14 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. “It’s harder to protect your reputation for reliability than to damage it. It turns out that, as usual, offence is cheaper than defence,” he says. “Everybody who cares about the preservation of any institution has to stop everything, ring the alarm bell, and start thinking about how to preserve that ‘membrane’ in a way that is morally permissible.”
  2. Feb 2024
    1. Canada is the only NATO member without a plan or a timeline to reach the alliance’s target of spending two per cent of GDP on defence, according to the U.S. ambassador to NATO.

      This according to US ambassador to Canada.

  3. Jul 2022
    1. We don’t expect National Defence or health care to promote growth: we just accept that territorial integrity and a healthy populace are good things.

      Been making that point about health (especially since, like education, it's a provincial jurisdiction). It's easy to think of perverse incentives if a profit motive dominates education and health. Physicians would want people to remain sick and teachers would prefer it if learners required more assistance.

      Hadn't thought enough about the DND part. Sure gives me pause, given the amounts involved. Or the fact that there's a whole lot of profit made in that domain.

      So, businesspeople are quick to talk about "cost centres". Some of them realize that those matter a whole lot.

  4. Jun 2021
  5. Mar 2021
  6. Jan 2021
  7. Apr 2020
  8. Dec 2019
  9. Jan 2016
    1. The Air Force spends $14,183 an hour to fly a single F-35A, according to the 2015 Department of Defense Budget. That’s just in peacetime training. Budgeting 13 hours of crew time per month, that equals $2.2 million a year, for one crew’s training.
  10. Nov 2015
    1. RAJ: Paul, do not let your Universe become broken up into bits and pieces, each acting on its own, each attempting to fulfill its own ends. This is exactly what I was talking about this morning. Do not believe any form, organization, or manifestation when it seems to declare that it can demand or cause something, irritate you, et cetera. Not only should you not identify yourself as form, you need to be sure that you don’t allow any form to convince you that it has a purpose and can successfully act independent from the Whole. It is a trick of ego to suck you into believing that you, among these other forms, are a form to be battered about, manipulated, coerced—and that you must defend yourself against them. It is utterly false. Do not buy it for a second.

      All is One - do not fall into the belief that any form, organization, or manifestation can make demands, cause something, or irritate you, etc. In doing so hold the belief that Oneness is not true, I hold the belief that All is fragmented and that a fragment has power over me.

      Raj says,

      • don't identify yourself as form and
      • don't allow any form to convince you that it has a purpose independent from the Whole.

      This is an ego trick - don't buy into it for a second!!

      Diagram this concept.

    2. RAJ: Paul, do not let your Universe become broken up into bits and pieces, each acting on its own, each attempting to fulfill its own ends. This is exactly what I was talking about this morning. Do not believe any form, organization, or manifestation when it seems to declare that it can demand or cause something, irritate you, et cetera. Not only should you not identify yourself as form, you need to be sure that you don’t allow any form to convince you that it has a purpose and can successfully act independent from the Whole. It is a trick of ego to suck you into believing that you, among these other forms, are a form to be battered about, manipulated, coerced—and that you must defend yourself against them. It is utterly false. Do not buy it for a second.

      All is One - do not fall into the belief that any form, organization, or manifestation can make demands, cause something, or irritate you, etc. In doing so hold the belief that Oneness is not true, I hold the belief that All is fragmented and that a fragment has power over me.

      Raj says,

      • don't identify yourself as form and
      • don't allow any form to convince you that it has a purpose independent from the Whole.

      This is an ego trick - don't buy into it for a second!!

      Diagram this concept.

  11. Oct 2015
    1. you don’t need to go through the process of encircling yourself with white light. Nor do you need to visualize a pyramid of light over you. Nor do you need to do anything else in order to speak with me. It should be becoming clear to you that, since there is no evil power, presence, or force, you do not need to protect yourself from it under any circumstances. Certainly not in order to speak with me.

      The practice of communication with Raj does not require ritual and application of defencive procedures - there is no evil to be protected from.

  12. Oct 2013