- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - geopolitics - Trump threat to make Canada 51st state - Elizabeth May response - 2025, Jan
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Yanis Varoufakis - talk - in China - Geopolitics and the US dollar - adjacency - geopolitics - China and US - why did the US start a Cold War with China around 2014? - US switched from surplus to deficit country - Henry Kissinger's role - US needs to be hegemonic - to manage the deficit - and keep everyone exporting goods to the US
Summary - (see below)
adjacency - between - Yanis Varoufakis - China US cold war - the importance of the years 2014 - 2015 - Henry Kissinger - surplus economy to deficit economy - techno feudalism - cloud capital - cloudist - adjacency relationship - Yanis Varoufakis gives an insightful talk to Chinese officials about - the reason behind the US cold war with China, - how it is independent of which political party is in power, - eliminates many other reasons put forth - how's this single reason drives so much of geopolitics and US hegemony - why its continuation will destroy any chance of the global collaboration not required to prevent climate change disaster for our entire civilization - a strategy to change direction towards re-establishing healthy relationships between nation states that includes activating the social democrats within the United States - The key observation that explains the cold war with China, - An observation from a Henry Kissinger colleague replying to a solicitation for answers to a question Kissinger posed for his team - Kissinger realized that during his role in the US government, the US would soon switch from a country with a net surplus to ones with a net deficit, and this had existential consequences - No country has ever have a long term deficit and survived - Kissinger was fishing for solutions from his team - One team member suggested tripling the deficit but becoming the main currency for global trade - This is the plan that was adopted - The US went from a surplus country to a deficit around 2014-2015 - It forced the US to be hegemonic and control the entire global currency for trade - China threatens this with a new digital superhighway
- May 2024
their defense industrial base can't keep up with replacing that um they have replaced a lot of the stuff that they lost in the first 18 months of the 00:00:38 conflict but even at at the rates of losing that mean they can't keep that up so that's hollowing the Russian forces out
for - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - Russia's unsustainable attrition rate
to - economic game analysis of Russia Ukraine War - https://hyp.is/avvydB5QEe-aheM72r6J4Q/docdrop.org/video/A-9kLZ19OAE/
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Ivan papov
for - key insight - geopolitics - arrest of General Ivan Papov - suppress uprising
key insight - geopolitics - Russia - arrest of general Papov - The arrest sends a signal to all the generals - do not try to overthrow Putin
there 00:40:08 are many hundreds of thousands now and their uh their rights are being threatened of course not that any of them are inviting the Kremlin to come in and save them but we kind of know how this 00:40:19 works
for - geopolitics - Russian play book for political takeover
geopolitics - Russian playbook for political takeover of ex- Soviet satellite countries - claim that Russian citizens are being threatened - send Putin loyalists into the local government - have fake referendum and rigged elections - install Putin loyalists to take over the country
Putin Mafia style autocratic environment um wherever he can
for - key insight - Putin is trying to create autocratic governments all over the world - geopolitics - Putin's influence in Georgia
economic tsunami is just that Russian gas and oil that's the 00:33:08 foundation of Russian economy the bread makers and you take those away and then what is left Russia doesn't produce anything
for - adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - oil and gas industry destruction leading to economic collapse
adjacency - between - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - Oil & Gas industry - Economic collapse - drone attacks on oil refineries - adjacency relationship - Konstantin' insider news is that the economic collapse is beginning due to the significant damage that the oil & gas refinery infrastructure has been damaged by effective Ukrainian drone attacks and the Western sanctions
trosky came out with which is turning more and more and more of the economy to the service of the state a kind of mass 00:20:41 nationalization
for - geopolitics - Russia war economy strategy
geopolitics - Russia's war economy strategy - Putin is moving the country in this direction - following Trotsky to turn the entire economy into a war economy and following Lenin to use brute force to coerce the population to join the cause - However, looking at this basic economic game analysis of the Russia Ukraine war, it does not look feasible -
Putin's Russia is based on corruption corruption is the crime 00:06:30 that uh binds everyone together
for - key insight - geopolitics - Russian government is a mafia
key insight - geopolitics - Russian government is a mafia - everyone is corrupt and almost everyone in Putin's government is loyal to Putin and have committed crimes that Putin can use against them
- geopolitics - Russia's war economy strategy
- key insight - geopolitics - Russian government is a mafia
- geopolitics - Russian playbook for political takeover of ex- Soviet satellite countries
- key insight - geopolitics - Russia - arrest of general Papov
- key insight - Putin is trying to create autocratic governments all over the world
- geopolitics - Putin's influence in Georgia
- adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - oil and gas industry destruction leading to economic collapse
