223 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Aug 2024
    1. Virtual Hermans - Richard Polt

      Richard Polt keynote talk at Virtual Hermans 2022<br /> "The Revolution Continues"

      • Blunderwood Portable at Burning Man
      • Tom Hanks' Uncommon Type: Some Stories
      • California Typewriter documentary released

      Typewriter Shops Today<br /> - California Office Machines has closed since the film - Ken moved to Berkeley Typewriter - Ace Typewriter in Portland, OR - Tom Furrier at Cambridge Typewriter - Lucas Dul opening up in Chicago - Jack Armstrong (Teenager) in Tampa, FL - Karin Kessler - Backspace in Westport, CT - Pamela Rogow WPM, Philadelphia, PA - Typespace opened in Portland, OR - Has an event space and nurturing community - 4-5 shops in Portaland - Bryan Kravitz at Philly Typewriter doing events - placing vintage typewriters around the city - Nashville Typewriter - Kirk Jackson doing brick and mortar store - Trinity Typewriter - Mitch Ham working out of house in Cincinnatti, OH - Ian McAndrew - Iron Fox Typewriters - Wordplay Cincicy - RIchard Polt's place

      Typewriter Restorers<br /> This segment is showing the most growth - El Granero in Spain (Polish Couple) - Mr. & Mrs. Vintage Typewriter - Walid and wife - Unplug Typewriter Company - Magan Siata (SP?) in Arkansas -Teipiadur - Welsh word - Laura Whittner in CA - Colombo Collection - Jennifer Colombo in Seattle, WA - Sparky - similar to USB Typewriter kit; sends text via Bluetooth to phone

      Recently Manufactured Typewriters<br /> - Still made in 2022 - Rover made by Shanghai Weilv Mechanism Company still making typewriters (bad quality control, plastic, poor alighnment) the Rover, the Royal Epoch, We R Memory Keepers, Royal Classic (metal shell)) - based on the Olympia Carina (Will Davis determined) - Nakajima still doing electric typewriters - Royal Scriptor - Brother - daisy wheel - Swintec - selling machines to prisons

      Modern Technology for making typewriters - 3D printing - 3DTypewriterParts.com - Pete Volz has digital files - Odin Typewriter - Ryan Mosely - Typer by Yannik Gotz - minimal keyboard and printer (concept) - Freewrite (fka Hemingway) (word processor) - Pomera from Japan - decoration made in China and not functional

      Typewriters in Popular Culture<br /> - stickers - skateboards - Dark Academia - movie: Can you Ever Forgive me - Movie The french Dispatch - andretti machine from wes anderson - typewriter fashion (purses) - Lego typewriter and knockoffs - tattoos

      Events (Type-ins / Type-outs)

      Street Typing - Chris Vitiello made a typewriting cabinet he hides in, takes in a word and provides an answer/poetry - Brian Sonia-Wallace - The Poetry of Strangers - writing on Amtrak

      Publications - The Adventures of Typewriter Troubadour - self published several books - Typewriter Rodeo (book) - Literati - Ann Arbor, MI - Notes from a Public Typewriter - ETCetera journal - Paul Rober in Netherlands - Polt, et. al. edited four volumes as books: Paradigm Shifts, Escapements, Backspaces, Dead Keys (series called Cold Hard Type) available on Amazon at cost, Margin Releases (forthcoming; Deadline March 1, 2022) - Loose Dog Press - Polt's imprint - Danielle Steele still writing on an Olympia SG1 - Evertype - Polt NaNoWriMo (looking for publisher) - Armando Warner publishing books in Spanish (he's also a typewriter restorer)

      Typewriter Music - Boston Typewriter Orchestra album Delegation: The Remixes - Typophone by Albrecht Fersch (typewriter loom) - Anechoia Memoriam IBM typewriter connected to piano

      Typewriter Art - Courtney Brown - octopus typewriter - titled: Self-Organization - AlteredTypewriter - Instagram altered typeslugs for creating art - Tim Youd - retypes classic novels; also does painting - Issue of Red Door (#28) The Typewritten Issue with cover by Hal Wildson to do photorealism - Kelye Kneeland - also presenting at Hermans 2022 - Keira Rathbone doing typewriter art - James Cook - portraits

