- Jan 2025
www.meaningcrisis.co www.meaningcrisis.co
Religio is… I'm using it in a spiritual sense, [in] the sense of a pre-egoic, ultimately a post-egoic, binding that simultaneously grounds the self and its world.
for - definition - religio - John Vervaeke - means to bind together, to connect. Here it is used in the sense of binding that simultanously grounds the self and its world - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke
- Nov 2024
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
2023 wurde mit 55,5 Milliarden Fass Öläquivalent so viel Öl und Gas gefördert wie nie zuvor. 578 Unternehmen arbeiten daran, durch zusätzliche Förderstätten weitere 240 Milliarden Fass zu produzieren, obwohl zur Einhaltung des 1,5 Grad-Ziels keine Förderkapazitäten mehr aufgebaut werden dürfen. Zu den Unternehmen mit den größten Expansionsplänen gehört die an der OMV beteiligte Adnoc. Die Zahlen sind - neben vielen weiteren z.B. zur LNG-Expansion - in der aktualisierten Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel) der NGO Urgewald enthalten https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000244513/weltweite-oel-und-gasfoerderung-erreichte-2023-ein-allzeithoch
- Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
- 2023
- Gazprom
- Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel)
- Total Energies
- Qatar Energy
- Romgaz
- Aramco
- LNG Expansion
- Willow Project
- Snam
- Tree Energy Solution
- Urgewald
- Conoco-Phillips
- date:: 2024-11-12
- author:: Günther.Strobl
- New Fortress Energy
- GRTgaz
- Adnoc
- Gas Connect Austria
- OMV Petrom
- ExxonMobil
- Deutsche Energy Terminal
- Petrobras
- Nils Bartsch
- Apr 2024
We often expect students to just know what makes a good essay, a good drawing, or a good science project, so we don't articulate our standards for them. If that child's teacher supplied written expectations—maybe in the form of a rubric—she would have known what counts, and she would have been able to do better work. That little girl needed help figuring out what the grades "count on."
Connect: Yes! This was a big revelation for me. I had created a writing assignment for my 8th grade ELA class, created worksheets, a vocabulary page, a graphic organizer to assist them with completing the assignment, and some students still were not 100% clear on expectations and directions. I learned that the more specific and simple your can break down your expectations and instructions, the better off you'll be in the long run.
Instructional rubrics make teachers' expectations very clear.
Connect: From my experience planning lessons for our DTAR fieldwork, I found that even though the instructions and directions for an assignment were clear to me, sometimes the students may struggle with interpreting the expectations and directions or have questions you may not have thought of
I describe four levels of quality but do not give them labels. In my experience, satisfactory labels are hard to come by, and it is obvious at a glance that a 4 is what everyone should try to achieve and a 1 is something to avoid.
Connect: I like this approach of using numbers versus labels like "satisfactory" because it makes understanding the rubric much more tangible for the student in terms of points value and it removes the stigma of labelling something "poor" or "unsatisfactory" because a student can try their best but not meet the mark for one reason or another.
Instructional rubrics help teachers teach as well as evaluate student work.
Connect: I never knew rubrics can be a teaching tool as well as an evaluation tool.
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
A single-point rubric is a lot like an analytic rubric, because it breaks down the components of an assignment into different criteria.
Connect: I cannot remember when I ever came across a single-point rubric before.
To make feedback even more targeted, you could also highlight specific phrases in the rubric, like, “the recipient is crowded during the meal” to indicate exactly what went wrong.
Connect: I remember in school receiving feedback with highlighted parts of the rubric indicated what impacted my score.
