73 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Amazon's dense array of visual elements, text, and advertising can create cognitive overload, making it difficult for users with cognitive impairments to navigate the site effectively. Bright pink banners or light text on some backgrounds may not have enough contrast to meet the WCAG guidelines. This makes it difficult for users with poor eyesight to read clearly.

  2. Dec 2024
    1. I want to get into the Five Elements Mandala

      for - definition - spiral of the - 5 Elements Mandala - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - need to move - from linear pyramid, neoliberal logic - to trends logic - multi-dimensional - reflexive - feedbacks - intertwingled - need to know what you stand for and - what you stand against ( the dominant neoliberal culture)

  3. Jul 2024
  4. Jun 2024
    1. : Digital Literature in Research and Teaching" (2010) explores how digital literature is changing how we read, write, and teach. The book discusses the impact of technology on storytelling, highlighting how digital tools create interactive and multimedia experiences. It shows how digital literature challenges traditional ideas about authorship and creativity, encouraging new forms of expression. The book also covers the role of digital literature in education, offering insights into how teachers can use it to engage students. Overall, it presents digital literature as a dynamic field that blends technology with traditional literary elements to create innovative works.

  5. Apr 2024
    1. Khan Academy Kids

      This is what Ziggy uses in Australia I think - must check with his parents.

      I loved Toca Boca as well. That was the first example found that I felt was worth it. Use that as my main influence in the proposal if I have not already done so. Was a crazy week.

    2. What are some top UX design principles when designing for kids?Some important UX design principles when designing for kids are as follows. Simplicity and clarity Interactive and engaging elements Age-appropriate content Safety and privacy Consistent feedback and rewards

      There's 5 in this list and there was 4 in the other - I think Safety and Privacy is the one additional but it's also in my proposal because I am concerned about it too.

  6. Jan 2024
  7. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. Schuller differentiates between thewestern and African understandings of polyrhythmic playing by stating that westernmusicians generally see polyrhythm as two or more rhythmic patterns played simultaneouslybut always resolving or meeting at the start and ending of phrases, bar lines and other centralpoints in the music. In contrast, “African music” reveals a far more intricate, extended,“polymetrically organized” understanding of polyrhythms, in which the individual rhythmicphrases hardly ever, and sometimes never coincide vertically (Schuller 1968, 11). These twointerpretations of polyrhythm are apparent in much U.S.-American jazz and can be seen toshift closer to the African approach in the later styles of jazz through the rhythmiccontributions of musicians such as John Coltrane, Tony Williams and Miles Davis. KeithWaters states that polyrhythm and polymeter, which he terms “metrical conflict”, were a keyfeature of music performed and recorded by the Miles Davis Quintet from 1965 to 1968(Waters 2011, 68).In terms of the use of polyrhythm in Western music from the pre-jazz era, Schuller citesCharles Ives as the only European composer who experimented with polymetric andpolyrhythmic structures, stating as an example Ives’s Fourth Symphony. Gridley deviatesfrom Schuller by suggesting that polyrhythms were used in European folk and concert musicin America for a long time before the jazz era came about but were not as prominent as inAfrican music (Gridley 1999, 45). He acknowledges the African ancestry of polyrhythms asoriginating from combinations of rhythms which can be heard in ragtime music. He definespolyrhythms as “the sounding of some rhythms that have a basis of two pulses while
    2. Polyrhythms and Polymeter
  8. Oct 2023
    1. Misses Morkan’s annual dance

      the setting of the story. expanded: kate and julia as misses morkan, in a dark gaunt house on usher island

