- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I don't think you can prove it but I wonder if what what it would feel like I think is is um synchronicity
for - topic for further research - higher level of living system - indicator of - Micheal Levin - synchronicity
Adjacency - between - Jordan Hall / Michael Levin conversation - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - lower level indicator of higher level - enlightenment / awakening Frederico Faggin experience - meditation - adjacency statement - Federico Faggin's experience of inter level awareness was - his profound awakening experience transcending even oneness - That was an indicator event that shattered his belief that he was alone, shuttered in existential isolation - and showed him that he was a part of a much larger system - In general, at the level of humans and human consciousness, - awakening and enlightenment experiences described throughout human history in many different - times and - places - could be interpreted as reaching upwards to a higher level in our lower level cognitive light cone
- adjacency -Jordan Hall / Michael Levin conversation - hyperobject - cognitive light cone - lower level indicator of higher level - enlightenment /awakening - Frederico Faggin experience - meditation
- topic for further research - higher level of living system - indicator of - Micheal Levin - synchronicity
- Jun 2024
The foregoing examples illustrate various forms topics take according to thedifferent kinds of subjects they propose for discussion. Some deal with the natureof a thing or its definition, some with its qualities or attributes, some with itscauses, and some with its kinds; some deal with distinctions or differences, andsome with comparisons or contrasts; some propose a general theory for considera-tion, some present a problem, and some state an Issue. Some— such as the lastthree above —are difficult to characterize by any formula.
The complexity of the topic is determined by the content of the discussion the topic is about.
It is easier to say what a topic is not, than what it is or should be. If it mustalways be a less determinate expression than a sentence, and if it must usually be amore complex expression than a single word or pair of words (which are theverbal expression of terms, such as the great ideas), it would seem to follow thatthe proper expression of a topic is a phrase— often, perhaps, a fairly elaboratephrase involving a number of terms and signifying a number of possible relationsbetween them. This general description of the grammatical form of a topic docsnot, however, convey an adequate notion of the extraordinary variety of possi-ble phrasings.
To me, it seems that Adler et al., are arguing that a topic should be stated as a phrase with varying degrees of complexity, determined by ?
For example, “The ideal of the educated man’"(Education la) is a simple topic; “The right to property: the ownership of themeans of production” (Labor 7b) is a complex topic; and “The use and criticismof the intellectual tradition: the sifting of truth from erroi; the reaction againstthe authority of the past” (Progress 6c) is a more complex topic.
Some examples of topics that are formulated and used in the original syntopicon.
A topic, in short, must have greater amplitude than any other logical form ofstatement. The familiar grammatical forms of the declarative or interrogativesentence, or even the complex sentence w'hich expresses a dilemma, arc there-fore inappropriate for the statement of topics. Since it must be able to includeall these and more, the statement of a topic must be less determinate in verbalstructure.
A topic should never be suggestive, for it would not be a topic in that way.
A topic is essentially a*sub)ect for discussion. The Greek word topos from which**topic^’ is derived literally means a place. Its literal meaning is retained in suchEnglish words as “topography” and “topology,” which signify the study ofphysical or geometrical places. The conception of a topic as a subject for discus’-sion is a metaphorical extension of this root meaning. A topic is a logical place; itis a place where minds meet to consider some common problem or theme.The minds may agree or disagree; they may argue the matter from differentpoints of view; they may contribute to the discussion in a variety of ways — byoffering examples, by proposing definitions or hypotheses, by stating analyses orarguments, by debating what has already been said, or by advancing a new view.But whatever form each contribution takes, it must be relevant, though it neednot be relevant in the same way or to the same degree. The various contributionsare relevant to each other through their relevance to the common theme orproblem, and this gives unity to the variety of things being said.A topic, then, is a place where minds meet through being relevant to a commonsubject of discussion. It is a place at which an intelligible exchange of thought,insight, or opinion can occur.
A topic is a place where minds meet for discussion.
