- Oct 2022
abinoda.substack.com abinoda.substack.com
On “good” days, developers spend more time developing and less time collaborating
russ-hyde.rbind.io russ-hyde.rbind.io
Speaking from my (R-biased) viewpoint, conda has posed some problems as well:
List of problems while using
innerjoin.bit.io innerjoin.bit.io
You can unknowingly be sending your critical database traffic in the clear because your client uses a default of allow or disable while the server you’re connecting to does, in fact, support SSL.
You can unknowingly be sending your critical database traffic in the clear because your client uses a default of prefer, allow or disable and the server you’re connecting to does not support SSL.
What Should I Do?
Advices to set
encryption for: - developers - PostgreSQL server maintainers - users - PostgreSQL tool makers - PostgreSQL creators -
Many popular SQL clients do not use SSL by default. If you aren’t deliberate about choosing encryption, the connection will be unencrypted.
Table with SQL clients and their default SSL mode:
SSL is disabled by default in jdbc, npgsql, node-postgres, and pgx.
Table with programming libraires and their default SSL mode:
There are a lot of PostgreSQL servers connected to the Internet: we searched shodan.io and obtained a sample of more than 820,000 PostgreSQL servers connected to the Internet between September 1 and September 29. Only 36% of the servers examined had SSL certificates. More than 523,000 PostgreSQL servers listening on the Internet did not use SSL (64%)
At most 15% of the approximately 820,000 PostgreSQL servers listening on the Internet require encryption. In fact, only 36% even support encryption. This puts PostgreSQL servers well behind the rest of the Internet in terms of security. In comparison, according to Google, over 96% of page loads in Chrome on a Mac are encrypted. The top 100 websites support encryption, and 97 of those default to encryption.
saveall.al saveall.alSave All6
new technologies leveraging techniques like spaced repetition mean it's much easier to remember what you learn
Such as Anki
In 2019 the UK school inspection body Ofsted went further than this and changed their definition of ”learning” itself to “an alteration in long-term memory”.
learning = alteration in long-term memory
to get faster at learning you must get more efficient at moving things into your long-term memory, i.e. stop forgetting things you learn. The less you forget the more you'll understand and the faster you'll learn.
To learn more than 4 new concepts we must move some of them into our long-term memory before learning the rest.
You can only understand something new if understanding it requires combining less than 4 new pieces of information.
our working memory has a maximum capacity of roughly 4. When reading about quantum mechanics we encounter new Concept 1 and store it in our working memory. Then when learning about Concept 1 we encounter Concepts 2, 3, and 4 and our working memory becomes full. We then cannot understand Concept 5.
Our memory is unable to hold 5 new concepts
transferring data across Availability zones within the same region is also a good way to save money
1) data transferring tip on AWS
When you use a private IP address, you are charged less when compared to a public IP address or Elastic IP address.
2) data transferring tip on AWS
But when you transfer data from one Amazon region to another, AWS charges you for that. It depends on the AWS region you are and this is the real deciding factor. For example, if you are in the US West(Oregon) region, you have to shell out $0.080/GB whereas in Asia Pacific (Seoul) region it bumps up to $0.135/GB.
Transferring data in AWS within separate regions is quite costly
When you transfer data between Amazon EC2, Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS, Amazon Network Interfaces, and Amazon Elasticache, you have to pay zero charges if they are within the same Availability Zone.
Transferring data in AWS within the same AZ is free
When you transfer data from the internet to AWS, it is free of charge. AWS services like EC2 instances, S3 storage, or RDS instances, when you transfer data from the Internet into these you don’t have to pay any charge for it. However, if you transfer data using Elastic IPv4 address or peered VPC using an IPv6 address you will be charged $0.01/gb whenever you transfer data into an EC2 instance. The real catch is when you transfer data out of any of the AWS services. This is where AWS charges you money depending on the area you have chosen and the amount of data you are transferring. Some regions have higher charges than others.
Data transfer costs on AWS
levelup.gitconnected.com levelup.gitconnected.com
Building machines and running downscaled tests is my late-night hobby.
Interesting hobby :)
We use Javascript everywhere, since we solve the “issues” caused by Javascript rendering we want to build as much expertise as possible in this field. But for the other parts, we are taking advantage of CloudFlare’s distributed system for fast response and global scalability. While our uptime guarantees are supported by Digital Ocean’s cloud platform. We also use a myriad of other SaaS providers to maximize our effectiveness.
Stack of Prerender: - Javascript - CloudFlare - Digital Ocean - SaaS providers
we made sure to implement fail safes at each stage of the migration to make sure we could fall back if something were to go wrong. It’s also why we tested on a small scale before proceeding with the rest of the migration.
While planning a big migration, make sure to have a fall back plan
We mirrored PostgreSQL shards storing cached_urls tables in CassandraWe switched service.prerender.io to Cloudflare load balancer to allow dynamic traffic distributionWe set up new EU private-recache serversWe keep performing stress tests to solve any performance issues
Steps of phase 3 migration
“The true hidden price for AWS is coming from the traffic cost, they sell a reasonably priced storage, and it’s even free to upload it. But when you get it out, you pay an enormous cost.
AWS may be reasonably price, but moving data out will cost a lot (e.g. $0.080/GB in the US West, or $0.135/GB in the Asia Pacific)!
In the last four weeks, we moved most of the cache workload from AWS S3 to our own Cassandra cluster.
Moving from AWS s3 to an own Cassandra cluster
After testing whether Prerender pages could be cached in both S3 and minio, we slowly diverted traffic away from AWS S3 and towards minio.
Moving from AWS S3 towards minio
Phase 1 mostly involved setting up the bare metal servers and testing the migration on a small and more manageable setting before scaling. This phase required minimal software adaptation, which we decided to run on KVM virtualization on Linux.
Migration from AWS to on-prem started by: - setting bare metal servers - testing - adapting software to run on KVM virtualization on Linux
The solution? Migrate the cached pages and traffic onto Prerender’s own internal servers and cut our reliance on AWS as quickly as possible.
