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- brain damage
- acute
- pre-existing condition
- ableism
- disablism
- COVID-19
- is:article
- long covid
- chronic
- health economy
- disability
- flu
- history
- long influenza
- risk
- pandemic
- hospitalization
- morbidity
- disability rights
- lang:en
- policy
- vulnerable
- mortality
- neurological symptoms
- policymaker
- children
- COVID-induced disability
- Jan 2022
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
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psyche.co psyche.co
We are like someone who knows that a fever, a cough, and loss of smell are all symptoms of something, but has no idea about the virus that causes them.
Metaphor to illustrate that we don't know the cause of depression.
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- Dec 2016
publications.mcgill.ca publications.mcgill.ca
Montreal Neurological Institute
sharing all data associated with its research; no patents for 5 yrs (see video) - first major research institute of it's kind - check if this is really true?