- Jan 2023
microformats.org microformats.org
Reminder to revisit this to write a related essay
Wiki is better than email http://microformats.org/wiki/wiki-better-than-email
See also: https://www.gwern.net/Backstop#internet-community-design
- Jul 2022
app.kittl.com app.kittl.com
- May 2022
badge.design badge.design
This looks like the sort of tool that @cogdog or the DS106 crowd would appreciate.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>gRegor Love</span> in David Shanske was awarded the First Time Eating an Ear of Corn at Homebrew Website Club badge on May 18, 2022. Context: pretty self-explanatory. :) When David said it was the first time he had eaten an ear of corn at Homebrew Website Club, I said I would make the badge for him. I used https://badge.design/ to throw this together. — gRegorLove.com (<time class='dt-published'>05/23/2022 00:38:31</time>)</cite></small>
- Feb 2022
Local file Local file
Working with the slip-box, therefore, doesn’t mean storinginformation in there instead of in your head, i.e. not learning. On thecontrary, it facilitates real, long-term learning
The forms of thinking, writing, and elaboration that go into creating permanent notes for a slip box are natural means of facilitating actual, long-term learning.
The slip-box provides not only a clear structure to work in, but also forces usto shift our attention consciously as we can complete tasks inreasonable time before moving on to the next one.
Ahrens provides a quick overview of some research on distraction, attention, and multi-tasking to make the point that:
The simple structure and design of the zettelkasten forces one's focus and attention on small individual tasks that cumulatively build into better thinking and writing.
(Summary of Section 9.2)
A good structure is something you can trust. It relieves you fromthe burden of remembering and keeping track of everything. If youcan trust the system, you can let go of the attempt to hold everythingtogether in your head and you can start focusing on what isimportant:
Whether it's for writing, to do lists, or other productivity spaces, a well designed system is something that one can put their absolute trust into. This allows one to free themselves from the burden of tracking and dealing with minutiae so they can get serious work done.
- Dec 2021
- Oct 2021
leancanvas.bldrs.co leancanvas.bldrs.co
Lean Canvas
For the builders collective, I created some tools that are open source and useful for design and social architecture. Other projects are coding challenges to experiment with what is possible on the web.
This experiment is based on the Lean Canvas, based on the Business Model Canvas from the book Business Model Generation.
Type in the grey box at the top of the page. Click or tap in the boxes to add the text as a box in each section of the Lean Canvas. Click on the box to delete.
There is no save functionality, so be sure to take a screenshot. Or roll your own by using the code on Codepen and GitHub.
- Jul 2021
maps.stamen.com maps.stamen.com
- Mar 2021
html5up.net html5up.netHTML5 UP1
@ajlkn has several related projects including this one:
Might be an interesting experiment to make one or more of them IndieWeb friendly and create a set up to dovetail one or more of them in with the GitHub pages set up.
- Nov 2020
material.io material.io
Material is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design
- Sep 2020
svelte.dev svelte.dev
Because Svelte is a compiler, we're not bound to the peculiarities of JavaScript: we can design a component authoring experience, rather than having to fit it around the semantics of the language.
ad-hocactivity management system
Is this a tool that can be incorporated into the PCS, around which the players' (and specific roles) coordinate their activities....?
- Jun 2020
jonathanstray.com jonathanstray.com
News can no longer be (only) about the mass update. Stories need to be targeted to those who might be able to improve the situation. And journalism’s products — which are more than its stories — must be designed to facilitate this. News needs to be built to engage curiosity about the world and the problems in it — and their solutions. People need to get lost in the news like they now get lost in Wikipedia and Facebook. There must be comprehensive stories that get the interested but uninformed up to speed quickly. Search and navigation must be improved to the point where satisfaction of curiosity is so easy it becomes a reflex. Destination news sites need to be more extensively hyperlinked than almost anything else (and not just insincere internal links for SEO, but links that are actually useful for the user.) The news experience needs to become intensely personal. It must be easy for users to find and follow exactly their interests, no matter how arcane. Journalists need to get proficient at finding and engaging the audience for each story. And all of this has to work across all modes of delivery, so it’s always with us. Marketers understand this; it’s amazing to me that the news industry has been so slow to catch on to multi-modal engagement.
everything would work perfectly if we had all of these and people are actually rational and diligent with infinite resource.
numinous.productions numinous.productions
Note that we are not making the common argument that making new tools can lead to new subject matter insights for the toolmaker, and vice versa. This is correct, but is much weaker than what we are saying. Rather: making new tools can lead to new subject matter insights for humanity as a whole (i.e., significant original research insights), and vice versa, and this would ideally be a rapidly-turning loop to develop the most transformative tools.
- Dec 2019
- Nov 2019
www.opm.gov www.opm.gov
Training and Development Policy Wiki
This webpage, under the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) .gov site, provides an extensive list of technology resources that can be and have been implemented into a variety of employee deveolpment programs. These tools allow for more personalized learning, active participation, collaboration, and communication.In the first section of the site, examples of Web 2.0 tools are listed that can promote collaboration and constructive learning. You can also find technologies that are used in specific sectors, such as the Federal Government and the Private Sector. Clicking on the links redirects you to additional resources on the tech tools, including how to use them effectively and professionally for employee training. Rating 10/10
- Mar 2019
www.schrockguide.net www.schrockguide.net
This page is not necessarily attractive to look at but it is a thorough presentation of various features of infographics. Features are organized by topic and generally presented as a bulleted list. The focus of the page is how to use infographics for assessment; however, the page is useful to those who wish to learn how to create infographics and to identify the software tools that can be used to create them easily. Rating 4/5
- Apr 2015
thegrid.io thegrid.io
Do you need to learn code to use The Grid? No coding is required to use The Grid. Just do what you're already doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Post images, video, and content to your site and our AI Designer will make it beautiful. If you know code, you can extend functionality using our platform tools and API.
Coding skills are a plus but not necessary. Accessibility!...