docdrop.org docdrop.org
militarily I don't 00:19:43 think Ukraine can win if Russia can keep regenerating their forces you look at how many casualties Russia's taking today according to the ukrainians it's close to a thousand how many new contract soldiers is Russia recruiting a 00:19:57 day it's about a th Russia has figured out how to regenerate their losses and they don't care about losses so the only way to defeat Russia is a political or economic collapse
for - adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - How Ukraine wins - Russian economic collapse
adjacency - between - geopolitics - Russia - Ukraine War - polycrisis - How Ukraine wins - Russian economic collapse - adjacency statement - Since Putin is psychopathic and has no regards for how many Russian soldiers are sent to their death, he will continue to force Russian men to their death in large numbers - Russian commentator Konstantin Samoilov best summarizes it by saying: - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FA-9kLZ19OAE%2F&group=world
Putin looks at the borders of the old Russian Empire and he wants to roll back the clock to 00:14:49 1918
for - adjacency - colonialism - polycrisis - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War
adjacency - between - colonialism - Russia - Putin - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - adjacency relationship - Putin violated the US rule of keeping bloodshed and abuse in your own country by attacking the Ukraine in the manner that it did - Putin is acting as a colonialist to try to rebuild the borders of the Soviet Union
the United States was suppressing Democratic movements around the world because if an authoritarian if a communist can win an 00:13:59 election fairly one time that's the end of free and fair elections
for - key insight - why US geopolitics installed dictatorships - progress trap- US foreign policy that shaped modernity
key insight - why US geopolitics installed dictatorships - This was the US's rationale to justify the geopolitical mess it created this century: - If you allow democracy in the age of Communism - people might vote for communism, then - kill all the rich people, then - take their stuff, then - redistribute it - You can get a majority support for that in an impoverished country and that was perceived as a threat - So the United States was suppressing Democratic movements around the world - because if an authoritarian if a communist can win an election fairly one time, - that's the end of free and fair elections - So for decades, the US foreign policy agenda was to install dictators to suppress the threat that democracy could produce communism. - But after "communism was defeated" - all these installed dictators around the world that are the direct result of the pathological US foreign policy posed a new, unexpected quagmire - The decades of US foreign policy had created an enormous progress trap that we are all living through now - The US now had to normalize relations with the new world of dictators it had helped created out of its own fears<br /> - A new US foreign policy rule emerged to deal with this fiasco - Stay in your own country - If you want to kill, imprison, brutalize or subjegate your own people, it is fine with the US government as long as it is done within your own state borders - As long as a nation state abuses their own people, the US will continue to: - buy your oil - trade with you - show up at the UN - even have an occasional State event for you - However, Russia broke that rule
for - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - polycrisis - russia war - metacrisis - russia war - Jake Broe - Russia Ukraine war analysis
summary - An intelligent analysis of the complexity of the Russia- Ukraine war. - Key points: - Russia's successful misinformation campaign has - created the MAGA disinformed political party and has - delayed the US Aid package - enabled the rapid rise of extreme right wing politics
- geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war
- adjacency - colonialism - polycrisis - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War
- metacrisis - russia war
- key insight - why US geopolitics installed dictatorships
- Jake Broe - interview - Russia Ukraine war analysis
- polycrisis - russia war
- progress trap- US foreign policy that shaped modernity
- adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - How Ukraine wins - Russian economic collapse
- Mar 2024
www.clingendael.org www.clingendael.org
European governments have thus been pushingfor reduced reliance on China’s Huawei forcritical parts of telecommunication networks inthe shift from 4G to 5G networks.
The article calls 'a 5g moment' the moment of realisation that dependencies in a tech may erode strategic position, by letting critical infrastructure to be controlled by tech firms that can be influenced by other governments. In the case of 5g it's Huawei and Chinese gov, in the case of cloud it's GAM and US gov. This is not a new notion, it is why the EU digital and data legal framework was created the past 4 yrs, so why this paper now?
Cloudsovereignty requires quality technology, but also trust, security and diversification – threeelements that are not necessarily ensured by the current American offers
DMA level cloud services in 3rd countries provide reliable technology but do not bring trust, security and diversification at a level needed for cloud sovereignty
- Aug 2023
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Der ungarische Präsident Orbán und der serbische Präsident Vučić arbeiten gemeinsam mit dem bosnischen Serbenführer Dodić aktiv daran, die Abhängigkeit ihrer Gebiete und weiterer Teile Südosteuropas von russischen Gaslieferungen zu vergrößern. Mit dieser aktiven Anti-EU-Politik festigen sie ihre autoritären Regime. Analyse von Adelheid Wölffl im Standard.
