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- public
- contact
- tracking technology
- privacy-encroaching policy
- social distancing
- United Kingdom
- lang:en
- co-location tracking
- COVID-19
- time limited
- is:preprint
- infected
- antibodies
- public acceptance
- immunity passport
- health agencies
- UK
- willingness
- opt-out clause
- widespread acceptance
- Aug 2020
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- modeling
- complex network
- forecast
- contact tracing
- transmission dynamics
- pharmaceutical
- computational modeling
- policy
- lang:en
- superspreading
- COVID-19
- containment measures
- public health
- isolation
- challenge
- epidemiology
- antibody testing
- open data
- is:article
- prediction
- infection
- quarentine
- emergency
- mathematics
- China
- intervention
- war time