455 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2018
    1. 2:16

      Well, here I am on YouTube, watching a Hypothes.is video and commenting using it. I'm annotating YouTube, which is pretty open in terms of what people can say in the comments, and almost universally derided as being where the dregs come to say whatever they want, bringing civil discourse along for the ride.

      I believe in freedom of speech and eliminating censorship, but what is it about this new platform that will prevent the problems of the old? Here we are, at the intersection.

    1. they lose more girls because of personal academic strengths,” Geary said. “In more liberal and wealthy countries, personal preferences are more strongly expressed.

      Because girls aren't being forced to do science there are less of them in scientific fields... glad I get to choose my career path!

    1. a loss of personal freedom

      Personal freedom is quite a misconstrued concept. People miss the fact that vaccinations are not as personal as they seem to be. Vaccinations have a significant effect on the population through herd immunity.

      Can someone clarify in general, what the hell is personal freedom?

  2. Nov 2018
    1. Freedom of intramural expression means that teaching personnel is not only allowed to teach according to their knowledge, but that they can take part in the administration of their institutions. This is supported by the freedom of extramural expression, which gives teachers the capacity to share their research outcomes and disseminate the knowledge acquired.

      participation in activities to share research outcomes.

    1. They can spew hate amongst themselves for eternity, but without amplification it won’t thrive.

      This is a key point. Social media and the way it amplifies almost anything for the benefit of clicks towards advertising is one of its most toxic features. Too often the extreme voice draws the most attention instead of being moderated down by more civil and moderate society.

  3. Oct 2018
    1. To interpret bell hook’s definition of “freedom” is to acknowledge that education in its current form advantages or disadvantages people to different degrees. Consider Kimberlé Crenshaw’s definition of intersectionality as a weight or influence originating from systems of power that affect individuals with varying degrees of pressure. From the perspective of intersectionality, schools, curriculum and pedagogy are bound to the same systemic forces that perpetuate systemic inequality. hooks and Friere’s understanding of freedom is an unparalleled level of disruption; it demands a de-centering of the standard narrative within society and education. Despite the best intentions of schools and individual praxis, without an acknowledged and proactive deconstruction of power structures, education cannot deflate the pressure of an oppressive system. “Education as the practice of freedom” demands that self-actualized educators open and centre the conversation and the cannon around marginalised voices and their narratives.
  4. Sep 2018
    1. "The ideas of the First Amendment are not designed to deal with what it took to make the materials [of pornography.]" [5:56-5:59]

    2. "The 'freely choosing women'... As if you've raised a freely choosing black person [who decides to 'freely choose'] to clean toilets. That's the equivalent. You call that freedom. It's called freedom when women choose to do it and it's sex because people believe that sex is free. However, pornography is selling yourself for sex. The idea of money is supposed to make it free. Usually, when people have sex with another person and choose to do it, they're not being paid, it's free because you're not being paid. In other words, this is an arm of prostitution." [NOT VERBATIM] [3:53-4:31]

  5. Aug 2018
    1. Und hier werden Eltern die Kinder weggenommen und sie bekommen gar nichts? Nicht einmal einen Zettel?«

      how can this be possible and legal in a western democracy? how bad are we allowing our world of men to still become?

  6. Jul 2018
  7. Jun 2018
    1. An FOI request involves a written query for records, a submission fee

      I disgaree to the idea of associated fees for requesting government information because this can be a potential barrier to the freedom of information ideology. I think everyone should enjoy this freedom regardless of their economic status.

  8. Apr 2018
    1. Nay if we may openly speak the Truth and as becomes one Man to another; neither Pagan, nor Mahumetan, [59] nor Jew, ought to be excluded from the Civil Rights of the Commonwealth, because of his Religion.158

      I was taken by just how clearly Locke, in the 17th century, speaks in support of religious diversity and a separation between church and state (I highlighted many remarks and passages in this work). This will be a powerful document to allow students to read in conjunction with the first amendment.

  9. Jan 2018
  10. doc-0o-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-0o-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com
    1. t]here is one Internet, which should remain open for consumers and innovators alike, although it maybe accessed through different technologies and services.

      Internet should remain open to everyone.

