446 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2020
    1. There is no use learning the word for “aardvark” in Swahili if you are never likely to use it. Think of words you use all the time and get familiar with them first.[2] X Research source For example, if you’re an exchange student in Russia, you might need to introduce yourself, ask for directions, and order food. While you might need to know the Swahili word for “aardvark” someday, you can learn it at a later date when the time comes.
    1. Are you telling your customers that you are willing to invest $0 in providing them with a proper translation? Are you prepared to signal that those markets or languages aren’t a priority for your organization? That is a dangerous message to send, primarily if you rely on your global audience for significant amounts of your total revenue. 
  2. Feb 2020
    1. We believe great companies sound negative because they focus on what they can improve, not on what is working. Our first question in every conversation with someone outside the company should be: what do you think we can improve?
  3. Jan 2020
    1. Your idea should stem from solving someone’s problem. Ideally, your own problem. It’s important that you choose an idea which interests you. Interest is key to fuelling motivation which is crucial when making a web app. It takes effort building web apps and it’s important you have fun during the process.
    1. a private library is not an ego-boosting appendages but a research tool. The library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means … allow you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this collection of unread books an antilibrary.
  4. Dec 2019
    1. An ssh public key in a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file can have a command="" option which forces a particular command to be executed when the key is used to authenticate an ssh connection. This is a security control that mitigates against private key compromise. This is great when you only need to execute a single command. But if you need to perform multiple tasks, you would normally need to create and install a separate key pair for each command, or just not bother making use of forced commands and allow the key to be used to execute any command.
    1. No backup regimen would be complete without testing. You should regularly test recovery of random files or entire directory structures to ensure not only that the backups are working, but that the data in the backups can be recovered for use after a disaster. I have seen too many instances where a backup could not be restored for one reason or another and valuable data was lost because the lack of testing prevented discovery of the problem.
  5. Nov 2019
    1. Can I ask people to upvote my submission? No. Users should vote for a story because they personally find it intellectually interesting, not because someone has content to promote.
  6. Sep 2019
  7. Aug 2019
    1. Now, I'd rather pay for a product that sticks around than have my personal data sold to use a free product that may not be around tomorrow. I value my privacy much more today. If you're not paying for the product... you are the product being sold.
  8. Jul 2019
    1. We will study how a Disc Jockey’s (DJ’s) endorsement of recording on radio, in the 1950s, could boost sales into the millions.

  9. Jun 2019
    1. AtthecoreofmyargumentisthewayinwhichGooglebiasessearchtoitsowneconomicinterests—foritsprofitabilityandtobolsteritsmarketdominanceatanyexpense

      I have been trying to avoid the word "money" in my annotations to avoid coming off as anti-capitalist as I really am, but yes: Corporations do not give a care about individuals or marginalized groups outside of how they can profit off of their oppression. Remember this June; this Pride Month; that any company selling you rainbow merchandise is not doing it out of legitimate care about LGBTQ+ rights but because it's profitable! Yes, even if they're giving 20% of proceeds to charity - where do you think the other 80% goes?

  10. Apr 2019
    1. The music we listen to highly impacts our decision making, especially as adolescents. Adolescents are extremely impressionable, and the music they listen to has a great impact on how they decide to live their day to day lives. Popular musicians are seen as role models by the people who idolize them, and adolescents may try to represents the songs in which they favor through their actions every day.

      Recent studies have found that adolescents who listen to music that supports substance abuse and violence have a greater chance to act upon what they listen to. What young adults and teenagers listen to through music and popular media will affect their decision making process. Specifically with substance abuse, and there is a direct uptake in use of illegal substances by adolescents who listen to music that promotes such activities. This can cause a whole societal problem considering most of todays popular music among adolescents touches upon substance abuse and violence. Adolescents are extremely impressionable and the music they listen can shape how a person tries to act, or represent themselves.

  11. Feb 2019
    1. seems

      Look at the seed he is sowing right there.

    2. our scholars arc nol compelled to restrict their competence to the knowledge of one or another author, but can master a multiple, diversified, almost boundless domain of culture.

      As an autodidact, he would know!

  12. Sep 2018
    1. The case marked one of the highest-profile clashes in the debate over encryption and data privacy between the government and a technology company. Law enforcement authorities say that encryption used by the likes of Apple makes it harder for them to solve cases and stop terrorist attacks.

      It makes it harder for the government to catch terrorist if they can't get access to their cell phones.

  13. Jan 2018
  14. May 2017
    1. "who's the target of the assignment (LHS)" and "who's the source of the assignment (RHS)".

      LHS is looking for the target of that assignment whiel RHS is looking for the source!

  15. Apr 2017
  16. Mar 2017
    1. Bio-Response, based in Danville, Indiana, specializes in building machines for liquid cremation, a fast, environmentally-friendly, and controversial method for disposing of the deceased.


  17. Feb 2017
    1. Conspiracy theories include claims that a major drug company hid reports stating that its leading anti-inflammatory drug caused heart attacks and strokes (Specter 2009) and that environmental scientists have conspired to keep refereed journals from publishing papers by researchers skeptical that global warming is a crisis (Hayward 2009; Revkin 2009).

