113 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
  2. Apr 2022
  3. Mar 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, November 20). Thanks to everyone who took part in our Workshop on #SciComm as Collective Intelligence It was amazing! Materials will be uploaded to http://SciBeh.org website 1/2 @kakape @DrTomori @SpiekermannKai @GeoffreySupran @ArendJK @STWorg @dgurdasani1 @suneman @philipplenz6 [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1461978072924762117

  4. Feb 2022
  5. Jan 2022
  6. Dec 2021
    1. Hobbes and Rousseau told their contemporaries things that werestartling, profound and opened new doors of the imagination. Nowtheir ideas are just tired common sense. There’s nothing in them thatjustifies the continued simplification of human affairs. If socialscientists today continue to reduce past generations to simplistic,two-dimensional caricatures, it is not so much to show us anythingoriginal, but just because they feel that’s what social scientists areexpected to do so as to appear ‘scientific’. The actual result is toimpoverish history – and as a consequence, to impoverish our senseof possibility.

      The simplification required to make models and study systems can be a useful tool, but one constantly needs to go back to the actual system to make sure that future predictions and work actually fit the real world system.

      Too often social theorists make assumptions which aren't supported in real life and this can be a painfully dangerous practice, especially when those assumptions are built upon in ways that put those theories out on a proverbial creaking limb.

      This idea is related to the bias that Charles Mathewes points out about how we treat writers as still living or as if they never lived. see: https://hypothes.is/a/VTU2lFvZEeyiJ2tN76i4sA

  7. Nov 2021
  8. Oct 2021
  9. Sep 2021
  10. Aug 2021
  11. Jul 2021
  12. Jun 2021
  13. May 2021
    1. Beltran, D. G., Isch, C., Ayers, J. D., Alcock, J., Brinkworth, J. F., Cronk, L., Hurmuz-Sklias, H., Tidball, K. G., Horn, A. V., Todd, P. M., & Aktipis, A. (2021). Mask wearing behavior across routine and leisure activities during COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2qya8

  14. Mar 2021
  15. Feb 2021
  16. Jan 2021
    1. Weingarten. E., Chen. Q., McAdams., Yi. J., (2016). From Primed Concepts to Action: A Meta-Analysis of the BehavioralEffects of Incidentally Presented Words. Psychological Bulletin 2016 (142) pp 472-497.

  17. Dec 2020
    1. Stuaert Rtchie [@StuartJRitchie] (2020) This encapsulates the problem nicely. Sure, there’s a paper. But actually read it & what do you find? p-values mostly juuuust under .05 (a red flag) and a sample size that’s FAR less than “25m”. If you think this is in any way compelling evidence, you’ve totally been sold a pup. Twitter. Retrieved from:https://twitter.com/StuartJRitchie/status/1305963050302877697

  18. Oct 2020
  19. Sep 2020
  20. Aug 2020
  21. Jul 2020
  22. Jun 2020