3 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:09][^1^][1] - [00:24:40][^2^][2]:

      Bernard Lahire discute des structures fondamentales des sociétés humaines, en explorant les frontières entre nature et culture, et en examinant les comportements sociaux à travers les espèces.

      Points forts: + [00:00:09][^3^][3] Nature vs culture * Remise en question de l'opposition traditionnelle * Exemple des grives pour illustrer l'apprentissage culturel chez les animaux + [00:06:03][^4^][4] Théorie du bouc émissaire * Discussion sur les logiques d'opposition et de conflit dans les sociétés humaines * Comparaison avec les comportements sociaux des autres espèces + [00:11:44][^5^][5] Influence de la biologie * Impact de la biologie sur les structures sociales * Importance de la connaissance éthologique et écologique pour la survie humaine + [00:22:49][^6^][6] Dominance et dépendance * Réflexion sur les rapports de domination et la dépendance prolongée des enfants envers les parents * Difficulté de modifier certaines structures sociales fondamentales Résumé de la vidéo [00:24:42][^1^][1] - [00:50:15][^2^][2] : Bernard Lahire discute des structures fondamentales des sociétés humaines, en mettant l'accent sur la domination masculine et la construction sociale de la culture. Il explore les artefacts humains et la loi de l'accumulation tendancielle, soulignant l'importance de comprendre les schèmes relationnels de dépendance et de domination qui se manifestent dans divers contextes sociaux.

      Points saillants : + [00:24:42][^3^][3] Domination masculine universelle * Questionnement sur sa construction purement culturelle + [00:27:01][^4^][4] Structures fondamentales * Artefacts humains et accumulation tendancielle + [00:30:06][^5^][5] Explosion des savoirs * Impact sur la création d'artefacts sophistiqués + [00:37:00][^6^][6] Rapports de dépendance et domination * Nécessité et universalité dans les relations humaines + [00:42:17][^7^][7] Autorité et émancipation * Transition des rapports de dépendance à la domination + [00:47:00][^8^][8] Schèmes relationnels * Influence sur les rapports sociaux et personnels Résumé de la vidéo [00:50:17][^1^][1] - [01:03:23][^2^][2]: Bernard Lahire discute des structures fondamentales des sociétés humaines, en se concentrant sur la reproduction sociale et les forces d'inertie qui maintiennent les structures existantes. Il explore comment les habitudes et la socialisation contribuent à la perpétuation des écarts sociaux et des positions hiérarchiques dans l'emploi.

      Points clés: + [00:50:17][^3^][3] Reproduction sociale * Transmission précoce des statuts parentaux * Écarts sociaux renforcés à l'école + [00:51:01][^4^][4] Anthropologie culturelle * Transmission intergénérationnelle dans diverses sociétés * Exemple d'une société lignagère africaine + [00:52:43][^5^][5] Lois de la reproduction * Habitude comme force d'inertie * Artefacts culturels induisant le changement + [00:54:27][^6^][6] Contradictions sociales * Lois concurrentes influençant la société * Potentiel de transformation sociale + [00:56:08][^7^][7] Lois historiques et universelles * Distinction entre lois empiriques et générales * Importance de l'accumulation de connaissances + [01:00:02][^8^][8] Perspectives en sciences sociales * Appel à reconnaître et découvrir les lois de fonctionnement * Optimisme pour l'avenir de la sociologie

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:10][^1^][1] - [00:25:19][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente un débat sur les structures fondamentales des sociétés humaines, animé par un sociologue qui discute de divers sujets, notamment la sociologie de l'éducation, la création littéraire, l'individu dans la société, et la sociologie des rêves.

