- Mar 2023
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
What would a list of prompts for teaching creatively look like if it were created using Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies as a model?
Inspired by Sophia Rahming (~09:48)
- Nov 2022
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
Discussion-Based Active Learning Strategies
There are several unique ways to foster a discussion within a class setting. Some of these include-
- Small Group Discussions - three to eight people
- Think-Pair-Share - individually or in pairs, then share to a large group
Large Group Discussions- group of students
Brainstorming - group of students
All of these contribute to ideas being shared and analyzed by the individuals involved. This also helps to build great communication skills as well as team building skills.
www.rtqe.net www.rtqe.net
What sorts of prompts or questions could teachers and learners use on a regular basis, similar to Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt's Oblique Strategies, to improve their learning environments, creativity, and learning outcomes?
- Sep 2022
In combination with SCA, CERICoffers freedom from the transmission model of learning, where theprofessor lectures and the students regurgitate. SCA can help buildlearning communities that increase students’ agency and power inconstructing knowledge, realizing something closer to a constructivistlearning ideal. Thus, SCA generates a unique opportunity to makeclassrooms more equitable by subverting the historicallymarginalizing higher education practices centered on the professor.
Here's some justification for the prior statement on equity, but it comes after instead of before. (see: https://hypothes.is/a/SHEFJjM6Ee2Gru-y0d_1lg)
While there is some foundation to the claim given, it would need more support. The sage on the stage may be becoming outmoded with other potential models, but removing it altogether does remove some pieces which may help to support neurodiverse learners who work better via oral transmission rather than using literate modes (eg. dyslexia).
Who is to say that it's "just" sage on the stage lecturing and regurgitation? Why couldn't these same analytical practices be aimed at lectures, interviews, or other oral modes of presentation which will occur during thesis research? (Think anthropology and sociology research which may have much more significant oral aspects.)
Certainly some of these methods can create new levels of agency on the part of the learner/researcher. Has anyone designed experiments to measure this sort of agency growth?
- Jun 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
effectiviology.com effectiviology.com
Interleaving is a learning technique that involves mixing together different topics or forms of practice, in order to facilitate learning. For example, if a student uses interleaving while preparing for an exam, they can mix up different types of questions, rather than study only one type of question at a time.Interleaving, which is sometimes referred to as mixed practice or varied practice, is contrasted with blocked practice (sometimes referred to as specific practice), which involves focusing on only a single topic or form of practice at a time.
Interleaving (aka mixed practice or varied practice) is a learning strategy that involves mixing different topics, ideas, or forms of practice to improve outcomes as well as overall productivity. Its opposite and less effective strategy is blocking (or block study or specific practice) which focuses instead on working on limited topics or single forms of practice at the same time.
This may be one of the values of of the Say Something In Welsh method which interleaves various new nouns and verbs as well as verb tenses in focused practice.
Compare this with the block form which would instead focus on lists of nouns in a single session and then at a later time lists of verbs in a more rote fashion. Integrating things together in a broader variety requires more work, but is also much more productive in the long run.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the research says is that students often
the research says is that students often don't use the right learning strategy because they react negatively to effort in fact it even is so well demonstrated that it has its own name it's called the ==misinterpreted effort hypothesis== it says that students tend to see a learning strategy feel that it is more effortful more challenging and as a result they will veer away from that because they feel that that effort means that they're either doing it wrong or that the technique is bad they consider more effortful learning with being a bad thing
Students will perceive learning strategies that require more effort and work on their part to be less productive in the long term, often when the opposite is the case. This phenomenon is known as the misinterpreted effort hypothesis.
Link to: - research in Ahrens that rereading and reviewing over material seems easy, but isn't as effective as directly answering questions and performing the work to produce one's own answer. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010028519302270
bulletproofmusician.com bulletproofmusician.com
the more effortful strategy is the one that often leads to more effective learning.
The practice or learning strategy that seems to take the most work is probably the most effective.
Well, for one, there was a clear preference for the blocked study schedule, with 68% of participants reporting that they would choose the blocked strategy to study for a test, while only 32% chose the interleaved strategy. Which is interesting, because the research on blocked vs. interleaved practice suggests that in many cases, interleaving is actually the more effective strategy (here’s a great summary of the research on interleaved practice, why and how it works, guidelines for use, and examples of times when blocked may be better).
Interleaved practice methods are more effective learning strategies than block practice.
the more effort they had to put into the study strategy, the less they felt they were learning.
misinterpreted-effort hypothesis: the amount of effort one puts into studying is inversely proportional to how much one feels they learn.
Is this why the Says Something In Welsh system works so well? Because it requires so much mental work and effort in short spans of time? Particularly in relation to Duolingo which seems easier?
- Feb 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gradassi, A., Bos, W. van den, & Molleman, L. (2022). Confidence of others trumps confidence of self in social information use. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mqyu2
- Oct 2020
americanscholarspress.us americanscholarspress.us
A Comprehensive Exploration of Technology's RoleIin Adult Learning
This article examines and gives bit of information from a book covering the intersection of adult learning and technology innovation. 4/10, while there is information here it is certainly not the entire book and therefore incomplete. It does serve as a quick and accessible alternative for those seeking the books information but lacking the time/ access to read the book.
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Handbook of Research on Student-Centered Strategies in Online Adult Learning Environments
This article showcases a framework for course design using theory and research in the learning sciences. It defines student-centered learning and explains how it can/ should be used in the creation of the course and when establishing which theories and methods to structure the course around. 9/10, very detailed source.
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
An Introduction and Guide to Enhancing Online Instruction with Web 2.0 Tools
The author provides a comprehensive overview of Web 2.0 technologies, their use in online learning recommendations, and considerations for implementation. (7/10)
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
Social Media and Networking Technologies: An Analysis of Collaborative Work and Team Communication
Trends in Web 2.0 technologies and various networking modalities are briefly reviewed. Furthermore, advantages and barriers in the use of said technologies are discussed. Implementation of social media as a learning tool can be advantageous, however, it must supplement learning, not replace a structured environment. The educator should still remain present in the learning environment. And, he/she should provide appropriate support and training, as well as model, respective online tools to ensure efficacy. 6/10
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Strategies for Virtual Learning Environments:Focusing on Teaching Presence and TeachingImmediacy
Through a literature review of 50 articles published between 2003-2014, the authors explored aspects of online learning (teacher presence, teacher immediacy) that impact learner interest and motivation in the online environment. Recognizing that these aspects are key, the authors explore various approaches to retention the virtual setting. The multifaceted role of the instructor is reviewed as well as virtual facilitation strategies. The literature search revealed a positive correlation between teaching presence, teaching immediacy, and learner engagement and motivation. 6/10
- Aug 2019
www.kappanonline.org www.kappanonline.org
Retrieval practice boosts learning by pulling information out of students’ heads (by responding to a brief writing prompt, for example), rather than cramming information into their heads (by lecturing at students, for example). In the classroom, retrieval practice can take many forms, including a quick no-stakes quiz. When students are asked to retrieve new information, they don’t just show what they know, they solidify and expand it. Feedback boosts learning by revealing to students what they know and what they don’t know. At the same time, this increases students’ metacognition — their understanding about their own learning progress. Spaced practice boosts learning by spreading lessons and retrieval opportunities out over time so that new knowledge and skills are not crammed in all at once. By returning to content every so often, students’ knowledge has time to be consolidated and then refreshed. Interleaving — or practicing a mix of skills (such as doing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems all in one sitting) — boosts learning by encouraging connections between and discrimination among closely related topics. Interleaving sometimes slows students’ initial learning of a concept, but it leads to greater retention and learning over time.
How can I build this into my curriculum?