- Jan 2025
sr.ithaka.org sr.ithaka.org
If OERs save students money, while also acting as catalysts for faculty to make improvements to their teaching, it is no wonder that colleges and universities are trying to expand them on their campuses.
This is a core insight — while the cost savings and related accessibility of OER are compelling, there is also the collateral effects of instructors and instructional designers revisiting course materials and practices that can lead to other improvements.
- Aug 2023
journals.sfu.ca journals.sfu.ca
Additional .pdf copy of this journal article with Hypothes.is annotations available by downloading: https://journals.sfu.ca/jalt/index.php/jalt/article/download/843/597
Local file Local file
As Catherine Cronin (2017, p. 2) has explained,“Open educational practices (OEP) is a broad descriptor ofpractices that include the creation, use, and reuse of openeducational resources (OER) as well as open pedagogies andopen sharing of teaching practices.”
- Jul 2023
Local file Local file
prompt engineering and co-creation with AI
the engineering would require a sophisticated understanding of the subject, if it is to be done effectively. This serves as an example of the benefits of OEP over OER, and how the creator gains the most through the process.
Supporting Student Creation of OERs
Wikipedia experimented w AI generated text and found it needed extensive editing. While that may not save time for Wikipedia editors, that type of mental labor may benefit students engaged in OEP.
- Apr 2023
eliterate.us eliterate.us
What will happen to this tottering industry when professors, perhaps with the help of on-campus learning designers, can use an LLM to spit out their own textbooks tuned to the way they teach?
This is open education pedagogy if not OER.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Recommended Resource:
I recommend adding this doctoral research article on developing open education practices (OEP) in British Columbia, Canada. The scholarly article is released by Open University, a U.K. higher education institution that promotes open education.
Paskevicius, M. & Irvine, V. (2019). Open Education and Learning Design: Open Pedagogy in Praxis. Open University, 2019(1). DOI: 10.5334/jime.51
A relevant excerpt from the article reveals the study results that show OEP enhances student learning:
"Furthermore, participants reflected on how inviting learners to work in the open increased the level of risk and/or potential reward and thereby motivated greater investment in the work. This was articulated by Patricia who suggested “the stakes might feel higher when someone is creating something that’s going to be open and accessible by a wider community” as well as Alice who stated “students will write differently, you know, if they know it’s not just going to their professor.” The practice of encouraging learners to share their work was perceived by Olivia to “add more value to their work,” by showing learners the work they do at university can “have an audience beyond their professors.”"
- Dec 2022
li.wsu.edu li.wsu.edu
Student-Generated Test Questions
- May 2022
educationalist.substack.com educationalist.substack.com
Innovation is opening up educational policies and practices.
A tool one can use to think about different ways of opening education is Open Learning Experience Bingo, a "game" you can apply to learning experiences and identify and/or imagine different ways to open them up.
- Mar 2022
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
The use of open practices by learners and educators is complex, personal, and contextual; it is also continually negotiated.
Open practices are, indeed, continually negotiated. This is another way of looking at openness - that doing things in the open leave them in a contingent state. i.e. openness as the opposite of 'closure'. Perhaps then what we need is to create structures for teaching and learning that enable this kind of contingency - the ability to review and re-negotiate what we are doing and how we are doing it? This is a form of metacognitive learning on a personal and organisational level. Each teacher/learner needs to be able to observe the system they are in and negotiate how to change it as they proceed. In my own OEP, I do this, this way:
"Nonaka’s and Takeuchi’s practical adaptation of ‘Nishida philosophy’ – their SECI model of organisational knowledge creation – proposes everything is implaced within a “ba” (field). Such Ba can be physical or conceptual. We can think of the basho as a shifting context (such as being a student in a University) or set of moving constraints (like the rules of a game). Either way, what we do / what we are is something implaced within a larger field.
