - https://hyp.is/XajXQJKfEe-CsteXYeBHhw/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
for - adjacency - polycrisis - war - israel-Iran war - Russia-Ukraine war - planetary adaptive cycle - planetary phase shift - release-to-reorganization stage
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
The 'polycrisis' is real enough. But it’s a surface level symptom of multiple, simultaneous phase transitions at the core of the ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ systems that define human civilisation – which together can be understood as a planetary phase shift. But if all we see and respond to is the polycrisis – the symptoms of this process as it weakens industrial structures – that will derail the planetary phase shift to a new life cycle.
for - comparison - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - quote - making sense of the polycrisis - a symptom of multiple phase transitions - (see below) - The 'polycrisis' is real enough. - But it’s a surface level symptom - of multiple, simultaneous phase transitions at the core of the ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ systems that define human civilisation - which together can be understood as a planetary phase shift. - But if all we see and respond to is the polycrisis - the symptoms of this process as it weakens industrial structures - that will derail the planetary phase shift to a new life cycle.
comparison - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - Ahmed's writing about the polycrisis masking the planetary phase shift is very reminiscent of Charles Eisenstein's writing in the Ascent of Humanity in which he compares the great transition we are undergoing to - the perilous journey a neonate takes as it leaves the womb and enters the greater space awaiting
to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - https://hyp.is/r8scTpG_Ee-gLTujlli5hQ/charleseisenstein.org/books/the-ascent-of-humanity/eng/the-gaian-birthing/
for - rapid whole system change - Nafeez Ahmed - planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed - planetary adaptive cycle - Nafeez Ahmed - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 Oct 16 - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 Self and Cosmos: The Gaian Birthing - stillborn and the perilous journey through the womb - Charles Eisenstein
summary - This is a good article that makes sense of the inflection point that humanity now faces as it contends with multiple existential crisis - It summarizes the complexity of our polycrisis and its precarity and lays the theory for looking at the polycrisis from a different perspective: - as a planetary phase shift towards the potential end of scarcity and the next stage of our species evolution - Through the lens of ecologist Crawford Stanley Holling's lens of the adaptive cycle of ecological population dynamics, - and especially his 2004 paper "From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds" - Nafeez extends Holling's argument that we are undergoing a planetary adaptive cycle in which the back-loop is the dying industrial era. - In this sense, it is reminiscent of the writings of Charles Eisenstein in his book "The Ascent of Humanity", chapter 8: Self and Cosmos:, The Gaian Birth. - Eisenstein uses the the perilous journey of birth through the womb door as a metaphor of the transition we are currently undergoing.
to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/KYCm2pFrEe-_PEu84xshXw/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - https://hyp.is/r8scTpG_Ee-gLTujlli5hQ/charleseisenstein.org/books/the-ascent-of-humanity/eng/the-gaian-birthing/
major transitions “brought about on a global scale by the Internet and by climate, economic, and geopolitical changes” suggest that industrial civilisation is moving into the “back-loop” of a planetary-scale adaptive cycle
for - planetary adaptive cycle - 2004 paper - Crawford Stanley Holling - to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/KYCm2pFrEe-_PEu84xshXw/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org
Our most powerful asset will be the collective capability to recognise the dynamics of the planetary phase shift now underway, its unprecedented risks and unfathomable opportunities, and most crucially, its role as a precursor to the next stage in human and planetary evolution as one and the same thing.
for - similar to - polycrisis and planetary phase shift - Charles Eisenstein's metaphor of birth process - dangerous passage through the womb door
This new way of seeing the world should place humanity’s emergence as a planetary species at its centre. That reveals the biggest information gap of all: the inability to see that we are in the midst of a great transformation that could entail the dawn of a whole new life cycle for humanity on a planetary scale.
for - whole system change - big picture - back loop of planetary adaptive cycle - entering the reorganization phase - regional to planetary life cycle
the emergence of greater vulnerability because of the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those who control it, in efforts to sustain it
for - quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - (see quote below) - The front-loop phase is more predictable, - with higher degrees of certainty. - In both the natural and social worlds, - it maximizes production and accumulation. - We have been in that mode since World War II. - The consequence of this is not only an accumulation and concentration of wealth, - but also the emergence of greater vulnerability because of - the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and - those who control it, - in efforts to sustain it. - Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. - Emergence and novelty is inhibited. - This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, - and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. - This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, - thus increasing the threat of abrupt change. - We can recognize the need for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively.
to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/FTRDoJFuEe-rsvdKeYjr0g/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org
comment - These ideas are quite important for those change actors working to emerge creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
explaining the phase transition from the feudal to the industrial age
for - cultural phase transition - from feudalism to industrial age
cultural phase transition - from feudalism to industrial age - involved the interplay of a number of factors - cultural exchange of ideas between European and other cultures such as Islam and ancient Greek - colonialism and the Atlantic slave trade - new technologies such as steam engine rendered slaves obsolete by replacing them with more efficient factory systems of production - new human rights movements coincided to abolish slavery
constructal law
for - definition - constructal law - Adrian Bejan - to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature
to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature - https://hyp.is/ZRIXfo76Ee-5yZdY2quRaQ/pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2871904/ - youtube explainer video - constructal theory - flow - Adrian Bejan - https://hyp.is/R7V4Yo79Ee-52gO6UYAaYQ/www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgEBTPee9ZM
Culture as the ‘genetic code’ of the next leap
for - article - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - gene-culture coevolution - adjacency - indyweb dev - individual / collective evolutionary learning - provenance - tracing the evolution of ideas - gene-culture coevolution
adjacency - between - indyweb dev - individual / collective evolutionary learning - provenance - tracing the evolution of ideas - gene-culture coevolution - adjacency relationship - As DNA and epigenetics plays the role of transmitting biological adaptations, language and symmathesy play the role of transmitting cultural adaptations
- article - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed
- to - youtube explainer video - constructal theory - flow - Adrian Bejan
- to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- adjacency - indyweb dev - individual / collective evolutionary learning - provenance - tracing the evolution of ideas - gene-culture coevolution
- quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- definition - constructal law - Adrian Bejan
- gene-culture coevolution
- creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
- essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 Oct 16
- similar to - polycrisis and planetary phase shift - Charles Eisenstein's metaphor of birth process - dangerous passage through the womb door
- comparison - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein
- planetary adaptive cycle - Nafeez Ahmed
- to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein
- gene-culture coevolution - Nafeez Ahmed
- planetary adaptive cycle - Crawford Stanley Holling
- quote - making sense of the polycrisis - a symptom of multiple phase transitions
- to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 Self and Cosmos: The Gaian Birthing - stillborn and the perilous journey through the womb - Charles Eisenstein
- to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- whole system change - big picture - back loop of planetary adaptive cycle - entering the reorganization phase - regional to planetary life cycle
- planetary adaptive cycle - 2004 paper - Crawford Stanley Holling
- planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed
- cultural phase transition - from feudalism to industrial age
- indyweb dev - individual / collective evolutionary learning - provenance - tracing the evolution of ideas
- rapid whole system change - Nafeez Ahmed
- to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature
charleseisenstein.org charleseisenstein.org
for - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 Self and Cosmos: The Gaian Birth - stillborn and the perilous journey through the womb - Charles Eisenstein - from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From 'polycrisis' to planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed
from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From 'polycrisis' to planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed - https://hyp.is/7t2GpJF7Ee-DjHfBgrshcQ/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
university.pressbooks.pub university.pressbooks.pub
Status & Visibility
could add a link here to the section in "Create and Manage Chapters" that refers to the "Status & Visibility" panel
fathom.video fathom.video
zebras unite
for - question - @Michael - Is this the Zebras Unite you are referring to? - https://zebrasunite.coop/ - If so, that brings up another question: - What is the difference between Fair Share Commons and a Cooperative?
