- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To add some other intermediary services:
- ko-fi (site for contribution)
- GitHub sponsors (for GitPages)
- itch.io (for games)
- Gumroad (for sites and repositories)
- Patreon (for fan interaction)
To add a service for groups:
To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:
If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer
Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.
- strategies
- exclusive
- wordpress
- youtube
- browser
- community
- web standards
- art
- Interledger
- ngx
- web
- 11ty
- web monetization
- model
- monetization
- payment
- pricing
- vuepress
- gatsby
- Interledger Protocol
- ko-fi
- tips
- freemium
- payment pointer
- gftw
- dev.to
- gumroad
- svelte
- collective
- pwyw
- micro-donation
- moodle
- fans
- uphold
- donation
- pricing strategies
- video
- research
- business
- open-source
- film
- pipe web
- revenue sharing
- stream
- revenue
- Consortium
- gatehub
- tools
- wallet
- open collective
- plug-in
- nonprofit
- coil
- privacy
- tessy
- gratuity
- github
- subscriptions
- hugo
- micropayment
- games
- sponsors
- protocol
- education
- microdonation
- premium
- mozilla festival
- open web
- pay-what-you-want
- open
- contribution
- open source
- online ledger
- podcast
- pay what you want
- mozfest
- jekyll
- w3c
- gaming
- extension
- Patreon
- mozilla
- gridsome
- Mar 2022
educatedguesswork.org educatedguesswork.org
- Jul 2021
www.w3.org www.w3.org
dated 95/10/10
Correction: 94/10/10
- Apr 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Web science
As it is, it looks like it refers to science of the web. Not to scientific practices in a web-like way (which seems to be the goal of the Linked Resarch project).
- Oct 2016
www.donationcoder.com www.donationcoder.com
Way back in the beginning of time, IBM's OS/2 Warp operating system shipped with a web browser (sorry, I can't remember its name) that would show your browsing history as an outline.
- Aug 2016
codex.wordpress.org codex.wordpress.org
Upload the files
If you are using WampServer locally, copy the Wordpress directory to the www directory of your WampServer installation. To find out where that is, click on the WampServer icon in the system tray (notification area in Windows 7), and then click on the 'www directory' listing in the menu. Once where you know where that is, you can copy and paste it to that location. There are other options, but this is the most convenient to get up and running with WordPress quickly.
- Jun 2015
indiecert.net indiecert.net
for easily running your own instance!
This is a lie!