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Class 2, Does Memory Matter? Why Are Universities Studying Slavery and Their Pasts? by David Blight for [[YaleCourses]]
- hard histories
- Mark Twain
- David Hume
- Daniel Kahneman
- Paul Conkin's zettelkasten
- information overload
- memory vs. history
- slavery
- System 1 vs. System 2
- memory palaces
- Charan Ranganath
- Pierre Nora
- neuroscience of memory
- Lieu de mémoire
- Paul Conkin
- zettelkasten examples
- memory and history
- memory boom
- invisible hand
- Avishai Margalit
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- Yale University history
- The Republic
- David Blight
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- storytelling
- Ralph Waldo Emmerson
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- DeVane Lecture 2024
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- Sep 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die Methanemissionen haben einer neuen Studie zufolge 2020 mit 400 Millionen Tonnen einen Rekordwert erreicht. In den vergangenen 5 Jahren sind sie schneller gewachsen als je zuvor seit Beginn der Industrialisierung. Zwei Drittel der Methan-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre sind menschlich verursacht. Ein Drittel der Erderhitzung seit der vorindustriellen Zeit geht auf Methan zurück. Die Ziele des 2021 von EU und USA initiierten Global Methane Pledge seien, so einer der Autoren, so fern wie eine Oase in der Wüste. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/climat-lhumanite-est-desormais-responsable-de-deux-tiers-des-emissions-mondiales-de-methane-20240910_WAPRSVRKVNFABEPS55M46JCGDE/
Studie: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad6463
- Aug 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
This has been an ongoing "philosophers stone" in the repair community for a long time. Hard platens are the result of the rubber losing its moisture, there's virtually no way to fix that long term. Brake fluid, rubber renew, even the wintergreen oil trick only temporarily soften platens/feeds. They will absolutely go back to their former state after a time. (1-2 months) You can sand the exterior and clean with organic solvents to restore grip and improve the original platen, but recovery is really the only long term fix. *There's a ton of back and forth about the sanding method, particularly from the old timers being salty about it. But I have seen HUNDREDS of old platens in machines that have absolutely been sanded by repair folks back in the day, so there's definitely value in the process.
Kirk Jackson, Nashville Typewriter via https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1ewb36f/rubber_renue_to_soften_platens/lj24vxx/
www.nashvilletypewriter.com www.nashvilletypewriter.com
- Apr 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Behauptung dea zweitgrößten US-Mineralölkonzerns Chevron, CO2-Neutralität anzustreben, ist nicht durch Tatsachen gedeckt. Eine neue Untersuchung belegt, dass der Konzern mit wertlosen Kompensationen und und Hinweisen auf noch nicht existierende Technologien für Carbon Capture and Storage argumentiert. Chevorn hat im vergangenen Jahr 35,5 Milliarden Dollar Gewinn gemeldet. Chevrons angeblicher Net-Zero-Plan betrifft nicht das CO2, dass durch die vom Konzern verkauften Produkte frei wird. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/24/chevron-carbon-offset-climate-crisis
- compensations
- actor: Chevron
- institution: Center for International Environmental Law.
- region: Caribbean
- expert: Steven Feit
- carbon dioxide removal
- NGO: Censat
- country: Colombia
- 2023-05-24
- expert: Andrés Gómez Orozco
- carbon offset schemes
- expert: Rachel Rose Jackson
- actor: Verra
- NGO: Corporate Accountability
- expert: Katt Ramos
- Jan 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Antarktis erwärmt sich deutlich schneller als in den bisherigen Klimamodellen angenommen - die Westantarktis doppelt so schnell wie der globale Durchschnitt. Das könnte die Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels erheblich beschleunigen. Eine Untersuchung von Eisbohrkernen belegt das bisher nur vermutete Phänomen der Menschen gemachten "arktischen Verstärkung" in der Südhemisphäre.
