- Jan 2017
cloud.lib.wfu.edu cloud.lib.wfu.edu
–Qui est-ce ? demanda-t-il au responsable com-
Il est évident, quelles sont ses préférences
Incapable d'articuler un mot.
Je peux comprendre pourquoi elle est si nerveuse. elle est starstruck
psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu
Frictionial sliding refers to the movement on a preexisting surface when shear surface exceeds sliding resistance.
Frictional force is function of normal force. Frictional force is independent of the area of contact and independent of material used- weight of the block is dependent. whys is that?
There is roughness to every surface which anchor the surface in the asperities. ifthe block is heavier ore areas will touch and increase how anchored the object is to the surface.
A scaled up pool ball has higher topographical area than our own planet does if pool ball was size of earth.
Table with legs on carpet= contact points sliding along a surface
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
Currently, each of the four pairs has a capacity of 10 terabits per second (Tbps), amounting to a total of 40Tbps on the TGN-A cable. At the time, a figure of 8Tbps was the current lit capacity on this Tata network cable.
Yet still, us end-users are getting data capped! How would you argue against this affirmation now, Virgin & Verizon, huh?!
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
My chest, legs, and shoulders have gotten so big that I’ve outgrown all my suits.
His legs don't fit into his old blue jeans anymore
- Dec 2016
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
you'll look like a Greek statue.
- AO (Addressing Objections)
- PP (Problem or Pain)
- IG (Instant Gratification)
- CG (Curiosity Gap)
- CTA (Call to Action)
- OL (Open Loop)
- SP (Social Proof)
- P (Promise)
- MBG (Money Back Guarantee)
- CE (The Common Enemy)
- WTC (What’s the Catch Addressed)
- ET (Emotional Trigger)
- ITO (If > Then Opener)
- PAP (Painting a Picture)
- RR (Risk Reversal)
- F (Feature)
- S (Scarcity)
- B (Benefit)
- H (The Hook)
- KD (Key Desire/Hot Button)
0-search.proquest.com.nell.boulderlibrary.org 0-search.proquest.com.nell.boulderlibrary.org
Diego Rivera Arrested in Mexican Capital In Row Over Changes in His Hotel Frescoes
Diego was extremely angry when his painted (Man, Controller of the Universe) was retouched. This was the same painting that was destroyed in New York. He said that the president was changed, colors of the flags were changed or erased. and Officers dancing with Indians were changed. Diego did not believe that his art or ideas should be changed. So he took a stand, and with 20 other communist, he marched into the hotel (where the painting was) with 5 pistols, shouting. He was later arrested.
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
God works mysteriously. God is like a great attraction without a marquee or a billboard. God is pulling you along incessantly. Hopefully, the excess baggage in your life will be left aside sufficiently so that you can begin to experience the attraction itself, for this is the call of love to the lover. This is what you try to recreate with one another, this profound love and attraction.
God, the Great Strange Attractor
In the mathematical field of dynamical systems, an attractor is a set of numerical values toward which a system tends to evolve, for a wide variety of starting conditions of the system. System values that get close enough to the attractor values remain close even if slightly disturbed... An attractor is called strange if it has a fractal structure. This is often the case when the dynamics on it are chaotic, but strange nonchaotic attractors also exist. If a strange attractor is chaotic, exhibiting sensitive dependence on initial conditions, then any two arbitrarily close alternative initial points on the attractor, after any of various numbers of iterations, will lead to points that are arbitrarily far apart (subject to the confines of the attractor), and after any of various other numbers of iterations will lead to points that are arbitrarily close together. Thus a dynamic system with a chaotic attractor is locally unstable yet globally stable: once some sequences have entered the attractor, nearby points diverge from one another but never depart from the attractor.
journal.disruptivemedia.org.uk journal.disruptivemedia.org.uk
What is annotation as a genre? I think what he observed in the annotations was a wide range of reader responses, some highly engaging, others less clearly so.
This question seems like it should be more specific to disciplines. What is annotation in the legal world? How about for scientists? For beginning readers?
If I'm annotating a text to make meaning, that's different than if I'm a prof annotating a historical text to provide relevant background. The two notes have only their "noteness" in common, I'd say.
- Nov 2016
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
"There is not a writer in our classrooms today who will not be producing something with a digital writing tool in her or his lifetime."
