549 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2018
    1. The actual frequency of violent behav-iour, however, seems relatively low

      more likely to express aggression due to mental capacities but violence is not likely -- why? perhaps influenced by other factors (upbringing?)

    2. Executivefunction deficits, therefore, may increase therisk of violence via direct eVects on impulsecontrol or through associated psychosocialeVects, or both, either interactively or inde-pendently
    3. Resulting educational and social failure likelycontribute to aggressive and antisocial lifeadaptation,
    4. few studies attributing violent crime tofrontal lobe dysfunction adequately addressconcurrent psychosocial variables

      do not account for other variables that could attribute to violent crimes

    5. grossmeasures of brain function with low specificityand questionable clinical significance, whilefailing suYciently to relate the clinical data tothe specific aggressive behaviours in question
    6. do not mirror the gen-eral population or even the larger criminalpopulation.
    7. lack of prospective data, small subjectnumbers and lack of adequate controls forknown violence risk factors
    8. These inconsistenciesmay reflect variation related to experimentalconditions, limitations of imaging technology,or subject selection. Most of the subjects inthese studies had known or suspected psychiat-ric disorders potentially contributing to altera-tions in prefrontal function.
    9. AVective mur-derers had significantly lower prefrontal meta-bolic activity compared with controls, whereasfrontal metabolism in predatory murderersresembled controls

      affective murderers are impulsive, thus they're decision-making would be impaired/they would not think their actions through whereas predatory murderers actively decide and plan to kill

    10. Frontal cortex metabolismdid not distinguish patients with antisocial per-sonality disorder from controls.

      non-distinction of patients with ASPD could skew reuslts, since not all the variables are considered

    11. self reportedaggression scale

      self-reported: bias to show their best selves

    12. antisocial personality disordershowed significant diVerences on three meas-ures: more violent crimes, more psychopathic

      "...traits, and reduced overall prefrontal grey matter volume."

      do the subjects only have antisocial personality disorder, or are there other factors that could contribute to these three? do they control for only ASPD?

    13. do not represent violent criminals in general.The mere presence of EEG abnormalities orfrontal neurological signs also does not explainwhether, or how, such findings contributed tobehaviour at the time of an alleged crime

      limitations in their studies

    14. these neuropsychological studiestend to support a significant associationbetween prefrontal executive dysfunction

      "...measured by neuropsychological testing and increased antisocial and aggressive behaviour."

      not necessarily; many of these studies were circumstantial (even more research bias)

    15. psychopathic criminals showed sig-nificant deficits on tests specifically selected toassess orbitofrontal and ventromedial function-ing.

      could signify that psychopaths do, in fact, have a brain injury/mental impairment that should be looked into

    16. All of these studies were retrospective, andmost did not adequately control for knownviolence risk factors.
    17. al-though the prevalence of actual violent crimeseems small

      although they exhibit aggressive behaviour, it is not likely they would commit another crime due to their injury or change in behaviour (could be related to their war background?)

    18. gross dysregulation of aVect and behaviourmay occur while cognitive, motor, and sensoryfunctioning remain relatively intact.

      can be compared to Phineas Gage

    19. clinical, laboratory, or neuropsycho-logical test data relating frontal lobe function toaggression, crime, or violence

      secondary research; due to the database search, this could completely eliminate studies that contradict it, thus skewing the articles in favor of the hypothesis (research bias)

    20. the strength of this hypothesised associ-ation has yet to be established

      lack of empirical research in the field supporting this hypothesis; based on beliefs?

    1. discovering the exact origin and process in devel-oping this skill remains elusive but an important topic for future research
    2. But thatuntrained and inexperienced chemistry students can produce relatively accu-rateprofilesarguesthatinvestigativeexperienceisnottheonlyroutetodevel-oping this skill

      profiling experience can be obtained by simply looking at the case from an analytical point of view

    3. Thepolicedetectivesinourgroupdidnothaveanyspecifictrainingat profiling and, as such, may have had only raw knowledge from experiencethat, for whatever reason, was not effectively applied to this case

      but what is the reason????

    4. arebasedonprejudiceorotherbiasestheyhavelearnedovertheyearsandnotconsistent with the actual relationships in the real world.

      detectives possess biases due to their experience in the field

    5. the more experience youget investigating crime, the more that experience gets in the way of makingsense of the data regarding a crime under investigation and so the worse youdo at profiling
    6. Per-haps, the true cause of effective profiling may be something correlated withthe attainment of or willingness to pursue higher education

      thus what the detective said earlier was wrong, education can argue against experience

    7. The most apparent common element to all of these groups istheir current enrollment in or completion of a degree within a university
    8. Thegroupsthatseemedtodothebestinourstudywereuniversitystudentsand the police recruits, all of whom were currently enrolled in a universitydiploma program
    9. Thus, the observed trend in perfor-mance may, to some degree, be a derivative of the evolving criteria for policerecruitment and training
    10. One possibility relates to the varying generations from whicheach of the sampled police groups actually originate.
    11. Although entrance to profiling training programs such as the oneoffered by the FBI requires seniority and accomplishment as a police officer,we wonder based on these results whether this policy is worth reexamining
    1. not unlike that of the medical industry, where the needs of patients (clients) are met by a process-driven model.

      To what extent is the writer's analogy to the medical industry persuasive?