- Feb 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Vertreter der Austrian Gas Grid Management AG setzen sich für mehr Gasförderung in Österreich ein, weil angeblich die österreichische Gasversorgung sonst nicht gesichert ist. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205505/versorgungslage-bei-gas-bleibt-in-oesterreich-bis-auf-weiteres-kritisch
- Jan 2024
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
In Österreich verzögert sich der geplante Ausbau der Wes-Ost-Verbindung der Westaustria-Gasleitung mit der Begründung der Betreiber, dass sich aufgrund der Klimaziele das Projekt möglicherweise nicht amortisieren werde. Im Standard-Artikel dazu wird diese Begründung nicht ernst genommen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000201330/in-oberoesterreich-fehlt-eine-enorm-wichtige-pipeline-warum-besteht-diese-luecken
- Dec 2023
developers.google.com developers.google.com
- Nov 2023
developers.cloudflare.com developers.cloudflare.com
Cloudflare Access has a generic OpenID Connect (OIDC) connector to help you integrate IdPs not already set in Access.
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled1
ome friends have an uncanny flairfor gifts—choosing and giving them.
I am such a big giver of gifts. I see things in stores all the time and immediatly think of one of my loved ones. I look to see if my friends ears are pierced and keep it in mind for later, just in case I want to get them jewlery. I make notes app lists for potential gifts for loved ones, months after their birthdays.
- May 2023
Whenpractical experience in a garden and kitchen are woven into the curriculum (notsimply added as gravy atop “real” curricular work), students may better understandthe loop of growth, maturity, decline, death, and decay.
Right, and this also relates to the book Overworking. In overworking, the author discusses how there was more of a life-work balance pre-industrialism, and as such would include breaks for human necessity (here being gardening and cooking)
Obviously many specific aims of education are set and defined by our eco-nomic infrastructure, such as the demand for great precision in STEM areas
Yes! And this is very similar to what Deresiewcz has to say about the purpose of higher education; because certain market demands (STEM) are prioritized and seen as "better" areas of study, arts and creative interventions are seen as more motivated by naievete
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled2
Human resources practitioners may choose to include the administra-tion of motivational profiles as part of the employee recruitment and se-lection processes. There are valid and reliable instruments that take littletime to complete and are self scoring available for purchase.
This reminds me of some job applications I fill out, where they require you to fill out a questionarre about your personality and work habits. They are not even related to the job most of the time, but they are intended to gauge a potential employees personality and work ethic.
some hospitality industry managers believe inhiring for “attitude” and training for knowledge and skills.
This is very true! When I first got hired at Jamba juice, my boss told me "You can teach anyone to do the job. I hire based on people's personalities. You can teach anyone to make smoothies, but you can't teach genuine connection. That's something you just have to have."
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled5
CONNECT: Wages in animation; how the one team of animators was underpaid, so now all animators are underpaid because they have that to compare it to
It absolutely has. We do not have much time for leisure and living our own lives now, as Seneca attests
fmore workhadbeenavailable,itisnotobviousthatmanypeoplewouldhavetakenit.
Connect: hiring crises? understaffed?
Consciousnessoftimewasmuch looser—andtimehadmuchlesseconomicvalue.?
connect: seneca Not only this, but they likely used their time more for living than for working. Now we live to work.
- Apr 2023
via3.hypothes.is via3.hypothes.is
People who behave like that, E. M. Forster has a character remark,are incapable of saying I. They cannot even say I want, "because 'Iwant' must lead to the question 'Who am I?'" So they only say want,without the/: ''want money," "want mansion," "want Harvard."
Learning in college that you're allowed to say "I" in essays; that it is not an egregious grammer rule, but instead a societal writing "superstition"
what is the good life and how 'should I live it?
Coming into college as an undeclared major
Nec-essary pains and troubles-helicopter parents, and those who wishto play it safe in general, take note.)
CONNECT: my 7th grade science teacher tells a story where when she was a kid, she really wanted to pick roses. Her mother told her not to pick roses, that they have thorns, but she would not listen. Instead of forcing her to not pick the roses, her mother allows her to do so, to which she eventually pricks her finger and bursts into tears. Although perhaps she had to suffer temporary pain, she learned a lesson, one that she did not easily forget (as exemplified by the fact she still tells it decades later)
Our lessons can be learned by pain.
he echoed your opinions back to you or fCJrced you toarticulate them for y~t1rs~lf.
