- Jan 2025
biaiscognitifs.innovation.maif biaiscognitifs.innovation.maif
- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what we're finding in the fetal brain research is that mental illness especially heavy mental illness can start in utero that's why this is such a vital neurodevelopmental time
for - fetal brain research - very serious mental illnesses in adults can be traced to mental illness that begins in utero in the womb - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
www.modernisation.gouv.fr www.modernisation.gouv.fr
- Oct 2022
eduq.info eduq.info
en 2018 et 2019, Ubisoft a ajouté à chaque jeu un mode éliminant toutes les missions et tous lescombats, appelé « Discovery Tours », dans le but que les professeurs d’Histoire dans les écoles secondairespuissent utiliser ces jeux dans leurs cours.
Pourtant, cesmêmes chercheurs accordent toute leur attention aux jeux vidéo sérieux qui, ils le reconnaissent eux-mêmes,sont souvent « peu motivants », « amusants » et « divertissants » (c’est-à-dire, offrant un engagement et uneimmersion faibles), contrairement aux jeux vidéo commerciaux ou basés sur le divertissement (Davidson, 2008;Gee, 2008; Granic et coll., 2014; Hamari et Koivisto, 2015).
les jeux vidéo basés sur le divertissement offrent des expériences similaires aux jeux vidéo sérieux, et qu’il estdonc probable qu’ils mènent à un apprentissage significatif
- Aug 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Kozlov, M. (2022). Why scientists are racing to develop more COVID antivirals. Nature, 601(7894), 496–496. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00112-8
www.sueddeutsche.de www.sueddeutsche.de
Zeitung, S. (2021, December 1). Sieben weitere bestätigte Omikron-Fälle in Hessen. Süddeutsche.de. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/gesundheit/gesundheit-frankfurt-am-main-sieben-weitere-bestaetigte-omikron-faelle-in-hessen-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-211201-99-218296
- Germany
- lang:en
- 7 cases
- serious concern
- consequence
- COVID-19
- Hessen
- effectiveness
- is:news
- vaccine
- Omicron
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Devlin, H. (2021, December 16). JCVI makes pregnant women priority group for Covid vaccination. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/16/jcvi-makes-pregnant-women-priority-group-for-covid-vaccination
- Jan 2022
quantifiedself.com quantifiedself.com
It might just be a way to organize and deepen your thinking.
i like the deepen here a lot
- Nov 2021
www.abc.net.au www.abc.net.au
‘A Small Number of Fully Vaccinated People with COVID-19 in NSW Have Died — Here’s Why’. ABC News, 28 September 2021. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-29/why-a-small-number-of-fully-vaccinated-people-have-died-of-covid/100497770.
- Sep 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Ed Tubb. (2021, August 31). Explaining: The unvaccinated group should have much (much) higher natural protection from COVID by virtue of being younger on average; the fact this group is showing up in hospital much more often despite this tells you the vaccine is even more effective than we know. Https://t.co/dRLEXbc0rE [Tweet]. @EdTubb. https://twitter.com/EdTubb/status/1432702965140398080
- May 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
(((Howard Forman))). (2021, April 23). Very useful slide from #JohnsonandJohnson/Jansen today at ACIP placing TTS/CVST as an adverse event with COVID vaccine against other common vaccines and their serious adverse events. Cc: @NateSilver538 https://t.co/BQsIf7Vp8m [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1385656051068964864
- Apr 2021
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
These are games that make arguments and encourage discussion. They don't shy away from difficult subjects.
- Mar 2021
github.com github.com
What is the point of avoiding the semicolon in concat_javascript_sources
For how detailed and insightful his analysis was -- which didn't elaborate or even touch on his not understanding the reason for adding the semicolon -- it sure appeared like he knew what it was for. Otherwise, the whole issue would/should have been about how he didn't understand that, not on how to keep adding the semicolon but do so in a faster way!
Then again, this comment from 3 months afterwards, indicates he may not think they are even necessary: https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/388#issuecomment-252417741
Anyway, just in case he really didn't know, the comment shortly below partly answers the question:
Since the common problem with concatenating JavaScript files is the lack of semicolons, automatically adding one (that, like Sam said, will then be removed by the minifier if it's unnecessary) seems on the surface to be a perfectly fine speed optimization.
This also alludes to the problem: https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/388#issuecomment-257312994
But the explicit answer/explanation to this question still remains unspoken: because if you don't add them between concatenated files -- as I discovered just to day -- you will run into this error:
(intermediate value)(...) is not a function at something.source.js:1
, apparently because when it concatenated those 2 files together, it tried to evaluate it as:
({ // other.js })() (function() { // something.js })();
It makes sense that a ; is needed.
- Feb 2021
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Can't have a steam library without MMX.
I feel like I should've paid more for this masterpiece.
- Nov 2020
uxdesign.cc uxdesign.cc
Sentence case, e.g. ‘Next section’. I use sentence case for more ‘friendly’ or ‘conversational’ platforms.
