- Aug 2020
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
I have over 689 hours into this game and would like to talk about the changes made to the Exploration. In my opinion the Exploration which made this game amazing now stinks!. You know longer need a ship to hit the islands. The exploration has pretty much been removed. One of the things that made this game so amazing was grinding to make your ship and heading out to Explore and find the other islands. Now all the islands are really close to the spawn point, there are not that many and well they stink. There is no reason or need to make a ship because you can easily reach all the island with a raft.
unix.meta.stackexchange.com unix.meta.stackexchange.com
Stack Exchange does not divide up by topic, it divides up by readership. This is something that people stumble over, but if you look at all of the site descriptions in the drop-down list of "Stack Exchange communities" at the top of this very page you'll see that all of the communities are described in terms of the people that read and write the questions and answers, not in terms of the subject matters. It takes a while to spot this, especially if one has a background in the likes of CompuServe, Fidonet, Usenet, I-Link, and so forth, which did divide up by topic, and whose FAQ documents did as well. But it is how things are structured by the company that runs the sites, and is the methodology that one can see all the way back to 2009 (where the question was "Which community do you consider yourself a part of?") if one goes and looks.
Knowing that there's wacky semantics to the (Linux) settimeofday() system call that make the system time jump around at bootstrap is something that concerns users, especially when it affects things like filesystem checks (c.f. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/600490/5132). But whether one can pass a time_t to settimeofday() is a question for programmers (c.f. https://stackoverflow.com/q/3374659/340790). It's the same system call, but two different readerships.
There is an observable widespread tendency to give an awk answer to almost everything, but that should not be inferred as a rule to be followed, and if there's (say) a Python answer that involves less programming then surely that is quite on point as an answer for a readership of users.
- Jul 2020
www.scrapingbee.com www.scrapingbee.com
What I recommend is using a paid proxy service, or you could build your own.
lwn.net lwn.net
And on the topic of this particular article you need to own bigger mistakes too. It doesn't matter if the Apache board genuinely believed in 2014 that this was a good idea, it should now be obvious to everyone that it wasn't. Board members allowing it to continue can't fall back to "Well we didn't know...", because they do now. Every day that they have the evidence in front of them that the project is failing and do nothing they're _culpable_ for that as members of the board.
Own the mistake. Say to yourself "I am human and I screw up sometimes" and remember that when you see somebody else screw up too.
ibuildmyideas.substack.com ibuildmyideas.substack.com
I’ll continue to explore the possibilities and come up with new ideas. You know I love to build my ideas.
www.smashingmagazine.com www.smashingmagazine.com
Designers are tempted to enforce users to actually use the interface or browse through the site they have created.
In fact, developers often tend to forget a simple, almost elementary fact: if users want to close the application or leave a site, they will — doesn’t matter which obstacles are placed on their path to the exit-button. The more obstacles there are the more negative the user experience will be.
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Your Show Of Shows
From the Wikipedia page:
Your Show of Shows is a live 90-minute variety show that was broadcast weekly in the United States on NBC from February 25, 1950, through June 5, 1954, featuring Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca. Other featured performers were Carl Reiner, Howard Morris, Bill Hayes, baritone Jack Russell (singer), Judy Johnson, The Hamilton Trio and the soprano Marguerite Piazza. José Ferrer made several guest appearances on the series.
In 2002, Your Show of Shows was ranked #30 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.[1] In 2013, it was ranked #37 on TV Guide's 60 Best Series of All Time.[2]
In 2013, Your Show of Shows was ranked #10 on Entertainment Weekly’s Top 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
- Jun 2020
www.alljapaneseallthetime.com www.alljapaneseallthetime.com
Anyway! Your only responsibility is to do stuff that’s actually in Japanese; the remainder of the responsibility rests entirely with the Japanese stuff — media — itself. The media has a responsibility to entertain you. You don’t have to find the value in it; it has to demonstrate its value to you by being so much fun that you don’t notice time going by — by sucking you in. It has to make you wish that eating and sleep and bodily hygiene could take care of themselves because they cut into your media time. And if it doesn’t do that or it stops doing that, then you “fire” it by changing to something else. You are the boss and there are no labor laws. Fire the mother. You do the work of setting up and showing up to the environment, but after that the environment must work for you.
This strategy reminds me of Niklas Luhmann who allegedly said that he never did anything that he didn't feel like doing.
This is like following your curiosity 100% and it goes against a lot of the other advice out there e.g. like sitting down every day and writing.