- Dec 2023
www.goinghomepictures.com www.goinghomepictures.com
- Nov 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine Gruppe von Forscher:innen um James Hansen hat eine Studie veröffentlicht, der zufolge sich die globale Erhitzung beschleunigt und die 1,5°-Grenze schon bald überschritten werden wird. Die These, dass der IPCC die Empfindlichkeit der Erde für Veränderungen in der Einstrahlung (Climate Sensitivity) bisher unterschätzt, ist nicht wissenschaftlicher Konsens, wird aber sehr ernst genommen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/02/heating-faster-climate-change-greenhouse-james-hansen
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Jazz Tucker, M. & Jackson, T.A. 2020
- Mar 2023
learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.comview1
Jackson, H. J. (2001). Marginalia: Readers writing in books. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Both of Jackson's books on marginalia are practically required reading: Marginalia: Readers Writing in Books and Romantic Readers: The Evidence of Marginalia
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
‘An Inconvenient Apocalypse - The Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity',
!- Title : ‘An Inconvenient Apocalypse - The Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity', !- Authors : Wes Jackson, Robert Jensen
- Dec 2022
ObjectMapper @JsonProperty 不生效问题处理(kotlin)
cloud.tencent.com cloud.tencent.com
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
Jackson 通过自定义注解来控制 json key 的格式
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
blog.csdn.net blog.csdn.net
www.huangchaoyu.com www.huangchaoyu.com
www.huangchaoyu.com www.huangchaoyu.com
blog.csdn.net blog.csdn.net
voiceisalanguage.wordpress.com voiceisalanguage.wordpress.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
兄弟们spring boot Jackson 和fast JSON 用那个好啊 ?
- Nov 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Aram Saroyam and, I believe, Jackson Maclow produced something similar. MacLow's The Pronouns was super important to me back in grad school.
reply to Bob Doto on https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/z3f8kb/comment/ixlocl7/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Do you have something particular on Saroyam for this? I found The Pronouns by Jackson Mac Low, but only tangential hits on Saroyam.
Similar useful efforts, though not in as clear-cut card format are: * Project Zero's thinking routines: https://pz.harvard.edu/thinking-routines * Untools: https://untools.co/
- Oct 2022
Local file Local file
I am not much like Turner ; but I believe that I am like him in that Iam aware that in history you cannot prove an inference. You cannotprove causation, much as you crave to do it. You may present sequencesof events, whose relationship suggests a link-up of cause and consequence ;
you may carry on the inquiry for a lifetime without discovering other events inconsistent with the hypothesis which has caught your eye. But you can never get beyond a circumstantial case. . . .<br /> "A Footnote to the Safety-Valve," August 15, 1940, Paxson Papers (University of California Library, Berkeley)
The author seems to take for granted that we know who Turner is. Would have been nice to have his full name up front at least.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Frederick Jackson Turner died in 1932 in Pasadena, California,[1] where he had been a research associate at the Huntington Library.
Turner's sectionalism essays are collected in The Significance of Sections in American History, which won the Pulitzer Prize in History in 1933. Turner's sectionalism thesis had almost as much influence among historians as his frontier thesis, but never became widely known to the general public as did the frontier thesis. He argued that different ethnocultural groups had distinct settlement patterns, and this revealed itself in politics, economics and society.
Was sectionalism discussed or mentioned in Colin Woodard's American Nations (2011) as part of an underlying piece of his thesis about American history? It seems applicable.
Turner was never comfortable at Harvard; when he retired in 1922 he became a visiting scholar at the Huntington Library in Los Angeles, where his note cards and files continued to accumulate, although few monographs got published. His The Frontier in American History (1920) was a collection of older essays.
Where did Turner's note cards and files end up? Are they housed at the Huntington Library? What other evidence or indication is there that this was an extensive zettelkasten practice here?
His best known publication is his essay "The Significance of the Frontier in American History," the ideas of which formed the frontier thesis. He argued that the moving western frontier exerted a strong influence on American democracy and the American character from the colonial era until 1890.
- Jul 2022
www.houstonchronicle.com www.houstonchronicle.com
An interesting example of visual user interface of highlights and marginalia on a news site to help tell and report on a story.
- Jun 2022
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
What happens in Indonesia when a textile manufacturer illegally dumps dye waste!
This is an example of the manufacturer / consumer dualism created by the Industrial Revolution. Since manufacturers have become a separate layer that no longer exist as part of the community, as artisans once did, along with globalized capitalism, the consumer does not know the life history of the product being consumed. The sensory bubble limits what a consumer can directly know.
One answer is to promote a trend back to local and artisan production. Relocalizing production can empower consumers to inspect producers of the products they consume, holding them accountable.
Another answer is to develop globalized trust networks of producers who are truly ethical.
Cosmolocal production has networks by the commons nature can promote such values.
