- Last 7 days
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - post - LinkedIn -Jeran Campanella - flat earth - climate denialism - conspiracy theory
- Jan 2025
radiolab.org radiolab.org
MARIA PAZ: They're not flying, they're not weightless. They're not in zero G, but instead, up there in the Space Station ... MICHELLE THALLER: The reason you can put your pen right beside you and it'll just float when you let go of it, the pen and you are falling towards the Earth at exactly the same rate. MARIA PAZ: What? MICHELLE THALLER: They're falling. ANNIE: They're falling? MICHELLE THALLER: Yes! Every second of every day they're up there, their whole space containment, their capsule, their space station, everything's falling. They're freely falling towards the Earth. ANNIE: Oh my God! MICHELLE THALLER: I mean, if you've ever been on, like, a really great roller coaster that drops, that kind of thing, I mean, that is what they feel. They feel like they're falling. MARIA PAZ: Ugh, that's nauseating! MICHELLE THALLER: Oh, yeah. Some people get very sick. [laughs]
Astronauts in orbit don't feel weightless, they feel constant falling
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
It makes a lot of sense to have this different strategy of being rooted in the real physical world and have digital nomads being as like a guild of knowledge workers that seed their specialized knowledge because localism is necessary and good, but it's also not necessarily very innovative. Most people at the local level just keep repeating stuff. It's good to have people coming in from the outside and innovating.
for - insight - good for digital nomads to be rooted somewhere in the physical word - they are like a cosmo guild of knowledge workers - localities tend to repeat the same things - digital nomads as outsiders can inject new patterns - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
Even for themselves, it's going to be necessary because if things get really bad and you're seen as a parasitical force, they'll come after you.
for - shadow side - of root-less digital nomads - when the sh*t hits the fan, working class will target digital nomads - as they will be seen as a parasitical force - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
role for digital nomads. There's an author called Austin Wade Smith
for - cosmolocal strategy - locals - permaculture, bioregional regeneration - cosmo - digital nomads - share collective protocols with locals to create cosmolocal networks - Austin Wade Smith - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
global coding class, which is about 34 million digital nomads right now and maybe 10 million with a crypto wallet. Again, they're not rooted. They're rootless, and they should be root-full.
for - stats - 2025 - digital nomads - 34 million - with crypto - 10 million - rootless - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
Fundamentally, I think Web3 is mainly an exit strategy for privileged layers of society. First of all, people within capital will see the system is not doing well and they want to do arbitrage between nation-states.
for - quote - Web3 is mainly an exit (escape) strategy for privileged layers of society - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
was sitting with a climate denier, a collapsist, a deep adaptationist, and an impact investor. You can say a greenwasher if you want to be mean about it. Anyway, they were talking peacefully and respectfully, and I thought, "Wow, this is more than what I thought. This is not just money. This is, there's community there
for - open space for perspectival knowing - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
voting systems, which are essentially anti-oligarchic, like quadratic voting. Basically, one share, one vote. That's your first vote, but then to have a second vote, you need the-- How do you call it? The square root? Anyway, so the next, I think, is 4 and then 16. You basically cream off the power of money and give it to the contributors, to the people collaborating on the project.
for - investigate - quadratic voting - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
history of labor
for - paraphrase - history of labor - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - to - stats - Gallup Chairman's Blog - world poll 2024 - 15% of employees worldwide are engaged - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
paraphrase - history of labor - Michel gives a nice succinct summary of the broad strokes of the history of labor over the last few millennia: - Civilizations have begun as slave-based societies first - Then when the Christian revolution occurred after the fall of the Roman Empire, "Ora et Labora (Pray and Work)" was adopted to transform work into a spiritually meaningful endeavor - Then in the 16th century, this philosophy was replaced by turning labor into a commodity, where it has remained ever since, - resulting in a world where 85% of those surveyed say they are not engaged with their job
to - stats - Gallup Chairman's Blog - world poll 2024 - 15% of employees worldwide are engaged - https://hyp.is/iOlXbNBOEe-t6hdOWtvTYw/news.gallup.com/opinion/chairman/212045/world-broken-workplace.aspx
for - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
// - COMMENTS - This is a very insightful interview with Michel that provides a lot of historical contexts for the many challenges faced by contemporary society - Within these historical contexts, we can glimpse how today's problems are part of a repeating pattern, albeit with many new elements that have emerged - He offers the possibility of a commons approach of mutualization, - in particular cosmolocalism - as a powerful leverage point to evolve a future wellbeing civilization - Contexualizing modernity in the alternate growth and downfall periods of human civilizations, he points out how we are in a transition period in which the current system is fraying - He outlines the many seed forms that exist now which, just like those that appeared in past cycles of downfall, combined to emerge the next growth cycle - crypto and blockchain - which can provide a global way of coordinating planetary health - the internet in general, which can bring mutualization of knowledge for locailzed production - There are some strong exemplars of promising seed forms but to scale, - the cosmo processes have to integrate with - local, place-anchored processes such as permacutlure and bioregion-based regeneration.
Funding the Commons
for - event - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024 - Michel Bauwens - guest - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - to - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024
to - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024 - https://hyp.is/fF-mVNBJEe-OWvM5g4ZLOQ/www.fundingthecommons.io/bangkok-2024
coalition of community land trusts. They're all local, doing their work locally, but they also have a global commons. That global commons has all the common protocols of cooperation, the common knowledge, the common patterns, but also it's a vehicle to attract capital that can go local.
for - bottom up mobilization - leverage the strength of the commons - create global coalition of local projects within in a common area - IE. Land trust - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
What's missing, and that's what I try to work on is, because at the same time we have this exponential growth of millions of people doing regenerative local work, but they're underfunded, they're undercapitalized. Usually, it's like two people getting half a wage from an NGO, and they work 16 hours a day. After five years, they totally burn out. How can we fund that? I think that Web3 can be the vehicle for capital to be invested in regeneration.
for - work to find way to use web 3 / crypto to fund currently underfunded regenerative work done by millions of people - the missing link - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
trans-financial capital. Now we cannot regulate market anymore, and that's why everybody is so frustrated with politics because it doesn't matter whether you vote left or right. The power is not there. The power is in the power of capital to move around and to basically punish you if you do anything that goes against their interest.
for - adjacency - trans-financial capital - political polarization - powerlessness of two party politics - culture wars distraction - Yanis Varoufakis - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
use the commons as a new regulatory mechanism. That would mean not local commons but trans-local commons. What I imagine, I call this the magisteria of the commons, you have a coalition of, let's say, permaculture, a particular way of doing respectful agriculture. Locally, they're weak. It's just a bunch of people. Globally, what if there are 12,000 of them? What if they have a common social power, like common property that can help the nodes individually? I think that would create the premises and the seeds for a new type of institution that can operate at the trans-local level. That's what I call cosmolocalism
for - cosmolicalism - nice articulation - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
Imagine we do that at scale everywhere. Every provisioning system, we re-localize it, we mutualize it to a certain degree again. If we do that, we can maintain a very high level of complexity in our societies. Everything we love about modernity, despite all the things that we hate about it,
for - mutualise at scale - add much in the SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
A shared car association, every shared car replaces 9 to 13 private cars for the same amount of travel freedom, point to point. You don't lose any freedom like you would in public transport. It's just like a neighborhood shares a dozen cars. 95% of the cars are in the garage at any time.
for - example - efficacy of mutualisation - transportation - cars - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - stats - mutualisation - transportation - cars - 1 car can replace 13 - car is parked most of the time - 10% of existing cars doubles our requirement - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
Jordan Hall calls this the Civium, right? Civilization is place-based, and the civium is not place-based. You can still learn.
