- Dec 2024
www.techradar.com www.techradar.com
In response, Yampolskiy told Business Insider he thought Musk was "a bit too conservative" in his guesstimate and that we should abandon development of the technology now because it would be near impossible to control AI once it becomes more advanced.
for - suggestion- debate between AI safety researcher Roman Yampolskiy and Musk and founders of AI - difference - business leaders vs pure researchers // - Comment - Business leaders are mainly driven by profit so already have a bias going into a debate with a researcher who is neutral and has no declared business interest
resemblance, contiguity, and cause and effect.
These three might just be have the academic logical justification for a "ThumbsUp" emoji style "like" button in the Hypothesis framework.
An Emoji button is a quick ways of providing feedback. This may or may not inform the algorithm about which annotations get placed higher. (User filtering is probably better, rather than someone's preferred algorithm <-- since when did they get to decide anyway?)
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
third thing okay um and the fourth thing soft power within the United
for - need to establish global cooperation to mitigate existential threats of nuclear war and combat tipping points - Yanis Varoufakis - third and fourth suggestion - exercise soft power in the United States - Yanis Varoufakis - Yanis Varoufakis laid out the existential reasons why is important to reach out to the social democrats in the US such as Bernie Sanders - without establishing global cooperation, there is no way to prevent - nuclear war and - climate tipping points
secondly you need to appeal through soft power through engagement with the local communities in the global south
for - second suggestion - exercise soft power in communities of the global South - lift people in the global South of of precarity - Yanis Varoufakis
boosting aggregate demand domestically and there are simple ways of doing that and your digital payment system
for - First suggestion - for China - decrease dependency on American deficit - by increasing domestic demand for your own manufactured products - using your own digital super highway - and increasing wages - Yanis Varoufakis
- need to establish global cooperation to mitigate existential threats of nuclear war and combat tipping points - Yanis Varoufakis
- third and fourth suggestion - exercise soft power in the United States - Yanis Varoufakis
- First suggestion - for China - decrease dependency on American deficit - by increasing domestic demand for your own manufactured products - using your own digital super highway - and increasing wages - Yanis Varoufakis
- second suggestion - exercise soft power in communities of the global South - lift people in the global South of of precarity - Yanis Varoufakis
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - post comment - LinkedIn - suggestion - turn COP into a hybrid event with a maximum carbon emission threshold
- Oct 2024
www.digitalstudies.org www.digitalstudies.org
Vim, Markdown, YAML, Pandoc, and Git
Pouvons-nous voir une capture d'écran de l'aspect numérique de chaque outil (avec ce texte)? Il me semble qu'une comparaison visuelle en fin de page, à la conclusion du même texte, appuyerait tout ce qui a été dit.
this example:
When I look at this example... I realize this may also be a good starting place for this (or another) blog post. You could start with a JSON object and discuss HOW you could ID the JSON object. GUID, Increment integer, Random, etc... and talk about the pros/cons of those IDs, then talk about a "magical" id that is "perfect" for this object because it has the property that it TRULY reflects the contents of the JSON object.
- Aug 2024
Michael: Pam, I have ideas on a daily basis. I know I do. I have a clear memory of telling people my ideas. Um, is there any chance you wrote any of my ideas down? In a folder? A "Michael-idea" folder?Pam: Sorry.Michael: That's unfortunate. How 'bout the suggestion box? There's tons of ideas in there.
via Season 2 Episode 8: “Performance Review” - The Office<br /> https://genius.com/The-office-usa-season-2-episode-8-performance-review-annotated
Here we see in Michael Scott's incompetence the potential value of writing down our ideas as we go. Had he written down his ideas, his upcoming meeting with his boss would have gone better.
Isn't it telling that he hits on the idea of leveraging a commonly used communal zettelkasten structure (the suggestion box) to dig himself out?
- May 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
let's just start blockading Russian ports nothing gets in or 00:16:57 out we're not going to s sink anything we're not going to kill anyone but we will detain some ships if Russia tries to get stuff in and out
for - suggestion - Russia Ukraine war - shipping blockade of illegal oil tankers
eng.libretexts.org eng.libretexts.org
I believe the minus sign should be here k_{zr} = -k cos\theta_r Instead of being inside the phase of the reflected fields.
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Degrowth Declaration
for - critique - Degrowth - suggestion - replace degrowth with - rebalance critique - Degrowth Declaration - There has been a number of critiques of the terminology of "degrowth" as the prefix "de" is associated with "taking away". - The words "grow" and its derivatives such as "growing", "growth" all usually have good connotations such as "growing up", "growing children", "growing food", "growing knowledge"
suggestion - replace degrowth with rebalance - Perhaps a better word to use to describe the transition we must undertake is "rebalance". - This word suggests that our world is out-of-balance with too much excess in some araea and too much defficiency in others
- Mar 2024
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
Points of Discussion
These "Points of Discussion" questions are difficult for me to respond to out of context. I think they would be more meaningful for learners as reflection questions after conducting their own task analysis. Maybe put the activities first?
Additional "Point of Discussion": How does conducting a real-life task analysis differ from following the textbook models?
I think one of the reasons TA is so misunderstood and unused is because it's taught too formally. Most IDs I know think of task analysis less formally. They sit down with an expert, observe them performing a task, and ask questions that attempt to reveal decision points. The experts are storytellers and the designer or assessor plays the role of a curious listener/apprentice.
comprehensive breakdown
Suggestion: An infographic would be helpful here to illustrate the hierarchy of steps in a task analysis. (I created this graphic as an example framework based on the "Step 5: Decompose Task" section in the chapter. But I'm afraid it is too complicated. Adding an actions layer, as indicated in the section, seems like it's adding an unnecessary layer of granularity.) I was taught the Dick and Carey task analysis model:
Their model is not pretty, but it's very simple to understand. You've got goals and skills to accomplish those goals. The procedure of a TA is simple: "Break down the goal 'til it can't be broke down no more."
This might be outside the scope of performing a task analysis, but I think it's also important for instructional designers to know how to use their analysis to generate instructional materials. I might include these additional steps from found here:
Step 7. Test- Confirm that the Task is Completely Analyzed.
Step 8: Applying to audience - Determine How the Skill Will be Taught According to Learner Demographics
Step 9: Facilitate - Implement Intervention and Monitoring Progress
Time-and-Motion Studies
Formatting suggestion: H3
Formatting suggestion: Consider numbering these three CTA examples. I got lost a bit after example #2.