Sharp edge buttons look more serious, while buttons with a rounder radius look more playful.
- Jun 2019
www.ksl.com www.ksl.com
“Because the bully had no prior record of bullying, and even though there were so many different days and incidents of physical assault, it was treated as a one-time offense, and for a one-time offense you just get a short talk and a call home,”
In order for suspension and expulsion, there must be multiple offense. In this case, there are witnesses and a confession, but that is not enough. Even though there were many different days and incidents of physical assault this is considered a one-time offense? A short talk and a phone call home is the consequences of a death threat and physical assault? Where is the importance of bullying would not be tolerated? Where is the importance of ensuring the victim's safety? This is why this whole system fail to tackle on the issue of bullying. The limit of what the school can do is unjust. How is that resolved? The victim and their family would still feel unsafe, fear, and paranoia.
- Apr 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Being a teenager is hard; there are constant social and emotional pressures that have just been introduced into the life of a middle or high schooler, which combines with puberty to create a ticking time bomb. By looking at the constant exposure to unreasonable expectations smartphones and social media create, we can see that smartphones are leading to an increased level of depression and anxiety in teenagers, an important issue because we need to find a safe way to use smartphones for the furture generations that are growing up with them. Social media is a large part of a majority of young adults life, whether it includes Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, or some combination of these platforms, most kids have some sort of presence online. Sites like Facebook and Instagram provide friends with a snapshot of an event that happened in your life, and people tend to share the positive events online, but this creates a dangerous impact on the person scrolling. When teens spend hours scrolling through excluisvely happy posts, it creates an unrealistic expectation for how real life should be. Without context, teenagers often feel as if their own life is not measuring up to all of their happy friends, but real-life will never measure up to the perfect ones expressed online. Picture Picture Furthermore, social media sites create a way for teenagers to seek external validation from likes and comments, but when the reactions online are not perceived as enough it dramatically alters a young adults self-confidence. This leads to the issue of cyberbullying. There are no restrictions on what you can say online, sometimes even annonimously, so often people choose to send negative messages online. Bullying is not a new concept, but with online bullying, there is little to no escape as a smartphone can be with a teenager everywhere, and wherever the smartphone goes the bullying follows.This makes cyberbullying a very effective way to decrease a youth's mental health, in fact, cyberbullying triples the risk of suicide in adolescents, which is already the third leading cause of death for this age group.
- Jan 2019
www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
And of course bitcoin is still number one that coined it has the best blockchain. Never any downtime survive for 10 years. Everything is going well. That means a lot. And I think a lot of the smart traders know that and investors know that. MMM.
no, you know, that is kind of the holy grail for every retail trader.
trading algorithms
no, and I was talking to her at the meetup and find it very useful to see all my accounts on these three exchanges on one screen. I don't want to have to log in to each one separately and keep track of how much coins I have on each. I would rather see this on one screen every morning. I pull up the screen easy to see. I don't necessarily need to trade from that screen, but I can just an idea of what holdings I have because I'm constantly rebalancing.
o I can't be pulling up my internet browser on my phone and loading the desktop version and some of these charts or some of these apps I need the mobile.
- Feb 2017
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
She points to the popular idea that Mr. Trump’s supporters didn’t take what he said seriously, but took him seriously — while his detractors didn’t take him seriously, but took what he said seriously.
This is a really interesting thing to think about.
- Sep 2016
ir.take2games.com ir.take2games.com
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., 2K and Firaxis Games Partner with GlassLab Inc., to Bring CivilizationEDU to High Schools Throughout North America in 2017
- Aug 2016
shakespeare.mit.edu shakespeare.mit.edu
A piece of him.
Horatio does not wish to be there at this moment
- Jul 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
obedience of volunteers
A few years ago, the experiment was remade into a tv gameshow. And, according to a documentary on it, was even more effective.
- Apr 2016
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
Researchers have tracked student emotions while using Crystal Island–a game-based learning environment– and used that research to predict how students will react in other learning situations
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
RAJ: Paul, you are being too serious about this in the sense of emphasis, intensity, and drive. You are not faced with the end of the world. You are not faced with destruction of any kind. What you are faced with is a greater cohesiveness of the All One which You are. If all of you is always present, and all of you is always functioning then the idea of “incompleteness” and “coming up short” is absolutely invalid. It is on the basis of your completeness—and on the Activity of that completeness—that you must let your feelings, your dependence, and you confidence lie. If you try to deal with the way things appear, if you pay attention to what the five physical senses are telling you, you will scare yourself shitless. On the other hand, if you are going to agree with the omnipresence and omniaction of your Being, you will find yourself at peace. And inevitably, you will find that omnipresence being omniactive in concrete, tangible ways.
Belief that I am incomplete, lacking, and needing to change causes seriousness to be a factor in correcting that perception - which doesn't work.
You are always complete and to approach life from this understanding come confidence - so apply your practice from what is True about you and not from the way things appear (that arise from limited perspective).
The journey is putting this into practice.