38 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. in our work on well-being we have formulated a framework for understanding the key pillars or the key components of well-being

      for - mindfulness meditation research - 4 pillars of wellbeing - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson

      summary - four pillars of wellbeing - 1 awareness - 2 connection - 3 insight (of the nature of self) - 4 purpose (intention)

    2. the fourth pillar of well-being we call purpose

      for - fourth of four pillars of wellbeing - purpose - finding it in our everyday life here and now - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson - comparison - intention vs attention

      comment - Davidson does not provide much rich commentary on purpose, although it is quite an important idea to consider. - Intention is synonymous with purpose - The reason we consider the word intention instead is that we can compare to attention - intention - purpose or focus direction of future work (fourth pillar) - attention - focus awareness (first pillar) - Both of these acts are acts of constraining from the infinite field of our reality to a very narrow one - intention - among the infinite things I CAN do, I choose to do THIS specific one - attention - among all the infinite things I can sense, I choose to sense THIS specific one

    3. the third pillar we call Insight

      for - third of four pillars of wellbeing - insight - a curiosity driven knowledge of the self - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson

      comment - this insight is specifically about the nature of self as a narrative construction imposed upon a constellation of changing thoughts and emotions - when we gain the insight that the solid-appearing self is constructed on emptiness, research shows that this insight sets the stage for wellbeing to emerge

    4. the second pillar of well-being we call connection

      for - second of four pillars of wellbeing - connection - capacity to socially engage with others - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson

    5. the first pillar we call awareness

      for - first of four pillars of wellbeing - awareness - capacity to regulate our attention - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson

  2. Nov 2024
  3. Aug 2024
  4. Jun 2024
    1. The four noble truths

      for - adjacency - Buddhist teachings - Four Noble Truths - life and death - mortality salience - terror management technique

      adjacency - between - Buddhist teachings - Four Noble Truths - life and death - mortality salience - terror management technique - adjacency relationship - The Four Noble Truths are: - the recognition of inherent suffering - the cause of suffering - understanding the cause of suffering - the cessation of suffering - and are really - a way to deal with mortality salience and therefore - a terror management technique

  5. Oct 2023
  6. Jul 2023
    1. What are your four main arguments about power?
      • four main arguments about power
          1. worse people get power, corruptible people seek power
          1. power makes people worse, power corrupts
        • 3 we are drawn to the wrong kinds of leaders for all the wrong reasons
        • 4 we can design systems to make better people end up in power
    1. .

      Image description

      Whenever I open the annotations on the right side of the screen, a trailing period appears in the text. It looks like this:

      Collaborate with

      anyone, anywhere


  7. May 2023
    1. He is widely regarded as one of the“four eminent monks” of the late Qing and early Republican periods, and, likehis three companions on this list, he stands for a particular aspect of Buddhistlife. Taixu is lionized as the preeminent exponent of modernization and reform.Hongyi (弘一, 1880–1942) epitomizes vinaya study and monastic reform.Xuyun (虛雲, 1840–1959) stands for meditation and the Chan School. Finally,Yinguang (印光, 1861–1940) appears as the driving force behind the Pure Landrevival.

      Taixu, Hongyi, Xuyun, Yinguang.

  8. Nov 2022
  9. Oct 2022
    1. pour effectuer environ 1200 greffes durantles 10 premiers jours de juin. Les greffes ont étéeffectuées en plein champ, en utilisantprincipalement deux techniques connues sousleurs désignations anglaises : « four flaps » et« in-lay bark graft ».Le taux de succès des greffes a été de 43% enmoyenne. Les arbres sur lesquels les greffesn’ont pas réussi seront taillés et reformés pourfaire l’objet d’une nouvelle greffe dans 1 ou 2ans. Les greffes les plus difficiles à réussir ontété celles des cultivars de noyers cendrés (8% desuccès), suivies des noyers hybrides (25%).
  10. Sep 2022
  11. Jul 2022
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s4xx_muNcs

      Don't recommend unless you have 100 hours to follow up on everything here that goes beyond the surface.

