501 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. There is only one infinite Life/Principle, one infinite Identity, infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what constitutes the center and circumference of Being—Your Self as you experience It, Susan’s Self as she experiences It, and my Self as I experience It. Its omnipotence or strength is constituted of Its absolute omnipresent Integrity, which is Its Intelligent Nature. it is not thrilling or exciting when contemplated from an egotistical standpoint. But It is satisfying in ways that are so meaningful that they cannot compare to the “thrills” of the ego. It also has this benefit: The satisfaction is eternal and unchanging.

      In our Being there is far greater meaningful satisfaction than any ego thrill or fix.

    2. It is very important to realize that Identity is something far different from ego. Identity is what exists before ego can seem to be formed. Yet, once ego develops, Identity becomes practically invisible. This is because ego supplies one with a “high,” a thrill, an excitement which Identity does not.

      Our true Identity is our Beingness in 4d..... it is eternal and exists before ego develops in our human experience. Once the ego develops though we loose conscious contact with our true Identity in the 3d experience..

    3. There is only one infinite Life/Principle, one infinite Identity, infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what constitutes the center and circumference of Being—Your Self as you experience It, Susan’s Self as she experiences It, and my Self as I experience It. Its omnipotence or strength is constituted of Its absolute omnipresent Integrity, which is Its Intelligent Nature. it is not thrilling or exciting when contemplated from an egotistical standpoint. But It is satisfying in ways that are so meaningful that they cannot compare to the “thrills” of the ego. It also has this benefit: The satisfaction is eternal and unchanging.

      There is only one infinity Identity infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what makes up the center and circumference of Being.

      Identity is not exciting when compared from an egotistical standpoint.

    4. April 29, 1982 Thursday

      Review this chapter - there's a lot in it.

    1. As I said yesterday, your Being is unfolding Itself infinitely in all Its perfection. This is the Fact which underlies everything that Is, as well as everything that seems to be. Do not get hung up on what seems to be the case. Your Being is capable of manifesting Itself as your conscious experience of being, and has never stopped doing so. It is this ongoing eternal, abiding Fact which needs to become an integral part of your conscious experience. Cultivate It and you will not be sorry.

      Our Being is evolving, unfolding eternally...fact!

    2. t seems to you as though you have had a strenuous and purposeless day today. However, these are the idiotic ravings of ignorance, which would fool you into believing the exact opposite of what is unfolding in and as your experience as purposeful, dynamic, fulfilling and intelligent manifestations of your Being. As I have said before, you must learn to recognize that your Being is unfolding Itself at all times in perfect harmony with Its Nature. You must begin to accept this as the Fact, rather than what your imagination can come up with based upon what it sees, hears, tastes, smells, and feels. The Absolute Facts of your Being have never for an instant ceased operating, and never will. Therefore, anything other than this Fact is pure fiction, and you should not waste one moment on it. The only reason you don’t see it is because you are looking through your preconceptions about what is right for you. Then, when your Being unfolds Itself in a direction in which you are not consciously looking, it seems as though unfoldment has ceased altogether.

      Being is harmoniously unfolding at all times.You must learn to accept (Practice) this rather than the idiotic ravings of ignorance your imagination comes up with based on what it see, hears, tastes, smells, and feels.

      Any perception or experience other than that of unfolding Being is pure fiction (illusion) and you should not waste one moment on it.

      You don't see it because of your preconceptions (Beliefs) about what is right for you.

    1. You will never be able to experience the infinitude of your Being clearly if you think that there are nooks or crannies—or “levels of belief”—in which the omnipresent Love which constitutes your Being is somehow not present. You must come to the realization that all of you truly is always available to you, no matter how things seem to be. Right now, I am aware that you are feeling as though you are somehow beyond the range of the direct perception and experience of the Reality of your Being as Love. It simply is not true.

      Raj speaks very directly here.. Another powerful paragraph that is worthy of just resting with...

    2. I want to remind you of that, because the apparently external demands which you have been faced with have caused you to withdraw your attention from your awareness of that fact. As a result, you have not been feeling the loving kindness and the totally constructive and harmonious Nature of your Being as It is unfolding Itself as your conscious experience. Objectively speaking, Love is all around you, because Love is what constitutes your subjective Being. Whether or not you are temporarily caught up in the three-dimensional appearance of things, you are never removed from the ability to perceive the omnipresence of Love, because It is the warp and woof of all four dimensions.

      Again Raj shares that Love is everywhere, because Love makes up our Being. Even if I become unaware of this in 3d it is still what is true all the time and I can be consciously aware of it whenever I choose. If I am caught up in 3d though I will not feel the "loving kindness and the totally constructive and harmonious Nature of your Being".

    3. I want to remind you that your Being is constituted of infinite Love. That Love constitutes the Substance of your total experience. I want to remind you of that, because the apparently external demands which you have been faced with have caused you to withdraw your attention from your awareness of that fact.

      Fact.... my Being is constituted of infinite Love! Fact.... Love constitutes the Substance of my total experience...

    4. You must get over this idea that your life is actually occurring in the way you see and experience it from a three-dimensional standpoint. You must realize that whether you are consciously aware of it or not, your Being is infinitely unfolding Itself at all times, and is doing so in all of Its perfection. Infinitely speaking, you never become more nor less than You Are. Whether you choose to focus in on any particular detail of your Infinity or not, your Being continues to unfold Itself on the basis of Its Infinity, and not on the basis of what you choose to narrow your attention down to.

      This is a powerful paragraph and so much in it.... my Being is unfolding all the time anyway whether I am conscious of it or not. I can never be less than I am. Even if I focus my attention in 3d, it is all this happening at once. If I really understand this!!!!!

    5. I want to remind you that your Being is constituted of infinite Love. That Love constitutes the Substance of your total experience. I want to remind you of that, because the apparently external demands which you have been faced with have caused you to withdraw your attention from your awareness of that fact. As a result, you have not been feeling the loving kindness and the totally constructive and harmonious Nature of your Being as It is unfolding Itself as your conscious experience. Objectively speaking, Love is all around you, because Love is what constitutes your subjective Being. Whether or not you are temporarily caught up in the three-dimensional appearance of things, you are never removed from the ability to perceive the omnipresence of Love, because It is the warp and woof of all four dimensions. I want you to consciously and conscientiously open yourself up to the perception and the experience of the Love that constitutes your infinite Being, no matter from what apparent point or dimension you seem to be experiencing that infinitude.