When the Prerender team moved from AWS to on-prem, they have cut the cost from $1,000,000 to $200,000, for the data storage and traffic cost
world.hey.com world.hey.com
After almost 10 years of remote work, it would be close to impossible for me to go back to an office.
- Sep 2022
On the internet today, it seems like it’s more common to use “absolute” domain names (like example.com).
Relative domain names are not as common these days.
The technical term for “THIS IS THE WHOLE THING” is “fully qualified domain name” or “FQDN”. So google.com. is a fully qualified domain name, and google.com isn’t.
Example of FQDN
So because domain names can actually be translated to something else in some cases, people like to put a "." at the end to communicate “THIS IS THE DOMAIN NAME, NOTHING GETS ADDED AT THE END, THIS IS THE WHOLE THING”.
Reason why one may put a
at the end of an address -
zone files require a trailing dot at the end of a domain name (because otherwise they’re interpreted as being relative to the zone).
a fully qualified domain name is a domain with a “.” at the end!
staysaasy.com staysaasy.com
If you work at a software company, there are some pretty common categories of work that people often avoid, including
(see a list of activities below this annotation)
Whenever people ask me for advice on career growth, I share what has worked reasonably well for me: find a growth company, one that really needs you to get work done, and then tackle the unpleasant work that everyone avoids.
That’s why it was such a life-changing event for me when I found Dash in 2012.
Offline docs: - macOS: Dash ($30) - Windows/Linux: Zeal (free) - Windows: [Velocity] (https://velocity.silverlakesoftware.com/) ($20) - Web: DevDocs
This is not "noise"
2 advantages of communicating on group channels instead of using DMs
www.zerobanana.com www.zerobanana.com
Imagine for a moment that, by some quirk of the universe, you are sharing your workspace with a time traveller. Specifically, yourself from 1 year in the future. How will you react to your new co-worker?
That imagination makes one to ponder for a pretty good time :)
pythonspeed.com pythonspeed.com
Mamba installs these packages in only a third of the time that Conda does. Much of that is due to less CPU usage, but even network downloads seem to be little faster; Mamba uses parallel downloads to speed them up.
Mamba is a lot faster than Conda
pythonspeed.com pythonspeed.com
So which should you use, pip or Conda? For general Python computing, pip and PyPI are usually fine, and the surrounding tooling tends to be better. For data science or scientific computing, however, Conda’s ability to package third-party libraries, and the centralized infrastructure provided by Conda-Forge, means setup of complex packages will often be easier.
From my experience, I would use Mambaforge or pyenv and Poetry.
www.driverlesscrocodile.com www.driverlesscrocodile.com
My first recommendation would be fiction. Reading fiction is important to understand the cross-sectional variation in humanity, to understand how difficult generalisations can be, to just get a sense of how different social pieces fit together, and to get a sense of different historical eras – and plus, reading fiction is often just plain flat-out fun.
Why reading fiction is important
quick-answers.kronis.dev quick-answers.kronis.dev
Quicker And More Useful Communication
Great example of asking precise questions
scanbot.io scanbot.io
The different barcode types can be categorized as one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D). While one-dimensional barcodes consist only of lines and are usually scanned horizontally with laser scanners, two-dimensional codes make use of vertical space as well and can only be scanned with devices that contain a camera, such as imager scanners or smartphones.
Aparently, there a lot of barcode types
martinheinz.dev martinheinz.dev
# "func" called 3 times result = [func(x), func(x)**2, func(x)**3] # Reuse result of "func" without splitting the code into multiple lines result = [y := func(x), y**2, y**3]
Smart example of using the walrus operator
- Aug 2022
axbom.com axbom.com
First of all, the map does a much better job at preserving the relative size and area of land and water masses, while reducing shape distortion. It is also designed to avoid dead ends, allowing the spherical nature of the world to be visualised by simply expanding the map in any direction.
Authagraph map - granted, this map is still not perfect (it's still not a globe) but remains one of the best attempts yet at representing the world in flat, two dimensions.
endtimes.dev endtimes.dev
Most web servers TCP slow start algorithm starts by sending 10 TCP packets. The maximum size of a TCP packet is 1500 bytes.
10 * 1460 bytes = 14 kb.
If your website is under 14 kb, it can load around 612 ms faster than 15 kb.
Second-order thinking is more deliberate. It is thinking in terms of interactions and time, understanding that despite our intentions our interventions often cause harm. Second order thinkers ask themselves the question “And then what?” This means thinking about the consequences of repeatedly eating a chocolate bar when you are hungry and using that to inform your decision. If you do this you’re more likely to eat something healthy.
Second-order thinking
medium.com medium.com
Mob requires good communication skills. There is no space for passive-aggressiveness; or arrogance. If You want to show You are better than Your colleagues, You aren’t a candidate for Mob.
Main requirement of effective mob programming
fractionalciso.com fractionalciso.com
Even though Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers all store passwords in encrypted databases, by default all three products intentionally leave the associated encryption keys completely unprotected in predictable locations.
That's why one should use an external app to store passwords, instead of leaving them in a browser
deephaven.io deephaven.io
Blog posts with images get 2.3x more engagement.
Preview: quick before and after
Check out the
section to see how much better the blog post images are when generated by DALL·E 2 for $45
jakobgreenfeld.com jakobgreenfeld.com
If I’m not able to write down any specific experiments, I know the book, video, podcast, article, or thread is just fluff and I should stop reading, listening, watching as soon as possible. This is an incredibly useful tool. Many authors and speakers are extremely skilled at creating the illusion of powerful insights through engaging stories, fortune cookie wisdom, and the use of sophisticated language.
Major tip for consuming non-fiction
kevin.burke.dev kevin.burke.dev
Instead, they keep a Thing Table and a Data Table. Everything in Reddit is a Thing: users, links, comments, subreddits, awards, etc. Things keep common attribute like up/down votes, a type, and creation date. The Data table has three columns: thing id, key, value. There’s a row for every attribute. There’s a row for title, url, author, spam votes, etc. When they add new features they didn’t have to worry about the database anymore. They didn’t have to add new tables for new things or worry about upgrades. Easier for development, deployment, maintenance.