When it comes to learning, a key thing here is to think less not only about how and where we implace ourselves, but equally about what sort of field we are generating. Ba/sho is akin to a habitat; habits develop in relation to specific habitats. If we want to change our habits, we need to also change our habitat. In ‘Nishida philosophy’ subject and object are one, people and environment correlate." Source: Neil Mulholland Build-A-Basho | Thursday 23rd September 2021
- Feb 2022
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
encouraging the integration of different teaching methods and forms of assessment
And not only encouraging practices directly related to OER, but also other open educational practices that the use of OER can "open" up, such as renewable assignments, authentic assessment, ungrading, etc.
- Sep 2021
wordpress.kpu.ca wordpress.kpu.ca
Open Pedagogy, Universal Design for Learning, and Appreciative Inquiry
Although I'm not teaching at the moment, I have collaborated on some Open Pedagogy activities, most fulsomely on what we've been calling "Open Learning Experience Bingo", a tool you can use to think about the "openness" of educational activities. I also gave a lightning talk about the bingo if you'd rather watch than read.
Do other readers have examples of open, UDL, or — new to me — appreciative inquiry practices they've been experimenting with or thinking about?
- Nov 2019
xolotl.org xolotl.org
davecormier.com davecormier.com
This is an activity I stole from Bonnie Stewart.
"Stealing" from family is a core practice in OEP.
A large part of the ‘resources’ conversation in OER is this kind of problem. Cheaper access to books. More people using books. Nice measurable problems that can be fixed.
Lowering costs for learning materials via OER: A complicated problem vs what Dave calls complex problems, like open pedagogies.
- Oct 2019
publications.parliament.uk publications.parliament.uknewbook.book12
requires a person to provide the OEP with information that the personwould be entitled, or required by any rule of law, to refuse to providein civil proceedings on grounds of public interest immunity.
The OEP may apply for judicial review, or a statutory review, in relation toconduct of a public authority (whether or not it has given an information noticeor a decision notice to the authority in respect of that conduct) if the OEPconsiders that the conduct constitutes a serious failure to comply withenvironmental law
OEP can skip bits of process if serious?
applying the principlesapplicable on an application for judicial review
Scope is limited by JR
where it applies for an environmental review (see section 33),for permission to apply for judicial review or for statutoryreview (see section 34), in relation to the alleged failure tocomply with environmental law
(6) A complaint under this section may not be made after the later of—(a) the end of the 1 year period beginning with the day on which thealleged failure that is the subject of the complaint last occurred, and(b) if the substance of the complaint was subject to an internal complaintsprocedure, the end of the 3 month period beginning with the day onwhich that procedure was exhausted.(7) The OEP may waive the time limit in subsection (6) if it considers that there areexceptional reasons for doing so
Assuming this would cover a situation where the failure did not become apparent until post 1-year
2) For the purposes of those sections, a reference to a public authority failing tocomply with environmental law means the following conduct by thatauthority—(a) unlawfully failing to take proper account of environmental law whenexercising its functions;(b) unlawfully exercising, or failing to exercise, any function it has underenvironmental law.
this feels loopholey
24 Monitoring and reporting on environmental law(1) The OEP must monitor the implementation of environmental law.(2) The OEP may report on any matter concerned with the implementation ofenvironmental law.(3) The OEP must—(a) arrange for its reports under this section to be laid before Parliament,and(b) publish them.(4) The Secretary of State must—(a) respond to a report under this section, and(b) lay before Parliament, and publish, a copy of the response.(5) The response to a report under this section must be laid no later than 3 monthsafter the report is laid
Is there going to be any comeback for the OEP if dismissed/ignored?
5) In reporting on progress made in an annual reporting period, the OEP mustconsider—(a) the section 8 report for that period,(b) the data published by the Secretary of State under section 15 that relatesto that period, and(c) any other reports, documents or information it considers appropriate.(6) A progress report for an annual reporting period may include—(a) consideration of how progress could be improved, and(b) consideration of the adequacy of the data published by the Secretary ofState under section 15
Relationship between SoS and OEP reporting
Monitoring and reporting on environmental improvement plans and targets
Assume this feeds into previous SoS duties of monitoring and reporting?