for - definition - Civium - Jordan Hall - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - adjacency - Civium - Tipping Point Festival - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
adjacency - between - civium - Tipping Point Festival - Civiums are the terminology that applies for the vision of the TIpping Point Festival, where twice a year, - solstice - equinox - People gather and converge at a central temporary, cosmolocal event to mutually exchange ideas, network, seed new projects and review the past years successes and failures - This is an event also used to operationalize a planetary framework for restoration and regeneration that is syncrhonized to earth system boundaries, but contextualized to each locality, - but needs to be done at the scale of thousands of cities to have planetary-scale impact - It is, by design, a cosmolocal event
- investigate - quadratic voting - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- adjacency - Civium - Tipping Point Festival - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- Youtube - regenerative financing - host - Mathew Monahan - guest - Michel Bauwens - 2025 Jan 2
- Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- work to find way to use web 3 / crypto to fund currently underfunded regenerative work done by millions of people - the missing link - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- open space for perspectival knowing - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- bottom up mobilization - leverage the strength of the commons - create global coalition of local projects within in a common area - IE. Land trust - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- stats - 2025 - digital nomads - 34 million - with crypto - 10 million - rootless - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- shadow side - of root-less digital nomads - when the sh*t hits the fan, working class will target digital nomads - as they will be seen as a parasitical force - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- cosmolocal strategy - locals - permaculture, bioregional regeneration - cosmo - digital nomads - share collective protocols with locals to create cosmolocal networks - Austin Wade Smith - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- example - efficacy of mutualisation - transportation - cars - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- quote - Web3 is mainly an exit (escape) strategy for privileged layers of society - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- adjacency - trans-financial capital - political polarization - powerlessness of two party politics - culture wars distraction - Yanis Varoufakis - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- cosmolicalism - nice articulation - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- insight - good for digital nomads to be rooted somewhere in the physical word - they are like a cosmo guild of knowledge workers - localities tend to repeat the same things - digital nomads as outsiders can inject new patterns - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- to - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024
- event - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024 - Michel Bauwens - guest - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- mutualise at scale - add much in the SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- paraphrase - history of labor - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- to - stats - Gallup Chairman's Blog - world poll 2024 - 15% of employees worldwide are engaged - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- stats - mutualisation - transportation - cars - 1 car can replace 13 - car is parked most of the time - 10% of existing cars doubles our requirement - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
news.gallup.com news.gallup.com
for - stats - job satisfaction - Gallup poll 2024 - engaged employees worldwide - 15% - Gallup CEO - Jim Clifton - from - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - https://hyp.is/FiFXpNBMEe-n_Jc4-PJ5_A/www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCkLHj6r7y8
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Europäische Union befindet sich bei der Umsetzung ihrer Klimaziele in einem entscheidenden Moment. In einem Bericht des European Council on Foreign Relations werden die politischen HIndernisse für die Dekaarbonisierung analysiert, Dabei wird detailliert auf die geopolitische Situation und auf die Bedingungen in den EU-Staaten eingegangen..
- process: decarbonization
- expert: Susi Dennison
- institution: European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
- country. EU
- plan: European Green Deal
- report: Ends of the earth: How EU climate action can weather the coming election storm
- 2023-08-28
- expert: Max Engström
- lowering of climate ambition
insideclimatenews.org insideclimatenews.org
- Dec 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for - Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - adjacency - web 3 and Blockchain / crypto technology - communities engaged in regeneration and relocalization - tinkering at the edge - missed opportunity - cosmolocal strategy as leverage point - safe and just cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - Tipping Point Festival - Web 4 - Indyweb
Summary adjacency between - web 3 and crypto / Blockchain technology - communities engaged in regeneration and relocalization - tinkering at the edge - missed opportunity - cosmolocal lens and framework as a leverage point for synthesis - cosmolocal projects as leverage points - cross scale translated safe and just earth system boundaries as necessary cosmolocal accounting system - meme: sync global, act local - new relationship - This article explores the untapped potential and leverage point offered by recognising a new adjacency and concomitant synthesis of - globalising Web 3 and crypto/Blockchain technology - communities engaged in regenerative and relocation interventions - The fragmentation between these areas keeps activists working in each respective one - tinkering at the edge - severely constraining their potential impact - This is a case of the whole Berlin car greater than the sun of its parts - By joining forces in a global, strategic and systemic way, each can achieve fast more through their mutual support - A cosmolocal lens offers a perspective and framework that makes joining forces make sense<br /> - Projects that recognize that the adjacency between - the globalizing technologies of web 3 and Blockchains and - interventions at the local community level - offer a significant leverage point to bottom up efforts to drive a rapid transition are themselves a leverage point - In this regard, incorporation of an equitable accounting system such as safe and just earth system boundaries that can be cross scale translated to - bioregional, - city and - community, district and ward scale - are an important cosmolocal component of a system designed for rapid transition - Global bottom up community scale events such as the Tipping Point Festival can help rapidly advocate for a cosmolocal lens, framework and strategy - At the same time, Web 4 technology that's goes beyond decentralising into people-centered can contribute another dimension to humanizing technology
Addendum - 2024, Dec 26 - added a comment to the actual substack page - My substack comment makes commenters of the article aware that we have a public hypothes.is discussion going on in parallel. - This makes the hitherto invisible discussion visible to them
Reinforced planetary care: localism on its own cannot resist globalized pressure, nor solve planetary and global thermo-dynamic issues.
for - adjacency- localism alone cannot solve planetary scale issues ( like climate crisis) - cross scale translated planetary boundaries / earth system boundaries - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 quote - constructing
- Addendum - 2024-Dec-26
- Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- adjacency- localism alone cannot solve planetary scale issues ( like climate crisis) - cross scale translated planetary boundaries / earth system boundaries
- adjacency - web 3 and Blockchain / crypto technology - communities engaged in regeneration and relocalization - tinkering at the edge - missed opportunity - cosmolocal strategy as leverage point - safe and just cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - Tipping Point Festival - Web 4 - Indyweb
there is a major difference between low-lying clouds and high altitude clouds
for - climate crisis - difference between - low and high cloud cover - low has higher albedo and high has lower albedo - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec
they found another Trend that was appearing across multiple data sets the decline and drop in the formation and prevalence of low altitude cloud cover especially over the world's oceans
for - climate crisis - low cloud cover is disappearing above the oceans - potentially decreasing albedo - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec
there still seems to be a little bit of Gap in data that doesn't account for 0.2 de celsus warming that is present extra scientists have not been able to comfortably explain over the past in fact several years why there is this little bit of extra global warming it is a major major Gap
for - stats - climate crisis - global mean temperature gap in models vs measurement of - 0.2 Deg C - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec
for - climate crisis - unusually low albedo in the last few years - potentially due to growing extinction of low clouds - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec
- stats - climate crisis - global mean temperature gap in models vs measurement of - 0.2 Deg C - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec
- climate crisis - difference between - low and high cloud cover - low has higher albedo and high has lower albedo - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec
- climate crisis - low cloud cover is disappearing above the oceans - potentially decreasing albedo - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec
- climate crisis - unusually low albedo in the last few years - potentially due to growing extinction of low clouds - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we think of kindness and compassion in a way that's very similar to the way scci other scientists think about language
for - comparison / key insight - compassion is like language (and also like genetics) - every infant has the biological capacity for these - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
comparison / key insight - compassion is like language (and also like genetics) - compassion, like language and genetics is intrinsic to our human nature. Every newborn comes into the world with the biological capacity for kindness/compassion, language and for genetic expression. However, - how we actually turn out as adults depends on what variables exist in our environment - If we have a compassionate mOTHER, our Most significant OTHER, she will teach us compassion - just like a child raised in a community of other language speakers in the environment will enable the child to cultivate the language capacity and - without a community of language speakers, a feral infant will grow up not understanding language at all - a healthy environment triggers beneficial epigenetic processes - Again, the chinese saying is salient: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture
to - feral children - Youtube - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FTKaS1RdAfrg%2F&group=world - Chinese saying: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - https://hyp.is/TWOEYrlUEe-Mxx_LHYIpMg/medium.com/postgrowth/rediscovering-harmony-how-chinese-philosophy-offers-pathways-to-a-regenerative-future-07a097b237a0
it confirms something found in the Buddhist tradition uh which is this notion of innate basic goodness that all human beings are born with Buddha nature we all have the seeds of kindness within us and scientific research strongly confirms that this is true
for - everyone is sacred - everyone has Buddha Nature - different ways of saying - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson - poverty mentality - Chinese saying: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture
everyone is sacred - different ways of saying it - We are all born with Buddha nature - We are all born with innate goodness - Chinese saying: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - Not seeing this, we fall into poverty mentality, and all the associated forms of suffering it brings
to - Chinese saying: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - https://hyp.is/TWOEYrlUEe-Mxx_LHYIpMg/medium.com/postgrowth/rediscovering-harmony-how-chinese-philosophy-offers-pathways-to-a-regenerative-future-07a097b237a0
- everyone is sacred - everyone has Buddha Nature - different ways of saying - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
- poverty mentality
- to - feral children - Youtube
- to - Chinese saying: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture
- comparison / key insight - compassion is like language (and also like genetics) - every infant has the biological capacity for these - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson
- Chinese saying: (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture
emergencemagazine.org emergencemagazine.org
the sense we have now began when Paleolithic hunter-gatherers started settling into Neolithic agricultural villages. And then at that point, there was a separate human space—it’s the village and the cultivated fields around it. Hunter-gatherers didn’t have that, they’re just wandering through “the wild,” “wilderness.” Of course, that idea would make no sense to them, because there’s no separation.