Reddit uses only 2 tables, with the cost of not being able to use cool relational features
Schema updates are very slow when you get bigger. Adding a column to 10 million rows takes locks and doesn’t work. They used replication for backup and for scaling. Schema updates and maintaining replication is a pain.
Schema updates and replications are not easy to handle
metaphysic.ai metaphysic.ai
To Uncover a Deepfake Video Call, Ask the Caller to Turn Sideways
misc.l3m.in misc.l3m.in
When I find a "get X free" button on a website that then asks for my email address, I like to search for the email of the company behind the website (sometimes it's on the legal page, or the privacy policy page) and I submit their email. I also make sure to check the "sign me up for the newsletter" box, to make sure the spammers get at least one of their messages. I don't really know why I do this, it seemed funny a few months ago when I started and now I do it out of habit. I now keep a list of emails from these spam sites, and subscribe them all to the various newsletters I find if I have 5 minutes.
A little trick to spam the spammers :D
ergo.human.cornell.edu ergo.human.cornell.edu
Sit to do computer work. Sit using a height-adjustable, downward titling keyboard tray for the best work posture, then every 20 minutes stand for 8 minutes AND MOVE for 2 minutes. The absolute time isn’t critical but about every 20-30 minutes take a posture break and stand and move for a couple of minutes. Simply standing is insufficient. Movement is important to get blood circulation through the muscles. And movement is FREE! Research shows that you don’t need to do vigorous exercise (e.g. jumping jacks) to get the benefits, just walking around is sufficient. So build in a pattern of creating greater movement variety in the workplace (e.g. walk to a printer, water fountain, stand for a meeting, take the stairs, walk around the floor, park a bit further away from the building each day).
Bottom line: don't just sit or stand at work, but simply change your position often
- Jul 2022
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
9 evidence-based common denominators among the world’s centenarians that are believed to slow this aging process.
List of 9 habits that will make you live longer (see text below)
snarky.ca snarky.ca
when you use python -m pip with python being the specific interpreter you want to use, all of the above ambiguity is gone. If I say python3.8 -m pip then I know pip will be using and installing for my Python 3.8 interpreter (same goes for if I had said python3.7).
It's better to use python -m pip over pip / pip3 to be sure for which Python version we're installing the dependencies.
However, it's not necessary when using environments.
And if you're on Windows there is an added benefit to using python -m pip as it lets pip update itself. Basically because pip.exe is considered running when you do pip install --upgrade pip, Windows won't let you overwrite pip.exe. But if you do python -m pip install --upgrade pip you avoid that issue as it's python.exe that's running, not pip.exe.
If you would like to update pip on Windows, use python -m pip install --upgrade pip
commoncog.com commoncog.com
The only thing that works is to remove yourself from the environment that is causing burnout, and then taking the time off to recover.
The only way to prevent burnout
When you see a job post mentioning REST or a company discussing REST Guidelines they will rarely mention either hypertext or hypermedia: they will instead mention JSON, GraphQL(!) and the like.
martinheinz.dev martinheinz.dev
It’s time to say goodbye to distutils package and switch to setuptools.
Use setuptools over distutils
as soon as you switch to Python 3.11, you should get into habit of using import tomllib instead of import tomli
It's fine to use print if you're debugging an issue locally, but for any production-ready program that will run without user intervention, proper logging is a must.
In production, use logging instead of print
Finally, if you don’t use either namedtuple nor dataclasses you might want to consider going straight to Pydantic.
Pydantic: https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/
You might be wondering why would you need to replace namedtuple? So, these are some reasons why you should consider switching to dataclasses
There are a number of reasons why to prefer dataclasses over namedtuple
Using zoneinfo however has one caveat - it assumes that there's time zone data available on the system, which is the case on UNIX systems. If your system doesn't have timezone data though, then you should use tzdata package which is a first-party library maintained by the CPython core developers, which contains IANA time zone database.
One caveat of zoneinfo
Until Python 3.9, there wasn’t builtin library for timezone manipulation, so everyone was using pytz, but now we have zoneinfo in standard library, so it's time to switch!
Prefer zoneinfo over pytz from Python 3.9
As per docs, random module should not be used for security purposes. You should use either secrets or os.urandom, but the secrets module is definitely preferable, considering that it's newer and includes some utility/convenience methods for hexadecimal tokens as well as URL safe tokens.
Prefer secrets module over os.urandom
pathlib has however many advantages over old os.path - while os module represents paths in raw string format, pathlib uses object-oriented style, which makes it more readable and natural to write
pathlib is the newer os.path with an inclusion of glob.glob
Mappings: https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#correspondence-to-tools-in-the-os-module
More about pathlib: https://treyhunner.com/2018/12/why-you-should-be-using-pathlib/
jerrynsh.com jerrynsh.com
If you need to store duplicates, go for List or Tuple.For List vs. Tuple, if you do not intend to mutate, go for Tuple.If you do not need to store duplicates, always go for Set or Dictionary. Hash maps are significantly faster when it comes to determining if an object is present in the Set (e.g. x in set_or_dict).
Python list vs tuple vs set
www.cybertec-postgresql.com www.cybertec-postgresql.com
How does PostgreSQL access a column? It will fetch the row and then dissect this tuple to calculate the position of the desired column inside the row. So if we want to access column #1000 it means that we have to figure out how long those first 999 columns before our chosen one really are. This can be quite complex. For integer we simply have to add 4, but in case of varchar, the operation turns into something really expensive.
Column order matters in PostgreSQL. The time to read 1000th column can be pretty large, especially if there are varchar columns before that.
blog.jgc.org blog.jgc.org
WiFi QR code is simply a text QR code with a special format as follows:WIFI:S:<SSID>;T:<WEP|WPA|blank>;P:<PASSWORD>;H:<true|false|blank>;;The S sets the SSID of the network, T defines the security in use, P is the password and H whether the network is hidden or not.
