- Last 7 days
evefrontier.com evefrontier.comKeeper1
The Vast Silence
I like this idea because it goes back to a principle I love from eastern philosophy.
This idea feels like, what if, the "energy" school started incorporating eastern vague concepts like "silence" with frameworks like thermodynamics in their theories.
- Aug 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Nora reminds us, is be attentive to not what has been said but what the relationship is between what has and has not been said. Life happens in between the stories, not in them.
for - warm data - the silence between words
- Jul 2024
substack.com substack.com
“You always have the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone.” I have no opinion about this.
- Dec 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Silence (2016 film) Dir. Martin Scorsese
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
t I think there is a risk that we end up being 'activists for the status quo' by being silent.
- for: quote, quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - silence - activism for the status quo, Stop Oil
- There is a risk that we end up being activists for the status quo by being silent
- I would agree with Kevin. Silence is making a statement, it's not neutral
- the "activists" are doing the dirty work of critiquing the top down actors
- May 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
howtosavetheworld.ca howtosavetheworld.ca
Dave Pollard writes about types of silence and its cultural role in different situations. Prompted by a K-cafe by David Gurteen. Great to see such old network connections still going strong.
Book mentioned [[The Great Unheard at Work by Mark Cole and John Higgins]] something for the antilib re power assymmetries?
- May 2022
slate.com slate.com
The recipe details, moreover, assume that these “unmarry’d Women” had the kind of knowledge of arithmetic that the book’s earlier instructional sections had taught. The recipe insists on careful attention to measurement and counting. And it asks the preparer to work with repeated multiples of three. Franklin had a track record of promoting female education, and of arithmetic for them in particular. He advocates for it in his early, anonymous “Silence Dogood” articles, and in his Autobiography singles out a Dutch printer’s widow who saved the family business thanks to her education. There, Franklin makes an explicit call “recommending that branch of education for our young females.”
Evidence for Benjamin Franklin encouraging the education of women in mathematics.
- Jan 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Simone de Beauvoir said that when she became an atheist, it felt like the world had fallen silent.
Is there a link to religion and the connection and potential conversation provided by it that provides an evolutionary advantage? Is there a psychological change in attention or self-consciousness?
- Mar 2021
www.nord.gouv.fr www.nord.gouv.fr
CONSEQUENCES JURIDIQUES DU DEFAUT D’ACCUSE DE RECEPTION. Article L112-6 CRPASi l’administration n’accuse pas réception de la demande, ou le fait demanière incorrecte (mentions incomplètes ou erronées), les délais derecours ne sont pas opposables à l’auteur de la demande.L’usager pourra donc contester votre décision implicite à tout momentdevant la juridiction administrative.Il est donc important pour la sécurité juridique de vos décisions, derespecter les règles tant sur la forme que sur le fond.
craigmod.com craigmod.com
Silence Here’s another, more subtle, point about the grace of email and newsletters: Creation and consumption don’t happen in the same space. When I go to send a missive in Campaign Monitor the world of my laptop screen is as silent as a midnight Tokyo suburb.9 I think we’ve inured ourselves to the (false) truth that in order to post something, in order to contribute something to the stream, we must look at the stream itself, “Bird Box”-esque, and woe be the person in a productive creative jag, wanting to publish, who can resist those hot political tweets.
This rings very true to me and is a definite benefit of composing things within my own domain rather than too quickly within a social silo's interface.
github.com github.com
Meh... as I said earlier, I think using Webpack is the recommended way now. Another issue is there is no way to generate source maps in production.
- Feb 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2020, December 5). RT @bhrenton: On average, one person in the U.S. died of Covid-19 every 43 seconds last week. On this morning’s @CNNnewsroom, @Christi_Paul… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1335906973750059009
- Apr 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
If in observing the present state of the world and life in general, from a Christian point of view one had to say (and from a Christian point of view with complete justification): It is a disease. And if I were a physician and someone asked me “What do you think should be done?” I would answer, “The first thing, the unconditional condition for anything to be done, consequently the very first thing that must be done is: create silence, bring about silence; God's Word cannot be heard, and if in order to be heard in the hullabaloo it must be shouted deafeningly with noisy instruments, then it is not God’s Word; create silence! Ah, everything is noisy; and just as strong drink is said to stir the blood, so everything in our day, even the most insignificant project, even the most empty communication, is designed merely to jolt the senses and to stir up the masses, the crowd, the public, noise! And man, this clever fellow, seems to have become sleepless in order to invent ever new instruments to increase noise, to spread noise and insignificance with the greatest possible haste and on the greatest possible scale. Yes, everything is soon turned upside-down: communication is indeed soon brought to its lowest point in regard to meaning, and simultaneously the means of communication are indeed brought to their highest with regard to speedy and overall circulation; for what is publicized with such hot haste and, on the other hand, what has greater circulation than---rubbish! Oh, create silence!” Soren Kierkegaard, For Self-Examination 1851 p. 47-48 Hong 1990
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Silently Wife, than Foolish in Rhetorick.
I assume that's a typographical f that's intended as an s (Wise as opposed to Wife, Wise to counter Foolish)?
Parallels again to Pizan, who urged women to use both manners and silence with rhetorical precision, as well as to Ratcliffe and Glenn's Silence and Listening as Rhetorical Arts
- Nov 2018
numbers-were-burning.blogspot.com numbers-were-burning.blogspot.com
The conductor became frozen, with his arms in the air, just as when he was conducting. And he was still conducting! Only now he was conducting the silence! No one moved, the concert hall was completely enveloped in peace. With the conductor's arms still up, and the violin bows still poised above the strings, no one dared to applaud. If they were wrong and it was not the end, their clapping would be a rude interruption of the music. And I'm sure that was exactly what the conductor intended!
- Jun 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Being silent for a week, and trying to empty your mind of thought, is not for the faint of heart, but I do wish that everyone could try it at least once. During my first retreat, I wondered how a simple tomato could taste so good, why I did not mind physical discomfort as much, how looking at a single flower for 45 minutes was even possible, let alone so gratifying.
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
When we go within and are silent, as you are doing each time we talk, we find the natural efficiency, the natural brilliance, the unbelievable perspicacity—that was a good one, Paul—that constitutes our very nature. Silence is as simple as we can get, and it is the cornerstone of Wisdom.
Raj is very clear here re 'simply going within'....into our Beingness.
- Oct 2015
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
fiddled whisper music on those strings
What the Thunder Said
The natural world deciding to make its opinion known
frosty silence
shouting and the crying