for - adjacency - paleolithic hunter-gatherer - to neolithic agricultural village - dawn of agriculture - village - cultivated fields around it - created a human space - the village - thus began the - great separation - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
adjacency - between - paleolithic hunter-gatherer - to neolithic agricultural village - dawn of agriculture village - cultivated fields around it - settling down - birth of the human space - the village - thus began - the great separation - adjacency relationship - He connects two important ideas together, the transition from - always-moving, never settling down paleolithic hunter-gatherer to - settled-down neolithic agricultural farmers - The key connection is that this transition from moving around and mobile to stationary is the beginning of our separation from nature - John Ikerd talks about the same thing in his article on the "three great separations". He identifies agriculture as the first of three major cultural separation events that led to our modern form of alienation - The development of a human place had humble beginnings but today, these places are "human-made worlds" that are foreign to any other species. - The act of settling down in one fixed space gave us a place we can continually build upon, accrue and most importantly, begin and continue timebinding - After all, a library is a fixed place, it doesn't move. It would be very difficult to maintain were it always moving.
to - article - In These Times - The Three “Great Separations” that Unravelled Our Connection to Earth and Each Other - John Ikerd - https://hyp.is/CEzS6Bd_Ee6l6KswKZEGkw/inthesetimes.com/article/industrial-agricultural-revolution-planet-earth-david-korten - timebinding - Alfred Korzyski
- Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
- adjacency - paleolithic hunter-gatherer - to neolithic agricultural village - dawn of agriculture - village - cultivated fields around it - created a human space - the village - thus began the - great separation
- to - article - In These Times - The Three “Great Separations” that Unraveled Our Connection to Earth and Each Other - John Ikerd
medium.com medium.com
At the heart of Chinese philosophy is a belief in the innate goodness of humanity. This principle is encapsulated in the ancient phrase: “Man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture.”
for - adjacency - quote - inherent sacred - Chinese saying - (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - building a regenerative world - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - rekindling the sacred in an age of crisis - chinese meme
adjacency - between - Chinese saying - (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - building a regenerative world - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - rekindling the sacred in an age of crisis - chinese meme - adjacency relationship - This ancient Chinese philosophy saying is a good summary of a key claim of the Stop Reset Go open source Deep Humanity praxis, namely - we are all sacred but we forget that as we become enculturated - The Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) and the tree metaphor depicts diagrammatically how we can find a way to return to the sacred later in life - even though we have had it obscured - The existential crisis requires awakening the sleeping giant of the billions of people who no longer have a living experience of the sacred - This strategy is like moving from the branches of the tree of great diversity back to the common trunk of the sacred that supports all this diversity, - using the BEing journey as the strategic tool to bring back wonder, awe and a living experience of the sacred
www.resilience.org www.resilience.org
We design
for - A Transcender Manifesto - missing element - Cosmolocal framework and cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries A Transcender Manifesto - missing element - Cosmolocal framework and cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - Without this, we cannot prioritze properly
Local file Local file
After Pope John declared the Peace on Earth(Pacem in Terris) encyclical of 1963, Hutchins called on the fellows ofthe institute to focus their efforts on conflict and conflict resolution.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the best way to make a company erodic is by putting it into an ecosystem of other companies that all work together to have robust circulatory flows throughout the entire ecosystem by doing that we counteract these losses we make the ecosystem orotic and then each company can contribute at its maximum its maximum regenerative potential
for - regenerative company - principle 7 of 8 - robust circulatory flow - ergodic flow - adjacency - Fairschare Company - FSC - regenerative organization - ergodic flow - robust circulatory flow - ecosystem of companies - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
adjacency - between - ergodic flows - ecosystem of companies - robust circulatory flows - Fairshare Commons (FSC) - regenerative company - regenerative organization - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - adjacency relationship - To implement principle 7 and work with an ecosystem of other companies: - For a company to relate well with other companies, - this is like an individual relating well to other individuals - The Indyweb is a people-centered, interpersonal information system architecture that supports both: - people-centered and interpersonal conversations as well as - organization-centered and inter-organizational conversations - Backcasting and cross-scale translating earth system boundaries from 2030 the present is critical to fulfill any FSC's modus operandi in the present. - In other words, knowing what a world that has successfully and dramatically reduced - carbon emissions and - threats to the biosphere - looks like at all scales (including community and company) in 2030 (5 years from now), we need to project backwards to the present and see what actions make sense and are aligned to take us to that envisioned scenario - If we don't have targets that are aligned to regenerating nature that we have globally harmed in measurable ways, what point is there in the word "regenerative" in the title of "regenerative company"?
you have to have the power of stewardship first of all you have to have stewards representing the voice of nature
for - adjacency - regenerative company - need to have voices that represent nature - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries to company level
Adjacency - between - regenerative company - need to have voices that represent nature - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - adjacency relationship - Regenerative companies need to have voices that represent nature - This means we need to be aware of how the activities of our company is impacting nature - This means we need to have cross scale translation of earth system boundaries to the local community, and finally to our company levels
- regenerative company - principle 7 of 8 - robust circulatory flow - ergodic flow
- adjacency - regenerative company - need to have voices that represent nature - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries to company level
- adjacency - Fairschare Company - FSC - regenerative organization - ergodic flow - robust circulatory flow - ecosystem of companies - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
- Nov 2024
jgvw2024.peergos.me jgvw2024.peergos.me
Matters ArisingCross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based
for - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - critique - Xue & Bakshi, 2022
Summary - This paper offers a critique of the review paper "Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses by Bai et al. - The critique depends on two arguments: - the methods in this review paper are "overly subjective" - there are more scientifically rigorous methods for translation available but have not been included in the review paper - the approaches discussed may violate the "incentivizing" principle proposed in Fig. 3 by - discouraging the protection and restoration of ecosystems. - the authors offer details supporting their critique in their published works below
Fig. 3
for - to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - figure 3 - Bai et al.
to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - figure 3 - Bai et al., 2024 - https://hyp.is/_uwZDKveEe-GOx-pvnYEFg/jgvw2024.peergos.me/StopResetGo/2024/11/PDFs/NS_earth_boundaries_2024.pdf
Bai et al. “Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses”
for - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Bai et al. 2024 - to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Bai et al.
to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Bai et al. - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjgvw2024.peergos.me%2FStopResetGo%2F2024%2F11%2FPDFs%2FNS_earth_boundaries_2024.pdf&group=world
- paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Bai et al. 2024
- cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - critique - Xue & Bakshi, 2022
- to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Bai et al.