      Typewriters in the Pandemic<br /> - Tom Currier WBZ (CBS) interview in 2020 marked his busiest year in business. - #Covid19Correspondence by TimeTravelTypewriters (he died) - One Typed Page project by Daniel Marlow - Brian Sonia-Wallace used Zoom to aggregate typewriter poets - Poor Typist - Gregory Short - Typewriter Club LIVE - Austin Typewriter, Ink. (Austin, TX) with FB page and ATI: The Podcast - Joe Van Cleave - YouTube videos - Virtual Hermans

      The Future of the Revolution - definitely not over - Mark Zuckerberg photo with typewriter on shelf behind him.... Smith Corona electric - Pavel Kuchinski artworks - Banksy did Redding Jail with escapee using a typewriter to escape - Steve with tattoo Insurgent - Munk redid image of woman changing ribbon - Giovanni Chero in FLA with image

      Q&A<br /> - Blick electric - Flavio has one and one others - Polt is distracted by the electric hum when he's trying to write creatively - Polt hasn't used a thermal typewriter before - Argument for wife for why collect? "They keep their value..."

  3. May 2024
  4. Apr 2024
    1. friendly digital helper is a good idea in digital products for children. Designing a virtual helper, cool and cute character that will help children to navigate through the product, can make the user experience smoother and more interactive.
  5. Dec 2023
    1. How to Use Multiple Desktops on One Screen in Windows 11
      • Quickly add a desktop by using the keyboard shortcut <kbd>Windows Key + Ctrl + D</kbd>.

      • Quickly switch desktops by using the keyboard shortcuts <kbd>Windows Key + Ctrl + Left Arrow</kbd> or <kbd>Windows Key + Ctrl + Right Arrow</kbd>.

      • To rename your desktops, open the Task View pane, right-click a desktop and click Rename.

      • To change desktop backgrounds open the Task View pane, right-click a desktop and click Choose background.

      • You can click and drag applications from one desktop to another through the Task View pane, or you can right-click an application, click Move to and then click which desktop you want to move the application to.

      • To close a virtual desktop, open up the Task View pane and hover over the desktop you want to close until an X appears in the upper-right corner. Click the X to close the desktop. You can also open Task View by clicking <kbd>Windows Key + Tab</kbd>. Then, use your arrow keys to select a virtual desktop and clicking the <kbd>Delete</kbd> key on the virtual desktop you want to close.

  6. Aug 2023
  7. Jul 2023
  8. Mar 2023
    1. Virtual and Mixed Reality (VMR)

      I like this term better. I always mention VR but I try to say Virtual Reality Technology so I can be inclusive of Augmented Reality as a well, but I find "Mixed Reality" more inclusive as non-VR users can understand from the word alone.


      Actualmente el humano se encuentra inmerso en el mundo de lo virtual, lo semiológico y todo lo que lo concierne. Con vista a esto, debe pensarse la educación digitalizada como otro tipo de ambiente enriquecedor que hoy en día se exige y debe estar presente en el aula.

  9. Jan 2023
    1. desk yoga (which we did during our recent CLT Symposium)

      I wonder how many teachers pause weekly meetings to do yoga or stretch. Could be a nice way to re-energize and then bring this practice to the classroom (virtual or in-person).

  10. Dec 2022
  11. Nov 2022
    1. partnerships, networking, and revenue generation such as donations, memberships, pay what you want, and crowdfunding

      I have thought long about the same issue and beyond. The triple (wiki, Hypothesis, donations) could be a working way to search for OER, form a social group processing them, and optionally support the creators.

      I imagine that as follows: a person wants to learn about X. They can head to the wiki site about X and look into its Hypothesis annotations, where relevant OER with their preferred donation method can be linked. Also, study groups interested in the respective resource or topic can list virtual or live meetups there. The date of the meetups could be listed in a format that Hypothesis could search and display on a calendar.

      Wiki is integral as it categorizes knowledge, is comprehensive, and strives to address biases. Hypothesis stitches websites together for the benefit of the site owners and the collective wisdom that emerges from the discussions. Donations support the creators so they can dedicate their time to creating high-quality resources.

      Main inspirations:

      Deschooling Society - Learning Webs

      Building the Global Knowledge Graph

      Schoolhouse calendar

  12. Aug 2022
    1. actors in the motion capture suits, referred to as zhongzhiren in Chinese and naka no hito in Japanese

      “Person in the Middle” name for virtual environment actors

      It refers to the person at the center of the technology fulfilling the physical aspects of the virtual world — the person in the motion capture suit.

