- Feb 2025
www.catholicculture.org www.catholicculture.org
Dreamt of learning Latin? Here’s how you’ll finally do it by [[Thomas V. Mirus]]
A non-specialist look at his Latin language acquisition with lots of resources around Hans Ørberg's Lingua Latin text.
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Dr. Harry McNeill’s June 1940 assessment in Interracial Review
Interesting commentary here on conversion of African-Americans to Catholicism as well as self-help nature of reading for improvement. Analogizes African-Americans without Catholicism to Mortimer J. Adler as a Jew.
Possible tone of colonialism to assimilate African-Americans into Western Culture here? Though still somehow some space for movement and growth.
Philip Gleason, who has written on the history of Catholichigher education, argued that neoscholasticism formed the “centralelement” in a 1930s Catholic revival.
- Jan 2024
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the Catholics are much more straightforward about these things they to everything so you know chimpanzees for instance according to Catholic dogma chimpanzees don't have souls when they die they 00:06:36 don't go to chimpanzee heaven or chimpanzee hell they just disappear now where are Neals in this scheme and if you think about this kid whose mother is a sapiens but whose father is a 00:06:49 neandertal so only his mother has a soul but his father doesn't have a soul and what does it mean about the kid does the kid have half a soul and if you say okay okay okay okay neander had Souls then 00:07:02 you go back a couple of million years and you have the same problem with the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees again you have a family a mother one child is the ancestor of 00:07:16 chimpanzees the other child is the an is our ancestor so one child has a soul and the other child doesn't have a soul
for: question - Catholic church claim - humans have a souls but other creatures do not
- question: Do only humans have souls?
- Harari explores this question about the Catholic church's claim that humans have a soul and shows how messy it is
- Where does "having a soul" begin or end, if we go down the evolutionary rabbit hole?
- Dec 2022
Local file Local file
By AD 500, the Christian Church had drawn most of the talented men of theage into its service, in either missionary, organizational, doctrinal, or purelycontemplative activity.—Edward Grant, Physical Science in the Middle Ages
Google is like the Catholic Church both as organizers of information and society<br /> Just as the Catholic Church used funding from the masses to employ most of the smartest and talented to its own needs and mission from 500-1000 AD, Google has used advertising technology to collect people and employed them to their own needs. For one, the root was religion and the other technology, but both were organizing people and information for their own needs.
Who/what organization will succeed them? What will its goals and ethics entail?
(originally written 2022-12-11)
- Jul 2022
This also made me think of church bulletin ads, which all look the exact same way, except maybe it’s just a Catholic thing2?
I thought of the same aesthetic as well, in part because it wasn't as "busy" as the comic book page aesthetic.
- Jun 2022
www.cardus.ca www.cardus.ca
history of gambling in ontario
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“In my Irish American Massachusetts family, you were born a Democrat and baptized a Catholic,” Mr. Shields wrote in 2009. “If your luck held out, you were also brought up to be a Boston Red Sox fan.”
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Apr 2022
In addition to the practical advantages of thiswriterly inertia, in a work for Catholic consumption (such as the editions of theeighteenth century produced for the seminary in Padua) a traditional definitionfor “terra” was necessary to avoid potential censorship; it was in any case also anaccurate description of what “terra” meant to the ancient authors whose worksthe Calepino was designed to help elucidate.
I'm missing some context here. Why would alternate definitions of terra face censorship? Related to Galileo's trial and Lodovico delle Colombe's Contro il moto della terra? Or something like Paracelsus and Roman censorship – Johannes Faber’s 1616 report in context?
- Jan 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“It was what we had to do to be together. It wasn’t so bad.”
I had never heard of a Josephite marriage, a union inspired by the relationship between Joseph and the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Why is this framed with Joseph's name instead of Mary?
- Dec 2021
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
As Barbara Alice Mann suggests to us (in personalcommunication), bourgeois women may have especiallyappreciated the Jesuit Relations because it allowed them toread about discussions of women’s sexual freedom in a formthat was entirely acceptable to the Church
- Nov 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
“Evangelical militancy is often depicted as a response to fear,” she told me. “But it’s important to recognize that in many cases evangelical leaders actively stoked fear in the hearts of their followers in order to consolidate their own power and advance their own interests.”