When you must articulate your thoughts, it helps you better understand them. To explain something, rather than feel it, necessitates a fuller understanding.
Connect (weak): Teaching something helps you remember things
the na"ivete of wanting tolearn things just because you're curious about them.
CONNECT: Many have asked me what I plan to do with my major. I truly have not figured it out yet. I simply chose my areas of study because I found them most interesting, and I wanted to improve my skills. I was curious about them, which is why they are now my primary areas of study.
more than theacquisition of marketable skills, and you are more than your abilityto contribute to your employer's bottom line or the nation's GDP, nomatter what the rhetoric of politicians or executives .would have youthink.
CONNECT: Vi not pursuing art because it is not as lucrative/sure as psycology
Yes! I feel as if the systematic pressure of capitalism are what stresses one to feel they must just lean into what's more lucrative or marketable.
web.stanford.edu web.stanford.edu
ust so, for no reason.Beyond and besides that there was nothing.
Diane Nguyen, Bojack Horseman. "Because if I don't [write about my trauma], that means that all the damage I got isn't good damage, it's just damage. I have gotten nothing out of it, and all those years I was miserable was for nothing.
" Why have You done all this? Why have You brought me here?Why, why do You torment me so terribly? . . . "
CONNECT: (at the tip of my tounge, i cant think of anything specific!)
losing religion, questioning how god can make one go through hardship
But now there 's a ringing in thefront hall. Could be the doctor. Right, it's the doctor, fresh, brisk, fat,cheerful, with an expression that says:
There seems to be a deterioration in his mental state; he is not acknoledging things with the same speed that he used to.
CONNECT (again): "burning memory" alblum
his colleagues and subordinates wouldbe surprised and upset to see that he, such a brilliant and subtle judge,was confused, was making mist�es
"Just a burning memory" alblum— a deterioration of the mind/dementia
In the depths of his soul I van Ilyich knew that he was dying, but notonly was he not accustomed to it, he simply did not� he could not possibly understand it
he never learned how to die (seneca)
even now I feel. a little better, a lot better." He bega� to touch his side-it did not hurt."Yes, I don't feel it, truly, it's already much better."
Placebo effect
In his imagination the desired mending of the appendix wastaking place. Absorption, ejection, restoration of the correct functioning.
Connect (weak); manifestation
He remembered all that the dootorshad told him, how it had detached itself, and how it floats. By an effort ofimagination he tried to catch this kidney and stop it, fasten it down; so little was needed, it seemed to him
Connect to chronic illness; understanding and coming to terms with it, wishing for it to be some other way
van I1yich feelsthat it is he who has cast this gloom over them, and he cannot disperse i
Connect (weird):
Dance moms dance; "Living with the Ribbon," cancer affects not only the person who haves it but those around them
he immediately felt the whole forceof his illness; he used to endure these setbacks, expecting to quickly rightthe wrong, to overcome it, to achieve success, a grand slam.
Repression. Often one will push away their sadness, only for it to come back stronger. In repressing pain, the times where it pokes its head through are horrid
but into the consciousness of a constant heavinessin his side and into ill humor. This ' ill humor, growing stronger andstronger, began to spoil the pleasantness of the easy and decent lifethat had just been established in the Golovin family.
CONNECT: Thyroid ailments causing depression, although they only truly physically (and endocrinatically) effect one.
Yet, being physically sick can depress one.
there was just one room lacking, and ontheir new means, which, as always, were lacking just a litt
Connect: "The Shortness of Life," even when we reach our goals, we are still unhappy because human life is not without conflict
s if death was an occurrence' proper only to IvanIlyich,but not at all to him
Connects again to the shortness of life; how we all push away death as if it is not possible to happen to us
I find it false to claim that grief prevents me from concerningmyself wilh practical matters. On the contrary,if anything can,not comfort ...but distract me,it is my troubles over him."
"Requiem," Dear Evan Hansen
Talks about the complexities of mourning
and he felt afraid for himsel
"The Shortness of Life," Seneca; we don't realize how short our lives are/how close to death we are until something reminds us/puts it into perspective
"IvanIlyich made a botch of it; we'l1 do better,you andI.