      Being is made up of (constituted) infinite Love.Love is the substance of your experience - every aspect of it.

      3d demands (worldly demands) can cause us to withdraw our attention from the Fact that every aspect of our experience is comprised of Love.

      Love constitutes your personal experience of (subjective) Being. No matter what is going on in your experience you always have the ability to perceive Love.

      Practice: No matter what is happening in your experience, consciously and conscientiously open yourself to the perception and experience of the Love that constitutes your Infinite Being.

    6. You must get over this idea that your life is actually occurring in the way you see and experience it from a three-dimensional standpoint. You must realize that whether you are consciously aware of it or not, your Being is infinitely unfolding Itself at all times, and is doing so in all of Its perfection. Infinitely speaking, you never become more nor less than You Are. Whether you choose to focus in on any particular detail of your Infinity or not, your Being continues to unfold Itself on the basis of Its Infinity, and not on the basis of what you choose to narrow your attention down to

      Being is unfolding itself based on its Infinity and not on the basis of how we choose to focus our attention or according to our belief.

    1. You are truly beginning to experience the Fourth- and third-dimensional frames of reference existing side by side. You are able to observe yourself, and actually experience what seems to you to be yourself, being depressed. At the same time, you are able to experience your Self as being totally clear, at peace, in harmony with your Being, and not emotionally vexed in any way.

      I find this very useful and very affirming of my recent experiences of the neurobiological response in 3d while still maintaining awareness of Being in 4d. It was all happening at once and the more I embraced and fully felt the 3d experience the more of Being I became aware of....

    1. Form does not supply Being with anything, whereas Being supplies Itself with all form. It is the initial misidentification of form as function that fouls everything up. Our limited viewpoint, taking itself as the center and circumference, is the flaw.

      The identification of Form as function is the Error. Being supplies itself with all form, It is the Alpha and Omega. The Belief that Form is the center and circumference is the flaw.

    1. You have not made the distinction between you as Fourth-dimensional Man, and you as three-dimensional conglomeration of thoughts, concepts, physical reactions, emotional reactions, et cetera. You are going to have to be very alert now, because more often than not, the mythical structure called “ego” is going to be in the process of dissolving. Much like HAL, the computer in the film, “2001”, there will be subtle, insistent, plaintive pleas. There will be an even seemingly human capacity to imply that it is capable of truly fearing its own demise. You must realize that ego is a fraud from the beginning, and you must learn to properly identify your Self as Being, Itself, and not as “ego.“ So that there is no confusion, whatsoever, about this process, it had better be clear to you that you will have to listen to, and even seemingly experience, whatever charade is attempted by this false sense of individuality as it gives up the ghost. You will have to remain unmoved and steadfast in the proper identification of your Being. Ego is what Jesus referred to as “the devil,” being a liar and the father of it. It is imperative that you understand that there is no other evil. The only sin there is is the misidentification of one’s Self as “ego” rather than Being, as Conscious Being.

      Raj calls the 'ego' mythical here which is interesting. In psychology there are three aspects of the ego, the id which focusses on basic biological needs and desires. It is there at birth. The ego which is conscious, the the rational part of personality which emerges in infancy and the superego which begins to emerge from 3 years is often referred to as conscience. This is referenced Freud's Psychosexual stages of development in lifespan theory. I generally resonate more with Eriksons Psychosocial stages of development.

      In our humanity the ego fulfils the purpose of functioning in this 3d experience, I feel it is neither bad nor good.... it supports the individuated human experience. In the ego though we only identify ourselves as a body mind with no deeper recognition of self other than the development of conscience. This 'operating program' for our human experience is geared with a security system to keep this body mind, this organism safe. This is the job given to it to do and it does it well. Our security system, the trauma response which is inclusive of the fight, flight freeze response responds to real or perceived threat.

      The flight, fight freeze is in the id, it is an honest response, yet in adulthood it can go into ego with perceived threat and include reaction, yet in itself it is intrinsicly occurring as a neurbiological response....

      There is much to this. Too much to share here in this space.

      I wonder that Raj calls the ego mythical because the body mind is not in Reality who we really are, yet we are having a human experience. It is our identification with ourselves as the egoic body mind that is disolving.

      In time as we come to experience, to know our Being in 4d, to learn our True identity is not the body mind. The ego wants to maintain its authority and resists our journey to remember our true identity, pure essence, Love in form, Being.

    2. You have been concerned in the last few days that you are not making the connection between what I have been discussing with you and your daily experience. The simple fact is that you have been trying to relate infinite ideas to finite beliefs. There is no connection. There is no connection between Mind and Its manifestation. They are one. It is only from the standpoint of ego—of finite, three-dimensional misperception—that there can seem to be a “connection.” Since ego separates itself from what it sees, it divides things into subject and object, “in here” and “out there,” me and thee, and all the rest of the dualism. This prompts the attempt to manipulate all of these disconnected aspects, so that they will harmonize in such a way as to not destroy the basic illusion of the existence of “ego.” Thus, from the three-dimensional standpoint, it seems obvious that the misidentification of Identity called “ego” must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve. One cannot bring these endeavors into that Place where Self is properly identified and experienced as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man, since the basic illusion of separateness has no existence there.

      So I am hearing that in Reality, in Being, everything is connected, is One, there is no separation in this place...

      Again I reflect that the ego is what supports the 3d experience, we chose to experience this and now it is time to remember that real Reality is 4d and the world of separation, 3d does not exist in Reality... it is a journey into this remembrance though..

    3. Your opportunity for activity is as infinite as your Being. You do not need to concern yourself about the ability of your Being to fulfill Itself completely as that which will be recognizable to you as the meeting of your every need—unless, of course, you wish to indulge in the misidentification of your Self as “ego.” Such misidentification will not affect the Reality of your Being in any way, but, as you know, it will seem to engage your conscious awareness in an ongoing blindness to the Reality and an uphill climb which is really downhill all the way.

      Being will meet your every need unless you misidentify yourself as ego. This will not affect the Reality of your Being but it will engage your conscious awareness in an ongoing blindness to Reality.

      Practice being conscious of Being.

    4. An early teacher of Christian Science said, “Be, and by being heal the sick.“1 Being is the only thing that makes anything happen, and It makes it happen by being the “Happening.” From the standpoint of Being, everything is already done.