) a person exercising a parliamentary function,
Why excluded?
(6) The strategy must contain an enforcement policy that sets out—(a) how the OEP intends to determine whether failures to comply withenvironmental law are serious for the purposes of sections 28(1)(b) and(2)(b), 30(1)(b), 31(1)(b) and 34(1),(b) how the OEP intends to determine whether damage to the naturalenvironment or to human health is serious for the purposes of section34(2),(c) how the OEP intends to exercise its enforcement functions in a way thatrespects the integrity of other statutory regimes (including statutoryprovision for appeals),(d) how the OEP intends to avoid any overlap between the exercise of itsfunctions under sections 27 to 29 (complaints) and the exercise by eachrelevant ombudsman of their functions, and(e) how the OEP intends to prioritise cases.(7) In considering its enforcement policy the OEP must have regard to theparticular importance of prioritising cases that it considers have or may havenational implications, and the importance of prioritising cases—(a) that relate to ongoing or recurrent conduct,(b) that relate to conduct that the OEP considers may cause (or has caused)serious damage to the natural environment or to human health, or(c) that the OEP considers may raise a point of environmental law ofgeneral public importance
This feels like a rehash of the IEGS conversations about creating parity with the EU system
19 The Office for Environmental Protection(1) A body corporate called the Office for Environmental Protection is established
Establishing OEP
- Sep 2019
jime.open.ac.uk jime.open.ac.uk
Notably, several of the catalysts identified by participants were not directly related to an awareness of OER or open textbooks. Several of these catalysts are related to innovation, learner empowerment, and increasing access to knowledge more generally. While these individuals identified as open education practitioners, they did not necessarily cite OER as their starting point for integrating openness in teaching and learning.
This is an interesting conclusion as it has oft been stated that OER are a gateway to OEP. While that appears to be the case for 3 of the participants, for the rest it appears that OER was not the starting point to OEP. What bears deeper investigation is whether the second or third step to OEP was OER. Reminds me of a blog post I wrote a few years back wondering if OEP required OER http://clintlalonde.net/2017/02/04/does-open-pedagogy-require-oer/
There is a growing need to establish literacies around open education, copyright, social media and networked learning as a foundational skill.
Among both students AND instructors. Instructors teach what they know, and if they do not feel comfortable themselves working in these environments b/c they lack digital skills, then they will not encourage students to work openly.
Thomas further commented “it’s openness in what we bring into the classroom, openness in what we take out of the classroom, and an openness between what happens between the students and myself and the students and each other in how we organise the classroom.”
Great quote
Alice noted her feeling that the use and sharing of OER were one of the “less threatening” components of OEP.
This is an important change in perception that has occurred in the past 10-15 years of OER. OER's used to be met with much skepticism by faculty. It is nice to see that these are now becoming "less threatening" and, by extension, more accessible.
“students will write differently, you know, if they know it’s not just going to their professor.
Changes the audience and gets students to think about writing for a larger, perhaps more general audience. This is an important aspect if we want to have, say, highly technical disciplines, like sciences, learning to engage more broadly with the public. Having learners understand the importance of writing for an audience that is more general could become an important open pedagogy principle for disciplines that want to have their work have a broader impact with the general public.
- Feb 2019
quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com
Why an HTML/CSS First Approach Works for #OER and why #OER Must Work for an HTML First Approach
I'm in strong support of an HTML-first approach for both humans and OER. Great stuff Greg! Love the offline, non-digital learning activities!
For too long the field of #OER has simply been a field studying itself. We debate what is open and what is not. What is a resource what is pedagogy...and is that pedagogy really praxis....
I don't really get this opinion, or how it pertains to Greg's otherwise important point about the format of OER. Seems like it ignores BOTH the great many tangible contributions folks have made in the field of OER AND the very important conversations that also take place around topics as or more important than technical formats, like pedagogy, and the socio-economic ecosystem in which OER participates.