CONNECT: Mcguffin Characters— characters that are not actually fleshed out by the story, merely alluded to, allowing the audience to project.
Example: Rachel Amber Life is Strange https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmNv3i7iPWE (37:00)
- Dec 2022
connect.oeglobal.org connect.oeglobal.org
- Aug 2022
investor.amctheatres.com investor.amctheatres.com
765,000 current AMC Investor Connect members,
- Jan 2022
Liu, C., Yang, Y., Chen, B., Cui, T., Shang, F., & Li, R. (2022). Revealing spatio-temporal interaction patterns behind complex cities. ArXiv:2201.02117 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02117
- Dec 2021
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
Post-test histology demonstrated photoperiod-dependent reduction and induction of TH-IR neurons
Histology staining of three dopamine-synthesizing sources in the hypothalamus support the findings in Figure 5E. The amount of TH cells (dopamine-synthesizing cells) in these regions decreases with 6-OHDA and can be partially rescued with short-day photoperiod exposure.
The behavioral results of focal ablation of TH-IR neurons were partially reversed by exposure to the short-day photoperiod, demonstrating behavioral rescue
Even with 6'OHDA treatment, exposing the animals to short-day photoperiod resulted in some behavioral rescue, reflected by the animals spending more time spent in the open arm in the EPM test and less time spent immobilized in the forced swim test. The difference in behavior is significant comparing results of the short- vs long-day photoperiod exposure. One additional comparison that could be insightful are the results of 6'OHDA on 12L:12D photoperiod exposure; these can be found in Figure 5 B, and do not appear to be significantly different from the long-photoperiod exposure results. Thus, a follow up idea for the researchers is to consider when the effect of increasing the duration of light-exposure in a day begins to saturate.
then exposed animals to the long-day photoperiod, so as to further reduce their number
Here, dopamine synthesis is being stopped by two things: the neurotoxic agent 6-OHDA and long-day light exposure, a stressor for nocturnal animals. Both treatments should reduce the presence of dopamine-making neurons.
- Sep 2021
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
counts of TH-IR neurons in A13 after 6-OHDA treatment were not affected, demonstrating that dopaminergic nuclei located as close as 200 μm were spared by focal toxin delivery
These findings validate the specificity of 6-OHDA's delivery. In the dopaminergic cell group A13 just 200 μm away from the treatment site, the effects of 6-OHDA are not observed.
Are presynaptic changes in transmitter identity matched by changes in postsynaptic receptor populations
Following action potential firing, transmitters will be sent from the presynaptic, or sending, neuron to the postsynaptic, or receiving, neuron; the received transmitter will thereby alter the likelihood of that postsynaptic neuron firing its own action potential. The experimenters had observed that at certain clusters of neurons in the CNS, short photoperiod exposure increased production of the transmitter dopamine, and long photoperiod exposure led to an increased production of somatostatin. Consequently, the experimenters are questioning whether expression of those cognate postsynaptic receptors, i.e., dopamine receptors or somatostatin receptors, follow suit.
Long-day exposure produced the opposite effects
For rats, nocturnal mammals, increased photoperiod exposure is a stressor. Consequently, in both the EPM and FST, rats exhibit more depressive/anxious behaviors following long photoperiod exposure. In the EPM test, these rats spend less time in the open arm, and in the FST, they give up swimming and become almost immobile much sooner than the control group. For the short-day exposure group, the rats have more open arm activity, and in the FST persevere for longer, indicating reduced anxiety relative to the control group.
if receptor activation is more substantial than the level of presynaptic SST.
When expression of a receptor is greater than that of its transmitter, the likelihood of those transmitters binding to the receptor will be high. Thus, if levels of SST2/4R are high compared to the presynaptic SST, then presynaptic SST will likely be able to bind to the cognate receptor, and induce its inhibitory effects.