      Being is separate from nothing - it is what happens, it is the happening.

      Holy Shit Batman...

    5. You are afraid that if you let go and stop “doing,” everything will fall apart. This is because you are still caught in the belief that what you have “done” in the past has succeeded in getting you where you are. This is foolishness, and you are beginning to see this. You haven’t gotten anywhere, because Infinity has no place to go. Nevertheless, Infinity—your Being—has unfolded Itself in spite of what you thought you were “doing,” and where you thought you were getting to.

      Here, Being appears to be equated with Infinity.

      Quote: To believe what you have done in the past has succeeded in getting you where you are is foolishness. You haven't gotten anywhere because Infinity has no place to go.

    6. You have been concerned in the last few days that you are not making the connection between what I have been discussing with you and your daily experience. The simple fact is that you have been trying to relate infinite ideas to finite beliefs. There is no connection. There is no connection between Mind and Its manifestation. They are one. It is only from the standpoint of ego—of finite, three-dimensional misperception—that there can seem to be a “connection.” Since ego separates itself from what it sees, it divides things into subject and object, “in here” and “out there,” me and thee, and all the rest of the dualism. This prompts the attempt to manipulate all of these disconnected aspects, so that they will harmonize in such a way as to not destroy the basic illusion of the existence of “ego.” Thus, from the three-dimensional standpoint, it seems obvious that the misidentification of Identity called “ego” must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve. One cannot bring these endeavors into that Place where Self is properly identified and experienced as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man, since the basic illusion of separateness has no existence there.

      Quote: Only from the standpoint of ego can there seem to be a "connection".

      Quote: There is no connection between Mind and its manifestation. They are one.

      The ego must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve in order to find a connection between disconnected parts. These endeavors are not aspects of Conscious Being because the illusion of separation does not exist there.

    1. The reason you find yourself feeling challenged is because you are not yet totally secure with the ideas which your Being is unfolding to Itself, and which appears to be a conversation between yourself and myself. The result, inevitably, will be a strengthening of your standpoint through experience—that is, as long as you continue to remain in contact with your experience of your Self as Conscious Being. I reiterate: Do not be discouraged. you are not lost, and you should not indulge in the imagination that you can somehow get outside the infinitude of your own Being and become isolated from your God.

      Your journey of awakening will strengthen as long as you continue to remain in contact (Practice) experiencing yourself as Conscious Being.

      This is the idea of starting at the end - to practice being what you are (Christ) rather than what you think you are (a separated being - Ego) but are not.

    1. It is important to begin to see that Being is unfolding Itself successfully, with absolutely perfect precision, no matter how you feel. Emotional responses are illusions, having no relationship to the Actuality of Being. Thus, if you are wise, you will not let your emotional responses signify anything to you regarding Reality.

      Emotional responses are illusions having no relationship to the actuality of Being**.

      This idea flies in the face of what I have believed. How I feel has nothing to do with the perfection of the unfolding of Being.

    1. The only thing which you can afford to listen to with any confidence, is what your Being is obviously unfolding to you at any given moment. Then continue to be listening at that Place wherein your Being unfolds Itself as your conscious experience.

      Again Raj really reiterates this. "The only thing which you can afford to listen to with any confidence, is what your Being is obviously unfolding to you at any given moment."

    2. The point is to always remain currently obedient to what your Being is unfolding. If possible, do it unthinkingly, willingly, and with a confidence in the absolutely cohesive manner in which It is unfolding Itself—with no sense of It being actually destructive in any way, shape, or form.

      Loyalty to the Self is what comes to me... and trust this....

    3. RAJ: Here is a perfect example of the thought processes you must be willing to let go of. In other words, if your Being unfolds the necessity of living in or moving to a particular area on the west coast of the state of Washington, then you must act upon that unfolding of your Being—regardless of Susan’s “knowledge” of the unsettled land mass. Since Being is unfolding Itself with absolute Intelligence and Principle, then It will not unfold as your conscious experience of Being in any way which is destructive or detrimental to your continued experience of Being. Therefore, you may trust that if you are led to be located in an area on the west coast of the state of Washington, it will not involve any destructive element, whatsoever, for you.

      Raj brings Paul back to another example of 3d thoughts and the importance of letting them go and to trust in his own Being...

    4. Seeing out from Being is that perfect Awareness which Mind experiences of its own infinite Self-expression. All that actually happens is that the illusion, or misunderstanding, caused by conceptual thinking simply evaporates. One is left with a clear view of the Actuality of one’s own Being and the Harmony of it as one’s own experience.

      Reality is Reality, all else melts away...

    5. Fundamental to your being able to let go is going to be your willingness to trust what you already theoretically know. That the entire Nature of your Being is absolutely and totally constructive—that It is actually fulfilling Itself at this very moment in all Its completeness with absolute perfection.

      So to trust that the essence of my Being is fully constructive............ so I can trust, let go and in this experience fulfillment, completeness, perfection..

    6. It has been a habit of yours to attempt to live your universe from the standpoint of your conscious thought, rather than from the point of your subjective Being. This is why I continue to say that, as you are willing to be in and to be that Place where you experience your Being as Conscious Being, then you will find that your Being is the Answer which has already answered Itself by being Its own fullness and completeness with total success. You must be willing to stay at that point, no matter what activity you may appear to be involved in, and to not attempt to exercise any control, whatsoever, over what your Being is being.

      It is in our Being where the answers are... Our Beingness is the answer...

      "You must be willing to stay at that point, no matter what activity you may appear to be involved in, and to not attempt to exercise any control, whatsoever, over what your Being is being."

    7. You see, Paul, the flaw in the Power of Positive Thinking lies in the fact that it assumes that, if one does not engage in positive thinking, the Universe will not unfold Itself in a positive manner. So, this theory and practice creates a fundamental distrust of the Universe Itself, of Being Itself. This, of course, puts one at odds with his Self, with his Being, since any distrust in the basic Nature of the Universe is a basic distrust in one’s own Nature and Being. This is basically why you are having trouble letting go and simply being. The world literally is not going on “out there” at all, but within You, as your Being. More correctly, your Being is unfolding Itself and is seen and experienced by Itself (your Self) as conscious experience. As I have said before, the difficulty you are having is because you flip-flop back and forth, in and out.