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Open Source and the NGDLE
David and Ian talk about the NGDLE in relation to open.
Open infrastructure and open education practices
Tannis Morgan post on open infrastructure.
- Jan 2019
xolotl.org xolotl.org
The immense value of NOT “achieving a useful consensus” around what we mean by “open” and staying in that deeply interesting conversation is precisely because when we foreclose it, when we leave it, we miss out on new understandings for ourselves, and close them down for others. It’s no surprise that some women with very different global perspectives, like Maha and Sarah Lambert (whose paper “Changing our (Dis)Course: A Distinctive Social Justice Aligned Definition of Open Education” inspired Maha to write today) would remind me why we need to keep definitions of open, open.
This paragraph is a core part of the main point I was trying to convey in this post. I was trying to celebrate respect for/comfort with/the value of ambiguity/messiness/"the other" in the term "open pedagogy" that the closed term "OER-enabled pedagogy" wasn't invented to support. As Maha Bali put it differently (better?) in part of a tweet about how truly open discourse might have: "Respect for the 'other' ... that does not reciprocate that respect. Comfort with ambiguity and messiness the 'other' does not have."
opencontent.org opencontent.org
Nate Angell has made similar comments in the past
Read more about how I wasn't thinking about techno-determinism.
Others will doubtless continue this deeply interesting conversation and I wish them well as they do – I am in no way criticizing them as I withdraw from these conversations.
But no hard feelings.
I’m convinced that the terms “open pedagogy” and “open educational practices” are understood so differently by so many people that there is literally no hope of achieving a useful consensus about the meaning of either of these terms. Some definitions are centered on OER. Some are centered on the public, linkable nature of the “open web.” Some are centered on social justice. Some are centered on collaboration. Some are centered on innovation. Some are centered on learner empowerment. Some are exercises in the permutations of these. There have even been arguments made that a clear definition would somehow be antithetical to the ideal of open. As I said, there appears to be no consensus coming for the meaning of either of these terms. For my own personal purposes of writing, researching, and advocating, the absence of a shared understanding of these terms removes any utility I previously hoped they had. Consequently, I don’t think I’ll use these terms any longer or participate in the discussion about their meanings going forward.
David abandons debates about open practices/pedagogy.
We learn by the things we do.
Something everyone in the open education community might agree on.
All of the activities that we associate with knowledge creation and other forms of scholarship are remix activities. They involve standing on the shoulders of giants, whether remixing existing knowledge in novel ways or combining previous understanding with genuinely new insight. Everything is a remix on one level or another.
All knowledge production is a remix.
deliverypdf.ssrn.com deliverypdf.ssrn.com
Design Justice: towards an intersectional feminist framework for design theory and practice
Design is key to our collective liberation, but most design processes today reproduce inequalities structured by what Black feminist scholars call the matrix of domination. Intersecting inequalities are manifest at all levels of the design process. This paper builds upon the Design Justice Principles, developed by an emerging network of designers and community organizers, to propose a working definition of design justice: Design justice is a field of theory and practice that is concerned with how the design of objects and systems influences the distribution of risks, harms, and benefits among various groups of people. Design justice focuses on the ways that design reproduces, is reproduced by, and/or challenges the matrix of domination (white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, capitalism, and settler colonialism). Design justice is also a growing social movement that aims to ensure a more equitable distribution of design’s benefits and burdens; fair and meaningful participation in design decisions; and recognition of community based design traditions, knowledge, and practices.