Cognitive task analysis
Formatting suggestion: H3
The Basic Journey of
Replace with: "How to condition"
Activity suggestion: Given a list of tasks, learners must act as detectives to gather clues to determine which tasks are most important.
This activity would be performed more easily face-to-face. Task list orders may vary among learners. Learners will be asked to justify their positions to other learners.
If online, we could build a simple data-repository inside Canvas accordion tabs--each tab representing a different data source--to help learners make inferences about task priority. The final submission would simply be an ordered list.
Alternatively, we could train a bot to simulate various data sources. It would behave like the old video game ZORK where you navigate a virtual world on your keyboard.
To make it more visual, we could build an entire office space for learners to click around and gather data. But that seems like a big investment for only part of a module-level objective. I prefer the most simple way.
needs assessments, learner analyses, contextual analyses, and task analyses
In the text's current state, it's unclear to me how to situate task analysis among other tasks performed during the analysis phase of ADDIE. How is task analysis different from other tasks you bring up here, like needs assessments? What are the relationships among these analysis-related tasks? For example, do they each have unique purposes? Do all these analysis tasks happen simultaneously, or does one typically come before another? Can a designer combine these tasks into a single analysis task, leaving out any unnecessary parts?
Would it help students to know the specific purpose of each analysis-related task? Is that assumed that they are already familiar with it? An optional inline knowledge check (quiz question) might be helpful for learners. For example, a matching activity.
“detailed specifications”
I think it's important to note that task analysis is ONLY used when learners require "detailed specification." Task analysis is important IF we assume that the ID's job is to tell the learner exactly what needs to be done and how. Task analysis is essential when using a behavioristic learning model. However, it may not be as applicable to more constructivist learning models.
It might be helpful to illustrate the next two steps by telling a context-rich story about an assessor who has performed step 1, and now must decide how to gather data to create a comprehensive task inventory, rate each task's importance, and gather task-associated criteria. (Not talking about decomposed subtasks yet; that's step 5.)..
Offer a concrete example of when to perform a task analysis (break down tasks to better understand what to include in instruction). Generally, it's part of a larger needs assessment that determines whether training is necessary.
- Feb 2024
localhost:5500 localhost:5500Fallback1
Overview of Handbook
Maybe move this to its own section
michaelmann.net michaelmann.net
- for: annotate, Michael Mann - critique of James Hansen 2023 paper, climate crisis - James Hansen - Michael Mann, suggestion - debate - james hansen - michael mann, question - has Hansen responded to Mann yet?
suggestion - can we arrange an online debate between James Hansen and Michael Mann?
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
So we're good with three-dimensional space, but imagine if we had a primary sense of our own blood chemistry.
for - adjacency between - primary sense of cellular metabolism - experiences of deep contemplative practice of Rainbow Body - adjacency statement - As per Father Francis Tiso's research into the Tibetan deep contemplative Dzogchen phenomena of Rainbow Body at the time of death as well as rigpa, Trekcho and Togal, he speculates that - such deep contemplations can potentially result in a primary sense of cellular and even subatomic processes taking place within the human body. - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FsDyu39FCAMk%2F&group=world - It seems that the multi-scale competency architecture would be a good scientific framework to explore these questions.
So we're good with three-dimensional space, - but imagine if we had a primary sense of our own blood chemistry. - If you could feel your blood chemistry - the way that you currently see and smell and taste things that are around you, - I think we would have absolutely no problem having an intuitive understanding - of physiological-state space - the way we do for three-dimensional space.
claim - Lifetime practitioners of Tibetan meditation claim they have a primary sensation of their own impending death suggestion - Suggest to Michael Levin to investigate such phenomena from a multi-scale competency architecture perspective - What else can the expert meditators directly experience? And how do they achieve this? How can deep contemplative practice result in such profound experiences? Would expert meditators resonate with Levin's framework?
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
the focus of every Cop should not be at the whim of the Presidency - every Cop should focus on all areas where emissions reductions are needed. A system of smaller results-based meetings that focus on delivery, accountability, alignment with science, and safeguarding social justice is needed".
for: COP - suggestion for improvement
suggestion for improvement: COP
- "the focus of every Cop should not be at the whim of the Presidency
- every Cop should focus on all areas where emissions reductions are needed.
- A system of smaller results-based meetings that focus on delivery, accountability, alignment with science, and safeguarding social justice is needed".
- "the focus of every Cop should not be at the whim of the Presidency
sonec.org sonec.org
for: SoNeC - SRG / TPF gamified rapid whole system change, SRG / TPF proposal
SRG / TPF project proposals for SONEC communities
- Emerge candidates for a global 3rd political party with no money from special interests
- education,
- recruitment
- training
- as per
- James Hansen
- Progressive International
- this reflects the polycrisis's entangled nature:
- climate crisis
- political crisis
- Cosmolocal production network
- Bootstrap local WEconomy via community owned cooperatives:
- bioeconomy
- concentrated organic produce production
- agroforestry production
- renewable energy
- low cost desalinated water
- bioeconomy
- Open citizen science project on local climate departure as proxy for economic impacts of climate change
- Deep Humanity / BEing journeys
- Gamified rapid whole system change via:
- downscaled earth system boundaries and
- doughnut economics
- Cascading Social Tipping Point Theory
- Youth afterschool climate activism clubs
- Network of sustainable restaurants for meetings, talks and presentations
- Local community economics to RELOCALIZE the economy
- Jan 1, 2024 adders
- Appeal to local north districts of cities
- Wealth2Wellth program to show High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) living in wealthy local north communities climate change trends that are occurring in realtime to show present and near future sea level rise and forest fire impacts on their expensive beachfront and forest properties respectively
- sister ward / sister city partnerships
- create local north / south as well as global north / south partnerships for upliftment and
- creating more wealth in local south communities as well as wellth
- creating more wellth in local north communities
- create local north / south as well as global north / south partnerships for upliftment and
- climate crisis / polycrisis education and motivational speaking from top thought leaders via global audience outreach to the SoNeC global network of youth and communty SoNeC hubs
- many ordinary people do not realize the urgency of our situation or have become so jaded. Personal interaction with leading authorities can make a difference
- Appeal to local north districts of cities
- Emerge candidates for a global 3rd political party with no money from special interests
four different types of initiators of new community projectsbased in neighbourhoods:local government,governmental organisations,non-governmental organisations or activists andexisting communities.
for: types of initiators of community projects, SONEC - initiators of community projects, question - frameworks for community projects, suggestion - collaboration with My Climate Risk, suggestion - collaboration with U of Hawaii, suggestion - collaboration with ICICLE, suggestion - collaboration with earth commission, suggestion - collaboration with DEAL
question: frameworks for community projects
If our interest is to attempt to create a global collective action campaign to address our existential polycrisis, which includes the climate crisis, then how do we mobilize at the community level in a meaningful way?
