- Oct 2016
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
He who was living is now dead We who were living are now dying
These two lines indicate that the wheels are always turning. The circle of life. The only thing constant is change!
There is not even solitude in the mountains But red sullen faces sneer and snarl From doors of mudcracked houses If there were water
This continues to remind me of the film Taxi Driver, where De Niro's characters calls for the rain to waste away and cleanse the city of its all it's vices and sins. He drives late into the night, disgusted with his environment and fueled with anger and rage. Moreover, the mountains which is the anthesis of the city is also affected by the absence of rain.
I think we are in rats’ alley Where the dead men lost their bones.
This is about modernity and how we inherit this world where the past remains and death residents in the slums of the streets. It's the grit and the grime, it's the hustle and bustle, it's the city life at its rawest form.
when the human engine waits Like a taxi throbbing waiting,
A taxi is a symbol of modernity, where one can get from point a to point b to point z and back. Eliot descibes this restlessness people feel when they are anxious and dying for some form of action or stimulus.
He who was living is now dead We who were living are now dying
Things that were ruined are regaining life, while the things that were alive are now being ruined by those things regaining life. Nature was ruined by man and revives, and now man is ruined by nature, because he no longer knows how to live within it.
I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring.
Circle of life? a ring is never-ending and maybe it's saying he feels crowded with so many people. I also think it could be that most people have the same, daily routine that they can't get out of school.
He who was living is now dead We who were living are now dying
The circle of life, revolves around death and life but also the in-between and what we don't know about the after life is a big mystery, which takes us back to the unseen, the living dead, or just the dead. It reminds me of the lilacs that bloom from dead land, which could possibly signify that even though we lose people, we also gain new life.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
This life leaves him no time for playing in his old band
new life
Everyone is depending on me
money runs his life so stay stable
All immigrants live suspended between two worlds, the old country and the new. The Dominicans just do so more than most. They may complain incessantly about how bad things are at home -- the incompetent bureaucracy, the daily blackouts, the steep price of everything from plantains to sugar, but they talk just as much of returning. Home is a three-hour flight and a $489 round-trip ticket away.
two worlds nyc life and d.r. life
"They have two lives, one back home and one here. It adds up to almost no life.
two lives
prolost.com prolost.com
I reserve the right to be delighted by things
- Jul 2016
books.google.ca books.google.ca
Page 158
Half-Life studies are used to identify temporal variations in the use of literature by discipline most such studies indicate that the humanities have the longest citation half life and the Sciences the shortest with the social sciences in between. In other words, scientific articles reference the most recent Publications and Humanities articles the least recent ones.
No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high.
More encoding/decoding. She is talking to Trump. But she is also talking to the white rage that Trump has channelled into a presidential bid. It is also an allusion to the cultural history of any marginalized group who must perform superior morality in a dominant culture. This is also one of the strongest lines in the speech. It's when I knew that it would be a bit different than some of her previous big speeches. It takes on criticisms and public discourse head on.
- Jun 2016
ou-expo.nicklolordo.com ou-expo.nicklolordo.com0_title2
, I think I would have wept over it. Somehow, now that it has happened actually, and to me, it seems far too wonderful for tears.
I really enjoy this idea, for some reason, as something so unfathomably sad has happened to Dorian, as if his life were a novel (hmhmhm) and he finds it too amusing to be bothered by. Wilde demonstrates the surreal reality that plagues life and continues somewhat of a commentary on how precious one's life is, and how it must not be wasted on conforming when one does not see fit.
Because to influence a person is to give him one’s own soul. He does not think his natural thoughts, or burn with his natural passions. His virtues are not real to him. His sins, if there are such things as sins, are borrowed. He becomes an echo of some one else’s music, an actor of a part that has not been written for him. The aim of life is self-development. To realize one’s nature perfectly,—that is what each of us is here for. People are afraid of themselves, nowadays. They have forgotten the highest of all duties, the duty that one owes to one’s self.
Wilde uses this dialogue to convey his theory on the meaning of life. "People are afraid of themselves nowadays" is Wilde's call to the oppression of individuals by society. Wilde opens the concept of living as one sees fit - their true identity. This dialogue probably cause issue from early critics of Wilde's work, as it holds a somewhat secular message.
