670 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
    1. In cryptography, deniable authentication refers to message authentication between a set of participants where the participants themselves can be confident in the authenticity of the messages, but it cannot be proved to a third party after the event.
  2. May 2020
    1. Stipulations statutaires Cette grande liberté de fonctionnement n’est néanmoins possible qu’à condition d’avoir été autorisée par le contrat d’association. A défaut de stipulations statutaires les autorisant, les modes de consultation alternatifs aux réunions physiques « traditionnelles » ne sont pas admis par la jurisprudence.
    1. It may be the case that several sufficient conditions, when taken together, constitute a single necessary condition (i.e., individually sufficient and jointly necessary)
    1. It’s useful to remember that under GDPR regulations consent is not the ONLY reason that an organization can process user data; it is only one of the “Lawful Bases”, therefore companies can apply other lawful (within the scope of GDPR) bases for data processing activity. However, there will always be data processing activities where consent is the only or best option.
    1. I believe that beginning to distribute tools that patch Firefox and give back power to users and allow them to install unsigned extensions is necessary when an organization is taking away our rights without giving us a compelling reason for doing so.
    2. I know, you don't trust Mozilla but do you also not trust the developer? I absolutely do! That is the whole point of this discussion. Mozilla doesn't trust S3.Translator or jeremiahlee but I do. They blocked page-translator for pedantic reasons. Which is why I want the option to override their decision to specifically install few extensions that I'm okay with.
    3. I appreciate the vigilance, but it would be even better to actually publish a technical reasoning for why do you folks believe Firefox is above the device owner, and the root user, and why there should be no possibility through any means and configuration protections to enable users to run their own code in the release version of Firefox.
  3. Apr 2020
    1. Before we get to passwords, surely you already have in mind that Google knows everything about you. It knows what websites you’ve visited, it knows where you’ve been in the real world thanks to Android and Google Maps, it knows who your friends are thanks to Google Photos. All of that information is readily available if you log in to your Google account. You already have good reason to treat the password for your Google account as if it’s a state secret.
    2. You already have good reason to treat the password for your Google account as if it’s a state secret. But now the stakes are higher. You’re trusting Google with the passwords that protect the rest of your life – your bank, your shopping, your travel, your private life. If someone learns or guesses your Google account password, you are completely compromised. The password has to be complex and unique. You have to treat your Google account password with the same care as a LastPass user. Perhaps more so, because it’s easier to reset a Google account password. If your passwords are saved in Chrome, you should strongly consider using two-factor authentication to log into your Google account. I’ll talk about that in the next article.
    1. I think it's useful to differentiate especially because there are many situations where "hack", and its conjugations, is the only effective term to describe something that has nothing to do with malicious violation of security measures or privacy.
    1. So there's a lot of stuff getting hacked and a lot of credentials floating around the place, but then what? I mean what do evil-minded people do with all those email addresses and passwords? Among other things, they attempt to break into accounts on totally unrelated websites
    1. Mungkin Anda sudah memiliki desain template email yang Anda dapatkan dari seorang freelancer atau dari aplikasi desain lain? Pindahkan semua desain email Anda ke sini.

      Anda tidak perlu lagi berkutat dengan keyboard laptop untuk mengetik isi email Anda, kalimat promosi sudah tersedia, tidak perlu lagi melakukan coding, cukup pilih templatenya, dan gunakan saat itu juga.

    2. Import & Export Template Email

      Tanpa Pusing, Tanpa Coding

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      Template email premium kami siapkan spesial untuk Anda, yang tentunya lebih profesional dari template default yang sudah ada sebelumnya.

    4. Kami menyediakan template email siap pakai sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi mau mendesain email seperti apa. Jumlah template email akan selalu kami tambah secara berkala.

      Anda tidak perlu lagi pusing merangkai kalimat atau menyusun struktur email yang bagus, tinggal pilih mana kalimat promosi atau desain mana yang cocok untuk bisnis Anda.

    5. Mendukung Dark Mode


    6. Tampilan email secara otomatis mengikuti layar smartphone/tablet. Jadi, Anda tidak perlu setting apapun dan bisa benar-benar fokus membuat konten email yang menarik.

