- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
an environment unlike anything they will encounter outside of school
Hm? Aren’t they likely to encounter Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Intranets, etc.? Granted, these aren’t precisely the same think as LMS. But there’s quite a bit of continuity between Drupal, Oracle, Moodle, Sharepoint, and Salesforce.
mandate the use of "learning management systems."
Therein lies the rub. Mandated systems are a radically different thing from “systems which are available for use”. This quote from the aforelinked IHE piece is quite telling:
“I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it!”
In the end, it’s about “procurement”, which is quite different from “adoption” which is itself quite different from “appropriation”.
institutional demands for enterprise services such as e-mail, student information systems, and the branded website become mission-critical
In context, these other dimensions of “online presence” in Higher Education take a special meaning. Reminds me of WPcampus. One might have thought that it was about using WordPress to enhance learning. While there are some presentations on leveraging WP as a kind of “Learning Management System”, much of it is about Higher Education as a sector for webwork (-development, -design, etc.).
Five Arguments against the Learning Management System
- Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Business Models for Higher Education
- #WordPress
- Intranet
- agency
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- Learner Agency
- #MoneyQuote
- Post-LMS
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- #LearnerData
- #TechnologicalAppropriation
- #WPcampus
- University Websites
- Norman Law of LMS
- #LMS
- procurement
- #BuriedLede
- SIS (Student Information System)
- LMS (Learning Management System)
- Innovation Adoption
- Corporate Identity
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
“I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it! [Instructure] just didn’t.”
two quarters of pilot courses on Instructure’s Canvas platform
To the surprise of those behind the initiative, about two-thirds of faculty members said they were satisfied with the Blackboard system, deployed on campus in 1999.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
the terrible, horrible, no-good university administrators are trying to build a panopticon in which they can oppress the faculty
If you recall your LMS patent infringement history, then you'll remember that roles and permissions were exactly the thing that Blackboard sued D2L over.
(At the time, Stephen Downes mocked me for thinking that this was an important aspect of LMS design to consider.)
An interesting case where Stephen’s tone might have drowned a useful discussion. FWIW, flexible roles and permissions are among the key things in my own personal “spec list” for a tool to use with learners, but it’s rarely possible to have that flexibility without also getting a very messy administration. This is actually one of the reasons people like WordPress.
Do you know what the feature set was that had faculty from Albany to Anaheim falling to their knees, tears of joy streaming down their faces, and proclaiming with cracking, emotion-laden voices, "Finally, an LMS company that understands me!"?
While this whole bit is over-the-top, à la @mfeldstein67, must admit that my initial reaction was close to that. For a very similar reason. Still haven’t had an opportunity to use Canvas with learners, but the overall workflow for this type of feature really does make a big difference. The openness aspect is very close to gravy. After all, there are ways to do a lot of work in the open without relying on any LMS. But the LMS does make a huge difference in terms of such features as quickly grading learners’ work.
Why, they would build an LMS. They did build an LMS. Blackboard started as a system designed by a professor and a TA at Cornell University. Desire2Learn (a.k.a. Brightspace) was designed by a student at the University of Waterloo. Moodle was the project of a graduate student at Curtin University in Australia. Sakai was built by a consortium of universities. WebCT was started at the University of British Columbia. ANGEL at Indiana University.
Let's imagine a world in which universities, not vendors, designed and built our online learning environments.
the backbone of for a distributed network of personal learning environments
the tools shouldn’t dictate the choice
- Moodle
- #WordPress
- Stephen Downes
- Canvas
- Project-Based Learning (PBL)
- Instructure
- #HypeCycle
- Panopticon
- Learner Agency
- Blackboard
- Post-LMS
- Sakai
- Open Source models
- #TechnologicalAppropriation
- Open Educational Practices
- Norman Law of LMS
- Patent dispute
- Roles and Permissions
- D2L
- LMS (Learning Management System)
- School as Prison
- @mfeldstein67
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.orgLMSs1
Currently, Canvas and Sakai are the only LMSs reviewed which has somesupport for xAPI (emphasis on some). Blackboard, D2L, Sakai and Canvas all have support for IMS Caliper, a more edu specific format.
