556 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Royal Futura 800 Typewriter Plastic Key Top White Crud Removal Cleaning Servicing by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]

      For the white, crusty out gassing (or off gassing) on plastic typewriter keys, Duane recommends a round or two of Simple Green with a stiff bristle brush. Follow this up with a scrub down using WD-40 to displace the water from the Simple Green and then follow up with denatured alcohol, which is safe on plastics, and a wipe down with a rag to dry.

    1. https://myoldtypewriter.com/2018/08/05/adler-j3-please-release-me/

      Adler's have a quirky locking mechanism for helping to lock the machines into their cases and after decades of storage, the rubber can compress thereby locking the typewriter into the case permanently. Removing the e-clips internally will unlock them at which point the rubber compression locks can be replaced.

      The article mentions other incidences of this. Another example at https://new.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1fckg8f/removing_triumph_gabriele_1_from_case_base_plate/

  2. www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
    1. Aluminum Foil Method: Tear off a small piece of aluminum foil and dip it in water or vinegar. Rub the rust spots gently with the foil. Aluminum is softer than chrome and will not scratch the surface while effectively removing rust. As you rub, the foil reacts with the rust, helping to dissolve it. Steel Wool Method (Use with Caution): If the rust is more severe, use fine steel wool (#0000 grade) to gently scrub the rusty areas. Be careful not to press too hard, as steel wool can scratch chrome if applied too aggressively.

      Suggestions for removing rust from chrome on typewriters and typewriter cases.

    1. Type slugs commonly used for pharmacists' typewriters: ℞ is short hand Latin for recipere aka prescription. <br /> ℥ (ounce)<br /> ℈ (scruple)<br /> Gr is for grains, an older weight measurement used before the metric system. 437.5 grains to an ounce.


    1. Typewriter Video Series - Episode 187: Remington Ten Forty by [[Joe Van Cleave]]

      JVC: Somewhere between a portable and an ultraportable. Good, but not great. Could be a solid, easy-to-use machine for a type-in. He wasn't a fan of the touch. Likely wouldn't use it as a daily machine.

    2. Joe Van Cleave hypothesizes that the slightly blurry and/or ghosting letters on typewriters may be the result of the typebar just hitting the typing guide and moving slightly as they do thereby creating issues with the type clarity.


    1. Remington Monarch by [[Joe Van Cleave]]]

      The Remington Monarch (rebadged as a Singer Graduate), is one of the few machines with 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 line spacing settings.

      It has a true carriage lock on the front of the machine.

      Generally solid build, particularly on the main body. Only some portions on the back are pressed metal.

      JVC generally likes this machine with respect to it's contemporaries.

  3. Sep 2024
    1. Sears on many of the SC rebadges have 1 1/2 line spacing. One day I’m going to get a beater Citation for the parts and put the 1 1/2 parts in a nice SC.

      On some of the Sears rebranded Smith-Coronas in the 6 series (Citation, in particular) there are 1 1/2 line spacing options.

    1. https://typewriterdatabase.com/1964-sears-citation.2600.typewriter

      Sears Citations seem to have an above regular frequency for script typefaces. They shipped with red stickers next to the bichrome setting and on the right ribbon cup warning against the use of bichrome ribbon for the tallest script letters on machines which had script typefaces.

    1. I’ve always wanted a cursive writer, and finally found one at the thrift store. It’s an electric smith corona coronet automatic.

      Based on this example and several in the TWdb, the Smith-Corona Coronet Automatic has a high likelihood for having exotic typefaces.

    1. Re-inserting the carriage of an Olympia SM3 timestamp 17:32

      Not shown in the video is the reinstallation of the square screw and nut at the end of the carriage to hold the carriage into the machine.

  4. Aug 2024
    1. Remington Quie- Riter Typewriter 1955

      "students who use typewriters get up to 38% better grades."

      "gives book reports and themes a professional look"

      gendered sales technique - "girls particularly appreciate" the easy change ribbon system...