WiFi QR code format
scribe.rip scribe.rip
If your laptop is extremely old then I would recommend Puppy Linux.If your laptop isn’t very old but doesn’t perform very well I would recommend AntiX.If your laptop is a little old but still can’t handle Windows 7/10 very well I would recommend Lubuntu.
3 OS recommendations for old laptops: 1. Puppy Linux 2. AntiX 3. Lubuntu
www.phpied.com www.phpied.com
In the functions.php of your WordPress theme add:
Same solution but in PHP
php function hints() { header("link: </wp-content/themes/phpied2/style.css>; rel=preload, </wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=5.4.1>; rel=preload"); } add_action('send_headers', 'hints');
We can. I cannot because the shared Dreamhost hosting doesn't let me edit Apache config beyond .htaccess. But if you have access to the server or virtual host config, see here. Basically all you need to do in addition to what we did in .htaccess is to add: H2EarlyHints on
Even better solution with:
H2EarlyHints on
What I describe here is a one-off thing for demonstration. As you can probably guess by the "5.4.1", when you upgrade WordPress or change themes, you might need to change the URLs of the preloaded CSS in the .htaccess.
Currently there may be no plugin to do it automatically
And immediately after it, the 2 CSS downloads begin. What we want to do is move the CSS downloads to the left, so all rendering starts (and finishes!) sooner. So all you do it take the URLs of these two files and add them to .htaccess with H2PushResource in front. For me that means the URL to my custom theme's CSS /wp-content/themes/phpied2/style.css as well as some WordPress CSS stuff. While I was there I also added a JavaScript file which is loaded later. Why now start early? So the end result is:
WordPress tip to start loading some CSS and JS files earlier.
Sample code to add to
:H2PushResource /wp-content/themes/phpied2/style.css H2PushResource /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=5.4.1 H2PushResource /wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.4.1
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
If you’ve ever felt that you can’t focus on a task when you’re hungry — or that all you can think about is food — the neural evidence backs you up. Work from a few years ago confirmed that short-term hunger can change neural processing and bias our attention in ways that may help us find food faster.
slite.com slite.com
They are:doers: self-motivated or intrinsically driven to achieve and learndrivers: proactive and decisive; don't wait for orderspromoters: passionate and excited to share what they create for their own benefit and the benefit of others
3 abilities of great async workers
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Review: a formal assessment or examination of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary.
(comment with good examples of code review comments)
dkb.show dkb.show
On top of that, there’s one thing you can do to extend your life. By studying the philosophies of those who came before you, you absorb their experiences. Every philosophy book you read, you’re adding the author’s lifespan to yours. There’s no better way to spend your time than studying philosophy.13
What I was trying to say before was just because someone’s always busy, and lives to an old age, doesn’t mean they’ve lived long. They’ve just existed long.
I’m not saying you should lay down on the beach all day. I’m saying you should find something that’s enjoyable to you, and valuable for the world.10 You should live your life intentionally, instead of having your time stolen from you little by little.
Even with all that, he was looking forward to the day that he could step down and retire from it all. The man with all the power in the world was happiest when he thought about the day he could let go of all the power.8 How foolish is it to spend your life chasing fame, riches, and power, while being unhappy the entire time, even after you achieve it?
The most surprising thing is that you wouldn’t let anyone steal your property, but you consistently let people steal your time, which is infinitely more valuable.2
apple.stackexchange.com apple.stackexchange.com
sudo killall coreaudiod
Disable flashing screen on specific sounds, even while pressing
in a Python terminal and hitting the left end.
- Jun 2022
blog.driftingruby.com blog.driftingruby.com
This is a neat Docker trick for those who have an ARM development machine (Apple M1), but sometimes need to build x86/amd64 images locally to push up to a registry.
Since Apple M1 is based on the ARM architecture, it is still possible to build images based on Linux x86/amd64 architecture using docker buildx:
docker buildx build -f Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 .
However, building such images can be really slow, so we can create a builder profile (see the paragraphs below / my other annotation to this article).
So, we can create this builder on our local machine. The nice part about this creation is that it is idempotent, so you can run this command many times without changing the result. All we have to do is to create a builder profile and in this case I have named it amd64_builder.
Example of creating a Docker buildx builder profile on the Apple M1 machine. This will allow for around 10x faster builds on the amd64 architecture pushed to a registry, than on the amd64 emulation on the M1 chip.
www.facet.net www.facet.net
sum(1 to n) = n(n + 1) / 2
docs.python.org docs.python.org
Python 3.11 is up to 10-60% faster than Python 3.10. On average, we measured a 1.25x speedup on the standard benchmark suite. See Faster CPython for details.
On the speed of Python 3.11
dx.tips dx.tips
But to my knowledge, this is the first time anyone has collected public info about Bigco dev environments in one place
Examples of big companies moving to development in the cloud
Git also has a built-in command (maintenance) to optimize a repository’s data, speeding up commands and reducing disk space. This isn’t enabled by default, so we register it with a schedule for daily and hourly routines.
git maintenance
On a new clone of the Canva monorepo, git status takes 10 seconds on average while git fetch can take anywhere from 15 seconds to minutes due to the number of changes merged by engineers.
Over the last 10 years, the code base has grown from a few thousand lines to just under 60 million lines of code in 2022. Every week, hundreds of engineers work across half a million files generating close to a million lines of change (including generated files), tens of thousands of commits, and merging thousands of pull requests.
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
The perpetrator in question was completing an internship and committed code into the Windows 3.1 code base that was a little prank for the test team: Under a very specific error condition, it changed the index finger pointer to a middle finger.
Funny/rude prank in Windows 3.1
23.0G com.txt # 23 gigs uncompressed
23 GB txt file <--- list of all the existing .com domains
What makes you unique is not your specific attributes. It’s your specific ties to the network around you.
Becoming disentangled from your web of mutual commitments, shared history, and collective responsibility is to be rendered into a transaction, a slave.
