- Sep 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
urban forest inequity
Mentions of humans thinning trees for better tree canopy in the section on black ash trees in Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
- climate crisis
- Dan Allosso Book Club 2024-09-28
- shade inequity
- redlining
- urban planning
- urban heat island effect
- spatial justice
- Shannon Lea Watkins
- albedo
- environmental justice
- urban ecology
- shade
- equity
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Ed Gerrish
- environmental gentrification
- Jan 2024
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Bangladesch ist dem Climate Risk Index zufolge das am siebtstärksten von den Folgen der globalen Erhitzung betroffene Land. Bis zur Mitte des Jahrhunderts wird dort mit 20 Millionen Binnenflüchtlingen aufgrund der Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels gerechnet. Die Regierung vertritt die Interessen der wirtschaftlichen Elite und reagiert zunehmend mit harter Repression auf Opposition. Reportage über junge AktivistInnen in Bangladesch anlässlich der Wahlen, an denen die wichtigsten Oppositionsparteien nicht teilnehmen. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/05/news/bangladesh_elezioni_cambiamento_climatico-421819356/
- Dec 2023
for: Kevin Anderson, transition, climate equity, climate justice, climate justice - Kevin Anderson, carbon inequality - Kevin Anderson, life within planetary boundaries, lifestyle within planetary boundaries - elites, climate crisis - Kevin Anderson
- Kevin offers a picture of what a world within the stable climate planetary boundary would look like for the wealthy of the planet.
- Nov 2023
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.comLinkedIn1
By chance I was reading Robert Goodin's 30 year old book on Green Political Theory yesterday - yes, how I get my kicks. A statement near the end of the book jumped out at me - and, I think, pertinent to the Netherlands now and the heat and noise in my home town, Oxford re. transport policy."...greens will have to impose tougher restraints on the rich than on the poor; they will have to let the poor continue to damage the environment in ways that they are prepared to prevent the rich from doing."
for: carbon tax, tax the rich, carbon inequality
- an obvious and logical strategy because
- the elites are few in number, but hold much wealth
- the disenfranchised are many in number but hold little wealth
- but the disenfranchised exist in larger numbers
- so when it comes to voting, they are a strategic cohort to win over
- this is in effect the same logic as the Paris Agreement and climate justice
- climate justice requires us to protect the poor and give them the remaining carbon budget whilst those who already have enough must cut back
- an obvious and logical strategy because
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Das britische Climate Change Committee empfiehlt dem Land, den Energy Charter-Vertrag zu verlassen, so wie es die meisten Industrieländer bereits beschlossen haben. Die vorgeschlagenen Reformen gingen nicht weit genug und würden Öl- und Gasprojekte weitere 10 Jahre schützen.
- Sep 2023
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
- for: green city, living city, environmental justice, safe and just transition, safe and just boundaries earth system boundaries, just transition, climate justice, cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
- title: Environmental justice in a very green city: Spatial inequality in exposure to urban nature, air pollution and heat in Oslo, Norway
- author: Zander S. Venter, Helene Figari, Olve Krange, Vegard Gundersen
- date: Feb. 2023
- source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004896972207293X#f0005
Interview mit dem philippinischen Anwalt Tony Opposa, der die Kampagne World's Youth for Climate Justice unterstützt. Es geht dabei darum, das Recht junger und zukünftiger Generationen auf eine intakte Umwelt vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof einklagbar zu machen. Oposa hat schon sehr früh in den Philippinen Prozesse geführt, bei denen es um die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen geht. https://taz.de/Anwalt-ueber-Klimaklagen/!5954750/
- Jul 2023
www.oxfam.org www.oxfam.org
- for: inequality, climate justice, wealth tax
- policy paper
- title
- survival of the richest
- date
- Jan 16, 2023
- executive summary
- Since 2020, the richest 1% have captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth
- nearly twice as much money as the bottom 99% of the world’s population.
- Billionaire fortunes are increasing by $2.7bn a day,
- even as inflation outpaces the wages of at least 1.7 billion workers, more than the population of India.7
- Food and energy companies more than doubled their profits in 2022,
- paying out $257bn to wealthy shareholders,
- while over 800 million people went to bed hungry
- Only 4 cents in every dollar of tax revenue comes from wealth taxes and
- half the world’s billionaires live in countries with no inheritance tax on money they give to their children.
- A tax of up to 5% on the world’s multi-millionaires and billionaires could raise $1.7 trillion a year,
- enough to lift 2 billion people out of poverty, and fund a global plan to end hunger.