    1. I came across this note and saved it for you and all other Olympia SMx users; I do not know who the author is: "Can I just say, having been in the typewriter trade since 1975, PLEASE take it from me that the Group 1 (or Group 1001) ribbon intended for Olympia, Adler, Facit and many other makes DOES NOT have eyelets !! The ribbon mechanism is designed to trip and reverse when the ribbon gets taut as one spool becomes full and the other totally empty. Someone may well have fitted an eyeletted ribbon to a Group 1 spool as a bodge to get over a sluggish or badly adjusted ribbon reverse mechanism - to give the reversing fork an extra 'nudge'. The factory did not intend the ribbon to be reversed this way." In my experience, eyelets will often slip through the reversing arms and then hang up on the vibrator. You don't have to buy eyeletless ribbons; you can just cut them off the ends of your current ribbon and reattach to the spools.
    1. Advanced Typing - Shortcuts (1943)

      Advanced Typing: Shortcuts. 16 mm. Vol. MN-1512c. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUJfCfqgsX0.

      Correct typing posture: fingers curved<br /> arms sloping up<br /> light fast strokes<br /> steady rhythm

      fast continuous motion of return lever<br /> using backing sheet (aka temping sheet ??)

      Shortcuts:<br /> mise en place for office supplies (she doesn't use this phrasing though) - greater efficiency - cuts down on searching

      tabulators can be helpful. There are two types:<br /> - automatic - handset

      Use tabs for paragraphs, dating letters, columns of numbers, and letter closings.

      To clear all tab stops, put carriage to left, hold tab clear key and move the carriage across. (Usually applies to Royal, Remington, Underwood, and Electromatic).

      On LC Smith and Woodstock machines sometimes have a tab clear lever on the back.

      Decimal tabulator keys help to align a variety of numbers around a decimal point.

      Always have a few tabs set to prevent a flying carriage which can be hard on the machine.

      When using carbon sheets which are slightly longer than the paper size, cut off a small triangle at the top left hand side. This makes it easier for one to separate the carbons from the copies by holding the top left with one hand and pulling the carbons out from the bottom of the stack.

      To align multiple sheets of paper for carbon copies, use a folded sheet at the top to taco the pages into the machine. Remove the folded sheet once the carbon pack is rolled forward.

      Paper bail rollers should be set to split the pages into thirds (for two rollers).

      Remington noiseless machines have a pressure indicator on the front of the machine (usually above the keyboard) which can be used when using thick carbon packs that may cause the ribbon guide to stick or bind.

      Only erase when the carriage is fully left or right to prevent eraser crumbs from falling into the machine.

      Use a soft eraser on carbon copies. Use and insert slips of paper behind the carbons and allowing them to stick out the sides, erasing from back sheet to front so as not to allow the eraser to mark your carbon copies. For the front sheet, use a shield and ink eraser and erase with a horizontal motion. After erasing, easily pull out the inserted sheets.

      When typing a correction, tap the key lightly two or three times rather than hard once.

      When in a rush and it's necessary to add a word (on double spacing), underline the last letter of the prior word and type a slash (/). Then move the typing line up and type the insertion above the prior line. This creates an "arrow" of sorts for the inserted word.

      Details for inserting extra letters in misspelled words using half-spacing machines. (Underwoods and Electromatics don't have this function.)

      Light pencil marks at the bottom of the sheet can help to indicate the coming bottom of the sheet.

      Putting up the card holders (fingers) on Underwoods and Royals. They help to hold the card and improve print quality and reduce noise.

      Card holders can cause markings on carbon packs if they're not lowered.

      Trick for quickly writing postcards in succession: Disengage the ratchet using the platen spring release (or variable platen switch) Type the address on the front of the card. When done give the platen a quick practiced spin. The postcard with "jump" up and stop at the paper table and be in position for rolling in the opposite direction to write the message on the back of the card! When done a faster spin of the platen will shoot the card over the back of the typewriter where it can land in a box to collect all the postcards which were written in such a manner. <br /> timestamp 23:22

      Time saving methods for addressing envelopes:

      • Front seat principle. Insert the envelope in the usual way and type out the address. When done, turn the envelope down through the machine with the right hand. With the left hand, place the next envelope between the top of the first envelope and the front of the platen. Feed the first envelope back through the machine (in reverse) and the second will be rolled in to place for typing. Continue in this fashion until finished. All the finished envelopes will stack up in the back at the paper table.

