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blog.archive.org blog.archive.org
- Jan 2025
blog.mozilla.org blog.mozilla.org
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www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Excellent performance.
- Mar 2024
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
dc_subject: "COVID-19"
dc_date: 2021
- Feb 2024
flowmaps.life.bsc.es flowmaps.life.bsc.es
- Apr 2023
those who got the updated booster had one-tenth the risk of being hospitalized compared with those who are unvaccinated
Basically 65-79 higher seniors are in high risk of being sent to the hospital rather than other people who aren't even vaccines The booster is much more stronger to seniors.
- Feb 2023
warwick.ac.uk warwick.ac.uk
Conservative estimates suggest thatthe failure of timely contact tracing due to the data glitch is associated withmore than 125,000 additional infections and over 1,500 additional COVID-19-related death
- Jan 2023
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Selain itu, isolat virus RaTG13 memiliki nilai kekerabatan 96,1%. Virus ini ditemukan di Yunnan, Cina. Sedangkan isolat virus yang berasal dari tenggiling mempunyai nilai kekerabatan sekitar 91%. Adanya nilai kekerabatan yang tinggi ini dimungkinkan akibat dari evolusi yang telah terjadi dari nenek moyang yang sama.
Untuk diperhatikan, artikel yang dikutip dengan judul "Probable Pangolin Origin of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with the COVID-19 Outbreak" sudah di erratum 3 tahun yang lalu (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32315626/)
Sehingga masuk dalam jangkauan diskusi PubPeer dengan komentar sebagai berikut:
Readers should become aware of a preprint (DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.07.077016) entitled "The SARS-CoV-2-like virus found in captive pangolins from Guangdong should be better sequenced" that provides critics to the quality of the sequence runs used in Liu et al. 2019 and also in this paper, to infer the genome sequence of Pangolin-CoV.
This preprint states, in particular, that "I found the genome assemblies of GD/P virus of poor quality, having high levels of missing data. Additionally, unexpected reads in the Illumina sequencing data were identified. The GD/P2S dataset contains reads that are identical to SARS-CoV-2, suggesting either the coexistence of two SARS-CoV-2-like viruses in the same pangolin or contamination by the human virus".
Penting bagi penulis untuk menambahkan informasi kebaharuan dan status riset dan temuan terbaru dari artikel yang dikutip. Semoga menjadi koreksi.
tynan.com tynan.com
I asked why she thought that was happening, and she said, “Covid”. The lack of socialization, especially at such a key time in life, had made this incoming class the first one that lacked basic manners and social skills.
Covid has heavily impacted our social/communication skills
- Nov 2022
covidsearch.sinequa.com covidsearch.sinequa.com
covid-evidence.org covid-evidence.org
dc-covid.site.ined.fr dc-covid.site.ined.fr
wan-bioinfo.shinyapps.io wan-bioinfo.shinyapps.ioGESS1
dc:subject: "COVID-19"
dc:date: 2021
www.biomedical-web.com www.biomedical-web.com
platform to discover potential drugs and targets of COVID-19 at whole transcriptome scale
bio-annotation.cn bio-annotation.cn
clingen.igib.res.in clingen.igib.res.in
covid-19.ensembl.org covid-19.ensembl.org
cov3d.ibbr.umd.edu cov3d.ibbr.umd.eduCoV3D1
www.wikidata.org www.wikidata.org
t-cov.hse.ru t-cov.hse.ru
Falta agregar el artículo de la fuente a wikidata 10.1093/nar/gkab701
covirus.cc covirus.cc
nar:Aparece en el artículo pero no lo encuentro en la base de datos
dc_subject: "COVID-19"
dc_date: 2021
www.foundersfamilymedicine.com www.foundersfamilymedicine.com
We’re dedicated to providing the highest standards of safety to protect you and your family during your visit to Founders Family Medicine. We screen all patients for COVID-19 symptoms. We also require masks and social distancing at our clinic.
We’re dedicated to providing the highest standards of safety to protect you and your family during your visit to Founders Family Medicine. We screen all patients for COVID-19 symptoms. We also require masks and social distancing at our clinic.
- Sep 2022
bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com
COVID-19 pandemic has created a public health crisis
Just testing this out!
www.nadadventist.org www.nadadventist.org
The North American Division has put together a series of links to offer guidance about vaccines from national and international health organizations, the General Conference, and healthcare experts — with the COVID-19 vaccine highlighted in particular.
- Aug 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
The socioeconomic disruption associated with COVID-19 represents a highly unusual alteration of the human interaction with the Earth System. This alteration is likely to generate a series of responses, illuminating the processes connecting energy, emissions, air quality and climate, as well as globalization, food security, poverty and biodiversity
La perturbación socioeconómica asociada a COVID-19 representa una alteración muy inusual de la interacción humana con el Sistema Tierra. Es probable que esta alteración genere una serie de respuestas que iluminen los procesos que conectan la energía, las emisiones, la calidad del aire y el clima, así como la globalización, la seguridad alimentaria, la pobreza y la biodiversidad.
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Henley, J. (2021, October 11). UK’s high Covid case rates buck trend as western Europe outperforms east. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/11/covid-rates-lower-western-europe-than-central-and-eastern
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Ben Bradshaw. (2021, November 2). More than 50 #COVID19 cases in Parliament. U.K. still highest infection, hospitalisation & death rates in Western Europe. Still virtually no mask discipline among Tory MPs. Dwindling on public transport too. #Covid19UK [Tweet]. @BenPBradshaw. https://twitter.com/BenPBradshaw/status/1455451405205098498
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- Paul-Ehrlich-Institut
- COVID-19
- blood clot
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- vaccine
- is:preprint
- BNT162b2 vaccine
- lang:en
- booster
- England
- Moderna
- protection
- effectiveness
- Pfizer-BioNTech
- COVID-19
- over 50s
- symptom
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- vaccine
- is:news
- healthcare
- misinformation
- lang:en
- violence
- variant
- fragile health system
- staff
- COVID-19
- government
- scarcity
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