- Dec 2024
medium.com medium.com
To engage with form from the position of emptiness is to see every phenomenon as a manifestation of the infinite web of relationships. Unique and precious, but impossible to isolate, as the play of light in the jewel of Indra’s web.
for - key insight / adjacency- Indra's net metaphor - emptiness and form - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
key insight / adjacency - between - Indra's net metaphor - emptiness and form - new relationship - Of course! Indra's net! - Every specific form we encounter in reality - is like a node, a jewel in Indra's net - Any form is related to all forms
nyam ne-pa
for - definition - nyam ne-pa - the state of quiet presence - the goal of Dzogchen meditation practice - going from form to emptiness - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
for - definition - nyam-nyi - when form ad emptiness are both experienced as one taste (nonduality) - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
for - definition gYo-Wa - going from emptiness to form - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
- definition - nyam-nyi - when form ad emptiness are both experienced as one taste (nonduality) - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
- key insight / adjacency- Indra's net metaphor - emptiness and form - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
- definition - nyam ne-pa - the state of quiet presence - the goal of Dzogchen meditation practice - going from form to emptiness - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
- definition gYo-Wa - going from emptiness to form - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7
- definition - nyam ne-pa - the state of quiet presence
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I had a wonderful conversation with an American a few years ago when he was interviewing me and he said Graham this is really intriguing because it sounds like you end up with very light need for regulation that this would appeal to the libertarian end and I said absolutely there's almost no need to tax these companies because the state may be a stakeholder with rights to dividends and capital gain so you don't need to tax the company you don't need regulation
for - FSC - fair share companies inherent design - obviate need for external regulations because - sufficiently strong self-regulation - Graham Boyd - adjacency - FSC - fairshare commons companies - self regulation - libertarians - the sacred as highest form of self-regulation
adjacency - between - Fairshare Commons (FSC) companies - Libertarians - FSC are self-regulating to hlghest ethics - The sacred as the highest principle of self regulation - adjacency relationship - It seems that another way of articulating the Fairshare Commons is to use the language of the sacred - A living principle of the sacred implies intrinsically valuing existence and reality itself and all its manifestations - Modernity is barren of the sacred as a living principle, transactionalism has alienated us from nature and from each other - To embed a living principle of the sacred in FSC DNA would ensure the highest form of self-regulation and obviate the need for regulations, after all - when we act out of love of something, we do it voluntarily and with the greatest investment of our time, energy and resources, - and that is far superior than acting where there is no love and an external force is required to motivate action
- Nov 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for - adjacency - DAO - question - can collective of FSC form a DAO?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we have to learn how to become friends and to do that actually involves quite a bit of learning to enter like Universal friendship and Universal friendship is actually a pretty high stage of realization
for - developmental journey the great transition - requires each of us to learn how to form universal friendship - highly realized behavior - John Churchill
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
term spectacle refers to
for - definition - the spectacle - context - the society of the spectacle - cacooning - the spectacle - social media - the spectacle
definition - the spectacle - context - the society of the spectacle - A society where images presented by mass media / mass entertainment not only dominate - but replaces real experiences with a superficial reality that is - focused on appearances designed primarily to distract people from reality - This ultimately disconnects them from - themselves and - those around them
comment - How much does our interaction with virtual reality of - written symbols - audio - video - two dimensional images - derived from our screens both large and small affect our direct experience of life? - When people are distracted by such manufactured entertainment, they have less time to devote to important issues and connecting with real people - We can sit for hours in social isolation, ignoring our bodies need for exercise and our emotional need for real social connection - We can ignore the real crisis going on in the world and instead numb ourselves out with contrived entertainment
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
our love of freedom is is one of the ways that we as apparently limited beings return naturally to our original condition
for - comparison - Rupert Spira - limited human being striving for return to natural condition - Dasietz Suzuki - The elbow does not bend backwards - insight - freedom is our natural state - because in our contracted human form - we desire to return to our original expansive form - Rupert Spira comment - As Dasietz Suzuki observed, within the limitations of our form, there is a freedom - After listening for a 2nd or 3rd time, I noted something I missed on the 1st listening. A metaphor helps - My nickname reflects this desire to return to the original expansiveness. "Bottled up" and existing in a "contracted" human form, - we possess a natural desire to expand out of the contracted human form back into its original, primordial expansive state - This is indicated by our innate desire for freedom
- comparison - Rupert Spira - limited human being striving for return to natural condition - Dasietz Suzuki - The elbow does not bend backwards
- - insight - freedom is our natural state - because in our contracted human form - we desire to return to our original expansive form - Rupert Spira
streamtimer.app streamtimer.app
- Aug 2024
github.com github.com
This seems to be more than just a thin wrapper like https://github.com/rainerschuster/final-form-material-ui was. I kind of prefer the simplicity of focus of final-form-material-ui.
