- Nov 2023
- Oct 2023
github.com github.com
- Sep 2023
sveltejs.github.io sveltejs.github.io
sveltejs.github.io sveltejs.github.io
sveltejs.github.io sveltejs.github.io
mistlog.medium.com mistlog.medium.com
mistlog.github.io mistlog.github.io
- Aug 2023
flowbite-svelte.com flowbite-svelte.com
www.sveltedevtools.com www.sveltedevtools.com
sveltequery.vercel.app sveltequery.vercel.app
- Jul 2023
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
- Nov 2022
webmonetization.org webmonetization.org
Web Monetization
Web Monetization official site with motivation, wallets, providers, browsers, search engines, tools, documentation link, explainer link, specifications link, awesome list link, github link
- revenue
- awesome
- specification
- interledger
- infinity search
- gatehub
- vuepress
- web monetization
- 11ty
- ledger
- pipe web
- micro-payment
- list
- w3c
- donations
- mozilla
- hugo
- mojeek
- documentation
- coil
- protocol
- chrome
- ngx
- github
- moodle
- monetization
- puma
- explainer
- edge
- gatsby
- uphold
- javasript
- wallet
- svelte
- jekyll
- money
- tessy
- currency
- motivation
- ilp
- plugin
- gridsome
- standard
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To add some other intermediary services:
- ko-fi (site for contribution)
- GitHub sponsors (for GitPages)
- itch.io (for games)
- Gumroad (for sites and repositories)
- Patreon (for fan interaction)
To add a service for groups:
To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:
If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer
Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.
- art
- microdonation
- privacy
- gatehub
- pay-what-you-want
- gumroad
- web monetization
- stream
- tools
- 11ty
- open web
- nonprofit
- community
- browser
- business
- sponsors
- video
- donation
- ngx
- github
- games
- web
- moodle
- gaming
- fans
- dev.to
- gftw
- open source
- mozfest
- plug-in
- open-source
- youtube
- svelte
- jekyll
- extension
- research
- tessy
- strategies
- wordpress
- payment
- model
- revenue
- gridsome
- ko-fi
- tips
- open collective
- vuepress
- pipe web
- w3c
- hugo
- mozilla
- web standards
- coil
- premium
- open
- protocol
- contribution
- pay what you want
- Consortium
- Interledger
- exclusive
- monetization
- education
- Interledger Protocol
- online ledger
- gratuity
- freemium
- collective
- gatsby
- podcast
- film
- uphold
- Patreon
- pricing strategies
- revenue sharing
- subscriptions
- wallet
- payment pointer
- micro-donation
- micropayment
- pwyw
- mozilla festival
- pricing
github.com github.com
Use a :global rule to only expose parts of the stylesheet:
- Aug 2022
gist.github.com gist.github.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
you can also replicate the bind:this syntax if you please: Wrapper.svelte <script> let root export { root as this } </script> <div bind:this={root} />
This lets the caller use it like this:
<Wrapper bind:this={root} />
in the same way we can already do this with elements:
<div bind:this=
- May 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You should mentioned what you listed after the word try_files. Here's what I ended up using that seemed to work: try_files $uri $uri/index.html $uri.html /index.html; The /index.html at the end needs to match the fallback: 'index.html' part of your adapter-static config. Otherwise going directly to a route that doesn't have a matching file at that path -- such as any route with a dynamic param like [id] -- will result in a 404.
- Apr 2022
svelte.dev svelte.dev
- Feb 2022
In addition, a component that uses Svelte's built in event forwarding system cannot allow event listeners on the "capture" phase of the event lifecycle. It also cannot allow events to be cancelable with the browser's built in preventDefault function.
github.com github.com
As a workaround, you can use setters in every affected reactive block instead of direct assignment. let localForm = {}; const setLocalForm = (data) => { localForm = data; }; $: setLocalForm({...$formData});
- Jan 2022
It's vanilla JS, doesn't bind you to specifc syntax and that's the main reason why I like svelte that it doesn't try to sandbox you into framework constraints.
const unsubscribe = errorStore.subscribe(value => { if (!value) { return } error = value errorStore.set() })
I personally abstract everything away into stores. Stores are amazing. With everything I mean things like fetch, Worker or WebSocket.