Fair Share's Commons offers us is a very adaptable way to formulate work systems of all kinds, living labs, labs, that are both emergent and strategic
for - question - Donna and Marie - Compare to Cooperatives
question - @Donna and @Marie - Compare to Cooperative - Can either or both of you compare FSC with Cooperatives?
Why should we have philanthropy?The reason that we have charities and NGOs and all of this is to fix the problems of corporations.
for - meme - abolish philanthropy - to - critique - Andrew Carnegie essay - The Gospel of Wealth
meme - abolish philanthropy - Agree. Corporations, through externalizing social and ecological impacts, have created a majority of the problems of the polycrisis, that non-profits are created to solve - It would be far more efficient to NOT create those problems to begin with - see my annotations on Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" - where I critique Carnegie's philosophy
to - critique - Andrew Carnegie - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.carnegie.org%2Fabout%2Four-history%2Fgospelofwealth%2F&group=world
annotation for the sake of annotation,
for - reply to - @Michael - annotation for annotation sake
reply to- @Michael - annotation for annotation sake - I think of annotation in the broadest possible sense - as social learning - Annotating is "making a note" and that is effectively noticing how I respond to the idea of another person. - If I am digesting ideas and suddenly a particular idea resonates with an idea in my salience landscape, my attention will be drawn to it. - That is, there is a salient reaction of my own consciousness with the ideas of another consciousness - If I react strongly to an idea, with my own ideas and feelings, then that moment of social learning is worth noting and recording, and hence annotating. - There's absolutely no point in annotating unless it is relevant to you - For me, it is the most powerful way to keep track of the evolution of my own intertwingled individual / collective learning journey - If that becomes a modus operandi for your annotation, then by definition they are all relevant, and not done simply for some external, dogmatic reason of conventionality
Then there are, for example, in the United States, you have to do a a lot more scrutiny of dollars you receive because they don't get taxed.
Tapping to the MMT theory, if a 501c3 is not taxed, then why does it need dollars??? We are close to some understanding some fundamental incoherencies
But really hard to, yes, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm wondering, we're transcribing this.
We need an agreed symbol to interrupt if it is time sensitive
One of the advantages of an institution is that it says you're hired by us. We're going to take care of all the rest.
This is why we are raising the money - to offer this benign parenting support of helping us all to pay for what we need so that we do what we love For now, I am using thew term Universal Learning Income
- question - What is the difference between a Fair Share Commons company and a Coooperative?
- Why does a 501c3 need dollars if it pays to tax?
- symbol to interrupt for time sensitivity
- question - @Michael - Is this the Zebras Unite you are referring to?
- to - critique - Andrew Carnegie essay - The Gospel of Wealth
- question - @Donna and @Marie - Compare to Cooperative
- Money to be a benign parent
- meme - abolish philanthropy
- Universal Learning Income
- reply to - @Michael - annotation for annotation sake
www.ecologyandsociety.org www.ecologyandsociety.org
The front-loop phase is more predictable, with higher degrees of certainty. In both the natural and social worlds, it maximizes production and accumulation. We have been in that mode since World War II. The consequence of this is not only an accumulation and concentration of wealth, but also the emergence of greater vulnerability because of the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those who control it, in efforts to sustain it. Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. Emergence and novelty is inhibited. This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, thus increasing the threat of abrupt change. We can recognize the need for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively.
for - quote - we are in a back-loop phase - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
comment - This is important for discussion for change actors working in liminal spaces attempting to give birth to creative alternatives
for - planetary adaptive cycle - entering back-loop phase - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024
from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 - https://hyp.is/okOeDJFqEe-9ZsMEsKWR9w/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
- from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024
- creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
- quote - we are in a back-loop phase - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- planetary adaptive cycle - entering back-loop phase - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
readingpoetryatmit.wordpress.com readingpoetryatmit.wordpress.com
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Die von Waldbränden außerhalb der Tropen verursachten Emissionen haben sich seit 2001 fast verdreifacht. Weltweit haben die Emissionen durch Waldbrände in dieser Zeit um 60% zugenommen. Ursache dafür ist die Kombination von heißerem und trockenerem Wetter mit dem schnelleren Wachstum der Wälder durch die höheren Temperaturen. Die Wälder können durch die Brände jahrzehntelang zu Emittenten werden. Damit ist die Funktion der Wälder als Kohlenstoffsenken gefährdet. Das bedeutet auch, dass sie andere anthropogene Emissionen weniger kompensieren und die Fähigkeit verlieren, nach einem Überschreiten der 1,5°-Grenze C0<sub>2</sub> aus der Atmosphäre zu entfernen. Außerdem müssten diese von Menschen verursachten Emissonen den C0<sub>2</sub>-Budgets der Nationalstaaten zugeordnet werden.
