- Last 7 days
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Plumping lip liners from Revolution
True Blend skin enhancer Contour balms
thirst burst drops from e.l.f
beauty secrets nail glue also got this from Sally Beauty
- Mar 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Covergirl yummy blur lipsticks
Ooo, I want try these too, especially in the colors she mentions (pear-fectly blur, into the blur).
matte version of their sun- kisser liquid blushes
Ooo, I want to try this!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
from Covergirl this is the blush bomb in the shade nude flesh flush not flesh
Oohhhh, that is GORGEOUS!
Covergirl the True Blend skin enhancer they came out with these Contour balms
Ooo, I'll have to try the lighter shade the she mentions.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Nov 2024
www.visittownscounty.com www.visittownscounty.com
The Best Places to See Fall Foliage in Towns County, Georgia
- Jul 2024
www.gurwinder.blog www.gurwinder.blog
On Instagram, the main self-propagating system is a beauty pageant. Young women compete to be as pretty as possible, going to increasingly extreme lengths: makeup, filters, fillers, surgery. The result is that all women begin to feel ugly, online and off.
- Jun 2024
www.visittownscounty.com www.visittownscounty.com
Sunset Strolls and Scenic Drives: Capturing Towns County Summer Beauty
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
"No artist has ethical sympathies," Oscar Wilde once wrote. "An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style. All art is quite useless."
www.earthday.org www.earthday.org
To address climate change, we need to change culture.
- May 2024
“I’ve always wanted to write what to me is beautiful, true, and good, but I’m also interested in inventing new ways to tell stories. I wanted to turn everything inside out.”
- Oct 2023
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
- for: sensory ecology, sensory ecology - beauty of
- annotate
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled1
n the autumn, as the meadows were not mown, the grass withered as it stood, falling this way and that,
even though human society has been largely wiped out, there is a beautifulness in the way that the dystopian landscape is described.
- Aug 2023
hub.jhu.edu hub.jhu.edu
I think mathematicians do math in part because we think it's beautiful."
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
beauty is how truth feels
- for: quote, truth, beauty
- beauty is how truth feels
- for: quote, truth, beauty
thepointmag.com thepointmag.com
when I glimpsed her in person at last, I was dis-disillusioned. It wasn’t that I had been wrong, exactly: she did look malnourished and possibly tubercular. But what she lacked in anatomical perfection she made up for in physical charisma, of the sort that athletes and dancers and other vitally corporeal types emanate as they move. She swept into the party in a jangle of jewelry and a blur of amorphous fabric, her fingers clanking with rings. Space crackled around her. Lesser people dutifully assembled, like royal subjects, to listen to her pontificate about something inane in her smoky, mellifluous voice. She smelled herbal, but glamorously so, and I was mesmerized by the way she gestured, with sharp staccato movements, as if she were conducting a jerky symphony. Years later, when I watched footage of Elizabeth Holmes, I could not shake the sensation that they were somehow twinned, even though they looked nothing alike—the one blonde and hulking, the other gangly and brunette. Both were compelling in a specifically aesthetic way, but neither was even attractive.
- Jun 2023
healthyselfesteem.org healthyselfesteem.org
We live in a society that emphasizes glamour and sex appeal. That is why most of us strive to achieve external beauty, but oftentimes we lose our uniqueness in the process.
so this passage explicitly mentions "external beauty", BUT if we're to consider beauty in its truest essence, then i wonder if this statement is a bad thing. after all, beauty is essentially harmony and balance (which explains why individuals with symmetrical features are considered attractive). all of us strive for beauty, but in doing so, we may lose what makes us unique because beauty favors uniformity.
this is fascinating to me because uniformity adheres to a standard, which is important for regulating randomness (opposite of this is pattern and we LOVE patterns because it is discernible which means it is safer), and fostering a shared understanding of the world. and this shared understanding of our world is really important to us as humanity. this is how we evolve together. this collective perception only happens through that concept of beauty (or form and structure, harmony and balance).
nowadays, we shifted and value individualism more. this excessive individualism has promoted different perspectives on the world which contributes to conflicts. ultimately, extremes on both ends of the spectrum (uniformity or individualism) are detrimental, so striking this balance between them is crucial for progress and unity among people.
filler.good.vn filler.good.vn
Tiêm filler xóa rãnh cười hiệu quả
Tiêm Filler Má Baby cực xinh da căng bóng cực trẻ trung
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filler.good.vn filler.good.vn
Địa chỉ tiêm filler môi uy tín ở Hà Nội
- May 2023
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
And lastly, we can push ourselves to do higher quality writing, research, and critical thinking. At the moment models still can't do sophisticated long-form writing full of legitimate citations and original insights.