This appears to be attempting to do too much. Though if it gives you exactly what you want, great.
github.com github.com
- Jul 2024
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
The premise we explore in this article is that we would arrive at better ToCs, which more effectively support evaluation in complex environments, when we1.Begin with systems mapping, and then2.Recast the system map into the form of a traditional ToC.
for - participatory system mapping - start with system mapping - then recast in form of Theory of Change
tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu
It seems ludicrous to imagine that these vitalresources incapable of further expansionwould become essentially free of charge.
for - question - transition - from capitalism to a form of socialism?
question - capitalism to a form of socialism? - To say it seems ludicrous is an opinion that makes sense from a traditional capitalists perspective - From a socialist perspective, it seems feasible - Nothing is free of charge, however, even in socialism, there is always some price an individual must pay, it's more about the incentive structure that differentiates the two - capitalism - polarized towards self-centric perspective - socialism -balanced self-and-other perspective
adjacency - between - capitalism - socialism - differing perspective on self/other worldview - adjacency relationship - While capitalism relies on a self-centric perspective, socialism relies on a more balanced self/other perspective
docdrop.org docdrop.org
most of the great religions in the world have been attempts to to restrain or reform uh human nature or at least uh channel our worst impulses into something 01:10:48 more productive or higher something loftier um and in this this is exactly what we need here it's something that will create a form of altruism which doesn't only extend to people we see around us now but extends 01:11:00 to the future generations
for - rapid whole system change - need for something that will create a new form of altruism - Ronald Wright - transition - requires an experience of re-awakening transition - need for a new religion? Deep Humanity?
comment 10 July 2024 - Deep Humanity is our attempt at this. It is not a religion, however. It is humanity, but in the deepest sense, so it is accessible to anyone in our species. Our tagline has been - Rekindling wonder in an age of crisis - However, this morning an adjacency occurred:
adjacency - between - familiarity - wonder - adjacency relationship - Familiarity hides wonder - Richard Dawkins said: - There is an anaesthetic of familiarity, - a sedative of ordinariness - which dulls the senses and hides the wonder of existence. - For those of us not gifted in poetry, - it is at least worth while from time to time - making an effort to shake off the anaesthetic. - What is the best way of countering the sluggish habitutation brought about by our gradual crawl from babyhood? - We can't actually fly to another planet. - But we can recapture that sense of having just tumbled out to life on a new world - by looking at our own world in unfamiliar ways. - That is, when a type of experience becomes familiar through repeated sensory episodes, - we lose the feeling of wonder we had when we initially experienced it - It's much like visiting a place for the very first time. We are struck with a sense of wonder because everything is unpredictable, in a safe way. We have no idea what's around the next corner. It's a surprise. - However, once we live there, and have traced that route hundreds of times, we have transformed that first magical experience into mundane experience. - So it is with everything that makes us human, with all the foundational things about reality that we learned from the moment we were born. - They have all become jaded. We've forgotten the awe of those first experiences in this reality: - our first experience of our basic senses - our first breath of air, instead of amniotic fluid - our first integration of multiple sensory experiences into a cohesive whole - the birth of objectification - the very first application of objectification to form the object we called mOTHER - the Most significant OTHER - our first encounter with the integration of multiple sensory stimuli associated with each object we construct - our first encounter with auditory human, speech symbols - our first experience with object continuity - how objects still exist even if they disappear from view momentarily - do we remember freaking out when mOTHER disappeared from view momentarily? - our first ability to communicate with mOTHER through speech symbols - our first encounter with ability to control our bodies through our own volition - our first encounter with gravity, the pull towards the ground - our first encounter with a large bright sphere suspended in the sky - our first encounter with perspective, how objects change size in our field of view as they get nearer or farer - etc... - What's missing now, is that we have repeated all these experiences so many times, that the feeling of awe no longer emerges with life - To generate awe, the repertoire of existing experiences is insufficient - now we have to create NEW experiences, we have to create novelty - Mortality Salience can help jolt us out of this fixation on novelty, and remind us of the sacred that is already here all the time - For, what happens at the time of death? All the constructions we have taken for granted in life disappear all at once, or perhaps some before others - Hence, we begin to re-experience them as relative, as constructions, and not absolutes - All living organisms have their own unique umwelt - These umwelts are all expressions of the sacred, sensing itself in different ways
- What is required is a kind of awakening, or re-awakening
- When religions do their job, it gives us a framework to engage in a shared sense of the sacred, of wonder in the mundane
- In a sense, Deep Humanity is identifying that most vital commonality in all religions and seeing all their diverse intersectionalities in simply being deeply human
- We awakened once, when we were born into the world
- then we fell asleep through the dream of familiarity
- Now, we have to collectively re-awaken to the wonder we all experienced in that initial awakening experience as newborns
that calls for a new form of altruism plus a new form of asceticism
for - rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - Ronald Wright - Give me liberty or give me death - degrowth challenges
rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - We need something that can be higher than stripping away many of the liberties we take for granted? - This will be challenging because the American dream is based on the feeling and phrase "Give me liberty or give me death!"