      So it seems it is rather arrogant to think that it takes my positive thoughts for the Universe to unfold as it should..... it reminds me of 'it is all unfolding, happening anyway, it is a choice as which dimension I tune into..... And this then leads to distrusting the Universe, of Being..

    8. Until you are willing to let go of this concept—that you must in some way be able to control your environment and your life experience with your thought—you will seem to suffer from the unfoldment of your Being.

      Gosh I sure have tried this one. So the importance of learning that yes in our psychology, in our human experience, we learn that we feel and act according to our thoughts... yet for peace and harmony our thoughts need to come into alignment with our Being....

    9. You must come to the realization that it is your Being which is unfolding Itself infinitely on the basis of Its Nature as Intelligence, as Life, and as Mind. Therefore, It is—before you think a single thought about it—unfolding Itself (your Self) with all the precision, Intelligence, and Principle which constitutes Itself. It is this infinite unfolding of your Self that you must learn to bring your thought in line with. You cannot use your thoughts to bring your Being into line with them. This is a part of the letting go which is necessary for you in order for you to experience the unfolding of your Being as complete Harmony.

      This is a very key point I feel, "It is this infinite unfolding of your Self that you must learn to bring your thought in line with. You cannot use your thoughts to bring your Being into line with them."

    10. Today we need to deeply consider the orderliness of things—the orderliness of Life in Its infinite manifestations. We need to remember that all of Life, infinitely speaking, is unfolding Itself at every moment, and not just an isolated part of that infinity. It is essential for you to realize that your thinking processes do not in any way have any effect, whatsoever, on this infinitely detailed, yet harmonious unfolding of Being. This does not mean you have nothing to do with it, but it simply means that you have no three-dimensional control over it.

      Our thoughts in 3d do not have an effect on the unfolding on our Being. So... I hear that even though in this human experience our thoughts and beliefs create how we feel and act, this ultimately does not affect the harmonious unfolding in the cosmos of which we are a part..

    11. As I said to you on the way back from Spokane, the necessity here is for you to learn to flow. The only thing for you to flow with is your Being as It unfolds Itself universally and specifically. As I said earlier, you will be more willing and able to do this as you begin to trust the absolutely constructive, loving, perfect, principled, and cohesive manner in which your Being unfolds Itself. Its very Nature is infinite Intelligence, Mind, Consciousness, Life, Principle, et cetera. This is the demand of the moment, no matter what steps come to you to take physically or objectively. Just remember that no matter what objective steps you take, be sure they are being done from a subjective standpoint wherein you are being at and as that Place where your Being is flowing through and as your conscious experience of Being. This is, you might say, the big secret.

      The secret is to allow your experience to flow from your conscious experience of Being.

    12. Seeing out from Being is that perfect Awareness which Mind experiences of its own infinite Self-expression. All that actually happens is that the illusion, or misunderstanding, caused by conceptual thinking simply evaporates. One is left with a clear view of the Actuality of one’s own Being and the Harmony of it as one’s own experience.

      Description of the effect of seeing from Conscious Being.

    13. I recognize fully from my own experience that this is not an easy step to make, because it is not a head trip. Rather, it is a matter of being willing to be—without conscious thought processes being used for any purpose other than relating or describing what your Being is being. Fundamental to your being able to let go is going to be your willingness to trust what you already theoretically know. That the entire Nature of your Being is absolutely and totally constructive—that It is actually fulfilling Itself at this very moment in all Its completeness with absolute perfection. If you are able to trust that Fact, even though it may require some imagination, rather than some believing, you will find it easier to let go of any vestige of control that you think you ought to be able to exercise. As soon as you are able to do this, you will find the picture change, as we have talked about before. In effect, you will be seeing from the Center of your Being, rather than from the surface of your concepts.

      Being is all of Life, Conscious Being is the subjective experience of Being.

      It is not easy to stay in Conscious Being because it is not a head trip. It requires trust of what you theoretically know.

      With trust you will be able to let go of control - to allow. A shift happens when you are able to do this and you will be seeing from the Center of your Being.

    14. It has been a habit of yours to attempt to live your universe from the standpoint of your conscious thought, rather than from the point of your subjective Being. This is why I continue to say that, as you are willing to be in and to be that Place where you experience your Being as Conscious Being, then you will find that your Being is the Answer which has already answered Itself by being Its own fullness and completeness with total success. You must be willing to stay at that point, no matter what activity you may appear to be involved in, and to not attempt to exercise any control, whatsoever, over what your Being is being.

      Being is complete. The conscious experience of Being is an experience of that completeness - where all is complete, there is nothing lacking.

      Stay in that place of Conscious Being with complete allowance.

    1. Nothing has ever happened as a result of your thought. You must get used to the idea that your thinking mind is there to give words to the unfolding meanings which your Being is manifesting as Its infinite identification. It is not something which can be used to cause that infinite manifestation of Its identification.

      Our thinking mind is 'there to give words to the unfolding meanings which your Being is manifesting as Its Infinite identification."

    2. You don’t have control, and have never had control as a person—as a thinking mind—whereas your Being has always had complete Control in Its Self-expression. It will forever continue to do so.

      Again so clear and to the point...

    3. Your responsibility is entirely to being in that Place where your Being may fulfill Itself

      So clear..

    4. The fact remains that as you let go in those other areas, just as you are doing right now while talking with me, the fullness will flow and be recognized by you—the fullness of your Being, that is.
    1. RAJ: Paul, do not despair. You are going to find the answer unfolding within and as your conscious experience of Being as being already completed.

      You are going to find the answers unfolding within... The answers are coming from within and they unfold.....

    1. Remember not to get into the picture. Do not see yourself the way the three-dimensional frame of reference sees you and wants to convince you of. Remember that Being is Eternal. No single event in the Eternality of your conscious experience of Being takes precedence over that which is aware of it. You are not in it. It is not larger than you, and it is not controlling your Being.
    1. That will be a good idea, Paul. The wheel of history repeats itself, but Being never repeats Itself.

      So clear, being never repeats itself!

