- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
boosting aggregate demand domestically and there are simple ways of doing that and your digital payment system
for - First suggestion - for China - decrease dependency on American deficit - by increasing domestic demand for your own manufactured products - using your own digital super highway - and increasing wages - Yanis Varoufakis
- Apr 2024
queue.acm.org queue.acm.org
graphics/libtiff is one of the 122 packages on the road to www/firefox, yet the resulting Firefox browser does not render TIFF images. For reasons I have not tried to uncover, 10 of the 122 packages need Perl and seven need Python; one of them, devel/glib20, needs both languages for reasons I cannot even imagine.
Dependency hell
- Jan 2024
theconversation.com theconversation.com
African countries have become reliant on a few food items.
for - stats - Africa - food insecurity - adjancency - food colonialism - food insecurity - food dependency
stats - food insecurity - 20 plant species make up 90% of food consumed in Africa - 3 crops introduced by the Green Revolution make up 60% of all calories consumed - wheat - maize - rice
African countries have become reliant on a few food items.
Just 20 plant species now provide 90% of our food, with three
- wheat,
- maize and
- rice
accounting for 60% of all calories consumed on the continent and globally.
- This deprives the continent of diverse food sources,
at the very time when research has found
massive food and nutrition insecurity in Africa.
- By 2020, about 20% of the continent’s population (281.6 million) faced hunger.
- This figure is likely to have increased,
- given the impacts of successive droughts, floods and COVID-19.
Yet historically, Africa had
- 30,000 edible plant species, and - 7,000 were traditionally cultivated or foraged for food.
The continent is a treasure trove of agrobiodiversity (a diversity of types of crops and animals) and
- its countries could easily feed themselves.
- Oct 2023
ell.stackexchange.com ell.stackexchange.com
as a native speaker I'd probably tend to refer to his drug dependency, but his dependence on drugs (maybe because I see one as a problem he has, and the other as something he's doing, I don't know).
And as others have pointed out, there is potential for ambiguity: if A is dependent on B, then a dependence or dependency (relationship) exists; but referring to either A or B as the dependency demands context.
"demands context" :)
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
- Jul 2023
www.netlify.com www.netlify.com
- Feb 2023
localhost:8080 localhost:8080
Similarly to the first two guides,
Annotation based on available document
- Sep 2022
macwright.com macwright.com
I’ll read through a dependency, start refactoring, and realize that it’s going to be simpler to write it myself
- Aug 2022
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Ergebnisse des Farmland Bird Index für 2021
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
he distinguishes three dimensions of dependent origination and this is in his commentary on the guardian of malama jamaica carica called clear words he talks about causal dependence that is every phenomenon depends upon causes and 00:16:19 conditions and gives rise to further causes and conditions um myriological dependence that is every phenomenon every composite phenomenon depends upon the parts that uh that it 00:16:31 comprises and every phenomenon is also dependent upon the holes or the systems in which it figures parts depend on holes holes depend on parts and that reciprocal meteorological dependence 00:16:44 characterizes all of reality and third often overlooked but most important is dependence on conceptual imputation that is things depend in order to be represented as the kinds of 00:16:57 things they are on our conceptual resources our affective resources and as john dunn emphasized our purposes in life this third one really means this um 00:17:09 everything that shows up for us in the world the way we carve the world up the way we um the way we experience the world is dependent not just on how the world is but on the conceptual resources 00:17:22 as well as the perceptual resources through which we understand the world and it's worth recognizing that um when we think about this there are a bunch of um contemporary majamakers majamikas we 00:17:34 might point to as well and so paul fireauben who's up there on on the left well really an austrian but he spent much of his life in america um willard van norman kwine um up on the right wilford sellers and paul churchland
This is a key statement: how we experience the world depends on the perceptual and cognitive lens used to filter the world through.