I suggest that this must be a cosmolocal effort. Why? Knowledge sharing across all the communities will accelerate the transition of any participating local community.
- This means that we cannot rely on citizens living in small communities to construct an effective coordination framework for rapid de-escalation of the polycrisis. The capacity does not exist within small communities to build such a complex system. The system can be more effectively built before the collective action campaign is started by a virtual community of experts and ready for trial with pilot communities.
- To meet this enormous challenge, it cannot be done in an adhoc way. At this point in time, many people in many communities all around the globe know of the existential crisis we face, but if we look at the annual carbon emissions, none of the existing community efforts has made a difference in their continuing escalation.
- The knowledge required to synchronize millions of communities to have a unified wartime-scale collective action mobilization to reach decarbonization goals that the mainstream approach has not even made a dent in will be a complex problem.
- In other words, what is proposed is a partnership.
- Since we are faced with global commons problems that pose existential threats if not mitigated in 5 to 8 years, the scope of the problem is enormous.
- Super wicked problems require unprecedented levels of collaboration at every level.
- The downscaling of global planetary boundaries and doughnut economics seems the most logical way to think global, act local.
Building such a collaboration system requires expert knowledge. Once built, however, it requires testing in pilot communities. This is where a partnership can take place
2024, Jan. 1 Adder
- My Climate Risk Regional Hubs
- time 29:46 of https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Funfccc.int%2Fevent%2Flater-is-too-late-tipping-the-balance-from-negative-to-positive&group=world
- https://www.wcrp-climate.org/mcr-hubs
- Suggestion:
- SRG has long entertained a collaborative open science project for grassroots polycrisis / climate crisis education - to measure and validate latest climate departure dates
- This would make climate change far more salient to the average person because of the observable trends in disruption of local economic activity connected to the local ecology due to climate impacts
- This would be a synergistic project between SRG, LCE, SoNeC, My Climate Risk hubs, ICICLE and U of Hawaii
- Our community frameworks need to go BEYOND simply adaptation though, which is what "My Climate Risk" focuses exclusively on. We need to also engage equally in climate mitigation.
- My Climate Risk Regional Hubs
- reference
- I coedited this volume on examples of existing cosmolocal projects
- suggestion - collaboration with DEAL
- think global act local
- suggestion - SRG / SoNeC / LCE project collaborations
- suggestion - collaboration with ICICLE
- suggestion - collaboration with My Climate Risk and U of Hawaii climate departure citizen science
- book - Cosmolocal Reader
- SONEC - initiator communities
- suggestion - collaboration with earth commission
- suggestion - collaboration with My Climate Risk
- SoNeC - SRG/TPF project proposals
- SoNeC - proposal - SRG/TPF gamified rapid whole system change
- SoNeC - SRG/TPF gamified rapid whole system change
- question - SONEC - framework for anthropocene community projects
- SoNeC - SRG / TPF proposal
- Dec 2023
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
for: James Hansen, paper - Global Warming in the Pipeline, prediction - May 2024, find - May 2024 prediction, suggestion - debate - James Hansen - Michael Mann, climate crisis - politics, climate change - politics
- See the Dan Miller interview in the reference below
- The key point for SRG work in mobilizing and awakening the sleeping giant of the commons is summarized in the 3rd required action in the last sentence of his abstract:
- "Current political crises present an opportunity for RESET, especially if young people can grasp their situation." (Bold is from SRG)
- James Hansen Dec. 2023 interview discussing this paper
- https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2F8Ag3UVSrlhE%2F&group=world
- Dan Miller, who interviews Hansen and who has coauthored a paper with him, states in the interview that May 2024 is a test date for validating the paper's claims:
- https://hyp.is/HRKEfqYAEe6lGJ_E57_9Mw/docdrop.org/video/8Ag3UVSrlhE/
- Find
- Identify the section in the paper that Miller is alluding to which makes the prediction about events of May 2024.
- Michael Mann's critique of the paper
- James Hansen Dec. 2023 interview discussing this paper
- Dan Miller - James Hansen Dec 2023 interview
- suggestion - debate - James Hansen - Michael Mann
- climate crisis - politics
- James Hansen - prediction - May 2024
- Michael Mann - critique of James Hansen 2023 paper
- find - may 2024 prediction data
- paper - Global Warming in the Pipeline
- James Hansen
- climate change - politics
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
Fast international travel will, at least temporarily, have to be for urgent or emergency purposes only. A triage approach is needed to ensure that the reallocation of society’s small carbon budget, its labour and resources, are used wisely to provide for a thriving society.
for: climate crisis - air travel, climate crisis - triage approach, climate communications - SRG suggestion - energy diet
- Kevin's use of the term triage is aligned to a Stop Reset Go strategy of reframing the challenges in the next few years in terms of a potentially temporary energy diet
- That may be more palatable for transition for people accustomed to the existing high carbon lifestyle culture to accept
- The potential of developing alternative energy resources plus a shift to low energy / high efficiency lifestyle could get us to the target and provide incentive for a drastic energy consumption cut
Once decarbonisation is complete, then, if it is considered desirable, rampant inequality can again be pursued, as it clearly is today. But between now and then, inequality is the main obstacle to getting anywhere near our Paris commitments.
for: SRG energy diet, climate communications - suggestion - SRG energy diet
- This statement once again echos the idea of a temporary energy diet as a way to reframe the challenges we face
- There are potential clean high energy density replacements for fossil fuels but they will take time to develop. Meanwhile, an energy diet is recommended
- This means we must adapt to a much lower intensity world, at least temporarily
- We would need to calculate the numbers to see what such a future looks like and what steps must be taken to get there
normal crisis in the system for most people is degrowth like 00:22:22 most people's living standards don't rise that's so it's it's divorced from the experience that that most people have in in in the UK you know where we're where we're speaking from wages at 00:22:36 the same level they were in 2005 rents aren't bills aren't your groceries aren't but your pay is so um you know most people have been experiencing 00:22:49 degrowth that's the comms reason why it's bad
for: degrowth - criticism - bad communication, suggestion - growth and degrowth simultaneously
- evolution / transition / transformation are better terms as it indicates something is dying at the same time diverging is being born
- it is highly misleading to think one dimensionally as there are many things that have to degrow and many things that have to grow simultaneously
- degrowth of carbon emissions, which implies pragmatically in the short time scale noe available a significant degrowth of fossil fuels
- growth of a new energy system to replace much of it
- degrowth of unnecessary and harmful consumption accompanied
- growth of holistic network of root level wellbeing activities and the low carbon infrastructure to support it
sonec.org sonec.org
SoNeC opens up a viable approach for real citizen participation with a potentially major impact toaddress the needs of the people in a certain neighbourhood facing the ever increasing climate andcurrent democratic crisis.
for: suggestion - SONEC and commons transition plan
- Is a synthesis of SONEC and existingCommons Transition plans worthwhile considering?