      Points forts: + [00:00:10][^3^][3] Introduction du débat * Présentation du sociologue + [00:00:45][^4^][4] Sociologie de l'éducation * Importance de l'éducation dans la structure sociale + [00:01:01][^5^][5] Création littéraire * Influence de Kafka et la théorie du champ + [00:01:23][^6^][6] Rôle de l'individu * L'individu façonné et façonnant le monde social + [00:01:44][^7^][7] Sociologie des rêves * Exploration de l'inconscient socialement structuré + [00:02:04][^8^][8] Engagement public du sociologue * Réponse à des critiques sociales actuelles + [00:04:14][^9^][9] Scientificité des sciences sociales * Discussion sur l'épistémologie et la méthodologie + [00:07:50][^10^][10] Différences entre sciences sociales et sciences dures * Débat sur la relativité et la cumulativité des connaissances + [00:08:57][^11^][11] Lois en sciences sociales * Tentatives et défis de formuler des lois sociales + [00:13:08][^12^][12] Objet changeant des sciences sociales * Comparaison avec les sciences expérimentales et historiques + [00:16:29][^13^][13] Expérimentation en sciences sociales * Limites et possibilités d'expérimentation avec des groupes humains + [00:20:07][^14^][14] Sciences sociales comme sciences historiques * Défi de formuler des lois pour une réalité en constante évolution + [00:23:03][^15^][15] Cumulativité en sciences sociales * Nécessité d'accumuler et de formaliser les connaissances Résumé de la vidéo [00:25:22][^1^][1] - [00:50:36][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde les structures fondamentales des sociétés humaines, en débattant des idées reçues sur les sciences sociales par rapport aux sciences naturelles. Elle souligne l'importance de la comparaison intersociétés et interespèces pour comprendre les sociétés humaines et leurs invariants, comme les dimensions économiques et magico-religieuses présentes dans toutes les sociétés.

      Points clés: + [00:25:22][^3^][3] Darwin et l'évolution * Remise en question de la fixité des espèces * Introduction de la notion de transformation et d'évolution + [00:27:47][^4^][4] Complexité des objets d'étude * Rejet de l'idée que les sciences sociales étudient des objets plus complexes * Comparaison avec la diversité des planètes et des espèces + [00:30:17][^5^][5] Prédiction en sciences * Discussion sur la capacité de prédiction des sciences sociales et physiques * Importance du contexte et des détails pour la prédiction + [00:34:46][^6^][6] Structures fondamentales des sociétés * Identification de lignes de force invariantes dans toutes les sociétés humaines * Exemples de dimensions économiques et magico-religieuses + [00:37:49][^7^][7] Comparaison et évolution * Nécessité de comparaisons intersociétés et interespèces pour l'analyse sociale * Influence des propriétés biologiques sur l'organisation sociale Résumé de la vidéo [00:50:38][^1^][1] - [01:02:23][^2^][2]: La vidéo discute des structures fondamentales des sociétés humaines, en se concentrant sur l'altricialité secondaire chez les humains et ses implications sociales et culturelles.

      Points forts: + [00:50:38][^3^][3] Altricialité secondaire * Dépendance longue et forte chez les humains * Nécessité d'apprendre et de socialisation + [00:52:45][^4^][4] Maturité sexuelle tardive * Risque évolutif et protection des enfants * Coopération pour la survie de l'espèce + [00:54:11][^5^][5] Éducation collective * Importance de la communauté dans l'éducation * Coopération et dépendance sociale + [00:56:18][^6^][6] Dominance et structures sociales * Présence de la domination dans toutes les sociétés * Influence de la biologie sur l'organisation sociale + [00:57:15][^7^][7] Géronocraties et hiérarchie sociale * Domination des aînés sur les jeunes * Impact de la longévité sur la culture et la mémoire sociale

  2. Aug 2021
    1. If two or more persons conspire to violate section 1111, 1114, 1116, or 1119 of this title, and one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

      Saving Heaven starts with saving America .

      and Adam Marshall Dobrin

      This statute applies to "Corporations" as well which can be sued for monetary compensation. It is probably necessary and proper for me and others to take legal action against several public corporations, specifically insurers as well as the Federal government to properly oversee the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

      I am seeking an attorney to assist with this matter, please contact me directly at 954-667-8083 or 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc if you are capable and willing, or know someone who is. The firm must be well decorated and have multiple attorneys on staff. Venue is not an issue, the lawsuit could be filed in Nevada, California, Arizona, or Florida.