Francis Heylighen proposes a nondual system based on causal dependency relationships to serve as the foundation for distributed cognition.(collective intelligence).
www.scholars.northwestern.edu www.scholars.northwestern.edu
Historical Context and Path Dependence
… of the so-called path dependence and historical context in contextual political analysis. It analyzes the different meanings and uses of the concept of path dependence in contemporary …
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
Path Dependence in Historical Sociology
… This article does not seek to reorient all such modes of analysis toward the study of path dependence. Nevertheless, the article does seek to establish that path-dependent analysis …
scholar.google.com.ph scholar.google.com.ph
… This article does not seek to reorient all such modes of analysis toward the study of path dependence. Nevertheless, the article does seek to establish that path-dependent analysis …
… of the so-called path dependence and historical context in contextual political analysis. It analyzes the different meanings and uses of the concept of path dependence in contemporary …
J Mahoney, D Schensul - … of contextual political analysis, 2006 - scholars.northwestern.edu
- May 2022
flak.tedunangst.com flak.tedunangst.com
I’d start using a library written by somebody else to get started, then eventually replace it with my own version
- Apr 2022
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
- Mar 2022
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
quarter of the key nutrients used in European food production come from Russia.
Sorld is dangerously dependent on an aggressor nation’s supply of fertilizer.
Russia also produces enormous amounts of nutrients, like potash and phosphate - key ingredients in fertilisers, which enable plants and crops to grow. "Half the world's population gets food as a result of fertilisers... and if that's removed from the field for some crops, [the yield] will drop by 50%," Mr Holsether said.
Geopolitical vulnerability of the existing dependency on Russian fertilizer.
- Oct 2021
agrowingculture.medium.com agrowingculture.medium.com
These corporate “solutions” end up driving more poverty. Whereas farmers previously relied on their own locally-adapted seeds and natural fertilizers, they are forced to continuously purchase inputs from agribusiness corporations. The expensive chemicals needed to grow these “improved” seeds deplete the soil. As a result, they have to purchase more and more chemicals over time to compensate for the degradation. This is not development — it’s a vicious cycle that grows corporate profits by trapping farmers in debt.
Cultivating dependency, not just food crops!
twitter.com twitter.com
According to addiction expert Dr Anna Lembke, smartphones are making us dopamine junkies. So how do we beat our digital dependency?
Attention to Intention
Resonance with the topic for the next World Weavers group conversation on Saturday, October 23: Shifting from an attention economy to an intention economy.
- Jul 2021
direnv would have to do too many releases to keep up with all the other project changes
blog.appsignal.com blog.appsignal.com
the interesting thing here is that there are comments that say which concern depends on which.
Putting comments like these can be helpful, but it’s still set up for doing something sketchy, especially if you are new to the codebase. Being new and not being aware of all the “gotchas” a code has can certainly send you down the concern downward spiral.
What is risky here is that the concern (mixin) knows a lot about the model it gets included in. It is what is called a circular dependency. Song and Album depend on Trashable for trashing, Trashable depends on both of them for featured_authors definition. The same can be said for the fact that a trashed field needs to exist in both models in order to have the Trashable concern working.
- Jun 2021
ruanmartinelli.com ruanmartinelli.com
But if you're working on a bigger project, with multiple packages and a complex dependency tree, you might want to combine npm with a tool like Lerna.
docs.npmjs.com docs.npmjs.com
npm install <folder>: Install the package in the directory as a symlink in the current project. Its dependencies will be installed before it's linked. If <folder> sits inside the root of your project, its dependencies may be hoisted to the top-level node_modules as they would for other types of dependencies.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The local package will be copied to the prefix (./node-modules).
Yay for linking to relevant PR!
github.com github.com
HTTP REST seems like an "out of external dependency" way to go.
The idea is to avoid additional dependency if it's possible.
www.mutuallyhuman.com www.mutuallyhuman.com
This is why for a recent Angular+Rails project we chose to use a testing stack from the backend technology’s ecosystem for e2e testing.
We used testing tools that were in the same ecosystem as our backend technology stack for primrily three reasons: We owned both ends of the stack Team experience Interacting with the database
We chose to define the frontend in one technology stack (Angular+TypeScript/JavaScript) and the backend in another (Ruby+Ruby on Rails), but both came together to fulfill a singular product vision.
- testing: stack: choosing
- software stack: choosing
- rationale
- explaining why
- determining if something is an appropriate application / best tool for the job
- distributed (client/server) system
- testing: stack
- frontend vs. backend: owning both ends
- end-to-end testing
- answer the "why?"