- transition - requires an experience of re-awakening
- rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - Ronald Wright
- Give me liberty or give me death - degrowth challenges
- rapid whole system change - need for something that will create a new form of altruism - Ronald Wright
- transition - need for a new kind of religion? Deep Humanity?
codes.ohio.gov codes.ohio.gov
(1) The filing by a registered elector of a written request with a board of elections or the secretary of state, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state and signed by the elector, that the registration be canceled. The filing of such a request does not prohibit an otherwise qualified elector from reregistering to vote at any time.
The only true protest vote.
substack.com substack.com
Someone once said that at least one in five people are writing a novel. I barely know anyone who isn’t. It is still a prestigious form. And so, despite social media – the junk food of communication – literature continues to adapt to the contemporary mood. Where there is digital overload, people are returning to this more relaxed, nutritious analogue mode - reading words on a page.
- Jun 2024
coevolving.com coevolving.com
the language provides the framework for using the patterns as a program to create form. But he aims for semantics, allegory, and poetics, as well as the aspects of language that generate feelings, emotions, a sense of order — all of which extend beyond the structural, topological and syntactic aspects of his program.
- Apr 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
European Union
This is the description of a union of countries
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
my visual cortex loves the point-symmetric "tunnel visions" from 1:50<br /> aka: visual cortex form constants, resonance between external and internal patterns<br /> this is also why kids in school are forced to write on "lined paper" aka "ruled paper"...
www.internetsociety.org www.internetsociety.org
A simple survey should be offered during the unsubscribe process to allow customers to provide feedback about why they are leaving.
- Dec 2023
Glossary of some important musical terms
- modality
- texture-polyphony
- texture-voluminousness
- texture-part-vs-voice
- modes-tetratonic
- register
- mode-rhythmic
- AOEs
- phrasing
- harmony
- mode-timbral
- articulation
- modes-hexatonic
- phrase
- phrase-cadence
- modes-diatonic
- tempo
- interval-class
- motif
- mesotony
- hypermode
- diatonic-modes
- monophony
- consonance
- dissonance-harmonic
- dissonance-melodic
- texture
- tonicity
- tonality
- phrase-climax
- tone-class
- modes-tritonic
- modes-octatonic
- melodic-intonation
- mode-khasmatonal
- melodic-inclination
- heterophony
- meter
- modal-harmony
- mode-ekmelic
- source:nikolsky-glossary
- rhythm-class
- modes
- dissonance
- double-note
- pitch-class
- rhythm
- instrumentation
- tonal-gravity
- modes-monotonic
- multitony
- form
- modes-pentatonic
- dynamics
- consonance-melodic
- modes-heptatonic
- diatony
- monody
- melody
- mode-hemiolic
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
The Art of Poetry - How to Read a Poem Wolosky 2001
- Nov 2023
The primary determinants of musica l foml in tonal music were tonality and theme, withcontrast of tonalities being a generally stronger force than contrast of themes. The declinein tonality as an organizing force has often led to a greater reliance on thematic contrast;but in many pieces, themes, in the sense of melodies, pla ya small or nonex istent part. Themost obvious example is electronic music, where texture, register, dynami cs, and especial MIy timbre are usua ll y more important as shaping elements than themes are. Rhythmic ac-ti vity is another organiz in g factor
In the 20th and 21st centuries, tonality as organising force is being replaced with temporal and timbral style elements such as texture, register, dynamics, and timbre.
markgrabe.substack.com markgrabe.substack.com
Grabe, Mark. “Student and Professional Note-Taking.” Substack newsletter. Mark’s Substack (blog), November 10, 2023. https://markgrabe.substack.com/p/student-and-professional-note-taking?publication_id=1857743&utm_campaign=email-post-title&r=77i35.
Educator Mark Grabe looks at some different forms of note taking with respect to learning compared lightly with note taking for productivity or knowledge management purposes.
Note taking for: - learning / sensemaking - personal knowledge management - productivity / projects - thesis creation/writing/other creative output (music, dance, etc.)
Not taken into account here is the diversity of cognitive abilities, extent of practice (those who've practiced at note taking for longer are likely to be better at it), or even neurodiversity, which becomes an additional layer (potentially noise) on top of the research methodologies.