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.org
ecosystem mindset to delivering course experiences
www.imsglobal.org www.imsglobal.org
An institution has implemented a learning management system (LMS). The LMS contains a learning object repository (LOR) that in some aspects is populated by all users across the world who use the same LMS. Each user is able to align his/her learning objects to the academic standards appropriate to that jurisdiction. Using CASE 1.0, the LMS is able to present the same learning objects to users in other jurisdictions while displaying the academic standards alignment for the other jurisdictions (associations).
Sounds like part of the problem Vitrine technologie-éducation has been tackling with Ceres, a Learning Object Repository with a Semantic core.
www.bnedloudcloud.com www.bnedloudcloud.com
Learning Management,
www.lynn.edu www.lynn.edu
Enhanced learning experience Graduate students now receive upgraded iPads, and all students access course materials with Canvas, a new learning management software. The School of Aeronautics is now the College of Aeronautics; and the College of Business and Management is hosting a business symposium Nov. 15.
This from a university which had dropped Blackboard for iTunes U.
www.eduappcenter.com www.eduappcenter.com
This site is run by Instructure.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Feldstein's Law: Any educational app that is actively developed for long enough and has a large enough user base will become indistinguishable from a badly designed LMS.
itnews.iu.edu itnews.iu.edu
Download Dr. Brad Wheeler leads university-wide IT services for IU's eight campuses. He has co-founded and led many multi-institutional collaborations with his current work focused on the Unizin Consortium, Kuali, and IU’s mass Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Moodle Pty—more widely known within the Moodle community as Moodle HQ—does most of the development of the core Moodle code and maintains tight control over which code submitted by third parties gets accepted into the code base
Information from this will be used to develop learning analytics software features, which will have these functions: Description of learning engagement and progress, Diagnosis of learning engagement and progress, Prediction of learning progress, and Prescription (recommendations) for improvement of learning progress.
As good a summary of Learning Analytics as any.
www.moodlenews.com www.moodlenews.com
Better yet, tangerines and oranges.
Is that about the colours favoured by both platforms? Does sound like it weakens the point (going from comparing fruits to comparing one citrus with another). The point, eventually, is that Canvas and Moodle occupy a similar space: course-based “learning” management systems.
full Caliper Analytics compliance
Oh? Not xAPI?
- Oct 2017
www.cegid.com www.cegid.com
It’s precisely to meet these demands that Cegid recently launched a Learning Management System (LMS) specifically dedicated to Healthcare, a sector that is converting more and more to cloud-based systems.
Norman's Law of eLearning Tool Convergence
Any eLearning tool, no matter how openly designed, will eventually become indistinguishable from a Learning Management System once a threshold of supported use-cases has been reached.
- Sep 2017
canvas.lauragibbs.net canvas.lauragibbs.net
In Canvas, the goal is clearly to stop anyone from having fun because everything is supposed to look exactly the same in every course everywhere all the time.
www.universitybusiness.com www.universitybusiness.com
I think a lot of faculty are still at the point where they need a stack of papers and red pen.
Emphasis on “still”. Direction of change?
edutechnica.com edutechnica.com
LMSs limit the visibility of copyrighted course content to only course participants for the duration that they need it. (Of course, this would become a moot point if using openly licensed OERs.)
Over the course of many years, every school has refined and perfected the connections LMSs have into a wide variety of other campus systems including authentication systems, identity management systems, student information systems, assessment-related learning tools, library systems, digital textbook systems, and other content repositories. APIs and standards have decreased the complexity of supporting these connections, and over time it has become easier and more common to connect LMSs to – in some cases – several dozen or more other systems. This level of integration gives LMSs much more utility than they have out of the box – and also more “stickiness” that causes them to become harder to move away from. For LMS alternatives, achieving this same level of connectedness, particularly considering how brittle these connections can sometimes become over time, is a very difficult thing to achieve.