This sort of power dynamic in smaller individual churches sounds like the problems of power in the centralized Catholic church. In this case it's decentralized into thousands of smaller churches.
- Aug 2021
Cardinal, 9 others on trial at Vatican in money scandals
Corruption seems to appear equally in both Ecclesiastic and Secular environments. The promises seem to differ by stating "Pay me, so I can have a better life now." versus "Pay me now, so you might have a better after-life".
- Jul 2021
Cardinal Angelo Becciu
- Jun 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Google’s headquarters, in Mountain View, California—the Googleplex—is the Internet’s high church, and the religion practiced inside its walls is Taylorism.
The idea of Taylorism as a religion is intriguing.
However, underlying it is the religion of avarice and greed.
What if we just had the Taylorism with humanity in mind and took out the root motivation of greed?
This might be akin to trying to return Christianity to it's Jewish roots and removing the bending of the religion away from its original intention.
It's definitely the case that the "religion" is only as useful and valuable to it's practitioners as the practitioners allow. In the terms of the McLuhan-esque quote "We shape our tools and thereafter they shape us." we could consider religion (any religion including Taylorism) as a tool. How does that tool shape us? How do we continue to reshape it?
While I'm thinking about it, what is the root form of resilience that has allowed the Roman Catholic Church to last and have the power and influence it's had for two millennia?
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
I've come across about 20 reference for Ivan Illitch over the past month. Not sure what is driving it. Some mentions are coming out of educator circles, others from programmers, some from what I might describe as "knowledge workers" (digital gardeners/Roam Cult/Obsidian crowds). One tangential one was from someone in the hyperlink.academy crowd.
Here's a recent one from today that popped up within a thread shared in IndieWeb chat:
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Ivan Illich continues to be even more more relevant than he was at the height of his New Left popularity. Conviviality in the digital tools we use has continued to wither https://t.co/D88V6KL7Ez pic.twitter.com/OFDYTjXyCn
— Count Bla (@123456789blaaa) March 15, 2021Deschooling Society and Tools for Conviviality look very interesting. Perhaps they've distilled enough that their ideas are having a resurgence?
- Sep 2020
www.thecut.com www.thecut.com
In a world where comfort is king, arduous physical activity provides a rare opportunity to practice suffering.
This is actually a very good insight that can be applied to the spiritual life.
- Aug 2020
www.npr.org www.npr.org
That restructuring of societies in Western Europe in turn also benefited the church, notes Henrich. "In some sense, the church is killing off clans, and they're often getting the lands in wealth," he says. "So this is enriching the church. Meanwhile, Europeans are broken down into monogamous, nuclear families and they can't re-create the complex kinship structures that we [still] see elsewhere in the world."
If true, this is an astounding finding.
- Jul 2020
Laliotis, I., & Minos, D. (2020). Spreading the disease: The role of culture [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/z4ndc
- Apr 2020
theconversation.com theconversation.com
the likely reason why fasting later became associated with the run-up to Easter is that people started holding baptisms at Easter. The three-week long preparation for becoming a Christian through baptism included fasting, and as baptism became more strongly associated with Easter in the fourth century AD, it is possible that fasting in the lead-up became more generalised to include people who were already Christians
Makes a connection between fasting and Easter baptism
Peter I of Alexandria in the fourth century who connected Christian penitential (still not Lenten) fasting to Jesus’s 40-day fast in the wilderness:
This shows a late dating for the "idea" of a Lenten 40-day fast. It also shows how disconnected the practice is from the narrative it attempts to draw form. Initially, fasting potentially also connected with leading up to Easter baptism is now drawing from Jesus 40-day POST baptismal fast prior to temptation.
earliest reference to a sustained fast of more than two or three days is in the Didascalia, a Syrian Christian document probably from the the third century AD. Therefore you shall fast in the days of the Pascha from the tenth, which is the second day of the week; and you shall sustain yourselves with bread and salt and water only, at the ninth hour, until the fifth day of the week. But on the Friday and on the Sabbath fast wholly, and taste nothing … For thus did we also fast, when our Lord suffered, for a testimony of the three days … This text connects a six-day fast with Easter and with Jesus’s suffering, but surprisingly still not with Jesus’s 40-day temptation
Evidence of fasting of yet another different length (6 days total) and form (several days bread, salt and water). Advocates fasting on Sabbath which would be a break from Jewish tradition.