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
In den Ländern, die sich in Paris 2015 einer Initiative gegen das Verbrennen von nicht genutztem Erdgas (flaring) angeschlossen hatten, wird das Verbrennen mit offener Flamme oft nur durch Verbrennung in geschlossenen Anlagen ersetzt, wie eine investigative journalistische Recherche ergab. Die Menge der Emissionen sinkt dadurch nicht wesentlich, aber diese Anlagen sind für Satelliten nicht äußerlich erkennbar. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/may/02/methane-emissions-gas-flaring-hidden-satellite-monitors-oil-gas
Ressourcen für die Recherche zu Methan-Emissionen: https://gijn.org/resource/new-tools-investigate-methane-emissions/
- by: Tim Brown
- actor: Ineos
- NGO: Earthworks
- data source: Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
- institution: Zero Routine Flaring 2030 initiative
- expert: Zubin Bamji
- event: Investigative Research about methane emissions April 2024
- 2024-05-02
- expert: Tim Doty
- actor: Fulcrum Energy Capital Funds
- by: Christina Last
- institution: Carbon Mapper
- expert: Eric Kort
- process: methane reduction
- actor: ArcelorMittal
- NGO: Arena Climate Network
- NGO: Carbon Mapper
- institution: World Bank
- topic: flaring
- institution: Journalismfund Europe
- Apr 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Seit dem 7. März 2022 – seit genau einem Jahr – werden an über der Oberfläche des Nordatlantik Rekordtemperaturen gemessen, seit dem 14. März über den Weltmeeren insgesamt. Auch der Standard-Artikel geht auf verschiedene Erklärungsversuche (u.a. weniger Schiffsemissionen, El Niño, Vulkanausbruch) ein, die aber nicht ausreichen, um das Ausmaß der Anomalie zu verstehen. Der Meeresspiegel steigt derzeit auch wegen der Ausdehnung durch Erwärmung um 5 cm pro Jahrzehnt. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000210458/weltmeere-verzeichnen-au223ergew246hnliche-w228rmerekorde
Chart bei Climate Reananalyzer: https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_monthly/
- Leon Simons
- Alfred-Wegener-Institut
- 2024-03-06
- topic: temperature records
- North Atlantic
- Climate Reanalyzer
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- sea surface temperature
- Anders Levermann
- Geomar-Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung
- Helge Gößling
- Brian McNoldy
- Mojib Latif
- El Niño
- Nov 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Auf den Öl- und Gasfeldern der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, darunter vielen, die der staatlichen Gesellschaft Adnoc gehören, wurde in den vergangenen 20 Jahren in großem Umfang routinemäßig Gas abgefackelt, was zu hohen Methanemissionen führt. Die Emirate hatten sich verpflichtet, das Abfackeln schnell zu reduzieren. Die dieser Selbstverpflichtung krass widersprechende Praxis gilt bei NGO als weiterer Beleg dafür, dass Selbstverpflichtungen der Fossilindustrie nicht getraut werden kann. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/17/cop28-host-uae-breaking-its-own-ban-on-routine-gas-flaring-data-showsactor
- topic: LNG
- expert: Pascoe Sabido
- by: Damian Carrington
- topic: gas flaring
- expert: Zubin Bamji
- actor: Dubai Petroleum
- actor: Sultan Al Jaber
- NGO: Kick Big Polluters Out
- institution: Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (Crea).
- NGO: Corporate Europe Observatory
- 2023-11-17
- expert: Paul Balcombe
- topic: Methane emissions
- expert: Hubert Thieriot
- country: UAE
- institution: World Bank
- actor: Adnoc
- Sep 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
China steigert die Produktion von Strom aus Kohle weiter. Im Augenblick wird pro Woche eine zusätzliche Kohleverbrennung genehemigt, die ca. 2 durchschnittlichen Kraftwerken entspricht. Diese Entwicklung steht im Widerspruch zu den offiziellen Klimazielen Chinas. Das Hauptziel ist dabei offensichtlich kurzfristige Energiesicherheit. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/29/china-coal-plants-climate-goals-carbon
- Jan 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Singh Chawla, D. (2022). Massive open index of scholarly papers launches. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00138-y
- Sep 2020
80000hours.org 80000hours.org
Koehler, A. and Lempel, H. (2020, August27). Researchquestionsthatcouldhaveabigsocialimpact,organisedby discipline. https://80000hours.org/articles/research-questions-by-discipline/
- Jul 2020
Stathoulopoulos, K. (2020, March 17). Orion: An open-source tool for the science of science. Medium. https://medium.com/@kstathou/orion-an-open-source-tool-for-the-science-of-science-4259935f91d4
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Golino, H., Christensen, A. P., Moulder, R. G., Kim, S., & Boker, S. M. (2020, April 14). Modeling latent topics in social media using Dynamic Exploratory Graph Analysis: The case of the right-wing and left-wing trolls in the 2016 US elections. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tfs7c