This also reminds me of this idea of starting as many books as possible. Drop them when they're no longer interesting to you.
- May 2020
www.digital-democracy.org www.digital-democracy.org
By putting our data in the corporate cloud, we are that kid. We are giving corporations and governments a way to see where we are looking towards, and they can predict our future and decide whether and how to intervene or subvert.
From a game theoretic standpoint, we’ve already lost. Too many of our civil society adversaries have too much of our data, and we have so little of theirs.
- Apr 2020
safetyholic.com safetyholic.com
Don’t share your children’s photos with their real names Adults are able to un-tag themselves from images that they don’t want to be identified in, but children don’t have that option. A lot of parents these days are referring to their children as a hashtag or a nickname which protects their identity without taking the fun out of sharing family photos. This also has an added bonus of giving the child a clean slate when they are older and building their own web presence, instead of being able to Google their name and seeing hundreds of baby photos that their relatives posted in the past.
gavinmiller.io gavinmiller.io
You see entropy is information leaking. When it comes to passwords (and secure systems in general) you want to leak as little information as possible. Otherwise an attacker has information they can use to their advantage.
www.csoonline.com www.csoonline.com
Download the billions of breached passwords and blacklist them all. Attackers have a copy; so should you.
blog.1password.com blog.1password.com
This isn’t the first time Kerckhoffs’ Principle has come up. I specifically discussed it when talking about creating good, strong Master Passwords, when I said that we should use a system for coming up with Master Passwords that doesn’t lose its strength if the attacker knows the system that we used
Kerckhoffs’ Principle states that you should assume that your adversary knows as much about the system you use as you do. This is why – despite what I may have said on April Fools Day last year – security experts are skeptical of security systems that hide the details of how they operate. They are particularly skeptical of systems that derive their security from keeping the details of how they work secret. I could go on at great length about why openness about the system improves security. Indeed, my first draft of this article did go on at great length.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"the enemy knows the system"
"one ought to design systems under the assumption that the enemy will immediately gain full familiarity with them"
github.com github.com
Devise-Two-Factor only worries about the backend, leaving the details of the integration up to you. This means that you're responsible for building the UI that drives the gem. While there is an example Rails application included in the gem, it is important to remember that this gem is intentionally very open-ended, and you should build a user experience which fits your individual application.
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
there's no reasonable way to communicate effectively with the less technically minded without acquiescing to the nontechnical misuse of the term "hacker"
The more easily relabeled of the two uses of the term "hacker" is the malicious security cracker: it is not only the more recent phenomenon to acquire that label, but also the one whose meaning is most easily evoked by an alternative term. This is why, when you read an article of mine that talks about malicious security crackers, I use the term "malicious security cracker"
- acquiescing/giving in
- popular misconceptions
- language: misuse of word
- language
- hoping/trying to convince others that your view/opinion/way is right by consistently sticking to it despite many being ignorant/mistaken/unaware/holding different opinion
- "hacker" vs. "cracker"
- communication
- alternative to mainstream way
- communicating with less technical people
- Mar 2020
matomo.org matomo.org
People believe in us for that reason, and we will continue to champion the right for people to be in control of their data.
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
it’s clear they’ll vote with their clicks not to be ad-stalked around the Internet too
Advertisements are often injected with malware.
Google Analytics created an option to remove the last octet (the last group of 3 numbers) from your visitor’s IP-address. This is called ‘IP Anonymization‘. Although this isn’t complete anonymization, the GDPR demands you use this option if you want to use Analytics without prior consent from your visitors. Some countris (e.g. Germany) demand this setting to be enabled at all times.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
but as is Google’s practice, you won’t find any help writing a privacy policy for your site.
- Feb 2020
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
Caregiving, outreach programs, and community service do not conveniently wait for regular business hours to conclude
structuring their day around pressing commitments at home or in their community.
- Jan 2020
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
Larry Wall famously said he was driven to create Perl by how difficult it was to solve a problem while coding, as well as by an abundance of 'laziness, impatience and hubris'
the impetus may have been more the challenge of creating a language of his own.