    2. There is more that I would have liked in this Order. Iwould have preferred a general ban to discourage broadband providers fromengaging in “payfor priority”—prioritizing the traffic of those with deep pockets while consigning the rest of us to a slower, second-class Internet.

      Where should the FCC draw the line between protecting rights and controlling every aspect of the internet?

    3. turning point in the struggle to ensure the continued openness of the Internet against powerful gatekeeper control.

      Net Neutrality established to keep internet open and safe from monopoly.

  11. doc-0g-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-0g-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com
    1. the FCC’s 2015 heavy-handed utility-style regulation of broadband Internet access service, which imposed substantial costs on the entire Internet ecosystem.

      All internet users were being either overcharged or undercharged for the amount of internet that they were making use of.

    2. The Federal Communications Commission today voted to restore the longstanding, bipartisan light-touch regulatory framework that has fostered rapid Internet growth, openness, and freedom for nearly 20 years.

      This is the main point of the article which explains how the FCC is changing the jurisdiction of internet usage and consumerism.

  12. Nov 2017
    1. individual action shall leave us free to do whatever does not violate the equal rights of another.

      In this annotation, though I understand there is a contradictory aspect of this statement, (given UVa's history of gender and racial exclusion) that’s not where I’d like to focus. Rather, I ask, existentially, are there harms to societal freedom? Currently, our society values the idea of being an individual more and more. According to the famous sociologist Peter L. Berger, modern society's concept of dignity is reliant on an individual emancipating himself from certain societal rules. Our society's thirst for uniqueness can be seen as harmful. Later in the report, Jefferson writes about how molding individuals into habits of reflection will “render them examples of virtue to others & of happiness within themselves.” But, now I ask, is our modern day search for “dignity” getting in the way of what other’s consider virtuous? Increasingly people feel loneliness and estrangement from themselves and society. Can there be too much freedom?

    2. instil into them the precepts of virtue & order.

      I selected this excerpt because it is rare for an institution to prioritize the successful instillment of virtue & order. UVa's student led honor system, similar to the precepts of virtue and order, is a malleable form of governance that changes over time. Other institutions have cheating policies and varieties of regulations, but UVa's untaught loyalty to honor creates a sense of trust that is unmatched. Precepts are normally societal rules that regulate behaviors and thoughts; however, though it is similar, our UVa community determines our precepts. This power instills students with dignity, which leads to internal acceptance of our society's virtues; rather than the confinement experienced by other individuals who aren't granted governance.

    1. Perhaps a future with great user experience in AR, VR, hands-free commerce and knowledge sharing could evoke an optimistic perspective for what these tech giants are building. But 25 years of the Web has gotten us used to foundational freedoms that we take for granted. We forget how useful it has been to remain anonymous and control what we share, or how easy it was to start an internet startup with its own independent servers operating with the same rights GOOG servers have. On the Trinet, if you are permanently banned from GOOG or FB, you would have no alternative.
  13. Sep 2017
    1. the benefits & blessings of which the legislature now propose to provide for the good

      The authors of the Rockfish Gap Report affirm that religious worship is not conducive to a truly liberal arts education, going so far as to propose "no professor of Divinity." Yet religious language is smatter throughout the document (such as "blessings," "faithfulness," and "religious worship.") In the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom which Thomas Jefferson also drafted, it is written,"all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities." In this way, the assertions of both texts are consistent, but the biases of the authors are apparent in their use of religious language. This demonstrates that a collective view of what a society should be is not necessarily reflected in individual beliefs.

    1. Even if government may (and perhaps must) monitor and regulate the way that drugs or TMS devices affect our health and safety, there may be aspects of the way we use such cognitive enhancement tools that should be reserved by the Constitution (or perhaps through other means) solely for free and unrestricted individual choice.

      Except mind altering drugs often affect more than the individual themselves. Autonomy out to give way, in instances like these, to the greater public good/safety. Our choices always affect more than just ourselves.

    2. Thus, the Court has drawn on the Constitution—and specifically its “due process” requirements and the safeguards they raise against arbitrary restrictions on bodily freedom—to assure that government does not impose such treatment on prisoners or mental patients without powerful reasons.

      This is false. For instance, there are countless documented cases in which the state has forcibly sterilized prisoners or used unwilling sterilization as a means of obtaining early parole for segments of the population deemed lesser (i.e., women of color, poor people, etc.)