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
Now, My Consciousness is the inner essence of all Space and all Life. It is the real Substance ofMy All-comprehending and All-including Mind, whose informing and vitalizing Center iseverywhere and Its limit and circumference nowhere. Within the realm of My Mind alone I liveand move and have My Being. It both contains and fills all things, and Its every vibration andmanifestation is but the expression of some phase of My Be-ing.Be-ing is ex-pressing or out-pressing. You cannot imagine be-ing without expression. Therefore,I, All that Is, AM expressing, constantly and continuously expressing
God is the substance that is everything
Now you have been told that in the beginning I created man in "My Image and Likeness," afterwhich I breathed into him the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul.By creating man in My Image and Likeness I created an organism capable of expressing all ofMy Consciousness and all of My Will, which means likewise all of My Power, My Intelligence,and My Love. I therefore made it perfect in the beginning, patterning it after My own Perfection.When I breathed into man's organism My Breath, it became alive with Me; for then it was Ibreathed into it My Will -- not from without, but from within -- from the Kingdom of Heavenwithin, where always I AM. Ever afterward I breathed and lived and had My Being within man,for I created him in My Image and Likeness only for that purpose.The proof of this is, man does not and cannot breathe of himself. Something far greater than hisconscious, natural self lives in his body and breathes through his lungs. A mighty power withinhis body thus uses the lungs, even as it uses the heart to force the blood containing the life itindrew through the lungs to every cell of the body; as it uses the stomach and other organs todigest and assimilate food to make blood, tissue, hair and bone; as it uses the brain, the tongue,the hands and feet, to think and say and do everything that man does.This power is My Will to BE and LIVE in man. Therefore, whatever man is, I AM, and whateverman does, or you do, I do, and whatever you say or think, it is I Who say or think it through yourorganism
I cannot choose to breathe, the breath breathes me, a power within me uses the lungs.... the heart beats.... this power in this physical human body is Gods Will... it's in me..............
You, as one of the cells of My Body, have a consciousness that is My Consciousness, anintelligence that is My Intelligence, even a will that is My Will. You have none of these foryourself or of yourself. They are all Mine and for My use only.Now, My consciousness and My Intelligence and My Will are wholly Impersonal, and thereforeare common with you and with all the cells of My Body, even as they are common with all thecells of your body.I AM the directing Intelligence of All, the animating Spirit, the Life, the Consciousness of allmatter, of all Substance. If you can see it, You, the Real you, the Impersonal you, are in all andare one with all, are in Me and are one with Me; just as I AM in you and in all, and thereby amexpressing My Reality through you and through all.This will, which you call your will, is likewise no more yours personally than is thisconsciousness and this intelligence of your mind and of the cells of your body yours.It is but that small portion of My Will which I permit the personal you to use. Just as fast as youawaken to recognition of a certain power or faculty within you and begin consciously to use it,do I allow you that much more of My Infinite Power
The I Am, the God in me is the one directing all Life
- Apr 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
I, the I AM of you, bring to you this My Message, My living Word, as I have brought to youeverything in life, be it book or "Master" to teach you that I and I alone, your own True Self, AMThe Teacher for you, the only Teacher and the only God, Who is and always has been providingyou not only with the Bread and Wine of Life, but with all things needed for your physical,mental and spiritual growth and sustenance.Therefore that which appeals to YOU, as you read, is MY Message, spoken to your outer humanconsciousness from within, and is but a confirmation of that which the I AM of you always knewwithin, but had not yet translated in definite, tangible terms to your outer consciousness.Likewise, all that ever appealed to You, coming from some outward expression, was but theconfirmation of My Word already spoken within. The outward expression was the avenue ormeans I chose at the time through which to reach and impress your human or self consciousness.I AM not your human mind, nor its child, the intellect. They are but the expression of yourBeing, as you are the expression of My Being; they are but phases of your human personality, asYou are a phase of My Divine Impersonality
Even when I have been attracted to things perceivably outside of me, it really comes from within appearing in a way that I may pay attention to it until I go within.......
The True Self is not my human mind or the intellect, they are the 'expression of my Being' and I AM an expression of Gods Being.
I AM not the human personality, rather an aspect of Gods Divine IMpersonality.
www.smh.com.au www.smh.com.au
In my fifth-grade language instruction class in 2002, we would read aloud, in unison, phrases such as "Comrade, stone them!"
