2,234 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. Now we’ll want to find and edit the following lines: tls_certificate_path: “/etc/ssl/nginx/examplecom_crt.pem” # We can comment this out, as long as we set no_tls to true below # tls_private_key_path: “/whatever/path/synapse/generated” # PEM dh parameters for ephemeral keys tls_dh_params_path: “/whatever/path/synapse/generated” # Turn off TLS everywhere (this overrides the listeners section below) no_tls: True

      Explaining the need for a certificate here without an associated private key could help in understanding why they are needed at all in a no_tls: True scenario.

    2. We’re going to assume you have a Synapse installed and listening on the standard ports, 8008 and 8448. If not, follow the Synapse README and come back here when you’re done. Everybody ready? Okay, good.

      This makes it easy to oversee the need for having a properly set up TLS setup for both an eventual reverse proxy and the synapse daemon's and matrix protocol's internal message signing as hidden in the text further below.

      Explicitly favouring the no_tls: True approach should help in adopting decoupled, recource efficient TLS-offloading deployment scenarios. This should eventually be automated, as Let's Encrypt certificates are only valid for three months.

    1. the broader community of practice in modern publishing technology

      This includes the Hybrid Publishing Toolkit as well as the work of substance.io

    1. “We lack the creative faculty to imagine that which we know.” That was back in 1820
    1. The Lead In: What context is needed to understand the problem space? Statement of Originality: What is a gap in our knowledge of this area? Justification: What is a tangible benefit of filling this gap?

      This is how I learned to write texts in school and university. Is that so unknown?

  2. dsini20.schedar.uberspace.de dsini20.schedar.uberspace.de
    1. Social Collective Berlin

      Link einfügen.

    2. diesem Dokument

      Dieser Link ist praktisch unsichtbar.

    3. Vision


    4. Interaktion

      Vision und Interaktion sind im Menü und der vertikalen Hierarchie der Seite unterschiedlich angeordnet.

    1. Maintaining and moderating the forum and interlinking people and streams of conversations


      Non-regular members receive monthly digests into their inbox. E-Mail notifications to conversations act as ad-hoc mailing lists.

    2. 5mmm


    3. Partnerships, cooperations, and networks

      Would we have a circle for that? Who's heading its direction? And which strategy do we see emerging?

    4. Description of the problem

      Here we probably need a new consensus.

    5. Scale of the problem

      Interesting to escalate into a separate pad.

    6. Previous approaches to solving the problem

      What about the Buen Vivir map from Florian Ledermann or imagination.social?

    7. 2.2Your approach to solving the problem

      This whole section needs to be revised for the final report.

      We could have a pad for this.

    8. 2.2.2 Target groups

      Could get a separate pad.

    9. 2.3 Sustainability of your solution

      See sustainability pad and associated, removed critique.

    10. 2.4 Risks

      See risks pad.

    11. Recommendation: Stay between 2000 and 5000 characters.

      Could get its own social impact pad for the future.

    12. Deliverable
    13. Appendix 1
    14. Recommendation: In addition to assessing the values of the KPIs you measured, please stay between 3000 and 5000 characters in the description of your evaluation.
    15. 3.2User-based evaluation of your concept
    16. We will import the data of the 26 SSEDAS partners in the next 2 months. The template can also be used by other partners, as it is probably used for the next Shareable MapJam. The generated workflow will be manually tested and then automated. It can be used to integrate any type of POIs, that are in non-active data silos or get collected on the spot at onland-events, as the Shareable MapJam. Active data will be ported via the ETL.

      sic We should have talked about this. From the pad:

      I am challenging this statement, as we did never collectively agree on using CHEST resources to support the SSEDAS process. Also the evaluation of the mapping template is not backed by collective appreciation, as it has been created in an enclosed, intransparent process.

    17. As we are currently mainly focusing on the discussion in discourse

      Maybe the paragraph from above can be put here?

    18. and especially the forum is an active and very important tool for the development of the community. In“Discourse” we up to now have over150 people involved, which generated more than 550 topics and in total over 3500 posts up to now. Each week we have 3 – 5 new contributors coming in.

      Everything related to the Discourse has nothing to do with the Website, it is a separate service.

      Else we have to talk about the whole Web Services Infrastructure here, if "Website" is understood as the sum of its parts and not as Landing Page.