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for: acronyms - GCC, suggestion
suggestion: acronyms
- Have a table of acronyms at the start of the article
- @Michel introduced this without defining it and I did not know the meaning when I saw it here.
- Nov 2023
stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Il ne pourra pas parler librement (parrēsia),
Je suggère de plutôt intégrer le terme parresia en alphabet grec ici.
Il y a là un point de convergence avec l’accueil critique de Philainis, la femme ἀναίσχυντος.
Puisque cette désignation a fait l'objet d'une discussion dans le chapitre précédent, je suggère de l'intégrer au corps du texte en alphabet latin (anaischyntos).<br>Je suggère de conserver l'alphabet grec lorsqu'il est question de faire référence à la formulation exacte des sources primaires, et l'alphabet latin lors de l'emploi de termes empruntés au grec.
wp.sciviews.org wp.sciviews.org
Effectuez maintenant
La dernière partie du tutoriel portant sur les courbes ROC, peut-être serait-il préférable de déplacer ce tutoriel à la fin du point 3.2
- Jul 2023
muizenmesh.co.za muizenmesh.co.za
6 months
- suggestion
- we should make an official calendar
- suggestion
entrance fee
- suggestion
- explicitly write down the entrance fee
- suggestion
he numberrequired for registration
- suggestion
- Perhaps explicitly state this number
- suggestion
juristic person
- Suggestion
- Add this to the glossary of terms at the beginning of the constitution
- Suggestion
stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
baisent, voire fourrent
- Jun 2023
viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pubMediants16
Harmonic analysis: analyse the first 10 measures of the Holmès example above using whichever you prefer of Roman numeral and Functional labels.
You're mixing the assignment section with the body of the text but the rest of the book isn't like that. I'd follow the format from other chapters for consistency.
Enough theory! Let’s close with a wonderful example of mediant relation in a song by Augusta Mary Ann
This musical example is over 150 measures! I would try to have a maximum limit of one page of score to show an example. Also, the concept should be labeled on the score so we know where it happened. The assignments are the places for the students to find them on their own.
As mentioned above, we need a bit of caution in regards to functions, terms and labels here, as there are some different conventions running in parallel (pun intended!). The main headache is the use of that term “parallel” which in English-speaking traditions connects two modes on the same root (C-major and C-minor, for instance), while the German tradition uses it to for what English-speaking theory calls “Relative” (i.e. C-major and A-minor). I know, right? Watch out, especially if you’re reading historical and/or multi-lingual sources. Here’s a bold (perhaps foolish) attempt at an overview with both functional labels (in German, taking the example of a tonic starting point) and combined neo-Riemannian transformation as discussed in the previous chapter (English). On the German side “-” indicates that there is no common, functional term.
I think all the German information is making this topic more complicated than it needs to be. It's fine to make a note in a footnote, but the odds of a OpenMusicTheory reader reading theory texts in German has to be really low so I don't think it's providing much practical information, even if it's interesting.
From C major to: -Major -Minor
This table is squished. Needs to be wider.
Also, can this be converted into a MuseScore example so that we can hear each type?
In the third a
I think these two sentences could be combined into one with something like : "Disjunct mediants have no common tones and their quality changes, but their roots are still a third apart.
Grade 2 (a.k.a. Chromatic) mediants are a step more remote.
This sentence could be combined with the next one: "Chromatic mediants only have one common tone (the first chord's root) and the quality of both chords is the same."
lease note that these terms (“L” or “Leading-Tone Exchange”, and “R” or Relative) are as typically seen in English-language music theory today. Despite that English-language tradition having its roots in German music theory (notably from Hugo Riemann from whom “Neo-Riemannian” theory takes its name), contemporary German music theory would typically discuss these relations with the terms Gegenklang (G) and Parallel (P)
This feels like more of a footnote. Also, I'd be fine with only using LPR and allow this footnote to explain why you've chosen a single system.
sections below.
Comments about the musescore example: There is a "T" in all the German terms but it's not defined. I'm guessing it means tonic, but it would be good to clarify that.
Grade 2: The UFM, USM, LFM, LSM labels are all underneath the starting chord but it seems like it should be under the second chord. It currently looks like C major is getting a bunch of different names.
What does the "M" stand for? Mediant? I thought it was Major, but then it also occurred for minor, but the disjunct category doesn't have "M" anymore.
Might be better to break this example into three separate examples and place them in the appropriate section below. It's nice to have everything in on example, but it's also information overload.
Grade 1 (a.k.a. Diatonic)
Bass notes. This chapter doesn't discuss the role of the bass in these contexts and all the example make it look like the bass starts with a chord root and then moves to a chordal inversion. Would be nice to have some information about bass notes or at least say that the bass notes shown in the example do not reflect bass note usage in practice.
Grade 1, (also known as Diatonic)
I really think dropping "Grade" throughout and just going with the category names will make everything read much smoother. This sentence could start "Diatonic mediants share two common tones ..."
Grade 2 (a.k.a. Chromatic)
It seems like there are getting two names when only one is needed. Maybe just drop the numbering system (because the numbers provide little meaning) and just use the names. "There are three types: diatonic, chromatic, and disjunct)." That would also get rid of having to write "a.k.a." all over.
e roots are still a third away from C
Might be good to mention modal mixture here.
I'd avoid any relative terms to the location of other chapters in the book. Removing "previous" would do the trick here.
Recall from the fundamentals part that
I'd avoid relative references like this. It could just start with "The third scale degree ..."
Type instead of Grade
"Chords have a mediant relationship when their roots are a third away."
- Mar 2023
laposte.sharepoint.com laposte.sharepoint.com
Phenix 3Annuaire Admin 3
Mettre une image d'en-téte ?
Insérer un lien de retour ? Ajouter une boite de sélection par DEX/DOT/BU ? (pour éviter d'avoir à parcourir tout ou pour sécuriser divulgation infos sensibles ?)