The number of TH-immunoreactive (TH-IR) neurons decreased with long-day exposure and increased with short-day exposure in relation to control
A decreased amount of TH-IR neurons means that less dopamine is being produced; this was observed when the rats were given long-day exposure (19 hours of light, 5 hours of darkness). Short-day exposure (5 hours of light, 19 hours of darkness) resulted in the number of TH-IR neurons increasing, a sign of greater dopamine production. These results were all relative to the control group, rats that experienced a balanced-day with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.
Genetic programs establish initial expression patterns of neurotransmitters in different classes of neurons (1–3), and activity-dependent neurotransmitter respecification modifies them during development, either adding or switching transmitters (4–9). It is unknown, however, whether sensory stimuli promote transmitter switching in addition to other neuroplastic changes (10) in the adult brain.
It is known that the young developing brain is able to add or switch the transmitters that their neurons express. The question guiding this research is whether sensory stimuli can cause the already mature (adult) brain to experience changes in the types of transmitters that are produced by their neurons.
- Jan 2021
students practice annotation of digital texts outside of school. For example, students add filters, drawings, emojis, and writing to content they create or interact with in digital spaces such as Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube.
I feel like students do not understand that Snapchats, Instagram, Youtube are considered digital annotations because when students are using these technological tools, they are just having fun. In order to teach them that these tech tools are digital annotations, we as teachers need to help them connect the phrase "digital annotation" to these technology tools.
Integrate with your existing tools in a few clicks
This shows the users that they can easily connect monday.com with any existing online tools they already use to manage and have all their work in one place.
- Apr 2020
euvsvirus.org euvsvirus.org
EUvsVirus. Pan-European hackathon. https://euvsvirus.org/
- Feb 2020
curriculum.collegepossible.org curriculum.collegepossible.org
Parents who want nothing more than to have their child earn their degree, yet are unwilling to share the tax information required for the student to do the FAFSA.
I've had multiple students experience this, and it can be frustrating, but I think it's important to address this with empathy for the parents and help the student role play the conversation. One of my students was able to get the information from their parents by remind the parents that college graduation was a shared, family goal, but they wouldn't be able to reach that goal without doing the FAFSA.
curriculum.collegepossible.org curriculum.collegepossible.org
In some states college students are eligible to receive benefits through government assistance programs—encourage students to look into the specific qualification criteria in their location.
Some other college coaches and I recently watched a seminar on how students can apply to SNAP, so putting that information out on a social media post or in a mass text could be helpful for identifying students who might need help without signaling anyone out.
Identify national months/weeks/days dedicated to the awareness of different concerns students might experience, and share an article or link to a resource during that time.
There's a Facebook page called "Your Freshmen is Off to College" which is technically for parents, but they make a post each month about common transitional issues students face, so I share those to start a conversation with students on Facebook about how to navigate those barriers.
curriculum.collegepossible.org curriculum.collegepossible.org
Low-income students often feel isolated from their peers in the transition to college, and may not realize that their peers likely feel equally anxious and uncertain.
To some point this is true, but I've also had conversations with students who clearly understand the impact finances have on their peers experience in college, especially for the students who are the only ones that have to work out of their friend group. I make sure they know those feelings of having to do more are valid, but I think helping students understand that noticing those dynamics is a skill of it's own and they are building life skills more than their peers.
In the transition to college life, though, maintaining that focus and confidence can be a significant challenge, particularly if a student feels isolated or different from their peers.
Along with these factors, I also know students experiencing culture shock when going from a diverse high school to a primarily white institution. Culture shock is also important to talk about within the social-emotional learning topic because it can make them feel disconnected or isolated to campus. But this is also when I notice students really developing their self advocacy skills to find or start student organizations that reflect their own experiences.
Goal-Setting: Using the goal-setting process to stay focused on college graduation, and to build action plans that are strategic and efficient. Some students will need your help to develop an action plan from scratch, while you’ll guide others through the process of referring back to existing plans, assessing progress, and making adjustments as necessary to stay on track.