    3. Indeed, as noted earlier, one well-known thought-enhancement technology is written language itself and perhaps use of language more generally. As Levy writes, “speech does not merely allow us to articulate thoughts that we would have had in any case. Instead, it allows us to externalize our thoughts and thereby treat them as objects for contemplation and manipulation. Externalized thoughts can be worked over, criticized, and improved.”21:38-39

      This is an interesting concept, particularly with regards to writing, because many people, myself included, think as they write. I often times do not even really know what I think about a topic until I start writing about it. Essays, for example, are usually difficult to start, but I end up figuring out what my argument is by the end because the process of writing itself has allowed me to think through the subject in a way normal biological cognition would not normally allow me to.

  14. May 2017
  15. Mar 2017
    1. before they stuck a concrete university here.

      boxes natural movement learning freedom

    2. I was loving teaching as never before. I was experiencing less and less frustration doing what I loved.

      Identity Self-directed learning. Emotion

    1. What I do know is that I get the very distinct feeling that certain systems I use are not convivial. Google+, Facebook, WordPress, Twitter while full of humans, feel closed, feel like templates to be filled in not spaces to be lived in. Hence, the need for outsiders more than ever to raise the question especially in this week of connected courses where we are talking about the why of why.


      Very much depends from which perspective we are looking.

      This is absolutely key.

  16. Dec 2016
    1. he world needs the truth you have within yourself. The world cannot give it to you. But once you give it, the world will bear witness to Knowledge because Knowledge is everywhere. A mind without fear can see this. A mind with fear can only see its own thoughts and interpretations. It is not free to see or to know. It is out of relationship with life. Your life must be beyond this world for you to experience this because you are here such a short time. It is very important, then, to think about your life beyond the world.
    2. the third level of education requires profound honesty. It asks that you become a person who can look at life objectively with honesty and consistency. You are not trying to be a wonderful person now; you are not trying to be a villain, either. You're not even trying "to be." You are freed from the attempt to be someone. This is the greatest freedom you can experience in life. In a way, the quest to be someone has to be relinquished before you can be someone. Knowledge does not require that you become exemplary according to your standards. You cannot say, "I am going to use Knowledge to get more of this or less of that," because Knowledge is the Master in your life. It is moving you. You have set sails, and God is now blowing you across the world.
    1. Proctor: Against you? PuTNAM: Against him and all authority! PRoctoR: Why, then I must find it and join it.

      Proctor openly admits his disdain for Parris and the structure of Salem, making him an easy target for those looking for a scapegoat for the town's problems.

    2. Abigail: Oh,-we’’ll be whipped! Mary Warren: I never done none of it, Abby. I only looked! Mercy, moving menacingly toward Mary: Oh, you’’re a great one for lookin’’, aren’’t you, Mary Warren? What a grand peeping courage you have!

      Abigail and Mercy are trying to prevent Mary from confessing by creating a group mentality; they all acted together, and therefore either none or all will suffer the consequences.

  17. Sep 2016
    1. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn GooglePlus jQuery(document).ready(function() { "use strict"; $ = jQuery; var decal = $('.c-socialbar-cta:not(.horizontal)').parent().width(); $('.c-socialbar-cta:not(.horizontal)').css({'margin-left':decal+5}); $('.c-socialbar-cta:not(.horizontal)').fadeIn(); $(window).scroll(function() { socialbar.scroll(); }); }); var socialbar = (function(jQuery) { var timeOutId = 0; var jitterBuffer = 20; return { scroll:function() { var offset = $('.c-socialbar-cta:not(.horizontal)').parent().offset(); var top = offset.top -150; //alert(offset.top); if ($(window).scrollTop() > top) { $('.c-socialbar-cta:not(.horizontal)').addClass('fixed'); } else { $('.c-socialbar-cta:not(.horizontal)').removeClass('fixed'); } } }; })(); Message from the president: 'This is a victory for academic freedom'
    1. "The university is thankful that the tireless efforts of governments, diplomats and colleagues across Canada and internationally were successful. The Concordia community — in particular faculty and staff members and unions — played a critical role in securing her release. This is a victory for academic freedom."
  18. Jul 2016
    1. The freedom and belief that you poured into those accomplishments, it’s a source that can  be transferred into other areas, after all, that is a belief system. One that is controllable. If you can reveal that source of power, you can literally direct it into everything you need to deal with.
  19. Mar 2016
    1. See Figure 1, below, for an example of the view from a starting spawn point in Minecraft — a pleasant morning on a sandy beach, with virtually no instruction as to what to do next

      This is off-putting to some of us, but I guess a lot of young people like the freedom of being able to get lost in such a world without "instruction."