Mo discusses this in her spot on This American Life: "The Poetry of Propaganda: Party On!"
- Feb 2016
www.lifemodelcanvas.org www.lifemodelcanvas.org
Work/Life Integrity
Definition: Work so that it produces value that is important to you in the world. Live your life (family & personal lifestyle) in a way that is consistent with the values that are important to you.
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.infoAbout1
Arriving at an understanding is not the goal! This is because Life isn’t an unfolding of movement within concepts. It is a movement which reflects the absolutely original movement of Being.
Life "is a movement which reflects the absolutely original movement of Being."
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
I really, truly wish that the author explained what bread is. What is its nature? What it symbolize? What does nut bread even stand for?
paulgraham.com paulgraham.com
life actually is short
if you have kids.
Can you convince someone who does not have kids that life is short?
Life is short. Avoid bullshit. Especially the bullshit that's your own fault. Identify the things that really matter to you. If there's something worthwhile that you want to do, do it. Value your family and friends, because you won't have one another for very long. Savor your moments.
- Dec 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
We need to remember that all of Life, infinitely speaking, is unfolding Itself at every moment, and not just an isolated part of that infinity. It is essential for you to realize that your thinking processes do not in any way have any effect, whatsoever, on this infinitely detailed, yet harmonious unfolding of Being. This does not mean you have nothing to do with it, but it simply means that you have no three-dimensional control over it. You must come to the realization that it is your Being which is unfolding Itself infinitely on the basis of Its Nature as Intelligence, as Life, and as Mind. Therefore, It is—before you think a single thought about it—unfolding Itself (your Self) with all the precision, Intelligence, and Principle which constitutes Itself. It is this infinite unfolding of your Self that you must learn to bring your thought in line with. You cannot use your thoughts to bring your Being into line with them. This is a part of the letting go which is necessary for you in order for you to experience the unfolding of your Being as complete Harmony. Until you are willing to let go of this concept—that you must in some way be able to control your environment and your life experience with your thought—you will seem to suffer from the unfoldment of your Being.
Being, all of Life, is unfolding Itself and our thoughts about have no effect on it.
You must bring your thought in line with this unfolding of Being, you cannot bring Being in line with your thoughts.
Until you let go of the need to control your environment and experience and allow Life to unfold as it does, you will seem to suffer.
ForMe: this means that my journey is mine. It doesn't depend on anybody else getting it, that anybody else understands and applies Christ Mind teachings the way I do. If I don't allow things to be as they are - even when they don't correspond to my view (my spiritual view, HA! - folly), I will suffer. And I do!!
christmind.info christmind.info
I want you to consider that in everything we are doing, we are harmonizing and flowing with the divine energies—with the outpouring of the river of Life, right at Its source. This river of Life flows freely and totally through and as your conscious experience of Being. It is always doing this, whether or not you have placed yourself properly in that Place. This is important to understand, since it makes clear that the only thing we need to do in order to find the resolution to whatever situation we are faced with, is simply go to the Source as the Door.
The simplicity of life comes in harmonizing with the source of life that is continuously flowing freely through your conscious experience of Being.
christmind.info christmind.info
Again, do not let your experience of being as Conscious Being become divided into many beings, externalized, “out there,” separate and apart from You. That is the illusion. The fact is that everything you see is going on as You, and you must understand that the You that you experience as “being alive,” “being conscious,” is the I that is Mind, God. The realization of this fact is what is called the Christ, the True Perception of Your Being. It is this True Perception of your Being which is dawning in your thoughts more forcibly than ever before.
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.edu
even if an interconnected skein of nanotechnology were toextend into all aspects of everyday life
recent research has proven that personal use technology (internet, smartphones, gaming systems) have decreased the skills of interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence (mostly of the millennials generation)... should we be pushing for technology to be involved in all aspects of everyday life?
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.eduuntitled1
‘quality of life’
(QOL)- general well being of individuals and societies. QOL has a wide range of contexts including fields of international development, healthcare, politics, and employment (Google/Wikipedia)
- Nov 2015
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
Isn’t the point of life to change and improve, rather than just accept things the way they are and naively believe the future will be better? In fact, mindfulness and the other techniques discussed help put us in better touch with reality so we can see things clearly and act from there. And thanks to neuroplasticity, science has shown that we are able to change.