    2. RAJ: That will be a good idea, Paul. The wheel of history repeats itself, but Being never repeats Itself. It is forever making Itself new. The dilemma in which you seem to find yourself is just such an example of Being making Itself new. This Being which is making Itself new is your Being. You are having difficulty because there seems to be a gap between what your Being is being, and what you are conscious of your Being as being. This is because you are, so to speak, riding bareback on the surface of your three-dimensional, or objective, sense of being conscious. You find yourself involved in the drama, and experiencing the need of responding to demands which, apparently, are coming from outside yourself. These demands are your Self declaring the presence of that which appears to be absent when viewed from the standpoint of the apparent drama. It will not appear truly as your conscious experience of being until you are viewing from the point of your Being as Conscious Being—not that of finite man.

      Being is forever making itself new. It is not understood when seen from 3dRef and results in the experience of drama and the need to respond to outside influences.

      You will not be able to transcend the drama until you view things from 4dRef. Being

  2. Oct 2015
    1. There is no reason for you to feel that you must be able to understand the new view before you see it. There is no way for Revelation to mean the revealing of what you already know, except in the Absolute sense. Your Being has always moved beyond your present concepts of Reality, and you have always recognized it as a sudden influx of inspiration and understanding which went beyond what you had previously been aware of. You have simply never been aware of the process before, only the result. This time you are aware of the process—of the breakdown of the old concepts and the appearing of the Revelation. In actuality, the whole process of breakdown and the new view is the One, Total Function of Being called Revelation. It is happening in slow motion, so to speak, and you are having the opportunity to observe the process. You are, indeed, the Answer. I would stick with this Fact as constantly as you are able, even if it appears not to be so, and not to be evident. You are going to stick with something, and it might as well be the Fact.

      Being always moves beyond your present concept of Reality.

      Revelation is the breakdown of concepts resulting in a new view of Reality. It is the One, Total Function of Being.

      Question: is this saying that the function of Being is growth into a more expansive view of Reality? We call this Revelation.

    1. RAJ: I know you are, Paul. You must realize that we are not going to be doing anything spectacular here. We are simply going to be bringing out the uncomplicated Facts of Being. You are not faced with anything which requires an astounding understanding. You must trust that this is so. No matter how big the problem claims to be, keep it simple.

      Raj says, Keep it simple.

      The purpose of their communication is to reveal what is True, he says, ... to bring out the uncomplicated Facts of Being.

      No matter how big the problem, keep it simple.

    2. RAJ: Paul, you must realize that you are not “in the woods” in the fist place. The “woods” are in you. You are that omnipresent conscious experience of Being which constitutes Fourth-dimensional Man. You will always feel trapped when you are seeing yourself as being inside that Omnipresence which constitutes your Being. You will always feel uncomfortable because you are believing something which is not true. I see that you have gotten the point that you can utilize your ability to think and reason when it is based upon what you have learned when you have been experiencing your being as Conscious Being.

      You will always feel trapped when you believe what is not true.

      Make use of thought and reason that are based upon lessons learned from Conscious Being

    1. but from the standpoint of Being, the pattern/design seen as a rock is intent on declaring itself as I Am!

      I see the rock as just a rock - where, in Reality is declaring itself as IAM - this illustrates the degree to which I'm not seeing what is actually there!

    1. Paul, all energy is Light, and Light is the omnipresent energy that constitutes all life forms, all ideas, and all of every aspect of Conscious Being. it is the pure Light that is Love. It is the pure Light that constitutes Substance. It is the pure Light which differentiates Itself according to Intelligence as all that appears and all that is.

      Lot's here in this one paragraph.

      All energy is Light, it is a subset of Light. Light is ever present and constitutes every aspect of Being. Light is Love.

      That means every aspect of Being is Love - and all things are Love.

      Light differentiates itself, according to Intelligence, as all that is.

    2. You were incorrect yesterday when it occurred to you that the only way you can tell you are growing is if you are feeling some discomfort. Discomfort can be an indication of growth, but it is not the only indication of growth. We are entering a new phase of these conversations, and in this phase we are going to be dealing with the Light energy that constitutes your Being.

      Indications of growth on the journey of awakening are not limited to feelings of discomfort.

      Light energy is what constitutes Being

    3. We run into trouble when we stand away from the Door, and begin our thinking or thought processes from their standpoint, and then extrapolate and come to conclusions without going within and being as Conscious Being. You see, Being unfolds Itself as meaning, not as language. It is through the function of Reason and Imagination that language is brought into play, for the purpose of verbalizing these infinite meanings which Being is unfolding. You do have a right to answers which will identify the Absolute Oneness of Being throughout your entire experience of Being.

      I hear ... while being conscious as a Conscious Being... this is where to be present, aware..... Being unfolds itself...

    4. Now, I want to correct a misconception on your part. Your ability to reason and think is not the equivalent of the three-dimensional frame of reference. Your thought processes and reasoning processes are not to be ignored. We would not be communicating at this very moment if you did not have the means to translate the meanings I am communicating into words and phrases. It is only by virtue of the fact that you have imagination, reason, perspicacity—all of the various capacities and functions of Consciousness—that you are able to correctly translate that which unfolds to you. This is true whether it is coming from me, or from that Place wherein you directly experience the Reality of Being.

      There is nothing 'wrong' about us.....

    5. Paul, all energy is Light, and Light is the omnipresent energy that constitutes all life forms, all ideas, and all of every aspect of Conscious Being. it is the pure Light that is Love. It is the pure Light that constitutes Substance. It is the pure Light which differentiates Itself according to Intelligence as all that appears and all that is.

      Light is all there is!

    1. Being is the Universal unfolding of It’s Self-perpetuating Action. Give up your attempts to grasp it, hold it, turn it over, and understand it by means of such examination. You must be willing to understand by virtue of Its Self-explanation. You must let go.

      Another description of Being and a suggestion to allow and understand it through its Self explanation.

    2. I understand completely, Paul. This is when you are experiencing the cohesiveness, the Oneness, of your Being. Your conscious experience should constantly be experienced from this Place. Go ahead and feel it and be consciously there. Notice that although you are relaxed, you are totally aware, and you are totally capable of movement and activity. But, you are quite aware that you are not in it and you are not investing your Self into any single experience. This is important.

      A description of the conscious experience of Being.

    3. Our conversation right now is not the result of a thinking process at all. When you stand at the Door as the Door, the Wisdom, the Truth, the Knowledge that flows through and as your conscious experience of Being, is not the result of thought processes, nor of reasoning. Because It continues to flow on past you, It truly does not become a stored body of knowledge from which you may draw in the future. Standing as the Door means that, in this so-called “future,” whatever Knowledge and Understanding is applicable to the unfolding at that time will be there in exactly the same manner that It is here right now.