Almost all of the tools that I think most folks put in the digital writing camp are binary doppelgangers of their analogues. For example, Power point as used is mostly a flip chart with more bells and whistles. Note taking apps are 3X5 cards with a digital twist. Even hypothes.is is just marginalia with a social bent. So what I propose is that what we teach is how to apply ANY tool to the task at hand. What that means is that we need worthwhile work for our students and we need to do that work using the tools at hand. And by 'tools' I mean digital, analog, and any other that can be pressed into the larger service of gather, making sense of and sharing the problems and questions and solutions and stories of the world.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Finding tutors can be a really tiring job if not taken in a proper direction. Also, it is equally important to find a competent and knowledgeable tutor, who can provide a proper direction and guidance in your studies rather than just basic teaching. As a student, you should always keep in mind that before hiring a tutor you should have a complete idea of his knowledge about that particular subject.
actualidad.rt.com actualidad.rt.com
Según Moore, Trump también encontró el apoyo de un numeroso grupo de hombres que ven como una amenaza el creciente poder de las mujeres, los gays y los miembros de varios grupos étnicos en la política y la sociedad estadounidense. Moore sostiene que el electorado masculino de raza blanca siente que pierde el control, que el poder se les escapa de las manos y que su supremacía está en peligro.
www.who.int www.who.int
Es necesario hacer tomar conciencia de los efectos del cambio climático en la salud, para impulsar la adopción de medidas de salud pública
www.vilaweb.cat www.vilaweb.cat
l’estratègia de final de campanya de Trump de recórrer els estats més disputats ha estat efectiva i s’han acabat decantant per ell
www.elmundo.es www.elmundo.es
En el caso de EEUU, una posible victoria de Trump recrudecería el enfrentamiento social en el país. Su indisimulado desprecio hacia las minorías raciales y hacia los inmigrantes, a los que culpa de acaparar los empleos en detrimento de los trabajadores estadounidenses, podrían desembocar en una ola de racismo y exclusión con nefastas consecuencias para la convivencia
sino que afectaría a la productividad empresarial y provocaría el cierre de muchas compañías
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
So far Trump has shown little understanding of how technology and computers work. He referred to computer and cybersecurity as “The Cyber” during the presidential debates. And, more perplexingly, he suggested as president he could basically call up Bill Gates and “close up” parts
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Abierto a comentarios. Si deseas comentar anónimamente o sin registrarte, haz el Log in como:
Usuario: Anonimo<br> Contraseña: anonimo
sites.google.com sites.google.com
"American Idiot" - Green Day
Green Day's first number one album since 1994's multi-platinum Dookie--which is likely due to the fact that while the lyrics may have a deeper meaning, the hooks are still there, and they are played with the same intensity that made the group famous more than a decade ago. Spin said the title track was "Green Day's most epic song yet.
Now everybody do the propaganda,And sing along to the age of paranoia.
The work challenges listeners to dig deeper than the high-octane guitars and thundering drums that drive the record's jubilant pop sheen. This is a multi-layered, literate narrative that effectively wields anger, wit, and bombast to expose the ugliness that seeps below the surface of this country's patriotism, commercialism, and nationalism.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
"A lot of rock music lacks ambition. Rock has become stagnant. There are a lot of bands that aren't doing anything differently than what's currently going on in pop music--like issuing a single, putting out a record, making a video, and hopefully getting on a tour with a bigger band. I think the reason hip-hop has become so much bigger than rock lately is because those artists are much more ambitious, and they are making records that have a concept and characters. They sound like a script." ~Billy Joe Armstrong
Television dreams of tomorrow.
"All my songwriting is about creating a statement and taking action. On American Idiot, it's reflecting on what's going on in the world right now." ~Billy Joe Armstrong
- Porosky, Pamela. "Fear & loathing in a post-9/11 America: Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong rails against idiocy and indifference." Guitar Player Feb. 2005: 70+. Student Resources in Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.
- "Green Day." UXL Biographies. Detroit: UXL, 2011. Student Resources in Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.
www.history.com www.history.com
After his father’s death, he became head of the household and shot a man who was harassing one of his sisters. He fled, but was caught and imprisoned. Villa escaped again and later became a bandit.
After his fathers death, he immediately became in charge shooting a man harassing his sister.
cloud.lib.wfu.edu cloud.lib.wfu.edu
qui tentaient de le libérer si l’arrivée inopinée de sa femme n’avait changé le cours de la cure.
Why did Balthazar's wife show up to the hospital unexpectedly?
Est-ce que vous m’aimez ?
Since Balthazar asked Odette if she loves him and Odette said yes without hesitation, does that mean Balthazar is going to have an affair with Odette like his wife Isabelle did with Olaf?