- date:: 2024-10-17
- author:: Crystal A. Kolden
- author:: Matthew W. Jones
- Schwächung der terrestrischen Kohlenstoffsenken
- author: Stefan H. Doerr
- increasing risk of wildfires
- Global rise in forest fire emissions linked to climate change in the extratropics
- Boreale Wälder
- 2001-2023
- date::2024-10-17
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Erstmals wurde genau erfasst, welcher Teil der von Waldbränden betroffenen Gebiete sich auf die menschlich verursachte Erhitzung zurückführen lässt. Er wächst seit 20 Jahren deutlich an. Insgesamt kompensieren die auf die Erhitzung zurückgehenden Waldbrände den Rückgang an Bränden durch Entwaldung. Der von Menschen verursachte – und für die Berechnung von Schadensansprüchen relevante – Anteil der CO2-Emissione ist damit deutlich höher als bisher angenommen https://www.carbonbrief.org/climate-change-almost-wipes-out-decline-in-global-area-burned-by-wildfires/
- CO2-Emissionen von Waldbränden
- Maria Barbosa
- Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project
- global
- David Bowman
- Global rise in forest fire emissions linked to climate change in the extratropics
- Transdisciplinary Fire Centre at the University of Tasmania.
- World Weather Attribution
- Global Carbon Budget
- land use change
- Natural Environment Research Council
- Global burned area increasingly explained by climate change
- Seppe Lampe
- increasing risk oft wildfires
- Matthew W. Jones
- attribution
answers.microsoft.com answers.microsoft.com
I am just surprised that there is no clear official name for such a popular and well known convention. Internet searching seems to indicate that the common term used is "Red Squiggly Line", but it seems like a term quickly made-up just to describe something for which we know no name. There's a technical name for the dot on an "i" for goodness sake (tittle).
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
The seeming luxury of having multiple words to choose from is not sufficient to offset the lingering fear that no matter which word you pick it will be the wrong one, causing people to silently laugh at you and judge both you and your grammar school teachers
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Benjamin's travelogue is a product of his imagination, influenced by biblical authority and rumors, rather than actual geographical knowledge.
personal experience and is likely an insertion made by him or a later editor.
rather a way to link places along a real but somewhat abstracted route.
travel times in the Sefer masa'ot may be unrealistic.
medieval understanding of travel writing.
partiality for southern French communities,
appreciates its literary purposes
Book of Travels as a literary work rather than a positivist account,
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die CO2-Emissionen durch Waldbrände haben seit 2001 um 60% zugenommen, wie sich aus einer neuen Studie ergibt. Den größten Anteil daran haben die borealen Wälder Kanadas und Sibiriens. Sie gehören zu einem Typ von Wäldern, der besonders schlecht an die globale Erhitzung angepasst ist. Die beobachteten Emissionen durch Waldbrände machen unwahscheinlicher, dass Wälder in Zukunft von Menschen emittiertes CO2 reduzieren können. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/17/climate/carbon-fires-forests-global-warming.html
Adrian Poisson grew up studying science and math by day and art after hours beginning at the age of five
for - Adrian Bejan - constructal law - childhood - art and science - from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16
Summary - Good explainer video about constructal theory and flow
from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16 - https://hyp.is/Qt8IMI74Ee--f4O18QMPFQ/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The constructal law of design and evolution in nature
for - paper - The constructal law of design and evolution in nature - Adrian Bejan - Sylvie Lorente - 2010 - from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16
from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16 - https://hyp.is/Qt8IMI74Ee--f4O18QMPFQ/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
medium.com medium.com
What conditions nurture collaboration?🔮 What conditions prevent or squash it?🔮 Can we expand our collective collaborative literacy with a wider, deeper repertoire to navigate wisely and well through the inherently messy and often difficult iterations of true collaboration?
for - questions - collaboration literacy - Donna Nelham - to - book - The Birth and Death of Meaning - Ernest Becker -
questions - collaboration - Donna Nelham - These three questions are all related - To get to the root of collaboration, it is helpful to examine the roots of human psychology to understand the fundamental relationship between - the individual and - the group - In his work "The Birth ad Death of Meaning, Ernest Becker argues, citing other peers, that - the self concept needs to emerge for effective group collaboration to develop and - the self concept requires others in order to construct it - Hence, other is already implicated in the construction of our own self - In Deep Humanity terminology, we call this intertwingledness of the self and other the "individual / collective gestalt"
to - book - The Birth and Death of Meaning - Ernest Becker - https://hyp.is/40fZHv9CEe6bTovrYzF92A/www.themortalatheist.com/blog/the-birth-and-death-of-meaning-ernest-becker
www.carnegie.org www.carnegie.org
beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable.
for - quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - alternatives - to - mainstream companies - cooperatives - Peer to Peer - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) - Fair Share Commons - B Corporations - Worker owned companies
quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - This is a defeatist attitude that does not look for a condition where both enormous inequality AND universal squalor can both eliminated - Today, there are a growing number of alternative ideas which can challenge this claim such as: - Cooperatives - example - Mondragon corporation with 70,000 employees - B Corporations - Fair Share Commons - Peer to Peer - Worker owned companies - Cosmolocal organizations - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself.
for - quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - The problem with this reasoning is that it is circular - By rewarding oneself an extreme and unfettered amount of wealth for one's entrepreneurship skills creates inequality in the first place - Competition that destroys other corporations ends up reducing jobs - At the end of life, the rich entrepreneur desires to give back to society the wealth that (s)he originally stole - If one had reasonable amounts of rewarding innovation instead of unreasonable amounts, the problem of inequality can be largely mitigated in the first place whilst still recognizing and rewarding individual effort and ingenuity
The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great.
for - quote / critique - The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great - Andrew Carnegie
quote / critique - The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great - Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie goes on to write that the great freedoms offered by industrial mass production has an unavoidable price to be paid - Successful manufacturing and production cooperatives, B-Corporations, worker-owned companies, etc have disproved that it is an either-or situation. - Consider the case of the Spanish manufacturing giant, Mondragon, a federation of worker cooperatives employing 70,000 people located in Spain - where this price is NOT paid - Carnegie's essay reflects a perspective based on the time when he was alive - Were Carnegie alive today to witness the natural conclusion of his trend of progress in the Anthropocene, he would witness - extreme pollution levels of industrial mass production threatening to destabilize human civilization itself - astronomical wealth inequality - And these two are linked: - wealth inequality - a handful of elites have the same wealth as the bottom half of humanity - carbon inequality - that same handful pollutes as much as the bottom half of humanity
to - Mondragon cooperative - explore - https://hyp.is/GeIKao1rEe-9jA_97_KRBg/exploremondragon.com/en/ - Oxfam wealth and carbon inequality reports - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=oxfam
That this talent for organization and management is rare among men is proved by the fact that it invariably secures for its possessor enormous rewards, no matter where or under what laws or conditions.
for - critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7
critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - This is invalidated today by large successful cooperatives such as Mondragon
to - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - https://hyp.is/QAxx-o14Ee-_HvN5y8aMiQ/www.csmonitor.com/Business/2024/0513/income-inequality-capitalism-mondragon-corporation
- to - Mondragon cooperative - explore
- quote / critique - The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great - Andrew Carnegie
- Oxfam wealth and carbon inequality reports
- critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample
- quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth
- to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7
- quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
- alternatives - to - mainstream companies - cooperatives - Peer to Peer - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) - Fair Share Commons - B Corporations - Worker owned companies
www.lovemoney.com www.lovemoney.com
for - to - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
article details\ - title: How a poor boy from Scotland became the richest man on Earth - author: Daniel Coughlin - publication: https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/how-a-poor-boy-from-scotland-became-the-richest-man-on-earth/ss-AA1snaUl?ocid=widgetonlockscreen&cvid=7d9709f2a3784d09b14e49f448a1a4cc&ei=12#image=25 - date - 2024, Oct 18
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Amanda Mireles is using hypothesis for students to get their own video clips and to annotate them for other students.