Most colleges have a degree audit or career classes where they require students to plan out a timeline of college. These are great resources I ask students to take advantage of to help keep track of their goals.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
openid.net openid.net
wordpress.org wordpress.org
OpenID Connect
openid.net openid.net
- Dec 2019
openpedagogy.org openpedagogy.org
To Put Yourself Out There and Make Connections
Openness in connecting to people.
To Trust the System
Wow. This seems contradictory, but in a good way?
Trust in the system (of openness) because it will help you expand your horizons.
Openness in reflecting on roles and recognition, and connecting on recognition.
To Collaborate With My Peers
This is a very rich section: openness in developing skills, connecting materials, skills, roles, feedback and evaluation to other learners, and including other learners in the experience.
- Aug 2019
d1vy0qa05cdjr5.cloudfront.net d1vy0qa05cdjr5.cloudfront.net
Advising Communities, Academic Advisor, Career Center, Chaplain/Campus Pastor, Classmates, Common/Community Time, Dean, Department Chair, Dorm/Residence Hall/Res Hall, Extracurriculars, Health Services/Wellness Center/Counseling Services, Intramurals/IM’s, Learning Communities, Multicultural Office, Office Hours, Ombudsman, Peer Advisor, President/Chancellor, Professor, Provost, R.A. (Resident Assistant)/C.A (Community Advisor)/House Fellow, Recreation Center/Rec Center, Resident Director, Residential Life/Housing, Student Activities/Organizations, Student Employment Office/Human Resources/Job Center, Student Support Services (SSS)/TRIO Office, Student Union/Center, Study Abroad/Off-Campus Studies, Teaching Assistant (TA)/Lab Assistant (LA)/Preceptor, Transfer, Work Study, Writing Lab/Writing Center
Networking and making connection to your campus resources can help you and your student open opportunities. This allows your students to be familiarized with what type of resources that are available for them and also have job opportunities for them too as well.
TARGETED OUTREACHFor those students who expressed interest in studying abroad or might be a great candidate for a specific opportunity, reach out to offer to connect them to resources for exploring and preparing for programs, as well as offering wour own support with the process
I've done many different study aboard programs and it's always a great way to interact with students and tell them your experience and what you learned. By doing this, gives the opportunity for the students to build more interest in exploring and preparing themselves for abroad programs.
Persistence: Having the skills and confidence to stick to a goal even in the face of challenges and setbacks. For many students, this is a strength already! Your role is to reinforce and encourage, and help students navigate setbacks that may have shaken their confidence, as well as help anticipate any future barriers and plan for how they can be avoided or overcome
This reminds me a lot of the quote from training last week: "the greatest growth doesn't come from the easiest struggle" Students have to persist to grow
- Mar 2019
A locally unique and never reassigned identifier within the Issuer for the End-User, which is intended to be consumed by the Client
I wonder why this ID must be "unique and never reassigned...within the Issuer". This effectively makes it a trackable ID if clients work together.
What would break if this ID is unique within the (Issuer, client) combination.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
very well beanything at all,
Sounds like Rickert and Muckelbauer agree that rhetoric includes works outside of language (ie writing, speaking, and debate).
- Jun 2018
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
Hydrology is the main reason for the carbon balance of wetlands by controlling the uptake of CO₂ and CH4. Determining the effect of droughts on CO2, fluxes and CH4 emission was stimulated by hydroperiod with three scenarios. These three scenarios affect the rate of drought from being gradual, intermediate, and rapid transition into drought. It resulted in higher net CO2 losses net ecosystem exchange (NEE) over a 22-week manipulation. Due to drought vegetation dieback, it increased ecosystem respiration (Reco), and it also reduced carbon uptake gross ecosystem exchange (GEE). The NEE did not offset methane production during periods of flooding. Changes in precipitation patterns and drought occurrence altered the carbon storage of freshwater marshes. We can determine that with the change in the climate will modify the storage capacity of freshwater marshes by influencing the water availability.