jl4d.org jl4d.org
A Social Justice Framework for Understanding Open Educational Resources and Practices in the Global South
Abstract: At the heart of the open educational resources (OER) movement is the intention to provide affordable access to culturally relevant education to all. This imperative could be described as a desire to provide education in a manner consistent with social justice which, according to Fraser (2005), is understood as “parity of participation”. Drawing on her concept of social justice, we suggest a slight modification of Fraser’s framework for critically analysing ways in which the adoption and impact of OER and their undergirding open educational practices (OEP) might be considered socially just. We then provide illustrative examples from the cross-regional Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) project (2014-2017) to show how this framework can assist in determining in what ways, if at all, the adoption of OER and enactment of OEP have responded to economic inequalities, cultural inequities and political exclusions in education. Furthermore, we employ Fraser’s (2005) concepts to identify whether these social changes are either “affirmative” (i.e., ameliorative) or “transformative” in their economic, cultural and political effects in the Global South education context.
- Sep 2018
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
One concrete example of combining constructionism and openness into OER-enabled pedagogy is Wiley's (2013) notion of "renewable assignments," which he contrasts with "disposable assignments."
I don't see "renewable assignments" mentioned in Wiley's 2013 work.
We define OER-enabled pedagogy as the set of teaching and learning practices that are only possible or practical in the context of the 5R permissions which are characteristic of OER.
Definition of "OER-enabled pedagogy".
Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Sustainable Development Goals
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
While each tool has differing ways in which it can be used in the classroom and with various Learning Management Systems (LMSs),
What's the relationship between the LMS and OER or perhaps more specifically "open educational practices"?
- Aug 2018
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
Administrators who are charged with the development of open education policy may not fully understand the opportunities inherent in OER and OEP, partic-ularly for learners.
The other key area of alignment: with learners.
Open Education: Policies
Join other folks annotating the full PDFs of @EDUCAUSELI's other two related posts about content and practices in open education:
They clearly align the open education policy with the university’s mission statement and strategic goals.
Institutional alignment is absolutely critical so the policies can be shaped for the institution and so leadership can provide aligned support.
ecok.libguides.com ecok.libguides.com
Open Education: Practices
Join other folks annotating the full PDFs of @EDUCAUSELI's other two related posts about content and policies in open education:
- 7 Things You Should Know About Open Education: Content
- 7 Things You Should Know About Open Education: Policies
While I think this post does a good job of summarizing OEP, I'm disheartened to see the piece shaped so clearly from the perspective that OER is the necessary heart or foundation of OEP. From my POV, OER and open-licensing is a key infrastructural component, but is neither necessary nor sufficient in the larger and more important project to "reconceptualize and improve pedagogy and advance authentic, participatory, engaged learning" that this work rightly champions. Why must OEP always rest so heavily on OER? It's as if we have mistaken tactics for goals.
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
Open Education: Content
Join other folks annotating the full PDFs of @EDUCAUSELI's other two related posts about practices and policies in open education:
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
7 Things You Should Know About Open Education: Policies
Join other folks annotating the full PDFs of @EDUCAUSELI's three related posts about content, practices and policies in open education:
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
7 Things You Should Know About Open Education: Content
Join other folks annotating the full PDFs of @EDUCAUSELI's three related posts about content, practices and policies in open education:
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
7 Things You Should Know About Open Education: Practices
Join other folks annotating the full PDFs of @EDUCAUSELI's three related posts about content, practices and policies in open education:
finiteeyes.net finiteeyes.net
Progressive wisdom now seems to converge around the idea that students sharing their work beyond the classroom provides them with meaningful motivation to do that work and a greater sense of purpose than is available within the classroom alone.
I've seen so many examples of increased motivation and care for the work they publicly share.
- Jul 2018
openedss.uark.edu openedss.uark.edu
Open Ed mini-conference
ecok.libguides.com ecok.libguides.com
a site of praxis, a place where theories about learning, teaching, technology, and social justice enter into a conversation with each other and inform the development of educational practices and structures.