Phenix 3Annuaire Admin 3
Mettre une image d'en-téte ?
Insérer un lien de retour ? Ajouter une boite de sélection par DEX/DOT/BU ? (pour éviter d'avoir à parcourir tout ou pour sécuriser divulgation infos sensibles ?)
- Dec 2022
books.openedition.org books.openedition.org
On doit notamment y trouver les informations suivantes :
Ceci ne s'apprente-t-il pas à une forme de modélisation?
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
ces objets existent dans une infrastructure très coûteuse et très matérielle – au sens qu’elle demande une grosse quantité de matériel, justement –, faite de serveurs, de câblesLes câbles transatlantiques sont des infrastructures très coûteuses et impressionnantes. Voir une carte de ces câbles et leurs propriétaires.↩︎ et même de pompes à eau pour refroidir les circuits.
Cultiver ce mythe du numérique comme immatériel, permet de “cacher” toutes les infrastructures derrière et donc de laisser tranquille les entreprises qui le gèrent. Elles ont donc peut-être plus de liberté et peuvent facilement éviter des scandales.
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
Une grille de programmation peut-être mise en place pour un meilleur suivi.
Un calendrier éditorial pour les publications peut aussi être très utile.
il est cependant important de tracer un portrait-type du ou des usagers moyens, prenant en compte leurs principales caractéristiques et leurs attentes.
Créer un persona peut s'avérer très utile dans ce cas ci.
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
la disponibilité des titres font que l’attachement historique à la page imprimée se délie, même pour la lecture dans le bain.
Le consommateur en veut toujours plus et à un prix toujours plus bas. C'est le même phénomène avec les plateformes de streaming pour la musique ou le cinéma, et cela modifie grandement le fonctionnement des industries.
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
à la base des très nombreuses stratégies possibles pour ne pas pâtir des crawlersLes crawlers sont des robots d’indexation qui, en parcourant le web, collectent un ensemble de ressources nécessaires au moteur de recherche pour l’indexation des pages.↩︎ de Google, Yahoo !
C'est également sur les métadonnées que se basent les campagnes Google Ads.
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
la mutualisation auprès d’un vaste public qui ne paie pas chaque ouvrage en particulier : les bibliothèques
Les bibliothèques ont un modèle économique bien particulier. On le retrouve également dans l'économie du Web, au travers de cette idée de mutualisation et de partage des contenus.
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
qu’Apple met à disposition un manuel de référencePour voir le manuel de référence.↩︎ qui détaille l’ensemble du code source et les schémas électriques et électroniques. Chacun peut alors développer librement de nouveaux logiciels et de nouveaux périphériques.
Les premiers produits d'Apple sont à l'opposés de ses pratiques actuelles d'obsolescence programmée. Quand et pourquoi ce changement majeur est survenu ?
- Nov 2022
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
La première étape du projet est l’expression et la contextualisation du besoin
Je dirais plutôt qu'il faut tout d'abord modéliser son projet pour mieux en concevoir les détails
books.openedition.org books.openedition.org
Ici, les maisons d’édition sont étroitement imbriquées avec le secteur des médias : certains auteurs relèvent du show business le plus outrancier, mais ils rapportent.
Il me semble que les auteurs deviennent même de plus en plus des personnalités publiques avec les médias, les comptes d'auteurs, l'image publique, etc.
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
Il est en train de devenir un mot passe-partout qui sert à définir un ensemble de pratiques qui caractérisent notre quotidien et dont nous avons peut-être encore du mal à saisir la spécificité
Il serait intéresser de glisser un mot sur la dualité "digital" et "numérique" dans le contexte francophone. L'anglicisme dont dérive digital a encore une place très marqué dans le vocabulaire courant et s'impose comme équivalence de numérique, mais existe-il une différence entre ces deux termes?
books.openedition.org books.openedition.org
Rapidement, et parce que tout est ouvert et documenté, d’autres navigateurs sont développés avec, cette fois, des possibilités d’interaction de plus en plus sophistiquées et en particulier la possibilité du clic de souris
Intéressant d'entrouvrir vers les rapports entre les nouvelles possibilités (physiques) d'interaction et l'agrandissement du web.
- Sep 2022
Local file Local file
Mais ce monde est apparemment – et dans l’accep-tion la plus banale du mot « virtuel » – opposé au monderéel. Nos usages d’aujourd’hui nous obligent de constaterqu’il n’y a rien d’irréel dans l’environnement numérique.
Qu'en est-il de l'avènement des réalités virtuelles?
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
L’homme de lettres et l’entrepreneur
Proposition de modification du titre pour "La personne de lettres et la personne d'entrepreneuriat"
Sans chercher à surestimer l’importance de la valeur esthétique d’un livre, sa présentation matérielle (qualité de l’impression, choix des papiers et cartons), sa signature graphique (élégance, recherche du design, esthétique générale) sont pourtant eux aussi responsables de la signature et de l’image (de marque) de la maison d’édition.
Sans compter que la lisibilité du texte rentre aussi en jeu. Le respect des règles typographiques permet d'assurer une cohérence et une compréhension tout au long du roman. On parle d'infographiste, mais la frontière entre designer graphique et infographiste se fait plus mince aussi maintenant. On attends du designer de pouvoir occuper plusieurs tâches, et on reçoit des cours d'édition de texte pour être capable de véhiculer l'information de la manière la plus claire possible.
www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca www.parcoursnumeriques-pum.ca
Le web devient le support d’innombrables initiatives pour proposer des services, en particulier dans le domaine du e-commerce. Les « .com » deviennent vite la coqueluche des investisseurs.
- Aug 2022
www.faz.net www.faz.net
Kinderimpfstoff gegen Corona: Stiko-Chef Mertens würde eigene Kinder jetzt nicht impfen lassen. (2021, December 2). FAZ.NET. https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/stiko-chef-mertens-wuerde-eigene-kinder-nicht-gegen-corona-impfen-17662194.html
learn.nucamp.co learn.nucamp.co
Best to link to or mention source, https://bizcoachinfo.com/archives/6493
- May 2022
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
plutôt "de"
mettre au pluriel (cf corr précédente) + "font évoluer" le prototype "vers un" dispositif etc. ?! ou "transforment" ?! ou "confortent la démarche en transformant"
Différentes définitions cohabitent
des références seraient les bienvenues, d'autant plus si elles sont sujettes à (ré-)interprétations
plutôt "concept" ?
la presqu’il de Caen
"cette zone" ou "l'endroit" ou "cette presqu'île" pour éviter l'effet répétition
autre programme
au pluriel (comme projets de recherche) ?