- to - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - figure 3 - Bai et al., 2024
jgvw2024.peergos.me jgvw2024.peergos.me
Fig. 3
for - paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Fig. 3 - Ten principles of translation - Bai et al. 2024 - from - paper - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - citation of Fig.3 - Xue & Bakshi
from - paper - citation - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - citation of Fig.3 - Xue & Bakshi - https://hyp.is/xf3MxqveEe-pGZeWkHHcLA/jgvw2024.peergos.me/StopResetGo/2024/11/PDFs/MattersArisingBaietal.pdf
for - paper - Nature Sustainability - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and business - Bai et al., 2024 - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - Bai et al., 2024 - downscaling planetary boundaries - earth system boundaries - from - paper - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - Xue & Bakshi
paper details - Title: Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Author: Bai et al. - Publisher: Nature Sustainability - Date: 2024, Jan 4
from - paper - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - Xue & Bakshi - https://hyp.is/jKlP4KvZEe-p1v9b-AbDOQ/jgvw2024.peergos.me/StopResetGo/2024/11/PDFs/MattersArisingBaietal.pdf
- from - paper - citation - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based - citation of Fig.3 - Xue & Bakshi
- paper - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses - Fig. 3 - Ten principles of translation - Bai et al. 2024
- cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - Bai et al., 2024
- downscaling planetary boundaries - earth system boundaries
- paper - Nature Sustainability - Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and business - Bai et al., 2024
for - search - Google - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries
search - Google - cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - https://www.google.com/search?q=cross+scale+translation+of+earth+system+boundaries&oq=cross+scale+translation+of+earth+system+boundaries&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRiPAjIHCAYQIRiPAtIBCTEwMzE1ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
results returned of interest - Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based Cite as: Ying Xue, Bhavik R Bakshi. Cross-scale translation of Earth system boundaries should use methods that are more science-based. Authorea. - https://www.authorea.com/users/665742/articles/1231161-cross-scale-translation-of-earth-system-boundaries-should-use-methods-that-are-more-science-based
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
Domain-specific alliances
for - adjacency - SRG planetary boundary / earth system boundaries working groups - domain specific alliances - Magisteria of the Commons
adjacency - between - SRG planetary boundary / earth system boundaries working groups - domain specific alliances - Magisteria of the Commons - adjacency relationship The domain specific alliances of the Magisteria of the commons is similar to the SRG idea of developing funds version divisions of wealth system boundaries
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the newsphere is the mental body of the planet which is essentially what's attempting to come into configuration and to the extent to which you can actually Liberate the technology to become that essentially you're building a platform that allows the embodied in the intelligence of the earth into the technology so that it can then synchronically unfold Evolution based on how things spontaneously
This is what we are doing
- Oct 2024
www.carnegie.org www.carnegie.org
for - from - MSN article - How a poor boy from Scotland became the richest man on Earth - The life of Andrew Carnegie - Daniel Coughlin - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - philanthropy adjacency - Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Anthropocene - critique
summary - It is interesting to read this article from the perspectives of a commons activist - The link to the MSN article that led me to Carnegie's essay is below and it provides a good summary of his life. - He came from a very challenging life of poverty, growing up in a family and in circumstances where they were constantly struggling to make ends meet - His is the story of the deep imprint of poverty providing him with motivation to escape it - Having risen to become the world's richest man, and then giving his fortune away due to the deep imprint of poverty experienced in childhood, - he formed an opinion on inequality and capitalist material production that was borne out of his experience as a successful entrepreneur and the contrast of quality of life between: - a pre-industralized society in which he was familiar from childhood experiences and - the profound material improvements accessible to all due to mass production that he helped to pioneer - In the essay, he sees the inequality found in society to be the price that needed to be paid for everyone to have access to a higher standard of living - This is where critical analysis from a modern post-Marxist, post-Capitalist perspective might provide an interesting critique, - especially from the anthropocene perspective, where the epitome of the system Carnegie praised has led to a state of environmental destruction so vast that Carnegie could never have foreseen it - A question: would Carnegie have written his essay differently were he alive to witness the environmental destruction of the Anthropocene?
from - MSN article - How a poor boy from Scotland became the richest man on Earth - The life of Andrew Carnegie - Daniel Coughlin - https://hyp.is/urXCfo1hEe-OdSMr4kqwyg/www.lovemoney.com/news/135656/the-astonishing-rags-to-riches-story-of-andrew-carnegie
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Erde ist in eine neue „und nicht vorhersagbare Phase der Klimakrise” eingetreten. 25 von 35 Indikatoren für die Gesundheit des Erdsystems haben die schlimmsten je festgestellten Werte erreicht. Eine Gruppe der weltweit renommiertesten Klimafachleute stellt im „2024 state of the climate report“ fest, dass immer mehr Wissenschaftler:innen einen Kollaps der Zivilisation für möglich halten. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/08/earths-vital-signs-show-humanitys-future-in-balance-say-climate-experts
Bericht: https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/advance-article/doi/10.1093/biosci/biae087/7808595
wfabhmdrpib5-u5525.pressidiumcdn.com wfabhmdrpib5-u5525.pressidiumcdn.com
for - Donald Trump re-election - existential risk - planetary tipping points - earth system boundaries - study - Impact 2024 - Cascade Institute - polycrisis - Trump reelection - increase risk
frankmeeuwsen.com frankmeeuwsen.com
- Sep 2024
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
for - sustainable building - rammed earth - example - China - low cost - people-built
formearth.com formearth.com
for - formearth - rammed earth machine
for - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - Camilo Mora et al. - 6th mass extinction - biodiversity loss - question - 2024 - Sept 13 - how do we reconcile climate departure with quantification of earth system boundary biodiversity safe and just limit? - to - climate departure map - map of major cities - 2013 - to - researchgate paper - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - 2013 - Camilo Mora et al
paper details - title: The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - author: - Camilo Mora, - Abby G. Frazier, - Ryan J. Longman, - Rachel S. Dacks, - Maya M. Walton, - Eric J. Tong, - Joseph J. Sanchez, - Lauren R. Kaiser, - Yuko O. Stender, - James M. Anderson, - Christine M. Ambrosino, - Iria Fernandez-Silva, - Louise M. Giuseffi, - Thomas W. Giambelluca - date - 9 October, 2013 - publication Nature 502, 183-187 (2013) - https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12540 - https://www.nature.com/articles/nature12540
Summary - This is an extremely important paper with a startling conclusion of the magnitude of the social and economic impacts of the biodiversity disruption coming down the pipeline - It is likely that very few governments are prepared to adapt to these levels of ecosystemic disruption - Climate departure is defined as an index of the year when: - The projected mean climate of a given location moves to a state that is - continuously outside the bounds of historical variability - Climate departure is projected to happen regardless of how aggressive our climate mitigation pathway - The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in the study is RCP85 and leads to a global climate departure mean of 2047 (+/- 14 years s.d.) while - The more aggressive RCP45 scenario (which we are currently far from) leads to a global climate departure mean of 2069 (+/- 18 years s.d.) - So regardless of how aggressive we mitigate, we cannot avoid climate departure. - What consequences will this have on economies around the world? How will we adapt? - The world is not prepared for the vast ecosystem changes, which will reshape our entire economy all around the globe.
question - 2024 - Sept 13 - how do we reconcile climate departure with quantification of earth system boundary biodiversity safe and just limit? - Annotating the Sept 11, 2024 published Earth Commission paper in Lancet, the question arises: - How do we reconcile climate departure dates with the earth system boundary quantification of safe limits for biodiversity? - There, it is claimed that: - 50 to 60 % of intact nature is required<br /> - https://hyp.is/Mt8ocnIEEe-C0dNSJFTjyQ/www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext - a minimum of 20 to 25% of human modified ecosystems is required - https://hyp.is/AKwa4nIHEe-U1oNQDdFqlA/www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext - in order to mitigate major species extinction and social disruption crisis - And yet, Mora et al.'s research and subsequent climate departure map shows climate departure is likely to take place everywhere on the globe, with - aggressive RCP decarbonization pathway only delaying climate departure from - Business-As-Usual RCP pathway - by a few decades at most - And this was a 2011 result. 13 years later in 2024, I expect climate departure dates have likely gotten worse and moved closer to the present
from - Gupta, Joyeeta et al.(2024). A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations. The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 0, Issue 0 - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelancet.com%2Fjournals%2Flanplh%2Farticle%2FPIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1%2Ffulltext&group=world
to - climate departure map - of major cities of the world - 2013 - https://hyp.is/tV1UOFsKEe-HFQ-jL-6-cw/www.hawaii.edu/news/2013/10/09/study-in-nature-reveals-urgent-new-time-frame-for-climate-change/ - full research paper - researchgate
- Camilo Mora
- to - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
- from - Gupta, Joyeeta et al.(2024). A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations. The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 0, Issue 0
- climate departure
- to - climate departure map - map of major cities - 2013
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Humanity in general is to develop tools to identify detect and communicate with all kinds of intelligences and very unconventional embodiments that we are not good at
for - proposal - future conversations - Earth Species Project & Michael Levin could be a good future conversation!
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- James Woodhouse
- Samuel Morse
- Benjamin Silliman
- Daniel Coit Gilman
- old Earth creationism
- 1807 meteor
- educator
- Jonathan Trumbull Jr.
