22 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. Dec 2024
    1. Einsatz fiir den Ausbau von und die An-bindung an internationale Wasserstoffin-frastruktur bezienhungsweise -produktione Einsatz fiir die Bereitstellung nationalerfinanzieller Mittel fur Wasserstoff-Pilot-projekte entlang der gesamten Wert-schdpfungskette

      Dazu passt, dass man an den Wassertoff-Hype anschließt und damit ein weiteres Argument der Klimaverzögerer übernimmt. Es ist ausdrücklich nicht von „grünem Wasserstoff“ die Rede.



    1. Konrad Kramar im Kurier zur zerplatzenden Blase „Grüner Wasserstoff“. Von den 10 Mio. Tonnen jährlich, die die EU-Kommission bis 2030 geplant hat, sind erst 7% erreicht, von den geplanten Leitungen erst 3% im Bau. Im Vergleich zu Wärmepumpen bei Heizungen und Batterien bei LKWs ist Wasserstoff unwirtschaftlich. Die Wasserstoff-Lobbies promoten tatsächlich grauen, mit Erdgas produzierten Wasserstoff, der auf absehbare Zeit als einziger konkurrenzfähig ist, aber die fossilen Emissionen nicht verringert [via Sabine Jungwirth auf Facebook]. https://kurier.at/wirtschaft/eu-wasserstoff-klimawandel-solarzellen-pipeline-hydrogen-bank/402990372

      Screenshot: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10227863164746893&set=a.2637414336971

  3. Oct 2024
    1. ECL launched its first modular hydrogen data center back in May, with a small deployment at its site in Mountain View, California. Each module supports 1MW, and can cool up to 75kW per rack.For the TerraSite, ECL said that it has three pipelines of hydrogen that will feed the facility, with an energy cost of 0.08-0.12/kWh.

      Presumably these are the costs of non-green hydrogen, as it's significantly more expensive.

      More context here: https://rtl.chrisadams.me.uk/2024/01/hydrogen-datacentres-is-this-legit/

    1. For others, such as hydrogen (H), the picture looks different. The production of H is based on cryogenic processing, which means that the temperature of the gas stream needs to drop to approximately −85°C. 76 This consumes considerable energy and thus emits high indirect GHG emissions in production

      Could you not use electrolysis? Ah, the key thing here is thr energy to cool it down

  4. Aug 2024
  5. Jul 2024
  6. Jun 2024
  7. Feb 2024
  8. Oct 2023
    1. SOFCs and PEM fuel cells differ from one another in their construction, materials, and operation. In a high-level view, the primary differences are the electrolyte materials (where the hydrogen and oxygen react) and operating temperatures. SOFCs operate at high temperatures, requiring longer start-up times and as a result, only being suitable for continuous power supply. PEMs, by contrast, operate at lower temperatures and are capable of fast-start or continuous operation, but are a more expensive option.

      Oh wow, so there are two kinds of fuel cells, and the expensive one is the fast ramp up one

  9. Aug 2023
    1. The Science Behind Hydrogen Rich Water Machine

      In the health and wellness world, a fascinating trend has emerged with the rise of hydrogen infused water machine. These innovative devices promise to deliver a refreshing beverage beyond ordinary hydration – hydrogen-rich water. Packed with potential health benefits, the science behind these machines is captivating and sheds new light on how we think about water consumption and its impact on our well-being.

      Hydrogen: The Unsung Hero Of Molecules

      Before delving into the science of hydrogen-rich water machines, it's essential to understand the pivotal role of hydrogen itself. Hydrogen is the lightest and simplest element on the periodic table, consisting of a single proton and an electron. While hydrogen is generally known for its explosive nature, it has recently garnered attention for its potential health benefits when dissolved in water.

      The Power Of Hydrogen-Infused Water

      Hydrogen-infused water, often called hydrogen-rich water, is created when molecular hydrogen gas (H2) is dissolved into plain water. This process typically involves using advanced technologies found in hydrogen-rich water machines. The resulting beverage is touted for its potential antioxidant properties, which could contribute to various health improvements.

      Antioxidant Action: Hydrogen's Hidden Potential

      Antioxidants are essential for neutralizing dangerous chemicals known as free radicals, which may damage cells and contribute to a variety of health problems such as chronic illnesses and ageing. Molecular hydrogen is thought to have antioxidant characteristics that are more effective than well-known antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.

      Hydrogen's unique antioxidant potential lies in its ability to easily penetrate cell membranes and access cellular compartments, including the nucleus and mitochondria. This attribute gives hydrogen an edge in protecting cellular components from oxidative stress, potentially reducing the risk of oxidative damage.

      The Mechanism: How Hydrogen Works Its Magic

      The exact mechanism behind hydrogen's antioxidant effects is still an area of ongoing research, but several theories have been proposed. One prominent theory suggests that hydrogen is a selective scavenger of harmful free radicals, targeting the most reactive and damaging ones without affecting beneficial molecules like oxygen or nitric oxide.

