22 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
  2. Sep 2023
    1. Defections from large-scale anatomical goals, such as those that occur due to an inappropriate reduction of gap junctional connectivity [74], present as cancer, cause reversions of cell behavior to ancient unicellular concerns which lead to metastasis and over-proliferation as the cells treat the rest of the body as external environment.
      • fresh perspective

        • cancer can be interpreted as a breakdown in the bodies multiscale competency architecture causing cancerous cells to lose their higher level synchronizing signals and revert to their more evolutionarily primitive forms as individuals that see the body as simply an external environment
      • adjacency between

        • gap junction coupling
        • cancer
        • healthy tissue coherence
        • multiscale competency architecture
      • adjacency statement
        • gap junction coupling appears to be an evolutionary means of cohering individuals together to form a larger group
        • hence, they seem to play a critical role in the continued evolution of more complex multicellular organisms
        • their pathologies within multicellular beings destroy multicellular structures and create disease, reverting the organism, or competent multicellular structures of the organism such as tissues and organs back to individualistic behavior, as in cancers
  3. Aug 2023
    1. When the tribe is not a cohesive group but an assemblage of thousands or millions whose only commonality is the place they call home, what exactly does the “collective interest” even mean?
      • for: collective interest,
      • paraphrase
        • When the tribe is not a cohesive group but an assemblage of thousands or millions whose only commonality is the place they call home,
          • what exactly does the “collective interest” even mean?
        • By contrast, the interests of individuals and groups within the larger goup, such as
          • unlicensed gun owners,
          • protesters of various stripes, or
          • hate-mongers on social media
        • are pretty easy to delineate.
        • No surprise then that the dysfunctional courts often choose
          • personal interests over
          • an amorphous and undefinable “collective interest”.
      • insight
        • reason why the judicial system often sides with a definitive, but often harmful group, over a vague but beneficial group
      • quote
        • modernity has hollowed out the word "collective interest
      • author
        • James Gien Wong
        • Stop Reset Go
  4. Feb 2023
  5. Jan 2023
    1. ‘Running on Emptiness – The Pathology of Civilisation’John Zerzan (2002) All religions have problems with ‘unbelievers’, but that response is insignificant compared to their visceral hatred of ‘apostates’.

      !- Book Review : Free Range Activist !- Title : ‘Running on Emptiness – The Pathology of Civilisation’ !- Author : John Zerzan (2002) !- Website : http://www.fraw.org.uk/blog/reviews/023/index.shtml

      • All religions have problems with ‘unbelievers’, but that response is insignificant compared to their visceral hatred of ‘apostates’.
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Jan 2022
    1. Douaud, G., Lee, S., Alfaro-Almagro, F., Arthofer, C., Wang, C., McCarthy, P., Lange, F., Andersson, J. L. R., Griffanti, L., Duff, E., Jbabdi, S., Taschler, B., Winkler, A. M., Nichols, T. E., Collins, R., Matthews, P. M., Allen, N., Miller, K. L., & Smith, S. M. (2021). Brain imaging before and after COVID-19 in UK Biobank (p. 2021.06.11.21258690). https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.11.21258690

  8. Sep 2021
  9. Mar 2021
  10. Feb 2021
  11. Aug 2020
    1. Kreye, J., Reincke, S. M., Kornau, H.-C., Sánchez-Sendin, E., Corman, V. M., Liu, H., Yuan, M., Wu, N. C., Zhu, X., Lee, C.-C. D., Trimpert, J., Höltje, M., Dietert, K., Stöffler, L., Wardenburg, N. von, Hoof, S. van, Homeyer, M. A., Hoffmann, J., Abdelgawad, A., … Prüss, H. (2020). A SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody protects from lung pathology in a COVID-19 hamster model. BioRxiv, 2020.08.15.252320. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.15.252320

    1. Salahudeen, A. A., Choi, S. S., Rustagi, A., Zhu, J., O, S. M. de la, Flynn, R. A., Margalef-Català, M., Santos, A. J. M., Ju, J., Batish, A., Unen, V. van, Usui, T., Zheng, G. X. Y., Edwards, C. E., Wagar, L. E., Luca, V., Anchang, B., Nagendran, M., Nguyen, K., … Kuo, C. J. (2020). Progenitor identification and SARS-CoV-2 infection in long-term human distal lung organoid cultures. BioRxiv, 2020.07.27.212076. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.27.212076

  12. Jun 2020
  13. Nov 2019
    1. At this stage, the outer cell layer of the blastocysthas differentiated into trophoblast and cells inthe inner cell mass from which the embryo willdevelop.

      So hard to differentiated.

    2. Maternal and Fetal Vascular Malperfusion (FVM)

      For maternal SLE case, this topic is must read.



  14. Jan 2017
    1. Pathology

      Definitions of pathology

      • "The science of the causes and effects of [diseases]."
      • "The science of the causes and effects of [disorders of structure or function of biological organisms]."
      • "The science of the causes and effects of [perturbations to sustainable function] of biological organisms."
      • "The science of the causes and effects of perturbations to sustainable function of biological [ecosystems]."
      • "The science of the causes and effects of perturbations to sustainable function of biological ecosystems, [with some emphasis on human beings]."
  15. Feb 2015
  16. Nov 2014
    1. a note by selecting some text and clicking the button that appears above the selection

      This is a note about pathology and neurology.