- Aug 2017
analytics.jiscinvolve.org analytics.jiscinvolve.org
This has much in common with a customer relationship management system and facilitates the workflow around interventions as well as various visualisations. It’s unclear how the at risk metric is calculated but a more sophisticated predictive analytics engine might help in this regard.
Have yet to notice much discussion of the relationships between SIS (Student Information Systems), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and LMS (Learning Management Systems).
www.vg247.com www.vg247.com
If you frequent the Overwatch sub-Reddit, or any forum that regularly discuses the game, you will have no doubt ran into many reports of players getting abused by others during matches, especially in Competitive Play.
Finally game companies figured out reporting system to decrease cheating. However, some inevitable problems are still no ignorable. Although reporting system has made cheating detection more accurate and effective, there could also be some malicious reports that can have honest players be banned. So each solution has its advantages and disadvantages and both of them would be deadly.
- May 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Mackenzie River
The Mackenzie River is a major river system in northwestern North America. It is exceeded only in basin size by the Mississippi-Missouri system. The entire Mackenzie River system is 2,635 miles long and passes through many lakes before emptying into the Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. The Mackenzie River alone is 1,025 miles long when measured from Great Slave Lake. It begins at Great Slave Lake where the elevation is 512 feet above sea level. Great Slave Lake can be as deep as 2,000 feet in certain places. It is filled with clear water on the eastern side and shallow, murky water on the western side. The headwaters of the Mackenzie River include numerous large rivers. The drainage basins of the Mackenzie River include the Liard River, Peace River, and Athabasca River. The ice that forms on the Mackenzie River over the winter months begins the break up in early to mid-May in the southern sections. Ice covering some portions of the Mackenzie River can break up as late as the end of May. The Mackenzie River basin is home to a very small and sparse population despite the natural resources available in this area. This area is home to muskrat, marten, beaver, lynx, and fox. Pulpwood and other small conifer trees can be found here. Petroleum and natural gas are usually the underlying reason larger settlements have formed in this area (Robinson 1999).
Robinson, J. Lewis. 1999. Mackenzie River. July 26. Accessed May 2017, 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Mackenzie-River#ref466063.
Alyeska oil pipeline
The oil discovered in the Prudhoe Bay oil field in the North Slope region of Alaska in 1968 was the “largest oil field discovered in North America.” In 1969, a Trans-Alaska pipeline to transport oil from the North Slope was proposed by the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System was comprised of three major oil corporations. Despite many other ideas and suggestions to transport this oil, the oil industry reached a consensus in favor of the pipeline proposal of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (Busenberg, 2013). Construction of the Alyeska oil pipeline, also known as the Alaska pipeline or trans-Alaska pipeline, began in 1975. This pipeline was built by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, a group that was made up of seven different oil companies. In certain regions, the pipeline is buried underground, but where there is permafrost, the pipeline is constructed above the ground. The pipeline crosses over 800 river and streams and passes through three mountain ranges. The first oil was delivered from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez on June 20, 1977. This oil had to travel through the 789 mile long pipeline to reach its destination (Alaska Public Lands Information Centers, n.d.). See below for a link to “Pipeline! The story of the building of the trans-Alaska pipeline” video posted on YouTube by the Alaska National Parks service.
Alaska Public Lands Information Centers. (n.d.). The Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Retrieved from Alaska Public Lands Information Centers: https://www.alaskacenters.gov/the-alyeska-pipeline.cfm
Busenberg, G. J. (2013). The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. In G. J. Busenburg, Oil and Wilderness in Alaska (pp. 11-43). Georgetown University Press.
enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu
Trans-Alaska pipeline,
This map shows the 800-mile Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), also called the Alyeska Pipeline, that was built in the 1970s with 11 pumping stations that transports crude oil from Prudhoe Bay to Port Valdez. The pipeline cost around $8 billion to build. The link below provides facts on the pipeline provided by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company: http://www.alyeska-pipe.com/TAPS/PipelineFacts
About the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. Accessed April 30, 2017. http://www.treasure-hunt.alaska.edu/ch5/info_pipeline.html.