      Again from previous sharing he comes back to supporting Paul to understand that this type of communication is in 4d, not 3d.... I hear Raj say that when we stand at the Door, in our Conscious Being, this is where Wisdom, Truth and Knowledge flow from and this isn't stored in our thinking mind yet is available to us always if we are Conscious.

    4. Now, let’s move on. I want to correct a misconception on your part—a spatial misconception. you are feeling that you are moving forward along a path, building upon a foundation of knowledge and ability to reason, which you have developed and exercised in the past. This is not the case. The fact is that you are moving backwards on the path which you have come. This is because, to a large degree, your path took you away from your Being and into a three-dimensional frame of reference. You are, so to speak, relaxing back out of that thinking process—that finite, reasoning, intellectual structure which you felt was getting you somewhere in a progressive sense.

      I find this is an interesting way of demonstrating how the thinking 3d mind attempts to work in a linear way. In a way not that Paul went anywhere except hos focus became 3d....

    1. The reason you are having trouble is that you are temporarily caught up in a three-dimensional image of yourself—a body of ideas and concepts that are the equivalent of a three-dimensional image. You need to be in touch with yourself as Conscious Being. You know you are capable of this because you are doing it right at this moment while I am speaking to you. This is because you are not afraid of what I am going to say.
    2. Paul, really go ahead and let go here. It is not necessary for you already to understand the words in the manner in which I am going to be using them. It doesn’t matter whether you may have already heard them in the past somewhere. Tonight you are going to find out that I really am a separate individuality, and that I am here to teach you things that you do not know and have not heard before. In order to do this you are really going to have to let go, and you are able to let go. When you feel that you need to stop and get into that awareness of yourself as Conscious Being, don’t hesitate to do so. Nobody is watching. Nobody will know that you are not highly proficient at this right now.

      Letting go.....

    1. Your assignment is: As best as you can, leave our conversation, but stay in the same place. Be there when you listen to the tape. You have already experienced the meaning of the words and the communication as Mind. Now you are having the opportunity of feeling the meaning of listening to a tape recording of the conversation and of discerning the subtle structures and patterns of that experience as Conscious Being.

      Conscious practice of Being (4d) while being in 3d.

    2. You are familiar with the statement that Jesus walked through the dream awake. This means that He walked through and participated in the three-dimensional world as a Fourth-dimensional Being. Yet not one had the slightest idea that He was not basically like one of them.

      To be in the world (3d) yet not of the world.

    3. I am giving you an assignment here. it is to be alert, ready and open to observing everything that occurs from both an objective and subjective standpoint. This can be done simultaneously during this phase of transition. Remember, however, that at no time are you to leave the Fourth-dimensional standpoint as Conscious Being. You will find that seeing three-dimensionally is so much a habit with you that you will still be able to see things from that standpoint, even though you are absolutely riveted to experiencing your Infinity as your Self—Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being.
    4. Again, lean on your Self absolutely and unequivocally whenever you are in contact with the one you call your mother, not because there is a danger, but because it will provide you with another jewel in the structure of your experience as Conscious Being.
    5. However, to return to the situation that you are finding yourself faced with, let me remind you to “simplify, simplify, simplify.” It does not matter who else does, or does not, see what you see as Conscious Being. It does not matter if their viewpoint is primarily three-dimensional, finite, limited and distorted. You stick to your perceptions, as Conscious Being, of the Fourth-dimensional Fact of what is going on and appearing three-dimensionally to those around you.

      We all have the freedom to choose where we focus, which dimension.

    6. Be that as it may, you are right now in the process of crossing over the line between the third dimension and the Fourth Dimension. You are not totally at ease and familiar with the Fourth Dimension. Until you are, you will be quite consciously aware of existing in two dimensions simultaneously, side by side. Out of habit, you will be inclined to look at things from a three-dimensional standpoint, because it is comfortable and familiar. But, more and more, you will begin to experience the three-dimensional frame of reference from a Fourth-dimensional standpoint—from the standpoint of Conscious Being.

      This reminds me of the importance of practice.

    7. Universal Order is only implied by the Image, but is totally evident and experientially present from the Fourth-dimensional standpoint of Conscious Being.
    8. Paul, nothing is out of Order in your life. When we see from a three-dimensional standpoint, it is literally like seeing the tips of icebergs. That which appears appears to be finite. In Fact, all of Infinity is present at each and every point of what appears to be a finite manifestation. What may appear to be out of order here would be seen as being in Perfect Order from the vantage point of Conscious Being. All is One.

      From the perspective of Reality, everything is perfect just as it is.

    1. To live as Conscious Being is inconceivable to the three-dimensional frame of reference or mentality. But as Conscious Being, it is absolutely normal.
    2. Existing as a material being in a three-dimensional environment is exciting, challenging, scary, but never Satisfying because it is literally to live as though One is out of One’s Mind. It is not the ultimate purpose of Man, or Being.
    3. I notice some shade of disappointment in you in the realization that what you are learning here will not lead you to greatness, or to some fulfillment of purpose which will give you great satisfaction, because it will glorify God or manifest the true nature of Being. But realize this, Paul: That greatness which you conceive is based upon having one’s awareness objectively placed in the three-dimensional world. Ask yourself, “Great in whose eyes?”

      Notions of greatness are 3d.

    4. As you know, the word, “holy” comes from the same root word as the word “whole”. The only reason the word “holy” was created was because wholeness was not available as a Self-experience, and so there must be a way to account for the Wholeness of Being. There must be a way of satisfying the intuitive perceptions that Being is Whole. So, the word “holy” was created to identify that part of our Wholeness which was not available to us consciously. The fact is that everything holy is absolutely normal, as normal as apple pie, when it is totally available to us as our Conscious Being.

      Holy is about ones conscious awareness of the Wholeness of Being..Consciously Being..

    5. Being is Infinity. It far exceeds your wildest imaginations. As you let go, as you lean on and trust your Self more and more implicitly, and as you find that your Self is, indeed trustworthy, you will experience more of that infinitude. Keep in mind, however, that the more of yourself which you are experiencing is not more of yourself than was always present. it is a phase of egotism which would like to make more out of what is normal than what normal is.

      Being is always true.... it is normal even if the mind goes through a stage as seeing it more than normal as it becomes more conscious of it...