Another limitation is that you are forced into the syntax of the {#await} block. What I mean by that is that for example you can't add a loading class to a parent. You can only render stuff for the loading state in the given block. Nowhere else.
export const fibonacci = function (n, initialData) { return readable( { loading: true, error: null, data: initialData, }, (set) => { let controller = new AbortController(); (async () => { try { let result = await fibonacciWorker.calculate(n, { signal: controller.signal }); set({ loading: false, error: null, data: result, }); } catch (err) { // Ignore AbortErrors, they're not unexpected but a feature. // In case of abortion we just keep the loading state because another request is on its way anyway. if (err.name !== 'AbortError') { set({ loading: false, error: err, data: initialData, }); } } })(); return () => { controller.abort(); }; } ); };
<script> import { fibonacci } from './math.js'; $: result = fibonacci(n, 0); </script> <input type=number bind:value={n}> <p>The {n}th Fibonacci number is {$result.data}</p> {#if $result.loading} <p>Show a spinner, add class or whatever you need.</p> <p>You are not limited to the syntax of an #await block. You are free to do whatever you want.</p> {/if}
Yes I love stores.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
export const load: Load = async ({ page, session }) => { if (!isPublic(page.path) && !isAuthenticated(session)) { console.log('Unauthorized access to private page'); return { redirect: '/', status: 302 }; } else { console.log('Auth OK'); } return {}; };
In hooks.js I have a handle function that basically does request.locals.jwt = cookies.jwt, and then a getSession function that returns { jwt: locals.jwt }
github.com github.com
Instead of render props, we use Svelte's slot props: // React version <Listbox.Button> {({open, disabled} => /* Something using open and disabled */)} </Listbox.Button> <!--- Svelte version ---> <ListboxButton let:open let:disabled> <!--- Something using open and disabled ---> </ListboxButton>
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
It has many advantages but the main reason for me is that it simplifies your front end code. It's not perfect by any means, but overall its cons are worth it IMO.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
SSR is used for pages as well, but prerendering means that rendering happens at build time instead of when a visitor visits the page.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
import { goto } from '$app/navigation'; function routeToPage(route: string, replaceState: boolean) { goto(`/${route}`, { replaceState }) } replaceState == true will replace the route instead of adding to the browser history. So, when you click back, you will not go back to the route you came from.
svelte.dev svelte.dev
github.com github.com
All my stores also have a defaultValue property and reset method
Interesting... why?
I've said it multiples times and I say it again: in Svelte stores solve all your problems and I love them so much.
It works if you always want b to be the value deriving from a. However in the example above, we want the value of b to be temporarily out of sync of a.
My mental model has always been that a reactive declaration like $: b = a * 2 defines b in it's entirety ("Here's my recipe for b and all the ingredients, please Svelte make b always up to date"). And outside of this declaration b is immutable.
First of all, here is what I meant by updating reactive declared variable
The intention of the issue #2444 was to propagate the changes of the reactive declared variables back to its dependencies. in the context of this example, would meant, updating b should update a as well.
- Svelte: reactive variable
- allowing variable to be temporarily out-of-sync
- Svelte: store
- Svelte: reactivity: caveat / surprising behavior
- Svelte: store: custom
- mental model
- Svelte: reactivity: problem: reactive statement triggered when it shouldn't be
- rave review
- Svelte: reactive derived variable
- excitement
- Svelte: reactivity: problem: reactive statement triggered too often
github.com github.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Explicitly defining the dependency in the reactive declarations
inputValue = updateInputValue(value);
github.com github.com
I ended up writing a custom store that "buffers" sets for both a small time interval and ensuring only one async action is in flight (and triggering an extra round of async processing if a set was seen after the last async action was launched).
github.com github.com
We should instead invalidate the ultimate dependencies of filtered rather than filtered itself:
github.com github.com
You declare a reactive variable and it's dependencies ("recipe").
Svelte currently consistently gives the reactive statement priority over your checked binding.
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
Oh, I just figured out a workaround for my project, in case it helps someone. If you want the source of truth on the prop to come from the child component, then leave it undefined in the parent. Then, you can make the reactive variable have a condition on the presence of that variable. eg: <script> let prop; $: prop && console.log(prop); </script> <Child bind:prop/> Might not work for every use case but maybe that helps someone.
github.com github.com
maybe this just comes down to general footguns with reactivity, and being aware of them as a developer.
marcusolsson.github.io marcusolsson.github.io
Create an obsidian plugin with svelte (need update to use vite/esbuild)
- Dec 2021
github.com github.com
- Nov 2021
svelte.school svelte.school
The complex typewriting effect is abstracted away in a neat function, out of site and out of mind.
this action is re-usable. Anytime you want a typewriter effect added to an element, you just import the function and apply it. So elegant.