  20. Dec 2015
    1. Some of the reasons we need to keep the Internet free and open:

      • free and open education
      • spreading of good ideas
      • participatory democracy
      • cooperation and collaboration
      • diversification of news sources
      • connections among citizens everywhere

      (This article already has 324 responses.)

    1. Take the net neutrality law in Europe. It's terrible, but people are happy and go like "it could be worse.” That is absolutely not the right attitude. Facebook brings the internet to Africa and poor countries, but they’re only giving limited access to their own services and make money off of poor people. And getting government grants to do that, because they do PR well.

      Interview with Peter Sunde, co-founder of file-sharing site The Pirate Bay. (He was incarcerated for one year after they were convicted of assisting copyright infringement.) "We have already lost." he says. "Well, we don't have an open Internet. We haven't had an open Internet for a long time."

      I'm not as pessimistic. But we are too complacent. A free Internet will contribute to a free society and democracy. A closed Internet will contribute to oppression and plutocracy. We need to fight the tendency toward devices that give the user little control. We need more open source hardware, nonprofit maker spaces, and cooperatives. We need to work on alternative Internets.

  21. Oct 2015
    1. The freedom to make and remake our cities and ourselves is, I want to argue, one of the most precious yet most neglected of our human rights.

      This seems to be Harvey's thesis and what he plans to argue for throughout his piece. He is arguing for our freedom and its relationship with our built environment.

  22. Sep 2015
    1. In the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, for example, where universities are under effective control of neoliberal states, academic freedom has no legal standing

      This doesn't seem to me to be accurate. The UK's Education Reform Act of 1988 sec 2(a), still in force as far as I know, is written in law "to ensure that academic staff have freedom within the law to question and test received wisdom, and to put forward new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions, without placing themselves in jeopardy of losing their jobs or privileges they may have at their institutions;"


  23. Apr 2015
    1. There are probably other characteristics or dimensions of educational media that might also be identified, but three key characteristics or dimensions are particularly important: broadcast vs communicative synchronous (live) vs asynchronous (recorded) single vs rich media
      • degrees of freedom, which people enjoy or lack depending on the technological solutions used for specific tasks (compare a computer game environment and online banking environment)

      see Evgeniy Morozov, To Save Everything Click Here, chapter 6.

  24. Jan 2015
    1. It seemed clear to me that this framing of Internet freedom as a pillar of US foreign policy threatened to undermine whatever potential the new tools and platform had for creating an alternative public sphere

      But what is that potential, does it really exist?

  25. Nov 2014
  26. thewebmustdie.com thewebmustdie.com
    1. There is also another America, inside of your pocket and on my desk, a series of tubes as it were.

      Future-oriented nostalgia - the great longing of cybertarians :D

    1. Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.

      Still trying to grasp the implications. Anybody else studying this?

  27. Feb 2014
    1. Its purpose was to give them, the lords and masters, the freedom to do as they pleased with their property, their servants and their slaves. Echoes of Magna Carta could be heard even in post-revolutionary America and they may resolve the puzzle of how, in the US, the loudest voices for liberty came from slave-owners.

      Wish I could remember ref now: apparently there's evidence that more capricious government officials meant less capricious slavemasters -- even random actions by capricious officials would sometimes protect slaves, while restrained officials never would.

    2. Meanwhile, in his Rhetoric (1367a) he defines a free man (eleutheros) as a masterless person who needs obey no one because he does not depend on having to produce or sell anything.

      interesting definition

    1. Autonomy, or individual freedom, is the second value that I sug- gest can be substantially served by increasing the portion of our in- formation environment that is a commons and by facilitating non- market production. Autonomy means many things to many people, and some of these conceptions are quite significantly opposed to oth- ers. Nonetheless, from an autonomy perspective the role of the indi- vidual in commons-based production is superior to property-based production almost regardless of the conception one has of that value.