Real friendships don’t form via shared interests. They form via shared context.
refactoring.fm refactoring.fm
In a Staging workflow, releases are slower because of more steps, and bigger because of batching.
For Staging to be useful, it has to catch a special kind of issues that 1) would happen in production, but 2) wouldn’t happen on a developer's laptop.What are these? They might be problems with data migrations, database load and queries, and other infra-related problems.
How "Staging" environment can be useful
blog.zenml.io blog.zenml.io
Another disadvantage of managed platforms is that they are inflexible and slow to change. They might provide 80% of the functionality we require, but it is often the case that the missing 20% provides functionality that is mission critical for machine learning projects. The closed design and architecture of managed platforms makes it difficult to make even the most trivial changes. To compensate for this lack of flexibility, we often have to design custom, inefficient and hard-to-maintain mechanisms that add technical debt to the project.
Main disadvantage of managed MLOps platforms
- May 2022
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
As you've probably already guessed, we've decided to replace the current Web IDE with one built on top of VS Code. In the coming milestones, we will build out custom support for the features not already available in the VS Code core, and validate that the workflows you already depend on in the Web IDE are handled in the new experience. We're working with the team that builds our amazing GitLab Workflow extension for VS Code to make it available in the browser so we can bundle it in the Web IDE, and bring all those great features along for the ride. That includes bringing merge request comments into the Web IDE for the first time ever!
GitLab is planning to onboard VS Code web IDE
blog.container-solutions.com blog.container-solutions.com
A normal Makefile for building projects with Docker would look more or less like this:
Sample of a Makefile for building and tagging Docker images
One of the main benefits from tagging your container images with the corresponding commit hash is that it's easy to trace back who a specific point in time, know how the application looked and behaved like for that specifc point in history and most importantly, blame the people that broke the application ;)
Why tagging Docker images with SHA is useful
www.docker.com www.docker.com
Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) is analogous to a packing list for a shipment; it’s all the components that make up the software, or were used to build it. For container images, this includes the operating system packages that are installed (e.g.: ca-certificates) along with language specific packages that the software depends on (e.g.: log4j). The SBOM could include only some of this information or even more details, like the versions of components and where they came from.
Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM)
Included in Docker Desktop 4.7.0 is a new, experimental docker sbom CLI command that displays the SBOM (Software Bill Of Materials) of any Docker image.
New docker sbom CLI command
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
With every generation of computing comes a dominant new software or hardware stack that sweeps away the competition and catapults a fledgling technology into the mainstream.I call it the Canonical Stack (CS).Think the WinTel dynasty in the 80s and 90s, with Microsoft on 95% of all PCs with “Intel inside.” Think LAMP and MEAN stack. Think Amazon’s S3 becoming a near universal API for storage. Think of Kubernetes and Docker for cloud orchestration.
Explanation of Canonical Stack (CS)
blog.shimin.io blog.shimin.io
By offering to have a real-time technical discussion, you are reframing the code review process away from an 'instructor correcting student' dynamic and into a 'colleagues working together' mindset.
blog.shimin.io blog.shimin.io
if you are on the job market looking for a team that cares more about being agile than going through the motions to look agile, ask these questions
- "Tell me about the last time you refactored a module or class."
- "Tell me about the last piece of user feedback that became a feature."
- "Tell me about the last feature of yours that got dropped."
Level 5: Stop the line. The highest level of code review comments. Borrowing the term from Toyota's manufacturing process this is when the code reviewer noticed something in the PR that signals a major defect.
Stop the line - 5th type of MR comments
Level 4: Infringement. This is where things get more serious, note that infringement means rules were broken. In this context, rules can mean a number of things, from the more obvious feature spec and framework rules to things like style guides and coding principles.
Infringement - 4th type of MR comments
Level 3: Suggestions. These can also be thought of as recommendations and alternatives.
Suggestions - 3rd type of MR comments
Level 2: Nitpicks. Usually, comments about grammar errors and minor stylistic issues/typos go there. The solution to the nitpicks is usually very obvious and if the solution is opinionated, the opinion is not strongly held. Naming a method foobarGenerator vs foobarFactory goes in here, and nitpick comments often start with Nitpick:.
Nitpicks - 2nd type of MR comments
Level 1: Clarifications. I also think of these as sanity checks, I may even start the comment with something like I may be completely off the base here... or Just to sanity check...
Clarifications - 1st type of MR comments
blog.shimin.io blog.shimin.io
Each developer on average wastes 30 minutes before and after the meeting to context switch and the time is otherwise non-value adding. (See this study for the cost of context switching).
earthly.dev earthly.dev
Overall, if speed is your primary concern and you’re on a budget, then Circle CI is the clear choice. If you’re not looking to run a ton of builds each month and your code is already in Github, then Github Actions can offer similar performance with the added convenience of having everything under one service. Even though we liked Travis better, our main criteria was value, and since you can’t use Travis for free after the first month, GitLab was able to grab the third slot, despite it being weaker in almost every other category.
4 CI free tier comparison: * Quality of Documentation * Compute Power * Available Disk Space * Free Build Minutes * Speed and Performance
www.scottkennedy.us www.scottkennedy.us
Somebody once described balance to me as three buckets filled with water. One for career, a second for physical health, and a third for social and family life. At any point, one bucket might be running low. But as long as the overall water level is high enough, things should be fine.
Balance represented by 3 buckets
dev.to dev.to
html[theme='dark-mode'] { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); }
Ultimate CSS to turn on dark mode
thepythoncorner.com thepythoncorner.com
Pyenv works by adding a special directory called shims in front of your PATH environment variable
How pyenv works
If you are on Linux, you can simply download it from GitHub but the most convenient way is to use the pyenv-installer that is a simple script that will install it automatically on your distro, whatever it is, in the easiest possible way.
Installing pyenv on Linux
sarusso.github.io sarusso.github.io
As of today, the Docker Engine is to be intended as an open source software for Linux, while Docker Desktop is to be intended as the freemium product of the Docker, Inc. company for Mac and Windows platforms. From Docker's product page: "Docker Desktop includes Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Build/BuildKit, Docker Compose, Docker Content Trust, Kubernetes, Docker Scan, and Credential Helper".