      Be aware that this is a gateway for what I'm sure is a relatively sophisticated sales funnel.

      Motivational and a great start, but I wonder how many followed up on these techniques and methods, internalized them and used them every day? I've not read his book, but I suspect it's got the usual mnemonic methods that go back millennia. And yet, these things are still not commonplace. People just don't seem to want to put in the work.

      As a result, they become a sales tool with a get rich quick (get smart quick) hook/scheme. Great for Kwik's pocketbook, but what about actual outcomes for the hundreds who attended or the 34.6k people who've watched this video so far?

      These methods need to be instilled in youth as it's rare for adults to bother.

      Acronyms for remembering things are alright, but not incredibly effective as most people will have issues remembering the acronym itself much less what the letters stand for.

      There seems to be an over-fondness for acronyms for people selling systems like this. (See also Tiago Forte as another example.)

  12. Jun 2022
    1. Compass Points, a routine for examining propositions.

      via https://pz.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/Compass%20Points_0.pdf

      • E- excited
      • W- worrisome
      • N - need to know
      • S - stance or suggestion for moving forward

      These could be used as a simple set of rules for thumb for evaluating and expanding on ideas in note taking or social annotation settings.

      Compare these with the suggestions of Tiago Forte in his book Building a Second Brain. Which is better? More comprehensive? Are there any ideas missing in a broader conceptualization? Is there a better acronymization or analogy for such a technique?

    1. I like to think of layer one as the “soil”—an excerpt from a source or my ownthinking (whether as words, drawings, images, or audio) I initially capture intomy notes. They are like the ground on which my understanding will be built.Layer two is “oil,” as in “I’ve struck oil!,” conveniently represented by black,bolded text. Layer three is “gold,” which is even more valuable, and shines inhighlighter yellow in many apps. Layer four is the “gems,” the most rare andilluminating finds that I’ve distilled in my own words as an executive summary.

      another example along with CORE and PARA of Forte highlighting four steps. Why didn't he give this one a name? It's a clever analogy and very easy to remember mnemonically from a visual perspective. Why hide it in the footnotes?!



  13. Oct 2021
  14. Jul 2021
    1. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/07/george-packer-four-americas/619012/

      A fascinating article (and I hope book). I'll have to digest and re-read this.

    2. Meanwhile, we remain trapped in two countries. Each one is split by two narratives—Smart and Just on one side, Free and Real on the other. Neither separation nor conquest is a tenable future. The tensions within each country will persist even as the cold civil war between them rages on.
    3. All four of the narratives I’ve described emerged from America’s failure to sustain and enlarge the middle-class democracy of the postwar years. They all respond to real problems. Each offers a value that the others need and lacks ones that the others have.
    4. Just America is a narrative of the young and well educated, which is why it continually misreads or ignores the Black and Latino working classes.

      the participants of "Just America"

    5. In the same way that libertarian ideas had been lying around for Americans to pick up in the stagflated 1970s, young people coming of age in the disillusioned 2000s were handed powerful ideas about social justice to explain their world. The ideas came from different intellectual traditions: the Frankfurt School in 1920s Germany, French postmodernist thinkers of the 1960s and ’70s, radical feminism, Black studies. They converged and recombined in American university classrooms, where two generations of students were taught to think as critical theorists.

      Libertarian ideas being picked up in the 1970s.in analogy with

      Frankfurt School in 1920s Germany and French postmodernist thinkers of the 1960s and 70s put into "Just America"

    6. Real America isn’t a shining city on a hill with its gates open to freedom-loving people everywhere. Nor is it a cosmopolitan club to which the right talents and credentials will get you admitted no matter who you are or where you’re from. It’s a provincial village where everyone knows everyone’s business, no one has much more money than anyone else, and only a few misfits ever move away. The villagers can fix their own boilers, and they go out of their way to help a neighbor in a jam. A new face on the street will draw immediate attention and suspicion.