To an outsider, creating your own programming language might seem akin to saying 'I'll build my own airplane
- Dec 2019
everydesignslogo.blogspot.com everydesignslogo.blogspot.com
7 Best Services that are Essential for Your Startup Growth Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps December 12, 2019 As an entrepreneur, the primary focus of your startup is to grow big and increase brand awareness. For any startup, the initial stages are the most challenging one. Many businesses fail because they cannot withstand this stage. If you want to increase your business growth then you need to do business strategy and planning. Initially, you need help from other businesses for certain services that you cannot do on your own. Here is the list of 7 services that you need for growing your startup. Market Membership In order to increase country growth Government promote businesses and commerce. Financial System is the backbone of a country. Therefore, the Government establishes promotion council for every niche market. These promotion councils have one primary objective and that is to promote businesses and create big market share globally. Some of the benefits that you can experience by subscribing to these council memberships are an increase in business growth, new leads, marketing, discounted promotional booths in trade fares and much more. Office Space Services In order to run your office you need to have an office. The best option that you can have is to rent out a building. But an even better option is Co-working space. Here, many other startups and businesses share the office space and amenities required by any businesses. The rates are decided on per seat bases which are very nominal. IT services- Website, Graphic Design & technical support For any business, being online is now very essential. This is the digital age, where every business is turning online. In order to meet this digital need you need to have some IT support. There are a lot of services that come under this department like website designing, logo design services, etc. For website services, it is best to use word press, as it powers 23% of all websites in the world. This platform is an open source platform and very easy to use. For an affordable solution to your graphic needs like logo design, you can use a good logo designcontest website that provides affordable services. There are a lot of IT services that you might need. So, researching about them on Google will be very helpful. Marketing Services Marketing your businesses is very important part of any business. What’s the purpose of any business if they cannot find you? You can use multiple marketing streams to get customers, but the best marketing channel that every business is using is Digital Marketing. Other marketing methods used by businesses are merchandise marketing using tools like t shirt design online. Accounting Services Hiring an accountant can be very costly. So, the best option is to outsource this service. You can choose any local accountant for this job. Customer Relationship Management As the name suggests, it is another part of business that cannot be overlooked. Establishing a good relationship with your customer is essential for your business to grow. These third party services help you in engaging your customers more. Human Resource Services As a startup you need to hire people to make your job easy and fast. This can be done using effective Human Resource services. HR services can handle the hiring process which saves you time and money. Investing Investment is an essential need for your business. If you cannot find a good investor then your fund can get easily exhausted fast. To run a business in this competitive world you need to have an investor who not only provides you funds but, also helps you in mentoring. The best resource to find investors is using services like Gust.
This guide will help you in finding the necessary services that your startups needs. These services helps your businesses to grow faster.
- Nov 2019
kentcdodds.com kentcdodds.com
"The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you. "
testing-library.com testing-library.com
You want to write maintainable tests for your React components. As a part of this goal, you want your tests to avoid including implementation details of your components and rather focus on making your tests give you the confidence for which they are intended. As part of this, you want your testbase to be maintainable in the long run so refactors of your components (changes to implementation but not functionality) don't break your tests and slow you and your team down.
We try to only expose methods and utilities that encourage you to write tests that closely resemble how your web pages are used.
The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
Most of the damaging features have to do with encouraging testing implementation details. Primarily, these are shallow rendering, APIs which allow selecting rendered elements by component constructors, and APIs which allow you to get and interact with component instances (and their state/properties) (most of enzyme's wrapper APIs allow this).
www.bleepingcomputer.com www.bleepingcomputer.com
"While we hope that Google will lift these unwarranted sanctions for AdNauseam, it highlights a much more serious problem for Chrome users," the AdNauseam team adds. "It is frightening to think that at any moment Google can quietly make your extensions and data disappear, without so much as a warning."
- Feb 2019
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
These discussions can be fraught with power dynamics, resulting in controversial issues appearing unbalanced as more powerful authors block alternative viewpoints.
Students need to know which information is going to be unbiased and true. There are MANY internet sources that use shock value information or biased information rather than presenting corect information.
- Nov 2018
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Give yourself a little time to practice and feel comfortable with your talk, then try to do the whole recording in one take without stopping
By trial and error, I really came to the conclusion that this is really the way it should be.
- Aug 2018
www.ncpublicschools.org www.ncpublicschools.org
This could be useful when talking with someone who does not recognize the importance of identifying and serving gifted students.
- Dec 2017
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Irwin Consulting Services Review - Keep your home and family safe against wildfires with these tips
The wildfires reported this year conclude some of the biggest wildfires happened in different areas such as in Los Angeles, British Columbia, and Montana. Wildfires can leave a lot of destroyed homes and properties and even fatalities fast. Its furious flames can spread out on a large scale, making it difficult for firefighters and local authorities to get rid of it. It is often terrifying to witness a huge natural calamity taking place within your area and its results were indeed distressing to see. A wildfire and the path that it is going to take can’t be accurately predicted, which calls for utmost preparation to every household to avoid such grave danger.