- Apr 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Great Slave Lake
The Great Slave Lake was found in 1771 by Samuel Hearne (Ernst). Many others passed through during the Klondike Gold Rush in 1896-1899, but the region surrounding the Great Slave Lake remained greatly unoccupied. In 1930, a radioactive uranium mineral called pitchblende, or uraninite, was discovered on the shore of the Great Slave Lake and incentivized colonizers. 1934, gold was discovered on Yellowknife Bay, which led to a Yellowknife community settlement. Today, additional communities in this region include Hay River, Fort Resolution, Fort Providence, and Behchoko. The Great Slave Lake is the fifth largest lake is North America and is part of the Mackenzie River System. The Lake gets its name from a tribe of Native Americans called Slavery First Nations (National Geographic). This tribe fished for sustenance and did not explore farther than their immediate surroundings. Their neighbors, the Cree, thought the tribe was weak and often called them awonak, which means slaves. Explorer Peter Pond named the lake the Slave Lake in 1785 and then the Great Slave Lake in 1790. The Lake is known for its variety of types of fish, including trout, pike, and Arctic grayling. The Great Slave Lake is covered in snow and ice 8 months out of the year. The Great Slave Lake region is also the home to the largest intact forest in the world, the Boreal Forest, which contains evergreens, bogs, shallow lakes, and ponds (Pala). This Great Slave Lake cove is the habitat for caribou, waterfowl, beavers, and many fish species.
Ernst, Chloe. "The History and Sites of Great Slave Lake: A Visitor's Guide.” PlanetWare.com. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://www.planetware.com/northwest-territories/great-slave-lake-cdn-nt-ntgs.htm.
National Geographic, February 2002, 1. Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources (accessed April 5, 2017). http://find.galegroup.com/grnr/infomark.do?&source=gale&idigest=6f8f4a3faafd67e66fa023866730b0a1&prodId=GRNR&userGroupName=bucknell_it&tabID=T003&docId=A83374988&type=retrieve&PDFRange=%5B%5D&contentSet=IAC-Documents&version=1.0.
Pala, Christopher. "Forests forever. (Forest conservation in Canada)." Earth Island Journal, September 22, 2010.
paulesau.com paulesau.com
This leads to the second point I once made: that students no longer need to actually read the material to get impressive grades, which contributes to both student and administrator scorn for the affected disciplines. This point caused some push-back, since professors and fellow students noted that if I wasn’t reading the material, it was my own fault for not getting the full benefit of the course. I agreed, but countered that if the difference between my reading very little of the material instead of it all was a 10 to 15 percent bump in my final grade, what did that imply about the value of said material to the course? Srigley argues that less than 20 percent of his students even access the weekly readings for his courses, largely because they know they don’t have to – “they can get an 80 without ever opening a book.”
Again, this implies that the professor should care. One of the principles behind my grading system is that I don't. People are welcome to do whatever they want and they get the same grade, unless they do exceptional work.
This also implies that grades are somehow the currency of learning and that if you are getting good grades without learning, then you are somehow "winning."
This is a misunderstanding of grades. They are really the bits of an expert system that converts qualitative evaluation of individual performances into a final score that helps people categories graduates. So they are secondary to the actual learning and performance.