    2. It would allow lawyers to concentrate on higher-order tasks such as crafting legal strategies, interpreting and applying the relevant parts of the law to complex situations and perhaps most importantly, maintaining the human connection for a profession which is critically about relationships.

      What are the assumptions in the writer's argument?

    3. As business and the economy becomes ever more complex, the information and data available for lawyers to consider in assisting clients to make strategic decisions will be so vast that unless technology and workflows are correctly harnessed to make sense of it, the information would be useless and impossible to interpret manually.

      Can you think of other industries in which this might also be true? Share illustrations with your class.

    4. the final call will have to come from the human in the loop.

      Do you agree that AI is incapable of decision-making, and that a human will always have to make the final call? Why or why not? How might this vary in different fields, including the ones you are interested in pursuing?

    1. improve female representation in the senior leadership

      What are the pros and cons of focusing on representation in the leadership?

    2. gender barriers (physical, cultural, attitudinal)

      What do you think are some of these barriers?

    3. If we can achieve gender balance in the most visible public offices of the land, the rest of the country will follow.

      Do you agree that the writer's proposals will be effective in achieving gender equality? Why or why not? What other ideas do you have for achieving gender equality?

    4. implicit gender bias

      Have you ever experienced or witnessed implicit gender bias? Share your thoughts with a classmate of a different gender.

    5. Most notably, the Cabinet today comprises 16 men and only three women - even though for more than 10 years, the number of women graduating from universities has outnumbered male graduates.

      Do you find the writer's evidence convincing? What are the the strengths—and limitations—of her evidence?

    6. Sadly, these patriarchal attitudes prevail today.

      Do you think this is a fair claim? What examples of patriarchal attitudes can you think of in Singapore?

      You may include photos, videos, or hyperlinks.

    7. I cannot help but wonder, would things have been different if Mrs Lee Kuan Yew had continued to attend these meetings?

      How do you think Singapore's history might have been different if women were included among the founders of independent Singapore?

    8. Discrimination on the basis of gender or sex is omitted

      Can you think of reasons for why this might have been the case?

    9. sex

      How do you think the context of democratic socialism and gender are linked?

    10. Until 2005, the Civil Service provided medical benefits to the families of male civil servants, but not female civil servants. Under the Women’s Charter, only wives can get maintenance from their spouses, not husbands. Paternity leave was only instituted in 2013.

      What assumptions do each o these policies reveal? Do you agree with these policies? Why or why not?

  2. Sep 2018
    1. Until 2005, the Civil Service provided medical benefits to the families of male civil servants, but not female civil servants. •Under the Women’s Charter, only wives can get maintenance from their spouses, not husbands.•Paternity leave was only instituted in 2

      What assumptions do each of these policies reveal?

    2. If we can achieve gender balance in the most visible public offices of the land, the rest of the country will follow.

      Do you agree that the writer's proposals will be effective in achieving gender equality? Why or why not? What other ideas do you have for achieving gender equality?

    3. rimination on the basis of gender or sex is omitted.

      Can you think of reasons why this might have been the case?

    4. “Although Mrs Lee Kuan Yew was one of the first women to sign up as a PAP member, she was never admitted into the inner sanctum of the party.Truth be told, she attended the first meeting with S. Rajaratnam, K. M. Byrne, Philip Hoalim Jr and his wife Miki.

      Why do you think Mrs Lee Kuan Yew was excluded from the "inner sanctum" of the PAP? Do you think this could have been a justifiable decision in the circumstances?

    5. implicit gender bias

      Have you ever experienced or witnessed implicit gender bias? Share your thoughts with a classmate of a different gender.

    6. . Most notably, the Cabinet today comprises 15 men and only four women -even though for more than 10 years, the number of women graduating from universities has outnumbered male graduate

      Do you find the writer's evidence convincing? What are the the strengths—and limitations—of her evidence?

    7. Was it only by this twist of fate and chance –Lee Kuan Yew wanting to stop the wife of another colleague from attending –that the founding team became and then stayed an All Men’s group?

      How do you think Singapore's history might have been different if women were included among the founders of independent Singapore?

  3. Aug 2018
    1. Laws were made by Parliament, and property-owning males were allowed to vote for representatives to Parliament. Thus, Americans were accustomed to the idea of representative government from the beginning.
    2. This document would profoundly influence the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

      Constitutional ideas started before its writing

    1. in the forum, we talk about what we decide to talk about, but in the blog, each student can talk about whatever he or she individually wants to talk about.

      This is really worth thinking about. Which virtual spaces are "my space" and which are "our space?" How do they relate and affect group dialogue and individual learning?

      I wish I had a better sense how a multiauthor "class blog" fits into this framework.

    2. The forum was the voice of the group.
  4. Jul 2018
    1. Spider Web Discussion is an adaptation of the Socratic seminar in that it puts students squarely in the center of the learning process, with the teacher as a silent observer and recorder of what s/he sees students saying and doing during the discussion. Her method is used when the teacher wants students to collaboratively discuss and make meaning of a particular learning concept

      Spider web discussions for collaborative learning

  5. Jan 2018
    1. While a traditional discussion forum is separated from the objects being discussed, a more powerful discourse environment is able to incorporate various web objects into discourse to maintain its contexts.

      Same could be said for page bottom comments in online newspapers/magazines.