      • Chain feeding. The first envelope is inserted and rolled partway into the machine. A second envelope is inserted between the platen and the second envelope (behind the platen). Turn the first envelope to the writing line and type the address. Take out the first envelope and insert the next the same way as before.

      • Uses paper bail. Do the first envelope in the usual way. Spin it out of the machine up and behind the paper bail into a box behind the typewriter.

      For quickly doing labels or small cards:<br /> Create a small zig-zag fold into a piece of paper to create a pocket slot which can be scotch taped on either side. This template paper can then be inserted so that the pocket is visible above the writing line, but the paper below it is still in the platen. The label or card can be placed into the pocket and the platen reversed to feed the label or card in backwards to the desired typing line. Using a v-groove or hole in the typing line can create a pencil line to serve as a guide for inserting many labels at the same place so that the typing lines up between labels.

      Some offices had special platens for holding cards like this.

      Pockets like this can also be used to hold the page to add additional lines at the bottom of pages. Deeper pockets may need to be used for doing this with carbon packs whose carbons are longer than the pages.

      Alternately one can do something similar by creating a inverted u-shaped set of slits into an index card. to hold such labels.

      When in the midst of a page and needing to do another piece urgently, roll back the letter until about 2 inches from the top, and then place in the new page and one between each of the carbons. Then roll forward to do the short message as necessary. Turn back to the insertion position to remove the copies and then continue with the first letter where you left off.

      For drawing horizontal lines on typewriter paper, push the carriage to the extreme left and place the pencil or pen at the edge of the card guide and the scale. Then move the carriage to the right to effect the line. For vertical lines, put the carriage at the desired space and place the pencil at the card guide and scale and move the platen up/down as necessary.

    1. Typewriter Video Series - Episode 147: Font Sizes and the Writing Process by [[Joe Van Cleave]]

      typewriters for note making

      double or 1 1/2 spacing with smaller typefaces may be more efficient for drafting documents, especially first drafts

      editing on actual paper can be more useful for some

      Drafting on a full sheet folded in half provides a book-like reading experience for reading/editing and provides an automatic backing sheet

      typewritten (or printed) sheets may be easier to see and revise than digital formats which may hide text the way ancient scrolls did for those who read them.

      Jack Kerouac used rolls of paper to provide continuous writing experience. Doesn't waste the margins of paper at the top/bottom. This may be very useful for first drafts.

      JVC likes to thread rolls of paper into typewriters opposite to the original curl so as to flatten the paper out in the end.

    1. I have it too, and I'm not a fan. it only contains imperial bits. So you can't use it on any brand from the European mainland, that have metric screws. They break when you over torque them, instead of the screw. That's good with very old machines. What is bad us that they only provide one of the smallest bit which is most prone to breaking. And also I have many typewriters with even thinner slots on the slotted screws. the bit holder is very fat, making it very difficult to use in narrow spaces. And typewriters have a lot of those. You're better off with a gunsmithing set from Wheeler or Weaver. This is the one I ended up buying: https://www.weaveroptics.com/gunsmithing-tools/driver-and-hammer-sets/multi-bit-tool-kit/WV-849718.html

      via u/Private_Bonkers

      the cons of the Chapman 0623 screwdriver set for typewriter repair

    1. https://new.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1ezpurn/typing_endurance/

      Definitely posture. Arms level with the floor.

      It also helps to have some additional leverage over your keyboard. Raise your chair if necessary. Most modern desktops are 29-30 inches off the floor while older typing desks and writing drawers were designed to be closer to 27 inches off the floor. This helps a lot for endurance.

    1. A wide variety of typewriter manuals are available here: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-manuals.html

      Keep in mind that most typewriters are so similar in functionality that even an adjacent manual will help a lot if you have no experience.

    1. Kroustgrafologist Greek kroustiki is Percussion Graf for writing Ologist for study

      name for typewriter collectors via LogInternational2253

    1. I’ve currently only fixed the platen and reconnected the space bar. Issue I’m having is the letters are really faint and cut off almost half way through.