      Temukan banyak desain email premium yang cocok dengan bisnis Anda. Dibuat oleh banyak email copywriter dan desainer berpengalaman yang mungkin bisa menghasilkan banyak konversi untuk email campaign Anda.

    7. Mobile Responsive

      Banyak Pilihan

    8. Lebih Dari Email Biasa
      • Bukan Hanya Template Email Biasa
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    9. Anda bisa menambahkan teks, gambar, video YouTube, social media button, dan lain-lain ke dalam konten email Anda. Semua bisa Anda lakukan sesuai keinginan Anda. Kami menyediakan semua hal yang Anda butuhkan.

      Desain email dibuat oleh mereka yang berpengalaman menuliskan kalimat-kalimat promosi yang menarik, juga para desainer yang terbiasa membuat desain email penawaran dengan format yang menarik.

  4. Mar 2020
    1. The whole point of not relying on debt excessively in normal times is precisely to be able to use debt massively and without hesitation in situations like this.
    1. While we recognise that analytics can provide you with useful information, they are not part of the functionality that the user requests when they use your online service – for example, if you didn’t have analytics running, the user could still be able to access your service. This is why analytics cookies aren’t strictly necessary and so require consent.
    2. PECR always requires consent for non-essential cookies, such as those used for the purposes of marketing and advertising. Legitimate interests cannot be relied upon for these cookies.
    1. “meet the minimal requirements that we set based on European law” — which they define as being “if it has no optional boxes pre-ticked, if rejection is as easy as acceptance, and if consent is explicit.”
    2. All of which means — per EU law — it should be equally easy for website visitors to choose not to be tracked as to agree to their personal data being processed.
    3. Consent to tracking must also be obtained prior to a digital service dropping or accessing a cookie; only service-essential cookies can be deployed without asking first.
    4. When consent is being relied upon as the legal basis for processing web users’ personal data
  5. Jan 2020
    1. Some questions are only asked by people with a fundamental misunderstanding. The friends who walk into my office and ask, “have you read all of these” miss the point of books.
  6. Dec 2019
    1. Transparently Secure. We believe that transparency and openness are the best foundation for trust so we are building Padloc completely out in the open. Our source code is developed under an open source licence so anyone can review it, provide feedback and even offer contributions at any time!
  7. Nov 2019
    1. Today, U.S. public transportation resembles an elevator that can take you to dozens of floors, but not the one with your desk. The vast majority of Americans live within 3/4 miles of a public transit stop, but 60 percent of metro jobs and low-income housing are in poorly connected suburbs. We've reached a paradox in public transportation, Puentes says: Good transit coverage but poor job access. Across income levels, the paradox is even starker: 89& of low income communities live within 3/4 miles of a transit stop but only 26% of low skill jobs are accessible by public transportation.

      background/main point/problem

    1. And while Uber and Lyft have grabbed headlines for convincing people to abandon transit in big cities like New York and Chicago, the TransitCenter says that the effects of those services are limited to just a few dense, urban places. “The broader issue is clearing space for your transit to get through congestion, and most of that congestion is from private cars, not [ride-hail],” says Ben Fried, the group’s communications head. “Cities need to make transit fast, affordable, convenient." Truly attractive transit has to do that better than private cars.

      main point

  8. Oct 2019
    1. fixed-point

      "fixed-point", "fix point" seems to be most important concept in Nix, because overrides, overridePackages, overlays are built using it.

    1. over a small span of concrete which is part of the sidewalks which are part of the city which is part of the state and the country and the nation that is America

      Expansion and point of view leading to a bigger picture. showing that counties we create are only as small as concrete.