- Since 2020, the richest 1% have captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth
oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com
- for: inequality, wealth tax, climate justice, earth system justice
- policy paper
- title
- Survival of the Richest
- source
- Oxfam
- Jan 2023
Executive Summary
- Since 2020, the richest 1% have captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth
- nearly twice as much money as the bottom 99% of the world’s population.
- Billionaire fortunes are increasing by $2.7bn a day,
- even as inflation outpaces the wages of at least 1.7 billion workers, more than the population of India.7
- Food and energy companies more than doubled their profits in 2022,
- paying out $257bn to wealthy shareholders,
- while over 800 million people went to bed hungry
- Only 4 cents in every dollar of tax revenue comes from wealth taxes and
- half the world’s billionaires live in countries with no inheritance tax on money they give to their children.
- A tax of up to 5% on the world’s multi-millionaires and billionaires could raise $1.7 trillion a year,
- enough to lift 2 billion people out of poverty, and fund a global plan to end hunger.
- Since 2020, the richest 1% have captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
we are left with questions of how to split the burden of collectively staying within the PBs. To know if e.g. a person or a company is absolute environmentally sustainable, we need to know that person’s or the company’s assigned SoSOS. How to determine a person’s or a company’s assigned SoSOS is not only normative, but essentially a question of distributive justice.
- question
- how to we split the burden of collectively staying within the PBs?
- To know if e.g. a person or a company is absolute environmentally sustainable,
- we need to know that person’s or the company’s assigned SoSOS.
- How to determine a person’s or a company’s assigned SoSOS is not only normative,
- but essentially a question of distributive justice.
- question
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Cap top 20% of energy users to reduce carbon emissions
- Title
- Cap top 20% of energy users to reduce carbon emissions
Summary -Consumers in the richer, developed nations will have to accept restrictions on their energy use
- if international climate change targets are to be met, warn researchers.
- The big challenge is to identify the fairest and most equitable way
- that governments can curtail energy use,
- a process known as energy demand reduction. -The research team analyzed several scenarios to identify a potential solution.
- Title
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
93% der Länder, die am verwundbarsten durch die Klimakrise sind, sind bereits überschuldet oder stehen kurz davor. Trotzdem sind bisher Kredite das Hauptinstrument der Klimafinanzierung. Damit verschärft sich die Schuldenkrise vor allem vieler afrikanischer Staaten. Sie ist eines der Hauptthemen des Pariser Klimafinanz-Gipfels. Hintergrund-Bericht der Libération mit vielen vertiefenden Informationen. https://www.liberation.fr/international/afrique/quinze-ans-apres-lafrique-rattrapee-par-la-dette-20230622_FC3LKPPATFCXDIGC4FS626ZE4E/
Oxfam: Climate Finance Shadow Report 2033 https://www.oxfam.org/en/research/climate-finance-shadow-report-2023
- Jun 2023
Bei der Frühjahrstagung der Weltbank und des internationalen Währungsfonds ist die Klimakrise ein zentrales Thema. Die Reformvorschläge vor allem für die Weltbank gehen voraussichtlich nicht weit genug, um ärmeren Ländern einen wirksamen Kampf gegen die globale Erhitzung zu erlauben. https://taz.de/IWF-und-Weltbank-auf-Fruehjahrstagung/!5924846/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
ble to pay $170tn in climate reparations by 2050 to ensure targets to curtail climate breakdown are met, a new study calculates.