Wonderful! I believe this expansive framing is a more useful way to explain the concept of OEP than OER-focused definitions.
importance of OER in making OEP possible
Like Nate's comment above, I suggest that OER is just one of the ways of making OEP possible. In practice, there are multiple entry points to, and avenues of, OEP. It may begin with use of social media to open conversations, use of open tools, even the preparatory work of creating digital identities, considering equity on the open web, etc. Use/creation/adaptation of OER is usually part of OEP, but not always, and it is not necessarily the starting point (particularly in contexts without any OER policies/support).
challenging and time-consuming
I'd agree with all of the challenges identified here. Understanding these is useful in designing ways to help support faculty and staff regarding OEP. An additional challenge that emerged in my recent research on OEP was faculty concerns regarding privacy and identity -- this included defining (and continually negotiating) personal/professional & teacher/student boundaries in their open practice. Exploring such tensions is an important part of supporting faculty and staff consideration/exploration of open practices.
Embodying a commitment to learner-driven education, OEP involves students in “active, constructive engagement with [open] content, tools and services in the learning process” in ways designed to help promote learners’ self-management, cre-ativity, and ability to work in teams.
The editorial addition of "[open]" in this quote betrays what seems like an underlying bias in this work: that open educational PRACTICES require and are always based on open educational RESOURCES. Hence the move to changing OEP to "OER-enabled pedagogy" below. I would argue that yes, there is a deep connection between OEP and OER, that OEP benefits from using OER, but that OEP is possible without OER. And unlike, Abruzzi's story, one might just as easily start from an OEP experience and eventually come to use OER as a part of it.
OEP provide the architecture and philosophical underpin-ning for fulfilling the promise of using OER to expand collabora-tive, inclusive, accessible, and active learning and related pedagogy.
Again, this makes it seem like OEP is solely an outgrowth of OER, when I would argue that "expanding collaborative, inclusive, accessible, and active learning" is a primary goal that may or may not engage OER.
A key tenet is the positioning of the learner as a central, active player in the learning experience.
Agreed. And this tenet is far more important that the copyright status of the materials involved.
Going forward, practitioners and researchers envision that the focus around OEP will evolve from a relatively narrow emphasis on development, revising, and distribution of OER to further development of related practices, architectures, principles, and policies
This imagines that current OEP activities are more focused on OER than may in fact be the case.
- Jun 2018
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
OER support the practice of open ed-ucation, an umbrella term for the mix of open content, practices, policies, and communities that, properly leveraged, can provide broad access to effective learning opportunities for everyone.
Great to see my earlier comment led to a fix here: "opportunities" now replaces "materials" and it all makes more sense.
Working in an open education envi-ronment might better prepare students for work in today’s in-creasingly collaborative and interdisciplinary workplaces.
This would be a great part of a "7 Things..." that focuses on open education in addition to open content.
Many practitioners argue that open education could be positioned as a core education prac-tice, with learners producing, evaluating, using, revising, and shar-ing OER
maybe add: "as one of the many practices enabled by open education."
Open Education: Content
I'm a little confused that the title of this work is "7 Things You Should Know About Open Education", but it seems to focus mostly on OER. Is this the first in a series of "7 Things..." works about open education and content is just the first topic?
OER support the practice of open ed-ucation, an umbrella term for the mix of open content, practices, policies, and communities that, properly leveraged, can provide broad access to effective learning materials for everyone.
Not to quibble, but this sentence makes it seem like the primary outcome of open education is to provide "effective learning materials", which I think unnecessarily limits what #OEP can generate.
- May 2018
www.hewlett.org www.hewlett.org
The Open Education Tools Symposium, hosted by Hypothes.is in January 2017—with the support of the HewlettFoundation—for the express purpose of identifying the gaps and needs in OER technical infrastructure foundthat “even with the close focus on OER technical infrastructure, the conversations over the two-day event were wide ranging and often lingered on broader questions facing the OER movement: who exactly are we building for; is it really working?....no complete picture of the gaps in OER tooling became apparent during the symposium...”.
Referencing and linking to the 2017 Open Educational Tools Symposium convened by Hypothesis.