- Oct 2023
docs.google.com docs.google.com
- Sep 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I don't know why I can't do Evergreen and Atomic Notes.. .t3_16r8k0b._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
reply to u/SouthernEremite at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/16r8k0b/i_dont_know_why_i_cant_do_evergreen_and_atomic/
If you're not using your notes to create or write material and only using them as a form of sensemaking, then perhaps you don't need to put as much work or effort into the permanent notes portion of the work? Ask yourself: "Why are you taking notes? What purpose do they serve?" Is the form and level you're making them in serving those purposes? If not, work toward practicing to make those two align so that your notes are serving an actual purpose for you. Anything beyond this is make-work and you could spend your time more profitably somewhere else.
www.dropbox.com www.dropbox.com
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
bbc.com form fields have associated labels. Good practice is to provide clear and visible labels for form fields.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Blues and Song Form
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
In a blues song with a sung text, the lyrics consist of a line that is repeated, then followed by a contrasting line (aab). The melody often follows this structure as well. Blues melodies often leave large gaps to allow for call-and-response between the melodic instrument and other instruments. The blues scale is like a minor pentatonic scale with an additional chromatic passing tone: do–me–fa–fi–sol–te (^1−↓^3−^4−↑^4−^5−↓^7)(1^−↓3^−4^−↑4^−5^−↓7^)(\hat1-\downarrow\hat3-\hat4-\uparrow\hat4-\hat5-\downarrow\hat7). The blues scale can be rotated to begin on its second note, creating a major blues scale: do–re–ri–mi–sol–la (^1−^2−↑^2−^3−^5−^6)(1^−2^−↑2^−3^−5^−6^)(\hat1-\hat2-\uparrow\hat2-\hat3-\hat5-\hat6).
Another essential part of blues phrase structure is the notion of call-and-response, a feature likely inherited from the work songs of enslaved Africans and African Americans. The vocal, lyricized melody takes on the role of the “call” while an instrumental filler takes on the role of the “response.” Notice that in “Gulf Coast Blues,” each lyric labeled with an a is sung entirely and exclusively in the first two measures of the phrase. Example 3 annotates a transcription of “Gulf Coast Blues” to show this call-and-response relationship.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The poetic structure: it is undoubtedly a structure made of three lines of fourbars each but its organization differs on the levels of prosody, melody, andharmony.The prosodic structure: AAB generally. The phrase (either sung or spoken)during the first line is repeated in the second line and a second phrasefollows in the third line.9The melodic structure: AAB but often AA’B. The same melodic phrase usuallyis repeated but may be subject to variation.The harmonic structure: ABC. As seen above, the three lines have been differentfrom each other right from the most original chord changes. The first linestarts with I, the second with IV, and the third with V
synthetic bioengineering provides a really astronomically large option space for new bodies and new minds that don't have 00:04:28 standard evolutionary backstories
- for: cultural evolution, cumulative cultural evolution, CCE, bioengineering, novel life form, culturally evolved life, bioethics, progress trap, progress trap - bioengineering, progress trap - genetic engineering
- comment
- cultural evolution, which itself emerges from biological evolution is acting upon itself to create new life forms that have no evolutionary backstory
- this is tantamount to playing God
- progress traps often emerge out of the large speed mismatch between cultural and biological/genetic evolution.
- Nowhere is this more profound than in bioengineering of new forms of life with no evolutionary history
- This presents profound ethical challenges
github.com github.com
I highly recommend using GET forms to implement this as SvelteKit will intercept and retain client-side navigation on form submission. https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/form-actions#get-vs-post Submitting the form will update the URL with the search parameters matching the input names and values.
<form action="/baz"> <label> Query <input name="query"> </label> <label> Sort <input name="sort"> </label> <label> Order <input name="order"> </label> <label> Page <input name="page"> </label> </form>```
- Aug 2023
joyofcode.xyz joyofcode.xyz
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: inner/outer transformation, transformation, rapid whole system change,
- Title
- The Human Form Divine
- Speaker
- Timothy Morton
wicg.github.io wicg.github.io
```idl dictionary NavigatorUABrandVersion { DOMString brand; DOMString version; };
dictionary UADataValues { DOMString architecture; DOMString bitness; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; DOMString formFactor; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> fullVersionList; DOMString model; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; DOMString platformVersion; DOMString uaFullVersion; // deprecated in favor of fullVersionList boolean wow64; };
dictionary UALowEntropyJSON { sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; };
[Exposed=(Window,Worker)] interface NavigatorUAData { readonly attribute FrozenArray<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; readonly attribute boolean mobile; readonly attribute DOMString platform; Promise<UADataValues> getHighEntropyValues (sequence<DOMString> hints ); UALowEntropyJSON toJSON (); };
interface mixin NavigatorUA { [SecureContext] readonly attribute NavigatorUAData userAgentData ; };
Navigator includes NavigatorUA; WorkerNavigator includes NavigatorUA; ```
- conneg
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-form-factor
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-bitness
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-platform
- http:header=sec-ch-ua
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-mobile
- cito:cites=urn:ietf:rfc:8942
- http
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-full-version-list
- wikipedia:en=HTTP_Client_Hints
- mobile
- http:header=accept-ch
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-full-version
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-platform-version
- http:header=user-agent
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-arch
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-model
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-wow64
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In the West, the primary impact of the idea has been on literature rather than science: "stream of consciousness as a narrative mode" means writing in a way that attempts to portray the moment-to-moment thoughts and experiences of a character. This technique perhaps had its beginnings in the monologues of Shakespeare's plays and reached its fullest development in the novels of James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, although it has also been used by many other noted writers.[184]
Using stream of consciousness for writing, as a narrative form (for me, this portrays more authenticity, maybe even a way to communicate inspirations as it first strook the person, without filter).