  18. Sep 2016
  19. Jul 2016
    1. When you see other get trailed its like the justice system goes easy on them like if they were kids

      they should never be following people

  20. Apr 2016
  21. Mar 2016
  22. Jan 2016
    1. No molestarás, intimidarás ni acosarás a ningún usuario.

      Gracias facebook por garanzatizar que nadie acose ni moleste a nadie

  23. Dec 2015
  24. Oct 2015
    1. The articles obtained to review Trick Your Brain into Thrift by Paying with Cash by Crack Articles is a theory that can be held at both ends. The articles provided have several brushed details of numerous researches that have been done that links the psychological human being into using credits card. Vis versa there is not much details on how to make, trick, or psychologically change one’s mind into purchasing with cash. The psychological research lead to how one views cash and a credit card or how the individual’s emotions are effected by their economic stand point when making purchases. The types of sources influence by the credit card companies to encouraging the public into using their credit card are endless, but the top mechanism used today is earning money back while spending. A real soother to human ear, when one does not like to see cash disappear from their wallet. Acknowledging, the basis of the title that Cracked Article uses is clearly avoiding using cash. The title shouldn’t be Trick Your Brain into Thrift by Paying with Cash, but the Tricks Your Brain Uses to Have You Pay with Credit Cards or When Not to Shop to Be Thrift.

  25. Mar 2015
    1. Beloved friends, as we speak of these things, though, let not seriousness enter the mind. For in Truth, all we are really doing is describing for you what you need to do, and can do, in order to release the burden of illusion that seems to cause you to feel a heaviness upon your countenance, a sense of a lack of safety in the world. You could think of it as taking your rheostat and turning it up a bit by enlightening you, taking your burden of guilt and judgment from you.
    2. Beloved friends, these things are of critical importance. For anyone who enters into a so-called “spiritual path” must eventually face and deal with their deep need for forgiveness, which is an expression of the soul’s deep desire to be forgiven. For there is no one who walks this plane who has not been touched by the poison of judgment.
    3. And so, therefore, in this hour, beloved friends, we would wish to share with you the power of forgiveness — how to cultivate it, how to refine it, how to understand the depths of it that can be revealed to you as you forgive seventy-times-seven times, how to bring up within you that which has not yet been forgiven, but perhaps forgotten. We would speak also, in this hour, of what perception is, and what projection is.
    4. And as I grew in age, I began to discover that the old teachers who spoke of the need to, “Forgive seventy times seven,” knew something quite profound that had even become lost within the tradition, the Jewish and Essene traditions, of my day. For, you see, to forgive means “to choose to release another from the perceptions that you’ve been projecting upon them.” It is, therefore, an act of forgiving one’s self of one’s projections. And as we begin to forgive, even unto seventy times seven times, each time you forgive you take yourself deeper into the purity of your own consciousness. You begin to see how profoundly you have been coloring, and therefore affecting, all of your relationships, through the simple act of not being aware of the power of projection.

      Definition of Forgiveness

    5. Therefore, I learned — and learned well — that forgiveness is an essential key to healing. The opposite of forgiveness is judgment, and judgment always creates separation and guilt. Judgment will evoke a sense of guilt in the one who has been judged, unless, of course, they are perfectly awake. But more than this, each time that you judge anything or anyone, you have literally elicited guilt within yourself, because there is a place within you, yet still, that knows the perfect purity of your brother and sister, and sees quite clearly that all things within the human realm are either the extension of Love, or a cry for help and healing.
    6. Therefore, beloved friend, when you judge, you have moved out of alignment with what is true. You have decreed that the innocent are not innocent. And if you would judge another as being without innocence, you have already declared that this is true about you. Therefore, to practice forgiveness actually cultivates the quality of consciousness in which, finally, you come to forgive yourself. And it is, indeed, the forgiven who remember their God.
    7. If I search throughout all of creation, if I search through the many mansions that exist within the domains of my Father’s Creation — and that Creation is infinite — try as I might, I cannot discover anything that can truly describe you. I cannot find that which is of greater value than you. In Truth, I cannot discover anything that speaks more eloquently of the Love that God is, than your very existence. Therefore, in Truth, I look upon you constantly, and marvel at the Radiance of my Father’s Love.
  26. Jan 2014
    1. Several recent articles point out the importance of saying “thank you” and giving specific praise to employees when earned in genuine, honest, and heartfelt ways. Mark Gaston’s blog on How to Give a Meaningful Thank-you is full of great advice such as sharing with employees how their contributions had personal significance for the leader and team.

      I am glad I took the time to read "How to Give a Meaningful Thank-you"; the article resonates deeply with me. I feel good that I actively engage in those meaningful thank-yous with people, but I also see where and how I can do that more, too.

    1. So take action now. Give that person what I call a Power Thank You. This has three parts

      I like articles and blog posts like this that have a call to action with a specific example of the action.