    2. self-organization of discourse participants around ideas

      This authentic discourse is definitely better achieved via annotation in which students self-select passages to annotate and annotations to reply to.

  6. Dec 2017
    1. Discussion Forum - I believe using a technology like the discussion forum allows for students to expand on their thinking and interaction. I know I often think of things I wish I had said after class; students tell me the same thing. This forum allows for students to respond in their own time and ponder what they want to say. It provides a more equal platform, as some students may be reluctant to speak in class and others just process things for a longer period before responding and may rarely speak in class. Some of our class discussions in ENG101 would take the place of an online discussion assignment later in the week. Many weeks, these discussion questions would be generated from what we discussed, or didn't have time to discuss, in class, as well as concerns I see with skills or that the students have with assignments. This is why only a few weeks have been posted as examples.

  7. Nov 2017
    1. It is at that age of aptness, docility & emulation of the practices of manhood, that such things are soonest learnt, and longest remembered.

      Agreed. In times of learning, say in college for instance, there will be particular aspects of school that we will never forget, and this is because we are still in our learning stage. Our brains are still developing and trying to figure out how to do certain things. When learning how to become a grown man, or woman, we take what we learn habitually and hold it in our minds forever if it sticks with us.

    2. To enlighten them with mathematical and physical sciences which advance the arts & administer to the health, the subsistence & comforts of human life

      I appreciate this statement because the founders were right in putting their observations of education on these aspects. They included math, science, and health, and these aspects cover much of what the world needs to have solved. They focused on which subjects would be the most beneficial to human life, and I appreciate their thought process with this.

  8. Oct 2017
    1. His activity would in turn be transformed, possibly in ways that better accord with thelarger community and with the design of the arena. Although we do not know if or what Zackdid learn from this conflict, that it produced a learning opportunity is clear.

      This cuts both ways though, right? E.g., it's also an opportunity for the established skaters to edit their conception of the use of the space and potentially expand their community of practice. While it sounds like there is a legitimate reason for curbing the "carving" behavior (like cutting off other skaters) it also seems like this is akin to reproducing/perpetuating the status quo through power dynamcs

    1. each of these was unexceptionable as to healthiness & fertility.

      The focus on healthiness and fertility reminds me sickeningly of the treatment of slaves and of women throughout history, as land, a place for a school to be built, was regarded in the same way that human beings were -- property; only worthy of life if they met specific criteria. A slave was only useful if it was healthy enough to perform the work necessary of its existence (as the slave owners thought). If a slave could not work in a field or in the home, they were a useless slave and often times killed for their inability to perform. The fertility of a slave and it's ability to reproduce was profitable as slave owners were able to buy a slave (if they raped their females) or two (male and female), and have their slave continue to produce more slaves and therefore more bodies able to do the slaveowner's biding. Such is similar to the view of women, as health and fertility were the most important aspects of a woman to society, besides obedience. Women's fertility could be manipulated and used for gain of both men and society. In some instances, women were only considered worthy of life if they produced male offspring. Such is seen in royalty, as King Henry vehemently believed that Catherine "was condemned by God not to have a boy and that Anne would provide him with one". This belief that the only worth of a woman is their ability to produce male heirs was carried into society for a long time after the Tudor times. And although the thoughts towards women are not as strict in modern society, the stigma towards women unable to have children or who do not want children has continued into modern society.

      source link : http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/tudor-england/henry-and-divorce/

    2. “the branches of learning,

      I find this phrase "branches of learning" interesting, as it implies that learning stems from a singular object, which in essence is a university. It is a very remarkable way to think of learning, as the university is the foundation for learning, but the different branches (topics) stem from not only what is taught officially at the university in classrooms, but also from the experiences that occur here and people that call this place home. I know that this statement did not mean what I think it means now back when it was written, but I still find it a beautiful way to talk about learning. The metaphor of a tree implies that roots in the university - the land it was built on, the people who built it, the people who used to live on this land - can affect the university and the way students learn from it and on it. Such is so applicable to today as we are attempting to embrace the rotten roots of our dear university, attempting to learn from the injustisces against humanity that occurred on and before our university.

  9. Sep 2017
    1. Do digital communities foster homogeneity between individuals that would not normally see each other as having commonality? Are they able to form bonds that they value for some amount of reciprocity?

      Could you detect this in a discussion forum? How could you define homogeneity in a way that could be measured via discussion?

    1. To develope the reasoning faculties of our youth, enlarge their minds cultivate their morals, & instil into them the precepts of virtue & order

      I find it interesting that the University made it a goal to cultivate the morals of the students attending their school. They also stress how they want to instill the precepts of virtue and order. They want to achieve this, yet they based the location of their school to be around the centrality of the white population. I do not believe this is cultivating the morals of their students. This is narrowing their viewpoints, and not expanding on the multitude of cultures that lie within the United States.

    2. The tender age at which this part of education commences, generaly about the tenth year, would weigh heavily with parents in sending their sons to a school so distant as the Central establishment would be from most of them

      The University set out a goal for the parents of young boys to begin their studies of the ancient languages at the year of age ten. This is an extremely young age, considering that the boys would be going to college eight years later. The minds of the young boys seem to be too young to be able to grasp this form of art. This correlates to my Engagement, Art Inside/Out, by focusing on the art aspect. Latin, Greek, and Hebrew are forms of art in the language aspect. This piece of art is powerful and intriguing; however, it may be too complex for the minds of ten year olds who are still trying to develop.