      Florida is probably the appropriate venue, according to my "non attorney" spokesman, JFC.

      http://plemma.cc for further information and videos regarding the suits.

      In addition to 18 USC 1117, I have a personal workers compensation suit as well as a personal suit against SSA & HUD and whatever agencies are responsible for Section 8 and low income housing avoidance.



      Following is the current markdown of plemma.cc

      I am accepting charitable donations,.\ ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434

      THE NOVUS CORPUS MINUTIO, A SUBSECT OF SUEZ GROUP--owned and operating, this is the FOUNDING MEMBER($)

      There is as Revolution afoot--it's in every single persons heart, and in the heart of every corporation. It's the heart and soul of the Spirit of America, and the Gaian "spirit of the man known as fire incarnate"\ \ -on the Ruach Hakodesh of Yehsua, speaking https://t.co/n9moPjiDDS

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) December 21, 2020

      | XCALIBER DAO Mail | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org |

      | Fear [not loathing] of Skynet, the Singularity, and Freedom delivered by and through the American Renaissance and the résolu "few and proudest of all [or they should be, and will be]" ... and "on why" I NEEDED to email 3 million people to fix the problem.\ 1 message |

      | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org | Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 4:04 AM | |

      To: TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL abuse@fromthemachine.org, abuse@reddit.com, XM XM@liber-t.xyz

      Bcc: are@fromthemachine.org, am@fromthemachine.org, kin kin@fromthemachine.org, Salud as is ter Y saludas@reallyhim.com, soluderity soluder@reallyhim.com, "More... family" mas@reallyhim.com, R U Y MONEY whymany@lamc.la, CONTACT A REPORTER car@lamc.la, page@publishthis.email

      | |


      The problem with American Silence is ... it's keeping America from being America.  Reddit was the heartland of social news, and even here--I can't seem to get the most simple and succinct explanation of what I'm trying to accomplish to even overcome their "censorwall."  See there's a problem with the media, with the medicine, really with "the all and the wall... all in all"

      This is exactly what I and we ... we you ... are trying to overcome--literally not being able to speak to each other, because of "all wall" a/k/a "Skynet Unsane."

      u/eyeofbush1 hour ago

      AutoModeratorAutoModerator notification

      [--]from AutoModerator sent 11 minutes ago

      Sorry, but your recent submission in /r/venturecapital was removed because it links to a site known to leak or collect personal information.

      I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


      Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/venturecapital.

      Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

      Here's my link to my schpiel below, attached to what spawned it, the page of my "free church produced and distributed web-tome"


      Here's the sunbiz.org [florida business] registration and documents for my Church, which I haven't been able to keep current because of practically no donations at all--I spend most of my income keeping this content [and copies of wikipedia and many other important things] "available" for the public to view at plemma.cc [which will be live within the week, I hope].



      To the best of my knowledge Church donations are tax exempt, but I haven't been able to hire a lawyer to file for 501(c)(3) status so you might not be able to claim donations as a tax exemption, I'm not a lawyer and can't give advice related to "IRS regulations."

      I'm in the process of forming two new corporations, SUEZ CORP, and XCALIBER DAO; which I hope to be the future of ... social media, email, online voting, and more. I hope it ends the "secret unsacred silence" ... I'm pretty sure it'll work,but we can't tell. It's going to build software based on IPFS and it's derivatives, existing cloud services, and hypothes.is ... which is the newest and best yet incarnation of "reddit comment on anything on the web" in a long list of predecessors I remember starting with StumbleUpon and Flock and DIssenter and gab-ai) ... just writing this showed me StumbleUpon has "turned into Mix" which might be worth a look at.