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
Lyubomirsky makes the simple but important point that increasing your level of happiness takes sustained effort and commitment over time, just like achieving any other important goal in life.
Now the good news is, a lot of the activities that I think foster happiness, well-being, can become habitual over time, and so, once they become habitual, the effort decreases.
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, there is only one thing going on. That one thing is the Life Principle Itself, which constitutes Your Being. It is not necessary for you, as a person, to duplicate what your Being is already being. I know you are having difficulty relating that to your experience, since it appears that everyone is demanding that you, as a mortal, respond to and fulfill these demands.
Being is already occurring....
christmind.info christmind.info
I want you to consider that in everything we are doing, we are harmonizing and flowing with the divine energies—with the outpouring of the river of Life, right at Its source. This river of Life flows freely and totally through and as your conscious experience of Being. It is always doing this, whether or not you have placed yourself properly in that Place. This is important to understand, since it makes clear that the only thing we need to do in order to find the resolution to whatever situation we are faced with, is simply go to the Source as the Door.
Again, it's all happening at once....... the simply choice to become conscious, to be a Conscious Being
christmind.info christmind.info
You must grasp that every specific aspect of the Universe is the individualization of God without any diminution of God. Three-dimensionally, it appears to be finite, but Fourth-dimensionally, every individuation of God is all of God, all of the Life/Principle, all of the Love, all of the All. Therefore, the One being Many, you could say the One is not alone.
Having the experience of being an individuated being does not mean I am alone and separate as I and still an aspect of the totality of all that is.
christmind.info christmind.info
So, that portion of one’s Self, which he has disowned by claiming he is finite, becomes an intuitive perception of potential of unattained good, or unattained life, but nevertheless attainable through some path or other. So, while that one identifies himself three-dimensionally, he is constantly reminded, goaded, pushed by his Actual Oneness and Universality to give up his finite view as fact. This whole process has nothing to do with evil, error (as power) the dark forces, evil powers, or the devil. You could say it is purely mechanical, with no values associated with it.
Source of the perception of evil (devil, darkness, etc).
The natural evolution of life.
This is important: The infinity of our Being shines through the belief in death as intuitive perception of potential. We are constantly - goaded - to return to Truth.
christmind.info christmind.info
PAUL: In what way does Substance constitute Supply? RAJ: Let us first be clear that when we speak of Supply we are not speaking from a finite, three-dimensional standpoint. Supply is not something that comes from one point to another point, such as payment from a client or customer. Supply does not come from one thing to another, such as food value from wheat. Supply is not given or received. Supply is an Omnipresencing of That Which Is: God, the Life Principle, Divine Mind, Fourth-dimensional Being as Conscious Being. You must remember that Substance is Activity, not a static lump of stuff. We have already spoken in regard to the fact that It has intent or purpose. Substance is Being’s Ability to fulfill Itself successfully, Totally. Therefore, it should be clear that Substance is fulfillment—Supply in its truest meaning. Supply is inescapable, unavoidable, when understood.
"Supply is an Omnipresencing of That Which Is: God, the Life Principle, Divine Mind, Fourth-dimensional Being as Conscious Being."
"Substance is Being’s Ability to fulfill Itself successfully, Totally. Therefore, it should be clear that Substance is fulfillment."
Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect.
"Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect."
PAUL: How does Substance function? RAJ: It functions by being the omnipresent omniaction of Being. The substance of Mind is Consciousness. The substance of Truth is Principle. The substance of Principle is Intelligence/Law. The substance of Soul is Love. The substance of Love is Life. And the substance of Life is Mind.
"Substance functions by being the omnipresent omniaction of Being. The substance of Mind is Consciousness. The substance of Truth is Principle. The substance of Principle is Intelligence/Law. The substance of Soul is Love. The substance of Love is Life. And the substance of Life is Mind."
PAUL: Very well. My first question is: What is Substance? RAJ: Your first answer is that Substance is infinite, nondimensional, and pure Energy—the Life Force, as it were. It is Intelligence. It is Soul. It is Spirit. It is Principle. It is Love. It is Life. It is Truth. It is Mind. It is, in the final analysis, what is meant by the word God. It is omnipresent. It is omniactive. It is the nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. It is that which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not.
Substance is; Infinite, Nondimensional, Pure Energy, Life Force, Intelligence, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Love, Life, Truth, Mind, Omnipresent, Omniactive. Nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. That which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not. It is GOD!