    19. We conducted 15mmm, mapping month may 2015, which involved partners from more than 9 countries, that mapped around 300 initiatives with our mapping tool. It helped us with user-feedback on the tools, lead to a pivoting in the taxonomy approach and helped to generate new tag-categories for the taxonomy development. It also generated a lot of attention and broadened our networks.

      Was marked for rework, but ignored.

      Is missing references to, at least:

      • Shareable Map Jam - April 2016
      • OSCE days - June 2016
    20. Given the complexity of deploying and maintaining non-core infrastructure, we might start with a very basic and lightweight solution

      This sentence is not mirrored in the pad.

    21. 3

      Let's rework this section for the final report by making use of the methodologies provided.

    22. the results of our first Scrum sprints

      I am wondering why the risks don't mention the threats to the Commoning process which we often documented and discussed.

    23. as agile and leading edge development can be planned in waterfall perspective, but needs to be agile in “nuts-and-bolts”-development.

      This is incomprehensible to me.

    24. To cope with that we follow reduce down to a minimal viable product (MVP), that is just good enough to deliver value and generate expectation towards the next iteration, and by that build in small tangible steps and organic growth to maturity. - Very often organizations fail, as the complexity of the tasks to process is growing much faster thanthe ability of the individuals, and the organizational body to handle that complexity.

      These paragraphs contain assumtions which can be challanged and informed by a shown deeper understanding of network theory.

    25. In the cycle of technological development and it ́s respective funding, there is an upwards-spiral interaction between funding and proof of concept. Each new funding unlocks the potential for a further elaborated proof of concept and maturity, which then enables to leverage further funding for investing in the further advancement, allowing the generation of further funds. That cycle must be completed until a certain maturity is reached, and the viable product turns into running operations. One of the biggest risks is, to not deliver in one iteration of this cyclical proof of concepts stages, which is often connected to the lack of focus or milestones and goals set too far to reach.

      This wants to be reworked for the final report.

    26. s the open source editor system we fork from (uMap) has an active developer community, we will strategize our development to be useful for the whole community and the development of the base editor as well, and engage in the communication streams of the uMap community, which ultimately also enriches the OpenStreetMap community, as uMap is based on OpenStreetMap.

      Split up this sentence in many.

    27. that they perceive as useful in their work, and that usability is a crucial point in order to make editor and platform successful.
    28. filter categories / a taxonomy

      suitable vocabularies

    29. a broad community approach


    30. taxonomies/categories


    31. big topic

      central issue

    32. Even early adopters, that are interesting in engaging in this filed, are not able to get an overview of the mushrooming activities and possibilities.

      That's us.

    33. within any other framework.

      outside of their silo

    34. I am dreaming about

      we are also doing

    35. 1.How many people are affected by the problem? Please describe the European dimension of the problem. Depending on the type of problem you are dealing with, it may be useful to provide additional information concerning the scale of the problem (e.g. size of the area, percentage or number of people affected in the case of environmental protection activities). 2.Has the scale of the problem changed during the reporting period? If possible, please also provide estimates for the likely future development. 3.What social consequences have already occurred, and what costs have been incurred by society as a result? What do you expect to be the consequences and costs if the problem remains unsolved?

      This sounds like a proper impact assessment.

    36. 1.Which specific problem did you intent to solve? The social problem should be described as specifically as possible. If several problems can be identified, they should be prioritized based on importance. 2.Who is affected by the problem? Please describe in detail who is affected by the problem and how so. 3.How has your perception of the problem changed during the reporting period (lessons learned? 4.How has the social problem itself evolved over time? What is the current situation? How will the problem develop in the future if no action is taken? 5.What are the underlying causes of the problem? Please describe interdependencies of different causes.

      Did anyone actually ever read this?

    37. Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, UK, Spain, Switzerland, but also USA, India, Brazil and Mexico

      Mapping of the Mappings plus a spatial mapping of partner organizations, actors and projects.

    38. Network, supporting partners

      All CONFIRMED below seem a bit unneccesary.