Is this not merely entering an 'arms race' against our own tools? With the rat race effect of higher demands over time?
What about moving sideways not up? Bringing in the richness of the layering of our (internal) reality and lives? The entire fabric that makes up our lives, work, communities, societies, indicately more richly in our artefacts. Which is where my sense of beauty is [[Schoonheidsbegrip 20151023132920]] as [[Making sense is deeply emotional 20181217130024]]
- Feb 2023
even in everyday life somehow beauty of an object that is accepted as a category in aesthetics determines 00:15:10 how people direct their looks in their everyday life so beauty buy-ins longer looks
- Comment
- in other words
- beauty is one variable that directs our = selective attention
- when our senses experience the unbroken continuum of appearances, a = gestalt, it is variables like beauty which selects the sensory and perceptual trajectory of experience
we've tested people varying portable eye 00:14:11 movements here along the dono canal the danube channel a big park in the center of vienna and we had people walk um for 300 meters wearing these glasses that recorded what they saw 00:14:23 and where they looked at
- real world experiment for = tracking eye movement
- in the real world along a 300 m path along the Danube river
- using special eye tracking glasses
- conclusion : beauty determines where we look and pay attention to
if you're exposed to a scene depicting two people different slightly in level of attractiveness or don't even if they differ not at all 00:13:32 and we measure eye movements then the more eye movements people that that we can find on a certain object it's not only true for faces also other objects but in phases particularly 00:13:44 and here you see the more red the more eye movements landed in the face of in this case a white person and this is a clear indicator that this person here found more beauty in the right than in the left face and that's very reliable
- if you're exposed to a scene depicting two people
- different slightly in level of attractiveness or don't even if they differ not at all -and we measure eye movements
- then the more eye movements people that that we can find on a certain object it's not only true for faces also other objects
- the more red the more eye movements landed in the face of
- in this case a white person
- and this is a clear indicator that this person here found more beauty in the right than in the left face
- and that's very reliable
beauty determines how we perceive the world because beauty binds looks
- claim researched =
- beauty determines how we perceive the world because beauty binds looks
- this is relevant for understanding how to focus people's attention
Local file Local file
Suppose that we were asked to arrange the followingin two categories—distance, mass, electric force, entropy, beauty, melody.I think there are the strongest grounds for placingentropy alongside beauty and melody and not with thefirst three.
Syndication link: https://boffosocko.com/2013/09/26/entropy-beauty-melody/
- Dec 2022
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
Those soft blue eyes, and all those natural graces, should not be wasted on the inferior society of Highbury and its connexions. The
The poor do not deserve to observe beauty? Maybe not that, but there's the social elevation of a pretty face again. Emma's inner thoughts about Harriet reveal a lot about how she esteems female value within her societal constraints.
- Nov 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
it seems like a perversion of my beautiful REST/JSON server
- Jun 2022
bcbeautytraining.co.uk bcbeautytraining.co.uk
BEAUTY Courses
Beauty courses Brighton - BC Beauty Training school offering a range of beauty training courses including nail, lashes, massage, tanning & more in the Crawley, Sussex & South East Areas.
- May 2022
minimalistquotes.com minimalistquotes.com
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. Mae West
- Oct 2021
human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
I see a man's pink tongue razing the horizon
- Apr 2021
medium.com medium.com
each of which we could show to be more beautiful, and more usable than the original.
- Feb 2021
hilton.org.uk hilton.org.uk
First of all, we want names to exhibit truth and beauty: to be the right names, and to make our code clean and beautiful. At least, this is what we want to think about our code, but naming’s importance is far more practical.
- Oct 2020
This was the piece that made all their other recent work all gel and I gazed into the sun for the beauty that was there.
I couldn't land on how I wanted to box primitives. Should I use a getter/setter, or function form like Knockout, or explicit get/set like MobX? These were all ugly.
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
The doctor’s pretty housemaid
It appears to me that Franklin is very sensitive to beauty, or the lack thereof. He almost never fails to present a person without describing their looks (for better or worse). It seems to almost define them, in his eyes. It would be interesting to search in his text for mentions of appearance and compare it to other narrators.
- Aug 2020
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
“Between 1780 and 1850, there is an increasing aestheticization of tuberculosis that becomes entwined with feminine beauty,” says Carolyn Day, an assistant professor of history at Furman University in South Carolina and author of the forthcoming book Consumptive Chic: A History of Fashion, Beauty and Disease, which explores how tuberculosis impacted early 19th century British fashion and perceptions of beauty.