docdrop.org docdrop.org
n comparing themarabi harmonic structure and its seminalposition in vernacular jazz improvisatory practice in South Africa to that of the AfricanAmerican blues in its relationship to jazz, Ballantine explained its basis ‘on a cyclicpattern’ as ‘stretch[ing] over four measures, with one measure for each of the followingchords: I – IV - I 6/4 - V’ (Ballantine 1993:26)
bafybeihzua2lldmlutkxlie7jfppxheow6my62x2qmywif2wukoswo5hqi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeihzua2lldmlutkxlie7jfppxheow6my62x2qmywif2wukoswo5hqi.ipfs.w3s.link
forms might be asso-ciated with structures
- comment
- A Deep Humanity analog to the word "structure" is the word "pattern"
- Hence we have the equivalency:
- platonic form = structure = pattern
- and the author's prior statement that
- These mental and subsequently materialized ideas then
- have the potential to
- influence the physical world and to
- feedback into the mental world to produce additional structure and
- physical material
- influence the physical world and to
- is equivalent to Indyweb / Deep Humanity statement that
- individual and collective learning are deeply entangled
- cumulative cultural evolution is mediated through this entanglement
- that is best represented by the idea of dependent origination
- individuals articulate ideas and externally present them to other consciousnesses
- a multi-meaningverse exists whenever social learning occurs and
- multiple perspectives, multiple meaningverses converge
- each individual perspective surfaces their own adjacencies of ideas drawn from their own salience landscape
- which in turn emerge from their own respective unique lebenswelt
- We might also say that to the degree that internal patterns of the symbolosphere correlate with external patterns of the physiosphere, then
- that is the degree to which the universal pattern manifests in both nature nature and in human nature
- since humans (human nature) are an expression of nature (nature nature), we should not expect otherwise
- comment
www.tutorialspoint.com www.tutorialspoint.com
ven belo
اقا دقت کن که من form در یک جلسه قبل گفتم حالا اومده تو صفحه student.html یک فرم گذاشته که تو فرمش گفته بفرس به result (البته من تو digital occean خوندم که باید بفرسته به همون جایی که ازش form را گرفته و این برام عحیبه) به هر حال در result گفته با post بگیر و اطلاعات را از طریق request.form بگیر و حالا با صفحه result اون اطلاعات را به کاربر نشون بده. خیلی ساده و قشنگ
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
شاهکارش برای Handle کردن FORM. خیلی خووبه یاد بیگیر
The most important thing to know about this form is that it performs a POST request to the same route that generated the form.
این فرم POST Request را میفرسته به همون URL که این Form را Generate کرده. دقتم داشته باش که این فیلد ها را بعدا میشه در Object به نام Form گرفت و اسمشم همونایی که در Attribute به نام name گذاشتیم که اینجا language و Framework است
To de
جالبه برای درست کردن Form اومده هر دو تابع GET و POST را گذاشته و اینجوری تو موقع Get که فرم را میفرسته
Form data
از اینجا در مورد object به نام Form توزیح می دهد که اطلاعاتی که تو اطلاعاتی که در From و در تابع POST میفرستی میاد در Object به نام Form
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.orgJazz Theory10
With the exception of the blues, the rhythm changes progression is probably the mostimportant chord progression in jazz. The term “rhythm changes” refers to a 32-bar AABAform based on the harmonic structure of “I Got Rhythm” by George and Ira Gershwin.The song appeared in the Aarons and Freedley production Girl Crazy (1930) andoriginally featured a 34-bar AABA form with a two-bar extension in the last A section.The two-bar extension was eventually cut and the chord changes of the last A sectionreplicated those from the second A. A newly composed line based on the rhythm changesprogression is known as a contrafact. The enormous popularity of rhythm changes hasbeen well documented by an ever-increasing number of composed contrafacts andrecordings
“Moose the Mooche” features a 32-bar AABA form.3 The first A section is harmonicallyopen and ends on a ii 7–V7 in m. 8. The second A features a full-cadential closure on I inm. 16. The bridge cycles through a cycle of dominant 7ths progression and interruptsthe form on V 7 in m. 24. The final A section is harmonically closed but, in order to allowfor the circularity of the chorus improvisation, it features a Imaj7–VI 7–ii7–V7 turnaroundprogression (or any acceptable substitute variant).The tonic is prolonged in mm. 1–4 and then morphed into a V 7/IV in m. 5. The tonicprolongation takes the form of an idiomatic Imaj 7–vi7–ii7–V7 progression, which lendsitself to a variety of harmonic substitutions. The subdominant controls mm. 5–6 and iscapable of many surface realizations. Next, mm. 7–8 proceed to the dominant, which canalso be idiomatically expanded, transformed, and/or confirmed. The A section of rhythmchanges is also known as an eight-bar blues because it contains the harmonic paradigmof the blues: tonic in m. 1, subdominant in m. 6, and dominant in m. 8.4 This foreshortenedblues preserves the structural weight of the fundamental chords, as the tonic controls thelongest span (mm. 1–4), the subdominant occupies the shorter span (mm. 6–7), and thedominant (m. 8) becomes subject to various harmonic modifications
The solo is unified through the use of similar melodic devices at the same locations withinthe form. For instance, in mm. 4, 12, and 28 of the form, Jones frequently employs adom7(≥5) chord (mm. 4, 12, 36, 92, 100, and 108).