- Liberia
- David McCullough
- fractional distillation
- Simeon Baldwin
- George Bissell
- coeducation
- Timothy Dwight IV
- chemist
- Yale College
- American Journal of Science
- read
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Both biosphere boundaries
for - question - earth system boundaries - biodiversity - how do we reconcile these boundaries with climate departure?
question - earth system boundaries - biodiversity - how do we reconcile these boundaries with climate departure? - Does the term "functional integrity" imply autonomy from climate feedbacks? Obviously, climate feedback plays a huge role in determining biodiversity health - In 2013, Mora et al. found that climate departure, the year in which a climate variable moves out of the historical bounds will occur everywhere on the planet, regardless of an aggressive RCP pathway being taken. In this study, climate departure was found to take place (relative to 2013) - 37.5 years in the future under RCP45, or - 22.5 years in the future under RCP85 - It would seem that the biodiversity boundaries should take into consideration climate departure as species extinction and ecological system disruption is projected to occur, regardless of whether RCP45 or RCP85 is adopted. - Currently, we are still on a Business-As-Usual trajectory, but since 2013, scientific research has moved the danger threshold even lower so climate departure dates are likely even sooner than those calculated in the 2013 Mora paper
to - Mora, C., Frazier, A., Longman, R. et al. (2013). The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability. Nature 502, 183–187. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12540 - https://hyp.is/3wZrokX9Ee-XrSvMGWEN2g/www.nature.com/articles/nature12540 - Researchgate copy - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fpublication%2F257598710_The_projected_timing_of_climate_departure_from_recent_variability&group=world
Our estimated safe ESB is that around 50–60% of global land surface should be in largely intact, natural condition to halt species extinction, secure biosphere contributions to climate regulation, and stabilise regional water cycles.
for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - intact natural systems - 50 to 60% global land need to be intact
from 6–15% in some landscapes (eg, riparian ecosystems, agricultural landscapes with high crop diversity) to 50% in others (eg, in sloping landscapes, or landscapes where erosion or natural hazards are frequent).
for - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum varies depending on specific local context
The exact area, quality, and spatial configuration required varies by contribution and location, and thus could not be estimated on a global scale, necessitating local translation, assessment of local context, demand for specific NCP, and application of best practices.
for earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - only local translation is possible
10% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 is a sharper threshold, below which evidence suggests that many NCP would almost no longer be provided.
for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems -absolute minimum of 10% - below this, many of Nature's contribution to people would no longer be provided
safe boundary of at least 20–25% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 in human-modified lands (ie, urban and agro-ecosystems) is needed to support both Earth-system NCP and local NCP, in addition to the functions provided by largely intact lands.
for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum of 20 to 25% natural / semi-natural habitat per square kilometer
human-modified ecosystems, we systematically analysed six critical NCP at local scales
for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales
stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales - pollination pest and disease control - water-quality regulation - soil protection - natural hazards mitigation - recreation
The amount of intact natural land as of 2018 was around 15% below this ESB, but could be increased through restoring degraded ecosystems or previously converted ecosystems,102,103,106102.Strassburg, BBN ∙ Iribarrem, A ∙ Beyer, HL ∙ et al.Global priority areas for ecosystem restorationNature. 2020; 586:724-729CrossrefScopus (536)PubMedGoogle Scholar103.Jung, M ∙ Arnell, A ∙ de Lamo, X ∙ et al.Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and waterNat Ecol Evol. 2021; 5:1499-1509CrossrefScopus (162)PubMedGoogle Scholar106.Wolff, S ∙ Schrammeijer, EA ∙ Schulp, CJE ∙ et al.Meeting global land restoration and protection targets: what would the world look like in 2050?Glob Environ Change. 2018; 52:259-272CrossrefScopus (72)Google Scholar with conservation efforts distributed across all ecoregions.
for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - intact natural systems - 15% below ESB in 2018
We capture the main components by identifying safe boundaries for two complementary and synthetic measures of biodiversity: the area of largely intact natural ecosystems, and the functional integrity of ecosystems heavily modified by human pressures.
for - biodiversity - safe earth system boundaries - 2 measures - intact natural ecosystems - ecosystems modified by human pressures - question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales
question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales - As ecologist David Suzuki often says, economy depends on ecology, not the other way around - Is there quantification at different potential tipping points for extinction for biodiversity at different scales and localities?
The remainder of this Commission is organised into four parts
for - safe and just earth system boundaries - translations and transformations - 4 parts
earth system boundaries - translations and transformations - 4 parts - part 1 - theoretical framework - part 2 - quantification of - safe and just ESB, - which ones are transgressed - who are the victims - safe and just corridor - base - ceiling - for timeframe - present - 2050 - part 3 - translating - safe and just ESB - approaches - challenges - enabling conditions - to - cities - businesses
Cities and businesses are key actors driving anthropogenic pressures, but have received less attention in sustainability assessments than countries. The unique challenges associated with these actors need to be understood and resolved in translation methods, and approaches that reflect the specific environmental, social, and economic contexts of cities and businesses need to be developed
for - Earth system boundaries - importance of developing cross scale translation for cities and businesses as key actors
Although Doughnut Economics' safe and just indicators2525.O'Neill, DW ∙ Fanning, AL ∙ Lamb, WF ∙ et al.A good life for all within planetary boundariesNat Sustain. 2018; 1:88-95CrossrefScopus (980)Google Scholar include justice elements, our work goes further by quantifying these elements in the same units as the safe ESBs and by operationalising and quantifying justice issues.
for - comparison - doughnut economics - vs - safe and just earth system boundaries
analytical and evaluative tool consisting of just ends (targets) and just means (levers)
for - definition - Earth system justice - just ends (targets) - just means (levers)
A justice approach, by contrast, requires at least boundaries that minimise significant harm to human health and wellbeing and to other species (panel 2) while ensuring access to necessary resources and services.
for - just earth system boundary - why it's needed
The scope of Earth-system justice is framed by three overarching criteria: interspecies justice, intergenerational justice, and intragenerational justice.
for - earth system justice - 3 aspects
earth system justice - 3 aspects - interspecies justice - intergenerational justice - intragenerational justice
for - earth system boundaries - safe and just earth system boundaries - cross translated - to cities and business - planetary boundaries - downscaled planetary boundaries - urban planetary boundaries - Johan Rockstrom - Xuemei Bao - Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - Earth Commission report
paper details - title: A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations - authors: - Joyeeta Gupta - Xuemei Bao - Johan Rockstrom - Diana M Liverman <br /> - Dahe Qin - Ben Stewart-Koster - et al - publication: Lancet 2024, Sept 11
- earth system justice - 3 aspects
- to - Mora, C., Frazier, A., Longman, R. et al. (2013). The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability. Nature 502, 183–187. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12540
- biodiversity - safe earth system boundaries - 2 measures - intact natural ecosystems - ecosystems modified by human pressures
- earth system boundaries - downscaled to cities
- downscaled planetary boundaries
- urban planetary boundaries
- Earth Commission Report 2024
- safe and just earth system boundaries - translations and transformations - 4 parts
- earth system boundaries - cross-scale translation - to cities and businesses
- stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - intact natural systems - 50 to 60% global land need to be intact
- stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems -absolute minimum of 10% - below this, many of Nature's contribution to people would no longer be provided
- Earth system boundaries - importance of developing cross scale translation for cities and businesses as key actors
- question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales
- cross scale translated earth system boundaries
- stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - intact natural systems - 15% below ESB in 2018
- stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales
- earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum varies depending on specific local context
- earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - only local translation is possible
- Johan Rockstrom
- stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum of 20 to 25% natural / semi-natural habitat per square kilometer
- comparison - doughnut economics - vs - safe and just earth system boundaries
- Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - 2024
- just earth system boundary - why it's needed
- Xuemei Bao
- definition - Earth system justice - just ends (targets) - just means (levers)
- question - earth system boundaries - biodiversity - how do we reconcile these boundaries with climate departure?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der neue Earth Report stellt fest, dass sich nur durch eine schnelle Reduzierung der Nachfrage der reichsten 15% der Weltbevölkerung gerechte und sichere Lebensbedingungen für die gesamte Menschheit im Jahr 2050 ermöglichen lassen. Der von einer Kommission prominenter Experten erstellte und von der Medizinzeitschrift Lancet publzierte Bericht beschäftigt sich mit bisher unterschätzten Folgen der Überschreitung der planeraren Grenzen. Gerechtigkeit z.B durch Besteuerung der Reichen sei eine entscheidende Voraussetzung der globalen Sicherheit https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/sep/12/consumerism-and-the-climate-crisis-threaten-equitable-future-for-humanity-report-says
Earth Report: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext
- Aug 2024
link.chtbl.com link.chtbl.com
for - Cities 1.5 podcast - guests - Xuemei Bai - earth system boundaries downscaled to cities - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we have to challenge the world to understand that we are in this generation, Us, in charge today, sitting in the cockpit of planet Earth, putting the entire stability of the planet at risk in this generation.
for - quote - we are in the cockpit of planet earth - Johan Rockstrom
quote - we are in the cockpit of planet earth - Johan Rockstrom - (see below)
- We have to challenge the world to understand that we are in this generation, us, in charge today, sitting in the cockpit of planet earth,
- putting the entire stability of the planet at risk in this generation
- We have to challenge the world to understand that we are in this generation, us, in charge today, sitting in the cockpit of planet earth,
www.truthdig.com www.truthdig.com
he’s spent years grappling with barriers to retrofit existing cities.
for - urban planetary boundaries - barriers to transition - downscaled planetary boundaries - barriers to transition - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - barriers to transition - question - retrofitting cities to stay within the doughnut - what are the challenges?