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Dick Flacks,
New Orleans Saints
- Oct 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
olin Kaepernick rem
lin Kaepernick rem
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Howard con-sistently expects her during their court-ship and engagement to take over roles his mother performed for him
Male lead expects female to take over "roles his mother performed". Wants her to do housework.
cloud.lib.wfu.edu cloud.lib.wfu.edu
A Namur, les lecteurs l’attendaient en moins grand nombre qu’à Bruxelles
La critique de Olaf Pims a effectué la success de Balthazar.
Je pense que la recontre d’Odette avec Balthazar est drôle. Odette est une femme maladroit parce qu’elle ne sait rien comme parler avec Balthazar!
Si mon éditeur passe plusieurs jours avec moi, c’est que ça va très mal, se disait-il.
Balthazar is now thinking the worst about himself and his writing. I agree wth the annotation above, this shows how much Olaf's comments affected him.
– Toulemonde. Odette Toulemonde.
Il est un miracle! Odette dit son nom!
pour lui soutenir le moral,
Balthazar used to be so confident and independent. The fact that he needs to have moral support (soutenir le moral) shows how much Olaf's review has affected him.
déchaîné la meute
Il est intéressant de voir comment une mauvaise chose peut rendre tout le monde dit de mauvaises choses. Pourquoi?
vk.com vk.com
- Sep 2016
creativecommons.org creativecommons.org
How can educators find and use OER in their classrooms?
f1000research.com f1000research.com
The academic, economic and societal impacts of Open Access: an evidence-based review
digitalcommons.mainelaw.maine.edu digitalcommons.mainelaw.maine.edu
Despite this deep theoretical understanding of the powerful role that archi-tecture plays in crafting experience
klabonte.net klabonte.net
online realms
Is paper a realm? Have never thought of it that way. Every medium is a realm? Is it helpful analytically to make this distinction? Similarly, it is helpful to make the same distinction between digital and not digital?
- Aug 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
to America or the Colonies
As Steve Jones says in my attached article, the 19th century relationship between the US and Britain was actually quite strong. Doyle is using this brief mention of America to display the relationship between the nations at the time. Though America became independent from the UK in 1776, by the 1800's it has become quite reasonable for someone to possibly seek refuge in "the Colonies".
digitalpaxton.org digitalpaxton.org
Sample annotation using hypothes.is
A CONFERENCE between the D----L and Doctor D--E. Together with the Doctor's Epitaph on himself.
rbms.info rbms.info
I'm not sure exactly where this would fit in, but some way to reporting total service hours (per week or other time period) would be useful, esp as we start gauging traffic, volume, usage against number of service hours. In our reporting for the Univ of California, we have to report on services hours for all public service points.
Likewise, it may be helpful to have a standard way to report staffing levels re: coverage of public service points? or in department? or who work on public services?
time.com time.com
So here’s a more rounded picture of millennials than the one I started with. All of which I also have data for. They’re earnest and optimistic. They embrace the system. They are pragmatic idealists, tinkerers more than dreamers, life hackers. Their world is so flat that they have no leaders, which is why revolutions from Occupy Wall Street to Tahrir Square have even less chance than previous rebellions. They want constant approval–they post photos from the dressing room as they try on clothes. They have massive fear of missing out and have an acronym for everything (including FOMO). They’re celebrity obsessed but don’t respectfully idolize celebrities from a distance. (Thus Us magazine’s “They’re just like us!” which consists of paparazzi shots of famous people doing everyday things.) They’re not into going to church, even though they believe in God, because they don’t identify with big institutions; one-third of adults under 30, the highest percentage ever, are religiously unaffiliated. They want new experiences, which are more important to them than material goods. They are cool and reserved and not all that passionate. They are informed but inactive: they hate Joseph Kony but aren’t going to do anything about Joseph Kony. They are probusiness. They’re financially responsible; although student loans have hit record highs, they have less household and credit-card debt than any previous generation on record–which, admittedly, isn’t that hard when you’re living at home and using your parents’ credit card. They love their phones but hate talking on them.
medium.com medium.com
Shawn and Cory and Tom are three of my best friends in the universe, they know me better than I know myself, and I met them online, thirteen years ago, on an Animal Crossing message board. Like, what the fuck is that? That’s beautiful.
- Jul 2016
medium.com medium.com
In some ways, it’s quite remarkable that one of the key figures of post-development was also the one who called for “deschooling society”. As is obvious from observing humanitarian and philanthropic work is that “development” participates in neocolonialism, despite (or often because of) the best of intentions. MOOCs are closer to development than to postdevelopment. Even cMOOCs.