    1. Austen allows Emma to imaginatively misattribute herself. In doing so,she offers the reader a literary red herring. While Harriet may fall in and out oflove as if she is subject to one of Puck’s spells,Emmatakes its cues from adifferent Shakespearean comedy.24Emma, who has‘‘very little intention of ever marrying at all’’, yet is happyto consider Frank Churchill as a potential husband (84), resembles Olivia, the‘‘too proud’’heiress of Shakespeare’sTwelfth Night, whose resolution to live‘‘like a cloistress’’is quickly abandoned when she meets Viola, disguised as aboy.25

      In this brief introduction to the next section of the paper, Murphy challenges existing scholarship that aligns Emma with Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Rather, the author outlines the parallels between Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. I find the connection somewhat tenuous as it almost ignores all of the gender bending and performance of Twelfth Night. While the author's later claim that "the broader themes of deliberate misrepresentation and self-serving delusions" are the tie between the two plays, I find that ignoring the aspects of performance and disguise is problematic.

      I also think that this takes away from Murphy's main argument, which is that Austen's view of influence is broader than the historically main canon, evidence by her parody of Brunton's novel. This section seems to show the opposite, which is a parallel between Austen and Shakespeare.

    2. This is hardly less arbitrarily unjust or patriarchal than the actualsystem of patrilineal inheritance consolidated in the eighteenth century, formingthe backbone of the British economy and its law, and providing the historicalbackground to Jane Austen’s novels

      The connection between the unfair genealogical model of literary and artistic inheritance and patrilineal inheritance laws is interesting here, as several of Jane Austen's novels, especially Sense and Sensibility, are shaped by the deleterious effects of this system upon their characters.

  10. Jun 2017
    1. And research finds that kids these days consistently prefer their textbooks in print rather than pixels.

      I don't know how true this is. One element not mentioned here is convience. For the first time, I did not assign individual textbooks this past year, but instead I had a class set of books, and I posted the book to my website. I did this because none of my students in years past wanted to carry their "heavy" book back and forth from home to school. So out of convienece, a large majority of my students did all of their reading online in regards to my text book. I had a handfull request a copy to keep at home, but most of them "read" online.

  11. May 2017
    1. provide a set of discussion APIs

      Digital #annotation is currently demonstrating a model for discussion much like Michael describes, where "discussion" (as annotation) is a separate, generic service and different manifestations of that service can be harnessed for and surfaced in various platforms for different uses. See Hypothesis' work, especially with a Canvas LTI integration.

  12. Apr 2017
    1. NorwouldIequaterhetoricalsituationwithpersuasivesituation

      I think Nathaniel would agree with this, as he says that many individuals who claim to engage rhetoric so as to persuade others do not actually want to persuade them, because then they would not have anyone with whom to argue, and would not feel like they were affecting change concerning a certain situation.

      I could just be putting words in his mouth, though.

  13. Mar 2017
    1. In commenting on the development of H-Net, a consortium of close to 100 scholarlydiscussion groups with a collective membership of over 50,000 participants, Peter Knupfer,the organization’s associate director explained the value of the SDG.Knupfer (1996)notedthat SDGs have brought the information revolution to the desktops of working scholarsaround the world. SDGs have not only increased the opportunities for scholars to conversewith each other, they have pried open previously restricted fields of editing and informationmanagement. Through SDGs, the Internet is best exploited as a collective enterprise byacademics and teachers who mediate an environment many regard as forbidding and hostile.As an example of this power, H-Net is particularly illustrative of how an internationalconsortium of scholars can use these electronic networks to advance humanities and socialscience teaching and research

      Claims about the power of SDGs

    1. '10 ........... ~ k-w ~r..J (!)00 a,,-..&,w1 +-l;lw ... 1111 OV\.b~ eo~u( ~ saying clearly what one wishes to say when there is an abundance of material; and conversation will seldom attain even the level of an intellectual pas-time if adequate methods of Interpretation are not also available.

      It is a clear skill to know exactly what someone wants to hear out of anything that could be said, but this will not amount to anything productive unless both parties recognize the merit in the discussion and not just in hearing what they desire

  14. Feb 2017
    1. All that man can say or do can never elevate us, it is a work that must be effected between God and ourselves. And how'! By dropping all political discussions in our behalf, for these, in my opinion, sow the seed of discord, and strengthen the cord of preju-dic

      Oh, so maybe the personal is not political for Stewart. . . .

  15. Jan 2017
    1. A person with oppositional conversational style is a person who, in conversation, disagrees with and corrects whatever you say. He or she may do this in a friendly way, or a belligerent way, but this person frames remarks in opposition to whatever you venture.
  16. Oct 2016
    1. Humans why we always change our mind in the simple staff in live ? why we make it so complicated in this world?

    2. itmustleadtolimitlessviolence,waste,war,anddestruction

      How will this lead to violence, waste, war, and destruction?

    3. .Andyetinthephrase"freemarket,"theword"free"hascometomeanunlimitedeconomicpowerforsome,withthenecessaryconsequenceofeconomicpowerlessnessforothers.