Chapter 23 examines the 32-bar ABAC form and its two tonal variants: on-tonic and off-tonic. As an example of this formal design, “All Of You” is analyzed
Chapter 22 undertakes a study of song forms and its most common type: the 32-barAABA. Two tonal variants, on-tonic and off-tonic, are examined and, as an example ofthe on-tonic AABA formal design, “Have You Met Miss Jones?” is analyzed.
hapter 24 provides a list of standard tunes with extended and unusual formal designs.As an example of the extended form, “Dream Dancing” is analyzed
Chapter 18 provides an analysis of Charlie Parker’s “Confirmation” as a representativecomposition from the Bebop Era. It offers a transcription of the solo by the pianist HankJone
Chapter 19 provides an analysis of Charlie Parker’s “Moose the Mooche” and Hank Jones’simprovised solo on the tune. This chapter also proposes a pedagogy of rhythm changesimprovisation.
The blues is an American art form. Originally, blues were primarily sung, with one of theobjectives being to tell a story as vividly as possible. To tell stories, blues singers usedsimple repeated phrases charged with a variety of expressive devices. The ability to tell thestory from one’s perspective came to represent blues performance practice in particular,and jazz improvisation in general. The familiar saying that “your solo should tell a story”takes on a completely different meaning when we consider whence it came and howintricate life’s stories can really be. Early blues practitioners were unconstrained by theform of the blues as the duration of improvised lyrics often influenced the length of
Chapter 9 discusses the most important form in jazz, the blues, examines the structureof the blues scale, and provides chord–scale relationships for the basic and minor bluesprogressions
- jse-for-32-bar-ABAC
- confirmation
- ABAC-song-form
- bebop
- scales-blues
- chords-dom7(#5)
- form-AABA-34-bar
- harmonic-progression-rhythm-changes
- jse-for-32-bar-AABA
- chord-scale-theory
- moose-the-mooch
- form-unification
- blues-8-bar
- harmony-&-form
- blues
- form-rhythm-changes
- jazz-standard
- generic-blues
- form-blues
- rhythm
- harmony
- conrafact-pieces-I-got-rhythm
- form
- contrafact
- form-&-harmony
- I-got-rhythm
- source:terefenko
- melody
- AABA-song-form
docdrop.org docdrop.orgview1
Circles and Time: A Theory of StructuralOrganization of Rhythm in African Music
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
I always like to point to a text that changed my thinking about this question, and that’s Kathleen Yancey’s “Writing in the 21st Century.” It basically states that students are writing more than ever before. If you were to challenge a group of students (which I have) to document how many text messages, TikTok, IG posts, Facebook posts, tweets, emails they send out in a day, the sheer volume of writing is staggering. Why we don’t value that writing in academia is the question for me.
interesting point! some other things in my head:
1) in addition to our increased writing endeavors, we've also been engaging in extensive reading as well, but our reading material has evolved beyond books, encompassing the plethora of content available in the vast expanse of cyberspace
2) and while the quantity of reading has expanded significantly, it is equally intriguing to recognize that the nature of these texts has shifted towards shorter formats—tweets, ig post captions, microblogs, etc
3) AND lastly, the act of reading has swiftly evolved into the realm of listening, with the emergence of podcasts, audiobooks, listenable videos, and similar forms of content consumption
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Motivic Devices and the Rudiments of Form
docdrop.org docdrop.orgJazz1
docdrop.org docdrop.org
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled1
Melodic Structures (Vol 1) Bergonzi, J 1994
- May 2023
www.mendeley.com www.mendeley.com
www.mtosmt.org www.mtosmt.org
Circles and Time: A Theory of Structural Organization of Rhythm in African Music
cannot mark up text in frames - hence the markup on the referencing toc page
open.spotify.com open.spotify.com
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
open.spotify.com open.spotify.com
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
Sentence and sequence in a binary piece
open.spotify.com open.spotify.com
Schubert Symphony No 3 II
open.spotify.com open.spotify.com
Schubert Piano Sonata No. 1 in D.137 in E II Andante
open.spotify.com open.spotify.com
J.S. Bach BWV1002 Violin Partita No. 1 Sarabande
open.spotify.com open.spotify.com
Haydn Piano Sonata no 37 (theme)
open.spotify.com open.spotify.com
Binary form exercises - audio 1 (Schubert Acht Ecossiasen No 3 (starts at 1:07)
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
Binary form exercises
www.mendeley.com www.mendeley.com
The ABAC Song Form
The AABA Song Form
www.mendeley.com www.mendeley.com
Inside Improvisation - Melodic Structures, is the first in a series of books which describe a simple and pragmatic approach to improvisation.