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
She suggests that people evoke more feelings of awe in their lives by exposing themselves to nature, art, and music. “Put yourself in situations where you’re experiencing new things,” she says.
She = Melanie Rudd
Research suggests that the more sort of nuanced and detailed and richour narratives are, the more resilient we are to stress, the faster we are to recover,and what we hope end up will end up being the case, is the happier we can be.
This makes sense; you need different aspects of life to buffer against downturns in other areas.
christmind.info christmind.info
There is only one infinite Life/Principle, one infinite Identity, infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what constitutes the center and circumference of Being—Your Self as you experience It, Susan’s Self as she experiences It, and my Self as I experience It. Its omnipotence or strength is constituted of Its absolute omnipresent Integrity, which is Its Intelligent Nature. it is not thrilling or exciting when contemplated from an egotistical standpoint. But It is satisfying in ways that are so meaningful that they cannot compare to the “thrills” of the ego. It also has this benefit: The satisfaction is eternal and unchanging.
In our Being there is far greater meaningful satisfaction than any ego thrill or fix.
christmind.info christmind.info
You must come to the realization that it is your Being which is unfolding Itself infinitely on the basis of Its Nature as Intelligence, as Life, and as Mind. Therefore, It is—before you think a single thought about it—unfolding Itself (your Self) with all the precision, Intelligence, and Principle which constitutes Itself. It is this infinite unfolding of your Self that you must learn to bring your thought in line with. You cannot use your thoughts to bring your Being into line with them. This is a part of the letting go which is necessary for you in order for you to experience the unfolding of your Being as complete Harmony.
This is a very key point I feel, "It is this infinite unfolding of your Self that you must learn to bring your thought in line with. You cannot use your thoughts to bring your Being into line with them."
Today we need to deeply consider the orderliness of things—the orderliness of Life in Its infinite manifestations. We need to remember that all of Life, infinitely speaking, is unfolding Itself at every moment, and not just an isolated part of that infinity. It is essential for you to realize that your thinking processes do not in any way have any effect, whatsoever, on this infinitely detailed, yet harmonious unfolding of Being. This does not mean you have nothing to do with it, but it simply means that you have no three-dimensional control over it.
Our thoughts in 3d do not have an effect on the unfolding on our Being. So... I hear that even though in this human experience our thoughts and beliefs create how we feel and act, this ultimately does not affect the harmonious unfolding in the cosmos of which we are a part..
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
It is gratitude that enables us to receive and it is gratitude that motivates us to return the goodness that we have been given. In short, it is gratitude that enables us to be fully human.
Life becomes complete when we are able to give to others what we ourselves received in the past.
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, it is impossible for your world to become integrated if you do not understand what the Substance of that Totality is. This is why we are discussing this point this morning. The only Substance there is throughout the Universe—and throughout all dimensions—is Light. This Light, in Its various aspects, is Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. It is also Intelligence and Substance. In everything you do, I want you to begin to be conscious of this idea that all there is to you—and all there is to everything—is this Light of Living Love. There are not two things going on. This Light is eternally living Itself as the intelligent expression of Conscious Experience, universally and specifically.
My world cannot be healed unless I come to understand that the totality of all things is Light, which is Love.
Here he equates Light to Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.
He gives Paul an exercise. To begin to be conscious, in everything he does, that all there is to him - and to everything - is Living Love (God!!!!)
There is not two things going on, there is not the perceived drama of life and Living Love. And this is where the practice is important because it the insanity of the world seems to be true.
RAJ: The delight of Life is the signal which indicates the successful completion or Awakening in individual thought. This is because it indicates the amalgamation or connection of the Alpha and Omega—the inside and the outside—the spiritual and material—the Fourth Dimension with the first three as Conscious Experience. I know that this is very difficult for you to put up with, because you feel there are more pressing needs, but if you will bear with me a little longer, it will be worth your while.
Awakening is complete when you delight in Life. Delight indicates union of spiritual and material, the inside and outside, the 3D and 4D.
Paul finds it very hard to accept this, he is distracted by his present financial challenges.
Isn't this (focus on 3dRef) what keeps us bound to the illusion?