www.systemiq.earth www.systemiq.earth
for - social tipping points - breakthrough effect - cascading tipping points - systemiq - Bezos Earth Fund -University of Exeter - social tipping points
report details - title - The Breakthrough Effect - How to trigger a cascade of tipping points to accelerate the net zero transition - authors - Mark Meldrum - Lloyd Pinnell - Katy Brennan - Mattia Romani - Simon Sharpe - Tim Lenton - date - january 2023 - publisher -
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
- Jul 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Neue Studie zu den Tipping Points mit dramatischen Ergebnissen
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
26:30 Brings up progress traps of this new technology
question How do we shift our (human being's) relationship with the rest of nature
metaphor - interspecies communications - AI can be compared to a new scientific instrument that extends our ability to see - We may discover that humanity is not the center of the universe
Question - Dr Doolittle question - Will we be able to talk to the animals? - Wittgenstein said no - Human Umwelt is different from others - but it may very well happen
species have culture - Marine mammals enact behavior similar to humans
- Unknown unknowns will likely move to known unknowns and to some known knowns
citizen science bioacoustic projects - audio moth - sound invisible to humans - ultrasonic sound - intrasonic sound - example - Amazonian river turtles have been found to have hundreds of unique vocalizations to call their baby turtles to safety out in the ocean
ocean habitat for whales - they can communicate across the entire ocean of the earth - They tell of a story of a whale in Bermuda can communicate with a whale in Ireland
progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - examples - examples - poachers or eco tourism can misuse
progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - policy
whale protection technology - Kim Davies - University of New Brunswick - aquatic drones - drones triangulate whales - ships must not get near 1,000 km of whales to avoid collision - Canadian government fines are up to 250,000 dollars for violating
environmental regulation - overhaul for the next century - instead of - treatment, we now have the data tools for - prevention
56:40 - ecological relationship - pollinators and plants have co-evolved
AI for interspecies communication - example - human cultural evolution controlling evolution of life on earth
- metaphor - interspecies communication - AI is like a new scientific instrument
- interspecies communication - umwelt
- progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - policy
- environmental overhaul - treatment to prevention
- progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - examples - poachers - ecotourism
- ecological relationships - pollinators and plants co-evolved
- AI for interspecies communication - example - human cultural evolution controlling evolution of life on earth
- - whale communication - span the entire ocean
- question - How do we shift our relationship with the rest of nature? - ESP research objective
- whale protection - bioacoustic and drones
- citizen science bioacoustics
- progress trap - AI applied to interspecies communications
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Dr. Steve Boyd keeps to the traditional translation of everything coming into existence from God. He mentions the original Hebrew has no word for "universe" and therefore the creation of the heavens and the earth means eveyrthing.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
James Tabor makes the same argument as Dr. Michael S. Heiser.
That Genesis 1:1-3 is a mistranslation, and implies that genesis was not about the creation of the universe.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
According to this translation, the earth existed before God started creating in Genesis????
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
( ~ 24:30)
Radiometric dating operates from the wrong assumptions (that all processes remained constant during all of history, which, compared to the Bible is false and therefore foolish).
Different radiometric dating methods give vastly different aging results in a systematically wrong way; according to Dr. Kurt, this is proof that they use wrong assumptions.
( ~ 19:00 )
The primary argument as made by Dr. Kurt with reference to the Bible is that God used processes during the creation that he NEVER used again. So to assume chronological dating methods based on processes that exist now is to be foolish, as you cannot go back to creation itself and use those methods; creation used different processes that do not exist anymore.
Additionally, God created all of existence... He is above it. He can certainly manipulate it. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He has created creatures and things in an ADULT state of being... So by using dating methods that are used to calculate the age of something you can arrive at a result much older than it is in fact, for God could've created its values in an old state even though it is in fact young.
Dr. Kurt Wise argues that the Bible's claims should be accepted over human's science. As is said, man's Wisdom is but foolishness for God.
There is a degree of truth to this; the Bible (God) should be considered absolute truth.(Christian) Science therefore should assume the truth of the Bible and use science to support it. Or at least try to see if what the Bible says is true; use its claims as the hypothesis.
Perhaps this is some form of confirmation bias, but I think this doesn't matter in this instance.
History is the story of God... It serves as a narrative to describe what God has done.
Inferring based on the creation is secondary circumstantial evidence, the eyewitness account is that of God himself.
I sort of take the easy way out and say well I know Earth history so maybe I'm 00:32:53 helping people by uh understanding the science of this stuff
for - educator - polycrisis - individual action - levers - climate and earth history specialists help with education
educator - earth climate history specialist can help with education about the past to help understand what we face in the present
climate education - low impact due to - ignoring perspectival knowing - and salience landscapes - It may help to look at the problem of education through the lens of Michael Levin's multi-scale competency architecture - https://hyp.is/FFxzRL2nEe6ghzeLcJGM7A/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10167196/ - Applied to cognitive and cultural evolution within the lifetime of a single individual (human) - The salience landscape of an individual can vary depending on their educational and cultural background - There are multiple categories of concepts, each with their own degree of salience: - immediate phenomenological experience - high salience - second hand, linguistically communicated experience - moderate and dependent on source - scientific reported phenomena - moderate, high or low, dependent on source and cultural / educational background - second hand, linguistically communicated experience - low, moderate or high, dependent on source and cultural / educational background - A key observation is that humans are evolved to detect specific environmental cue but miss many others - The rate of cultural evolution is so rapid that our biologically adapted processes cannot adapt quickly enough to the rapid cultural changes, resulting in the experience of "hyperobjects" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=+hyperobject - education that is done haphazardly and in an adhoc manner will fail to discriminate between this large variety of salience landscape, with the overall impact of low educational impact
there was a paper that came out a few years ago showing that five degrees at the pace we're doing would be 00:40:13 is like easily sufficient to reproduce some of these catastrophes in Earth history
for - climate crisis - 5 deg C could reproduce similar levels of catastrophes as those in early earth history
you can't as one person you know solve a global problem like this it's you starts at a 00:34:58 CommunityWide level
for - validation - cosmolocal community organization - validation - TPF - validation - Living Cities Earth
we are going to need decentralized networks of communities figuring out how to support one another
for - validation - cosmolocal community organization - validation - TPF - validation - Living Cities Earth
if you could get everyone on the planet to do one thing what would it be and she said stay exactly where you are and figure out 00:33:30 what it is that you can do in your local
for - cosmolocal movement - validation - Jay Griffith - leverage point - cosmolocal - validation - TPF - validation - Living Cities Earth
- validation - TPF
- climate education - low impact due to - ignoring perspectival knowing - and salience landscapes
- climate crisis - 5 deg C could reproduce similar levels of catastrophes as those in early earth history
- cosmolocal movement - validation - Jay Griffith
- leverage point - cosmolocal
- educator - polycrisis - individual action - levers - climate and earth history specialists help with education
- climate education - failure to consider salience landscapes across diverse perspectival knowing
- validation - cosmolocal community organization
- validation - Living Cities Earth
- Jun 2024
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
for - from - Lilnked In Post - publication alert
from - Linked In - publication alert - Governance for Earth system tipping points – A research agenda - https://hyp.is/5KSgoipFEe-WkRuWZivLvw/www.linkedin.com/posts/manjana-milkoreit-9304313_governance-for-earth-system-tipping-points-activity-7207310870534578176-d9/
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda
for - to - Linked In post - publication alert - Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda
to - Linked In post - publication alert - Governance for Earth System Tipping Points - A Research Agenda - https://hyp.is/Y-UqTipGEe-EVuflmhInnQ/www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589811624000168