- Apr 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
the study of beauty and taste
- May 2019
lifestancewax.com lifestancewax.com
Lifestance is a brand only specializing in Waxing, with particular focus on home and beauty salons. Lifestance only selects the best ingredients when designing its waxes. Its meticulous process of selecting resins ensures its fantastic grip, color, and stability. Its precise quality control safeguards the formula of its waxes so that outstanding depilatory results are repeated time and time again during each waxing treatment. Lifestance prides itself on being more than a beauty supplier but also has developed its own special formulations and patents with specialist chemists, aimed at each type of hairs, all skin types and all areas of the body. We believe that if we focus on ONE thing, we should be the best at it.
The profile of Lifestance Wax
- Apr 2019
www.skyscrapercity.com www.skyscrapercity.com
Really loved this little instagram video from v_2_kay which shows a glimpse of how beautifully the glass walls of this skyscraper react to changing atmospheric conditions. This building will be a kinetic sculpture on Sydney Harbour and wonderful to watch in any conditions.
Beautiful! Look at the link :)
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplatesthem;
Right--beauty is about a relationship to a thing or an opinion about a thing, not about the thing itself. Beauty has as much to do with the viewer as it does with the beautiful object. Recognizing beauty or having taste involves a network of actors in a given context. Does Hume believe that it is our job to consolidate these recognitions into one general rule for recognizing?
- Feb 2018
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
Those who dwell…among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. Whatever the vexation or concerns of their personal lives, their thoughts can find paths that lead to inner contentment and to renewed excitement in living. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of the birds, the ebb and flow of the tides, the folded bud ready for the spring. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.
Reawakening the sense of wonder does not simply help us appreciate the beauty of nature. It can help heal a sense of alienation and loneliness. Because when a person is truly present to more-than-human world, how could they ever really feel alone? In working toward the recovery of a sense of wonder, we are cultivating an ability to see beyond ourselves, beyond the limits of the human bubble. It is a humbling process; humility is a necessary ingredient to the experience of awe and wonder. Via our humility, via our personal smallness, the larger world reveals itself to us more fully.
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
She denounces men's insistence on seeing women always as sexual beings and argues that women's eloquence arises not from sex but from spiritual and mental powers that they share equally with men and that they must he allowed to exercise.
Perhaps that idea was only the effect of the sagacity common to the ,sex, and the advantages which their natural address gave them over rough and simple warriors. Stewart would agree that there was more to woman than the their beauty, but perhaps there is something there in terms of softness and ability to woo a crowd that gives women a little extra something?
- Jan 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
bluster and strut
This would be a great album title :)
- Dec 2015
rhizome.org rhizome.org
"I do not believe that knowledge is embedded in documents, just as beauty is not embedded in objects. Beauty and knowledge are created by joining and creating complex relationships between creators, viewers, contexts, histories, etc."
Very meta here, but this SO applies to public annotation, #amirite?
- Oct 2013
www9.georgetown.edu www9.georgetown.edu
On the other hand, without perspicuity this style cannot give pleasure. And so the three qualities, perspicuity, beauty, and persuasiveness. are to be sought in this style also; beauty, of course, being its primary object.
an argument for "beauty" as apposed to other arguments, such as, for truth or "good"
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
Good riddles do, in general, provide us with satisfactory metaphors: for metaphors imply riddles, and therefore a good riddle can furnish a good metaphor. Further, the materials of metaphors must be beautiful; and the beauty, like the ugliness, of all words may, as Licymnius says, lie in their sound or in their meaning. Further, there is a third consideration -- one that upsets the fallacious argument of the sophist Bryson, that there is no such thing as foul language, because in whatever words you put a given thing your meaning is the same.
Types of metaphors
- Sep 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
The materials of metaphor must be beautiful to the ear, to the understanding, to the eye or some other physical sense.
effects/faculties of beauty
Further, the materials of metaphors must be beautiful; and the beauty, like the ugliness, of all words may, as Licymnius says, lie in their sound or in their meaning.
Beauty considered. here he looks at not only what is said, but the effects it has and how it can be artistic, aesthetic
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
The excellence of the body is health; that is, a condition which allows us, while keeping free from disease, to have the use of our bodies; for many people are "healthy" as we are told Herodicus was; and these no one can congratulate on their "health," for they have to abstain from everything or nearly everything that men do.-- Beauty varies with the time of life.
Interesting, there is no mention of women in this definition of beauty.