- Mar 2017
www.courseforce.com www.courseforce.com
Contact CourseForce |Employee Training Tracking Management System Software
www.courseforce.com www.courseforce.com
Learning Management System Software by Courseforce
www.courseforce.com www.courseforce.com
CourseForce Provide Learning Management System Software (LMS)
www.courseforce.com www.courseforce.com
Employee Training Management System by CourseForce
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Now they recognize they are not essential
In the late 1800s and early 1900s northern explorers depended on the indigenous people. The natives knew the land, the climate, and the wildlife. Because of their knowledge, the indigenous northerners served as local guides in this harsh and uninviting place. The native people also served as interpreters for researchers and were a lifeline for those that had little-to-no knowledge of how to survive in that kind of environment. However, they were not always seen as important figures. As southern technologies became more and more prominent in the far north, native peoples were pushed aside. “The airplane and helicopter strained relations among researchers and northerners. These technologies relieved field-workers from establishing extensive and regular relationships with locals as guides, interpreters, and informants. Permafrost scientists in particular could produce knowledge about the Arctic environment without Inuit expertise and apply that research in governmental construction projects without consulting locals” (108). The Inuits began to view the government scientists as pests, “they arrived in summer ‘in lusty swarm’ and were just as annoying” (108). Many researchers come during the warm months and gather information that allows them to cut ties to the indigenous people. The use of modern technology in the north forces Inuit to work menial jobs and completely change their way of life in order to survive in the modernizing landscape. While the industrial system has brought many valuable things to them, the Inuit are no longer needed or heard. If it is in the best interest of the oil industry, a pipeline would be built right over their homeland, even if they are still on it.
Annotation drawn form Stuhl, Andrew. Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016.
- Jan 2017
aeon.co aeon.co
The ‘structuralist’ strand of literary theory tends to deploy close – sometimes microscopic – readings of a text to see how it functions, almost like a closed system. This is broadly known as a ‘formal’ mode of literary interpretation, in contrast to more historical or contextual ways of reading.
- Nov 2016
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Technologies & education system changing in recent times tutors should consider educating students with the latest technologies available. In the evolution of technology with apps, projector screens, Digital media, and last but not the least online learning platforms some fundamentals of teaching remains as it is, so if tutors can implement these basic ideas in his/her tutoring style with students can cope up with the evolution of digital education.
Past few decades have seen a sea change in the education system, especially with the advent of the information technology. The wave of this new networking technology and it’s amazing capacity for exchanging information on the real-time basis across the borders of the nations have significantly transformed the world of education and along with it the private tutoring system.
According to the report of the UK Government, Department of Education (published on January 10, 2014), there were altogether 24372 public schools comprising of 16818 State-funded primary schools, 3268 State funded and 2420 other Secondary schools and 4476 independent schools. There are also 1039 special (state funded) and non-maintained schools. The same report says that there were 438000 teachers in state-funded schools in England on a full-time equivalent basis in 2012. The numbers at both ends have naturally increased at the time of writing this article. But the big question that is looming over the education system of England is whether, even after the best effort by the UK Government and the State schools, the public school system is successful in educating their children properly or not.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Sharing economy can be defined as the socio-economic system which is used to describe the social and economic activities. Shared economy is also known as peer economy, collaborative consumption or share economy.http://blog.selectmytutor.co.uk/shared-economy-and-millennial-changing-the-startup-scene-in-the-uk/
- Oct 2016
hypothes.is hypothes.is
- Sep 2016
www.slate.com www.slate.com
The Swedish school system has wholeheartedly, and probably too quickly and eagerly, embraced this new agenda. Last fall, 200 teachers attended a major government-sponsored conference discussing how to avoid "traditional gender patterns" in schools. At Egalia, one model Stockholm preschool, everything from the decoration to the books and toys are carefully selected to promote a gender-equal perspective and to avoid traditional presentations of gender and parenting roles
Swedish school system has enforced use of hen
lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com
Culture, as a shared system of meanings, is learned, revised, maintained, and defined in the context of people interacting.
culture is shared and maintained
- Jul 2016
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
our education system is controlling, exploitative, imperialist
medium.com medium.com
“The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.”