      But is this idea not true for almost everything in life? If someone wins, someone must lose, right? Is this system poorly designed because some people lose? The alternative would be nobody wins, would that be preferable?

    4. Raphaelissaying,withangeliccircumlocution,thatknowledgewithoutwis~dom,limitlessknowledge,isnotwonhafan

      So by quoting this, what is the author trying to say? Should we stop the pursuit of knowledge after instituting these 'limits'?

    5. ourrightsandtherightsofallhumansarenotgrantedbyanyhumangovernmentbutareinnate,belongingtousbybirth.Thisinsis~tencecomesnotfromthefearofdeathorevenextinctionAbutfromtheancientfearthatinordertosurvivewemightbecomeinhumanormonstro

      Why would we fear to become inhuman and monstrous? What most people really care about is extinction. Yet her it states that's not the case. How? And why would we ned to become inhuman and monstrous?


      True in a sense, But why must we have limits if we have never reached them. theoretically speaking isn't there always room for improvement regardless of the subject?

    7. InOUflimitlessselfishness,wehavetriedtodefine"freedom,"forex#ample,asanescapefromallrestraint.But,asmyfriendBertHornbackhasexplainedinhisbookTheWisdominWords,"free"isetymologicallyrelatedco"friend."ThesewordscomefromthesameIndo~Europeanroot,whichcarriesthesenseof"dear"or"beloved."

      Can we as a society be "free" without restraints then?

    8. Wehaveobscuredtheissuebyrefusingtoseethatlim·irlessnessisagodlytrair

      Why do we think of limitless as a godly trait? Mankind continues to do the unthinkable as we progress. We have done things we once thought were never achievable.

    9. knowledgethatthehu-manmindcannotappropriatelyuse,ismortallydangerous.

      How can a limitless knowledge affect a human brain dangerously ?

    10. -therealnamesofglobalwarmingareWasteandGreed

      Is waste and greed the cause of global warming?

    11. Ournationalfaithsofarhasbeen:"There'salwaysmore."

      This thought process has guided America's economic choices from the beginning. There's always more: money, oil, freedom, opportunity...etc. But was it to occur when we are forced to realize that this way of thinking can only be temporary, and at some point time will catch up with innovation.

    12. Humans beginning are not define as animals and not all religions agree with at. Some religions doesn't agree that human heritage begin from animals. That may be true scientifically but not culturally or religiously.

    13. Theminimizationofneighborliness,respect,rev~erence,responsibility,accountability,andself-subordination-thisisthecultureofwhichourpresentleadersandheroesarethespoiledchildren.Ournationalfaithsofarhasbeen:"There'salwaysmore."Ourtruereli-gionisasortofautisticindustrialism

      Because us as humans consume limitless amounts we lose respect for each other and humanity? Wouldn't sharing these limitless needs give us a common ground and make us a community?

    14. Weknowfurtherthatifwewanttomakeoureconomicland-scapessustainablyandabundantlyproductive,wemustdosobymaintain~inginthemalivingformalcomplexitysomethinglikethatofnaturalecosystems.Wecandothisonlybyraisingtothehighestlevelourmas-teryoftheartsofagriculture,animalhusbandry,forestry,and,ultimately,theartofliving.

      How do you feel about renewable energy? and do you believe this argument is valid and appropriate regarding the necessity to follow nature in the essence of "natural ecosystems"?

    15. Weknowfurtherthatifwewanttomakeoureconomicland-scapessustainablyandabundantlyproductive,wemustdosobymaintain~inginthemalivingformalcomplexitysomethinglikethatofnaturalecosystems.Wecandothisonlybyraisingtothehighestlevelourmas-teryoftheartsofagriculture,animalhusbandry,forestry,and,ultimately,theartofliving.

      How do you feel about renewable energy? and do you believe this argument is valid and appropriate regarding the necessity to follow nature in the essence of "natural ecosystems"?

    16. what is the circumstance of giving up the right of being godlike animals and how would it effect the earth?

    17. If we as a society focus less on big business, and more on what nature is giving us, would we have to worry about running out of what nature is already giving us as energy resources?

    18. Wewillkeeponconsuming,spending,wast-ing,anddriving,asbefore,atanycosttoanythingandeverylxxlybutourselves

      But why are we talking about this? Like why does it matter?

    19. How would we even be able to present a limitless economy and what kind of an ending effect would it had on us?

    20. The author talks about our "abused cropland" which opens up a lot of problems with un-regulated farming and deforestation in different places. And if we don't regulate farm land we can farm the land to the point where it has no nutrients and if we just keep moving to the next plot of land, eventually we are going to end up like the movie interstellar where the money is in crops instead of the progression of the technology.

    21. therealnamesofglobalwarmingareWasteandGreed

      Having studied the issue of Global Warming in detail under the direction of two other professors here, I find this claim Berry makes to be utterly flattering. It suggests that anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions (less than 5% of total CO2 surface emissions) rival those that can be attributed to natural processes. Do you believe Berry to be employing a "truthful hyperbole"--as Trump would say--here to illustrate the danger of our "limitless" view of the Earth; or do you believe Berry himself to be caught up in a view of human limitlessness (in other words, do you believe he thinks the impact humans have on this planet to be limitless)?