But despite this, local authorities and various organizations from many places around the globe are committed to keeping the public safe from the threats of natural calamities. Irwin Consulting Services also belong to those who work hard for the public safety. This post was specifically prepared by them to help every household in keeping their home safe from wildfires.
Make adjustments to your roofs
Think about having rated “A” fire-resistant roofs to further protect your home. Roofs are undeniably the weak-spot of a house when it comes to fires so you must begin making better adjustments on it first. You must also clean the roof on a regular basis to avoid a lot of dead leaves piling up the place and being a fuel to fires.
Create changes to your windows
To better protect your home, your windows should be upgraded to become stronger against fires as well. Choose heat-resistant materials in doing upgrades to your windows. A wildfire that is not yet reaching your home can already show its effects through its extreme heat. That heat can enter the windows and create a fire on drapes and nearby furniture already. Irwin Consulting Services would like you to have fire-rated glasses on your windows and non-combustible shutters too.
Settle on a good location
Choose a convenient location to spend the rest of your lives with your family. Make sure that it is a safe neighborhood and is not prone to frequent fires. You are advised to conduct a thorough research to determine the best location for your family.
Put some modifications on the site layout
Ensure at least 30 meters of distance and incombustible material between the green lands and your home by having wider driveways, patios and low-growing fire-retardant plants. This way, you’re also helping firefighters in bringing their heavy and big equipment near your house in case of fire emergencies.
Maintain a clean surrounding around the green areas
Gather dead and decaying wood and put them away because such can fuel a fire. Get rid of fallen and dead branches too. Think about cutting the branches that were too close to your roof or overhangs it. Make cleaning around the green areas around your home a habit.
Be wary of embers
Eaves and vents openings were the most susceptible parts to flying embers. Once the embers entered through those parts, it could start a fire inside your home. In order to better protect your house, screen those openings and make sure they were properly maintained. Do not forget about cleaning the gutters as well.
Protect your home and your family to the best of your ability and always be prepared for immediate dangers of natural calamities. Trust organizations such as Irwin Consulting Group in helping local authorities in making sure of a safe neighborhood. But aside from their expertise, self-preparation and readiness could save and protect your entire family as well.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Irwin Consulting Services Review - Tips to protect your home from a wildfire
This year, cases of huge wildfires occurred on multiple continents have made the whole world worried and sad because of such devastating calamity that result in a lot of damaged properties and homes, and even lost lives. Wildfires can cause a tragedy fast and this chaotic phenomenon often gives firefighters and local authorities a hard time extinguishing its raging fires. Natural calamities are frightening and their effects on lands and human lives can be heartbreaking. Wildfires can start any time without any warnings and the path that it is going to take is usually hard to predict.
Different companies and organizations around the world have been working hard to protect the public from immediate dangers of natural calamities, and one of them is Irwin Consulting Services. And one of their objectives is to protect households from wildfires and this post aims to help you in keeping your home safe against such a natural threat.
Tip #1: Upgrade your roofs
Consider about installing ignition resistant roofs since roofs were often the most vulnerable part of the house to fires. Protect your home and your family from the quick fires by having fire-resistant roofs. The most effective and resistant roofs were given the rate of “A” so choose roofs with such label. Maintain a clean roof as well to prevent having piled up dead leaves and become fuel to fires.
Tip #2: Put double protection on windows
In order to provide more protection to your house, upgrade your windows and drapes too. Use heat-resistant materials in improving your windows to become fire-resistant. The drastic heat coming from a distant wildfire can already affect your house by going right through the windows and put drapes and furniture on fire. Further protection to your house can begin with installing fire-rated glasses on your windows and investing on non-combustible shutters.
Tip #3: Choose the most convenient location
Learn about the location of where you are going to buy or build a house. Determine if the neighborhood had a lot of incident of fires in the recent years. Make sure of a place that will not threaten the safety of your home and your family. Irwin Consulting Services encourages you to do a careful research regarding this subject.
Tip #4: Put adjustments on the site layout
Make wider driveways, patios and even put low-growing fire-retardant plants to have at least 30 meters of distance and incombustible material between the wild lands and your home. Wider driveways and turn-around is also for the convenience of firefighters in bringing their huge and heavy equipment close to your home in the event of emergencies.
