33 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Robot Definition

      Industrial Robot: Automatically controlled, reprogrammable multipurpose manipulator, programmable in three or more axes

      Service Robot: Robot in personal use or professional use that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment.

      Mobile Robot: Robot able to travel under its own control

      A mobile robot can be a mobile platform with or without manipulators. In addition to autonomous operation, a mobile robot can have means to be remotely controlled.

  2. May 2024
    1. if I met a robot that looked very much like a beautiful girl and everything went fine together with her and me but

      for - comparison - human vs AI robot - Denis Noble

  3. Mar 2024
  4. Jan 2024
    1. Moravec’s view is that the robots will eventually suc-ceed us—that humans clearly face extinction.

      Joy contends that one of Hans Moravec's views in his book Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind is that robots will push the human species into extinction in much the same way that early North American placental species eliminated the South American marsupials.

  5. Dec 2023
    1. 氣勢巨集偉的廟宇


      宏偉的 -> 宏 (中國版的電腦術語macro的翻譯) -> 不管三七二十一,被一概替換成「巨集」(macro 的台灣版翻譯) -> 巨集偉的

      上網搜索 "巨集偉的",看到此詞大量出現在文章中,笑到面癱。也許不久後,年輕一代的中文人會開始嘴上說起「巨集偉的」什麼什麼,還自以爲這是跟「巨好吃」的「巨」一樣潮的說法。


  6. Sep 2023
    1. R.U.R.: Rossum’s Universal Robots, drama in three acts by Karel Čapek, published in 1920 and performed in 1921. This cautionary play, for which Čapek invented the word robot (derived from the Czech word for forced labour), involves a scientist named Rossum who discovers the secret of creating humanlike machines. He establishes a factory to produce and distribute these mechanisms worldwide. Another scientist decides to make the robots more human, which he does by gradually adding such traits as the capacity to feel pain. Years later, the robots, who were created to serve humans, have come to dominate them completely.
  7. Feb 2023
  8. Nov 2022
  9. Feb 2022
    1. Mayor (2018) - Gods and Robots - urn:x-pdf:fb3d142ec8af438ea6e8adea2132fa64 - https://is.gd/ZPJU8Q



    1. Gasparetto (2016) - Robots in History - https://is.gd/71p9py - urn:x-pdf:da2c8b7427643df23e426e70fdc2569e



  10. Jan 2022
    1. All REV Robotics motors contain a built-in intermediate-level sensor called an Encoder. An Encoder, in the context of robotics, is a type of digital sensor that converts rotary motion into digital signal. These type of sensors require “decoding” to get this information into a usable form. The Control Hub and Expansion Hub have built in decoding through the “Encoder Ports” under the motor ports.
    2. Scenarios where a sensor is needed:The robot needs to autonomously move to a specific location and stop there.The robot needs to move forward at a green signal and stop moving at a red signal.The robot has an arm that needs to be prevented from rotating too far or it may damage other parts of the robot.The robot needs to stop 1 meter away from an opaque wall.The robot needs to be able to tell how many game objects it is currently holding inside its hopper.
    3. Sensor Basics When starting out many of the robot actions can be accomplished by turning on a motor for a specific amount of time. Eventually, these time-based actions may not be accurate or repeatable enough. As battery power drains while the robot is running and mechanisms wearing in through use can all affect time-based actions. Fortunately, there is a way to give feedback to the robot about how it is operating by using sensors; devices that are used to collect information about the robot and the environment around it.


  11. Jan 2021
  12. Dec 2020
    1. SantéNao, le robot humanoïde qui peut aider les enfants autistes

      Un titre qui fait l'état de l'article et nous présente la problématique ainsi que le point de vue de l'auteur.

  13. Jul 2020
  14. Jun 2020
    1. Selon un rapport publié en 2013 par Frey et Osborne [1], 47 % des métiers aux États-Unis pourraient être remplacés par un ordinateur ou un robot d'ici quelques décennies.


  15. May 2020
  16. Apr 2020
    1. Les robots permettent la mise en place de nouveaux sujets pédagogiques et de méthodes d’apprentissage innovantes. Ils aident les élèves à développer leurs compétences en résolution de problèmes ainsi que leurs capacités d’analyse.

      Outil ludique, pratique et efficace

    2. Comme plusieurs études et recherches l'ont démontré, les grandes caractéristiques de nos robots humanoïdes répondent parfaitement aux objectifs pédagogiques en matière d’enseignement. Plus de 17 000 Pepper et NAO sont déjà présents sur le marché mondial de l’éducation et permettent d'ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles formes de pédagogie et de salles de classe.

      Objectifs péfagogiques

    1. you may be more likely to work alongside a robot in the near future than have one replace you. And even better news: You’re more likely to make friends with a robot than have one murder you. Hooray for the future!
  17. Jan 2020
  18. Dec 2019
    1. A new species would bless me as its creator and source

      The religious connotations of the passage connect Victor to the human project of playing God, much as Adam was said to be formed of clay. Historically, Jewish rabbis were also thought to have created golems from clay to seek revenge on enemies. However, following orders literally, the golems inevitably became destructive. Cautionary tales about technology and hubris were not only frequent in Shelley's time but have proliferated. In Karel Čapek's R.U.R (1920), for example, robots confound expectations by violently rebelling against their creators. Cadavers for anatomical training in this period were scarce, and thus a medical education meant to study and extend life also fostered serial killers who committed murders for the sake of selling fresh corpses. Such killing sprees were ended by the Anatomical Act of 1832 in England, which made corpses legally available for medical research.

  19. Aug 2018
    1. In the future, robots will play a more critical role in the intelligent manufacturing field, which requires more data space and higher computing power.

      This is interesting.

  20. Jul 2018
    1. This system of demonstrating tasks to one robot that can then transfer its skills to other robots with different body shapes, strengths, and constraints might just be the first step toward independent social learning in robots. From there, we might be on the road to creating cultured robots.
    2. Soon we might add robots to this list. While our fanciful desert scene of robots teaching each other how to defuse bombs lies in the distant future, robots are beginning to learn socially. If one day robots start to develop and share knowledge independently of humans, might that be the seed for robot culture?
  21. Jan 2018
  22. Mar 2017
    1. For the next eleven months, I was deafened by the drone of a robot. Every twenty minutes or so, the robot would stand up with a pre-contract and head off down the corridor to notch up a new sale.


  23. Jul 2016
    1. ICRA 2016 in Stockholm

      lâu quên mẹ nó hội nghị này thằng Redwan có dự ông Chong chắc cũng có

  24. Aug 2015
    1. There’s a self-seriousness that might not have been predicted from a show called Mr. Robot, but if viewers can run with it, it could be one of TV’s most surprising summer discoveries


      For real tho!