      I have lots of unique ideas to make these things better, and I could really use the help of programmers familiar with python, IPFS and "big data" technology. Let me know if you are interested in providing financial or programming "charity" ... thanks for reading.

      Pretty sure we can start a "new wave" of democracy; with just a little bit of work and a little bit of money. and I hope we get to do it before I'm homeless, which is practically today.


      You can contact me here: 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc or just donate Ethereum to that address, that series of technologies and products is a big part of the puzzle I'm trying to put together. Just like you, reddit and readers like you, a big part of the movement I hope will start a wave of corporate and national "rennesaince/revolutions."

      Here's to today, and hoping what we want to do tomorrow is ... way better.

      Best of luck, to all and the future. This is Adam, and this post is my last best hope--so far.

      As it is ... Heaven appears to have been built in the heart of America, the heart of Jerusalem, by the Ori of Florida and Stargate SG-1: the heart of the "message."

      Supergate, activate--unlock, speak! https://hyp.is/go?url=https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/&group=__world__ ... you're bound to be noticed as "Number 1." This is Agent #00 of the Naval Office of Superintellgience, on the Singularity, and the day ... 8/23.



      I'm going to throw it out there and say "who knew it wasn't me'--so I'm pretty sure it's BSO, @BSO__AZAD .. and like they say only the father knew the day-- if you're with me here and you know what #hispa" means,\ \ I mean hopefully I'm "with you" too. https://t.co/Irl9RPsa5H pic.twitter.com/WEq2Rzso6q

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 24, 2021

      the day is somewhere between the 23rd and the 24th of August, 2021 A.D. ... or so I think.

      when 2021 came around, A.D. disappeared and I c'd what I call "annos inconcinnus" ... the years of our heroes

        Favorite rsync Commands for Copying WordPress Sites -

      looking for a girl friend, investors, .. "a single friend" that actually will buy me a "kava" or a "drink"\ \ or call their little sister, or ex-wife--@jesse, frank and jorge ;) heaven was born here today; really**\ \ today. 8/25 5:19 PM EST, #laudat ... at a @Seven11 on Sunrise&A1A pic.twitter.com/rxxq8JAnlD

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 25, 2021

      ... @losesta2uni2 needs to be protected from @SCMPNews CHINESE OVERSITE that is causing torture via their financial interest in @ATTHelp @AsurionCares https://t.co/spet8dYbQI

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 26, 2021

      #IGNATION is what I named the "fifth through nineojuneteenth horses of the riders of the apolagetic sparkalypse ... #gjallarhorn is like a "shofar" but held by #heimdallr at the base of "asgardian of the bifrost ..." I explain, my father @idobrin1 hopefully has the #arrorigenal pic.twitter.com/TElbROyNTH

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 25, 2021


      18 USC 1117: Conspiracy to Commit Murder, specifically against Jesus F. Krisst

      ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1117)[![CHINA IS CRIMINALLY CULPABNLE](https://i.imgur.com/5K3sxmi.jpeg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QU1nvuxaMA)

      I am looking for a professional and competent legal firm in order to engage a suit against the United States FED, and a number of private corporations for hiding fiscal and operational control from Chinese investment which has left America in ruins.

      #gjallarhorn @ICCT_TheHague @FBI @FBIWFO @FBIMiamiFL @fgcu pic.twitter.com/RsAoitfuKP

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 26, 2021

      Adam vs. Heaven, the Eloheem and you

      Holy Laws are being violated every day, leaving America and the skies and space in grave danger of losing sanity and our prosperous future. We are allowing pain and attrition and disgusting lack of scientific thought to continue to be the "norm" everywhere I see across the continental United States. I am looking to move to Australia. If anyone there would like to provide lodging, I'd prefer to live with a rich and beautiful female between the ages of 25 and 35.-a

      I am willing to offer a proposal for marriage upon meeting you and consumating "premarital coitus", assuming things go well you could be the sole heir of a fortune of millions due to the several lawsuits I should have no problem finding legal aid to begin ... "should" being the peratove word, not "hace"