About Docker Engine and Docker Desktop
The diagram below tries to summarise the situation as of today, and most importantly to clarify the relationships between the various moving parts.
Containers (the backend):
www.heinrichhartmann.com www.heinrichhartmann.com
If you want your voice to be heard (and also improve the usability of your text) you have to design your document for “skim-ability”. You do this by providing anchor points that allow the user to gauge the content without actually reading it. You want the outline and key arguments to keep standing out in the final version of the document.
This is why I like using bullet points
When writing an article, I generally visualize a concrete person as representative of the audience, that I am directing this text towards.
I also tend to write to my old self
Writing is generally a great way to learn, but one has to realize that you are doing it. Learning is a slow process and requires patience. It is not helped much by agonizing in front of a screen, trying to squeeze out another sentence. Doing more research on the topic by reading a book, blog or paper and taking notes may be a better time investment.
Writing is a great learning method
The realization that you don’t have the complete message in your head, will often only become apparent while writing. This surfaces as inability to find a good punch-line or to express yourself clearly. In fact, writing is a great test to see if you have a good understanding of a topic, and have a firm grasp on the vocabulary of the domain.
johnpublic.mataroa.blog johnpublic.mataroa.blog
an asshole test. You see who turns into an asshole under pressure and they don't make it to the next round".
Asshole test: 60 minutes, 8 people, no right answer, but checking who turns into an asshole under pressure
www.nngroup.com www.nngroup.com
A 20-year age difference (for example, from 20 to 40, or from 30 to 50 years old) will, on average, correspond to reading 30 WPM slower, meaning that a 50-year old user will need about 11% more time than a 30-year old user to read the same text.
Users’ age had a strong impact on their reading speed, which dropped by 1.5 WPM for each year of age.
Stop using TODO for everything in your comments that requires you to do something later.
Possible alternatives of TODO: * FIXME - something is broken * HACK/OPTIMIZE - the code is suboptimal and should be refactored * BUG - there is a bug in the code * CHECKME/REVIEW - the code needs to be reviewed * DOCME - the code needs to be documented (either in codebase or external documentation) * TESTME - the specified code needs to be tested or that tests need to be written for that selection of code
Create the new empty table Write to both old and new table Copy data (in chunks) from old to new Validate consistency Switch reads to new table Stop writes to the old table Cleanup old table
7 steps required while migrating to a new table
Without accounting for what we install or add inside, the base python:3.8.6-buster weighs 882MB vs 113MB for the slim version. Of course it's at the expense of many tools such as build toolchains3 but you probably don't need them in your production image.4 Your ops teams should be happier with these lighter images: less attack surface, less code that can break, less transfer time, less disk space used, ... And our Dockerfile is still readable so it should be easy to maintain.
See sample Dockerfile above this annotation (below there is a version tweaked even further)
scratch is a special empty image with no operating system.
FROM scratch
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Overall, having spent a significant amount of time building this project, scaling it up to the size it’s at now, as well as analysing the data, the main conclusion is that it is not worth building your own solution, and investing this much time. When I first started building this project 3 years ago, I expected to learn way more surprising and interesting facts. There were some, and it’s super interesting to look through those graphs, however retrospectively, it did not justify the hundreds of hours I invested in this project.I’ll likely continue tracking my mood, as well as a few other key metrics, however will significantly reduce the amount of time I invest in it.
Words of the author of https://krausefx.com//blog/how-i-put-my-whole-life-into-a-single-database
It seems as if excessive personal data tracking is not worth it
howisfelix.today howisfelix.today
45% less time spent in video & audio calls that day
I can relate with the author. Spending time in a high number of video/audio calls can drastically decrease my mood
cbea.ms cbea.ms
A properly formed Git commit subject line should always be able to complete the following sentence:If applied, this commit will your subject line hereFor example:If applied, this commit will refactor subsystem X for readability
An example how to always aim for imperative commits
Git itself uses the imperative whenever it creates a commit on your behalf.For example, the default message created when using git merge reads:Merge branch 'myfeature'
Using imperative mood in subject line of git commits
Commit messages with bodies are not so easy to write with the -m option. You’re better off writing the message in a proper text editor.
I've tested it on Windows, and in PowerShell or Git Bash it is as simple as:
```console git commit -m "Subject line<ENTER>
body line 1 body line 2"<ENTER> ```
However, it does not work in CMD.exe (pressing [ENTER] will not move to the next line)
Firstly, not every commit requires both a subject and a body. Sometimes a single line is fine, especially when the change is so simple that no further context is necessary.
Not every commit requires a body part
Summarize changes in around 50 characters or less More detailed explanatory text, if necessary. Wrap it to about 72 characters or so. In some contexts, the first line is treated as the subject of the commit and the rest of the text as the body. The blank line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit the body entirely); various tools like `log`, `shortlog` and `rebase` can get confused if you run the two together. Explain the problem that this commit is solving. Focus on why you are making this change as opposed to how (the code explains that). Are there side effects or other unintuitive consequences of this change? Here's the place to explain them. Further paragraphs come after blank lines. - Bullet points are okay, too - Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, preceded by a single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions vary here If you use an issue tracker, put references to them at the bottom, like this: Resolves: #123 See also: #456, #789
Example of a great commit message
Separate subject from body with a blank lineLimit the subject line to 50 charactersCapitalize the subject lineDo not end the subject line with a periodUse the imperative mood in the subject lineWrap the body at 72 charactersUse the body to explain what and why vs. how
7 rules of great commit messages
What may be a hassle at first soon becomes habit, and eventually a source of pride and productivity for all involved.
Commit messages can do exactly that and as a result, a commit message shows whether a developer is a good collaborator.
A diff will tell you what changed, but only the commit message can properly tell you why.
Commit messages are important
Look at Spring Boot, or any repository managed by Tim Pope.