- Apr 2018
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Conceptualising OEP: A review of theoretical and empirical literature in Open Educational Practices
open.bccampus.ca open.bccampus.ca
Open Pedagogy Resources
openpedagogy.org openpedagogy.org
Open Pedagogy Notebook
- Mar 2018
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
Openness and Praxis: Exploring the Use of Open Educational Practices in Higher Education
- Feb 2018
econproph.com econproph.com
Engage With Open Learning Assignments
- Jan 2018
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
Open Education
I'd raise Open Education up from #10, but then again, I'm biased. I'd put it at maybe #7 and push the others down.
- Nov 2017
www.gettingsmart.com www.gettingsmart.com
Support at least two extended challenges with public products in high school.
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
A growing number of scholars have demonstrated how student writing and the student experience can be positively enhanced when carried out on collaborative or public-facing digital platforms rather than learning management system
like OpenPedagogy? . . . a movement that grows out of but exceeds OER . . .
- Oct 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Knowledge consumption and knowledge creation are not separate but parallel processes, as knowledge is co-constructed, contextualized, cumulative, iterative, and recursive.
@clhendricksbc (above) is right that this is a key point. It brings out the Foucault in me, the way that discourse is a social process lodged in relationships of power. Maybe some of open's effect is to re/unbalance existing power relationships in the consumption and creation of knowledge.
we might think about Open Pedagogy as an access-oriented commitment to learner-driven education AND as a process of designing architectures and using tools for learning that enable students to shape the public knowledge commons of which they are a part.
This could maybe be something like a definition of open pedagogy, from these authors? Recognizing that any definition is not comprehensive and thoughts about these issues are in flux.
Embedded in the social justice commitment to making college affordable for all students is a related belief that knowledge should not be an elite domain.
I really like this point, that knowledge creation is a social justice issue. The next sentence really drives it home and makes a lot of sense to me.
And they invite faculty to ask questions about how we can impact access in ways that go beyond textbook costs
Interesting point. Once we start talking about access through textbook costs, we open the door to faculty thinking about access in the other ways listed above too.
If we merge OER advocacy with the kinds of pedagogical approaches that focus on collaboration, connection, diversity, democracy, and critical assessments of educational tools and structures, we can begin to understand the breadth and power of Open Pedagogy as a guiding praxis
Okay, well, maybe this answers my previous question ... ;)
First, we want to recognize that Open Pedagogy shares common investments with many other historical and contemporary schools of pedagogy.
I have often wondered about this--a number of things that many of us are excited about re: open pedagogy are also part of other pedagogical theories. So I wonder: what is "open pedagogy" adding to the other views? What does "open" bring that the others don't?
We hope that this chapter will inspire those of us in education to focus our critical and aspirational lenses on larger questions about the ideology embedded within our educational systems and the ways in which pedagogy impacts these systems. At the same time we hope to provide some tools and techniques to those who want to build a more empowering, collaborative, and just architecture for learning.
I might reverse the priority of these: for me, OEP is first a worthy learning practice, and second a practice that can question and evolve ideology. Does the latter grow out of the former?
adamcroom.com adamcroom.com
So I’ll go ahead and say I see open as an end product less interesting. Open as a space that can produce open products: I find much more interesting.
This is an absolutely critical distinction. The open education community's focus on OER has emphasized product-focused practices, when we should be focused on practices that are enabled by or produce open products as a byproduct of our interaction.
openedgroup.org openedgroup.org
OER-Enabled Pedagogy is the set of teaching and learning practices only practical in the context of the 5R permissions characteristic of open educational resources. Some people – but not all – use the terms “open pedagogy” or “open educational practices” synonymously.
OER-enabled pedagogy is the OEG's preferred name for what other's might call "open pedagogy" or "open educational practices". David Wiley blogs about this specific naming.