- May 2022
slate.com slate.com
In this week’s leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, Justice Samuel Alito wrote, “The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions.” Yet abortion was so “deeply rooted” in colonial America that one of our nation’s most influential architects went out of his way to insert it into the most widely and enduringly read and reprinted math textbook of the colonial Americas—and he received so little pushback or outcry for the inclusion that historians have barely noticed it is there. Abortion was simply a part of life, as much as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has written in a leaked draft opinion of Dobs v. Jackson Women's Health that "The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation's history and traditions."
However, historians have shown that in fact it was so deeply rooted in in early America that Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the country actively inserted medical advice about abortion into a widely read and popular primer on math and reading.
www.politico.com www.politico.com
The justices held their final arguments of the current term on Wednesday. The court has set a series of sessions over the next two months to release rulings in its still-unresolved cases, including the Mississippi abortion case.
It's very likely that the decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization would have been released late in the typical cycle. The leak of this document prior to the midterm elections may have some profound effects on the election cycle.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
- Mar 2022
www.thenation.com www.thenation.com
- Feb 2022
- Jun 2021
koblik-arths.com koblik-arths.com
Then, scale. Pollock's choice of enormous canvases served many purposes, chief of which for our discussion is that his mural-scale paintings ceased to become paintings and became environments.
Pollock wanted to create a world for his audience within an artwork and merge his paintings and audiences, which also makes a kind of separateness when people look at his works, reminding me of Barnett Newman. It is very interesting to learn more about some artists’ concepts, and I also noticed that his unique creation method of "drip painting" is very free and unfettered, which represents his unique artistic style.
I hazard the guess that Pollock may have vaguely sensed this but was unable, because of illness or for other reasons, to do anything about it.
Pollock’s experience made me remind a great female artist, Frida, who fight with disease and pain for her lifelong; I think she is also a modernism artist who would put all of her pain into her artwork and express the reality of her life; she was in a car accident, which made her lose her fertility and became permanently disabled; Furthermore, she has to spend the rest of her life in great pain and the infidelity of the husband. I believe the most beautiful part of art is presenting humans’ unique ideas and experiences to others without words. Below is one of her artwork called Sarah's dog.
I think, implicit in the work before he died. It was this bizarre implication that was so moving.
In my opinion, Jackson Pollock's fate is tragic, but unfortunate artists’ lives always seem to be admirable. In many cases, the artist and his work are combined; The struggles and pains in his life also made him and his works. For those who knew Jackson Pollock, the tragic significance that his broken life brought to his work made it all the more appealing. Thus, I wonder why do so many great artists have such a short life?
- Feb 2019
www.windycityparrot.com www.windycityparrot.com
Pol was taught to swear and screamed curse words at his funeral. The African Grey had to be ejected from the funeral ceremony when he started cursing in both English and Spanish, all learned from the president!
Seems like Jackson had the last laugh!
- Jan 2018
presidentialrhetoric.com presidentialrhetoric.com
Our fellow citizens, too, who in proportion to their love of liberty keep a steady eye upon the means of sustaining it, do not require to be reminded of the duty they owe to themselves to remedy all essential defects in so vital a part of their system. While they are sensible that every evil attendant upon its operation is not necessarily indicative of a bad organization, but may proceed from temporary causes, yet the habitual presence, or even a single instance, of evils which can be clearly traced to an organic defect will not, I trust, be over-looked through a too scrupulous veneration for the work of their ancestors. The Constitution was an experiment committed to the virtue and intelligence of the great mass of our country-men, in whose ranks the framers of it themselves were to perform the part of patriotic observation and scrutiny, and if they have passed from the stage of existence with an increased confidence in its general adaptation to our condition we should learn from authority so high the duty of fortifying the points in it which time proves to be exposed rather than be deterred from approaching them by the suggestions of fear or the dictates of misplaced reverence.
Jackson's argument for amending the Constitution. What's important to him (or anyone): the end goal (in this case, changing the VP election law) or the supporting logic (the Founders understood their imperfection and so provided ways to rectify structural problems).
- Nov 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
To know his rights; to exercise with order & justice those he retains; to choose with discretion the fiduciaries of those he delegates; and to notice their conduct with diligence with candor & judgment.