  9. Apr 2019
    1. In the end

      Within my parish it went like that: I, a studied theology - once roman catholic - had joined the old catholic church a couple of years ago... after the early death of my brother I decided to use my studied talents within this church. The priest in my church was pleased to have a educted help and nugged me to get credits also within old catholic church for my finished studied - though i work within the IT Business. in the End I was sent to a small parish in vienna to help as Lector - not ordained but integrated within our hierarchy... So I got to know the people in this parish. I noticed i will have to spent nearly every sunday to get to know the people.. and to give them the chance to get acquainted ... When the Priest in this parish decided not to bury the burden of beeing responsible the parish stood empty... The bishop asked me to take over - beeing there and doing workships as good as gets - only once every couple of months the bishop could service us... so I did and prepared to get ordained as Deacon and then Priest. So it started 2010, Deacon 2011, Priest 2012 and elected Reverend 2014. But I was still working within the IT-Business - until today.. I reduced working time there... but now I have do do more work there again... the Parish will notice my lack of time and energy. I tried to get a valuable substitute for all the ministry lays can do in a parish, but the new bishop denied me help - this could detoriate the established order of the ordained priest - fear in their hearts that they could loose their full time jobs when lays get payed for their work - instead of the ordained priest. ... (sic!) I am a bit confused - am I in the rights church? is old-catholic not liberal and open minded? ... So I am searching for a compas to get my parish further on the way to beiing able to serve themselve... even without help from the bishop.

    1. The music we listen to highly impacts our decision making, especially as adolescents. Adolescents are extremely impressionable, and the music they listen to has a great impact on how they decide to live their day to day lives. Popular musicians are seen as role models by the people who idolize them, and adolescents may try to represents the songs in which they favor through their actions every day.

      Recent studies have found that adolescents who listen to music that supports substance abuse and violence have a greater chance to act upon what they listen to. What young adults and teenagers listen to through music and popular media will affect their decision making process. Specifically with substance abuse, and there is a direct uptake in use of illegal substances by adolescents who listen to music that promotes such activities. This can cause a whole societal problem considering most of todays popular music among adolescents touches upon substance abuse and violence. Adolescents are extremely impressionable and the music they listen can shape how a person tries to act, or represent themselves.

  10. Dec 2018
  11. Oct 2018
    1. Second, and more importantly: political toleration does not require the strong and doctrine of philosophical relativism. Increased awareness of diversity together with an awareness of the historical contingency of one’s own convictions will promote political toleration just as effectively.

      This is it chief

    2. The anti-relativists counter-argue that even if we grant that political tolerance is an important value, and that accepting relativism would promote it, we should never adopt philosophical views about the nature of truth or justification simply because of their assumed good moral or political consequences.

      There is a key difference between moral relativism and tolerance, and making decisions and being a dick.

    3. Advocates of relativism, particularly outside philosophical circles, often cite tolerance as a key normative reason for becoming a relativist. On this rationale, all ways of life and cultures are worthy of respect in their own terms, and it is a sign of unacceptable ethnocentrism to presume that we could single out one outlook or point of view as objectively superior to others.

      This is the main point I will be arguing against, the belief that I thought I previously had.

    1. some organizations and individuals have a disproportionate and unfair influence over what the government does

      I agree and believe there is a lot of evidence for this, but you could also say that it has been this way forever, so it hasn't been increasing

    1. Does the United States have a strategy for North Korea, or are these twists and turns merely the whims of a temperamental president?”

      This questioning is a big US focus. Even though I think it is important to question these things and monitor coordination between the president and the administration, the view that the government is disorganized and failing is in turn leading to further distrust in our democratic process

    2. What makes it particularly dangerous is that it is an authoritarianism born within the framework of democracy itself.”

      I think this is a large part of our current crisis and what I want to focus on -- the backslide in our current democracy from lack of belief/maintenance. We are (arguably) not in a major war and have no global agenda to the scale of the Cold War or the WWs.Is not fighting things as a country preventing us from having pride/belief in our political system?