- Apr 2022
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Les contributeurs de Mémoires de Ciclic sont-ils dans une posture de « public », c’est-à-dire dans un rapport d’animation socio-culturelle marqué par le jeu ou dans une posture de pro-am c’est- à-dire d’experts de l’histoire locale ?
Je propose de compléter par : “ou dans une pratique décalée, et somme toute inversée, par rapport à ces catégories “descendantes” de définition de l'action patrimoniale ?”
A la lumière de ces travaux, nous essaierons de déterminer si les pratiques des usagers de Ciclic relèvent du témoignage, d’une expertise propre ou si elles les conduisent à adopter les méthodes des professionnels du patrimoine.
Ne faut-il pas ajouter : et [déterminer] comment ces pratiques viennent interroger les catégories de définition de l'action patrimoniale.
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Une question n'est pas posée dans cet article mais pourrait constituer un prolongement utile : celle de la communicabilité des documents entrés aux Archives départementales de Loire-Atlantique. Pour les archives publiques, les délais sont réglementés par le code du patrimoine, mais pour ces fonds privés, que dit la lettre de don ou de dépôt ? Ensuite, pour les archives numériques, au-delà des questions de délai de communicabilité, quelles sont les possibilités de communication en salle de lecture ou à distance ? Car cela a véritablement une incidence sur les possibilités de travail pour les chercheurs et sur les pratiques d'écriture à partir des archives.
, nous donne à lire le processus de construction des archives
Ce serait bien de préciser un peu ce qui est entendu ici par "processus de construction des archives"
La fabrique des archives
Il serait intéressant de mieux définir ce qui est entendu ici par "fabrique" par opposition, je suppose, à "collecte", qui est le terme utilisé par les archivistes.
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
de 2019 à 2021
Je suggère d'insérer "à Bibracte" avant les dates
Préciser : "IA (intelligence artificielle)"
plutôt "un" thésaurus (le thésaurus de Bibracte est encore en construction et, pour la partie "Bulliot", très embryonnaire)
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
avait aussi à tenir
je suggère: « devait aussi tenir » car le « avait » n'est pas fluide à la lecture. On cherche le complément.
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Est-ce que vous pensez qu'il est utile de préciser que le terme est ici employé en un sens assez large? Car au sens précis de la tradition littéraire, le motif concerne une descente provisoire aux Enfers, traversés par le héros épique... qui en ressort. (comme une étape d'une initiation). Dans l'épigramme, c'est bien la descente définitive de Diogène aux Enfers. Mais après tout je n'en suis pas sûr...
associations libres
Ce que je trouve intéressant ici, c'est que le processus d'"association libre", qui peut bien sûr s'envisager dans bien des contextes, désigne d'abord, dans notre histoire culturelle, le principe fondamental de la cure psychanalytique, notamment telle que Freud l'avait théorisée dès les Etudes sur l'hystérie. Au-delà de la référence freudienne sur laquelle s'appuie en partie l'analyse du palimpseste dans le projet (la « Note sur le bloc magique » qui vous permet une analogie entre le fonctionnement du texte et le fonctionnement de l'esprit humain), est-ce que la référence au paradigme analytique peut apporter un éclairage sur le type d'investissement du lecteur qui est ici encouragé par le projet? Il y a quelque chose du "dites tout ce qui vous passe par l'esprit" de Freud, dans le dispositif du projet, encadré (mais c'est intéressant justement) par la nécessité d'une cohérence thématique autour d'un topos.
un modèle éditorial qui parvienne à retranscrire cette caractéristique
Sans avoir d'expérience dans ce domaine de l'édition numérique, je me rends compte que ces multiples solutions éditoriales participatives d'oeuvres littéraires peuvent, d'une façon ou d'une autre, donner une expression (une "documentatiration"?) de la complexité et de l'ouverture, de l'ambiguïté, inhérente à tout phénomène de signification littéraire. Bref, rendre d'une certaine façon visible et tangible ce qui relevait peut-être du for intérieur de chaque lecteur...
un espace ouvert
D'une manière générale, il pourrait être intéressant de placer cette réflexion sur l'ouverture (des sens, des interprétations...) propres à la forme anthologique (et a fortiori à 'l'anthologie grecque), dans la perspective des grandes études critiques autour de la question de la réception de l'oeuvre littéraire, et sur la façon dont le lecteur crée la signification et participe au sens - car finalement aucune oeuvre n'est close. Je pense par exemple à l'Oeuvre ouverte d'Umberto Eco. Ou d'autres travaux.
Serait-il utile de préciser ici sur quel critère on distingue les expressions artistiques officielles / non officielles?
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Montesquieu numérisé, commémoré, et médiatisé : écritures numériques et médiations partagées autour des Lettres persanes
L'article est vraiment très intéressant. Le titre toutefois semble annoncer une étude de corpus ou une étude de cas alors que l'article se révèle bien plus vaste et aborde des questions plus profondes, se rapprochant plutôt, selon moi, du style de l'essai.
Il serait intéressant de savoir quel pourcentage du public maintient un intérêt et continue de s'impliquer dans le temps après un événement "levier".
suscitant parfois avec les structures de gouvernance des rapports de force.
J'ai l'impression que ces rapports de force sont réciproques ; est-ce bien le cas ?
le régime allographique de la littérature et le régime autographique
Pour un public peu familier de ces questions (dont je fais partie), un approfondissement voire une exemplification de cette distinction me semblerait particulièrement utile.
es mises en scène numériques proposées par les divers acteurs en charge de la conservation et de la valorisation du patrimoine littéraire.
Sur ce sujet, l'ouvrage Exigeons de meilleures bibliothèques de Lankes adresse une question importante d'adaptation des bibliothèques à de nouvelles pratiques de lecture et d'appropriation de la culture.
non plus l’État, mais des collectifs complexes regroupant institutionnels et amateurs.
Je trouve intéressant de penser le collectif ici et l'entreprise patrimoniale comme un espace public.
Marcello Vitali-Rosati et Eric Méchoulan ont notamment publiés leurs échanges sur la question de l'espace numérique : http://sens-public.org/articles/1312/
pratiques d’écriture et d’enregistrement du réel qui voit ainsi se diffuser la machine à écrire et les techniques photographiques.
Cela m'évoque des passages dans Understanding media : The extension of man de McLuhan où il développe l'importance de la commercialisation de médias comme la machine à écrire dans un phénomène d'appropriation et de compréhension de médias comme le texte.
