219 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
  2. May 2020
  3. Apr 2020
    1. The podcast boom (and to a lesser extent, the video boom on YouTube) currently exists almost entirely as an artifact of two social phenomena: commuting and low-cognitive-demand chores, both of which call for a low-information-density ambient background information flow. It is the conversational equivalent of elevator music (convo-muzak? convozak?).
  4. Mar 2020
  5. Feb 2019
    1. podcasting

      Can't Lit episode 65 podcast:

      Hypothesis was not available for podcast, so I am adding the discussion questions here:

      1. Why do people talk through music being played in a restaurant, or other event, but not during symphony, a literature (book) talk or movie?  

      2. Shraya claimed to have a short attention span. How does this work when he is addressing complex issues?

  6. Nov 2018
    1. How do I listen to a podcast?Rajiv Jhangiani shares about critical open pedagogy on episode 226 of the Teaching in Hig

      Well presented, thoughtful look at OER in high ed. Great resource links.

  7. Jul 2018
    1. Perhaps the most interesting thing is that although podcasting is much like radio, in that it is a one-way medium, most podcasters consider it as two-way communication because their podcasts are available on websites and they have either accompanying blogs to which listeners add comments, or provide email addresses for listeners to write to them.

      But is this just an interaction with a group of fans, or a site for conversation within an affinity group?

  8. Jun 2018
    1. I began collecting information on educational soap operas – serial dramas whose purpose is education or social transformation. They were mostly played in developing countries, and mostly played on the radio.
  9. Mar 2018
  10. Jul 2016
    1. Hello. This is my first entry. Dario and I plan to create a podcast that has three elements:

      1) A formal exploration of the podcast form using our own podcast as a case study. 2) A discussion around academic research and the podcast. 3) A discussion around the 'disruptive journal' featuring input from JMP contributors.

      The aim is to construct a text that operates as a viable and valid piece of research and also is reflexive regarding the changing nature of academic research.

      We will be talking in person late July following some leave and will be emailing disruptive JMP participants shortly to invite them to participate.

      For now I listening to podcasts to prepare, and recommend the latest NPR Invisibilia episode on problem solving, and any episode of the brilliant Longford Podcast.

  11. May 2016
  12. Apr 2016
    1. "Using visible wavelengths of light, it is difficult to tell if an asteroid is big and dark, or bright and small, because both combinations reflect the same amount of light," said Carrie Nugent, a NEOWISE scientist at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena. "But when you look at an asteroid in the infrared with NEOWISE, the amount of infrared light corresponds with how big the asteroid is, and with some thermal models on a computer, you can figure out how big the asteroids are."
  13. Jan 2016
  14. Jul 2015
  15. Dec 2014
    1. how a transcript of a talk given extemporaneously does not read well on the printed page

      I was thinking of this the other day, as I was working on a podcast. Winging it came out messy. Writing it first and then reading it was neater (in sound) but came out sort of stilted and formal. Worked to find the balance between ... did not quite succeed