Some call them the lifecycle methods of elements which I think is an apt description.
(you can get pretty far with <svelte:component> and passing component constructors around and spicing up props along the way)
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You sure packed lot of good lessons and important concept explanations/illustrations into this little answer/tutorial. Well done.
The consumer component will barely change from our last example. The only difference is the way we'll get a reference to our store (since now the store is exported from the JS module):
In effect, the $ syntax we've seen above will actually setup a subscription to the store. And the subscription will be cancelled when the component is destroyed. If the store is subscribed by multiple components, the store will be disposed only when the last component unsubscribes (it will be reinitialized, if a new subscription is made). This is very handy to manage the lifecycle of disposable things in your code.
lifecycle is also managed automatically by Svelte
(And we've covered 75% of the store topic... They're efficient, to the point... And simple!)
Now your whole WS logic can be encapsulated in your JS module. That makes for good separation of concern.
In order to use this, we need to use a little more advanced readable store. Here's your example updated for this:
In your Svelte component, you can then use your store with the special $ prefix syntax, to access the value of the store ('cause the temperature variable is a reference to the store itself, it's just a mean to our end, the result we need is the value):
// our temperature is now a store with initial value 0 const temperature = writable(0); // now we don't need to change this function, the change will be propaged // by the store itself const getTemperature = () => { return temperature; }
Here's how we would rewrite our callback example with a store instead:
Same as our callback example, except they offer a handful of other very useful tool (like computing derived values from other stores), and also a slick syntax in the Svelte component.
Stores are essentially some kind of simplified streams (or Observable as they're called in ES), that is they represent a value over time.
Stores are the idiomatic Svelte way when you need to import "reactivity" from your normal JS sources.
- good example
- refactoring/rewrite: example
- means to an end
- Svelte: store: readable
- simple explanation
- encapsulation
- Svelte: reactivity
- advantages/merits/pros
- lifecycle callbacks
- Svelte
- Svelte: extracting code from components to plain JS modules
- Svelte: store
- Svelte: the Svelte way
- analogy
- comparison
- pedagogy
- separation of concerns
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
Personally, I prefer an event-based communication, but I don't think it's actually better. The only problem with props is that it can cause problems if badly managed, but normally, both of them are ok. In real life, I would opt for storage.
www.kirillvasiltsov.com www.kirillvasiltsov.com
Finally, I think Actions are great for animations, because you will definitely need to apply the same logic to many different elements. One of my favorite examples are FLIP animations, where a change in DOM position can be animated. For example shuffling a list of items. I will not dive deep into the topic in this article: I've written about some techniques in this article about FLIP animations in React and in this article about how to create spring animations with Web Animation API. Although they are not about Svelte, at the end of the day it all boils down to manipulating the HTML element directly. And Svelte Actions are a great place to do it.
But you can get quite close to directly updating CSS with Actions!
export function autofocus(node) { node.focus(); } That's it. This is a legitimate Svelte Action!
svelte.dev svelte.dev
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
if you put the reactive statement $: validate(inputValue); after the function updateInputValue declaration, it's working as expected:
- Oct 2021
github.com github.com
while with server/externalFetch there is no direct way to pass cookie headers from the original request to the external one
Right now I am working around this issue by having an internal [...api].js, then call fetch for that endpoint (which automatically passes on cookies) and from there hit the actual external endpoint. It works, there is no risk of leaking anything, but imo shouldn't be necessary.
Sure you can abuse session but I don't like that since there is the risk of exposing credentials to client side code.
I am currently circumventing this issue by using getSession to have access to the cookies/headers in the load method
We did something similar for a while...
kit.svelte.dev kit.svelte.dev
This function allows you to modify (or replace) a fetch request for an external resource that happens inside a load function that runs on the server (or during pre-rendering). For example, your load function might make a request to a public URL like https://api.yourapp.com when the user performs a client-side navigation to the respective page, but during SSR it might make sense to hit the API directly (bypassing whatever proxies and load balancers sit between it and the public internet).
www.kylehq.com www.kylehq.com
For me however, things get really interesting with the creation of “custom” stores. The creators of Svelte were/are obviously well aware of the power and flexibility of these stores and have provided a simply interface to adhere to. Basically, any object that implements the “subscribe” method is a store!