Noted the disconnect with connection to 40 day temptation and instead after a few days of bread and water re-connects to the Fri-Sat 40 Hour type fast around Jesus in the grave.
it was only after Christians began to fast specifically prior to Easter, about 300 years after Jesus’s death, that anyone looked to the Bible to find a source for the practice
Seems a bit sweeping and generalised for fasting, although could be meant to apply to the Lenten fast which is definitely a later development
www.christianforums.com www.christianforums.com
As for patristic writers, they constantly called attention to the fact that a presbyter and bishop held one and the same office in the primitive church, and that they were different descriptions for it. The quotes from the early church father Jerome are the most numerous in this respect. Particularly interesting is Jerome's exegesis of Titus... Jerome (347-420): A presbyter, therefore, is the same as a bishop, and before dissensions were introduced into religion by the instigation of the devil, and it was said among the peoples, I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, and I of Cephas, Churches were governed by a common council of presbyters; afterwards, when everyone thought that those whom he had baptised were his own, and not Christs, it was decreed in the whole world that one chosen out of the presbyters should be placed over the rest, and to whom all care of the Church should belong, that the seeds of schisms might be plucked up. Whosoever thinks that there is no proof from Scripture, but that this is my opinion, that a presbyter and bishop are the same, and that one is a title of age, the other of office, let him read the words of the apostle to the Philippians, saying, Paul and Timotheus, servants of Christ to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi with the bishops and deacons. John Harrison, Whose Are the Fathers? (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1867), p.488. See also Karl Von Hase, Handbook to the Controversy with Rome, trans. A. W. Streane, Vol. 1, 2nd ed. rev. (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1909), p. 164. Cited also by Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 2, ed. John T. McNeill and trans. Ford Lewis Battles (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, reprinted 1977), IV.4.2, pp. 1069-1070. Latin text: Idem est ergo presbyter qui et episcopus, et antequam diaboli instinctu, studia in religione fierent, et diceretur in populis: Ego sum Pauli, ego Apollo, ego autem Cephae, communi presbyterorum consilio, Ecclesiae gubernabantur. Postquam vero unusquisque eos quos baptizaverat suos putabat esse, non Christi, in toto orbe decretum est, ut unus de presbyteris electus superponeretur caeteris, ad quem omnis Ecclesiae cura pertineret, et schismatum semina tollerentur. Putet aliquis non Scripturarum, sed nostram esse sententiam, episcopum et presbyterum unum esse, et aliud aetatis, aliud esse nomen officii: relegat Apostoli ad Philippenses verba dicentis: Paulus et Timothaeus servi Jesu Christi, omnibus sanctis in Christo Jesu, qui sunt Philippis, cum episcopis et diaconis, gratia vobis et pax, et reliqua. Commentariorum In Epistolam Ad Titum, PL 26:562-563. Jerome (347-420): Therefore, as we have shown, among the ancients presbyters were the same as bishops; but by degrees, that the plants of dissension might be rooted up, all responsibility was transferred to one person. Therefore, as the presbyters know that it is by the custom of the Church that they are to be subject to him who is placed over them so let the bishops know that they are above presbyters rather by custom than by Divine appointment, and ought to rule the Church in common, following the example of Moses, who, when he alone had power to preside over the people Israel, chose seventy, with the assistance of whom he might judge the people. We see therefore what kind of presbyter or bishop should be ordained. John Harrison, Whose Are the Fathers? (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1867), p.488. See also Karl Von Hase, Handbook to the Controversy with Rome, trans. A. W. Streane, Vol. 1, 2nd ed. rev. (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1909), p. 164. Latin text: Haec propterea, ut ostenderemus apud veteres eosdem fuisse presbyteros quos et