  9. Jul 2023
    1. THE ELEMENTS OF A MELODYThe elements ofa melody are comprised of the following groups: source materials, a meansof creation and development, phrase organization, tessitura, contour and expressive devices.In addition, a goal and point of climax should be devised for each section or phrase of amelody.A, SOURCE MATERIALSMelodies may be based on any of the following sources:1. Single notes2. Tritonic scale fragments3. Tetratonic scale fragments (tetrachords - see Vol. 1)4. Pentatonic scales(a) diatonic(b) altered(c) add note (sextatonic)(d) blues scalesDiatonic and altered diatonic modes (septatonic)Symmetric scalesHarmonic references(a) arpeggiations/guidetones(b) common tones/pivot points_(c) leading tones/neighbor tones8. Quotes9. Non-western scales (octatonic and more)AWA melodic source is the pitch organization of a motif, phrase, section, or any area of a melodythat shows musical unity. A group of asymmetrically organized pitches numbering four ormore in a scalar format can imply a modality and its perceived emotional qualicy (see Vol. 1,Chapter IV).If an example is not scalar - having consecutive skips - in most cases it will have notes incommon with a particular modality. Ir is possible char if the phrase is long enough, morethan one scalar source can be detected. In addition, the modal qualicy of the motif or phrasecan be enhanced or obscured by its relationship to the harmonic foundation of that partic-ular area.EXAMPLES OF MELODIC SOURCE MATERIALSThe following, like most of the examples found in the remainder of the book, are excerpts,ofa length sufficient to illustrate the defined concept. To put the example in context, it issuggested the student refer to the recommended listenings and readings found at the end ofche chapter as a source of scores and recordings for further study1. SINGLE NOTEThe starting point of the categories of melodic source materials, having no pitch compari-son it is a melodic device in which the rhythmic development of the motif or phrase createsmusical cohesion. Very effective in jazz melodies, it is a device chat Horace Silver and JoeHenderson use extensively.Example 1.1a: “Caribbean Fire Dance” (B section) by Joe HendersonG- F E Eb Db Eb
  10. Apr 2023
    1. How best to incorporate a book of terms? .t3_12e2r50._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } questionHi, so my Zettelkasten is mainly based around learning literary/storytelling techniques. There's a book called the Elements of Eloquence (which I can't recommend enough to those interested in language) which lays down a large number of formulas from rhetoric for creating memorable lines. It varies in complexity from alliteration to hendiadys, and contains 39 of these memorable-line-recipes in total.I want to enter them into my vault, but worry that creating 39 new notes for the individual formula might be overkill. I thought I'd ask here as I am worried about irreducibility - do I create a single note that contains brief descriptions of all the recipes, or fill my zettelkasten with them, creating what feels a little bit like spam?I've had the zettelkasten for a while but have been too busy to properly use it until recently, so I thought I'd be better off asking the people with actual experience!

      reply to u/apricotsareweird at r/Zettelkasten - How best to incorporate a book of terms?

      This sounds a bit like it might fit into the mold of an example like Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt's "Oblique Strategies" which are bits of creative advice that one draws out at random to help improve their work. You could have a custom deck for potential writing work and attempt the recipes at random to see where it takes you. At worst a collection of them could be used for spaced repetition to memorize or familiarize yourself with them. At a later date you could give them numbers and install them into a larger collection, but keeping them as a stand alone collection certainly couldn't hurt at least to start.

  11. Feb 2023
    1. Master of all the living! Lord of Gods! King of the Universe! To Thee alone Belongs to tell the heavenly excellence Of those perfections wherewith Thou dost fill These worlds of Thine; Pervading, Immanent! How shall I learn, Supremest Mystery! To know Thee, though I muse continually? Under what form of Thine unnumbered forms Mayst Thou be grasped? Ah! yet again recount, Clear and complete, Thy great appearances, The secrets of Thy Majesty and Might, Thou High Delight of Men! Never enough Can mine ears drink the Amrit of such words!

      Arjuna is convinced that Krishna is the divine being and requests Him to describe His divine glories like divine nectar further. He is asking for him to reveal his glory and explain to him what his different forms are. Posing the question of which form he should grasp or hold on to. Earlier, Krishna means that he is Prakriti, which is defined as the prime material energy of which all matter is composed. "..is made of eight elements: earth, water, air, fire, akasha (“sky” or “space”), mind, intelligence, and ego. However, beyond his prakriti is another, higher form. This other form created and supports everything that exists and destroys it when the time comes. Though he has created many mortal bodies, Vishnu’s true self was never born and will never die. He is beyond such things; his true nature is eternal and changeless. "

      References Cabral, Carrie. “Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita: A God in His True Form.” Shortform Books, 5 Feb. 2021, https://www.shortform.com/blog/krishna-bhagavad-gita/#:~:text=To%20that%20end%2C%20Krishna%20in,mind%2C%20intelligence%2C%20and%20ego.

      “Prakriti Definition & Meaning.” Dictionary.com, Dictionary.com, https://www.dictionary.com/browse/prakriti.

  12. Jan 2023
    1. 16 tipping elements the large biophysical systems that we have scientific evidence that the regulates 00:01:23 the state of the entire climate system on Earth nine of these 16 are showing signs of instability push them too far and they will shift over from supporting Humanity 00:01:34 to starting to undermine Humanity four of these are showing scientific evidence of now being at risk already at 1.5 degrees Celsius

      !- 16 tp elements : interconnected global climate system

    2. we're taking colossal risks with the future of civilization on Earth We're degrading life support system that we all depend on we're actually pushing 00:00:57 the entire Earth system to a point of destabilization pushing Earth outside of the state that has support civilization since we left the last ice age 10 000 years ago this requires a transformation to safe 00:01:11 and just Earth system boundaries for the whole world economy

      !- Title : Leading the charge through earth’s new normal !- speakers : Johan Rockstrom et al.