    39. Non-funded Project Partnerships

      There are so many more which seem to be hard to remember:

      • Value Flows
      • Encommuns
      • pixelHumain
      • IndieHosters
      • OpenStreetMap France - uMap
      • Leerstandsmelder
      • grünanteil
      • BenE
      • Semeoz
      • Collaborative Software Technology Alliance

      Also see Discourse and https://metamaps.cc/maps/1938

    40. Mariana Curado Malta – Linked Open Data Amy Guy - W3C/IndieWebCamp Ellen Friedman – Commons Silke Helfrich – Commons Giuliana Giorgi - Forum Solidarische Ökonomie Alessa Heuser – Solidarische Ökonomie

      Interesting to watch the silent change of this list.

    41. is


    42. contributing


    43. overall project development as lead partner,


    44. taxonomy-development

      better: community building around taxonomy development

    45. governance structure development


    46. implemented

      better: finalized, as not implemented would be contradictory to currently in programming

    1. But we as an industry are doing a far better job than ever of abiding by code standards and running our work through linters and validators.

      There will be a lot to discover. Mapbox is using a linter to ease the language in documentation, for example.

    2. state regulatory boards

      Which are these in self-organized contexts?

    3. Engineers must answer for their work legally and professionally.

      Interesting to consider in community-supported, federated economies of practice.

    4. civic responsibility
  3. Feb 2016
    1. will import the data of the 26 SSEDAS partners in the next 2 months. The template can also be used by other partners, as it is probably used for the next Shareable MapJam. It is a very helpful tool for offline – mapping events.

      I am challenging this statement, as we did never collectively agree on using CHEST resources to support the SSEDAS process.

      Also the evaluation of the mapping template is not backed by collective appreciation, as it has been created in an enclosed, intransparent process.

    2. he blog and newsletter are not very frequently used

      Let's use positive language here, i.e. blog is updated with essay-like (research) articles, while regular community updates are distributed via our mailing lists.

    3. The map of the maps is currently in an early prototype visualization:

      Here we should strategize how to use the data from the mappings of mappings to create a transformaps overview on TransforMap.co, using our API (see above).

    4. The website, and especially the forum is an active and very important tool for the development of the community. In “discourse” we up to now have over 150 people involved, which generated more than 550 topics and in total over 3500 posts up to now. Each week we have 3 – 5 new contributors coming in.

      Does not belong here.

    5. 04.04.201504.04.2015We conducted 15mmm, mapping month may 2015, which involved partners from more than 9 countries, that mapped around 300 initiatives with our mapping tool. It helped us with user-feedback on the tools and to generate new tag-categories for the taxonomy development. It also generated a lot of attention and broadened our networks.

      This whole paragraph is just wrong, as the Mapping has to happen within the project's timeframe and is - in following the application text - most close to Shareables March Map Jam and the OSCE days during June.

      In May we could link up with OuiShare Fest, too.

    6. ???

      We are looking into several options (dswarm, manual mappings, collaborative ontology editor suites) and evaluate them against our needs.

    7. already got a first prototype http://demo.transformap.co/ running, for which we get good feedback.

      This precurser needs to be seperated from a display frontend we are building to consume the API, i.e. to display the mapping of maps.

    8. For the SSEDAS partners we develop a first Frontend representation to be ready end of April.

      This does not need to be here.

    9. do not follow the earlier approach, but build on another open source editor (Umap)

      We are using the frontend module of a popular collaborative open source web gis (Leaflet.Storage from uMap) and adapt it to our data storage backend.

    10. 17.04.2016

      Let's say end of february instead? It's continuous integration, why there will never be a stable release.

    11. 01.03.2016

      Should be more like end of May 2016.

    12. Due Date*

      Most of these dates are made up, right? Or is there any reference document where these can be derived from?

    13. hael & Gualter your comment here

      In the etherpad I am also mentionned ...

    14. in our online-forum there are several expert-discussions around linked open data going on

      These are side aspects of our networking activity. This deliverable aims at a consciously moderated process.

    15. With the 26 SSEDAS partners we are building a common taxonomy for Social and Solidarity Economy in Europe. The first draft is ready by end of Feb.

      I suppose this does not count as a CHEST deliverable, as the current process doesn't follow our community-oriented, collaborative approach.

    16. We did something like that, right?

      The Federating Civic Data as a fringe event to the final Share-PSI 2.0 workshop could count as such. But only part one of two.