  13. Jun 2022
    1. Vous connaissez maintenant la différence entre conteneur et machine virtuelle ; vous avez ainsi pu voir les différences entre la virtualisation lourde et la virtualisation légère.Un conteneur doit être léger, il ne faut pas ajouter de contenu superflu dans celui-ci afin de le démarrer rapidement, mais il apporte une isolation moindre. À contrario, les machines virtuelles offrent une très bonne isolation, mais elle sont globalement plus lentes et bien plus lourdes.
  14. May 2022
  15. Mar 2022
    1. virtuellen realität

      Ggf. ist hier ein Anschlusspunkt für einen älteren Gedanken von Howard Rheingold? Ich muss mir Rheingolds Begriff der virtual community erst noch ansehen. Hier findet man das Buch.

  16. Feb 2022
  17. Jan 2022
    1. Formats for Disk Images Another piece of the packaging puzzle is disk image formats. There are many. Each has its own benefits and detriments, but I’m not going to get into those here. Again, this is nowhere near a comprehensive list — just something to help with getting your bearings. I’d like to comment on a couple of the formats that I’ve recently encountered. VDI – VirtualBox’s internal default disk image format is VDI. Nevertheless, this is not what is used by Vagrant boxes. VMDK – One of the most common formats. VMWare’s products use various versions and variations of VMDK disk images. Several versions and variations exist, so it’s very important to understand which one you’re working with and where it can be used.
    2. Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) An OVA is an OVF file packaged together with all of its supporting files (disk images, etc.). You can read about the requirements for a valid OVA package in the OVF specification. Oftentimes people will say “an OVF” and really mean “an OVA.”
    3. File Formats for Virtual Machines Open Virtualization Format (OVF) The OVF Specification provides a means of describing the properties of a virtual system. It is XML based and has generous allowances for extensibility (with corresponding tradeoffs in actual portability). Most commonly, an OVF file is used to describe a single virtual machine or virtual appliance. It can contain information about the format of a virtual disk image file as well as a description of the virtual hardware that should be emulated to run the OS or application contained on such a disk image.
    1. Virtual machines (VMs) revolutionized the data center. With the ability to easily spin up a machine and even roll back to a working state, VMs bring a level of ease IT would never have enjoyed. Rolling back your VM is handled by way of snapshots.

      File Formats for Virtual Machines Open Virtualization Format (OVF)

      The OVF Specification provides a means of describing the properties of a virtual system. It is XML based and has generous allowances for extensibility (with corresponding tradeoffs in actual portability). Most commonly, an OVF file is used to describe a single virtual machine or virtual appliance. It can contain information about the format of a virtual disk image file as well as a description of the virtual hardware that should be emulated to run the OS or application contained on such a disk image.

      Oracle VM VirtualBox can import and export virtual machines in the following formats:

      Open Virtualization Format (OVF). This is the industry-standard format. See Section 1.14.1, “About the OVF Format”.
      Cloud service formats. Export to and import from cloud services such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is supported. See Section 1.15, “Integrating with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure”. 

      1.14.1. About the OVF Format

      OVF is a cross-platform standard supported by many virtualization products which enables the creation of ready-made virtual machines that can then be imported into a hypervisor such as Oracle VM VirtualBox. Oracle VM VirtualBox makes OVF import and export easy to do, using the VirtualBox Manager window or the command-line interface.


      Using OVF enables packaging of virtual appliances. These are disk images, together with configuration settings that can be distributed easily. This way one can offer complete ready-to-use software packages, including OSes with applications, that need no configuration or installation except for importing into Oracle VM VirtualBox.

  18. Nov 2021
  19. Oct 2021
    1. Muda is a virtual community started by a group of artists, teachers, cultural makers, social entrepreneurs, surfers, hackers, producers and dreamers.
  20. Sep 2021
  21. Aug 2021
    1. a referral program that will allow people to join a group consisting of like-minded industrialists, traders and manufacturers of their city.

      leads generation / network building

    2. Exhibitors also get access to their personalised dashboard that they can use to upload, edit or delete products, schedule or cancel virtual appointments, as well as collect user data.


    3. Personal interactions, live product demos and networking are a few reasons why we attend physical events.

      10 slots 30 mins each for each artisan for demonstration, and Q&As

      Have a facilitator/translator to mod the session or demo the products if sent to warehouse

      Live webinar tag - redirecting to zoom

    4. group chats to engage

      whatsapp marketing?