Students took scenes from THE BIG BANG and used literature and academic references to relate to the scene
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for - article - Why Human (Contributive) Labor remains the creative principle of human society - Michael Bauwens - PhD thesis - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas (2016) - Benjamin Suriano - to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper
Summary - This is a review and high recommendation of the PhD dissertation of Benjamin Suriano by Michael Bauwens - The subject is the historical analysis of labour in medieval times, and - how Christian monasticism provided a third perspective on labour that was an important alternative to the false dichotomy of - cleric - warrior - that was inclusive of the alienated within class majority - a proposal for revival the spirit of this spiritual view of labour - as a means to mitigate modernity's meaning crisis as it relates to the lack of purpose usually associated with work in contemporary society
to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper - https://hyp.is/7PeMMIxtEe-NOmuU08T3jg/wiki.p2pfoundation.net/From_Modes_of_Production_to_the_Resurrection_of_the_Body
- Deep Humanity - mitigating meaning crisis - through reviving medieval Christian monasticism's spiritual attitude towards labour
- to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper
- PhD thesis - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas (2016) - Benjamin Suriano
- - meaning crisis - reviving a spiritual attitude towards labour
wiki.p2pfoundation.net wiki.p2pfoundation.net
for - from - recommendation - from - Michel Bauwens - on Fair Share Commons chat thread, 2024 Oct 17 - context Karl Marx liberation of the individual - to - substack article - Why Human (Contributive) Labor remains the creative principle of human society - Michel Bauwens article details - title: From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas" (2016) - author: Benjamin Suriano
to - Substack article - Why Human (Contributive) Labor remains the creative principle of human society - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2F4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com%2Fp%2Fwhy-human-contributive-labor-remains&group=world
press.princeton.edu press.princeton.edu
Michael Sonenscher
for - capitalism - etymology - modern - book Capitalism: The Word and the Thing - Michael Sonenscher - from - Discussion of "spiritual capitalism" on Kansas Missouri Fair Shares Commons chat thread - to - youtube - New Books Network - interniew - Captialism: The word and the thing - Michael Sonenscher
Summary - Michael Sonenscher discusses the modern evolution of the word "capitalism". Adding the suffix "ism" to a word implies a compound term. - Capitalism is a complex, compound concept whose connotations from the use in 18th and 19th century France and England is quite different from today's. - How meaning evolved can give us insight into our use of it today.
to - youtube - New Books Network - interniew - Captialism: The word and the thing - Michael Sonenscher - https://hyp.is/ftWWfoxQEe-FkUuIeSoZCA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpNaxyPpOf0
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Todoist for quick notes and todo lists. I'm also using my own TodoistToTxt (available on github) script running every minute to generate a todo.txt file out of Todoist inbox, which is rendered on PC with Rainmeter.
Local file Local file
A Note on Terminology
glad that he's got a section on coming to terms with some of the space, but he's only really looking at recent terminology since about 2013 and even more specifically terminology from Ahrens and how it's been used/misused.
e term comes from German, usuallytranslated as “slip box” or “note box,” less o en, “card catalog,”
also card index and card system (early 1900s)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to Read a Book by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Part 1
Amazing series by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf on Adler and van Doorns How to Read a Book. Part 2 is here: . How to Read a Book, Part 2 by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
English composition: Eight lectures given at the Lowell Institute, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1891.
evidence of a card system/zettelkasten method in this?
I found a copy and indeed there is evidence!
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
We define a crisis as a sudden (non-linear) event or series of events that significantly harms, in a relatively short period of time, the wellbeing of a large number of people (Homer-Dixon et al., Reference Homer-Dixon, Walker, Biggs, Crépin, Folke, Lambin, Peterson, Rockström, Scheffer, Steffen and Troell2015).Footnote
for - critique - definition - crisis - perhaps interpret less anthropocentrically? - extend to non-human organisms as well?
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Zhang Qian's journey provided the Chinese with valuable information about the lands and peoples of Central Asia, and his report to Emperor Wudi helped to establish trade networks between China and Central Asia.
diplomatic mission to the Yuezhi nomads in modern-day Uzbekistan, led by an official named Zhang Qian. Zhang Qian's journey was a significant one, as it marked the beginning of Chinese travel to Central Asia.
Chinese princesses were sent to marry the Xiongnu leaders as part of the treaty agreement.
Peace and Friendship" accords, established a framework for relations between the Chinese and the Xiongnu that lasted for about 150 years.
he first emperor of the Han dynasty, Liu Bang, was a former official who had once been in charge of policing a section of the imperial highway system.
imperial courier network
imperial tribute system motivated travel for other purposes as the infrastructure was there
The construction of a network of five great tree-lined 'fast roads' that converged on his capital at Xianyang linked the city to the eastern, southern, and northern regions of the empire.