  13. Aug 2022
    1. you can also replicate the bind:this syntax if you please: Wrapper.svelte <script> let root export { root as this } </script> <div bind:this={root} />

      This lets the caller use it like this: <Wrapper bind:this={root} />

      in the same way we can already do this with elements: <div bind:this=

  14. Mar 2022
  15. Nov 2021
  16. Apr 2021
    1. On the road again...

      Although we're using an Omeka Simple Page as our start page, the link I'm using points us to the first page of the Exhibit.

  17. Mar 2021
    1. [...document.querySelectorAll("*")].filter(e => e.childNodes && [...e.childNodes].find(n => n.nodeValue?.match("❤")))
    2. function contains(selector, text) { var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); return [].filter.call(elements, function(element){ return RegExp(text).test(element.textContent); }); }
  18. Jan 2021
    1. The extra div soup is two fold:
    2. (this issue)
    3. A component reserving a slot but needing to perform manipulation on its content dom reference will need to add an extra element wrapper on the receiving site (some people mention it here: #2106).
    4. A big app will have lots of components compared to regular html elements and these need to be wrapped before being fed to a slot, every single time on the call site
    5. I think this is very important feature to implement. Because for now we need to wrap target components by useless wrapper nodes.
  19. Dec 2020
  20. Nov 2020
    1. It won't work in all use cases, but it's better than the div soup.
    2. I run into this on almost every project and end up doing this as a workaround: :global([slot="content"]) This allows me to style that extra div in the component that contains the slots but it would be super nice to have <MyComponent slot="content"/> and eliminate that extra div
    3. If this is getting implemented, I think I'll love to see both implemented. I can see a lot of use cases where I would like to encapsulate the component with additional wrappers and in another scenarios I would like to just use the component. Now i work around this using empty div but then at times it breaks the structure because of the div element and I'll have to add more class utilities to make it work. This will be a great addition for Svelte.
    4. I don't like adding unnecessary divs.
  21. Oct 2020
    1. Since “virtual DOM” is more of a pattern than a specific technology, people sometimes say it to mean different things. In React world, the term “virtual DOM” is usually associated with React elements since they are the objects representing the user interface
    1. Especially when coming from a framework like React, it might feel very tempting to start creating a component wrapper around the input (i.e. <input> becomes <Input/>) and add your custom event handlers in there.This is a great approach in React, but not so much in Svelte. Why, you ask?Well, Svelte (at least in its current form, v3) really shines when you have native DOM elements at your disposal. You can use transition directives, conditionally switch CSS classes, bind to the current value with ease, and more.
  22. Sep 2020
    1. Currently, I can only do this with some ugly JS, by wrapping the <slot> in a div and then selecting all direct children of that div (div>*). But this fix/solution also makes me face a problem: The <div> partially destroys the layout/design compared to when not using that div wrapper.
  23. Jul 2020
    1. Dessa ingångar eller portar, som han kallar dem, kan alla användas för att ta oss tillbaka till nuet, där inga problem finns. Det är bara i nuet som vi hittar glädjen och kan omfamna vårt sanna jag.

      Här verkar han utgå från att det faktiskt finns minst fyra "portar" vilket stämmer överens med Carl Jungs teori att den MINST utvecklade funktionen hos en individ är "porten till det undermedvetna" varigenom all mänsklig transformation sker.

      Man går helt enkelt in genom sitt MINST utvecklade personlighetsdrag och kan då nå sitt meditativa jag som ligger under och bakom alla personlighetsdrag. De olika personlighetsdragen är tänkande (eld), kännande (vatten), kroppsliga intryck (jord) respektive intuition (luft).

      Det är i sin tur samma sak som indiankulturernas medicinhjuls fyra väderstreck med människan i mitten.

    2. Dessa ingångar eller portar, som han kallar dem, kan alla användas för att ta oss tillbaka till nuet, där inga problem finns.

      Men här skriver de att han pekar på FLERA portar. Kanske utgår Eckhart Tolle från Jungs funktioner och säger att det finns fyra - tänkande, kännande, intuition och sinnesintryck. Bakom/under dessa finns den fullt ut levande människan som gör att vi upplever glädjen och kan omfamna vårt sanna jag.

      Exakt samma fyra mänskliga medvetande-funktioner som återfinns i indiankulturernas medicinhjul som de fyra väderstrecken och i den antika elementlärans vatten (känsla), eld (tänkande), luft (intuition) och jord (sinnesintryck)

  24. Jun 2020
  25. Apr 2020
    1. Because users read items from left to right, the priority direction for reading items is stronger horizontally than vertically.
    2. Items in a top navigation do not have equal weight. The leftmost items carry more visual weight than other items because of its placement in the primary optical area (top left). Items in the top left area get more exposure and are often seen as more important than other items.
    3. you will have certain items with higher priority than others. Because the user’s topic of interest is more limited in this context, placing items in a top navigation allows users to find what they want faster and easier.
  26. Feb 2020
    1. Image Credit: Detail from "The School of Athens" by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (c. 1509–1511).