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Bezos Earth Fund wird bis zum Ende des Jahrzehnts 10 Milliarden Dollar für den Kampf gegen die Klima und die Biodiversitätskrise zur Verfügung stellen. Die Mittel des Fonds geben ihm enormen Einfluss. Viele in der NGOs Szene sehen die Politik des Fonds als Gefährdung für die Unabhängigkeit der von ihm geförderten Organisationen. Der Guardian berichtet anlässlich einer Preisverleihung kritisch vor allem über das Engagement des Fonds für CO2 Kompensationen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/jeff-bezos-earth-fund-carbon-offsets-climate-sector-uneasy-aoe
- Iván Duque
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- Andrew Steer
- Paul Bodnar
- Climate Action Network International
- Auszeichnung des Bezos Earth Fund durch Conservation International
- Wanjira Mathai
- Carbon Market Watch
- Luiz Fernando do Amaral
- John Kerry
- Bezos Earth fund
- Zac Goldsmith
- Conservation International
- Stephan Singer
- Science Based Targets Initiative
- Go for Impact
- Holger Hoffmann-Riem
- Sam Van den Plas
- Carbon offsets
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Guardian: Donald Trump hat Big-Oil Managern angeboten, klimapolitische Maßnahmen der Biden-Administration rückgängig zu machen, wenn sie seinen Wahlkampf mit einer Milliarde Dollar unterstützen. Einer Studie des Guardian zufolge können die Ölkonzerne von Trump vor allem 110 Milliaren Dollar Subventionen (u.a. Steuererleichterungen für neue fossile Projekte) erwarten, die die Biden-Regierung abschaffen will. Hintergrundartikel zu Lobbyisten im US-Ölgeschäft und aktuellen Konflikten<br /> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/16/donald-trump-big-oil-executives-alleged-deal-explainedlog
- Lukas Ross
- Fossil lobbying
- JD Vance
- Cheniere
- Occidental Petroleum
- Korruption
- Oil and Gas Climate Initiative
- Joe Craft
- Climate Power
- logseq: true
- Friends of the Earth
- Venture Global
- Exxon
- fossil expansion
- by: Oliver Milman
- United Refining Company
- by: Dharna Noor
- ConocoPhillips
- Chevron
- Chesapeake Energy
- Donald Trump
- Kert Davies
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die G20-Staaten und von ihnen kontrollierte Entwicklungsbanken haben 2020-2022 142 Milliarden Dollar in die fossile Expansion in Drittländern investiert. Das geht aus einer Bericht von Oilc Change International und Friends of the Earth hervor. Ein Teil der Investitionen erfolgte nach der 2022 beschlossenen Selbstverpflichtung dieser Staaten, keine fossile Expansion im Ausland mehr zu finanzieren. Die größten Investoren waren China, Japan und Kanada der größte Teil der Gelder ging in die Gasinfrastruktur. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/09/worlds-biggest-economies-pumping-billions-into-fossil-fuels-in-poor-nations
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
TotalEnergies hat selbst einen Audit zur Überprüfung seiner Projekte Tilenga und EACOP in Ostafrika eingeleitet. Damit bereitet der Konzern seine Verteidigung in einem weiteren Prozess wegen dieser Megaprojekte vor. Der Prozess wird vermutlich im Juni 2024 stattfinden. Er wurde von mehreren NGOs angestrengt.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
9,4 der 36 Milliarden Euro die total energies im vergangenen Jahr eingenommen hat, werden an die Aktionäre ausgezahlt. Der Konzern hat im letzten Jahr mehr öffentlich Unterstützung erhalten, als er an Steuern bezahlt hat. Reportage über die Hauptversammlung, in Paris unter Polizeischutz stattfand und den Kurs des Vorstands bestätigt hat, der auf noch mehr Investitionen in fossile Energien ausgerichtet ist. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/a-lag-de-totalenergies-des-militants-en-colere-a-lexterieur-la-direction-barricadee-se-felicite-a-linterieur-20230526_RLUUMKED7FDZPIRYY5SK43PXBI/
Ausführliche Artikel der taz über das fossil fuel crime file, eine von Greenpeace erstellte Liste von Verbrechen und zivilrechtlichen Vergehen derFfossilindustrie. Sie dient als Basis für juristische Aktionen. https://taz.de/Fossilindustrie-vor-Gericht/!5936699/
- actor: Equinor
- expert: Channa Samkalden
- actor: OMV
- NGO: Greenpeace
- actor: ENI
- expert: Donald Pöls
- actor: Glencore
- project: East African Crude Oil Pipeline
- expert: Lisa Göldner
- NGO: Friends of the Earth
- actor: Shell
- region: Niger delta
- mode: legal action
- project: Mining Impact
- NGO: Milieudefensie
- actor: Statoil
- TotalEnergies
- actor: Lundin Energy
- project: EACOP
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Norwegen erteilt in diesem Jahr 62 Lizenzen für die Exploration von Öl- und Gasfeldern, gegenüber 47 im vergangenen Jahr. Die Steigerung geht auf das Interesse von Öl- und Gasgesellschaften zurück. Gegen den Widerstand von NGOs betreibt Norwegen weiterhin eine Ausweitung der Öl- und Gasproduktion, die zu jahrzehntelanger Förderung führen soll. Stark gewachsen ist dabei das Interesse an der Barents Sea. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/norway-increases-number-new-oil-gas-drilling-permits-including-arctic-2024-01-16/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Mit Alaska LNG genehmigt die US-Regierung kurz nach dem Willow-Projekt ein weiteres fossiles Megaprojekt. Zu diesem Vorhaben, dass 2030 umgesetzt sein soll, gehören eine Erdgasverflüssigungsanlage und eine Pipeline. Es geht um eine Summe von 39 Milliarden Dollar. Weitere Genehmigungen von Investitionen für LNG Infrastruktur sind beabsichtigt. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/14/biden-alaska-lng-liquefied-natural-gas-exports
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Gut recherchierter Überblicksartikel zur zunehmenden Ausbeutung von Erdgas im Senegal und Ländern. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/31/senegal-natural-gas-climate-change/
In Deutschland werden durch das LNG-Gesetz Überkapazitäten für den Import von Flüssiggas geschaffen, wobei gleichzeitig bisher geltende Regeln für Umweltprüfungen außer Kraft gesetzt werden. Francesca Mascha Klein kommentiert diese Entwicklung und weist darauf hin, dass der LNG-Ausbau den Klimazielen deutlich widerspricht und auch durch seine erheblichen internationalen Auswirkungen, z.b auf das fracking den Weg in die klimakrise beschleunigt
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der britische Premierminister Sunak hat angekündigt, die Öl- und Gasvorkommen in der Nordsee maximal auszunutzen und über 100 neue Bohrlizenzen zu vergeben. Er machte deutlich, dass er die Ausbeutung des Rosebank Fields genehmigen wird, mit 500 Millionen Barrel das größte nicht erschlossene Ölfeld Großbritanniens. Die Ankündigung stieß auf heftige Proteste auch konservativer Abgeordneter. Die Behauptung, im Dienst der Energiesicherheit zu handeln, gilt als Ablenkung. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/31/dismay-as-rishi-sunak-vows-to-max-out-uk-fossil-fuel-reserves
- Apr 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Im Februar setzen sich die Messungen von Rekordtemperaturen fort. Dabei stellt seit über einem halben Jahri die Zahl dieser Meldungen selbst bisherige Rekorde ein. In den ersten beiden Wochen wurden an 140 Stellen der Erde die höchsten Monats-temperaturen der Aufzeichnunggsgeschicht festgestellt. Noch beunruhigender sind die Anomaliee bei den Meerestemperaturen. Guardian-Artikel mit SInfografiken und tatements von Klimawissenschaftler:innen, die von dieser Entwicklung alarmiert sind. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/17/february-on-course-to-break-unprecedented-number-of-heat-records
- Joel Hirschi
- Zeke Hausfather
- The Nature Conservancy
- by: Jonathan Watts
- global
- global heating
- Katharine Hayhoe
- 2024-02-17
- sea surface temperature
- Francesca Guglielmo
- China
- UK National Oceanography Centre
- topic: temperature records
- Maximiliano Herrera
- Morocco
- El Niño
- Michael Lowry
- Berkeley Earth
- Copernicus
scienceandnonduality.com scienceandnonduality.com
essential Aliveness,
aliveness - Living Cities Earth alignment
comment - There is a contradiction here - Aliveness is already dualistic because it ignores death, but this is
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Butno matter how the form may vary, the fact that an organism hasconscious experience at all means, basically, that there is somethingit is like to be that organism
for - earth species project - ESP - Earth Species Project - Aza Raskin - Ernest Becker - Book - The Birth and Death of Meaning
comment - what is it like to be that other organism? - Earth Species Project is trying to shed some light on that using machine learning processes to decode the communication signals of non-human species - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=earth++species+project - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FH9SvPs1cCds%2F&group=world
- In Ernest Becker's book, The Birth and Death of Meaning, Becker provides a summary of the ego from a Freudian perspective that is salient to Nagel's work - The ego creates time and humans, occupying a symbolosphere are timebound creatures that create the sense of time to order sensations and perceptions - The ego becomes the central reference point for the construct of time - If the anthropocene is a problem - and we wish to migrate towards an ecological civilization in which there is greater respect for other species, - a symbiocene - this means we need to empathize with other species - If our species is timebound but the majority of other species are not, - then we must bridge that large gap by somehow experiencing what it's like to be an X ( where X can be a bat or many other species)
reference - interesting adjacencies emerging from reading a review of Ernest Becker's book: The Birth and Death of Meaning - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.themortalatheist.com%2Fblog%2Fthe-birth-and-death-of-meaning-ernest-becker&group=world
- Book - The Birth and Death of Meaning
- adjacency - Thomas Nagel - Ernest Becker - Edmond Husserl - Epoche - timebind - timelessness - enlightenment - Epoche - symbiocene - anthropocene - Rescue our future
- What is it like to be that organism?