episcopos: paulatim vero ut dissensionum plantaria evellerentur, ad unum omnem sollicitudinem esse delatam. Sicut ergo presbyteri sciunt se ex Ecclesiae consuetudine ei qui sibi praepositus fuerit, esse subjectos: ita episcopi noverint se magis consuetudine, quam dispositionis Dominicae veritate, presbyteris esse majores, et in commune debere Ecclesiam regere, imitantes Moysen, qui cum haberet in potestate solum praeesse populo Israel, septuaginta elegit, cum quibus populum judicaret. Videamus igitur qualis presbyter, sive episcopus ordinandus sit. Commentariorum In Epistolam Ad Titum, PL 26:563.Click to expand... Theodoret of Cyrrhus (393-466), an eastern father this time, in his commentaries on 1 Timothy and Titus, makes essentially the same point as that of Jerome. For example, while commenting on 1 Timothy 3:1 he says, "By overseer here he (Paul) means elder, as we demonstrated in commenting on the letter to the Philippians. Here, too, it is very easy to grasp this: after the laws for overseers he puts in writing those for deacons, making no mention of the elders. But, as I remarked, at that time they were in the habit of calling the same people overseers and elders, whereas to those now called overseers they gave the name apostles." And then later in his commentary on Titus 1:7, Theodoret wrote, "From this it is clear that they called the elders overseers: after saying, that you might appoint elders in every city, he went on, An overseer, you see, must be above reproach. Now it was the custom for there to be in each city a number, not of bishops, but of elders." See Robert Charles Hill, Theodoret of Cyrus: Commentary on the Letters of St. Paul, Vol. 2 (Brookline: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001), pp. 216-217, 253.
Jerome makes what seems to be a very clear and explicit statement that distinguishing bishops from presbyters was a later tradition developed to "fence" schisms through the appointment of one man. His opinion on this is very strong, even citing Pauls words.
This makes the words attributed to Ignatius "It is not lawful either to baptize, or to hold a love-feast without the consent of the bishop" and "let nothing be done without the bishop", in light of the complete absence of such a concept in the NT - quite difficult to reconcile with the truth.
- Mar 2020
catholicherald.co.uk catholicherald.co.uk
Parishes that distribute Holy Communion only under the species of bread
i.e. Catholics need a refresher on why it's considered legitimate to divide bread (body) from wine (blood) as opposed to Jesus directions
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
Known for its number and length of bridges, Lucerne had a population of about 100,000 in the 1797 census. Almost exclusively Catholic, it was situated in the German-speaking region of Switzerland. It remains highly scenic, framed by mountains and lakes.
- Oct 2019
www.ncregister.com www.ncregister.com
“We hear a lot about the role of women, but what are we going to tell her? ‘Yes, you’re very good, but …’ We need concrete solutions, and so I’m thinking of the female diaconate.”
So this is coming about as a 'practical solution' to a perceived problem, and not as the fruit of much prayer and discernment?
www.wordonfire.org www.wordonfire.org
why goodness and beauty should exist at all
This is an interesting position to consider. Is it mere affectivity of the person, or is there something more?
That the Reddit audience hadn’t an inkling of what these proofs and demonstrations might be is, at least in part, a failure of the Churches in their ministry of education.
This seems obvious considering the catechetical knowledge of even the most devout faithful in the pews.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
true and the good
The Transcendentals: the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. In the Catholic Church, they are what we desire and we strive to be the image and likeness of God.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
catholic vs. Catholic. Big "C"vs little "c" not talking about the Catholic Church
- Oct 2016
artstor.wordpress.com artstor.wordpress.com
Roman Catholic heritage, All Saints Day and All Souls Day (November 2)
different day for a different religion with a different reason.
- Aug 2015
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494