    17. noting any discrepancies against the Project Planand action to recover situation if necessary

      Where is our Project Plan and how do applied mitigation strategies look like?

    18. other dissemination activity

      Constant social media presence, Webinars, networking activities via travels to our partners (Encommuns, p6data), patterns of commoning article from Ellen.

    19. publicity

      Constant networking and mentioning of transformap via our partners within the (extending) network.

      We could show Discourse or Website statistics here.

    20. publications

      Adrien's and Gualter's blog posts most notably.

    21. Describe any management concerns and activities to recover the situation

      This will be interesting to read and should link to the document for our Project Advisors.

    1. Wikidata, in some sense, turns DBpedia around, in that Wikidata is intended to be a data source to populate Wikipedia infoboxes than the other way around.
    2. I read my first books on data mining back in the early 1990's and one thing I read was that "80% of the effort in a data mining project goes into data cleaning."
    1. The convention is to use a field called type to store document types, but many frameworks use other fields, as CouchDB itself doesn’t care which field you use.
    1. Significantly, artistic thinking aspires to develop in the opposite direction. An artistic image works its way from the realist, rational and analytic understanding back towards a mythical and animistic grasp of the world. Science and art, therefore, seem to move past each other in opposite directions along the same continuum. Whereas scientific thought progresses and differentiates, artistic thought seeks to return back to a de-differentiated and experientially singular, oceanic understanding of the world. Artistic imagination seeks expressions that are capable of mediating the entire complexity of human existential experience through singular images. In that sense, art is a perpetual tautology. It keeps repeating one and the same message: the experience of being a human being in this world. The paradoxical task of uniting singularity and universality is achieved through poeticised images that are experienced and lived rather than analyzed and understood. Alvar Aalto points out this paradoxical task and capacity of art: “In every case one must achieve a simultaneous solution of opposites[…] Nearly every design task involves te…, often hundreds, sometimes thousands of different contradictory elements, which are forced into functional harmony only by man’s will. This harmony cannot be achieved by any other means than those of art.”

      eine gegenstrebige Fügung sonder gleicher

  4. Jan 2016
    1. Our objective is to construct an interdisciplinary forum concerned with post-linguistic theories, such as those developed by Deleuze & Guattari, Derrida and Foucault, de-stabilising, de-constructing de-territorialising knowledge in order to re-consider the current civic environment.

      Weren't all these authors from the late 2nd millenium? No news in this regard?

    1. nouveau.modeset=0 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau

      Also works with radeon.modeset=0 respectively.

  5. Dec 2015
    1. close the semantic gap between what’s in the developer’s head and the low level nuts and bolts we have today

      Making users understand its really just nuts and bolts holding their precious applications together can be part of the broader UserOps conversation.

      Refers to:

    2. I hope researchers at universities and industry research labs can rise to the challenge of developing good high level cloud computing models that are portable across multiple clouds.

      Portability will remain a core discussion point between free, open, semi-open and closed implementations. Looking at few recent research projects funded by the European Comission, portability doesn't seem to be a main concern.

    3. No human being should be writing Dockerfiles

      Again; true.

    4. When we are ready we could run something other than a compiler on this code to “synthesize” the actual implementation that should be deployed.

      Why do I have to think of Unikernels?

    5. Instead, we duct tape together individual components made of C++, Javascript, shell, Python, YAML/JSON configuration files and deployment and orchestration infrastructure which morally represent the main.c of our distributed programs.

      So true.

    1. Contrail was a Cloud Federation computing project that ran from 2010-10-01 until 2014-01-31.
    1. In other words, these web mappers are prioritizing certain things–availability, price, ninety degree angles in street grids–over other things, such as relative size of land masses.
    2. Are we to assume that all web mappers want to subjugate foreign people and claim their territories? Probably not.

      Probably implicitly yes? http://www.mapswithoutborders.eu/ and http://radicalcartography.net/ come to mind.

      To note is recent article Seeing Cities.