- how to choose software stack
- using disparate technologies in a single project
- testing: end-to-end
- how to choose a dependency/library/framework
- key point
- May 2021
syslog.ravelin.com syslog.ravelin.com
The implicit dependencies between different versions of different services were not expressed anywhere, which led to various problems in building, continuous integration, and, notably, repeatable builds.
github.com github.com
Because of that, it's essential that the bundler doesn't treat the package as an external dependency. You can either modify the external option under server in rollup.config.js or the externals option in webpack.config.js,
- Apr 2021
you can take the opportunity of using Python as a corresponding module pexpect is written for it (http://pexpect.sourceforge.net). It's clear that Python language should be installed on the system beforehand
But in all this incongruous abundance you'll certanly find the links to expect It's just what is wanted: the tool, which is traditionally used to communicate automatically with interactive programs. And as it always occurs, there is unfortunately a little fault in it: expect needs the programming language TCL to be present. Nevertheless if it doesn't discourage you to install and learn one more, though very powerful language, then you can stop your search, because expect and TCL with or without TK have everything and even more for you to write scripts.
empty.sourceforge.net empty.sourceforge.net
does not use TCL, Perl, PHP, Python or anything else as an underlying language is written entirely in C has small and simple source code can easily be ported to almost all UNIX-like systems
does not use TCL, Perl, PHP, Python or anything else as an underlying language
serverfault.com serverfault.com
It was supposed to be a shell command, not a perl program specified on command line and introducing a dependency on perl.
- Mar 2021
medium.com medium.com
There’s typically a complex tree of dependencies, where packages all tend to rely on each other in order to function.
www.chevtek.io www.chevtek.io
he goes on to talk about third party problems and how you're never guaranteed something is written correctly or that even if it is you don't know if it's the most optimal solution
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Keeping bootstrap-sass in sync with upstream changes from Bootstrap used to be an error prone and time consuming manual process. With Bootstrap 3 we have introduced a converter that automates this.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Often, such functions have in fact some hidden input which might be global variables, including the whole state of the system (time, free memory, …).
- Jan 2021
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
I managed to remove it myself this morning...apparently it used to get it's hooks in so deep it was very difficult to remove the daemon as it interconnected with ubuntu-desktop for....reasons.
Dll hell was caused by multiple apps on the same device requiring different versions of dependencies. As dlls were shared that couldn't be resolved. Giving each app it's own versions of its dependencies is a way of avoiding dll hell. I'm not saying this a good thing but it avoids that specific problem.
The worst thing about snap is that it runs contrary to the concept of shared libraries that are easy to upgrade. Each snap package includes the dependencies for the app, which means you may have multiple (vulnerable) versions of a library installed. It's DLL hell all over again from a security perspective.
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
The upside to snaps is they make installations simpler because they avoid the heartache of dependency hell. This is what occurs when a new application can’t run either because a required resource isn’t available, it’s the wrong version, or its installation overwrites files required by existing applications so they can’t run.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
Snap gets rid of dependency mess. Good. Snap offers in one place FOSS and proprietary app’s. Here I am suspicious. It may be an advantage for a commercial app-store and for some users. But this advantage may lead to loss of comfort and flexibility for the many users that rely first on FOSS.
snaps have many benefits that are huge: automatic updates List item shorter delivery times between develper and user possibility to use tracks and choose how much on the bleeding edge you want to be way more security and privacy, less dependency issues software available on the same versions independently of distributions and versions of distributions
- Nov 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
Why should she be unhappy? She had a right to happiness. Frank would take her in his arms, fold her in his arms. He would save her.
This internal monologue goes to show the power of inertia and the subsequent cognitive dissonance that it entails. Might I suggest that both of the sides of the coin are wrong? On one hand, she wants to stay into her safe zone and go on to live for her father and brother, on the other hand she thinks of going away with her other half. Notice how both of these realities have her essentially being dependent, or placing her wellbeing, on other people. A third option would be to make a change from within as a first step.
webpack.js.org webpack.js.orgConcepts1
By default the current directory is used, but it's recommended to pass a value in your configuration. This makes your configuration independent from CWD (current working directory).