      Often after you resurface a platen, it slightly changes the configuration of the platen with respect to the typeface. As a result one usually may need to do three adjustments in a specific order to get things to align properly again. These can definitely be done at home with some patience.

      Usually the order for tweaking is: * Ring and Cylinder adjustment (distance of platen from typeface; the type shouldn't touch the platen or you'll find you're imprinting on your paper, making holes in the paper and/or ribbon, which isn't good). Sometimes using a simple backing sheet can remedy a bit of this distance problem, especially on platens which have hardened or shrunk slightly over time. * On Feet adjustment (vertical adjustment so that letters are bright and clear and neither top or bottom of characters are too light/faint) * Motion adjustment (the lower and upper case letters are at the same level with respect to each other) You can search YouTube videos for your model (or related models) and these words which may uncover someone doing a similar repair, so you have a better idea of what you're doing and where to make the adjustments.

      Here's Joe Van Cleave describing some of it in one of his early videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0AozF2Jfo0 The general principles for most typewriters are roughly the same with slight variations depending on whether your machine is a segment shift or a carriage shift. You should roughly be able to puzzle out which screws to adjust on your particular model to get the general outcome you want.

      Related blogposts: * https://munk.org/typecast/2022/01/23/adjusting-ring-cylinder-on-a-brother-jp-1/<br /> * https://munk.org/typecast/2013/07/30/typewriter-repair-101-adjusting-vertical-typeface-alignment-segmentbasket-shift-typewriters/

      You might find a related repair manual for your machine with more detail and diagrams for these adjustments via the Typewriter Database or on Richard Polt's typewriter site.

      For those not mechanically inclined you may be better off taking it onto a repair shop for a quick adjustment. https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-repair.html 

      Reply to u/Acethease at https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1d76ygx/got_a_as_a_gift_corona_3_recentlyish_and_i_need/

    1. Did it work prior to replacing the ribbon? If yes, then perhaps remove the ribbon and replace again. See page 19 of the manual here: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/RoyalKMM.pdf

      YouTube also has tutorials for how to thread these. (Also search for the No. 10, KH, KHM, HH, Empress, FP, etc. which also used the same general ribbon spools and set up if you can't find a KHM.) I can*t tell 100% from the photo, but the ribbon looks like it's spooling on clockwise on the right (and vice-versa for the left) and you want it the other way.

      Is it not advancing regardless of which direction you have the ribbon going? Usually just one side is not working. You can use this fact to compare the typewriter bilaterally. Watch what's going on with the side that does work and compare it with the side the doesn't. What's wrong on the non-working side?

      Often times the spindle on one or both sides is frozen up with dried up grease, oil, dirt, or dust. A small quirt of mineral spirits or lacquer thinner (or other degreaser) will free it up. (Here we use the mantra, a typewriter isn't really "broken" unless it's clean and broken.) See: https://boffosocko.com/2024/08/09/on-colloquial-advice-for-degreasing-cleaning-and-oiling-manual-typewriters/

      reply to u/UltimateAiden98 at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1f0nzt8/my_royal_kmm_ribbon_is_t_advancing_what_should_i/

    1. Colloquial repair solutions for hard platens: <br /> - use backing sheet(s) - light sanding and cleaning with organic solvents - Brake Fluid soaking for an hour followed by drying time (see also: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-restoration.html) - Rubber Renue https://mgchemicals.com/products/electronics-maintenance/specialized-cleaners/rubber-renue/ - Methyl salicylate and alcohol mixture - Sanding and/or lathing and resurfacing with heat shrink tubing and/or by bicycle inner tube

      Actual repair/restoration/recovery:<br /> - J. J. Short Associates, Inc. https://www.jjshort.com/typewriter-platen-repair.php

      see colloquial advice at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1ewb36f/rubber_renue_to_soften_platens/