    5. The high-tech platform offers customized event halls, branded 3D stalls, real time interactions, live Webinars, and robust chat support that transcends any physical exhibition


    6. What sets it apart from other platforms available in the market is that they create completely immersive 3D environments that allow visitors to walk through the halls, navigate booths, browse content, download catalogs, network with exhibitors as well as attend live webinars using simple navigation keys and mouse on their computer. {"requests":{"csi":"https://csi.gstatic.com/csi?"},"transport":{"xhrpost":false},"triggers":{"adRequestStart":{"on":"ad-request-start","request":"csi","sampleSpec":{"sampleOn":"a4a-csi-${pageViewId}","threshold":1},"selector":"amp-ad","selectionMethod":"closest","extraUrlParams":{"met.a4a":"afs_lvt.${viewerLastVisibleTime}~afs.${time}"}},"adResponseEnd":{"on":"ad-response-end","request":"csi","sampleSpec":{"sampleOn":"a4a-csi-${pageViewId}","threshold":1},"selector":"amp-ad","selectionMethod":"closest","extraUrlParams":{"met.a4a":"afe.${time}"}},"adRenderStart":{"on":"ad-render-start","request":"csi","sampleSpec":{"sampleOn":"a4a-csi-${pageViewId}","threshold":1},"selector":"amp-ad","selectionMethod":"closest","extraUrlParams":{"met.a4a":"ast.${scheduleTime}~ars_lvt.${viewerLastVisibleTime}~ars.${time}","qqid":"${qqid}"}},"adIframeLoaded":{"on":"ad-iframe-loaded","request":"csi","sampleSpec":{"sampleOn":"a4a-csi-${pageViewId}","threshold":1},"selector":"amp-ad","selectionMethod":"closest","extraUrlParams":{"met.a4a":"ail.${time}"}}},"extraUrlParams":{"s":"ampad","ctx":"2","c":"${correlator}","slotId":"${slotId}","puid":"${requestCount}~${timestamp}"}} 

      features to consider

    7. replicate the experience of a physical event into a virtual one. 

      mention in slides

  22. Jul 2021
    1. In 1996, technology historian Jennifer S. Light compared the talk of “cyberoptimists” about virtual communities to city planners’ earlier optimistic predictions about shopping malls. As the automobile colonized U.S. cities in the 1950s, planners promised that malls would be enclosed public spaces to replace Main Streets. But as Light pointed out, the transition to suburban malls brought new inequities of access and limited the space’s functions to those that served commercial interests.

      Nice historical comparison.

  23. Jun 2021
    1. Yeah, "virtual attribute" seems like dated terminology to me, so conceptually just a method.
    2. I see a 'virtual attribute' as something we're forced to implement when using frameworks, ORMs and the like. Something that lets us inject our code into the path of whatever metaprogramming has been put in place for us. In a simple PORO like this, I don't see how it has meaning; it's just a method. :)

      Hmm, good point. Maybe so. Though I think I'm fine with calling it a virtual property here too. :shrug:

    3. has_sauce is a "virtual attribute", a characteristic of the model that's dependent on the underlying toppings attribute.
  24. May 2021
    1. quando até agora o domínio do virtual aplicado às nossas vidas se resumia à área do lazer (jogos de computador), e que muitas vezes é apontado como nocivo para o desenvolvimento pessoal e social.

      Acho estranho esta afirmação quando existe tanta coisa que se faz no domínio virtual, só mostra um total desconhecimento do que é trabalhar com realidades virtuais. Na área da informática já trabalhamos com servidores e máquinas virtuais à mais de 10 anos que fazem todas as tarefas dos seus irmãos reais, talvez se surpreendam quando verificarem a quantidade de coisas que se fazem com entidades virtuais. Em relação aos jogos também não servem só para o lazer. Veja-se este vídeo de James Paul Gee acerca das competências que se podem desenvolver a partir dos jogos para coisas muito simples como a resiliência em resolver problemas: Big Thinkers: James Paul Gee on Grading with Games

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘@taylorgrayson @skepticscience @ClimateOfGavin @kostas_exarhia I guess this depends on what kind of misinformation/’conspiracy" you are faced with. In the context of climate denial, there is evidence that understanding of expert consensus can impact belief @STWOrg" / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 19 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1361608256486047748

  25. Apr 2021
  26. Mar 2021