      Euclid's common notions appear to be grounds for many of Marx's arguments in Ch. 1, but also throughout the book.

      Near the beginning of Ch. 1 of the Elements Euclid lists them [PDF]:

      • Things that are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another (the Transitive property of a Euclidean relation).
      • If equals are added to equals, then the wholes are equal (Addition property of equality).
      • If equals are subtracted from equals, then the differences are equal (Subtraction property of equality).
      • Things that coincide with one another are equal to one another (Reflexive property).
      • The whole is greater than the part.

      Regarding the fifth, also see Aristotle, Metaphysics 8.6 [=1045a]; Topics 6.13 (=150a15-16);

      On the concept of the "whole-before-the-parts" (along with the "whole of the parts" and the "whole in the part"), also see Proclus, El. Theol., prop. 67.

    2. the area of the triangle itself is expressed by something totally different from its visible figure, namely, by half the product of the base multiplied by the altitude
    3. In order to calculate and compare the areas of rectilinear figures, we decompose them into triangles
  27. Jan 2020
  28. Nov 2019
    1. As online learning matures, it is important for both theorists and practitioners to understand how to apply new and emerging educational practices and technologies that foster a sense of community and optimize the online learning environment.

      The article expresses the design theory elements (goals, values, methods) and how it can assist with defining new tools for online learning. Rating 5/5

  29. Aug 2019
    1. vessel elements and tracheids

      Does "conduct water" mean they each specifically facilitate the transportation of water? I guess I am asking how to differentiate the three cell types.

  30. Jun 2019
    1. Chemical elements with a sufficiently high neutron capture cross-section include silver, indium and cadmium. Other candidate elements include boron, cobalt, hafnium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium and lutetium.[1] Alloys or compounds may also be used, such as high-boron steel,[2] silver-indium-cadmium alloy, boron carbide, zirconium diboride, titanium diboride, hafnium diboride, gadolinium nitrate,[3] gadolinium titanate, dysprosium titanate and boron carbide - europium hexaboride composite.[4]
  31. Aug 2018
    1. Sea, nor Shore, nor Air, nor Fire,

      Water, Earth, Air and Fire. It's curious that Milton refers to water as Sea, and earth as Shore. The idea of the Four Elements originated with the Greek philosopher, Empedocles. They are in continual conflict with each other as a result of Strife. See http://www.webwinds.com/myth/elemental.htm

    2. For hot, cold, moist, and dry, four Champions fierce Strive here for Maistrie

      According to Empedocles, an early Greek philosopher, there are four elements in continual conflict with each, as influenced by Strife (discordant energy) and Love (harmony). See my article on Empedocles and the four elements at: http://www.webwinds.com/myth/elemental.htm

  32. Jul 2017
  33. Jan 2016
    1. Elements 113, 115, 117, and 118 were recently produced in laboratories. 114 and 116 were created about five years ago. There is a petition to name one of the new elements Lemmium, after rock musician Lemmy Kilmister, who died 28 December 2015. It has 133,465 signatures so far.

      NPR<br> https://twitter.com/LemmiumMetal

  34. Feb 2014
    1. THE ELEMENTS OF BRIEFING Procedural History Legal Issue Facts of Case Statement of Rule Policy Dicta Reasoning Holding Concurrence Dissents

      The Elements of Briefing

      • Procedural History
      • Legal Issue
      • Facts of Case
      • Statement of Rule
      • Policy
      • Dicta
      • Reasoning
      • Holding
      • Concurrence
      • Dissents
    1. T h i s p r o t e c t i o n i s s u b j e c t t o a n i m p o r t a n t l i m i t a t i o n . T h e m e r e f a c t t h a t a w o r k i s c o p y r i g h t e d d o e s n o t m e a n t h a t e v e r y e l e m e n t o f t h e w o r k m a y b e p r o t e c t e d . O r i g i n a l i t y r e m a i n s t h e s i n e q u a n o n o f c o p y r i g h t ; a c c o r d i n g l y , c o p y r i g h t p r o t e c t i o n m a y e x t e n d o n l y t o t h o s e c o m p o n e n t s o f a w o r k t h a t a r e o r i g i n a l t o t h e a u t h o r . P a t t e r s o n & J o y c e 8 0 0 - 8 0 2 ; G i n s b u r g , C r e a t i o n a n d C o m m e r c i a l V a l u e : C o p y r i g h t P r o t e c t i o n o f W o r k s o f I n f o r m a t i o n , 9 0 C o l u m . L . R e v . 1 8 6 5 , 1 8 6 8 , a n d n . 1 2 ( 1 9 9 0 ) ( h e r e i n a f t e r G i n s b u r g ) .

      Though a work may be copyrightable it does not mean that every element of the work may be protectable.