    2. This has been an ongoing "philosophers stone" in the repair community for a long time. Hard platens are the result of the rubber losing its moisture, there's virtually no way to fix that long term. Brake fluid, rubber renew, even the wintergreen oil trick only temporarily soften platens/feeds. They will absolutely go back to their former state after a time. (1-2 months) You can sand the exterior and clean with organic solvents to restore grip and improve the original platen, but recovery is really the only long term fix. *There's a ton of back and forth about the sanding method, particularly from the old timers being salty about it. But I have seen HUNDREDS of old platens in machines that have absolutely been sanded by repair folks back in the day, so there's definitely value in the process.
    1. The case FOR WD-40 use in typewriters by [[Thom Cholowski]] in Antique Typewriter Maintenance Group

      Some thorough colloquial and unreferenced, but reasonably scientific advice about the use of WD-40 to clean typewriters, particularly with respect to water displacement.

      Once used for cleaning typewriter internals, WD-40 needs to be flushed out with kerosene or naphtha.

    1. Royal KHM - Techniques for Polishing Antique Glossy Black Paint by [[Dr. Typewriter]]

      He used a single round of Turtle Wax cleaning compound (taking care not to over use as it can remove clear coat), then Mother's Wax to bring back the shine of black enamel paint on an early 1900s typewriter.

    1. Cleaning Type Slugs Fast ! Removing Clogged Dirty Ink Typewriter Service How to Shine Those Faces by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]

      Duane cleans type slugs by draping the typewriter with cloths and then using a metal bristle brush and lacquer thinner. Small picks or an X-Acto knife can help to remove gunk from the interiors of the closed letters.

    1. The collector in me says you ought to get a Royal 10 as your 10th machine. But what do I know? I bought a Remington 17 as my 17th and I'm looking forward to the days I'll buy the milestone Remington Ten Forty or the eventual Hermes 3000! 😁

      If it helps, at Virtual Hermans 2022, Richard Polt recommended someone justify their continued typewriter collecting to their skeptical wife as an "investment" because typewriters are holding their value well.

      I personally don't have a typewriter collecting problem, I have a typewriter ribbon collecting problem that's compounded by need to both store and use them in their original historical context.

    1. On many of the older 40s/50s typewriters, the same key will work on almost everything. If you search online there are a few people who have posted a 3D printable key that you can download and may be able to print at your local library. I'm guessing based on the limited photo, yours is an early 40s Smith-Corona.

      I've tried a few local locksmiths who don't seem to carry these keys anymore.

      I've got a late 40s Smith-Corona latch that occasionally self-locks and for ages I used a bent paperclip in the rough shape of the old keys to easily pick the lock with just 10 seconds of jiggling around inside. Roughly a 2 mm straight section of paperclip with a 1mm "T" section that sticks out (even just on one side) about 4-5mm and then continues straight ought to work if you're in a jam.

      The level of security these keys/locks provide is minimal at best.

      If you go the online route to buy a key, they can be quite expensive, so if you're a collector, just wait for a machine that comes with one and you'll have another typewriter for "free" in the deal.

      reply to u/Succu6us66 at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1eqk6rd/typewriter_lock/

    1. Virtual Hermans - Lucas Dul

      Lucas Dul does an overview of affordable and available tools for typewriter repair as well as more advanced