In everything you do, I want you to begin to be conscious of this idea that all there is to you—and all there is to everything—is this Light of Living Love. There are not two things going on. This Light is eternally living Itself as the intelligent expression of Conscious Experience, universally and specifically
It is all happening at once, Light expressing itself..
Paul, it is impossible for your world to become integrated if you do not understand what the Substance of that Totality is. This is why we are discussing this point this morning. The only Substance there is throughout the Universe—and throughout all dimensions—is Light. This Light, in Its various aspects, is Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. It is also Intelligence and Substance.
Light IS everything.
The delight of Life is the signal which indicates the successful completion or Awakening in individual thought. This is because it indicates the amalgamation or connection of the Alpha and Omega—the inside and the outside—the spiritual and material—the Fourth Dimension with the first three as Conscious Experience.
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, you and Susan have to understand that Life does not unfold Itself according to your beliefs about how things ought to be, no matter how well-intentioned those thought systems were developed by either one of you. Life is not here to please you. In fact, it is not outside of you at all for you to either accept or reject, or to feel good or bad about. I am speaking to both of you right now. You must realize that the Life which is God is Your Being. What is happening is not external to You. It constitutes Your Being, as well as the Being of every other being. It is not happening to you. It is You. You are growing your Self Infinitely. But, because it is Being with a capital “B” which is unfolding Itself, it is not going to bandy around with some personally developed concepts of what is true and what is right. These are the limiting concepts which are being exploded at the moment. You are experiencing this as tension, fear, and sadness. I will say this as many times as I have to, but try and make it as easy on yourself as you can by grasping it the first time. You will save yourself a lot of grief. THERE IS NO “OUT THERE” WHERE ANYTHING IS HAPPENING. There are no dark forces. There is no mortal mind. There is no devil. There is no evil power.
Life is unfolding. Life is my Being and the being of everyone. This Life is God.
Life is me - in the largest sense - and it is not happening for me, as we often speak about, it is me.
For me, this adds a new dimension to the concept that "there is nothing out there!!"
Paul, you and Susan have to understand that Life does not unfold Itself according to your beliefs about how things ought to be, no matter how well-intentioned those thought systems were developed by either one of you. Life is not here to please you. In fact, it is not outside of you at all for you to either accept or reject, or to feel good or bad about. I am speaking to both of you right now. You must realize that the Life which is God is Your Being. What is happening is not external to You. It constitutes Your Being, as well as the Being of every other being. It is not happening to you. It is You. You are growing your Self Infinitely. But, because it is Being with a capital “B” which is unfolding Itself, it is not going to bandy around with some personally developed concepts of what is true and what is right. These are the limiting concepts which are being exploded at the moment. You are experiencing this as tension, fear, and sadness. I will say this as many times as I have to, but try and make it as easy on yourself as you can by grasping it the first time. You will save yourself a lot of grief. THERE IS NO “OUT THERE” WHERE ANYTHING IS HAPPENING. There are no dark forces. There is no mortal mind. There is no devil. There is no evil power.
Life is unfolding. Life is my Being and the being of everyone. This Life is God.
Life is me - in the largest sense - and it is not happening for me, as we often speak about, it is me.
For me, this adds a new dimension to the concept that "there is nothing out there!!"
www.newrepublic.com www.newrepublic.com
he first asked the great logician Bertrand Russell to write the notes
Could just imagine how that went. And how it might have gone, had Russell complied.
- Sep 2015
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
“Basically, life events do matter,” Yap says. “Things like marriage, childhood, widowhood, unemployment do matter in the short-term. But in some cases, these life events don’t have long-lasting implications on psychological adjustment.” “One thing you can take away from the study,” he adds, “is that, on average, marriage seems to be a good thing.”
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.edu
A system of relationships among the physical attributes is often shown to imitate or represent-by their configuration, content, and associations-conscious and unconscious aspects of social life.
What are some of these "physical attributes" and what "aspects of social life" are they representing?
areena.yle.fi areena.yle.fi
Elinkautisvangit harjoittelevat Shakespearen Julius Caesar -näytelmää Tavianin veljesten ohjaamassa draamadokumentissa, joka voitti Berliinin elokuvajuhlien pääapalkinnon. MV.
well this is interesting
- Apr 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“Quasi,” he says. “Take it from an old spectator. Life’s not a spectator sport. If watchin’s all you’re gonna do, then you’re gonna watch your life go by without you.”