  12. Sep 2018
    1. BOOK 12 THE ARGUMENT The Angel Michael continues from the Flood to relate what shall succeed; then, in the mention of Abraham, comes by degrees to explain, who that Seed of the Woman shall be, which was promised Adam and Eve in the Fall; his Incarnation, Death, Resurrection, and Ascention; the state of the Church till his second Coming. Adam greatly satisfied and recomforted by these Relations and Promises descends the Hill with Michael; wakens Eve, who all this while had slept, but with gentle dreams compos'd to quietness of mind and submission. Michael in either hand leads them out of Paradise, the fiery Sword waving behind them, and the Cherubim taking thir Stations to guard the Place. AS one who in his journey bates at Noone, Though bent on speed, so heer the Archangel paus'd Betwixt the world destroy'd and world restor'd, If Adam aught perhaps might interpose; Then with transition sweet new Speech resumes. [ 5 ] Thus thou hast seen one World begin and end; And Man as from a second stock proceed. Much thou hast yet to see, but I perceave Thy mortal sight to faile; objects divine Must needs impaire and wearie human sense: [ 10 ] Henceforth what is to com I will relate, Thou therefore give due audience, and attend. This second sours of Men, while yet but few; And while the dread of judgement past remains Fresh in thir mindes, fearing the Deitie, [ 15 ] With some regard to what is just and right Shall lead thir lives and multiplie apace, Labouring the soile, and reaping plenteous crop, Corn wine and oyle; and from the herd or flock, Oft sacrificing Bullock, Lamb, or Kid, [ 20 ] With large Wine-offerings pour'd, and sacred Feast, Shal spend thir dayes in joy unblam'd, and dwell Long time in peace by Families and Tribes Under paternal rule; till one shall rise Of proud ambitious heart, who not content [ 25 ] With fair equalitie, fraternal state, Will arrogate Dominion undeserv'd Over his brethren, and quite dispossess Concord and law of Nature from the Earth, Hunting (and Men not Beasts shall be his game) [ 30 ] With Warr and hostile snare such as refuse Subjection to his Empire tyrannous: A mightie Hunter thence he shall be styl'd Before the Lord, as in despite of Heav'n, Or from Heav'n claming second Sovrantie; [ 35 ] And from Rebellion shall derive his name, Though of Rebellion others he accuse. Hee with a crew, whom like Ambition joyns With him or under him to tyrannize, Marching from Eden towards the West, shall finde [ 40 ] The Plain, wherein a black bituminous gurge Boiles out from under ground, the mouth of Hell; Of Brick, and of that stuff they cast to build A Citie and Towre, whose top may reach to Heav'n; And get themselves a name, least far disperst [ 45 ] In foraign Lands thir memorie be lost, Regardless whether good or evil fame. But God who oft descends to visit men Unseen, and through thir habitations walks To mark thir doings, them beholding soon, [ 50 ] Comes down to see thir Citie, ere the Tower Obstruct Heav'n Towrs, and in derision sets Upon thir Tongues a various Spirit to rase Quite out thir Native Language, and instead To sow a jangling noise of words unknown: [ 55 ] Forthwith a hideous gabble rises loud Among the Builders; each to other calls Not understood, till hoarse, and all in rage, As mockt they storm; great laughter was in Heav'n And looking down, to see the hubbub strange [ 60 ] And hear the din; thus was the building left Ridiculous, and the work Confusion nam'd. Whereto thus Adam fatherly displeas'd. O execrable Son so to aspire Above his Brethren, to himself assuming [ 65 ] Authoritie usurpt, from God not giv'n: He gave us onely over Beast, Fish, Fowl Dominion absolute; that right we hold By his donation; but Man over men He made not Lord; such title to himself [ 70 ] Reserving, human left from human free. But this Usurper his encroachment proud Stayes not on Man; to God his Tower intends Siege and defiance: Wretched man! what food Will he convey up thither to sustain [ 75 ] Himself and his rash Armie, where thin Aire Above the Clouds will pine his entrails gross, And famish him of Breath, if not of Bread? To whom thus Michael. Justly thou abhorr'st That Son, who on the quiet state of men [ 80 ] Such trouble brought, affecting to subdue Rational Libertie; yet know withall, Since thy original lapse, true Libertie Is lost, which alwayes with right Reason dwells Twinn'd, and from her hath no dividual being: [ 85 ] Reason in man obscur'd, or not obeyd, Immediately inordinate desires And upstart Passions catch the Government From Reason, and to servitude reduce Man till then free. Therefore since hee permits [ 90 ] Within himself unworthie Powers to reign Over free Reason, God in Judgement just Subjects him from without to violent Lords; Who oft as undeservedly enthrall

      Book XII: continues Michael's vision. Adam and Eve are comforted by hearing of the future redemption of their race. The poem ends as they wander forth out of Paradise and the door closes behind them.