Tip #5: Keep your green surroundings clean
Clean the dead and decaying wood around your home because such can also be the reason to start a fire in your area. Do not forget about fallen and dead branches as well. Branches close to your roof or overhangs it should be cut. Maintain a clean setting around your house especially in spots that have a lot of trees.
Tip #6: Watch out for embers
Never ignore the danger that flying embers could bring to your house. The openings of eaves and vents are the most vulnerable parts of the house to embers because it can fly into them and can begin a fire inside. Keep those openings screened and properly maintained to avoid tragedies inside your shelter. Gutters should also be cleaned for added protection.
Irwin Consulting Services would like each household to aim for a better protection at their homes and be prepared for any natural calamities to avoid regrets. Be safe always.
- Jun 2017
www.elastic.co www.elastic.co
Replication is important for two primary reasons:
- HA with fail-over mechanism.
- scale out your search volume/throughput as searches can happen based on your replicas in parallel.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Definition: "grammar, rhetoric, and logic," the first three of the seven liberal arts in the Middle Ages, considered initiatory and foundational to the other four: arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.
Etymology: From Latin "trivium," tri (three) + via (road); a place where three roads meet.
Wikipedia has it broken down as "grammar, logic, and rhetoric" = "input, process, and output." This is pretty consistent with Enlightenment thinking that logic is the process and rhetoric is the presentation. I'm interested in how this gets appropriated to a trivium of "syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics."
- Jan 2017
cognitivemedium.com cognitivemedium.com
Many people implicitly or explicitly use this cognitive outsourcing model to think about augmentation. It's commonly used in press accounts, for instance. It is also, I believe, a common way for programmers to think about augmentation. In this essay, we've seen a different way of thinking about augmentation. Rather than just solving problems expressed in terms we already understand, the goal is to change the thoughts we can think:
Good distinctions here. Cf. also what happens when one begins to master the heptapod language in "Story of Your Life." It's Whorf-Sapir, but a "soft" Whorf-Sapir. So I'd say, anyhow. Relevant too that Engelbart discusses Whorf-Sapir.
- Oct 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
This life leaves him no time for playing in his old band
new life
mixupload.com mixupload.com
Earn money with your music simply selling your tracks on MIXUPLOAD Upload WAV files to participate in wordlwide music catalogue & get more opportunities
Earn money with your music simply selling your tracks on MIXUPLOAD Upload WAV files to participate in wordlwide music catalogue & get more opportunities
- Jul 2016
cogdogblog.com cogdogblog.com
Or do we really even own ideas?), and why we would even fuss about ownership might suggest an attachment of monetary value to the shared thing. Or is it really about wanting to get credit? Can we get credit without staking ownership?
I think credit has a lot to do with it. Also, feeling like you "own" your idea is largely cultural. We live in society where just ideas alone are sellable (corporate world especially). We have been taught since college that you do not amount to anything without ideas even though your ideas are built upon ideas of others, we do not teach that kind of connectivity, we do not teach "collective knowledge." What we do teach is publishing a paper and copyrighting it. One of the most prominent questions I have from faculty I work with in regards to creating a public professional ePortfolio is "What if someone copies, steals my idea or paper?" and "How do I make it so that only particular people can see it?" I am sure stealing does happen because there is a lot of pressure in academia to "generate" ideas. And I am also thinking that publishing your copyrighted idea in a peer-reviewed or any other academic publishing instance gives your work "validity." But if the mind set we build in our students is ownership-oriented how can we expect anything else?
youthvoices.net youthvoices.net
to escape from their problems. If parents accepted the fact that marijuana is in their teens’ life, maybe the teens would cooperate more.
i agree here because majority of teenagers use marijuana to escape from problems in there life or suffering in life. also i agree because if my parents were to accept the fact that marijuana is in my life i would actually cooper rate more.
thesocialwrite.com thesocialwrite.com
The freedom and belief that you poured into those accomplishments, it’s a source that can be transferred into other areas, after all, that is a belief system. One that is controllable. If you can reveal that source of power, you can literally direct it into everything you need to deal with.
- Feb 2016
www.lifehacker.com.au www.lifehacker.com.au
So while the extroverts may be schmoozing with colleagues after work, you can ensure you’re being productive while you recharge by reading industry journals or thinking creatively about your company and your career.
translation: it's okay to say no to professional networking opportunities even when your goal is to improve your professional networking. Radical! (no sarcasm)
- Jul 2015
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
she's under arrest when a traffic stop is initiated, as a lawful stop