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
Phrase-Level Forms
- Apr 2023
www.schoolofmotion.com www.schoolofmotion.com
(6-10+ minutes) engaging videos that appear to do well on YouTube
This number(6-10minutes) is appealing to most viewers as it is concise and delivers a information in short bursts. It is ideal for quick tutorials, news and entertainment.
- Mar 2023
remix.run remix.run
bootstrap-vue.org bootstrap-vue.org
خیلی جالبته که از این میشه برای feedback استفاده کرد
- Feb 2023
bootstrap-vue.org bootstrap-vue.org
برای تعیین نوع اون رنگ به کار میره و خیلی جالبه
با تعیین کردن نوع local میتونی نوع تقویمی که انتخاب کردی را بزنی. جالبه فارسی خیلی خوب handle می کنه.
button-only pr
این prop برای تعیین اینکه بتونی اون متن داخل فیلد را عوض کنی و فقط با زدن اون دکمه اون modal باز بشه
size p
این prop برای تعیین size اون دکمه به کار می رود.
موقع بسته شدن پنجره اطلاعات
موقع ورود اطلاعات
- Jan 2023
hypothes.is hypothes.is假设1
- Dec 2022
archive.pinupmagazine.org archive.pinupmagazine.org
Through her writing Easterling often forces architects to re-envision their role in the making of space around the world, extolling the virtues of knowing how versus knowing what. She also encourages them to consider creating “active forms” — time-released protocols that manage spatial levers, exchanges, and switches — in addition to “object forms,” or what we commonly think of as buildings.
[[Active form]] consist of dispositions that materialize as new forms.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
His note taking technique has a high distraction potential and is time consuming.
highlight from https://www.reddit.com/user/ManuelRodriguez331/ <br /> https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/zigwo3
Anecdotal evidence of how some might view zettelkasten note-taking practices, particularly when they have no end goal or needs in mind.
Form follows function
- Nov 2022
bootstrap-vue.org bootstrap-vue.org
این جا یه مفهومی داره به نام type که خب این میتونه email یا number یا چیزهای مختلفی باشه
- Oct 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
His social theory, developed over thirty years, owes a massive intellectual debt to the work of the English philosopher and mathematician George Spencer-Brown. Spencer-Brown's work of algebraic locic, Laws of Form (1969), was a minor cult hit in the 1970s
- Sep 2022
www.learnwithjason.dev www.learnwithjason.dev
Local file Local file
IntertextsAs Jonathan Culler writes: “Liter-ary works are not to be consideredautonomous entities, ‘organicwholes,’ but as intertextual con-structs: sequences which havemeaning in relation to other textswhich they take up, cite, parody,refute, or generally transform.” ThePursuit of Signs (Ithaca, NY: CornelUniversity Press, 1981), 38.
Throughout Rewriting: How To Do Things With Texts (Utah State University Press, 2006) Joseph Harris presents highlighted sidebar presentations he labels "Intertexts".
They simultaneously serve the functions of footnotes, references, (pseudo-)pull quotes, and conversation with his own text. It's not frequently seen this way, but these intertexts serve the function of presenting his annotations of his own text to model these sorts of annotations and intertextuality which he hopes the reader (student) to be able to perform themselves. He explicitly places them in a visually forward position within the text rather than hiding them in the pages' footnotes or end notes where the audience he is addressing can't possibly miss them. In fact, the reader will be drawn to them above other parts of the text when doing a cursory flip through the book upon picking it up, a fact that underlines their importance in his book's thesis.
This really is a fantastic example of the marriage of form and function as well as modelling behavior.