The Chinese took an important lead in promoting travel, with formal state policy involved in promoting travel
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:25:22 First comes an AGREEMENT by members of the neighbourhood to co-operate and then they agree to use a mechanism called money to mobilise resources
1:24:34 Money is not the scare resource. Money is the organising tool that mobilises people and tangible resources to manifest a vision
1:23:06 How can we get a neighbourhood to operate at full capacity (strengths) while minimising to its collective shadows
1:22:36 Could A community Association get a Community Banking Licence? 1:22:38 Could a local Credit Union be a consortium partner and issue more money into the system to develop the entire wealth of the Neighbourhood
1:21:54 If a community moved to a WELLNESS model rather than an ILLNESS model, it would generate millions of dollars in saved resources 1:21:54 If a community moved to a PREVENTION model rather than a CURE Model, it would generate millions of dollars in resources
1:21:44 By identifying WASTE - we can identify capacity to create VALUE for ALL
1:21:01 Corporations price hike during shortages to make more profits
1:14;46 Our greatest existential threat is not CLIMATE CHANGE it is MIND CHANGE which leads to a CHANGE IN LANGUAGE
1:09:52 A Bank LOAN is an interest attached to your own ability to pay back something that did not exist before you borrowed it
1:09:59 A bank officer ACQUIRES the loan in order to charge interest on it
1:08:50 Using BANK MONEY to create a mutual fund at low interest rates to pay off PREDATORY LOANS at high interest rates
1:05:36 Instead of asking DONORS for money, a community can make its own money and donors can contribute to a healthy local economy as a participant rather than a funder
1:04:44 Debt mirrors in NATURE as the seeds, plants, trees, flowers, roots, soil, water, nutrients, pollinators, worms, rock and minerals - WE ARE IN DEBT TO NATURE - NATURE GIVES US SURPLUS
1:03:51 By getting people used to DEBT being SAVINGS, they can focus on the REAL things that matter
1:02:29 The national debt is a historical record of the cumulative money that a government spent dollars than it took out which were transformed into US Treasuries
56:12 When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend
53:36 A community can set up a CONTRIBUTION which everyone agrees to pay in the currency issued by the community issuer 53:48 Therefore a Debt Free Currency System really means a COMMUNITY TRIBUTE money system where the debt is a contribution to the community, payable in the currency of the issuer 55:45 A community can set up its own CENTRAL BANK that sets the interest rate at zero for the money in the community
48:52 Example of a Community Currency
40:40 UMKC created its own currency - the Buckaroo 40:42 Students had to pay buckaroos to get their grades
39:59 DEFICIT is a word designed to shock and frighten
34:59 A government does not need money. It needs citizens to need money so that they can pay taxes
32:59 Joan Robinson, we study economics so as not to be fooled by economists
32:12 Money is not a REAL resource. Money is a too invented by political authorities to organise and mobilise real resources
18:59 Warren Mosler 19:49 Government does not need dollars, citizens need dollars 20:18 Warren is not an economist - he is not trying to defend economic theory - he is a financial trader watching the operation of money
18:17 A government who creates a currency does not need to tax its citizens to get dollars. 18:25 Currency issuers spend first before they tax - they do not use tax to spend
16:08 During the war, the USA moved 50% of the nations production to WAR. It woudl take a simple political decison to move 50% of the nations production to peace if peace is as profitable as war
14:22 The government spends money into existence
- Currency issuers spend first before they tax - they do not use tax to spend
- UMKC created its own currency - the Buckaroo
- It's really a FREE MONEY system - Stef Kuypers is right!!
- Money is not a REAL resource. Money is a too invented by political authorities to organise and mobilise real resources
- USA moved 50% of production to War
- Move 50% of production to peace if peace is as profitable as war
- Therefore a Debt Free Currency System really means a COMMUNITY TRIBUTE money system where the debt is a contribution to the community, payable in the currency of the issuer
- Taxation creates Currency
- The norm for a currency issuer is to be in DEFICIT so that people can SAVE the currency
- The debt clock might as well say Private Sector Wealth
- 1:24:34 Money is not the scare resource. Money is the organising tool that mobilises people and tangible resources to manifest a vision
- A bank officer ACQUIRES the loan in order to charge interest on it
- Warren Mosler
- Everybody agrees to contribute to the community and the currency with which this is tracked is the I.O.U.
- 1:21:44 By identifying WASTE - we can identify capacity to create VALUE for ALL
- A government does not need money. It needs citizens to need money so that they can pay taxes
- Using BANK MONEY to create a mutual fund at low interest rates to pay off PREDATORY LOANS at high interest rates
- When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend
- 1:23:06 How can we get a neighbourhood to operate at full capacity (strengths) while minimising to its collective shadows
- SURPLUS is a word designed to calm
- Government does not need dollars, citizens need dollars
- 1996
- The currency is a credit and debit relationship
- Warren is not an economist - he is not trying to defend economic theory - he is a financial trader watching the operation of money
- Joan Robinson, we study economics so as not to be fooled by economists
- Our greatest existential threat is not CLIMATE CHANGE it is MIND CHANGE which leads to a CHANGE IN LANGUAGE
- Community Treasury Deficit increases community members savings and spending power
- Students had to pay buckaroos to get their grades
- A community can set up its own CENTRAL BANK that sets the interest rate at zero for the money in the community
- Corporations price hike during shortages to make more profits
- A government who creates a currency does not need to tax its citzens to get dollars.
- 1:22:36 Could A community Association get a Community Banking Licence? 1:22:38 Could a local Credit Union be a consortium partner and issue more money into the system to develop the entire wealth of the Neighbourhood
- The government spends money into existence
- A Bank LOAN is an interest attached to your own ability to pay back something that did not exist before you borrowed it
- Debt mirrors in NATURE as the seeds, plants, trees, flowers, roots, soil, water, nutrients, pollinators, worms, rock and minerals - WE ARE IN DEBT TO NATURE - NATURE GIVES US SURPLUS
- Example of a Community Currency
- Instead of asking DONORS for money, a community can make its own money and donors can contribute to a healthy local economy as a participant rather than a funder
- The national debt is a historical record of the cumulative money that a government spent dollars than it took out which were transformed into US Treasuries
- DEFICIT is a word designed to shock and frighten
- 1:21:54 If a community moved to a WELLNESS model rather than an ILLNESS model, it would generate millions of dollars in saved resources 1:21:54 If a community moved to a PREVENTION model rather than a CURE Model, it would generate millions of dollars in resources
- 1:25:22 First comes an AGREEMENT by members of the neighbourhood to co-operate and then they agree to use a mechanism called money to mobilise resources
- A community can set up a CONTRIBUTION which everyone agrees to pay in the currency issued by the community issuer
- US Treasuries and Cash are both USA assets - not liabilities
- The debt we leave to our grandchildren is THEIR FINANCIAL WEALTH
- Chores are taxes
- By getting people used to DEBT being SAVINGS, they can focus on the REAL things that matter
Local file Local file
The third reading should again be a slow reading,
relationship to Adler's levels of reading?
whether you are Writing or Speaking, the generalprinciple to remember is that you must appeal, innearly everything you say, to the very stupidest peoplepossible.
he English education does notencourage learners to think. They are generally told toreproduce the ideas of others, and, unless the questioncomes straight out of the Text-book, they often findthemselves quite unable to answer it.
This statement follows the broad thesis that imitation is far easier than innovation.