One of the (in my opinion) most useful components of the Svelte library is that of “stores”.
www.kylehq.com www.kylehq.com
And on any given day, developing with Svelte and its reactive nature is simply a dream to use. You can tell Svelte to track state changes on practically anything using the $: directive. And it’s quite likely that your first reactive changes will produce all the expected UI results.
And on any given day, developing with Svelte and its reactive nature is simply a dream to use. You can tell Svelte to track state changes on practically anything using the $: directive. And it’s quite likely that your first reactive changes will produce all the expected UI results. But as you start to rely more on UI updates based on variable or array/object changes, it’s likely that your UI will start skipping a beat and dropping values that you know explicitly to be there.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Personally I think option 1 is the way to go as it doesn't allocate any memory to create a new array but rather modifies the existing array. Then the assignment just lets the compiler know that you modified the array.
svelte.dev svelte.dev
- Sep 2021
Instead of bind:this={ref}, use bind:el={ref}. this points to the wrapper component, el points to the native element
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Can you make Svelte create an open shadowRoot? You can then move it yourself (client-side)
github.com github.com
svelte-preprocess doesn't do any kind of type-checking, it just transpiles your ts into js (see it here). If you want to fail your build when a type error is found, you can use svelte-check.
due to the fact that the pre-processor handles sections independently this cannot reliably be done there.
www.gitmemory.com www.gitmemory.com
Couldn't start client Svelte
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
"types": ["node", "svelte"
github.com github.com
Webpack's resolve.mainFields option determines which fields in package.json are used to resolve identifiers. If you're using Svelte components installed from npm, you should specify this option so that your app can use the original component source code, rather than consuming the already-compiled version (which is less efficient).
- Jul 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
github.com github.com
this happens with getClient and setClient because it is a svelte context which is only available at component initialization (construction) and cannot be in an event handler.
- Jun 2021
sveltematerialui.com sveltematerialui.com
Use this to build a ClassAdder component. ClassAdder components are useful for reducing the size of your bundle. If you have tons of simple components that just need to add classes/props or set a context, using ClassAdder components means there's only one "big" Svelte component in your bundle for all of these many tiny components.
This is useful when you need to add classes to a component, since Svelte's "class:" directives don't work on components.
github.com github.com
Compared to: https://github.com/beyonk-adventures/svelte-notifications
- No way to theme or add style?! Just want to increase the width from their hard-coded narrow 210px
github.com github.com
Compared to https://github.com/keenethics/svelte-notifications
- Nicer styles, animation
- Can't add one that stays on screen until dismissed. If timeout arg is omitted, it simply defaults to ~3 s.
- No equivalent to
- No equivalent to
github.com github.com
(load functions call handle directly, there's no intermediate network requests.)
kit.svelte.dev kit.svelte.dev
If you return a Promise from load, SvelteKit will delay rendering until the promise resolves.
should run on the same domain as any upstream API servers requiring credentials
When fetch runs on the server, the resulting response will be serialized and inlined into the rendered HTML. This allows the subsequent client-side load to access identical data immediately without an additional network request.
github.com github.com
I don't know how much workaround is it, but for now I'm using this approach:
Looks like a catch-all
internal endpoint that proxies to the real external API server.
would be different depending on whether the fetch is internal or external
github.com github.com
export function get(req, res) { if (req.headers.authorization) { res.writeHead(200); res.end(JSON.stringify({ message: req.headers.authorization })); } else { res.writeHead(200); res.end(JSON.stringify({ message: 'unauthorized' })); } }
Closing as kit will be serverless first!
Allows you to use sapper with an API service residing in another server. This is especially useful if your API server is written in another language
- May 2021
We implemented isomorphic fetching (i.e. fetching with the browser's implementation on the client and node-fetch on the server)
github.com github.com
if (parsed.protocol) { // external fetch response = await fetch(parsed.href, /** @type {import('node-fetch').RequestInit} */ (opts)); } else { // otherwise we're dealing with an internal fetch const resolved = resolve(request.path, parsed.pathname);