      Another theory is that hydrogen has the power to modify signalling pathways within cells. By altering these pathways, hydrogen may elicit preventive responses that boost the body's natural defence systems against oxidative stress and inflammation.

      Hydrogen-Rich Water Machines: The Technology

      Hydrogen-rich water machines are designed to harness the power of molecular hydrogen by infusing it into plain drinking water. These devices commonly use electrolysis, which involves sending an electric current through water to divide it into hydrogen and oxygen gases. The hydrogen gas is subsequently dissolved in water, yielding a beverage high in this beneficial chemical.

      These machines are equipped with advanced membranes that allow only hydrogen molecules to pass through while preventing the escape of potentially harmful byproducts like ozone. This ensures the purity and safety of the resulting hydrogen-infused water.

      Potential Health Benefits

      While research on the health benefits of hydrogen-rich water is still in its infancy, preliminary studies have shown promising results. Some of the potential benefits include the following:

      Antioxidant Defense: Hydrogen-rich water's antioxidant properties could help reduce oxidative stress and associated health risks. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Hydrogen may have anti-inflammatory effects that could benefit conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory disorders. Cellular Health: Hydrogen might contribute to overall cellular health and function by protecting cellular components. Exercise Performance: Some research suggests that hydrogen-rich water might enhance exercise performance and reduce muscle fatigue. Conclusion: A Glimpse Into The Future Of Hydration

      Hydrogen-rich water machines are ushering in a new era of hydration, where molecular hydrogen's benefits are harnessed to enhance our well-being potentially. While more research is needed to understand the extent of these benefits fully, the early findings are exciting and have sparked interest among health-conscious individuals.

      As technology advances, we can anticipate more refined hydrogen-infused water machines and a deeper understanding of how molecular hydrogen interacts with our bodies. Whether you're an early adopter or a cautious observer, the science behind these machines invites us to explore the intriguing potential of hydrogen-infused water and its impact on our health.

  10. Jul 2023
    1. In der Tat vergleicht Hannes Koch den Aufbau einer Wasserstoffwirtschaft, den die deutsche Bundesregierung jetzt energisch einleitet, mit der Einführung von unterirdischen Wasserl- und Abwassereitungen. Es sei unwahrscheinlich, dass er bis 2045, dem Jahr, in dem Deutschland CO2-neutral sein soll, realisiert werden könne. https://taz.de/Wasserstoff-Strategie-der-Ampel/!5946423/

    1. Die deutsche Bundesregierung setzt bei der Fortschreibung ihrer Wasserstoffstrategie vor allem aus Importe aus Nordafrika und anderen sonnenreichen Ländern. Die vorgesehenen Maßnahmen schließen sogenannten blauen, aus Erdgas erzeugten Wasserstoff und roten, mit Atomenergie produzierten Wasserstoff, nicht aus.https://taz.de/Wasserstoffstrategie-der-Bundesregierung/!5946513/

    1. First and foremost, where will a largely desert country source the water for electrolysis? Secondly, will Namibia export only hydrogen, ammonia, or some of the industrial products made with the green inputs? It would be advantageous for Namibia to develop a heavy-chemicals and iron-smelting industry. But from Germany’s point of view, that might well defeat the object, which is precisely to provide affordable green energy with which to keep industrial jobs in Europe.

      This is an interesting point - shipping the gas vs shipping the higher value products enabled by the gas

  11. Jun 2023
    1. Reportage über Produktion und Nutzung von grünem Wasserstoff in Spanien. Eines der Probleme – abgesehen von den hohen Produktionskosten – ist der Wassermangel im Landesinneren. Das ohnehin knappe Wasser wird im Moment für die Landwirtschaft gebraucht, so dass es fraglich ist, wann Spanien grünen Wasserstoff in andere europäische Länder exportieren kann.


  12. May 2023
    1. Die EU ist weit davon entfernt die Ziele für die Produktion von Grünem Wasserstoff zu erreichen, die sie sich selbst gesetzt hat. Auf dem Green Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam gingen Branchenvertreter davon aus, dass selbst die Hälfte der geplanten 10 Millionen Tonnen bis 2030 sehr ehrgeizig sind. Das EU-Ziel ergibt sich aus den Annahmen über den Bedarf der Stahl- und Düngerindustrie. https://www.ft.com/content/2c700128-9980-476e-904c-d0b78dd6b56a

  13. Apr 2023
  14. Mar 2023
  15. Sep 2022
    1. On a volume basis, hydrogen is one of the least energy dense fuels. One liter of hydrogen contains only 25% of the energy of one liter of gasoline and only 20% of the energy of one liter of diesel fuel.

      It's the vapors of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel that burn, so to measure fuel density based on volume of the liquid for fuels that burn in vapor form - but not doing the same for hydrogen is simply dishonest.

      They all burn as a vapor and store and transport well as a liquid. If you compare them all based on the gas volume when they are burned, Hydrogen is still by far the most energy dense.

      It's the capacity to store hydrogen that makes the other fuels fuel at all, so it's hard to improve on 100% hydrogen for doing that.

  16. Mar 2021
  17. Aug 2020