- Jun 2017
openpraxis.org openpraxis.org
Pragmatism vs. Idealism and the Identity Crisis of OER Advocacy
vivrolfe.com vivrolfe.com
Vivien’s research profile
www.digitalpedagogylab.com www.digitalpedagogylab.com
Open Pedagogy and Social Justice
aran.library.nuigalway.ie aran.library.nuigalway.ie
use the following definition of OEP in this study: collaborative practices which include the creation, use and reuse of OER, as well as pedagogical practices employing participatory technologies and social networks for interaction, peer-learning, knowledge creation, and empowerment of l
1Openness and praxis: Exploring the use of open educational practices in higher education
- Apr 2017
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Recent & Upcoming Conversations on Open & Networked Learning
blog.edtechie.net blog.edtechie.net
Open educational practice covers any significant change in educational practice afforded by the open nature of the internet
Yes, the internet piece seems a bit tricky, but this is helpful to me!
- Mar 2017
catherinecronin.wordpress.com catherinecronin.wordpress.com
OEP and open pedagogy: #OEGlobal reflections
- Feb 2017
econproph.com econproph.com
focusing on the product is a trap. It’s the connections that count
I certainly agree! I'm thinking about "connections" as being part of a larger "process," as in open education is an evolving process (including product, access, practice, communication, connections, pedagogy, etc.). Thoughts?
thatpsychprof.com thatpsychprof.com
This taxonomy serves as a useful guide to OER advocates seeking to diversify or tailor their outreach strategy.
I would also stress that this taxonomy my describe where a person is at a given time, but I have also seen from experience that people move across (up?) this taxonomy, maybe starting out as a consumer and evolving into greater engagement. Not everyone starts (or ends) at the same place.
benefits students
AND faculty!!!
the goal posts must be placed further than simply cheaper textbooks.
For me, the goals should always be improved teaching and learning. Everything else is a means to these ends.
Within this broader vision, significant cost savings to students are the least significant benefit of OER.
Maybe least significant supporting the larger goals of improving teaching and learning, but perhaps most significant as a motivator to initiate change that leads toward those goals.
- Dec 2016
catherinecronin.wordpress.com catherinecronin.wordpress.com
Defining OEP Overall, open education practitioners and researchers describe OEP as moving beyond a content-centred approach to openness, shifting the focus from resources to practices, with learners and teachers sharing the processes of knowledge creation. In their summary of the UKOER project, for example, Beetham, et al. (2012) explicitly define the project’s interpretation of OEP as practices which included the creation, use and reuse of OER as well as open learning, open/public pedagogies, open access publishing, and the use of open technologies. Ehlers (2011) defines OEP as “practices which support the (re)use and production of OER through institutional policies, promote innovative pedagogical models, and respect and empower learners as co-producers on their lifelong learning paths.”
- Oct 2016
publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu
Opening up Education: Innovative Teaching and Learning for All through New Technologies and Open Educational Resources
- Sep 2016
oepscotland.org oepscotland.org
- Apr 2016
designerlibrarian.wordpress.com designerlibrarian.wordpress.com
Decide where and how their information is published;
connects directly to DoOO
designerlibrarian.wordpress.com designerlibrarian.wordpress.com
Utilize information modalities that fit the needs and expectations of the activity and community of practice.
connects to DoOO - engage in processes to understand them, practice in multi media
reflective blogging is a way to do this - using comm. modalities to discuss them
designerlibrarian.wordpress.com designerlibrarian.wordpress.com
Getting students to follow their instructors’ blogs and other informal scholarly writings on the web is a great introduction to this knowledge practice.
ties to DoOO, connected courses
Maintain a wiki, blog, or other platform to share reflections, thoughts, and analyses of scholarly work in a given discipline, field, or research area.
Open practices to develop IL
projectinfolit.org projectinfolit.org
Yet, the large majoritybelieved that formulating and asking their own questions was the one skill that theyhad notdevelopedin college but found they neededin their post-college lives
This is a vital information and lifelong learning skill. Could OEP help? It opens up more possibility for independent slef-directed inquiry.