- Mar 2022
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
achève de superposer le flux des échanges oraux (par ailleurs captés en vidéo) avec le flux d’annotations numériques,
L'utilisation d'Hypothesis me semble ici aller vers un outil critique scientifique d'enrichissement, ça me fait penser notamment à la structure de l'édition augmentée en html des Ateliers sens public, je mets ici le lien vers le groupe d'édition : https://ateliers.sens-public.org/fabrique-de-l-interaction-parmi-les-ecrans/introduction.html
d’un régime textuel littéral à un régime numérique
Comme la suite de l'article ne semble pas traiter de la dimension technique de l'édition numérique, je comprends que régime textuel littéral concerne en fait le format de structuration et de diffusion plus que la structure interne (sinon il faudrait ajouter un développement sur la conception de l'édition en html du texte). Je pense que format textuel serait peut-être plus clair.
leur éditorialisation dans un appareil critique définitif.
ici le terme d'éditorialisation me semble employé au sens d'édition (au sens de structuration, valorisation et diffusion de l'information) ou même à celui de remédiation (passage d'un contexte médiatique à un autre). Voir peut-être au sujet de la remédiation : Remediation: Understanding new media de Bolter et Grusin.
choix d’éditorialisation définitifs.
Comme cela n'est pas précisé par la suite, je me permets de demander selon quelle définition l'éditorialisation est ici appréhendée : Merzeau, Vitali-Rosati, Bachimont, Chartron ? Si besoin je peux suggérer des références.
la lecture, l’annotation et la discussion d’un même texte par une communauté invitée et choisie
même chose ici : je pense que ça serait très intéressant de développer ou préciser la conception de la lecture comme conversation, de prime abord la lecture me semble être une relation au texte mais pas forcément une conversation (peut être lecture au sens d'interprétation et d'analyse ?). Dans le cas d'une lecture collective, en revanche on se rapprocherait davantage de la conversation et du collaboratif.
ateliers.sens-public.org ateliers.sens-public.org
Ceci se traduit par exemple par la difficulté, pour les participant·e·s dans la salle de séminaire, de savoir précisément sur quoi se porte le regard du·de la participant·e distant·e.
C'est un point que présente aussi Giuseppe Cavallari dans Performativité de l’être-en-ligne. Pour une phénoménologie de la présence numérique, (2018 p. 249-50) et que je reprends (ici) : selon les dispositifs et le placement de la caméra, l’individu ne peut pas savoir si je le regarde, car pour m’adresser un regard, il doit regarder la caméra et ainsi ne me voit plus ; inversement, pour voir son regard, je dois regarder son image et ainsi ne le regarde plus. Cavallari interprète ce phénomène comme positif : ainsi l’autre n’est plus dérangé par l’image de son interlocuteur·ice.
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Ou “cette mobilisation” ?
Donc tout le temps, en fait, on les a manipulés ces carnets
Je propose de modifier l'ordre : “En fait, on les a manipulés tout le temps, ces carnets, et”
Transcription collaborative des archives archéologiques du site de Bibracte
Je propose d'aménager le titre en : “Participants, musée, organisateurs : trois regards sur la transcription collaborative [etc.]”
ateliers.sens-public.org ateliers.sens-public.org
Peu d’études ont encore été menées sur les compétences acquises
Une étude exploratoire (peu d'entretiens) articulant compétences acquises pendant la formation doctorale et professionnalisation. http://journals.openedition.org/dse/1197
comment, dans les discours réflexifs et au travers des séances de travail collaboratif en séminaire, ces compétences apparaissent
Le développement d'une pensée, l'émergence de compétences, la dimension collaborative (et collective) et l'agencement numérique évoquent les travaux de Pierre Lévy relatifs à l'intelligence collective.
Lévy, P. (2007). Intelligence collective pour une anthropologie du cyberespace. Découverte.
- Feb 2022
write.as write.as
Subtract as much as you can until you can't anymore and see where that brings you.
a rare saxophone of renown, a bell with a soft jazz sound
happy couplet, I could see it inscribed on a plate somewhere, maybe the case?
- Jan 2022
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Course Syllabus
I only highlighted this as I have no real suggestions, everything on the syllabus is ok to me.
- Sep 2021
ebernstein.bergbuilds.domains ebernstein.bergbuilds.domains
Putting sugar in tea is treasonous to Orwell you’re basically drinking newborn blood by drinking tea with sugar.
Your point that Orwell is very closed-minded about tea traditions is valid and interesting, but the lack of punctuation make sit difficult to understand. Maybe add a comma or period in the middle?
dannymuhlenberg.bergbuilds.domains dannymuhlenberg.bergbuilds.domains
The assignment after the reading also really helped me understand the article a lot more. It was fun and helpful to go in-depth in the article.
I don't quite understand what you meant by this sentence, so maybe it would help to reword it a little so that it makes more sense? For example, saying I appreciated the assignment as it gave me a deeper perspective surrounding tea traditions and qualities. But good point!
noah.bergbuilds.domains noah.bergbuilds.domains
After reading the text initially, I felt that it made perfect sense that one should try not to pour sugar into tea as tea was meant to taste bitter. Now, however, I understand that sweet tea might be an alternative version of tea, but I still agree that tea was meant to be bitter, but adding sugar if you don’t like the taste should still be acceptable and should not impact how others identify you as a “tea-lover.”
I think you make a good point here! However, these sentences are a little wordy/repetitive and it becomes a little difficult to understand, but great point about whether or not tea should be bitter!
- Apr 2021
math.libretexts.org math.libretexts.org
Rule 7: cf(x)=f(x)cf(x)=f(x)cf(x ) = f(x) (for c>1c>1c > 1) stretched vertically. Rule 8: cf(x)=f(x)cf(x)=f(x)cf(x ) = f(x) (for c<1c<1c < 1) compressed vertically.