- Oct 2020
Yeah I see what you're saying. In my case, I had a group of classes that relied on each other but they were all part of one conceptual "module" so I made a new file that imports and exposes all of them. In that new file I put the imports in the right order and made sure no code accesses the classes except through the new interface.
manually specifying the order isn't really a great solution (as tempting as it sounds) because you'll probably have broken behaviour if you subsequently move away from Rollup.
medium.com medium.com
In the many projects I have maintained so far, sooner or later I always run into the same issue: circular module dependencies. Although there are many strategies and best practices on how to avoid circular dependencies. There is very little on how to fix them in a consistent and predictable way.
Secondly, whether this works is highly dependent on the module bundler. For example, in codesandbox, when bundling our app with Parcel (or Webpack or Rollup), this solution doesn’t work. However, when running this locally with Node.js and commonJS modules this workaround might work just fine.
Examples of this include: requiring base classes or reading from imported variables that have not been initialized yet.
as soon as you have a (indirect) circular dependency, you might be interacting with a half loaded module in your code.
github.com github.com
`Module ${a.id} may be unable to evaluate without ${b.id}, but is included first due to a cyclical dependency. Consider swapping the import statements in ${parent} to ensure correct ordering`
github.com github.com
Specifically, since Root, Rule and AtRule all extend Container, it's essential that Container is evaluated (and therefore, in the context of a Rollup bundle, included) first. In order to do this, input.js (which is the 'gateway' to all the PostCSS stuff) must import root.js, root.js must import rule.js before it imports container.js, and rule.js must import at-rule.js before it imports container.js. Having those imports ensures that container.js doesn't then try to place Root, Rule or AtRule ahead of itself in the bundle.
import './at-rule'; // break cyclical dependency deadlock
Unfortunately something along these lines will always be necessary when handling these sorts of pathological cyclical dependency cases without using require.
medium.com medium.com
These are fine and do not cause any issues.
spin.atomicobject.com spin.atomicobject.com
For simpler patterns, such as A -> B -> A, refactoring may be necessary. Perhaps the modules that live in B could be moved to A. Or, necessary code could be extracted to a C that both A and B reference.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
A simple Vue project can be run directly from a browser with no need of transpilation. This allows Vue to be easily dropped into a project the way jQuery is.While this is also technically possible with React, typical React code leans more heavily on JSX and on ES6 features like classes and non-mutating array methods.
But maybe this PR should still be merged until he finds time for that?
- big change/rewrite vs. continuous improvements / smaller refactorings
- waiting for maintainers to review / merge pull request / give feedback
- iterative process
- not a blocker (issue dependency)
- pull request stalled
- don't let big plans/goals get in the way of integrating/releasing smaller changes/improvements
- open-source software: progress seems slow
rollupjs.org rollupjs.orgRollup1
If you do want to include the module in your bundle, you need to tell Rollup how to find it. In most cases, this is a question of using @rollup/plugin-node-resolve.
- Sep 2020
engineering.mixmax.com engineering.mixmax.com
When you publish this module, you do not want to bundle React, for the reasons described above. (It would be even worse to bundle React in a library, because then its copy would duplicate that loaded by the application!) But the fix is slightly different for a library than an application. In this library's Rollup configuration, we only want to specify external, not globals:
many CDNs nowadays ultimately source from npm (before caching the JavaScript on their own edge servers). So you'll be guaranteed to have the same library version on the CDN as on npm
Why bundling 3rd-party dependencies can be a very bad idea
So React, and other large third-party dependencies, should not be bundled alongside your application; they should be kept external. But where will they come from then?
The only module names that Rollup understands out of the box are relative or absolute file paths, like ./maths.js in the example. This works just fine for your own code—but what about 3rd-party dependencies?
rollupjs.org rollupjs.orgRollup1
Resolve imports to module ids (i.e. file names) using the same plugins that Rollup uses, and determine if an import should be external. If null is returned, the import could not be resolved by Rollup or any plugin but was not explicitly marked as external by the use
github.com github.com
require 'minitest/autorun' class BugTest < Minitest::Test
- Aug 2020
pragmaticpineapple.com pragmaticpineapple.com
Knowing all this, what would you do? Which path would you choose and why? The answer might seem obvious now that you come from the future - React
Zhou, Dong, and Amir Bashan. ‘Dependency-Based Targeted Attacks in Interdependent Networks’. Physical Review E 102, no. 2 (3 August 2020): 022301. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.022301.