- Mar 2018
ryancordell.org ryancordell.org
Shockingly, the language of “disciplinary landscapes” and “infrastructure” and “free-floating signifiers” does not set the average undergraduate’s pulse a-twittering. Indeed, to assign such a piece to a class of undergraduates is to forget our audience entirely.
It may be wise for a DH scholar to write an article geared towards undergraduates. Similar to the way this article is written, perhaps the use of memes and "slang" could create a more accessible (and interesting) way for undergraduates to understand digital humanities.
“their institution uses the technology it has effectively.”
This survey conducted in 2016 by Education Weekly explores how instructors' confidence level with educational technology affects technology use in the classroom.
- Mar 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Terry, in his solitary picnic, talked of the difficulty of creating the conditions in which his students will want to connect with others in the CLAVIER network.
common ground desire to connect. Why reach out?
- Jan 2017
h.readthedocs.io h.readthedocs.io
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon
For Linux/Unix people, it may very well be that you did not add your username to the 'docker' group and as a consequence you cannot communicate with the docker daemon. I had just experienced this (while running Linux Mint 18.1, but the symptoms ought to be similar for Debian/Ubuntu as well).
To fix it, I ran:
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
Log out and log back in. This ensures your user is running with the correct permissions.
This will ensure that you do not need to sudo every time, when you interact with docker.
There are instructions in the below link for Unix (MacOS) users as well.
- Sep 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“Whenever you have people who can’t find themselves in the question, it’s a bad question,”
want people to fit in and connect with one of the options.
- Jan 2016
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
Who will direct Watters to this shared work or is that even wanted?
- Aug 2015
scienceintheclassroom.org scienceintheclassroom.org
We found that dispersions of the triblock co-micelles in a decane:toluene (3:5 by volume) solution resulted in the selective dissolution of the central M(PFS60-b-PDMS660) micelle block, leaving short XLM(PI1424-b-PFS63) daughter micelles
Connects to AP Chemistry Learning Standard 6: Any bond or intermolecular attraction that can be formed can be broken. These two processes are in dynamic competition, sensitive to initial conditions and external perturbations.
Found on page 71 of the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description:
BCPs assemble into a variety of different morphologies that are influenced by polymer molecular weights and block ratios, with further control possible through the manipulation of environmental conditions such as temperature, solvent, and concentration
Connects to AP Chemistry Learning Standard:2.B
Forces of attraction between particles (including the noble gases and also different parts of some large molecules) are important in determining many macroscopic properties of a substance, including how the observable physical state changes with temperature
Found on page 27 of the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description:
Connects to AP Chemistry Learning Standard:2.A.3: Solutions are homogeneous mixtures in which the physical properties are dependent on the concentration of the solute and the strengths of all interactions among the particles of the solutes and solvent:
Found on page 25 of the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description:
- Jul 2015
www.sciencemag.org www.sciencemag.org
Because dynein inhibition alone did not inhibit IAV uncoating completely, we investigated a possible additional role for the actomyosin system
Whenever an observation is not fully understood, scientists try to analyze the issue from different angles. Here, the authors observed that the inhibition of dynein wasn't sufficient for inhibiting the viral uncoating completely. Therefore, they deduced that other factors were implicated with uncoating and decided to explore this possibility.
we noticed that another histone deacetylase, HDAC6, was also required for infection
Connect to Learning Standards: http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=13165&page=69
Progression for explanation. In a previous study, the authors observed that HDAC6 was required for viral infection. As a consequence, they continued to study the function of HDAC6 in deep detail.
With the risk of an influenza pandemic growing, it is increasingly important to understand virus-host interactions in detail and to develop new antiviral strategies (1).
Science can contribute to meeting many of the major challenges that confront society today, such as preventing and treating disease.
Local file Local file
The motion of probe particles trackedinside cells has been classified as subdiffusive,diffusive, or superdiffusive. Such classifications,however, obscure the distinction between ther-mally driven and nonequilibrium fluctuationsand are inadequate to identify intracellular ma-terial properties
- Mar 2015
openid.net openid.net
OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
lol @ "simple"