    1. You are correct, Paul. All of you is always present, and all of you is always functioning in the Omnipresent Now. There is no such thing as progress on a time line, in the sense of moving from a point in the present to another point in the future. Nevertheless, there is the nonspatial Omnipresent Unfolding of Being.
    2. Paul, I mean it both ways. All of you is always present. Yet, in that omnipresent Action of your Being, there are cycles—cycles of time and cycles of growth. This is why I referred to the “fitness of time” the other day. I indicated that you must wait until the fitness of time in order to discern and understand what is happening here.
    1. This contemplative view of the larger picture of your activity, of experience which occurs at the level of Conscious Being, as Conscious Being, will help you in being able to broaden your ability to live your three-dimensional life as a Fourth-dimensional Being, never leaving the standpoint of Consciousness as the environment in which you live.

      Again it feels like he is saying that I can be in the world of 3d but not of the world.

    2. What gives substance to your experience as Conscious Being is that it is your Self that you are experiencing—the depth, breadth, and infinitude of your Being—so that the more you become aware of, the more you are aware that It is You. In other words, conscious experience is a Self substantiating experience. This is why it is satisfying. This is what I meant by the use of the word “satisfaction.“
    1. Growth, unfoldment, Evolution—whatever you want to call it—is what constitutes your Being. You need to experience that activity or function as yours. You are ready to be consciously aware that it is occurring, rather than just observing that it has occurred because you recognize you are in a new place.

      Be aware of the 'unfoldment' in the 'here and now' is what makes up my Being. I reflect upon.....God is the ceaseless unfoldment, the great Mystery as/is all things and I am an aspect of that.

    1. When observing them from the position of the image, we seem to be trapped into the story line. But, as we leave that position for the standpoint of being as Conscious Being, we apparently gain perspective. The story line appears to change and identify the Universal Harmonies of Being, which we could not see when we thought that we were one of the characters on the screen. It is in this process of leaving the basis of the image and uniting with and as the One Mind that the Reality of things begins to appear. This is why we have taken the last four weeks to effect this change of view. It is time for you to sop operating from the dimension of the image, and to begin functioning as Fourth-dimensional Man, being out from Mind.

      In 3d mind we are in separation and trapped in the story, yet once we become Conscious we see differently. To see and experience as a Conscious Being in the One Mind, Reality.

    2. The conscious experience of Being is all that is going on. The details, the drama, the story line, et cetera, are incidental to the whole Process.

      There is only Reality, Being, Christ, All One...

    3. the more you learn to be out from Mind—rather than believing that you are some part of the image on the screen—the more you will become aware of the total harmony of the total process or function that constitutes your Being. What you apparently do, and what apparently is done to you, will become apparent as being totally harmonious. There will be no sense or experience of separation, lack, division, or opposition.

      The more I am in Mind, (4d) instead of mind (3d) the more I will become aware and experience harmony. If I am not experiencing harmony than I am not in the Mind of God, I am in ego consciousness, separation.

    4. Paul, the three-dimensional frame of reference is very much like the image on a motion picture screen. Where it appears to be full of meaning it, nevertheless, remains an image no more than a fraction of a millimeter thick on the surface of the screen. The meaning is not in the image at all, but is supplied within the awareness of the observer. If the observer dislikes something appearing on the screen, it is foolish for him to attempt to change the image in any way, because the meanings which he would like to alter are within him. What is faulty with that illustration is that, in a theatre, there is a projector—separate from the screen and the observer—which is projecting the picture on the screen. In Reality there is not a third aspect called a “projector,” which places the image on another aspect called a “screen.” In Reality, all three aspects are constituted of the one conscious experience of Being.

      Being is All One

    5. Right now, you are seeing from the inside. Although you do not see me with your eyes, and do not hear me with your ears, you are, indeed, perceiving me and the ideas which I am expressing. You are perceiving the meanings which my Being is expressing at that point of my infinitude which is called “Paul.” The five physical senses play no part in this exchange or process, and yet the process is Actual and experienced.

      So for Paul to experience Raj he is consciously aware of being in Mind (4d), not in 3d mind where the five senses are.... For Paul to experience Raj, he is Consciously Being and is in Christ consciousness.

    6. You see, the Christ-consciousness is that consciousness of things which embraces the Totality of Being as It Actually Is, consciously. It is that which sees and experiences the Reality of all appearances, because It does not have Its attention focused on them—but rather on that Awareness which is Mind being Aware of Itself. Mind sees from the inside, as it were.

      So consciously aware in Mind, Christ consciousness with awareness of Self.

    7. We are going to cover a number of things which will all deal with the appearing of the Christ in your consciousness as your Consciousness of Being. This will be essential in order for you to function cohesively as the All One that you are.
    1. Let’s try it again. Has it ever occurred to you, Paul, that Being is more than the flow of conscious ideas? It is, indeed, far more than the streaming of thoughts through consciousness within an individual living on a planet in the middle of a solar system which, in turn, is located somewhere in the millions of galaxies in the universe.

      So he guides Paul back to have another go....

    2. the river, of course, is the flow of your own Being unfolding Itself as Itself, and constituting your conscious experience of Being.

      Flow would be 4d.

    1. Now, what does this have to do with you? It is that which constitutes your Being. What it is and how it works as the inherent Nature of your Being is essential to understanding how to Practice what You Are. You see, you cannot put these Laws into practice, you cannot set them into motion, because they are already functioning totally before you can even make the mistake of thinking that you are a finite mentality—a three-dimensional awareness—which could use them to bring about your good ends.

      Law constitutes your Being - it is the nature of Being. The understanding of Being, what it is and how it works, is essential in order to Practice what you are.

    2. Law, from a Universal standpoint, is constituted of Intelligence. It is the Mindful orderliness, the constituting of Harmony, of every aspect, and activity of Being. It is not a means of enforcement, but is, instead, the spontaneous but Absolute Principle according to which the functioning of Being occurs. Law is not a tool to use, but is the predisposing Nature of Intelligence to be inherently Principled.

      The description of Law that governs the order and harmony of every aspect of the activity of Being.

    3. However, as long as you are blinded by the belief that it is not You, and that it is “out there”—separate, apart, and existing on its own—it is not available to you for you to experience as your Self. This is a key point in the unfoldment of one’s conscious experience of being as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man.

      Belief in "other" - separation, blocks the experience of Being as You. The recognition of Oneness is a key point in the journey of awakening.