    3. "tool of imperialists"
    4. Greenland appear to be the same size as Africa
    5. absolute space
    6. Likewise, the era of "open data", "big data" and "open source mapping" has made previously inaccessible spatial datasets (or perhaps only accessible to those within certain, largely governmental, institutions) more widely available, allowing a range of people to come to grips with the geographies (aka map) any number of phenomena.
    7. geotagging
    8. The Internet–and information, more broadly–is always shaped by geography, and in turn shapes geographies. Rather than representing the 'end of geography', the Internet has made geography more important and visible in our everyday lives.
    9. For instance, why are there relatively more tweets referencing zombies in Germany than in France? Is it simply language differences? Or is there a German cultural meme that is conducive to zombies? Or is it population differences such as the presence of US military personnel in Germany who are doing all the zombie tweets? Or perhaps there are simply more zombies in Germany? (Graham, Shelton, and Zook. 2013).
    10. Most

      Counter examples?

    11. the fact that there are underlying geographic patterns at all is interesting
    12. Rather, it was about how maps can help us gain alternative perspectives on the world.
    13. Our aim is to demonstrate the always-existing intersections between our digital and material lives and spaces.
    14. All of that is to say that this essay is the outcome not only of the individuals who wrote it, but also of the places that we have inhabited throughout the process.

      Places as actants.

    15. on the societies, spaces, and places that are being mapped, and from which maps emerge
    16. this essay focuses
    17. We also want to challenge people to think deeply about space, construct maps that demonstrate an awareness of social contexts, and critique these very same maps.
    18. And yes, the fact that it is easier to make stuff up rather than do actual work is another lesson.

      Ideas are cheap.

    1. A spherical or Web Mercator spatial reference system uses mathematical formulas and parameters that are incompatible with and non-compliant to the WGS 84.
    1. There are many other questions. Of course existing systems on the earth may be very much influenced by the geographical reality of a two-dimensional surface. Historical groups have been nested geographically. So though there may be aspects in which community size is scale-free, that maybe a completely different optimisation problem from the one we have when on the Internet anyone can connect to anyone. If you could devise an algorithm for connecting people into groups, and so that they each participated in communities of different sizes in a scale-free way, then how much more effective (at solving problems, etc) can you make a web-based society which ignores geographical borders? To what extent does humanity as currently connected by the web in fact deviate from geographical nesting anyway?
    1. I have some candidates in mind; here’s one I’d put money on — Van Jacobson’s new internet protocol is a really big deal. I realize it sounds like overreach to claim that “Named Data Networking” could be fundamental to addressing climate change — that’s my point — but my thought is, how could it not?

      That's basically what I have been trying to convey since about two years, but it's hard for me to find a suitable language.

  6. Nov 2015
    1. allmende.io provides web services for mutual self-organization it is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. originally inspired by TransforMap graciously hosted by circus homo novus, id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability and Ecobytes
    1. -


    2. Clauses” and “Schedules” are referencing to clauses of, and schedules of, this Agreement; 1.GET ACTIVE obligations

      Maybe you want to insert a TOC here before directly jumping into the Paragraphs.

    3. has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of it


    4. Rainer Tiefenbacher


    5. instalment


    6. GANNT


    7. Transformap

      Can we get TransforMap here?

    8. “writing”

      Should be capitalized as the other terms in this section.

  7. Oct 2015
    1. At the institutional level, there is a similar gap between setting up a Web service and requesting a domain name. For a Web service, all it takes is a phone call, but getting a site-specific DNS record looks like a long bureaucratic fight (I haven't tried yet).

      @gandhiano This is why we need to develop those federated socio-technical amalgrams as many Commons.

  8. Jun 2015
    1. for easily running your own instance!

      This is a lie!

  9. May 2015
  10. Apr 2015
    1. ...

      Remove me!

    2. from marketing

      from a marketing

    3. themes, packaging work

      ... themes/topics, namely packaging work ...

    4. to solicit feedback on the changes
    5. place as

      ... place to solicit feedback on the changes as soon as ...

    6. This part of the roadmap is admittedly incomplete.


    7. so

      , so

    8. This theme is about improving the performance of the web interface.

      Could be italic or a quote respectively.

    9. Simplified UI

      Could also have a

      This topic is about ...


    10. This theme is about improving the startup-time and reducing the RAM usage of Mailpile.

      could be italic

    11. to fully

      to be able to

    12. process written

      process has to be written

    13. point #1

      It's strange this blog post addresses point #2 before point #1 and also names them differently:

      2nd takeaway != point #1

    14. date

      point in time

    15. a


    16. without upgrading


    17. to


    18. ,

      drop this comma

    19. s s

      Put the comma here instead!