- Thomas Nagel
- Epoche
- earth species project
- ESP - Earth Species Project
- Ernest Becker
- Aza Raskin
www.atlasobscura.com www.atlasobscura.com
But that doesn’t mean that the planets don’t affect one another—and lately, scientists have come to suspect that Mars may be literally stirring tides within the depths of our world.
So interesting!
- Mar 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Gewinne von Shell sind 2023 auf 28 Milliarden Dollar gesunken; 2022 hatten sie 40 Milliarden Dollar betragen. Trotzdem war 2022 eines der erforlgreichsten Jahre der Firmengeschichte; die Dividenden sollen erhöht werden. Greenpeace reagierte mit einer satirischen Party, bei der die Verbrennung der Zukunft gefeiert wird. U.a. mit Projekten in Brasilien und im Golf von Mexiko setzt Shell die fossile Expansion fort. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/feb/01/shell-to-raise-dividends-again-despite-30-fall-in-annual-profits
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Feb 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine Koalition von NGOs wird weiterhin gegen das Project One genannte größte petrochemische Werk Europas kämpfen, das in Belgien errichtet werden soll. Mit großer Energie wird bei der EU für dieses Projekt lobbyiert, das wegen seiner Umweltfolgen bereits einmal gestoppt wurde. Das Projekt würde die Plastikverschmutzung enorm vergrößern und zusätzlich zu hohen Treibhausgasemissionen führen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/22/ngos-lodge-legal-challenge-against-vast-new-petrochemical-plant-in-antwerp
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
It already Feels like I am going to war.
Shred-mulch, or is it mulch shreds, multi-colored confetti fluttering to the ground. Spreading a blanket to feed, to enrich the soil that feeds us.
Ouch! A rigid bit of plastic, ripping a gash in the foot of the conqueror treading the ground.
I fear much less the war of massaging words on the page than the war to eradicate the “forever” toxins we, Homo Sapiens, have inflicted upon Mother Earth.
www.google.com www.google.com
Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old, plus or minus about 50 million years. Scientists have scoured the Earth searching for the oldest rocks to radiometrically date.
Age of the planet
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - building - material - earth - Elisabetta Carnevale - BC Materials - Cycle Terre - Joseph Colzani - Center of the Earth
summary - A good outline of contemporary earth building techniques.
to - Cycle Terre - https://hyp.is/p2mdqLuTEe6W0XcNljBbWA/www.cycle-terre.eu/mise-en-oeuvre/les-materiaux/ - BC Material - https://hyp.is/BY5_nLuVEe6v4-dubnc59A/bcmaterials.org/ - BC Material Studies - https://hyp.is/BY5_nLuVEe6v4-dubnc59A/bcmaterials.org/ - Joseph Colzani and Center of the Earth - https://hyp.is/YvQIeLu4Ee6DACOMT1xOdw/www-centredeterre-fr.translate.goog/le-centre-de-terre/?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
aybe uh sometime soon we will be able to actually use earth in a liquid state inside of a framework uh as we do now for concrete without adding 00:42:28 um stabilizer like cement
for - research - poured earth
research -poured earth - pourable like cement into formwork, but without stabilizers in the future
there is a bad stereotype about earth this is due to the fact that earth was a popular um was a 00:33:09 building material for um popular social classes
for - earth building - stigmatized - historical reasons
it's the case for this enormous project that i'm really 00:31:23 glad i'm helping with it's in saudi arabia next to a heritage site which is built with adobe and the government decided that they 00:31:35 would actually build an enormous extension
for - adobe earth project - Saudia Arabia
in particular one region of catalonia which is the region of uh yada plade in the in the inner part of catalonia
for - earth construction hot spot - Inner Catalonia , Spain
bc materials this pioneer cooperative in belgium
for - BC Materials - https://bcmaterials.org/ - building cooperative - circular construction - earth - Belgium - building cooperative
for - helioterra - building - material - earth - phase change
- building - material - earth
- adobe earth project - Saudia Arabia
- building - material - earth - phase change
- building cooperative - circular construction - earth
- research - poured earth
- BC Materials studies
- Helioterra
- architect - Elisabetta Carnevale
- Belgium - building cooperative
- architect - Joseph Colzani - Center of the Earth
- earth building - stigmatized - historical reasons
- BC Materials
- Cycle Terre
- earth construction hot spot - Inner Catalonia Spain
www-centredeterre-fr.translate.goog www-centredeterre-fr.translate.goog
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
bc-as.org bc-as.org
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
www.cycle-terre.eu www.cycle-terre.eu
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
bc-as.org bc-as.org
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
bcmaterials.org bcmaterials.org
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
eartharchitecture.org eartharchitecture.org
from - IAAC Lecture Series - Architecture made of Earth with Elisabetta Carnevale - https://hyp.is/A279UruNEe6A7E_2XRTNRQ/docdrop.org/video/IxrmA9dli1Q/
- for: downscaled earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, TPF
sonec.org sonec.org
four different types of initiators of new community projectsbased in neighbourhoods:local government,governmental organisations,non-governmental organisations or activists andexisting communities.
for: types of initiators of community projects, SONEC - initiators of community projects, question - frameworks for community projects, suggestion - collaboration with My Climate Risk, suggestion - collaboration with U of Hawaii, suggestion - collaboration with ICICLE, suggestion - collaboration with earth commission, suggestion - collaboration with DEAL
question: frameworks for community projects
If our interest is to attempt to create a global collective action campaign to address our existential polycrisis, which includes the climate crisis, then how do we mobilize at the community level in a meaningful way?
I suggest that this must be a cosmolocal effort. Why? Knowledge sharing across all the communities will accelerate the transition of any participating local community.
- This means that we cannot rely on citizens living in small communities to construct an effective coordination framework for rapid de-escalation of the polycrisis. The capacity does not exist within small communities to build such a complex system. The system can be more effectively built before the collective action campaign is started by a virtual community of experts and ready for trial with pilot communities.
- To meet this enormous challenge, it cannot be done in an adhoc way. At this point in time, many people in many communities all around the globe know of the existential crisis we face, but if we look at the annual carbon emissions, none of the existing community efforts has made a difference in their continuing escalation.
- The knowledge required to synchronize millions of communities to have a unified wartime-scale collective action mobilization to reach decarbonization goals that the mainstream approach has not even made a dent in will be a complex problem.
- In other words, what is proposed is a partnership.
- Since we are faced with global commons problems that pose existential threats if not mitigated in 5 to 8 years, the scope of the problem is enormous.
- Super wicked problems require unprecedented levels of collaboration at every level.
- The downscaling of global planetary boundaries and doughnut economics seems the most logical way to think global, act local.
Building such a collaboration system requires expert knowledge. Once built, however, it requires testing in pilot communities. This is where a partnership can take place
2024, Jan. 1 Adder
- My Climate Risk Regional Hubs
- time 29:46 of https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Funfccc.int%2Fevent%2Flater-is-too-late-tipping-the-balance-from-negative-to-positive&group=world
- https://www.wcrp-climate.org/mcr-hubs
- Suggestion:
- SRG has long entertained a collaborative open science project for grassroots polycrisis / climate crisis education - to measure and validate latest climate departure dates
- This would make climate change far more salient to the average person because of the observable trends in disruption of local economic activity connected to the local ecology due to climate impacts
- This would be a synergistic project between SRG, LCE, SoNeC, My Climate Risk hubs, ICICLE and U of Hawaii
- Our community frameworks need to go BEYOND simply adaptation though, which is what "My Climate Risk" focuses exclusively on. We need to also engage equally in climate mitigation.
- My Climate Risk Regional Hubs
- reference
- I coedited this volume on examples of existing cosmolocal projects
- think global act local
- suggestion - collaboration with ICICLE
- suggestion - collaboration with My Climate Risk and U of Hawaii climate departure citizen science
- book - Cosmolocal Reader
- question - SONEC - framework for anthropocene community projects
- SONEC - initiator communities
- suggestion - collaboration with My Climate Risk
- suggestion - collaboration with earth commission