For I do not think that the reason why so many peoplefail to write good Essays or to make good Speechesis so much that they are barren of Ideas, or that theirGrammar is bad, or even that their Expression is verybad ;
he capitalizes five words here to emphasize their importance... I wonder what he says in his section on capitalization???
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der kurz vor der COP16 zur Biodiversität veröffentlichte Living Planet Index zeigt das Ausmaß des Biodiversitätsverlusts in den vergangenen 50 Jahren, auch wenn an den dabei angewendeten statistischen Verfahren starke Zweifel bestehen. Die Wirbeltier-Populationen haben nach diesem Index um 73% abgenommen, am stärksten in Lateinamerika und der Karibik. Die wichtigste Ursache ist die veränderte Landnutzung. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/10/collapsing-wildlife-populations-points-no-return-living-planet-report-wwf-zsl-warns
- biodiversity loss
- Mike Barrett
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- IUCN’s Red List
- Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
- COP16 biodiversity
- Susana Muhamad
- Mathematical biases in the calculation of the Living Planet Index lead to overestimation of vertebrate population decline
- Hannah Wauchope
- fragmentation of natural habitats
- Living Planet Index
- Matthew Gould
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Bahira (Arabic: بَحِيرَىٰ, Classical Syriac: ܒܚܝܪܐ) is the name in Islamic tradition of a Christian monk who is said to have foretold Muhammad's prophethood when they met while Muhammad was accompanying his uncle Abu Talib on a trading trip.[1][2] There are several versions of the story, with elements that contradict each other.[3] All accounts of Bahira and his meeting with Muhammad have been deemed fictitious by modern historians[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] as well as by some medieval Muslim scholars, such as al-Dhahabi.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The story ends with Muhammad's journey to Syria and encounter with Bahira.[7]
The image of Muhammad presented here seems to be of a prophet/messiah. Someone that is destined to salvage the human race. Interesting parallels with the Twelve Imams?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Book - Society of the Spectacle - 1967 - Guy Debord - Advertising - critique
Summary - This is a youtube that presents the work of French Marxist theorist Guy Debord and his important book "The society of the spectacle" that critically examines the power of mass media to shape our reality and transform us - from an active participant to - a passive spectator (hence the "spectacle" and consumer - When mass media fabricates images that become the aspirations for large swaths or the population,<br /> - it can implant market ideology that channels their future consumerist behaviour to conform with elitist hidden agenda - The idea emerged from a group of leftist scholars and activists called the Situationist International that dissolved in 1972 but - the idea is quite relevant to describing global capitalism and information systems in modernity
to - Wikipedia - Situationist International - https://hyp.is/L4ObqISEEe-gJpNANP04Mw/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Situationist_International
Roman poet juvenal saying bread and circuses
for - to - Roman poet Juvenal - phrase - bread and circuses
to - Roman poet Juvenal - phrase - bread and circuses - https://hyp.is/Q9uOEISGEe-ZTp8-GdVfwQ/drlindaellis.net/a-brief-look-at-the-juvenals-bread-circuses/ - This phrase refers to how easily people are pacified and controlled through distractions
it's a new mode of living and perceiving the world
for - adjacency - the society of the spectacle - internet society of modernity - Deep Humanity - BEing journey - to discover the society of the spectacle
Being journey - to discover the society of the spectacle - Modernity, so steeped in social media and the internet is INDEED a new mode of living and perceiving the world - To discover the extend to which we have socially normalized a social pathology, we can introduce BEing journeys that help us explore how a life that is freed from the social norm feels like
the Society of the spectacle is a society of secrecy and diversion
for - insight - society of the spectacle - secrecy and diversion is inherent to it
insight - society of the spectacle - secrecy and diversion is inherent to it - it's a society where things happen normally like in any other society but - where we don't know who is pulling the strings - Its main objective is - to divert people's attention by - hiding the real and - promoting the Irrelevant
for - who is - Guy Debord - to - Wikipedia - Situationist International
who is - Guy Debord - Guy Debord was - French - born in 1931 in Paris - Marxist theorist, - philosopher - filmmaker - founding member of the Situationist International
to - Wikipedia - Situationist International - https://hyp.is/muSjgIR4Ee-IdBeTNYoyrg/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Situationist_International
- Deep Humanity - BEing journey - to discover the society of the spectacle
- Advertising - critique
- insight - society of the spectacle - secrecy and diversion is inherent to it
- who is - Guy Debord
- to - Wikipedia - Situationist International
- to - Roman poet Juvenal - phrase - bread and circuses
- adjacency - the society of the spectacle - internet society of modernity
- Book - Society of the Spectacle - 1967 - Guy Debord
- to - Wikipedia - Situationist International
Local file Local file
The analysis presented in this ar-ticle offers some starting points for potentially fruitful dialogue.
This article contributes to the development of LIS literature by highlighting a blind-spot which exists in popular conversation around libraries. It also goes a step further and highlights how those blind-spots fall short of desired outcomes, and offers them as points of discussion to develop ideas around the best implementation of makerspaces into libraries, and ultimately still argues for their existence.
John Amos Dead: Good Times Dad, Roots and Mary Tyler Moore Star Was 84 by [[Jordan Moreau]] for Variety 2024-10-01
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4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
educational achievements plummeting
Opportunity If education is failing, then we have an opportunity to increase peer to peer insight co-creation and curation
What is needed, and what I attempt to think through within this dissertation, is then a return to labor as a self-transcending activity. This is nothing short of resurrecting a revolutionary sense of labor as itself an act of resurrection, a fundamentally social and creative activity whose final cause is to raise humanity into a new historical body beyond any reduction to the merely mortal flesh prescribed by the present.
for - quote - reviving the view of labour as a spiritual activity - to counter the meaning crisis of modernity - Benjamin Suriano - question - how do we find the eternal in labour? quote - reviving the view of labour as a spiritual activity - to counter the meaning crisis of modernity - Benjamin Suriano - (see below) - What is needed, - and what I attempt to think through within this dissertation, - is then a return to labor as a self-transcending activity. - This is nothing short of resurrecting a revolutionary sense of labor as itself an act of resurrection, - a fundamentally social and creative activity - whose final cause is to raise humanity into a new historical body - beyond any reduction to the merely mortal flesh prescribed by the present. - Thus, the laboring body qua labor - always already harbors all the seeds for its immortality, - for producing the perfection of life for itself, - which is the qualitative perfection of eternal life. - The task, then, - is not to eliminate its religious consciousness, - but to develop it from the true rationalization of labor - according to its own ratio of perfection, - i.e. to therein find its corresponding religious forms of thought - that illuminate and reinvest in its capacities - for the infinite and eternal."