    4. Paul, we do not have to do anything in order to deserve to be in immediate and total contact with the infinitude of our Being. The main, essential step to making such contact is to realize that everything we see “out there”—universally—is, indeed, our Being. What separates us from our Good is the belief that our Good is not our Self—nothing more!

      I need do nothing - There are no requirements that need to be met before I can be in contact with the entirety of my Being.

      The essential step is the realization that everything we see "out there" is our Being.

    5. You see, Paul, Being is not complex, hard to get at, or hard to understand. Half of the problem we have is our belief that it is not easy. We believe that it is bound up in complex religious or occult rituals or mental structures which we must pass through, like mazes, in order to prove our worthiness. It is not true.

      Being is simple and all aspects of it are available - because it is all Your Self.

    6. Practice is truly a matter of not doing anything from a manipulative standpoint. It is truly a matter of relinquishing that finite concept of self, and going willingly within to that point where your Being is being consciously perceived as your Conscious Being.

      So clear and helpful. Simply willingly to go within and connect consciously with my true Being.

    7. Law, from a Universal standpoint, is constituted of Intelligence. It is the Mindful orderliness, the constituting of Harmony, of every aspect, and activity of Being. It is not a means of enforcement, but is, instead, the spontaneous but Absolute Principle according to which the functioning of Being occurs. Law is not a tool to use, but is the predisposing Nature of Intelligence to be inherently Principled.

      An incredible definition of Law

    8. as long as you are blinded by the belief that it is not You, and that it is “out there”—separate, apart, and existing on its own—it is not available to you for you to experience as your Self. This is a key point in the unfoldment of one’s conscious experience of being as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man.

      He gets a little stronger here, stating 'blinded', it is not seen. And he clearly outlines that until I get it, it is me and that there is no outside I cannot experience my Self as a Conscious Being in 4d.

    9. Being is not complex, hard to get at, or hard to understand. Half of the problem we have is our belief that it is not easy.

      Yes we feel and act according to our beliefs and most of them are made up illusions. If we believe it is hard our experience will be that it is....

    1. if you are going to agree with the omnipresence and omniaction of your Being, you will find yourself at peace.

      This is a great definition of what will bring peace.

    1. Paul, I know I am relentless with you on these points, but if I were not, you would not make the shift. Yet the shift must be made. The shift must be made, because it is the unfoldment of your Being, and because it is the unfoldment in a more universal aspect—it is a change line for your world. It is the age old question of whom you are going to serve. The question is being put before you by your very own Being. Do not mistake what is happening and feel that it is I who is making these demands. I am bound to support only that which your Being is bringing to the level of your conscious experience. I can only help facilitate you in overcoming your ingrained fears, and your habits and patterns of limited thought. I cannot make you give them up. I cannot make you drop them. And, I cannot make you make the shift. You will make it, come hell or high water, because that is where your Being is. But, if you are willing to continue to follow the leadings of your own “upward, individual convictions,“1 as Mrs. Eddy so beautifully put it, then you will continue to experience this shift with no more dissonance or suffering than you have so far. It is finally up to you.

      Many important points here.

      1. I must decide what I want
      2. It is worthwhile to honestly question what I think and feel.
      3. Suffering and dissonance is not necessary
    1. Paul, I must reiterate that Being, for all Its infinity and eternity, is ultimately simple in Its Being. In spite of things you have heard to the contrary. I reiterate that there is no devil; there are no evil forces, no evil power, and no dark side. This is the Fact, eternally and infinitely. I will not deviate from that standpoint for any reason, because it is a Fact.
    1. Paul, I keep saying that Being, Enlightenment, Growth, the rising of the Phoenix from its own ashes, is perfectly natural and normal, that it is always something that we are capable of doing. It will probably be some time before you realize the full impact of that fact and relax at the living of Life. But be aware of it now, to whatever degree you are able.

      Growth is natural and normal - hmmm

    1. Paul, you and Susan have to understand that Life does not unfold Itself according to your beliefs about how things ought to be, no matter how well-intentioned those thought systems were developed by either one of you. Life is not here to please you. In fact, it is not outside of you at all for you to either accept or reject, or to feel good or bad about. I am speaking to both of you right now. You must realize that the Life which is God is Your Being. What is happening is not external to You. It constitutes Your Being, as well as the Being of every other being. It is not happening to you. It is You. You are growing your Self Infinitely. But, because it is Being with a capital “B” which is unfolding Itself, it is not going to bandy around with some personally developed concepts of what is true and what is right. These are the limiting concepts which are being exploded at the moment. You are experiencing this as tension, fear, and sadness. I will say this as many times as I have to, but try and make it as easy on yourself as you can by grasping it the first time. You will save yourself a lot of grief. THERE IS NO “OUT THERE” WHERE ANYTHING IS HAPPENING. There are no dark forces. There is no mortal mind. There is no devil. There is no evil power.

      Life is unfolding. Life is my Being and the being of everyone. This Life is God.

      Life is me - in the largest sense - and it is not happening for me, as we often speak about, it is me.

      For me, this adds a new dimension to the concept that "there is nothing out there!!"

    2. Paul, you and Susan have to understand that Life does not unfold Itself according to your beliefs about how things ought to be, no matter how well-intentioned those thought systems were developed by either one of you. Life is not here to please you. In fact, it is not outside of you at all for you to either accept or reject, or to feel good or bad about. I am speaking to both of you right now. You must realize that the Life which is God is Your Being. What is happening is not external to You. It constitutes Your Being, as well as the Being of every other being. It is not happening to you. It is You. You are growing your Self Infinitely. But, because it is Being with a capital “B” which is unfolding Itself, it is not going to bandy around with some personally developed concepts of what is true and what is right. These are the limiting concepts which are being exploded at the moment. You are experiencing this as tension, fear, and sadness. I will say this as many times as I have to, but try and make it as easy on yourself as you can by grasping it the first time. You will save yourself a lot of grief. THERE IS NO “OUT THERE” WHERE ANYTHING IS HAPPENING. There are no dark forces. There is no mortal mind. There is no devil. There is no evil power.

      Life is unfolding. Life is my Being and the being of everyone. This Life is God.

      Life is me - in the largest sense - and it is not happening for me, as we often speak about, it is me.

      For me, this adds a new dimension to the concept that "there is nothing out there!!"