2 great examples of clean commits: * https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/commits/master * https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen/commits/master
- Apr 2022
ling123labs.com ling123labs.com
To access your Linux files in Windows, open the Ubuntu terminal and type explorer.exe . (include the punctuation mark). This will open the linux directory in Windows Explorer, with the WSL prefix “\wsl$\Ubuntu-18.04\home\your-username”.Now, you’ll notice that Windows treats your Linux environment as a second network.
- Accessing WSL files from Windows in the WSL terminal: explorer.exe .
- Accessing Windows files from WSL terminal: cd /mnt
andrewlock.net andrewlock.net
The eagle-eyed among you may notice that there isn't a .git directory in the app-example-2 working tree. Instead, there's a .git file. This file points to the git directory in the original clone, and it means that all your usual git commands work inside the app-example-2 directory, as well as in the original app-example directory.
The working of git worktree
Anecdotally, I've found IDEs get much less "confused" if you use their built-in support for switching git branches, instead of changing them from the command line and waiting for the IDE to "notice" the changes.
freakingrectangle.com freakingrectangle.com
Reading puts candidates at ease compared to writing code. As an interviewer, stress is your enemy because it raises adrenaline which lowers IQ by several points, causing you to miss good candidates. Candidates prefer reading partly because they are relieved to not have to write code, but also because the interviewer can easily adjust the reading questions to accommodate for the candidate’s skill.
www.chimerical.ca www.chimerical.ca
Finally, to make our terminal really pretty, we need to customize the prompt. There's lots of options out there for this, but the most popular one seems to be ohmyzsh for Bash and oh-my-posh for PowerShell. I'm not a huge fan of these because in my experience they slow down the terminal to a point which makes me frustrated to use them, and since they are separate solutions for each environment they must be configured separately.
I agree. After using oh-my-posh in almost every Windows console, I have finally decided to make a switch to Starship
www.surgehq.ai www.surgehq.ai
We asked them to collect searches they performed in their normal workday, and then evaluate their performance on Google, Bing, Neeva, You.com, Kagi, and DuckDuckGo.Here are more examples of programming queries where Google is lagging behind.
For example, searching for "python throw exception" will show better results in Neeva or You.com than in Google
pythonspeed.com pythonspeed.com
In the previous version, using the standard library, once the data is loaded we no longer to keep the file open. With this API the file has to stay open because the JSON parser is reading from the file on demand, as we iterate over the records.
For ijson.items(), the peak tracked memory usage was 3.6 MiB for a large JSON, instead of 124.7 MiB as for the standard json.load()
One common solution is streaming parsing, aka lazy parsing, iterative parsing, or chunked processing.
Solution for processing large JSON files in Python
Then, if the string can be represented as ASCII, only one byte of memory is used per character. If the string uses more extended characters, it might end up using as many as 4 bytes per character. We can see how much memory an object needs using sys.getsizeof()
"a" takes less bytes than "❄", which takes less bytes than "💵"
duncanlock.net duncanlock.net
I tried PuTTY, which I’d heard was the good SSH thing on Windows, but it’s… not good, at all. PowerShell does come with an SSH client, so once you have this working with a reasonable terminal, you can use SSH as normal.
SSH that comes with Windows/PowerShell over PuTTY
I sometimes wondered why the VS Code team put so much effort into the built-in terminal inside the editor. I tried it once on Linux and never touched it again, because the terminal window I had right next to my editor was just massively better in every way. Having used Windows terminals for a while, I now fully understand why it’s there.
VS Code terminal is not as efficient on Linux
Scoop seems to be the best of the bunch, so far?
Scoop seems to be the best package manager
They just automate the process of going to the website, downloading an installer and then running it - which is slightly better than doing it yourself.
Windows package managers are unlike Linux ones
It’s got less useful stuff in it than most Linux distro “app stores” and is utterly miniscule compared to the Debian repositories, which have ~60,000 packages in, or Arch’s AUR, with 73,000 (these counts include the whole Linux OS, though, with is installed using the same package manager).
Windows Store
if you want to add persistent environment variables to your currently running shell, you should put a setx command in your $profile file and then reload it: . $profile - or maybe run myvar="value" && setx %myvar% "value", or something similar.
Storing persisent environment variables on Windows
PowerShell does have a ~ alias for your home folder, and cd ~ works!
You can get Windows versions of most of the standard *nix userland utils, which seem to work OK with PowerShell
scoop install coreutils
Desktop Linux is often criticized for this, but Windows is much worse, somehow! It’s really inconsistent. Half of it is “new” UI and half of it is old Win32/GDI type UI - just as bad as KDE/GTK - except worse, because you can’t configure them to use the same theme. Also, when you install a Linux distribution, it’ll start off either all KDE or all GTK, or whatever - but with Windows you’re stuck with a random mix of both right from the start.
Windows is a mess...
Most companies are not prepared to pay for a staging environment identical to production
Keeping staging environment has its cost
www.morling.dev www.morling.dev
The Code Review Pyramid
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
With personal stability (job, hobbies, network, etc.) and age you care less and less what people think and put less emphasis on what people think about you. - At the same time, you judge people less and less because, what does your judgment really matter? And when you judge people less you judge yourself less. - A lot of awkwardness is a function of trying hard to fit a social shape and failing. When you let go of most social expectations of yourself and others, in my experience mostly because of age and stability, you lose the awkwardness.
Lists promise value quickly A normal essay promises a payoff only when you finish it. But lists promise at least some value almost immediately.
Let’s look at a recent paper by Xia, Bao, Lo, Xing, Hassan, & Li entitled Measuring Program Comprehension: A Large-Scale Field Study with Professionals and published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 44, 951-976, 2018. This paper is quite interesting in that it describes in great details how the figures are obtained. And it says that Comprehension took on average ~58%.