Rule 7 : for c > 1 stretched vertically Rule 8 : for 0 < c < 1 compressed vertically Rule 9 : for c > 1 compressed horizontally Rule 10 : for 0 < c < 1 stretched horizontally
- Mar 2021
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Non-blocking suggestion: This is a little more elegant, if you prefer this syntax:
- Sep 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Barrett, L. F. (2020, July 8). Opinion | College Courses Online Are Disappointing. Here’s How to Fix Them. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/08/opinion/college-reopening-online-classes.html
- Aug 2020
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Vuong, Q.-H. (2020). Reform retractions to make them more transparent. Nature, 582(7811), 149–149. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-01694-x
twitter.com twitter.com
Michael Eisen on Twitter: “A core problem in science publishing today is that we have a system where the complex, multidimensional assessment of the rigor, validity, utility, audience and impact of a work that emerges from peer review gets reduced to a single overvalued ‘accept/reject’ decision.” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://twitter.com/mbeisen/status/1291752487448276992
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Economic Policies for COVID-19. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved August 7, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/pp156/
- Jul 2020
nautil.us nautil.us
West, D. K. & G. (2020, July 8). The Damage We’re Not Attending To. Nautilus. http://nautil.us/issue/87/risk/the-damage-were-not-attending-to
Jena, P. K. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities created by Covid-19 for ODL: A case study of IGNOU [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/jy2td
Jena, P. K. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education in India [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/jg8fr
- May 2020
CERN. (2020 April 08). Initiatives from the CERN community in global fight against COVID-19. home.cern. https://home.cern/news/news/cern/initiatives-cern-community-global-fight-against-covid-19
- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Fronapfel, B. H., & Demchak, M. (2020, April 12). School’s Out for COVID-19: 50 Ways BCBA Trainees in Special Education Settings Can Accrue Independent Fieldwork Experience Hours During the Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cr3uv
stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Au fond le projet technique et culturel est simplement la question de la position sociale ou celle de la proximité entretenue avec ces questions.
préciser de qui est ce projet pour rendre la phrase plus compréhensible. suggestion: Au fond [leur] projet technique et culturel [se réduit] simplement à la question...
- Nov 2019
dis.lib.usf.edu dis.lib.usf.edu
Wait what city is it?” I ask excitedly.
I could be misinterpreting your words. In an earlier section, the protagonist seemed confused that a person would transferred to another city. All she knows (from her parents' conversation) is that a person can transferred if they have done a great wrong. Why has she not realized the lady was lying by now? When I first read this, I assumed she was so excited that she wasn't thinking. But after reading the whole story I know she is very curious and astute.
dis.lib.usf.edu dis.lib.usf.edu
watching the monitors
Possible plot hole. I have several questions
- Why hasn't they main city detected them? You said earlier that there is a military. This insinuates that there is an opposing force they must protect themselves from. If this city has a radar, I am going to assume that her old city would have radars able to detect them
- If their radars work when they are close to a pod, does this mean they are close enough for the city to see them? How are they evading the old city?
I have had rigorous training on how to use their boat on the water and below.
I like your forward narration in the story. You are telling your audience exactly how it is so you can go straight into the next plot point. With that being said, I would like to see you present this training progress in a more nuanced way. The way I usually see it done is through dialogue, internal dialogue, or a flashback. That way you can weave background information into the plot more seamlessly.
dis.lib.usf.edu dis.lib.usf.edu
I'm not going to comment on grammar and all that jazz since this is a rough draft. I suggest more sentence variety. For example, you have a lot of sentences starting with I. "I stand up..." "I lean on the glass.." "I breathe in the cool air." Playing with length and structure can improve the flow of your storytelling.
- Oct 2019
gbcnominations.com gbcnominations.com
Krishna Valley
- Sep 2019
github.com github.com
I just don't feel like doing the change.
- May 2019
stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Comme le rappelle Samuel Archibald “texte” est un “terme dérivé du latin texere, par lequel plusieurs langues indo-européennes ont opéré une association figée entre l’écriture et le tissu, l’acte de tisser ou de tramer.” (Archibald 2009, 204).
Je suis d'avis de placer cette explication avant, en fait dès que tu emploie le verbe tisser pour expliquer le fonctionnement du texte, car de tout façon on sent/sait bien que tu as cette référence en tête...
Le fait numérique contribue à donner encore plus d’importance à cette dimension matérielle
Je propose de peut-être modifier cette phrase, car dit ainsi, il n'est pas clair si le fait numérique recentre l'étude de l'inscription sur son support en tant qu'il repose certaines questions qui semblent nouvelles parce qu'étant nouveau espace de médiation, ou si parce qu'il est numérique, il augmente la matérialité des inscriptions.
je dirai plutôt éventré pour rappeler plus clairement la lecture des entrailles.
donc il me semble d'autant plus important de rappeler au début de ton article l'étymologie de texte.
J'ai de la difficulté à penser une écriture inhumaine : peut-être remplacer par "trop peu humaine" ?
elle remplit les écrits
de dire que l'écriture remplit les écrits est un peu une tautologie : qu'elle fonde les productions écrites peut-être plus.
les mains des pouvoirs riches.
Tu n'utilise pas le terme, mais ton approche s'inscrit dans un fondement humaniste d'opposition à un élitisme savant.
se tisse
je te propose de mettre ce segment en italique compte tenu de l'étymologie latine de texte.
- Mar 2019
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
It would be nice if comments and annotations could be voted by people, and have the possibility to sort them chronologically etc.
- Feb 2018
webgate.ec.europa.eu webgate.ec.europa.eu
numbered articles
Hello again
l reference", the label must be changed in
ference (
suggestion of jcw
- Dec 2017
www.vacationlabs.com www.vacationlabs.com
EDIT: It is described below the table.
<del>Small text describing the operators would help beginners never exposed to code.</del>
Those of you trying to understand this /= is the not equals operator.
www.vacationlabs.com www.vacationlabs.com
stack & cabal
By this point I am not aware of what stack and cabal are. I'm hoping that this is covered in the next chapter as there is no indication. My immediate action was to do a search on these terms.
https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/ https://www.haskell.org/cabal/
Some tips on what kind of comments to add:
You should probably also add some predefined tags here to be used in annotations. It would make it easier for you to sift through the annotations.
- Mar 2017
doc.rust-lang.org doc.rust-lang.org
Here’s the first step:
Would be nice if methodology name is included (I think this is related to reference?)
- Oct 2015
www.neuron.yale.edu www.neuron.yale.edu
op level functions,
I like this a lot
- Sep 2015
langsci-press.org langsci-press.org
it is not possible to havea combination ofthewith a nominal constituent if this constituent was not already builtup from lexical material by Merge
Probably, it would be helpful to know why one would like to analyse fragments of phrases. Fragments are not utterances, they don't have a truth value, they only appear as parts of bigger phrases and their grammaticality can not be judged. Furthermore fragments are highly ambiguous. "und auf die" e.g. could be a part of "Er wartet auf Maria ["und auf die" Kinder"], or "Er trinkt wieder ["und auf die" Kinder hat er wieder nicht aufgepasst]." In these 2 structures, what is coordinated are completely different things (PPs or CPs). It is the complete structure which reveals the function and the combinatorial potential of its parts.