    22. Evenso,thatwehavefoundedourpresentsocietyupondelusionalas~sumptionsoflimitlessnessiseasyenoughtodemonstrate.

      Why would anyone think that a limitless economy would be easy to demonstrate?

    23. Wemusthavelimitsorwewillceasetoexistashumans;perhapswewillceasetoexist,period.

      What limits can we create to ensure we are still able to exist as human beings or to exist at all?

    24. Do the points in this essay refer to us as selfish in a way? The people and the government seem to look at things as limitless but in reality stuff will run out. Example being the gas we use is not limitless and someday will run out. We need to be more resourceful and mindful. But of course no one thinks of these things while they fill their cars up..

    25. monetarywealth,whichdoesnotreli-ablystandfortherealwealthofland,resources,andworkmanshipbutinsteadwastesanddepletesit.

      How is monetary not a stats about wealth of land, but instead about wastes and depletes?

    26. orthosewhorejectheaven,helliseverywhere,andthusislimitless.Forthem,eventhethoughtofheavenishell

      Why is hell everywhere for those who reject heaven?

    27. Andso,inconfrontingthephenomenonof"peakoil."wearereallyconfrontingtheendofourcustomarydelusionof"more."

      Do we have a delusion that there will be enough oil and that it isn't going to ever run out?

    28. Hellhathnolimits,noriscircumscribedInoneselfplace,butwherewe[thedamned]areishell,Andwherehellismustweeverbe.

      So, by this metaphor, is the author implying that if we use our freedom to destroy nature, will there be no place to go where the environment is safe for living plants and animals?

    29. Theideaofalimitlesseconomyimpliesandrequiresadoctrineofgeneralhumanlimitlessness:allareentitledtopursuewithoutlimitwhatevertheyconceiveasdesirable-alicensethatclassifiesthemostexaltedChristiancapitalistwiththelowliestpornographer.ThisfantasyoflimitlessnessperhapsarosefromthecoincidenceoftheIn-dustrialRevolutionwiththesuddenlyexploitableresourcesoftheNewWorld

      Are we entitled to a limitless economy? Should we consume whatever we please in the world without regard to consequences of that unrestrained use of resources?

    30. eproblemwithusisnotonlyprodigalextravagancebutalsoanassumedlimitlessness.

      Why does our society have an assumed limitlessness when we are capable of doing things thought not possible?

    31. Discussion: How can limits be acknowledged positively without the impediment of progress?

    32. butifitwillburnforahundredmoreyears,thatwillbefine

      As a society, we tend to function in a rat race mentality, that we are busy people who focus on what is important and urgent. We usually put off what is urgent but can wait to be dealt with later. Is it wrong to let the next generation solve this problem so that we can continue on, "business as usual"?

    33. Will looking away from science and technology and going to focus on the arts really help with limitless? If you look at a broad spectrum of things are technology and art really limitless? Is anything limitless?

    34. alreadyabusedcropland

      Not really sure what "already abused cropland" is supposed to be referring to. The USA has plenty of land that is useful for crops, so we won't be running out of land anytime soon. Crops can be rotated to put the nutrients back in that a certain type of crop takes away. I would say that a shortage of water would be a bigger concern. As it is, we import about 19% of the food we consume for more variety of choices. With advances in farming, there is less crop loss and more yield per acre than ever before. Do you think that growing so-called bio-fuels such as wheat, corn, soybeans and sugarcane will really cause problems?

    35. Wewillhavetostartover,withadifferentandmucholderpremise:thenaturalnessand,forcreaturesoflimitedintelligence,thene~cessity,oflimits.

      Why will we need to start over? We can learn the concepts of ideas and things but we would not need to restart completely to understand it.

    36. Is the problem about us assuming limitlessness, true? Do we assume EVERYTHING is limitlessness?

    37. Apainting,howeverlarge,musrfinallybeboundedbyaframeorawall.Acomposerorplaywrightmustreckon,atamini#mum,withthecapacityofanaudiencetositstillandpayattention

      Were limits learned by time and society or did we always have them instilled in us? ( ex: attention span of an audience)

    1. l'annotation critique

      C'est à dire aussi bien :

      poser des questions
      enrichir, ajouter des références, des liens
      ajouter des images
      tagger, indexer
  17. Sep 2016
    1. Simply knowing that something is wrong does not identify the cause of the problem. Moreover, young children do not seem to be very good at detecting logical inconsistencies that might cause cognitive conflict. Not until age 6 do children see a problem with the claim that a man is both tall and very short (Ruffman, 1999).

      In my experience, this is often also true of older children as well (problems detecting logical inconsistencies, that is). Are humans inherently logical? (thinking of Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow, which suggests no). If humans are not inherently logical, how does that affect teaching/learning? Would love to see more articles on this!