Developers spend most of their time figuring the system out
mayt.substack.com mayt.substack.com
# Input Input: 123, Output: Input: 121, Output: Input: 111, Output: Input: 123454321, Output: Input 123123, Output: # Instruction Output true if input is a palindrome # Output Input: 123, Output: false Input: 121, Output: true Input: 111, Output: true Input: 123454321, Output: true Input 123123, Output: false
Example of using GPT-3 for programming
ruudvanasseldonk.com ruudvanasseldonk.com
Using named arguments is nice for languages that support it, but this is not always a possibility. Even in Python, where time.sleep is defined with a single argument named secs, we can’t call sleep(secs=300) due to implementation reasons. In that case, we can give the value a name instead.Instead of this:time.sleep(300)Do this:sleep_seconds = 300 time.sleep(sleep_seconds)Now the code is unambiguous, and readable without having to consult the documentation.
Putting units in variable names
blog.jim-nielsen.com blog.jim-nielsen.com
defaults write NSGlobalDomain WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true defaults write -g WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool YES
Type these 2 commands to macOS terminal to be able to "Inspect Elements" in a Safari Web Inspector
alexewerlof.medium.com alexewerlof.medium.com
Core: like an engine in a car. The product is meaningless without it.Necessary: like a car’s spare wheel. It’s rarely used but when needed, its function decides the success of the system.Added value: like a car’s cup-holder. It’s nice to have but the product is perfectly usable without it.Unique Selling Point: the main reason people should buy your product instead of your rivals. For example, your car is the best off-road vehicle.
4 categories of software features
- Mar 2022
michael.stapelberg.ch michael.stapelberg.ch
Here is an architecture diagram of the devices I’m currently using
Architecture of recommended Smart Home products (March 2022)
Have you ever built an image only to realize that you actually need it on a user account other than root, requiring you to rebuild the image again in rootless mode? Or have you built an image on one machine but run containers on the image using multiple different machines? Now you need to set up an account on a registry, push the image to the registry, Secure Shell (SSH) to each device you want to run the image on, and then pull the image. The podman image scp command solves both of these annoying scenarios as quickly as they occur.
Podman 4.0 can transfer container images without a registry.
For example: * You can copy a root image to a non-root account:
$ podman image scp root@localhost::IMAGE USER@localhost::
* Or copy an image from one machine to another with this command:$ podman image scp me@ you@
alecmuffett.com alecmuffett.com
an onion address is a promise and a mechanism to assure that you are taking seriously the needs of the people who use Tor.
Why offer an Onion Address rather than just encourage browsing-over-Tor
r.bluethl.net r.bluethl.net
As mentioned earlier, PATCH requests should apply partial updates to a resource, whereas PUT replaces an existing resource entirely. It's usually a good idea to design updates around PATCH requests
Prefer PATCH over PUT
Aside from using HTTP status codes that indicate the outcome of the request (success or error), when returning errors, always use a standardized error response that includes more detailed information on what went wrong.
For example: ``` // Request => GET /users/4TL011ax
// Response <= 404 Not Found { "code": "user/not_found", "message": "A user with the ID 4TL011ax could not be found." } ```
https://api.averagecompany.com/v1/health https://api.averagecompany.com/health?api_version=1.0
2 examples of versioning APIs
When dealing with date and time, APIs should always return ISO 8601-formatted strings.
dontasktoask.com dontasktoask.com
So, to summarize, don't ask "Any Java experts around?", but rather ask "How do I do [problem] with Java and [other relevant info]?"
Quick advice on forming questions
You're asking people to take responsibility. You're questioning people's confidence in their abilities. You're also unnecessarily walling other people out. I often answer questions related to languages or libraries I have never used, because the answers are (in a programmer kind of way) common sense.
Don't ask unspecified questions like "Any Java experts around?"
alexturek.com alexturek.com
This isn’t MAIN_PRIORITY, so we aren’t going to do it until at least ESTIMATED_DONE_DATE. Right now our priority is MAIN_PRIORITY because of ONE_SENTENCE_JUSTIFICATION, and this is 100% our shipping focus. I agree this sounds like a really useful feature - once we finish MAIN_PRIORITY, should we consider dropping SECOND_PRIORITY and do it?
Templates for saying NO
for debugging purposes, a good combination is --lf --trace which would start a debug session with pdb at the beginning of the last test that failed:
pytest --lf --trace
pytest -l
Show values of local variables in the output with -l
If you start pytest with --pdb, it will start a pdb debugging session right after an exception is raised in your test. Most of the time this is not particularly useful as you might want to inspect each line of code before the raised exception.
The --pdb option for
pytest --lf
Run the last failed test only with --lf
Run all tests, but run the last failed ones first with --ff
pytest -x
Exiting on the 1st error with -x
pytest --collect-only
Collecting Pytests (not running them)
pytest test_validator.py::test_regular_email_validates
Example of running just one test (
) fromtest_validator.py
Apart from shared fixtures you could place external hooks and plugins or modifiers for the PATH used by pytest to discover tests and implementation code.
Additional things to store in conftest.py
pytest can read its project-specific configuration from one of these files: pytest.ini tox.ini setup.cfg
3 options for configuring
To have the fixture actually be used by one of your test, you simply add the fixture’s name as an argument
```python import pytest
@pytest.fixture() def database_environment(): setup_database() yield teardown_database()
def test_world(database_environment): assert 1 == 1 ```
pythonspeed.com pythonspeed.com
But the problem with Poetry is arguably down to the way Docker’s build works: Dockerfiles are essentially glorified shell scripts, and the build system semantic units are files and complete command runs. There is no way in a normal Docker build to access the actually relevant semantic information: in a better build system, you’d only re-install the changed dependencies, not reinstall all dependencies anytime the list changed. Hopefully someday a better build system will eventually replace the Docker default. Until then, it’s square pegs into round holes.
Problem with Poetry/Docker
Third, you can use poetry-dynamic-versioning, a plug-in for Poetry that uses Git tags instead of pyproject.toml to set your application’s version. That way you won’t have to edit pyproject.toml to update the version. This seems appealing until you realize you now need to copy .git into your Docker build, which has its own downsides, like larger images unless you’re using multi-stage builds.
Approach of using poetry-dynamic-versioning plugin