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Peikert, A., & Brandmaier, A. M. (2019). A Reproducible Data Analysis Workflow with R Markdown, Git, Make, and Docker. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8xzqy
github.com github.com
It shouldn't be problem to watch the remote scripts for changes using Travis and repack and submit a new version automatically (depends on licensing). It does not put the script under your control, but at least it's in the package and can be reviewed.
- Apr 2020
Remove upper bound in our dependencies Doing this we are only asking people to fork our gem or open issues when they want to use a new version of the dependency and we still didn't tested with it.
- Mar 2020
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
GNU gettext is designed to minimize the impact of internationalization on program sources, keeping this impact as small and hardly noticeable as possible. Internationalization has better chances of succeeding if it is very light weighted, or at least, appear to be so, when looking at program sources.
- Dec 2019
renovate.whitesourcesoftware.com renovate.whitesourcesoftware.com
First sighted at: https://github.com/neutrinojs/neutrino/pull/1003
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
You might want developers building projects with this CMS to be able to change the behaviour of some UIs, or to be able to provide new components that can be consumed by the CMS. Those components can't easily be included in the JS bundle for the CMS, as it would require recompiling the shipped code with outside references.
docs.silverstripe.org docs.silverstripe.org
before and after also accept arrays of constraints.
controlling order
Registering new services to the Injector If you've created a module using React, it's a good idea to afford other developers an API to enhance those components, forms, and state. To do that, simply register them with Injector.
Instead of overriding a service with your own implementation, you enhance an existing service with your own concerns. This pattern is known as middleware.
- Oct 2019
github.com github.com
I'm doing a newer project in Vue.js because it looks much lighter than Angular and just awesome all around
- Sep 2019
mobx.js.org mobx.js.org
Anything that can be derived from the application state, should be derived. Automatically.
- Aug 2019
github.com github.com
No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published. No more forking repos just to fix that one tiny thing preventing your app from working.
- Apr 2017
levyomer.files.wordpress.com levyomer.files.wordpress.com
arg maxvw;vcP(w;c)2Dlog11+evcvw
maximise the log probability.
p(D= 1jw;c)the probability that(w;c)came from the data, and byp(D= 0jw;c) =1p(D= 1jw;c)the probability that(w;c)didnot.
probability of word,context present in text or not.
Loosely speaking, we seek parameter values (thatis, vector representations for both words and con-texts) such that the dot productvwvcassociatedwith “good” word-context pairs is maximized.
In the skip-gram model, each wordw2Wisassociated with a vectorvw2Rdand similarlyeach contextc2Cis represented as a vectorvc2Rd, whereWis the words vocabulary,Cis the contexts vocabulary, anddis the embed-ding dimensionality.
Factors involved in the Skip gram model
- Feb 2017
angular.io angular.io
In general, add providers to the root module so that the same instance of a service is available everywhere.
So, from this I take it that once a Service is added to the root module, it can be used by any component of that module.
What about the components imported, from sub-modules of the root one? Can their dependency needs be met, in similar fashion? For example, could a Component in another module (imported into the root one) just request a Service provided in the root module and have it properly injected from there, without anything else on the developer's part?
you get a new instance of the service with each new instance of that component
So, I take it that the Service instance will not be a singleton anymore? Whereas, if provided from the root module, it will?
- Apr 2016
di-in-scala.github.io di-in-scala.github.io
Interesting article on dependency injection and combining FP and OOP. The central question explored is how a language might work if function parameters were split into two categories, data and services/environment.
gbracha.blogspot.com gbracha.blogspot.com
How is all this different from mainstream constructors?Because an instance is created by sending a message to an object, and not by some special construct like a constructor invocation, we can replace the receiver of that message with any object that responds to that message. It can be another class (say, an implementation based on polar coordinates), or it can be a factory object that isn’t a class at all.
Question: Is this different in any way from say Python where objects are constructed using a function call?