    20. Rather than expose half-finished work, for the 1.0 these elements of the UI will be hidden from view.

      Please refactor this sentence for easier readability.

    21. developed

      developed FULL STOP

    22. debugging and provide

      debugging and providing

    23. concept:

      concept are:

    24. in part


    25. Many reports of IMAP bugs were actually configuration problems, which speaks to poor visibility into what the app is doing

      This sentence can be finished with a full stop, too!

    26. The current setup flow is rather long The setup UI for mapping IMAP folders to Mailpile tags is confusing

      Finish full sentences with a full stop dot.

    27. theme

      the word theme could possibly be exchanged by topic/subject throughout the text.

    28. in

      a ?

    29. ,


    30. which will be

      which will still be

    31. be time

      be enought time

    32. then


    33. so we can get it shipped to users and get some feedback on whether it really is an improvement or not.

      Separate sentence.

      Then we can get ...

    34. After that, people will be presented with a "home page" which gives an overview over configured accounts and makes it easy to add another one. Once an account has been added, it should be easy to browse the account's mailboxes (or folders, or tags) and contacts and either just read in place or easily opt in to one of copy/move/sync.

      These sentences need a complete rewrite and are almost ununderstandable.

    35. r c

      ... over the configured ...

    36. that

      these steps (no comma)

    37. I

      the general we would sound much nicer in this context. Also for the whole text a we sound much more profound than just I ... I ... I, because it reflects the crew behind the process.

      Until now it sounds you're the benevolent dictator.

    38. need to move

      May I offer http://ecobytes.net 's services?

    39. doing

      to be done

    40. , GreenQloud,

      no commas here

    41. has actually been built


    42. will never

      can certainly not ?

    43. of


    44. to not

      not to

    45. now

      for several months already?

    46. that


    47. here


    48. that

      that that that

      A lot of that in this text. Also consider using which, whose, this and the likes.

    49. is


    50. ,

      comma before and?

    51. but the top-level tasks all

      but all the top-level tasks

    52. right


    53. ,

      comma before and?

    54. you...

      you ...

    55. fruit.


    56. ,


    57. might be able to accept

      would appreciate to receive help for ?

    58. n m

      n which m

    59. as you read and during the coming months

      during the coming months and as you read through ?

    60. So

      Double use of the word from above. The sentence could be better without.

    61. ..

      Full Stop. New sentence. Much more easy to read, as there is no ambiguity to be introduced by the ... here.

      The second sentence could start with "It turns out..."

    62. if you are just looking for the weekly status summary you may want to skip to the bottom

      Maybe better refer to the seperate Weekly Status Update post as of https://hypothes.is/a/iT1yW_1TSyGDRQv7wPUyIA ?

    63. ..

      Maybe a little less informal introduction, only one point and a line break here?

    64. Weekly Status Update

      I would remove this from the Roadmap post and extract it into a seperate one.

    1. If you have entered any ethics issues in the ethical issue table in the administrative proposal forms , you must : • s ubmit an ethics self - assessment, which: o d escribe s how the proposal meets the national legal and ethical requirements of the country or countries where the tasks raising ethical iss ues are to be carried out; o e xplain s in detail how you intend to address the issues in the ethical issues table, in particular as regard s
  11. Mar 2015
    1. und Etherpad-Sessions stellte

      Ich habe mir auch hier erlaubt ein paar Kommentare anzufügen.

      Dies geschah auch mit Hypothes.is, jedoch via des PDF Exports, da andernfalls, weder auf live noch read-only Pads, die Kommentieroberfläche nicht geladen wurde.

    2. Ist es vielleicht sinnvoller, von der “Plattformgesellschaft” anstelle von der “Netzwerkgesellschaft” zu sprechen?

      Es erscheint mir schwierig eine topologische Eigenheit von Netzwerk/-en als hinreichend strukturierenden Prozess des-/derselben aufzufassen.

      Vielmehr böte es sich doch an die Partikularität und Atomisierung, welche von den beständigen Strömen zusammengehalten werden, zu betonen und danach zu fragen wie sich daraus eine Prozesshaftigkeit kollektiver Intentionalität ableiten ließe.