Been having issues with the ways this quote has been handled in various contexts, but it’s quite fitting here. One potential issue, though, is in the embedded assumption that the future is a solid. Goes so well with Modernization Theory that the focus on global inequalities can be skipped over.
www.crashcourse.ca www.crashcourse.ca
- Jun 2016
Local file Local file
uthorship (and therecognition that flows therefrom) is the undisputed coin ofthe realm in academia: it embodies the enterprise of schol-arship (Bourdieu, 1991; Cronin, 1984, 2000; Franck, 1999
Authorship "is the coin of the realm in academia"; "it empbodies the enterprise of scholarship.
o state the obvious, public affirmation of au-thorship is absolutely central to the operation of the aca-demic reward system, whether one is a classicist,sociologist, or experimental physicist.
Authorship is central to the operation of the academy, whether classicist or physicist
www.jstor.org.proxyau.wrlc.org www.jstor.org.proxyau.wrlc.org
"complex adaptive system."
"the combination of multiple strange loops"
- Jan 2016
ifsacop21.wordpress.com ifsacop21.wordpress.com
international law system
Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_legal_system
Does an International legal informatics database exist yet?
www.natebowling.com www.natebowling.com
If you ain't talking about the teacher in the classroom, I ain't listening. Teacher quality matters. Too many in the profession are quick to awfulize students in poverty to rationalize poor results. Better teaching inspires students and gets better results. Better teaching engages students and keeps them in classrooms, rather than the streets. Better teaching is the one thing we never really talk about. Better teaching is the only mechanism we have left.
What are some ways to significantly improve teaching in these communities? The teaching doesn't happen in a vacuum and we need a plan to counteract the systemic forces at work that maintain the status quo.
www.ifets.info www.ifets.info
ollaborative filtering system recommends items that are liked by other users with similar interests
Definition of recommender system to be added in introduction
utclearn.utc.edu utclearn.utc.edu
I am curious as to what exactly a "cueing system" is?
- Nov 2015
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
How do you aid recent high school graduates while at the same time dealing with working adults who are coming back to school?
Used to be the core model for Quebec’s Cegep system, a mix of high school graduates and “non-traditionals” (especially divorcées going “back to school”).
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.edu
systems analysis in this regard demands an ethnographic retooling,one in which ethnography might need to be conducted in government centers far from where theactual roads are constructed and might take into account politicians, technocrats, economists, en-gineers, and road builders, as well as road users themselves
Understanding this paradigm, what does it mean to hold hearings and lectures. What does it say about the relocation of authority away from target location. Does this provide any insight on the dynamics of social and political justice/injustice within an economic nation?
- Oct 2015
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
he helped resolve the capital-surplus disposal problem by setting up a proto-Keynesian system of debt-financed infrastructural urban improvements.
what are the pros and cons of a proto-Keynesian system? How closely related in our economic system today to this system?
- Jun 2015
csreports.aspeninstitute.org csreports.aspeninstitute.org
We do not want to leave the school system behind. We need to keep driving toward where we want everyone to be versus waiting until everyone is ready. The end goal will involve the Internet, and there needs to be a framework for it.
But we do want to leave it behind--the words we use--"school system" tell us exactly what is at the center--schools. What we learn are learn systems where learning is at the center which implies tacit-wise that the learner is at the center.
- Mar 2015
www.lowrisc.org www.lowrisc.orglowRISC1
lowRISC is producing fully open hardware systems. From the processor core to the development board, our goal is to create a completely open computing eco-system. Our open-source SoC (System-on-a-Chip) designs will be based on the 64-bit RISC-V instruction set architecture. Volume silicon manufacture is planned as is a low-cost development board. There are more details on our plans in these slides from a recent talk lowRISC is a not-for-profit organisation working closely with the University of Cambridge and the open-source community.
- Sep 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
It is a subject that can be treated systematically
He seems to treat it as a scientific thing