  18. Jun 2016
    1. Title: Is Polite Philosophical Discussion Possible? (guest post by Nomy Arpaly) - Daily Nous

      Keywords: implicit bias, philosophical discussion, war crimes, moral inhibitions—

      Summary: For brevity’s sake, let’s just say it’s a big part of politeness or civility not to correct people.<br>A soldier who is fighting, even for a just cause, is in a precarious situation, with regard to morality, because he has lost, of necessity, the basic moral inhibition against killing people.<br>A philosopher who is arguing with another, even in pursuit of truth, is in a precarious situation with regard to politeness, because she has lost, of necessity, the basic civil inhibition against correcting people.<br>Having lost, of necessity, the inhibition against killing people, some soldiers find themselves shedding other moral inhibitions—and committing war crimes.<br>Having lost, of necessity, the inhibition against correcting people, some philosophers find themselves shedding other social inhibitions—and being terribly, terribly rude.<br>That’s just the nature of inhibition loss.<br>You need the real thing.<br>Being compelled to break the rule of thumb against telling people that they are mistaken in the understanding of an important thing is no excuse for also yelling at them, repeatedly interrupting them and talking over them, responding to their painstakingly prepared talks with a sneering “why should I be interested in any of this”?<br>Furthermore, I will argue against the philosophical Henry Kissinger within many of us who worries that whatever might be true about war and war crimes, realistically speaking philosophical rigor just requires rudeness.<br>It’s clearly a vice, virtue ethicists would say.<br>I would like to add the following.<br>First, if everyone is rude, women are judged unfairly (as potential colleagues, for example) because rude women are treated more harshly than rude men, by everyone, due to implicit bias.<br>Again, changing behavior is much easier than changing implicit bias.<br>Some think philosophy should change here—either through what I called “pacifism” earlier or through changing the way we evaluate people, or otherwise.<br>It won’t solve everything, but if we reduce rudeness, I solemnly promise that more women will want to do philosophy.<br>It is shown most emphatically by downright quiet, mild-mannered philosophers whose objections, expressed in a nice tone of voice, are nonetheless absolutely lethal.<br>They say revenge is best served cold.<br>Philosophical discussion can legitimately feel like a very tiring game of squash.<br>(Vincent Van Gogh, detail of “Four Cut Sunflowers”)<br>

  19. May 2016
    1. not, an answer.

      Yes, annotations should open up discussion, not close it down.

  20. Apr 2016
  21. Jan 2016
    1. In my experience, email becomes a pit where ideas go off to die.

      Well...applies to blogs as well even when in a fishbowl. Readers are not codeswitching carefully and intentionally.

    2. The #WalkMyWorld Project is an open education, open publishing, and open research initiative. In it we develop and facilitate a mentored, open, online learning community in which educators and their students use social media (e.g. Twitter) to connect and share.

      walkmyworld defined

    3. A fishbowl discussion is a participatory form of dialogue that allows the entire group to participate in a conversation.

      fishbowl defined

    4. In this post I discuss the possibilities for using your personal blogs, and Medium to create a fishbowl discussion for use in project and research planning

      Purpose of post

  22. Nov 2015
    1. Face Parts in Akbar’s

      Something that is both bothering me about Whyville and interesting to me in terms of our other readings is the focus of the game on creating or changing the "faceparts" of the avatar. It bothers me for reasons Raquel mentioned earlier about "preparing them" (or i might say "figuring them into" a world that values beauty and perfection above a lot else. But it is also a really interesting take on Ma and Munter's idea of editing space. Maybe this is a stretch, but I am subbing out "spaces" in the sense of where we interact or "are" with the avatar - thus the player - who gets edited but also does the editing. Maybe it's too weird and doesn't work, but it seems like the player would be impacted and impacting their experience of the world at the same time.

    2. Socializing is the driving force of these virtual worlds—contrary to popularmedia that have often pictured online play as an isolating experience

      Interesting here, the distinction between "socializing" and what the media determines as "isolating." In some ways, isn't participation in online social space both a physically "isolating" experience while also a "socializing" experience?

    3. Another casual science game includes the Spin Labwhere a player manipulates the position and center of rotation of a variety of objectsto make each spin faster to learn about momentum, rotational velocity, and inertia

      Don't know the game, so this is just based on the picture below and experience with other learning situations (italics intended). Are they learning about all of these, or just getting used to take their consequences into account? You don't need to learn about gravity and gravitational forces to get used to take into account that things fall...

    1. In particular, people wantto understand what young people learn playing games that they use, or adapt, in the rest oftheir lives. This question is the focus of our chapter.

      This question is embedded in some larger context, right? If we think about this, we need to understand that society has a view of video games and them not teaching children anything. Makes me wonder what kinds of questions we would be asking if society did not have this view.

    2. The first segment of this vignette begins with Andrew’s initial enthusiastic bid to show Tylerhow to do the move, punctuated with rhythmic sound effects accompanying an embodieddisplay with the unconnected controller

      Connecting to my comment above, why don't the authors interrogate the connected controllers embodiment in the same way?

  23. Oct 2015
    1. After a long pause, during which Barbara-lee continued to trace the line on the picture while she searched for the word she wanted, Maria proffered, incorrectly, “radius

      Interesting that she traces the line with her finger repeatedly, possibly calling for her embodied knowledge to assist in remembering the vocabulary

    1. For instance, he writes, "Becauselearning transforms who we are and what we can do, it is an experience of identity. It is notjust an accumulation of skills and information, but a process of becoming-to become a certainperson or, conversely, to avoid becoming a certain person"

      One directional? Learning transforms Identity but Identity doesn't transform Learning

    1. itconnectedschoolspacetothereconstructeddowntown,andinarticulatingthisconnectionproducedaperformanceofthepublicrealmandchildren’splacewithinit.