      A reasonable definition of "Real America".

    7. If we mutually exclusively split America into these four classifications, what would be the proportion of people within each?

      What do the overlaps of these four groups look like with respect to Colin Woodard's eleven American Nations?

  15. Sep 2020
    1. At this point, you start to engage your mind and dig into the work required to understand what’s being said. I highly recommend you use marginalia to converse with the author.

      From the linked article

      Full ownership of a book only comes when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it— which comes to the same thing— is by writing in it.

      Really love that quote - the idea of [[marginalia]] is to write in the margins, take notes as you read - to ask questions and answer them, and context around the highlights.

      In turn, [[make the book your own]]

    2. Analytical reading is a thorough reading. If inspectional reading is the best you can do quickly, this is the best reading you can do given time.

      [[analytical reading]] is one of the [[four levels of reading]] - the goal is to get to know a particular text very well.

    3. Systematic skimming

      sub-type of [[inspectional reading]] - reading the table of contents, skimming pages, looking for the hooks - how does this relate to [[proximity principle]] and [[scanning patterns]] - but getting a sense enough to know "is this book worth adding to the collection" for deeper reading

    4. Inspectional Reading We’ve been taught that skimming and superficial reading are bad for understanding. That is not necessarily the case. Using these tools effectively can increase understanding. Inspectional reading allows us to look at the author’s blueprint and evaluate the merits of a deeper reading experience.

      I think this is where I've been able to use #ADHD to it's advantages at times is with [[inspectional reading]] - being able to skim a large amount of content and get a sense of what I want to dig into later on or not.

  16. Mar 2020
  17. Oct 2019
    1. Deloitte has undoubtedly been the fastest grower in the last three years, seeing a 32% jump in revenue to $2 billion. In terms of growth, market leader PwC followed in second spot at 22% growth, with revenues up to $2.4 billion. EY and KPMG both grew their turnover by 20%.

      Growth of over 20% by all the big four

  18. Mar 2019
    1. Jack Phillips and ROI. This page describes the Phillips Return on Investment model. The model as presented here is an alternative to Kirkpatrick's model. There's a bulleted list of the components of the model as well as a nice graphic that briefly describes the levels. There is an explanation about how to apply the model, though I think more information would be needed for real world practice. Rating 4/5

    1. This is one of many discussions of Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation. More of the page is taken up with decoration and graphics than needs to be the case but this page is included in this list because it offers a printable guide and because the hierarchy of the four levels is clearly shown. The text itself is printed in black on a white background and it is presented as a bulleted list (the bullets are not organized as well as they could be). Nonetheless it is a usable presentation of this model. rating 3/5

  19. Aug 2018
    1. Sea, nor Shore, nor Air, nor Fire,

      Water, Earth, Air and Fire. It's curious that Milton refers to water as Sea, and earth as Shore. The idea of the Four Elements originated with the Greek philosopher, Empedocles. They are in continual conflict with each other as a result of Strife. See http://www.webwinds.com/myth/elemental.htm

    2. For hot, cold, moist, and dry, four Champions fierce Strive here for Maistrie

      According to Empedocles, an early Greek philosopher, there are four elements in continual conflict with each, as influenced by Strife (discordant energy) and Love (harmony). See my article on Empedocles and the four elements at: http://www.webwinds.com/myth/elemental.htm

  20. Apr 2017
    1. But these are also reductions that decline to grant the bridge its autonomy, its unique manner of holding sway in the world. Heidegger points out how the banks of a stream emerge as banks only as the bridge joins them; this happens because the banks show forth in a new relation

      This is a helpful articulation, and makes me think back to Home; typically we would frame a "home" through the sentimental or material value it provides to the people living in it, but by moving erratically through time, we got to see the home as the thing itself--an assemblage that pulled together different parts of the world at different times. Because we were not able to "get to know" the humans who lived there well enough to really empathize or become engaged in their personal narratives, our attention was focused on the four-fold of the "home" as a thing itself.