- Jun 2016
us9.campaign-archive2.com us9.campaign-archive2.com
fail a little less
Much insight in this phrase.
dogtrax.edublogs.org dogtrax.edublogs.org
What you get is a mess.
www.ribbonfarm.com www.ribbonfarm.com
Annie Sauter says: May 28, 2016 at 9:28 am
Susan, did you read this comment. Kinda captured my own lostness but not quite. I get the feeling that I need to give up some of my...contextity? That's like saying "Hoist anchor" in a storm. And that really is a way of breaking smart if it saves your damned life. Our political life is exactly like this now. The contextity is killing us. Hoist the fucking anchor or be dragged down with it when the storm batters hell out of you. Here I am again trying to put down the meaning anchor. This is hard to do when you have spent your whole life trying to understand and do and drive uncertainty and ambiguity to ground. I think maybe the key for me to is to feel my way with a new set of antennae, nascent and emergent antennae.
us1.campaign-archive1.com us1.campaign-archive1.com
The 2x2 above
www.seethingbrains.com www.seethingbrains.comBook 21
But then his father finally said a resounding “No,” and nothing more would be spoken about it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vpDIobFALk Jeremy Werner Anja Glumicic Hawken Paul Mark Chipollo
- Apr 2016
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
According to Stemler, consistency estimates of interrater reliability assume that it is not necessary for judges to share a common meaning of the rating scale, so long as each judge is consistent in their classifications.
Wittgenstein's beetle in a box
- Mar 2016
mikealger.com mikealger.com
VR Interface Design Pre-Visualisation Methods
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
Best guess is having some kind of resemblance to the artistic renderings of Medieval historian Jean Froissart (~1470), whose large tapestries often depicted courtly life enacted in loud and theatrical fashion.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Talk about brilliant: Fox News orchestrated a round of applause for a bigoted and unconstitutional policy proposal.
Thanks for witnessing to this.
- Feb 2016
bavatuesdays.com bavatuesdays.com
the MLA Commons is built on top of Commons in a Box
learning.ccsso.org learning.ccsso.org
Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections.
A third grade student should be able to refer to different parts of a text by using specific vocabulary such as "chapter" or "stanza" to identify key details in the text.
Parts of a Story
A good example of this would be chapters books for third graders such as books from the Junie B. Jones series. These allow students to recall details from the text by referring to specific chapters of sections of the book.
faculty.humanities.uci.edu faculty.humanities.uci.edu
How did animals help create the world? • How were the earth, sun, and moon formed? • Who created human beings? 0 How did Coyote influence the world?
1) The animals were there for humans when they needed help. 2) They were created by the mother and father. 3) Human beings were created by the mother and father.
How were human beings created? • Where did they obtain their knowledge, and how did they provide for themselves?
1) Human beings were created by birth from mother and father.
2) The father passed on his offspring and that his how they gained knowledge.
What was the source of life? • What were the differences between Earth-mother and Sky-father? • Where did the moon and stars come from?
1) The animals were taking care of humans that were in need of help.
2) The difference was day and night. The mother and father both created the light and darkness in the day. Bringing the moon, sun and earth.
3) The sky-father created the moon and stars for the night time.
How did human beings arrive in the world? • How were animals helpful? • What did twins do to create the world?
1) The humans fell from heaven and came into the world with animals. 2) Animals cared for the human when she was ill and gave her a place to stay until she was healed. 3) The twins traveled the world to create environments and climates that humans could live in. This lead to mountains, trees, lakes, forest, rivers, etc.
- Jan 2016
faculty.humanities.uci.edu faculty.humanities.uci.edu
Now like all the surpassing beings the Earth-mother and the Sky-father were changeable, even as smoke in the wind; transmutable at thought, manifesting themselves in any form at will, like as dancers may by mask-making.
It is amazing how descriptive the world was made. The way things are being described in this document make me think of how peaceful this world was made to be. How come it could not be like this anymore?
The boy that remained in the lodge grew very rapidly, and soon was able to make himself bows and arrows and to go out to hunt in the vicinity. Finally, for several days he returned home without his bow and arrows. At last he was asked why he had to have a new bow and arrows every morning
The boy had to teach himself how to use things. When we grow up we do not rely on our parents as much, we have to explore the world on our own.
www.facebook.com www.facebook.comFacebook1
Te avisaremos antes de realiza
¿sabrás en el momento en que se realizará algún cambio a tu publicación?
