17 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. in fact the best ideas happen when you are not planning them when you are just creating an environment where people get together in an informal way this is the reason why um Steve Jobs when he designed the Pixar building um he the initial idea was there's just one bathroom for the whole company

      for - neuroscience - building design - common area to converge everyone - creates diverse social meetings - increases work efficacy - example - Steve Jobs - Pixar bathroom

    2. by doubling the size of the tables in the in the eating in the eating areas they increase cross-divisional across talk um in a very informal way they found out that cross-department um Corporation increased after that and the and the code and the code output increased two months later

      for - neuroscience - example - informal diversity - increases work efficacy - via sharing diverse and novel perspectives

    3. here you see a company with three different departments depicted in blue red and green

      for - neuroscience - example - diverse and low density connections beats non-diverse and high connections

      neuroscience - example diverse and low density connections vs non-diverse high density connections - having access to many diverse perspectives is a key enabler of good problem-solving and innovation

  2. Jul 2024
    1. I sort of take the easy way out and say well I know Earth history so maybe I'm 00:32:53 helping people by uh understanding the science of this stuff

      for - educator - polycrisis - individual action - levers - climate and earth history specialists help with education

      educator - earth climate history specialist can help with education about the past to help understand what we face in the present

      climate education - low impact due to - ignoring perspectival knowing - and salience landscapes - It may help to look at the problem of education through the lens of Michael Levin's multi-scale competency architecture - https://hyp.is/FFxzRL2nEe6ghzeLcJGM7A/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10167196/ - Applied to cognitive and cultural evolution within the lifetime of a single individual (human) - The salience landscape of an individual can vary depending on their educational and cultural background - There are multiple categories of concepts, each with their own degree of salience: - immediate phenomenological experience - high salience - second hand, linguistically communicated experience - moderate and dependent on source - scientific reported phenomena - moderate, high or low, dependent on source and cultural / educational background - second hand, linguistically communicated experience - low, moderate or high, dependent on source and cultural / educational background - A key observation is that humans are evolved to detect specific environmental cue but miss many others - The rate of cultural evolution is so rapid that our biologically adapted processes cannot adapt quickly enough to the rapid cultural changes, resulting in the experience of "hyperobjects" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=+hyperobject - education that is done haphazardly and in an adhoc manner will fail to discriminate between this large variety of salience landscape, with the overall impact of low educational impact

  3. Jan 2024
    1. it's a field of diverse intelligence

      for - definition - diverse intelligence

      definition - diverse intelligence - developing a framework that encompasses the wide field of intelligence of living systems

  4. Dec 2023
    1. the second of the 00:23:12 uh components of commanding hope is what i call astute hope and this is really uh more of an epistemological stance if the first is a moral attitude or a moral stance towards truth this is a 00:23:24 this is a a a kind of hope that reflects a particular form of knowledge uh in this case knowledge about how uh how we look at the world and what our 00:23:38 perspectives are especially our sort of ideological social and economic perspectives
      • for: astute hope - description

      • description - astute hope

        • our epistemological view of the world
        • In complex areas like climate change, we provide tools to help people look at these ideological views
      • comment

        • Indyweb can provide a good framework for holding the diversity of worldviews for everyone to experience
  5. Nov 2023
    1. here is the human 00:50:39 journey the big arrows indicate the way that it in fact developed in history the small errors indicate that of the seven point seven billion of us on the planet people are moving in every direction 00:50:52 from each of those phases and some in each of those phases want to hang on to those phases are not move that's what those great black circles are the little black circles our people who want to 00:51:04 just hang on to what they've got and not move but others are on the move and what's more they're on the move in every possible direction
      • for: cultural evolution - diverse movements, cultural transition - diverse movements

      • summary

        • Bill Reese and Rubin Nelson believe that the dynamic / relational quadrant of indigenous culture is the most viable futures
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Jun 2022
    1. Rose (2015) remarked that the notion of an “average” learner is a misnomer, and learner diversity (rather than uniformity) is actually the norm.

      and aren't averages are made up of already varying data points anyway? who decides what "average" comprises/looks like?

  8. Jun 2021
  9. May 2021
  10. Mar 2021
  11. Feb 2021
  12. Nov 2020
  13. Oct 2020
    1. From the molecules in the candidate pool find the one that has the maximum value for its minimum distance to molecules in the picked set (hence the MaxMin name), calculating and recording the distances as required. This molecule is the most distant one to those already picked so is transferred to the picked set.

      a good summary of MaxMin method

  14. Jul 2020
    1. reach and meet the growing number of diverse audiences using the web.

      important to show how much the use of tech is increasing

  15. Jun 2020