The idea of educating students on their own rights is interesting when considering the unequal rights of individuals of different race, class, and gender. While students may come to know their own democratic rights as upper class white males of the time, they might fail to gain exposure to the lack of rights of others around them. This most likely perpetuated a system of inequality in which the most educated elite who likely assumed powerful roles were allowed to continue institutional discrimination. However, it is very possible that if there were progressive professors in the University at the time that may have been honorable enough to teach students about the universal rights of all humans.
By him the elements of medical science may be taught, with a history & explanations of all it’s successive theories from Hippocrates to the present day: and anatomy may be fully treated.
From being in a Medicine and Culture class, I have come to discuss the many nuisances of what a doctor's education and life is like. We have discussed repeatedly and in great depth of the need for doctors to obtain a comprehensive education, both among different medical fields but also not just limited to the math and sciences. Philosophy, morality, history, humanities, among other subjects can all have a positive effect on the quality of a doctor and his performance and happiness. It prevents the idea of medicalization in which doctors are taught to be like robots and reminds them that they are first and foremost caretakers meant to heal people physically but also mentally and emotionally.
- Jun 2016
wiki.fasterxml.com wiki.fasterxml.com
Jackson的三种模式(High level -> low):
- DataBinding - 利用ObjectMapper在json string和class之间转换 mapper.readValue(src, MyClass.class)
- TreeModel - mapper.readValue(src, JsonNode.class)
- Streaming API - 直接利用 JsonGenerator 写 json
- Sep 2015
sjackson.infosci.cornell.edu sjackson.infosci.cornell.edu
They are also, however, the field’s key site of novelty and invention. Some of these emerge as elements of voice and style: for example, where new jazz styliststurn to standards to demonstrate thenovelty and valueof a ‘new sou
The standard serves as the site for innovation.
An outside example of this may be found in thesignificantlydifferent relationship between standardsand innovation to be found in the interactive systemof jazz
Wow, this is an interesting thing to throw in at the end. Jackson is keeping the reading on his/her toes.
Reflective consideration of the numerous tweaks, breakdowns, and departures from standards (including in the systems we build) may support a more thoughtful, creative, and resilient engagement with standards over time
This sounds like "fit" or the "fitness" of things. I'm not sure where that leads in the literature though.
New and perhaps especially integrative design efforts must negotiate with what may be very old standards that structure work and interaction in the settings they cover and in part constru
There is no "green field" in standards work?
In the case of TBL and the development of the Web I am reminded of how HTML used the existing existing standards: SGML, the Domain Name System and TCP/IP. Also, I wonder when the browser started to allow for invalid SGML: so called Tag Soup?
constant work needed to update, maintain, and work around the problems and gaps that standards, as practiced in this domain, inevitably leave
Repair & maintenance.
changes which can thenbe incorporated into the living body of the
It is a living standard, reminds me of HTML5 :-)
Humans can be flexible, contextually aware, and creative, applying discretionary judgment in appropriate and science-saving ways when breakdowns and unexpected situationsarise
Slavish following of the Protocol can itself lead to errors, just as following it squashes errors.
a great deal of the standards actionat Northern Station resides in training and apprenticeship: periods of collaboration, teaching, and practice in the field through which procedures are taught and corrected, discretionary skill and judgment is built, and basic understandings of standards and the broader objectives behind them are share
Apprenticeship is a theme with Jackson.
do. This structure is designed to pull out similarities and differences in problems of standardizationand design ininteractive systemsdevelopment at scales both local and global in nature
They picked two environments to try their grounded theory approach in, in order to see what they have in common and what they don't.
an 2000 pages of transcript d
Since 2010, we have interviewed over 150 ecologists and conducted participant observationsacross more than a dozen centers of ecological researc
That's a lot of work!
standards are a key mechanism by which problems and questions at the margins of systems can be made to disappea
It's interesting how standards make these issues dissappear -- much to learn about here!
and its tendency to ‘reappear’ (or return to conscious reflection) upon breakdown [4,34].
Follow up on these readings.
hed [30]. Separate work by Star and Griesemer [33]and Star and Strauss [35]identify standards as integrally connected to the sorts of “boundary objects” and “articulation work”that supportcollaboration across complex and heterogeneous landscape
This stuff looks like it is important to read.
allowingcomplex interactive systems to learn, grow, and change over
plus they are a way of surfacing that growth ... making it visible
how actors work across the gaps that standards leave to produce more effective forms of practice and desi