Eine neue Studie hat erstmals berechtigt, wieviele Klima-Reparationen die Industrieländer, die die meisten Emissionen verursacht haben, an Staaten des globalen Südens bezahlen müssten. In der Summe sind es 170 Billionen US-Dollar. Berechnet wird, welchen wirtschaftlichen Verlust ärmere Länder ausgleichen müssen, weil ihnen fossile Energien nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen. Daei wird der Verbrauch seit 1060 zugrundegelegt. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/05/climate-change-carbon-budget-emissions-payment-usa-uk-germany
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
if we continue with our greenhouse gas emissions then by 2070 as many as 3 00:03:25 billion people will live in uninhabitable zones and mostly in poorer countries and this basically means that these people who probably have the least contribution to the climate problem have 00:03:39 been the ones that are most exposed
!- quotable : 3 billion people at risk by 2070 - mostly people who has contributed the least to the problem
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Environmentalists say bulldozing the village to expand the Garzweiler mine would result in huge amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. The government and utility company RWE argue the coal is needed to ensure Germany's energy security.Police officers use water cannons on protesters in Luetzerath on Saturday. (Thilo Schmuelgen/Reuters)The regional and national governments, both of which include the environmentalist Green party, reached a deal with RWE last year allowing it to destroy the abandoned village in return for ending coal use by 2030, rather than 2038.Some speakers at Saturday's demonstration assailed the Greens, whose leaders argue that the deal fulfils many of the environmentalists' demands and saved five other villages from demolition.What on Earth?Why the reversal of a decades-old coal policy sparked controversy in Alberta"It's very weird to see the German government, including the Green party, make deals and compromise with companies like RWE, with fossil fuel companies, when they should rather be held accountable for all the damage and destruction they have caused," Thunberg said."My message to the German government is that they should stop what's happening here immediately, stop the destruction, and ensure climate justice for everyone."
Assuming the facts are correct and complete here, it's surprisingly naive of Thunberg to take this view. One unknown is whether the displaced villagers were suitably compensated for being evicted. Still, taking 8 years off the deadline to end coal use - that's a pretty massive win and could set the stage for even more in the future.
- Dec 2022
nonprofitquarterly.org nonprofitquarterly.org
Below, I pose four critical questions. How the Biden administration answers these questions will say a lot about whether Justice40 sets a new marker for environmental justice in the United States—or if the promise of Justice40 is squandered.
Follow developments with Justice40 and implications for climate justice movement.
- Nov 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
she pointed out that climate finance to small island states declined by 25 percent in 2019 but she also offered 00:22:36 what she called a sword that can cut down this gordian knot of finance and she reminded us that 25 trillion dollars of quantitative easing has been produced in the last 13 years and that 9 trillion 00:22:49 of that was just in the last 18 months alone in order to deal with the covet crisis an annual increase in special drawing rights of 500 billion dollars a year for 20 years putting trust to finance the 00:23:01 transition is what she suggested is the real gap that we need to close not the 50 billion being proposed for adaptation and she concluded by saying if 500 billion sounds big it's just two percent 00:23:14 of that 25 trillion dollars that has already been created through quantitative easing so my question is is actually not an economic question it's more of a political question really what are the barriers to using that mechanism for the 00:23:28 enormous threat of climate change in the way it's been used for the frankly lesser threat of of covid and what can be done to build support for it
Excellent comparison give here. Unless we have salient comparison of figures, we can think a number sounds big.
i 00:35:57 think that's really important but i want to come back to a bigger issue which is the lack of the hundred billion dollars and also loss and damage and i think that actually goes back to a lack 00:36:09 of knowledge and education in the developed world about our history and i think this is incredibly important that we need to think not just about the science but actually educating people 00:36:20 about colonization about how much we've actually admitted i think that if we can get the developed world to actually understand uh the crimes of our past to 00:36:32 be able to understand why there is this trust issue i think that's actually critical and it sounds really strange to deal with history to actually save the planet to deal with climate change but 00:36:44 i've become more convinced having heard politicians who supposedly studied history and politics at university must admit it was a very strange small oxford university you know they're not very 00:36:56 good but again i think we really have that whole education piece to do before we can acknowledge those crimes and move forward
Education about the history of colonization is critical to helping developed country leaders understand and prioritize the transfer of funds.
if the trust equation is undermined then there is little hope that the 00:15:22 integrity of the carbon equation will be maintained
This is a critical link between successful decarbonization and climate justice - no climate justice means no successful decarbonization/
- Oct 2021
there’s a group of us who are figuring out what this Centre for Climate Justice is going to be and what its scope is going to be.
- Jan 2021
ethz.ch ethz.ch
Gutes zusammfassendes Blogpost zu der Studie Scientists’ warning on affluence | Nature Communications von einem ihrer Autoren.
- Sep 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zum Bericht von Oxfam über den Verbrauch des größten Teils des CO2-Budgets durch die global Reichsten.
mobilitaet.greenpeace.at mobilitaet.greenpeace.at
Studie zur Klimaungerechtigkeit in Österreich, vor allem wegen der Vorschläge zum Erreichen von mehr Klimagerechtigkeit durch ökologische Steuerreform u.ä. interessant. Siehe auch Standard-Artikel dazu Greenpeace-Report - Wesentlich mehr CO2 durch Reiche als Arme - noen.at