cc: @remikalir
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there's actually at least one other science fiction book from the 50s written by alice mary norton who used to 00:07:07 write under andre norton pseudonym who talked about a relatively similar concept in the time traders although the idea here was a little bit different here the author explained that pretty much all the signs of modern civilization are going to be completely 00:07:20 erased by the time the next glacial period begins in other words everything you see around you all the cities all the technology every major building every major structure we've ever built will basically be gone there will be no 00:07:33 signs of it left and within just a few million years there will be no one to tell the story and that's of course not really far from the truth as a matter of fact that's exactly what the scientists in this hypothesis propose and explain as well and that's of course why it 00:07:46 makes it so difficult to either prove or disprove this we currently have no idea if any of this is correct here i actually wanted to show you this beautiful illustration by one of the authors we basically have no idea if back in the 00:07:58 day when the dinosaurs were around they also had some kind of a super intelligent species that would drive their own versions of cars have their own versions of smartphones and eventually result in their own demise over time all of this would be gone to 00:08:11 history because of the way that geology works on our planet but in this paper the scientists decided to actually work out any potential ideas or experiments we can conduct on the planet to try to find out if this actually existed and if 00:08:25 it was possible in the past
!- similar to : common speculation of extinct civilization in Earth's history - Many people have thought about this possibility - Planet of the apes storyline was premised on this - Analog in spiritual practice, practicing emptiness and the Heart Sutra - form is emptiness, emptiness is form - individuality is all lost when we die and are endlessly recycled into other parts of the universe
- Aug 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
```js (function () { var html = document.documentElement.innerHTML;
/** * the iframe's onload event is triggered twice: once when appending it to the document, * and once when the form finishes submitting and the new URL is loaded */ var loaded = 0; var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); // unique name, to make sure we don't create any conflicts with other elements on the page iframe.name = 'bookmarklet-' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000) + 1); iframe.style.display = 'none'; iframe.onload = function () { // remove the iframe from the document on the second firing of the onload event if (++loaded == 1) { return; } // you can also alert('Done!') here :) document.body.removeChild(iframe); }; var form = document.createElement('form'); form.method = "POST"; form.action = "http://requestb.in/sbnc0lsb?nocache=" + Math.random(); form.target = iframe.name; var textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); textarea.name = 'source'; textarea.value = html; form.appendChild(textarea); iframe.appendChild(form); document.body.appendChild(iframe); form.submit();
})(); ```
- Jul 2022
www.judithragir.org www.judithragir.org
First we have to understand that the opposites need each other, revolve around each other, actually make one complete dynamic. Form is on the left and emptiness is on the right of the chart. Form needs emptiness and emptiness needs form. They are actually not separated but intellectually we conceive them as separate and opposite.
Explanation of Trungpa Rinpoche's Diamond Sliver
Form and Emptiness need each other to exist and be understood. Let's unpack this. All forms can be broken down further and further into smaller and smaller bits...in the quantum mechanical limits, into emptiness. At the micro level, it is so tiny, it is no longer recognizable as form. And all this quantum mechanical soup is what makes up all forms.
So the above is a statement using science, one perspective, which is also a position so also incomplete.It (science) is also propositional.
- Jun 2022
docs.angularjs.org docs.angularjs.org
Lots of info on form validation
webflow.com webflow.com
Webflow MultiStep Form - DEMO 2
- Webflow Showcase Link: https://webflow.com/website/Advanced-Form-with-Multi-Steps-and-Conditional-Logic
- View in Webflow Designer: Link here
- Live Site Link: https://sketchzlab-test-1.webflow.io
Webflow MultiStep Form - DEMO
- Webflow Showcase Link: https://webflow.com/website/Multi-Step-Form-with-Input-Validation
View In Webflow Designer: Link Here
Live Site Link: https://brota-msf.webflow.io/variant-b
Webflow MultiStep Form - CODE GENERATOR
Live Site: https://advanced-forms.webflow.io/
Github Documentation: https://github.com/brotame/multi-step-form
webflow.com webflow.com
Form Validation
- Webflow Edit Link: https://webflow.com/website/Easy-Form-Validation
- Live Page: https://easy-form-validation.webflow.io/
dogtrax.edublogs.org dogtrax.edublogs.org
I have not been doing deep dive writing about the topics that I have long centered this blog around — teaching, writing, music, art, collaborations, etc.
Maybe it is time to put on the journalist hat and write some long form essays that take a whole summer to write. Perhaps a research paper on teacher 'burnout"? I would love to read that.
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
(20) James 💙 Neill—😷 🇪🇺🇮🇪🇬🇧🔶 on Twitter: “The domain sending that fake NHS vaccine consent hoax form to schools has been suspended. Excellent work by @martincampbell2 and fast co-operation by @kualo 👍 FYI @fascinatorfun @Kit_Yates_Maths @dgurdasani1 @AThankless https://t.co/pbAgNfkbEs” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2021, from https://twitter.com/jneill/status/1442784873014566913
docdrop.org docdrop.org
All of the major books that were to follow – Sade /Fourier / Loyola (1997), The Pleasure of the Text (1975), RolandBarthes by Roland Barthes (1977), A Lover’s Discourse (1990), andCamera Lucida (1993) – are texts that are ‘plural’ and ‘broken’, andwhich are ‘constructed from non-totalizable fragments and fromexuberantly proliferating “details”’ (Bensmaïa, 1987: xxvii-xxxviii).In all of the above cases the fragment becomes the key unit ofcomposition, with each text structured around the arrangement ofmultiple (but non-totalisable) textual fragments.
Does the fact that Barthes uses a card index in his composition and organization influence the overall theme of his final works which could be described as "non-totalizable fragments"?