31 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
  2. Oct 2024
  3. Sep 2024
    1. Seit 2023 herrscht im Amazonasgebiet eine extreme Dürre, deren Ursachen die Erhitzung der Ozeane und ein durch die globale Erhitzung verstärkter El Niño sind. Sie begünstigt die extrem zahlreichen Waldbrände, deren Rauch gerade die Luft über 60% des brasilianischen Territoriums verschmutzt. 97% der Brände werden aber von Menschen entzündet, vor allem im Interesse der Agrarindustrie. Auch aufgrund der Entwaldung ist der Kipppunkt, von dem an der Wald Kohlenstoff emittiert statt absorbiert, näher als bisher angenommen. Ausführlicher Bericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie und des Aufrufs zum Boykott von.Agrarprodukten aus dem Gebiet. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/ravagee-par-les-feux-lamazonie-au-bord-du-basculement-le-climat-est-devenu-un-allie-de-la-destruction-de-la-foret-20240911_HEMGMQI7WZCYHAWC6E24ZJCTIU/

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06970-0

  4. Aug 2024
  5. Jul 2024
  6. Jun 2024
  7. May 2024
    1. Im Interview mit der Republica bezieht sich kanupo in Tempo, der Leiter des europäischen kopernikusprogramms, vor allem auf den letzten Bericht zum Zustand des Klimas in Europa er hebt hervor, dass die Gletscher in Europa im letzten Jahr 10% ihres Volumens verloren haben Punkt für Italien habe das auch Konsequenzen in der Wasserversorgung. Italien sei auch besonders von Austrocknung bedroht. Ist deinen Kindern könne er angesichts der gegenwärtigen Klimapolitik wenig Hoffnung machen. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/dossier/festival-greenandblue-2024/2024/05/25/news/carlo_buontempo_copernicus-423076028/

  8. Apr 2024
    1. Der Bericht des Copernikus Climate Change Service über 2023 ist lact Direktor Carlo Buontempo "ein dramatisches Zeugnis dafür, wie weit weil wir uns von dem Klima entfernt haben, in dem sich die menschliche Zivilisation entwickelt hat". Viele Kimaforschende waren davon überrascht, wie deutlich die Temperaturrekorde des Jahres 2023 über denen der vorangegangenen Jahre lagen.Auch Zahl und Ausmaß von Extremwetterereignissen übertrafen die Erwartungen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/09/2023-record-world-hottest-climate-fossil-fuel

      Mehr zu den Copernicus-Daten für 2023: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22Global%20Climate%20Highlights%202023%22

    1. Das Europäische Klima-Bebachtungsprogramm Copernicus hat die wichtigsten Daten zum Jahr 2023 zusammengefasst. Im heissesten Jahr seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen war es im Durchschnitt 1,48° wärmer als in der vorindustriellen Zeit. Jeder einzelne Tag war mindestens 1° wärmer. Eine Vielzahl von Extremwetterereignissen sind auf die Rekordtemperaturen zurückzuführen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000202321/2023-war-es-waermer-als-in-den-vergangenen-100000-jahren

    1. Zusammenfassender Bericht der EU über die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung in Europa im vergangenen Jahr. Europa erwärmt sich von allen Kontinenten am schnellsten. Die Menschen in Südeuropa waren über 100 Tage extender gute ausgesetzt. 2022 war das trockenste Jahr der ausgezeichneten Wettergeschichte, und es hatte den mit Abstand heißesten Sommer. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/20/frightening-record-busting-heat-and-drought-hit-europe-in-2022

  9. Jan 2024
    1. Die Repubblica interviewt Carlo Buontempo, den Leiter des europäischen Klimaservice Copernicus. 20 23 wurden viele Anomalien beobachtet. Jeder Tag war mindestens ein Grad wärmer als in der Vergleichsperiode, fast die Hälfte der Tage 1,5 und zwei sogar zwei Grad. Der Juli war der heißeste je gemessene Monat. Es sei noch unklar, ob es sich dabei um Ausnahmen handelt oder um den Beginn einer neuen Phase. https://www.repubblica.it/economia/2024/01/15/news/clima_cambiamenti_climatici_caldo_record_carlo_buontempo_copernicus-421876070/

  10. Sep 2023
    1. Carlo Buontempo, Leiter des europäischen klimawandelservice Kopernikus, blickt in diesem Interview auf den Sommer 2023 zurück und sieht ihn als Etappe auf einer nicht mehr aufhaltbaren Entwicklung zu einem Europa, i ndem es immer wieder Dürren und kaum mehr Schnee gibt, und dass ich vor viel mehr Überschwemmungen schützen muss, weil die 1,5 Grad Grenze in jedem Fall in den nächsten 10 Jahren überschritten werden wird. Erreicht werden könne und müsse bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts eine Rückkehr zu Temperaturen wie in diesem Jahr, dass den Menschen dann als kühl erscheinen werden.