- Jul 2023
www.newstatesman.com www.newstatesman.com
- Jun 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Das Verschwinden des arktischen meereises hat – in Verbindung mit den Spannungen in anderen Regionen – gravierende geopolitische Konsequenzen. Russland ist dabei, die Arktis massiv zu militarisieren. Dabei kooperiert ist mit China. Es will andererseits von den Schiffsrouten durch das eisfreie Nordpolarmeer profitieren. Wissenschaftliche Kooperation in der Arktis findet seit der Invasion der ganzen Ukraine im Februar 2022 nicht mehr statt. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/13/arctic-russia-nato-putin-climate
via hypothes.is/users/heinzWittenbrink
Where in Europe are sizable lithium deposits. Serbia has a large resource. Portugal named here 'biggest in Europe' but is that EU or also non-EU Europe? Last Oct a large deposit was mentioned in southern Germany https://duitslandinstituut.nl/artikel/51669/mogelijk-grootste-europese-lithiumvoorraad-in-duitsland also 'the largest in Europe'. The EC has marked lithium and other materials as strategic resources in 2020 https://www.europa-nu.nl/id/vlbrdsozwzzy/nieuws/brussel_zet_in_op_schaarse_grondstoffen
- May 2023
koneksa-mondo.nl koneksa-mondo.nl
Marco loopt ook de VS en Chinese wetgeving na. Zie ook links in de comments mbt China.
- Mar 2022
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
quarter of the key nutrients used in European food production come from Russia.
Sorld is dangerously dependent on an aggressor nation’s supply of fertilizer.
www.democracynow.org www.democracynow.org
Europe has been cowering for two decades in response to Putin’s constant provocations because it depends on his oil and gas in order to keep warm through the winter. And even now the U.S. and the EU are unable to take what would be the most devastating economic step, embargoing Putin’s oil and gas in Russia, because they fear that the price of gas will go up enough that American support for doing anything about the Ukraine will evaporate.
Dependency on fossil fuel of authoritarian regimes has major political consequences.
- Feb 2022
Local file Local file
Starosielski (2021) - The Politics of Cable Supply from the British Empire to Huawei Marine - https://is.gd/8LgG2R - urn:x-pdf:dce28e61ffb8c3b2ecc2b99241b1d22a
- Jun 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
the Guardian. “A Victim of Its Own Success: How Taiwan Failed to Plan for a Major Covid Outbreak,” June 7, 2021. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/07/a-victim-of-its-own-success-how-taiwan-failed-to-plan-for-a-major-covid-outbreak.
- local outbreak
- Taiwan
- pandemic
- geopolitics
- vaccination
- is:news
- Coronavirus
- government
- prevention
- lang:en
- airline
- COVID-19
- alert
- May 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Protect precious scientific collaboration from geopolitics. (2021). Nature, 593(7860), 477–477. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-01386-0
- Feb 2021
Time. ‘The Great Reset: How to Build a Better World Post-COVID-19’. Accessed 19 February 2021. https://time.com/collection/great-reset/.
- Apr 2018
www.economist.com www.economist.com
The alternative, of a regulatory patchwork, would make it harder for the West to amass a shared stock of AI training data to rival China’s.
Fascinating geopolitical suggestion here: Trans-Atlantic GDPR-like rules as the NATO of data privacy to effectively allow "the West" to compete against the People's Republic of China in the development of artificial intelligence.
- Jun 2016
www.developmentideas.info www.developmentideas.info
What is development? How does it happen? How have ideas on development changed since the Second World War? This study guide to International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects will help dig deeper into these questions. Each chapter features a summary of the main conclusions, discussion questions, and suggested readings. The Study Guide Quick Finder is at the bottom of each page.
If you work in international development? If you are interested in learning more about the history and evolution of the thinking driving international cooperation. This is a site for you.
The site offers the pre-print version of an IDRC publication entitled International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects, edited by Bruce Currie-Alder, Ravi Kanbur, David M. Malone, and Rohinton Medhora.
This is an interesting book brings together the voices of over ninety authors, which include international development practitioners, experts and policy makers.
The site contains a study guide comprised by eight sections of the book, each with a number of chapters. Ideal to use for beginner or advanced courses in universities and as reference for day to day work in the field.