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
I really, truly wish that the author explained what bread is. What is its nature? What it symbolize? What does nut bread even stand for?
www.wired.com www.wired.com
the internet has become essential to our everyday life
What if we had pockets of non-Internet connectivity, though? A mesh network doesn’t necessarily need to have nodes on the Internet. For instance, a classroom could have a “course in a box”, with all sorts of resources provided on local network, but without a connection to the whole Internet… So many teachers keep complaining about their students’ use of the Internet that they end up banning devices. But what if we allowed devices and even encouraged them, as long as they’re not on the Internet? WiFi connections tend to be spotty, to this day, and some classes are cellular deadzones. A bit like Dogme 95, getting used to sans-Internet connectivity could help us “get creative”. What would we do if we were to do a tech-savvy course on the proverbial “desert island”, without Internet?
- Dec 2015
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
wring out every ounce of performance
Now think of it with a learner in mind.
- Nov 2015
www.mmcr.us www.mmcr.us
distributing pamphlets that urged an overthrow of the government
The pamphlets were urging the resistance of the draft, but the book did not state that the attempt was to overthrow the government. Only to express his political ideals.
- Oct 2015
www.nationalreview.com www.nationalreview.com
could stop
- subject in the protasis of a condition sentence
- subject in a relative clause
- subject in the apodosis of a condition clause
- sbuject in a relative clause
- verb in a relative clause
- subject in the apodosis of a condition sentence
- verb in the protasis of a condition sentence
- subject in the protasis of a conditional sentence
- verb in the protasis of a conditional sentence
- verb in the apodosis of a condition sentence
- verb in the apodosis of a conditional sentence
- Sep 2015
ushistory151.files.wordpress.com ushistory151.files.wordpress.com
The era of Reconstruction that followed the Civil War was a time ofintense political and social conflict, in which the definition of freedomand the question of who was entitled to enjoy it played a central role.
- May 2015
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
They provided a safe haven in which educators in critical process could confirm that they were not alone, and through which they could make sense of the changes they were experiencing.
- Apr 2015
www.resthavenfunerals.com www.resthavenfunerals.com
He worked for Gunner A. Olsen Corp. out of New York City building radio towers for the government and built nuclear power plants.
This is my uncle's business. Am marking this for my mother.
- Mar 2015
www.lowrisc.org www.lowrisc.orglowRISC1
lowRISC is producing fully open hardware systems. From the processor core to the development board, our goal is to create a completely open computing eco-system. Our open-source SoC (System-on-a-Chip) designs will be based on the 64-bit RISC-V instruction set architecture. Volume silicon manufacture is planned as is a low-cost development board. There are more details on our plans in these slides from a recent talk lowRISC is a not-for-profit organisation working closely with the University of Cambridge and the open-source community.
www.sparknotes.com www.sparknotes.com
Othello depends on his identity as a soldier to glorify himself in the public’s memory,
- Jan 2015
crowdfunding.direkt36.hu crowdfunding.direkt36.hu
Ahhoz azonban, hogy egy valóban ütőképes tényfeltáró központot hozzunk létre, szükségünk van minél több ember támogatására. Ha bővíteni tudjuk az egyelőre szűkös költségvetésünket, akkor több újságíróval tudunk dolgozni, és több, illetve mélyebb nyomozó munkát tudunk végezni.
A Direkt36 egy új oknyomozó újságírói központ, amelynek célja, hogy kitartó kérdéseken és szilárd tényeken alapuló cikkekkel ellenőrizze a hatalom birtokosait, és rámutasson a mindannyiunkat megkárosító visszaélésekre.
- Dec 2014
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
you’d sound like a pompous jackass.
Holy, leaping jehosaphats of hyperbole, Batman. He's so hyperbolic he's asymptotic. Yeah. I said it.
- Aug 2014
www.theparisreview.org www.theparisreview.org
INTERVIEWER On the subject of being a woman writer in a man’s world, you’ve mentioned A Room of One’s Own as a touchstone. LE GUIN My mother gave it to me. It is an important book for a mother to give a daughter. She gave me A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas when I was a teenager. So she corrupted me thoroughly, bless her heart. Though you know, in the 1950s, A Room of One’s Own was kind of tough going. Writing was something that men set the rules for, and I had never questioned that. The women who questioned those rules were too revolutionary for me even to know about them. So I fit myself into the man’s world of writing and wrote like a man, presenting only the male point of view. My early books are all set in a man’s world.
- Sep 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
So rhetoric and philosophy are nothing special, and those who say it is should stop.