  11. May 2023
    1. Carlo Cacciamani

      Norditalien erlebt nach einer langen Phase extremer Trockenheit Rekord-Regenfälle und Überschwemmungen. Auch diese Extremwetter-Ereignisse werden durch die globale Erhitzung wahrscheinlicher, durch die die Atmosphäre mehr Wasser und Energie enthält. Der Meteorologe Carlo Cacciamani erklärt, dass die Landnutzung die Verwundbarkeit der Region vergrößert, und dass die Regenfälle nicht ausreichen, um die Folgen der Trockenheit, etwa für den Po, zu kompenisieren. https://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2023/05/17/news/alluvione_emilia_romagna_come_e_successo-400427156/?ref=nl-rep-a-bgr

  12. Apr 2023
  13. Jan 2023
    1. Richard Feynman was fond of giving the following advice on how to be a genius. You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind, although by and large they will lie in a dormant state. Every time you hear or read a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps. Every once in a while there will be a hit, and people will say, “How did he do it? He must be a genius!”

      Gian-Carlo Rota (1997): Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1, 1997, Vol. 44, pp. 22-25.

  14. Jul 2022
    1. i read that book 00:11:08 in the translation by garfield and it was a shock for me it's an incredible it's a it's just a fantastic book so it really blew away my mind and i 00:11:21 spent a while as a a summer uh immersed in that book trying to read everything i could get nakatuna and thinking about that and i ended up with two ideas um which i just would put on the table and to to 00:11:35 discuss one smaller one larger one smaller is that in nagarjuna there are some basic ideas which are helpful uh to make sense of about quantum mechanics not not because the cartridge 00:11:48 knew anything about quantum physics of course it didn't uh but i think that to do science we need we need ideas and philosophy is very useful and uh we get from philosophy uh 00:12:01 conceptual structure way of thinking uh that as usual to make sense of of of better ways of understanding about the world and and and what is useful in nagarjuna is the idea 00:12:14 of uh what you do for quantum physics is the idea that uh it's it's better to think of the world not as entities or substance or or things of god or 00:12:27 whatever matter uh that has its own properties but only um through the interdependence of of things so you don't understand anything by itself if not connected to the others 00:12:39 that's uh in fact it's even more i think what nagarjuna shows that uh if you think that their relations with you think that things affect one another that's the only way of thinking so the idea of 00:12:52 of a thing by itself of things existing uh independently of anything else of a fundamental reality it's uh it's not useful and it's 00:13:08 i think the guardian argues contradictory that's a that's a specific idea this is the bigger idea which i i found uh wonderful and that completely captured me 00:13:20 is that uh this is a for me fascinating philosophical perspective because it starts from the day of separating uh sort of a conventional reality and 00:13:31 and an ultimate ultimate reality uh which is very common uh in in a very common perspective also in science and western philosophy um 00:13:44 you can also read some of the evolution of science or western philosophy trying to search for this ultimate life is that matter is that god is that spirit is that the mind is that language is that there are many other circles is that phenomenology or 00:13:58 the whosoever whatever you want and nagarjuna the book of nagarjuna is not a positive construction it's a negative destruction every chapter takes away something look this by itself doesn't stay together 00:14:12 this there's a state together it takes away it takes somebody takes something and so the suggestion here is that maybe the question is wrong um we should look for the ultimate value the ultimate value doesn't exist in a 00:14:24 sense it's the same thing as a as a conventional reality that i found fantastic it's a it's a dissolving um it's dissolving a fake problem in a 00:14:36 sense and opening up a sudden uh uh coherence as i read it and with all my superficiality it's not denying reality right it is here i mean this pen is his pen 00:14:48 it it denies the fact that this is ultimate reality in this pen or in something on which this pen is based including the mind which is uh there's a superficial buddhism a view of 00:15:01 beauties in the west uh which is just everything is the mind the mind is it's everything is is uh if you think it's a self and everything you know um where you were born in hollywood so 00:15:12 the illusory aspect of the walls i wonder if you got it from buddhism from hollywood i don't know but this is this idea that you know the the world is a big cinema and everything is is in the mind of berkeley 00:15:25 and this is a there's a chapter in in in nagarjuna which denies that completely because the mind itself is not um it's not uh doesn't have an ultimate reality so you cannot found anything on the mind nor on the dharma or the 00:15:39 on anything up to the point and then i conclude so my reason of my fascination throwing my fascination from the guardian on the table in this passage about the view this uh 00:15:51 this comments the emptiness of emptiness which was the real moment in which the guardian captured uh captured me so it's a point in which uh you know translated the way i read it or probably superficially is that all 00:16:04 right so everything is empty in the sense of doesn't not having an intrinsic reality so therefore this emptiness is the foundation of everything and regardless of the words no no no wait this is this 00:16:16 is a this is the view uh which you which is itself empty in the sense that it depends on else this is suddenly extremely liberating i think uh and i found it it hadn't 00:16:31 impacted me intellectually suddenly i have a i have a way to take take away from my intellectual search and anguish finding the foundations uh which i find liberating and even 00:16:43 personally i mean it's thinking about myself not as an entity but as a combination of other things uh has definitely an effect on me on a on a on a human being 00:16:55 and uh so i guess what what finally fascinated me in a gardener is this anti-foundational aspect it's taking away the starting point um it's absolute radicality 00:17:08 uh when he says that nirvana and samsara themselves are sort of illusioned in some sense empty in his own sense devoid of intrinsic reality