Because the substantial surplus expropriated by the few allowed them to invest their time into developing a state, military, and cultural apparatus that reproduced their exploitative position of privilege, the collective consciousness ruling this sociopolitical body tended to comprehend its free citizenship abstractly, as if a natural given, with little consciousness of the contribution of the laboring body
for - cliche - the more things change, the more they remain the same - quote - labour - transforming - to - spiritual - sacred - meaningful - Benjamin Suriano - adjacency - meaninglessness of labour in modernity - sacred - spiritual - reviving spirit of monastics Benjamin Suriano - meaning crisis - John Vervaeke
adjacency - between - the meaninglessness of labour in modernity - Benjamin Suriano - the proposal for revival of labour as spiritual activity -- mitigating the meaning crisis - John Vervaeke - adjacency relationship - In his PhD dissertation, Benjamin Suriano argues that reviving the spirit of Christian monastics of the medieval era could mitigate modernity's meaning crisis.
quote - labour - transforming - to - spiritual - sacred - meaningful - Benjamin Suriano - (see below) - Because the substantial surplus expropriated by the few - allowed them to invest their time into developing a state, military, and cultural apparatus that reproduced their exploitative position of privilege, - the collective consciousness ruling this sociopolitical body tended to comprehend its free citizenship abstractly, - as if a natural given, - with little consciousness of the contribution of the laboring body
From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas
for - PhD thesis - Benjamin Suriano - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas" (2016).
- quote - reviving the view of labour as a spiritual activity - to counter the meaning crisis of modernity - Benjamin Suriano
- PhD thesis - Benjamin Suriano - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas" (2016).
- adjacency - labour - sacred - spiritual - reviving spirit of monastics - meaning crisis
- Peer to Peer Education
- cliche - the more things change, the more they remain the same
- quote - labour - transforming - to - spiritual - sacred - meaningful - Benjamin Suriano
hyperpost.co hyperpost.co
for - Indyweb - hyperpost is the precursor to Indyweb
chicagoreader.com chicagoreader.com
A business in agreement with Dul is Kibbitznest Books, Brews & Blarney on Clybourn in Sheffield Neighbors, which strives to be unplugged and WiFi free. The cafe, bar, bookstore, and venue has five typewriters provided by Kibbitznest, Inc., the nonprofit associated with the business, although only one typewriter is currently in working order and available to use by customers. Annie Kostiner founded both the nonprofit and business aspects of Kibbitznest (the for-profit cafe is now run by Paige Hoffman).
for - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - Camilo Mora et al. - 6th mass extinction - biodiversity loss - question - 2024 - Sept 13 - how do we reconcile climate departure with quantification of earth system boundary biodiversity safe and just limit? - to - climate departure map - map of major cities - 2013 - to - researchgate paper - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - 2013 - Camilo Mora et al
paper details - title: The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - author: - Camilo Mora, - Abby G. Frazier, - Ryan J. Longman, - Rachel S. Dacks, - Maya M. Walton, - Eric J. Tong, - Joseph J. Sanchez, - Lauren R. Kaiser, - Yuko O. Stender, - James M. Anderson, - Christine M. Ambrosino, - Iria Fernandez-Silva, - Louise M. Giuseffi, - Thomas W. Giambelluca - date - 9 October, 2013 - publication Nature 502, 183-187 (2013) - https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12540 - https://www.nature.com/articles/nature12540
Summary - This is an extremely important paper with a startling conclusion of the magnitude of the social and economic impacts of the biodiversity disruption coming down the pipeline - It is likely that very few governments are prepared to adapt to these levels of ecosystemic disruption - Climate departure is defined as an index of the year when: - The projected mean climate of a given location moves to a state that is - continuously outside the bounds of historical variability - Climate departure is projected to happen regardless of how aggressive our climate mitigation pathway - The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in the study is RCP85 and leads to a global climate departure mean of 2047 (+/- 14 years s.d.) while - The more aggressive RCP45 scenario (which we are currently far from) leads to a global climate departure mean of 2069 (+/- 18 years s.d.) - So regardless of how aggressive we mitigate, we cannot avoid climate departure. - What consequences will this have on economies around the world? How will we adapt? - The world is not prepared for the vast ecosystem changes, which will reshape our entire economy all around the globe.
question - 2024 - Sept 13 - how do we reconcile climate departure with quantification of earth system boundary biodiversity safe and just limit? - Annotating the Sept 11, 2024 published Earth Commission paper in Lancet, the question arises: - How do we reconcile climate departure dates with the earth system boundary quantification of safe limits for biodiversity? - There, it is claimed that: - 50 to 60 % of intact nature is required<br /> - https://hyp.is/Mt8ocnIEEe-C0dNSJFTjyQ/www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext - a minimum of 20 to 25% of human modified ecosystems is required - https://hyp.is/AKwa4nIHEe-U1oNQDdFqlA/www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext - in order to mitigate major species extinction and social disruption crisis - And yet, Mora et al.'s research and subsequent climate departure map shows climate departure is likely to take place everywhere on the globe, with - aggressive RCP decarbonization pathway only delaying climate departure from - Business-As-Usual RCP pathway - by a few decades at most - And this was a 2011 result. 13 years later in 2024, I expect climate departure dates have likely gotten worse and moved closer to the present
from - Gupta, Joyeeta et al.(2024). A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations. The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 0, Issue 0 - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelancet.com%2Fjournals%2Flanplh%2Farticle%2FPIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1%2Ffulltext&group=world
to - climate departure map - of major cities of the world - 2013 - https://hyp.is/tV1UOFsKEe-HFQ-jL-6-cw/www.hawaii.edu/news/2013/10/09/study-in-nature-reveals-urgent-new-time-frame-for-climate-change/ - full research paper - researchgate
- climate departure
- Camilo Mora
- from - Gupta, Joyeeta et al.(2024). A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations. The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 0, Issue 0
- to - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
- to - climate departure map - map of major cities - 2013
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
for - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - Camilo Mora et al. - 6th mass extinction - biodiversity loss - to - climate departure map - of major cities around the world - 2013
Summary - This is an extremely important paper with a startling conclusion of the magnitude of the social and economic impacts of the biodiversity disruption coming down the pipeline - It is likely that very few governments are prepared to adapt to these levels of ecosystemic disruption - Climate departure is defined as an index of the year when: - The projected mean climate of a given location moves to a state that is - continuously outside the bounds of historical variability - Climate departure is projected to happen regardless of how aggressive our climate mitigation pathway - The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in the study is RCP85 and leads to a global climate departure mean of 2047 (+/- 14 years s.d.) while - The more aggressive RCP45 scenario (which we are currently far from) leads to a global climate departure mean of 2069 (+/- 18 years s.d.) - So regardless of how aggressive we mitigate, we cannot avoid climate departure. - What consequences will this have on economies around the world? How will we adapt? - The world is not prepared for the vast ecosystem changes, which will reshape our entire economy all around the globe.
from - Nature publication - https://hyp.is/3wZrokX9Ee-XrSvMGWEN2g/www.nature.com/articles/nature12540
to - climate departure map - of major cities around the globe - 2013 - https://hyp.is/tV1UOFsKEe-HFQ-jL-6-cw/www.hawaii.edu/news/2013/10/09/study-in-nature-reveals-urgent-new-time-frame-for-climate-change/
- to - climate departure map - of major cities around the world
- biodiversity loss
- from - nature article - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
- Camilo Mora et al.
