21 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. classify

      Ideally, when classifying, one should draw up classes which are mutually exclusive so as to better differentiate the items under consideration. This is not always possible and there are some cases where having overlap my be beneficial in one's work.



  2. Nov 2023
    1. militarized masculinities are sites where boundary lines are drawn – “one between good guys and bad guys and the other separating what we can look at from what we can’t”

      polarised identity formation

    2. constructed, reproduced, and influenced by gendered relationships within military institutions.
    1. hows that Gurkhas are actively shaping their own futures and challenging stereotypes through their actions.

      starting to change

    2. Gurkhas, who have a reputation as fierce warriors due to their martial race

      superior people decided based on masculine qualities such as being active

    3. gendered nature of the security industry and the participation of primarily men.
    1. This overarching goal is stated in the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8, “The Congress shall have Power ... To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”

      Then, the article quote the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8, and then explains that, in the 18th century, this constitutional law gave the congress the power to grant exclusive rights to authors and inventors for their work, in order to boost creativity and innovation in the USA (U.S. Const., 1787). Later, the article claims that in the 1975, the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8 keep having the purpose of fostering innovation and creativity in the society, throughout economic incentive. Subsequently, the article supports this statement by quoting the law "Twentieth Century Music Corp. v. Aiken," which was created in 1975 with the purpose of boosting creativity and innovation in society throughout the economic incentive of assuring that creators receive a payment for their intellectual property that equates to the cost of producing it.

  3. Nov 2022
    1. Donations

      To add some other intermediary services:

      To add a service for groups:

      To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:

      If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer

      Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.

  4. May 2022
    1. “harm-to-help”

      The open access Stop Reset Go meme is the actionable turnaround instrument. When we recognize something is harmful, applying the Stop Reset Go methodology turns around harm to wellbeing by removing the harm but keeping the component that contributes to wellbeing. Myopic, exclusive wellbeing is what can cause harm, Expansive, inclusive wellbeing is a more inclusive wellbeing that includes a wider swath of the biosphere.

  5. Mar 2022
    1. Note that this is a breaking API change in the libraries (more information in the README.md). It does not affect the backwards compatibility of the protocol itself.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: backwards compatibility of the protocol backwards compatibility for [libraries that use [it?]]

  6. Sep 2021
    1. while the super-rich may move through through world cities, their cosmopolitan practices and lifestyles rarely break out of the exclusive transnational spaces which stand at the intersecting points of particular corporate, capital, technological, information and cultural lines of flow.

      The elites move in a world of their own. Embedded within the deteriorating spaces all around them, their privileged and exclusive spaces are like self-constructed lotus blossoms floating on a sea of muck, which their lifestyles have disproportionately helped create in the first place. The geographic juxtapostion of these two spaces is stark, as illustrated in images such as those of Cape Town’s elite neighborhoods nextdoor to crowded townships. Wealth and privilege live side by side poverty.

  7. Jun 2021
    1. In Material Design, the selected and activated states apply in different, mutually-exclusive situations:
  8. Apr 2021
    1. Events AAA and BBB are mutually exclusive (cannot both occur at once) if they have no elements in common.

      Events \(A\) and \(B\) are mutually exclusive (cannot both occur at once) if they have no elements in common.

      Events \(A\) and \(B\) are mutually exclusive if: $$P(A∩B)=0$$

  9. Mar 2021
    1. Mutually exclusive categories can be beneficial. If categories appear several places, it's called cross-listing or polyhierarchical. The hierarchy will lose its value if cross-listing appears too often. Cross-listing often appears when working with ambiguous categories that fits more than one place.
    1. I get asked a lot which I want to do more; design or write code? I answer, “yes.”
    2. Being a better designer makes me a better engineer and being a better engineer makes me a better designer.
  10. Dec 2020
    1. Huh, to be honest, I'd expect assigning multiple elements to the same slot to fail at compile time unless the multiples were inside mutually exclusive conditionals. If the multiples were outside statically resolvable mutually exclusive conditionals I'd expect to see a runtime error.
  11. Mar 2020
    1. Do you consider visitor interaction with the home page video an important engagement signal? If so, you would want interaction with the video to be included in the bounce rate calculation, so that sessions including only your home page with clicks on the video are not calculated as bounces. On the other hand, you might prefer a more strict calculation of bounce rate for your home page, in which you want to know the percentage of sessions including only your home page regardless of clicks on the video.
  12. Dec 2019
  13. Feb 2014
    1. These rights are quali- fied, however, by the application of various limitations set forth in the next several sections of the Act, §§107 through 122. Those sections, typically entitled “Limitations on exclusive rights,” include, for example, the principle of “fair use” (§107), permission for limited library archival reproduction, (§108), and the doctrine at issue here, the “first sale” doctrine (§109)
      • §107 - the principle of “fair use”
      • §108 - permission for limited library archival reproduction
      • §109 - the “first sale” doctrine