  13. Aug 2018
    1. A man, who had been hiding in the curtains of the bed, was standing there."Rainsford!" screamed the general. "How in God's name did you get here?""Swam," said Rainsford. "I found it quicker than walking through the jungle.

      This is an example of the turning point of the story since it was expected that Rainsford had left the island but really came back to kill General Zaroff.

    2. Twenty feet below him the sea rumbled and hissed. Rainsford hesitated. He heard the hounds. Then he leaped far out into the sea. . . .

      This is where the rising action reaches its peak and later begins to dwindle down.

    3. A man, who had been hiding in the curtains of the bed, was standing there."Rainsford!" screamed the general. "How in God's name did you get here?"

      This is the climax of the story because this was an unexpected turning point where we hd assumed that Rainsford had escaped but really he had come back to get revenge on General Zaroff

  14. Mar 2018
    1. Here in your Lordships’ House we are very fortunate to have a considerable number of noble and learned Lords who give us the benefit of their expertise. I have noticed that they often disagree, and very strongly. Therefore, surely keeping these issues in the Bill would save an awful lot of legal time and legal argument and would be better for the Government. I say that in a spirit of total helpfulness and support.
  15. Apr 2017
    1. He hummed as he went in for a wash before dressing to go out. He combed his hair with deliberate care, the more so because he knew everybody looked on him as a sort of an outcast for failing so often. He knew that behind him the whole family and the town were laughing. He felt that they remarked among themselves that washing, combing his hair and putting on a well-ironed coat were luxuries too far above his state. He was a failure and had no right to such luxuries. He was treated as a sort of thick-skinned idiot. But he did not care. He answered their attitude by behaving like a desperado. He swung his arms, strode up and down, bragged and shouted, and went to a cinema. But all this was only a mask. Under it was a creature hopelessly seared by failure, desperately longing and praying for success. On the day of the results he was, inwardly, in a trembling suspense. ‘Mother,’ he said as he went out, ‘don’t expect me for dinner tonight. I will eat something in a hotel and sit through both the shows at the Palace Talkies.’

      The narrator here with god-like omniscience, gives us the full picture of the kind of person that Iswaran is. How does this make you revisit his words and behaviours recounted just before? Does this narrative unveiling make you sympathetic to Iswaran?

  16. Feb 2017
    1. This article addresses this deficiency by focusing on the question ‘does union membership enhance employee perceptions of voice?’
    2. We suggested that employee perceptions of voice vary between the different levels of an organisation and proposed that trade union membership will be more likely to enhance individual employee perceptions of voice at the wider organisational level.
  17. Dec 2016
    1. If you have this kind of problem, I encourage you to take the time needed to follow this course until you reach that “AHA” moment

      It only is my point of view but I would suggest to remove the youtube's inclusions and explain "in line" the few concepts they present.

    1. Fifty years after the creation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development — and nearly that long after the passage of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 — the fight against the interlinked scourges of housing discrimination and racial segregation in America is far from finished. Economic isolation is actually growing worse across the country, as more and more minority families find themselves trapped in high-poverty neighborhoods without decent housing, schools or jobs, and with few avenues of escape.This did not happen by accident.
  18. May 2016
    1. ndiana Gov. Mike Pence endorsed Ted Cruz on Friday, which may not be enough to help Cruz win Indiana, where he currently trails Donald Trump in polls, let alone the Republican nomination.
  19. Apr 2016
    1. From: Jennifer Scribner-Snyder To: Beth Fremont Sent: Wed, 08/18/1999 9:06 AM Subject: Where are you?

      This novel opens with an unusual form of point of view: an email exchange. Embedded in this first chapter are allusions to the era in which the novel is set. How does the email "POV" and the allusions help contextualize the story?

  20. Feb 2014
    1. antive issue : A substantive statement of the issue consists of two parts -- i. the point of law in dispute ii. the key facts of the case re lating to that point of law in dispute (legally relevant facts) You must include the key facts from the case so that the issue is specific to that case. Typically, the disputed issue involves how the court applied some element of the pertinent rule to the facts of the specific case. Resolving the issue will determine the court’s disposition of the case.
      • the point of law in dispute
      • the key facts of the case relating to that point of law in dispute (legally relevant facts)