      Basic Tools

      • screwdriver sets
        • Carpenter screwdrivers (come to a point) the point can slip and causecam out screws
        • Hollow ground - provide the most amount of torque and prevent cam-out problems (also called gunsmith He uses the 0623 Chapman set (the number is the date of international typewriter day) The large tip can be problematic
        • long reach screwdriver
        • magnetic screwdriver
        • tempered stainless steel ruler (as a screwdriver, especially
        • microdrivers (usually used for eyeglasses or electronics)
      • spring hooks (push/pull)
        • Fixture from an embroidery set with length for getting length
        • grab hooks
      • pliers
        • standard needle nose pliers
        • 45-90 degree pliers (he uses more often)
        • wire cutters (for modifying springs in machines and modifying links in machines)
        • parallel draw pieces (with heavy duty cutters)
      • Mechanics' wrench set
        • prefer cast ones
        • socket screwdrivers (fixed hex screwdriver) expecially for shift adjustment on the Royal Ps
        • Chapman's has a mini rachet 1/4" socket in it's 0623 set
      • Forceps especially a long pair for IBM Selectrics (via Duane Jensen)
      • Tweezers
      • Blowtorches
        • alcohol torches (for heating and bending metal)
        • soldering, brazing, and heat shrinking
        • small butane torch (cigarette lighter use)
      • Oilers with needlepoint applicator (he uses sewing machine oil)
        • One can use the surface tension of the oil to place a dot on the tip of a scewdriver (flat head) and then place the dot within a machine with reasonable precision
      • MIG Pliers - have cutouts for taking rubber off of old feedrollers (otherwise these pliers are used for welding); he describes it as the nutcracker of the typewriter world
      • strap wrench (especially for removing platen knobs to prevent damage)
      • knife (butter knife)
        • razor blade for trimming rubber (otherwise too thin for other applications)
      • flashlight (simple is fine)
      • marker (Sharpie)
        • marking orientation of removed parts (washes off with alcohol)
      • hammer
      • retainer clip pliers (especially for IBMs, Brothers, Swintecs) with spare e- and c-clips (some have thumbscrews for minimizing damage to clips) openers are more useful than "closers"
      • Bristol wrenches - looks like Allen Keys, but with star cross section for bristol locks in IBM machines
      • Hand crank (for IBM Selectrics) thread into the operational cam shaft

      Intermediate Tools

      • segment bearing rod (good for removing individual typebars)
      • drinking straw for ball bearings on royal portables and S-C portables and flat tops staggered 1/2" ball bearings with orbital gear (star-shaped) - snip opposite sides to insert orbital ring and ball bearing for holding and placement in typewriter
      • carpenter's pencil for marking

      Advanced/Specialty tools

      • t-bender for forming metal (exp. thin pieces)
      • 9 jaw pliers for bending typebars
      • peening pliers (for manipulating and stretching materials)
      • wheel benders (he doesn't use often)
      • eyelete tool for putting eyelets in typewritter ribbon
      • files (small/cheap) widen gaps inside of type guides when necessary or thinning out tight pieces

      Very specialized

      • Type slug solder jig or solder guide
      • keyring pliers ($400 and above to purchase)
      • multimeter for checking circuit components on electric models. Primarily using Ohm setting to see if current is passing through parts, otherwise they're broken.

      Honorable mentions

      • center punch for drilling points and new screws
      • dental mirror for looking into machines
      • spring gauge to set 2lbs for desktop and 1lb for portables


      air compressors are useful for cleaning

      Don't damage screws on older machines.

      US used imperial screws until 1940/50s and machines after are all metric.

      3 dessert island tools<br /> - screwdrivers, pliers, spring hook

    1. Tools of the typewriter trade by [[Retrotype]]

      Excellent overview of many of the basic tools for typewriter repair. Didn't have the strongest grasp of all the tools' specific names, but good enough for describing their general use cases.

      Example of a typewriter toolset including a case made for telephone company repair, but which works with typewriters.

      • Shore A durometer gauge
      • nylon fishing/picture hanging wire spec to 25kg (for drawband replacement)
      • thick waxed string/yarn for repairing fishing nets (for drawbands)
      • nitrile gloves (to prevent staining, issues with mineral spirits, and other caustic chemicals)
      • XPower pressure blower for blowing out dust/dirt and mineral spirits. (smaller than an air compressor)
      • nail grooming set with tweezers, picks, etc. (not technically necessary, but sometimes useful)
      • dental tools (for use as spring hooks)
      • Renaissance micro-crystalline wax (non-corrosive, made for British Museum, good on marble, wood, leather, etc. Good on bare metal for treating previously rusted metal. (It's recommended to use an abrasive polish for improving the shine of glossy paint however)
      • Pouch and set of precision screwdrivers (he only uses the flatheads though the set includes other) Prefer hollow ground tips which are squared off rather than wedges.
      • Chapman bit set of screwdrivers (with hollow ground tips) He prefers these for hard to remove screws. Issue that it's a bit thicker at the tip.
      • Liquid wrench penetrating oil for helping to loosen screws (he likes this better than WD-40)
      • brash wire brushes
      • steel wire brushes (uses less frequently as they're more abrasive)
      • pouch of precision wrenches (imperial and metric) his are bladed, Moody tools wrenches (mfg.) prefer the thinnest tips
      • microfiber cloths
      • jig for soldering typeslugs on typearms
      • pouch with various typewriter specific pliers:
        • 3 prong pliers (total of 9 prongs) for making bends/forming typebars (especially making bends in the middle of bars rather than the end.;
        • peening bend pliers;
        • bending pliers for sideways bends esp. with thinner typebars;
        • vertical adjustment pliers (with rollers) not good for making adjustments of 3mm or more;
        • forming pliers with screws on the end to rotate heads for bending, peening and cutting;
        • peening pliers (bending by metal displacement)
      • Magnetized screwdrivers
      • forceps
      • screw grabber (active capture)
      • spring hooks (push/pull)
      • nylon brushes for dusting
      • needle nose pliers
      • t-bender with slotted head for forming metal
      • small bottles for mineral spirits and sewing machine oil. They have small metal tips for precision application.
    1. The 1957 Groma Kolibri by [[Typewriter Chicago]]