      Rovelli explains what is so profound about Nagarjuna's teaching, that EVERYTHING, including all the statements Nagarjuna's himself makes, is empty.

    2. let me first say how why we're here um 00:05:01 and first point out that barry and carl have never met before this is the first time you will discuss

      Title: What is Real? Nagarjuna's Middle Way A Discussion with Barry Kerzin (Doctor to HH Dalai Lama, Professor and Buddhist Monk) and Carlo Rovelli (Quantum Physicist)

    3. i didn't know anything about nagarjuna and uh i know very little about buddhism and buddhist philosophy so i am 00:09:04 very i'm here without any potential of saying anything uh beyond extremely superficial uh about buddhism to apologize for that i i in fact i i look forward to to to to 00:09:18 to getting from you um ideas and and take away some of my uh superficiality um i and i have a lot of buddhist friends because my catholic friends back in 00:09:30 italy many have converted or changed into buddhism somehow and i i read about maine buddhist idea but i i knew little about uh uh derek arjuna in particular 00:09:41 in fact i didn't even know that his book existed um but i worked on quantum theory on the foundation of quantum theory and i have been fascinated by a particular way of 00:09:53 viewing quantum theory which is called the relation interpretation of quantum theory in which [Music] one of the central thing one of the central ideas is that objects systems 00:10:06 things whatever by themselves do not have properties in some sense do not exist by themselves they only exist because they interact with something else and uh this is a 00:10:19 it's an idea which is not completely absent in in in western philosophy but it's not easy to frame in philosophical uh id western ideas and i've been 00:10:31 writing and talking about uh relational quantum mechanical relation contemplation of quantum mechanics and so many times after a talk people will come to me and say have you read nagarjuna 00:10:44 and i said no and i am not particularly excited about attempts to mix you know modern physics with eastern idea because uh things i've read about that i always found very 00:10:57 superficial superficial way of putting both but after you know the twentieth time i heard have you read nagarjuna i think well maybe i should read that

      Audience members consistently raised the subject of Nagarjuna after his talks and after the 20th time, he decided to read a book by Nagarjuna.

  15. Jun 2021
  16. Mar 2021
    1. Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine the distribution of game lengths in number of moves for three popular children's games: Cootie, Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. The effect of modifications to the existing rules are investigated. Recommendations are made for preserving the sanity of parents who must participate in the games.

      And people say math isn't important...

  17. Mar 2018
    1. Primary Source Description Fela Kuti Panel Primary Source Description: The panel in the

      This page needs a title and an introduction. Imagine of someone just randomly opened this webpage... What information would they need to know to understand what the page is and does?

    1. These aspects tend to embody a “language” that words cannot express. It allows us as one to use our senses and become focus on a common belief/interpretation of how we envision ourselves in others that aren’t within the same culture.

      Interesting. What does this have to do with your reading of Haltman and Barras? What I'd like to see is more of an answer to this question.

      What was the experience of completing this project like for you? What was challenging or appealing about it? WHy do you think so?

      I'm really looking for your self-perceptions. Your insight into your own experiences.

    2. In conclusion

      What does this phrase do for you here? Do you need it? Why or why not?

    3. Animals play a big role in the creation of music because it help close a bridge between cultures that were established centuries ago.

      Interesting idea. Is this yours?

    4. portrays

      What does this word mean in this context?

    5. I feel this can be connected to the Hartman text because it states that material culture may have a physical form but there are also parts of a culture that are abstract.

      Actually, this isn't what Haltman means. He means that even abstract elements of a culture can take "object" form in the details of the objects the culture it creates. How does this change your ideas?