206 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2015
  2. Mar 2014
  3. Sep 2013
    1. and this again proves that knowledge and belief differ

      Not to the human brain. If you believe Strawberry Pop-Tarts are better than Blue Berry Pop-Tarts and you know that 1 + 1 = 2 your brain processes the information in the exact same way. This is what can make persuasion difficult: how to you get someone to view an idea they see as true in a different way? This is a little off topic, but still relevant in the way Gorgias explains his views.

    1. Or another example: if you need to remember the name " Pyrilampes " you must connect it with pyr (fire) and lampein (to shine). These are examples for words

      We can increase memory by changing the way we learn it. Like a word association. Much like the Baker Potter paradox (we remember people who describe themselves as potters or bakers vs someone named Baker or Potter).

    2. it is useful for everything, for wisdom as well as for the conduct of life.

      Memory is actually extremely fallible.

    3. (21) But there is also an argument about the disgraceful and the seemly which says that each is distinct from the other. Since if anyone should ask those who say that the same thing is both disgraceful and seemly whether they have ever done anything seemly, they would admit that they have also done something disgraceful, if disgraceful and seemly are really the same thing. (22) And if they know any man to be handsome,2 they would also know the same man to be ugly.3 And if they know any man to be white, they would also know the same man to be black. And it is seemly to honour the gods and again disgraceful to honour the gods, if disgraceful and seemly are really the same thing

      Good section about cognitive dissonance. This means to hold two opposing opinions at the same time. The kind of stuff I love to study.