      I don't know exactly where I sit with this article. On the one hand I appreciate this sentiment of field trips as a having potential to open new worlds or spaces to children and allow them to begin to see themselves in it. But on the other hand, they are only allowed to explore that world in controlled ways, thus only supporting identity creation that matches the space developers image of what students should do/be in the space and that feels both constrained in the immediate interaction and potentially politically/socially limiting for them down the road when they might have a chance to be in the space as adults or teenagers.

    2. kidscouldbemovedaboutinorderly,controlledgroups,coordinatedintofestiveactivities(e.g.Halloweenparties),and,thus,transformedintoelementsofthenewaestheticlandscape.

      Colin and Raquel have both pointed this out already, but I think this line is worth adding to the conversation. The idea of transforming kids so they become "elements of the new aesthetic landscape". I want to make a direct (and maybe uncomfortable) reference here to schools. I think in a very similar way, schools work to mold students so they might become "elements of the school aesthetic". This not only edits some students out who they can't get to conform, but takes agency away from all students in deciding how school might best work for them.

    1. A great deal of research has focused on describing the con-tents and structure of children's theories at different ages. One of the com-mon ways that researchers have assessed children's theories is to present children with a novel instance and to describe the way that children come to identify, understand, and connect that knowledge to their existing theo-ries.

      Is this way to do it also blind to agency issues? Because, according to this description and the introduction, there is a huge difference if the kid develops the interest and looks for answers -aided by parents and surrounding community. This depction is more on the "ready-made" side, with no particular care about kid's interest on the topic

    1. Identities become imp_'!_!!l'_llt in .. iaenhties are participatin!L!!!_1lctivities organ-., ,. ---i.Zea·oy figured worlds.

      Identities become important outcomes of participation in communities of practice in ways analogous to our notion that identities are formed in the process of participating in activities organized by figured worlds"

      This seems like it could be a useful passage for our class question about CoP vs FW!!

    1. There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.

      Discuss: What does this mean? Have you experienced an "open door moment" like this?

    1. Although researchers have begun to document the political accomplishments ofyouth activism groups, as well as developmental outcomes associated with partici-pation, few have systematically studied their teaching practices.

      I think this author misses the full concept of Participatory Action Research (PAR) and what is called Youth PAR. Is a trend, and not that recent actually, about activism projects, some guided by the communities and with almost exclusive participation of the communities (researcher is little more than an observer), some heavily guided by researchers

    1. young children learning theirfirst language and continues in importance throughout life. However, it has re-ceived relatively little research attention

      How much can this be intentional? How much does this fit into an understanding as "accidental learning?"

    1. Faustus' custom is not to deny The just requests of those that wish him well

      Is this really a just request?

    2. HELEN

      Is it significant that Helen has no lines? Is she even real, or just an idealized (and thus silent) version of femininity? Image Description

  24. Sep 2015
    1. While some of our research supports thefield’s generalconclusions that interactivity enhances visitor engagement, understanding, and recall, wehave also discovered that it is not always essential to a powerful and sustaining experience,and that too many interactive features may even hinder visitors’engagement and learning.

      Paraphrasing Jasmine, this makes my heart hurt, in an awesome nerdy way

    2. Perry and Tisdal suggest that one factor in accounting for the long holding times at APEexhibits is that, unlike the traditional exhibits studied, the APE exhibits were designed tosupport the use of exhibits by more than one member of a social group. This is compatiblewithfindings by Borun and Dritsas (1997) that exhibits that allow for multiple simultaneoususers facilitate family learning, at least in the absence of the kinds of interference problemsthat Allen and Gutwill (2004) describe

      Is this a kind of FoK?

    3. It de-emphasized many other aspects of science, including anything requiring mem-orization (e.g., detailed vocabulary, quantitative relationships), or anything requiringlong chains of inference or effortful thinking (e.g., designing experiments to discrim-inate among competing models, arguing the relative merits of two explanations).

      And then the question is on the importance of those facts or inferences, in order to decide if and how to teach/show/facilitate them

    4. In a school setting, a teacher can use a variety of strategies to regulate her students’progress, ensuring that they all arrive at the rewarding or significant climax of a lesson. Bycontrast, if an exhibit has a boring or effortful or confusing component, visitors have no wayof knowing whether the reward for persisting will be worth the effort

      Do people agree/disagree with Allen here? Do students enter the classroom thinking, "Hey, this might be so boring, but if I stick it out I know there are rewards/benefits on the other side."?

    1. but to jump from one sector of the labormarket to another

      I think this shows flexibility and ability to keep learning, mostly situation-specific job training (Resnick) but some transferable pieces of information too.

  25. Aug 2015
    1. This may be caused by a reduction in data points, or that thedifferences in risk characteristics of the various DRGs within most MDCscoincide with a metropolitan-rural divide

      This is glorious!



  26. Jul 2015
    1. Whether or not you take a constructivist view of education, feedback on performance is inevitably seen as a crucial component of the process. However, experience shows that students (and academic staff) often struggle with feedback, which all too often fails to translate into feed-forward actions leading to educational gains. Problems get worse as student cohort sizes increase. By building on the well-established principle of separating marks from feedback and by using a social network approach to amplify peer discussion of assessed tasks, this paper describes an efficient system for interactive student feedback. Although the majority of students remain passive recipients in this system, they are still exposed to deeper reflection on assessed tasks than in traditional one-to-one feedback processes.