      Another sexy sales video by Lucas Dul, this time for the Groma Kolibri portable out in the woods and backed by a lovely piece called Ashitaka and San by Joe Hisaishi.

    1. Imperial Good Companion Model 1 & Model T. Imperial Desk typewriters. 50, 55, 58, 60, 66, 70 & Some other models.  Royal 10 Desk typewriter All Remington portables from Model 1 to 5. All Remington Desk Typewriters.  Mainly all Smith Corona Desk typewriters.  Plastic Made Smith Corona like Calypso and Zephyr.

      A list of typewriters that have general exceptions to the broad categories of typewriter spools. One will want to keep and use the original metal spools for these.

    1. The three most common typewriter spools:

      • GR1 (Group 1)

        • Used by most German machines.
        • Sometimes known as DIN 2103 or 32 755.
        • 50-54mm Diameter.
        • 5mm center hole.
        • Usually 1, 3, 4, or 6 round drive holes.
      • GR4 (Group 4)

        • Used by Olivetti and some other Italian machines.
        • Early models require a separate spool nut to fasten.
        • 50-52mm Diameter.
        • 6mm center hole.
        • 3 rectangular or half-moon drive holes.
      • GR9 (Group 9)

        • Used by most Japanese machines after 1970, Hermes, some portable models from Royal and Underwood, and Olympias made for the US market.
        • 51mm / 2" Diameter.
        • 4mm center hole.
        • Usually 1, 4, 6 or 8 round drive holes.

      via u/Koponewt

    2. Typewriter spool size variables: - ribbon width (almost always 1/2" or 13mm) - spindle size<br /> - ribbon reversing mechanism (gromets, mechanical, tension, etc.) - spool/proprietary cartridge (electrics) - outer diameter - core diameter - center hole diameter - drive hole diameter - drive hole radius (distance from cernter to center of drive pin) - number of drive holes

      Variations by: - brand<br /> - model - year of production - world location

    1. Hints for a Happy Typewriter<br /> Bryan Kravitz, Nancy Gorrell, 1983<br /> https://typewriterdatabase.com/1983-Hints4HappyTypewriter.index.manual

      Some good, basic home care and use from 1983. Home mechanics in 2024 are probably capable of a bit more without the backstop of a typewriter mechanic.

      This guide suggest the use of solvents like alcohol or trichloroethane for cleaning type slugs and internals. Note that trichloroethane manufacture and use has diminished significantly since 1996 when it was identified by the Montreal Protocol as a contributor to ozone depletion.

    1. Common Typewriter Problems and Fixes

      A short pictorial primer for quick repairs of many common typewriter problems including:<br /> - stripping a typewriter<br /> - cleaning and oiling - carriage not moving<br /> - ribbon reverse not working<br /> - bell not working - characters out of alignment<br /> - inconsistent margin<br /> - space bar jumping/inconsistent

    2. This manual suggest using a knitting needle with a bent tip to assist as both a spring hook for pulling springs as well as for pulling drawbands back through typewriter carriages.