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ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 20). @timcolbourn @OmicronData I’m sorry but I genuinely do not see how this is a response to what I said about the presuppositions in the ‘delay framing’? This reply is about your views on disease burden, not -as mine is- how choice of terminology implicitly shapes the argument space [Tweet]. @i. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1484191657318879234
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Pimenta, Dominic, Christian Yates, Christina Pagel, and Deepti Gurdasani. ‘Delaying the Second Dose of Covid-19 Vaccines’. BMJ 372 (18 March 2021): n710. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n710.
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- strategy
- vaccination
- vaccine
- dose
- policy
- international
- UK
- isolated
- protection
- is:news
- confidence
- delay
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- population
- government
- public