- sixth mass extinction
- to - Nature publication
- The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
for - digital delay stats - Pew Research
summary - That digital decay and link rot are digital facts of life means that annotating information on the page that is relevant for you to preserve is a good practice. - It may appear redundant but if that page disappears in the future, you will be glad you have preserved it in a place accessible to you - in your annotations!
54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.
for - stats - digital stats - 54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.
A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible
for - stats - digital decay - 25% of webpages that existed from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist as of Oct 2023
stats - digital decay - A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible as of October 2023
- - Indyweb - motivation for replicating information into your annotations - redundancy to protect against digital decay and link rot
- stats - digital stats - 54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.
- digital delay stats - Pew Research
- stats - digital decay - 25% of webpages that existed from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist as of Oct 2023
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
to - research paper on Link Rot - https://hyp.is/ejw7fHdbEe-DkvspQjlP5Q/www.cjr.org/analysis/linkrot-content-drift-new-york-times.php
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
observe Orient decide act
for - OODA loop - Observe Orient Decide Act (OODA) - to wikipedia - OODA
to - Wikipedia - OODA - https://hyp.is/skEuQHc1Ee-FhbdBKRAoOQ/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop
Ben lions in particular uh is uh someone who's who's been pointing out this so so he and I are actually um writing a paper on um the price system as a kind of cognitive glue
for - Michael Levin & economist Ben Lyon collaboration on price in marketplace as cognitive glue
to - Michael Levin & economist Ben Lyon conversation on Price in the marketplace as a cognitive glue for human social superorganism - https://hyp.is/X-yNJnczEe-Nd6N02kiSVQ/www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oo4ng6dWrQ
caterpillar the butterfly transition
for - bowtie example - caterpillar-to-butterfly - Michael Levin
I think it's really important for us to develop a science of that like CR like critically important
for - answer - Micheal Levin - adjacency - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - critically important to develop a science of this
adjacency - between - multi scale competency architecture - cognitive light cone - hyperobject - awakening / enlightenment - adjacency relationship - At every stage of the multi scale competency architecture, - the living entities at a particular stage may maintain - feedback and - feedforward signals - with any - higher or - lower level systems. - Human INTERbeCOMings and other consciousness are no different - We exist at one level but are both - composed of lower level living parts and - compose larger social superorganism - Indeed, the spiritual acts variously described as - awakening - enlightenment - can be interpreted as transcending level cognitive light cone
do you think that this idea of the hyper object might relate to um how an individual cell relates to the whole of the body because the body itself would be outside the cognitive light cone of the cell
for - question - to Michael Levin - adjacency between hyperobject and cognitive light cone
- Observe Orient Decide Act
- OODA loop
- adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - cognitive light cone - hyperobject - awakening / enlightenment
- to Wikipedia - OODA
- question - to Michael Levin - adjacency between hyperobject and cognitive light cone
- to - Michael Levin & economist Ben Lyon conversation on Price in the marketplace as a cognitive glue for human social superorganism
- bowtie example - caterpillar-to-butterfly - Michael Levin
- answer - Micheal Levin - adjacency - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - critically important to develop a science of this
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
freedom to make and distribute copies of your modified versions
A free program allows you to tinker with it to make it do what you want (or cease to do something you dislike). Tinkering with software may sound ridiculous if you are accustomed to proprietary software as a sealed box, but in the Free World it's a common thing to do, and a good way to learn programming. Even the traditional American pastime of tinkering with cars is obstructed because cars now contain nonfree software.
The freedom to make and distribute exact copies when you wish.
freedom to study the program's “source code,” and change it, so the program does your computing as you wish
freedom to run the program as you wish, for whatever purpose.
- freedom to make changes to software
- collective control
- broadly speaking
- right to repair
- freedom to run the software as you wish, for whatever purpose
- tinkering
- freedom to share copies with others
- software freedom: ability to modify source code
- freedom to share/distribute copies of modified versions
- software freedom: ability to inspect/audit source code
- freedom to make changes
Provide a complete description of the issue. If it works on A but not on B and others have to ask you: "so what is different between A and B" you are wasting everyone's time.
blog.nodejitsu.com blog.nodejitsu.com
Want to really annoy an open-source maintainer? Then ignore any communication channels they have setup for support.
Developers want to improve their project. If you find an issue, bring it up. If it's a valid concern, the author will probably want to have it fixed. In many cases, the author will consider it a valid issue, but simply not have the personal time or need to address it immediately. This is where open-source is great. Just fork the project and fix it
On many occasions, I've opened up requests for support in the form of a Github pull request. This way, I am telling the author: I have found a potential problem with your library, here is how I fixed it for my circumstance, here is the code I used for reference. You get extra internet points if you open the pull request with: "I don't expect this pull request to get merged, but I wanted to you show you what I did".
If the author has taken the time to write unit tests for the project, you REALLY need to confirm the unit tests work before trying to get support.
- maintainer: not enough time to do/fix everything they would like
- waiting for someone else to fix it
- fix it yourself
- support: where to ask for help
- communication channels/methods
- maintainer: limited time
- communicating with author/maintainer
- create merge request: to share/communicate an idea, without expectation that it will get merged
- using merge request to ask question
- using merge request to bring attention to something / start a conversation
- gratitude for people's time
- support: use the correct/designated channels/forums
- maintainer: wants to improve software/project
- if they've taken the time to...
www.mikeperham.com www.mikeperham.com
Log to stdout. Shut down on TERM/INT. Reload config on HUP. Provide the necessary config file for your favorite init system to control your daemon.
Let your operating system handle daemons, respawning and logging while you focus on your application features and users.